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Design calculation For Burnt Oil pit


Design as a uncracked section as per IS 3370 Oil capacity = 35000 Litres. Taking 30% more = 40250 Litres Volume of tank required = 40.3 CuM Cap. of tank Volume Density of oil Data: = 4 x 4 x 2.7 0.80



= 43.2 CuM OK = 0.9 T/m3 4.40

For M25 and Fe 500 9 N/mm2 ( IS 456 Table 21) For M25 concrete 150 N/mm2 ( IS 3370 Part II - Table 2)

Perm Stress in concrete (c) = Perm Stress in steel (t) m = 280/3c mc/t = 11 =

= nc / (d-nc)

therefore nc =

0.62 d 0.79 2.08

a = d - nc/3

= 0.79 d

therefore j =

MR = b nc c/2 a = 2.08 bd2 Density of soil = 1.70 T/m3

therefore Q =

Angle of repose = 10 deg

Ka =


Case I - When tank is full. (Neglecting earth pressure) Using design charts of IS 3370 Part IV - considering top and bottom hinged. As per Table 1 IS 3370 (Part IV) - 1967 a = height of wall = b = Width of wall = c = Width of wall = c/a = 1.2 b/a = 3.7 m 4.4 m 4.4 m 1.2 Density of liquid w = 0.9 Depth of wall below ground = 3.4 m

Moment coefficients (Taking Maxm values) for b/a = 1.25 Mx = 0.030 -0.010 My = 0.019 -0.045 Table 6 - IS 3370 Part IV

Sterling Wilson Ltd.



Design calculation For Burnt Oil pit


Maximum Horizontal moment = Mx w a ^3 = 0.030 x 0.9 x 2.7 ^3 = 0.53 TM (Inside face) Maximum Horizontal moment = Mx w a ^3 = 0.010 x 0.9 x 2.7 ^3 = 0.18 TM (Outside face) Maximum Vertical moment = My w a ^3 = 0.045 x 0.9 x 2.7 ^3 = 0.8 TM (Outside face) Maximum Vertical moment = My w a ^3 = 0.019 x 0.9 x 2.7 ^3 = 0.34 TM (Inside face) Case II - When tank is empty (Full earth pressure) Soil pressure Ka = 0.70 x 1.70 = 1.2 T/m2 Oil press. Vert. Moment Oil Press. Horzt. Moment

Using design charts of IS 3370 Part IV - considering top and bottom hinged. As per Table 1 IS 3370 (Part IV) - 1967 Moment coefficients (Taking Maxm values) for b/a = 1.25 Mx = 0.030 -0.010 My = 0.019 -0.045 Table 1 - IS 3370 Part IV Soil Press.

Maximum Horizontal moment = Mx w a ^3 = 0.030 x 1.2 x 3.2 ^3 = 1.18 TM (Outside face) Maximum Horizontal moment = Mx w a ^3 = 0.010 x 1.2 x 3.2 ^3 = 0.39 TM (Inside face) Maximum Vertical moment = My w a ^3 = 0.045 x 1.2 x 3.2 ^3 = 1.77 TM (Inside face) Maximum Vertical moment = My w a ^3 = 0.019 x 1.2 x 3.2 ^3 = 0.75 TM (Outside face)

Horzt. Moment

Soil Press. Vert. Moment

c c c c Sterling Wilson Ltd. 2

c c c c



Design calculation For Burnt Oil pit


Depth of wall required = Sqrt ( M/Q b) d Required Provided d d = 1.77 x 10 2.08 x 1000 = 92 Provide overall depth = 200 mm

c c c c

c c c c 0.100 x

= 200 - 25 -

12 = 163 mm

Shear due to oil pressure will cause tension in walls and slab. Shear coefficients (Taking Maxm values) for b/a = Sx = 0.512 = = = Table 7 - IS 3370 Part IV Coefficient x w x a^2 0.512 x 0.90 x 3.3592 2.7 ^2 (depth of oil considered) 1.25

Tension in wall

Area of horzt. steel required = M-Tx / t j d + T/t (For Maxm Values of BM) Horizontal steel outside face Ast1 Ast1 = Ast1 + Ast2

= M-Tx / t j d = = 1.18 x 10 ^7 - 3.36 x 10^4 x 100 150 x 10 0.79 ^7 x 151 467.22 mm2 `


= T/t = 3.36 x 10 ^4 150 = 220 mm2 = = Ast1 + Ast2 467 + 219.7 = 687 mm2

Total Ast

Horizontal steel inside face = Ast1 + Ast2 Ast1 0.53 x 10 ^7 = 150 x 10 0.79 ^7 x 151 = Ast2 Total Ast = = = = Provide Y 12 @ 295 mm2 3 x 10 ^4 150 224 mm2 Ast1 + Ast2 295 + 223.9 = 519.3 mm2 686.9 mm2 OK `

150 c/c

Ast provided =

754 mm2 >

Sterling Wilson Ltd.



Design calculation For Burnt Oil pit


Area of Vertical steel required = M / t j d (For Maxm values of BM) Vertical steel (Outside face) Vertical steel (Inside face) Provide Y Provide Y 12 @ 12 @ = = 0.8 x 10 ^7 150 x 10 0.79 ^7 x 1.77 x 10 ^7 150 x 10 0.79 ^7 x 163 163 = 410 mm2 = 900 mm2

100 c/c 100 c/c

Ast provided = 1131 mm2 (Inside face) Ast provided = 1131 mm2 (Outside face) (Cl. 7.1 IS 3370 part IV) (10% reduction for HYSD steel)

Mimimum steel required 0.3 for 100mm to 0.2% for 450mm For thickness of 200 mm mimimum steel shall be =0.244 % 0.244 x

Minm Area of steel required = Design of top slab. Thick = 100 Loads Span = 4.20 m Self weight Live Load Total Load

200 x 1000 = 489 mm < 1131 100 4.40


d = 65 mm

= 0.100 x 2.5 = 0.25 T/m2 = 0.1 T/m2 = 0.35 T/m2 1.0 = x = 0.056 Table 26 IS 456

Designing as a two way slab for Ly/Lx = Maximum BM

0.056 x 0.35 x 4.20

= 0.35 TM

Area of steel required = M-Tx / t j d + T/t (For Maxm Values of BM) Ast1 required = = Ast2 0.35 x 10 ^7 - 3.36 x 10^4 x 100 150 x 10 0.79 ^7 x 65 12.678 mm2 = = Total Ast Provide Y 10 @ = = 3.36 x 10 ^4 150 224 mm2 Ast1 + Ast2 12.7 + 223.9 = 236.6 mm2 236.6 mm2 OK p= 0.200 % `

200 c/c

Ast provided =

393 mm2 > For

Provide minm reinforcement in bottom of slab Ast = 0.2 x Provide Y 1000 x 100 = 200 mm2 100 10 @ 200 c/c Ast provided =

100 mm

393 mm2 > 200 mm2 OK

Sterling Wilson Ltd.



Design calculation For Burnt Oil pit

200 Thick d= 170


Design of base slab. Critical - when tank is full Weight of Roof slab Weight of wall Weight of oil Weight of base slab Total Load Upward pressure Net pressure

= 0.10 x 4.40 x = 4 x 4.40 x = 2.7 x 4.00 x = 0.2 x 4.90 x = = 85.65 T 85.65 / 4.90 0.9 x 1.0

4.40 0.20 4.00 4.90

x 2.5 = x 2.5 3.4 x 0.9 = x 2.5 =

4.84 x 2.5 38.9 12.01

T = 29.92 T T T

= 3.57 T/m2 2.7 0.2 x

(250mm projection on each side) 2.5 = 0.64 T/m2

= 3.6

Designing as a two way slab for Ly/Lx =

x = 0.056

Table 26 IS 456

Maximum BM causing tension on liquid side =

0.056 x 0.64 x 4.40

= 0.69 TM

Area of steel required = M-Tx / t j d + T/t (For Maxm Values of BM) Ast1 required = = Ast2 0.69 x 10 ^7 - 3.36 x 10^4 x 100 150 x 10 0.79 ^7 x 170 175.09 mm2 = = Total Ast = = Provide Y 10 @ 3.36 x 10 ^4 150 224 mm2 Ast1 + Ast2 223.9 = 399.0 mm2 399.0 mm2 OK p= 0.244 % `

175 +

150 c/c

Ast provided =

524 mm2 > For

Provide minm reinforcement in bottom of slab Ast = 0.25x 1000 x 100 Provide Y 10 @ 200 = 488 mm2 150 c/c Ast provided =

200 mm

524 mm2 > 488 mm2 OK

Sterling Wilson Ltd.

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