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History of textile industry in India

The archaeological surveys and studies have found that the people of Harappan civilization[4] knew weaving and the spinning of cotton four thousand years ago. Reference to weaving and spinning materials is found in the Vedic Literature also. There was textile trade in India during the early centuries.A block printed and resist-dyed fabrics, whose origin is from Gujarat is found in tombs of Fostat, Egypt.[4] This proves that Indian export of cotton textiles to the Egypt or the Nile Civilization in medieval times were to a large extent.Large quantity of north Indian silk were traded through the silk route in China[5] to the western countries. The Indian silk were often exchanged with the western countries for their spices in the barter system. During the late 17th and 18th century there were large export of the Indian cotton to the western countries to meet the need of the European industries during industrial revolution. Consequently there was development of nationalist movement like the famous Swadeshi movement which was headed by the Aurobindo Ghosh. There was also export of Indian silk, Muslin cloth of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa to other countries by the East Indian company. Bhilwara is known as textile city.

History of fashion in India

Fashion and textile in India

Scope of a fashion city in India

HONG KONG: India's fashion industry is just a few stitches away from being rated at par with its counterparts in US, Britain and France, Hong Kong's best known tailor has said. "With some hard work, India's fashion industry can match those in New York, London and Paris. I see India becoming a leading fashion centre in seven to 10 years," Manu N Melwani, who counts among his clients two former US Presidents, tennis star Serena Williams and pop icon Michael Jackson.
"India has all the ingredients - a huge variety of fabrics and human talent - to make it big on the international stage. However, Indian fashion designers have to undergo some formal training abroad to know the latest trends and requirements of the global fashion market," Melwani, the proprietor of "Sam's Tailor", told PTI. Programs


Fashion Center International Couture fashion design studio offers instructions, College and training classes, workshops, show and events on fashion design and sewing. We are the leading provider of fashion design services in the Metropolitan area. We offer emerging designers services, Exciting youth mobile classes, community workshops and fashion events. Our Fashion Design services allows emerging designers, enthusiasts and novice to learn about dressmaking, fashion design and sewing instructions for professional and personal enjoyment. Fashion Center International offers programs for adults, teens and children in the Philadelphia area. We teach beginner to advance skill levels. Our specialized lessons are designed to teach all aspect of instruction with hands on program taught by Industry Professionals. We hope to see you at upcoming classes, instruction, and all our upcoming events and projects.

Welcome to Fashion Center International Studio

Fashion Center International Couture fashion design studio offers instructions, College and training classes, workshops, show and events on fashion design and sewing. We are the leading provider of fashion design services in the Metropolitan area. We offer emerging designers services, Exciting youth mobile classes, community workshops and fashion events. Our Fashion Design services allows emerging designers, enthusiasts and novice to learn about dressmaking, fashion design and sewing instructions for professional and personal enjoyment. Fashion Center International offers programs for adults, teens and

children in the Philadelphia area. We teach beginner to advance skill levels. Our specialized lessons are designed to teach all aspect of instruction with hands on program taught by Industry Professionals. We hope to see you at upcoming classes, instruction, and all our upcoming events and projects .








Pattern Design

FashionCenter fashion design services in the Philadelphia and Tri-Area offers fashion apparel design services to industry and enthusiast thru our educational instruction classes, design studio workspace , fashion design and sewing classes, Couture sewing camps, Technique workshops, studio time, private sewing lessons, embroidery & knitting , pattern development, parties ,silk-screening & jewelry.

Knit &Crochet Community Programs

Fashion Center participates with local schools and community programs engaging youth and children in educational sewing and craft workshops. Our Community Outreach programs have educated over a thousand students in schools and groups and we can assit you with your school or group.

Statistics of textile mills and their redevelopments Statistics of industries in blr Scope of a fashion city in Bangalore

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