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This adventure was written with the 10Th Doctor and Martha Jones in mind, possibly accompanied by Capt.

Jack Harkness.. ut you, as the !M should "eel "ree to allow the players to use alternative characters # either a di""erent combination o" the Doctor and his companions, or a completely ori$inal T%&D'( crew o" their own desi$n. Much o" the adventure is written in a "airly linear "ashion, but the actual "low o" events will be determined by the players) actions and their interaction with the *+Cs. The !M will need to bear this is mind and be "le,ible in how the adventure pans out.

The opposition are the people or "orce that challen$e the +C)s in the completion o" the ob-ective. ' de"ine the opposition with a "ew elements. Who- who are the opposition What- what object (if any) is the opposition interested in obtaining as part of the objective Motivation- why is the opposition struggling over the objective The $oal o" this section is to "orce me to $ive depth to the overall story, and to "urther address issue /1.

Here ' de"ine at least three *+C)s, who may or may not be part o" the opposition, who will appear durin$ the session. They each have the "ollowin$ attributes. Name- this way I dont have to make one up, and address concern #2 Role- what does this !"# do$ shopkeeper, e%ecutive, etc Tags- being short on words and time, what tags will best describe the !"#$ portly, hostile, mysterious ' don)t stat my *+C)s within the template. '" the *+C has a stat block, ' re"erence that pa$e number. '" the *+C has to be made "rom scratch 0somethin$ that ' will discuss in a "uture article1 then ' append their stat block on a separate pa$e.

Here ' de"ine at least three locations that will appear in the session. The $oal here is to make sure that ' include more than one location, and that each location is interestin$ 0addressin$ issue /21. My locations have the "ollowin$ attributes. Name- &he boat house, the 'ild (ragon Inn, etc Location- where is this place located in the world$ on )2th street, In the #ogs, etc Tags- like !"#s what tags describe this place$hell*hole, sterile, opulent

3ith an ob-ective, opposition, *+C)s and 4ocations, it)s time to create the scenes. 5or a 6 hour session ' bud$et only 6#7 scenes. 8ne scene "or the hook, 9#2 risin$ action, 1 clima,, and possibly one conclusion 0which can be blended into the clima, dependin$ on the story1. To create each scene, ' mi, and match my 4ocations, *+C)s, opposition, and details "rom the ob-ective. This way ' can be sure that each scene has somethin$ speci"ic, and di""erent, and that each scene supports the overall story direction. My scenes have some structure as well. ' use the "ollowin$ attributes to de"ine them. Objective- +very scene must move the story forward and move it towards the resolution of the objective &he scene objective also lets you know when the players have reached the end of the scene Location- &his is the location of the scene, picked from the list of locations Facts- , bulleted list of (only) important facts about the scene &hese are things that typically ensure continuity between scenes, important clues, etc NPCs- 'hich !"#s will be in the scene -ule of thumb is that almost every scene should contain at least ) of the previously defined !"#s Notes- &his is for any special ./ instructions about the scene


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