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Internship Report Template Marketing Department

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Title Page Acknowledgements Table of Contents Table of Figures Introduction (to the report) Background of the Organization History of the organization Current status Organizational Structure main business activities organizational chart (if available) Overall Internship Experience Where were you trained (Branches, Departments, Sections)? Were there any training programmes prepared for you by the organization? What are the tasks/responsibilities that were assigned to you? What do you feel were your major accomplishments and learning experiences? Were you involved in solving a particular issue? And how? How helpful was the staff? And was there a direct mentor or a supervisor assigned to you? What were the challenges that you faced and how did you overcome them? Which of the academic courses that you have taken in SQU were the most useful in your experience and how? Marketing Issues ** Identify the divisions/sections/departments that are responsible for Marketing and the number of employees in each. What is the organization's target Market? Identify and Explain the four Ps (Product, Place, Promotion& Price) relevant to the organization. Develop a SWOT Analysis of the organization. Can you link any specific theory or concept you learned in your major with any of your tasks? Based on your internship experience, what Marketing courses or topics you suggest to be introduced to the existing operations major courses plan? Conclusion How do you evaluate your experience in general? Did the internship experience meet your personal expectations? What are the skills that you acquired during your internship? And what skills would you like to develop in preparation for your career? How has this internship impacted your career goals? References (please provide references for any information quoted where did you get the information from?) Appendix (optional: you can provide any documentation as a sample for internshiprelated cases and assignments you prepared or worked on in training; please make sure that providing such documentation is permitted by the organization or the company you had your internship in)




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Notes: ** The main purpose of your internship is to experience the work-environment. You may be assigned to do your internship in a department other than Marketing. However, you may still be able to gather information about the organization's marketing activities (if any) by visiting the concerned department or by interviewing a marketing representative from the organization.

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