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Chapter 15 Applications of Services Marketing

Introduction Marketing of Financial Services Marketing of Tourism Marketing of Health Services Marketing of Educational Services Marketing of rofessional Services !uestions for "iscussion Case Stud#$ Advertising Agencies in India

Chapter 15 Applications of Services Marketing

Marketing of different services require varied approaches. Though there is considerable freedom for the marketers, most of the operators in service sector have to conform to some rules, regulations and partial controls of either the State or Central Government or statutory authorities appointed by the Government. For e ample, in the financial services sector, !eserve "ank of #ndia has control over the banks, Securities and $ change "oard of #ndia %S$"#& controls mutual funds and stock 'share investment services, #nsurance !egulatory (evelopment )uthority monitors and regulates insurance business.

Marketing of Financial Services

Financial services include banks, insurance companies, mutual funds, stock and share brokers and non*banking finance companies. The financial services play an important role in the mobilisation of savings from all quarters of the economy, +hich contributes inputs for implementation of economic plans for our country. The financial products being marketed by the financial institutions include the follo+ing, Savings account !ecurring account Current account

Fi ed ' Term deposit !etail -oan products . /ousing, 0ehicle, 1ersonal, $ducational loans Commercial loans -easing and /ire 1urchase Schemes Credit Cards #nsurance Mutual Funds Merchant banking #ssue management Foreign $ change Services 1ortfolio management

"uying behaviour for financial services varies according to the different stages of an individual in the life cycle. The family life cycle is based on variables like marital status, number and ages of children, employment status and age of the individual. This life cycle concept is +idely used as a segmentation tool. "ecause of the buyer2s age, income and family requirements, the family needs change. The family life cycle consists of 3 stages, the young bachelor stage, the full nest #, the full nest ##, the empty nest and the solitary survivor stage. $ penditure priorities and need for money at different stages have interesting implications for the demand for financial services. The table belo+ depicts the varying requirements of buyers for banking services. Famil# %ife C#cle and &anking 'eeds Stage 5oung "achelor Stage Financial Situation Fe+ financial burdens, per capita income high, income lo+ as compared to future prospects. /ome buying a priority, may have +orking couples situation #ncome stabilised. Good financial position. Mid* career, comfortable position "anking 4eeds Credit cards, vehicle loans %t+o +heeler or car&, lo+ cost banking services. Mortgage, Credit Cards, overdraft, Saving accounts, /ousing and durables loan %fridge, T0, 1C, +ashing machine, etc.& /ome improvements loan, $quity investment, certificate of deposits, money market or stock transactions, fle i*deposits, investment services. Social security services, fe+ loan services, health insurance services.

Full nest # Married +ith young children Full nest ## 6lder married +ith older dependent children

$mpty nest. 6lder couples +ith children no+ not living at parents2 home, may be retired.

Significantly reduced income

&randing of Financial roducts "randing, +hich is a ma7or input in the marketing strategy of consumer goods . FMCG and durable products . can be successfully used in the marketing of financial services also. "rand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of these, that identifies the maker or seller of a product or service. Consumers perceive brand as an important part of a product and branding adds value to a product. $ amples of financial services brands are the -#C logo, Citibanks schemes . Citi home, Citi finance, Canara "ank2s schemes . Canstar, Canfinhome, etc. "randing is of t+o types . individual branding like the !eliance public issue 8ha9ana, or umbrella branding, like -#C2s :eevan (hara , :eevan )kshay, and :eevan )nkur.

"randing of financial products offers several advantages. "rands command customer loyalty for the product. Financial products aim to attract the investors to bring his ' her savings into the market. Most of the financial products are very similar. This is +here the advantages of branding can be e ploited. "randing can help in creating differentiation bet+een the various financial products. ) good brand name evokes trust among the investors and gives them confidence that their money +ill be safe. The importance of brand name is crucial in the financial products branding e ercise. The brand name should not be a casual after*thought but an initial reinforcement of the

product concept. #t should suggest something about the product2s benefits and qualities %e.g. :eevan 0arsha of -#C& , should be easy to pronounce, recognise and remember %e.g. Canstar, Citihome& and should be distinctive. ) brand line should not be e tended indiscriminately as it might lead to a ;line e tension trap< +hen the ne+ products added to the brand does more damage to the previous products than good. For e ample, if -#C introduces ten more ;:eevan< products, the investors +ill not only get confused but also begin to doubt the quality of the previous products. "rand development in financial services requires a great deal of long term investment especially advertising, promotion, etc. "istri(ution Channels for &anks The channels of distribution in financial services perform a number of key functions. The ma7or functions are as follo+s, =. Sales and offer of services and products, as +ell as advising customers on investments. >. Contact and liaison +ith advertising and public relations agencies to assist in designing more effective advertising and promotional campaign. ?. Gathering of information necessary for planning marketing activities, strategies decision and product development. ) bank2s ma7or distribution outlets are their branches. The design and development of the branch net+ork +ill be affected by the follo+ing factors, =. Characteristics of the products . importance of service quality, inseparability of the product, intangibility of the product. >. Customer needs . convenience, +orking hours, availability of )TMs in convenient locations, telephone ' mobile ' internet banking, etc. ?. $nvironment factors . legislation, development and spread of information technology. @. Competitors . other banks2 branches in the neighbourhood and their services. romotion of &anking roducts The promotion efforts of banks include the marketing communication through advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, publicity and bank2s internal communication processes. These elements of promotion serve as the link bet+een the bank and the target segment of its market %customers&. 1romotion +ill mean the bank2s +ell*organised, planned and goal*oriented communication efforts +hich must be in congruence +ith its overall business goals and ob7ectives in the desired market area keeping specific needs of customer in mind. #n the service industry like banking, promotion assumes all the more important position as +hat they really sell is Aabstract2 things and the service provided through proper promotional channels make all the difference bet+een t+o banks in marketing conte t.

)dvertising is a very effective and most frequently used promotional tool in the marketing of banking services. The success of advertising affects successful launching of products revealed by customers2 positive response of increase in business share. This can reflect in the business figures like deposits, advances, profitability, etc., and the comparison of pre* and post* advertisement figures can reveal the visible effect of advertisement campaigns. Sales promotion is used in banks to promote sales in the immediate future.

Marketing of Tourism
The services %products& +hich are needed to satisfy the demand for travel, accommodation, food, and beverages at places a+ay from home are provided by the tourism and hospitality industry. Tourism is one of the ma7or service industries of today, +ith over B>C million tourists travelling every year. The annual average gro+th rate for the industry is estimated to be bet+een =CD and =>D globally. Tourism as a service industry comprises of several allied activities +hich together produce the tourism products. The three sub*industries +hich are involved in tourism are tour operators and travel agents, hotels, restaurants and caterers, and passenger transportation %air, road and sea&. )ccording to international estimates, a tourist spends ?3D of his total e penditure on transportation, about @CD in lodging and food and the remaining >3D on entertainment, shopping and incidentals. The participants in the process of this service business are illustrated in the diagram belo+,

Travel demand influenced (#$ rising incomes increased mobility improved transport and communication education marketing

Tourist Industr# Intermediaries, Travel agents Tour companies /otel companies Transport companies %airlines, shipping, bus, train&

Travel destination influenced (#$ historical connections religious connections %pilgrimages& accessibility +eather nature of tourist product scenery

The economic, social and technological determinants of tourism demand include high and rising incomes, increased leisure time, good education, ne+, cheaper and faster modes of transport. 6ne important factor +hich governs the tourism demand is motivation to travel. Tourists can be classified into the follo+ing seven demand categories, =. $ plorer, These are limited number of tourists +ho are looking for discovery and involvement +ith local people. >. $lite, 1eople, +ho favour special, individually tailored trips to e otic places. ?. 6ffbeat, These tourists are filled +ith a desire to get a+ay from the usual humdrum life. @. Enusual, These are adventure seeking tourists +ho +ant isolation and physical dangers in trips. 3. #ncipient mass, They are a steady flo+, travelling alone or in small organised groups using some shared services. F. Mass, The general packaged tour market . pilgrimages, local sightseeing, foreign tours. B. Charter, Mass travel to rela ation destinations +ith +orld*class facilities. Some governments may +ish to ma imise income from the tourism industry by motivating or encouraging mass tourism +ith a minimum of local contact %as in the case of beach resorts in Me ico&. 6thers may +ish to make their tourist trade upmarket to gain the same benefit from a smaller number of top spending investors %as in the case of "ali or Tahiti& +hile still others may +ant to encourage mass tourism by encouraging the use of village accommodation and hotels. 6n the supply side of tourism industry +e have the supply factors as a mi of destinations, facilities and services. 4atural or man*made attractions, transport system, accommodation facilities, support systems like shops, restaurants, banks, medical centers, physical infrastructure like roads, airports, etc. are important elements in the supply factors.

Segmentation of the tourism market is done using variables like a& age groups, b& number of trips taken per annum or season, c& income and education, d& purpose of the trip. 6f these, the last one, purpose of the trip is e tensively used by the ma7or players in the tourism industry to segment markets . hotels, tour operators, travel agents and airlines. Esing this criterion, segments have been identified as travel for business, vacation, convention, personal emergencies, visits to relatives, pilgrimages, etc. The different elements in tourism marketing mi are then tailored to suit the different elasticities of these segments. "enefit segmentation, psychographic segmentation and segmentation based on distance travelled are also used by the tourism industry.

Marketing of Health Services

/ealth care market in #ndia had been more of a seller2s market +ith not much activity or importance given on the marketing side. "ut of late, changes have taken place and a shift to+ards marketing approach is taking place. This is due to the competition becoming more intense in some market segments, more consumer a+areness, setting up of corporate hospitals, increasing purchasing po+er, education and quality of life. The types of health services available in #ndia can be broadly classified into t+o, =. Government*o+ned >. 1rivately o+ned %commercial& The governments, both Central and State, have a net+ork of institutions at primary, secondary and tertiary levels. They include sub*centres, primary health centers, community health centres, rural hospitals and dispensaries in rural areas, taluk and district level hospitals, medical college hospitals and specialised hospitals. 6ne important government health care scheme is the $mployee State #nsurance Scheme %$S#& designed for industrial +orkers. The scheme provides both medical benefits as +ell as cash benefit like sickness benefits, disablement benefit, maternity benefit, etc.

Many private nursing homes, clinics, diagnostic centers and specialty hospitals have started in to+ns and cities in #ndia during the last three decades. Their ma7or target market is the middle and high income group of people. )pollo, Gockhardt, Sagar, etc. are big corporate hospitals. Medical care is no+ emerging as a big industry in the private sector. This has resulted in some competition and better availability of advanced technologies ' super specialties +hich +ere not available here earlier. /ealthcare needs in #ndia can be classified into three categories. =. $mergency care, This is needed in casualties like accidents, fire, stroke, etc., situations +here the survival of the patient is in question. >. !outine care, This pertains to the periodic health check*ups for +hich patients visit hospitals. #t includes treatment for ailments for +hich meeting a doctor is essential but immediate meeting is not critical. ?. $lective treatment, This is a medical procedure that a patient chooses to undertake on his or her o+n initiative. These include A-ife Stage Treatments2 . associated +ith events +hich people typically plan for at some stage in their life like permanent birth control procedures, teeth removal in old age, and A-ife Style Treatments2 . associated +ith activities that people undertake to improve their ASelf2 or boost their image. $.g. Cosmetic surgeries, +eight*reducing treatments, hair transplants, tooth implant, etc. -ife Style Treatment segment is the one +hich is gro+ing rapidly in #ndia of late, in urban areas. ricing of Health Services 1ricing is one of the important decision areas in marketing of health services in #ndia. The sheer variety of available price levels for similar services among different providers of medical and health services is indicative of the differential practices that are being used to arrive at the ultimate price for various services. The pricing strategy for any given service, medical services included, depends on three basic factors . costs, value and competition. Costs have to be recovered but prices cannot be set beyond the value that customers assign to the service. The prices charged by the competitors for a similar service +ill limit the freedom of setting prices. 1ricing for hospitals and medical services differ from pricing for goods in three +ays, =. Customers2 kno+ledge of healthcare products. >. !ole of prices in indicating quality of services. ?. 4on*monetary costs. Service !ualit# in Healthcare Customers perceive and evaluate service quality in healthcare also using the five dimensions of service quality developed by 1arasuram, Heithaml and "erry in their famous AGaps Theory of Service Iuality2. They are as follo+s, =. !eliability, )bility to perform the promised service dependably and accurately %$.g. The doctor keeps the appointment on schedule, diagnosis proves to be accurate&. >. !esponsiveness, Gillingness to help customers and provide prompt service %$.g. 4o +aiting, doctor2s +illingness to listen patiently&.

?. )ssurance, $mployee2s kno+ledge and courtesy and their ability to inspire trust and confidence %$.g.!eputation, credentials and skills&. @. $mpathy, Caring individualised attention given to customers %$.g. ackno+ledging patient as a person, remembers previous problems, patience&. 3. Tangibles, )ppearance of physical facilities, equipment, personal and +ritten materials %$.g. Gaiting room, e amination room, equipment, report cards&. Since healthcare services involve some amount of uncertainty ' high risk, assurance dimension +ould be of great importance to the consumers. #n the early stages of relationship, the consumer may use tangible evidence to assess the assurance dimensions. 0isible evidence of degree, honours and a+ards and special certifications may give ne+ customer confidence in a professional service provider.

The hospitality level offered by the healthcare provider is more important for life stage and life style treatments and goes a long +ay in making the patient feel safe and secure about undergoing a procedure, as +ell as assuring that the hospital +ould provide all the requisite services prior to and after the treatment. )lso, patients from different strata of society are starting to have differing e pectations from hospitals about the levels of service they should be provided +hile being treated. Some healthcare providers have, therefore, developed capabilities for providing differential levels of service at regular, premium and lu ury levels. For this, health care providers should use research techniques to map out the consumer decision*making process and the relative importance consumers assign to e pertise and hospitality. The ne t logical step +ould be to understand service features that relate to consumer perceptions of e pertise and hospitality. Finally, the provider should understand the cost of implications of making changes in these features and their relative impact on consumer choice and revenues.

Marketing of Educational Services

$ducation is a service that is geared primarily to the consumer market, and is therefore, classified as a consumer service. $stablishing +hether service is bought for Ainstrumental motives2 %as a means to an end& or an Ae pressive motive2 %as an end in itself& provides a useful frame+ork for service designers. For ma7ority of customers, education may fulfill the instrumental function, but there is al+ays a category of customers for +hom education and the pursuit of kno+ledge are e pressive motives. $ducation is mostly a people*based service, though some service delivery systems make heavy use of equipment and technology, like online education. #nitially, education +as a high contact service. !ecent developments in open and distance learning systems have successfully countered the challenge of constantly maintaining high levels of contact, by creating specialised kinds of user*friendly course material and using multi* media technology to gain access to students. Service characteristics and implications $ducation, like most pure services, is an intangible dominant service, impossible to touch, see or feel. $valuation of this service, ho+ever, can be obtained by 7udging service content . curricula, course material, student +orkload, constituent faculty . and the service delivery system. The consumer %the students&, based on these evaluations, has a number of alternative choices before him and may make selection on the basis of his o+n evaluation referrals, opinions sought from others and of course a brand or corporate image of the organisation providing education. )t the end of the service e perience, the consumer gets something tangible to sho+ for his efforts, i.e., a degree or certificate denoting his level of proficiency at the specific course or programme. Since education cannot be seen or touched and is often difficult to evaluate, it is necessary to build in service differentiation in the basic product to enable competitive positioning. 1recise standardisation is difficult in educational packages, but universities try to manage equivalence in standards through boards of studies and common syllabus. Technical education and professional courses are standardised to an e tent through bodies like the )#CT$ and the EGC. The lack of standardisation also opens up the marketing opportunity of creating highly differentiated, need*based course packages,

suited to chosen target groups of customers or serving specialised ' localised needs. The inability to patent education as a service implies that courses designed or developed at one institution can be replicated and offered at other institutions. Faculty selection and motivation and quality of service delivery can only be a service strength. "uilding a strong brand image and brand name is an important aspect to be emphasised here. The characteristics of perishability %$ducation cannot be stored&, inseparability %Teacher has to be available physically to teach&, heterogeneity %standardisation not possible&, and no transfer of o+nership . all these have their implications on this service.

The marketing mi) in educational services

The product . the education package Ghile deciding on the education packages to be offered to consumers, the starting point obviously has to be the consumer. #t is imperative at the very outset of deciding the service product, to outline the distinction bet+een +hat an educational institution offers in terms of its service and +hat benefit its larger population derives from it. Central to the idea of a service product are the follo+ing, =. The consumer benefit concept >. The service concept ?. The service offer @. The service delivery system Ghile the consumer benefit concept defines +hat benefits consumers derive from a particular educational package offered, the service concept is concerned +ith the definition of the general benefit the service organisation offers on the basis of the consumer benefits sought. The basic service package +ill consist of three elements,

=. The core service >. The facilitating service ?. The supporting service The core service is the reason for being in the market. ) management institute e ists because it equips people +ith skills and abilities to manage organisations and businesses. Faculty e pertise and the accumulated e perience at the institute represent the core resource for supplying this benefit. /o+ever, in order to make it possible for students to avail these services, additional services are required. ) registration and admission service, class schedules, counseling service enabling students to make relevant specialisation choices and library facility are required so that the students are facilitated in deriving the benefits of the core service, i.e., learning. These services are called the facilitating services. Course material, in the form of books and lecture notes, manuals, computers, classrooms and equipments are e amples of facilitating goods that help access the core benefit. Supporting services are also au iliary to the core benefit but their ob7ective does not lie in facilitating the use of core service, rather they are used to enhance the value of the core product and to differentiate the service offer from other comparable offers. )n efficient placement cell, high quality residential %hostel& facilities, good net+ork of industry ' business interaction relationships, etc. do not facilitate the learning process but add value to the service offer by adding to the utility derived from the total offer. The basic service package and the elements that go into the service perception of consumers form +hat has been termed as the augmented service product. The augmented service product integrates the concept of service process +ith the services offer. Three distinct elements +hich along +ith the basic offer go into the creation of the augmented service product as components of the perceived service process are, =. )ccessibility of the service >. #nteractions +ith the service organisation ?. Consumer participation ricing of education service Most educational institutions, in fact, all public institutions like universities, ##Ts, and medical and engineering colleges come under the category of services +here price is sub7ect to public regulation. $ven for private and autonomous institutions, full freedom is not available to fi tuition fees. The state government or institutions like #CS$, C"S$ "oards, EGC, and )#CT$ have some control over the fees structure. For some courses, +here demand e ceeds supply, like management programmes, some private providers charge high fees based on +hat the market can bear policy. (ifferential pricing, based on the consumer2s +illingness to pay may also be utilised for the education service %$.g. (ifferent fees for merit list or govt.quota students and management quota&. romotion of education service offer Some guidelines that can be used +hile applying promotional tools for creating a+areness, interest and enrolment are as belo+, Create clear simple messages $mphasise service benefits Make realistic attainable promises "uild on +ord*of*mouth communication and referrals

1rovide tangible clues (evelop continuity in advertising lace decision in education service #n most cases the educational services represent the single location and direct distribution processes +ith no intermediary bet+een the producer and the consumers of the service. The learning process is usually accomplished by the user of the service going to the service provider. /o+ever, because of buyer need urgency and the nature of the utility derived, accessibility and convenience for educational service location are not as critical a factor as in the case of a banking service.

Marketing of rofessional Services

Gith the advertising business in #ndia gro+ing rapidly, +ith many ne+ small agencies entering the market, some even closing shop and brand casualties increasing, the need to look at the marketing concepts that apply in this industry is stronger than ever before. #f advertising is looked upon as the brand building activity, the future brands need to be invested in by studying the marketing of professional advertising services. )ccording to 1hilip 8otler, a generic marketer is one +ho creates value through configuration, valuation, symbolisation and facilitation. #n an advertising agency scenario, this includes the design of the advertising services package, +hether the services offered are in*house or from freelancers, the range of the services offered and the intensity of service offering of each of the services in the range. 0aluation is the media commission earnings of an ad agency +hich are fi ed at =3D. 0aluation of other services in its package can vary as can its art charges. Symbolisation is +hat the agency is perceived as by its target audience. Symbolisation alternatives can include positioning by si9e, by creative talent, by au iliary services, by markets, etc. Facilitation has more to do +ith the accessibility of service and the ease +ith +hich the client can tap each of the

service offerings of the agency. The production consumption interaction in advertising allo+s for direct distribution only. The primary task of an agency is to make its clients2 products gro+. Ghile planning for gro+th of the agency, it is important to develop skills that nurture and foster the gro+th of the client organisation. Though physically agencies may e ecute art+orks, +rite copy, produce films, plan for media buying and provide routine servicing to clients, this is only the outer manifestation of its real business. The real 7ob of the agency is to build brands, increase market shares, penetrate ne+ markets, influence product development and planning, understand, participate in and even influence marketing strategies. ) client organisation is different from a brand. #t may have needs of corporate communication +hich may have to be identified and then fulfilled. Sometimes, the client as a corporate identity may be evolving. The agency could participate in its process of identifying ne+ markets, ne+ products and ne+ business. Thus, and agency should gro+ not only +ith the brands that it helps to build, but also evolve and gro+ +ith its client organisation.

Some iconic advertisements from the past )s +ith marketing of any business firm, there are three ob7ectives that professional firms also seek . sufficient demand, sustained gro+th and profitable volume. To achieve these ob7ectives, professional firms need to market themselves. The three styles of marketing for an agency can be the follo+ing, =. Minimal marketing

>. /ard*sell marketing ?. 1rofessional marketing 1* Minimal marketing* This is practiced by many firms offering professional services. These firms dislike thinking of themselves as businessmen, and instead, state that they are motivated by service. They think of marketing as a salesman2s 7ob and look do+n on business solicitation. They believe that their good +ork +ill get more clients automatically. +* Hard,sell marketing* This is the opposite end of the spectrum to minimal marketing. #t reflects a total sales orientation, offering price discounts, bad mouthing competition, offering referral commissions and indulging in practices bordering on violating professional codes of ethics. This approach forgets like any sales oriented approach that there is more to business than attracting clients. Marketing involves a discipline of identifying and cultivating a market, choosing targets, developing services, formulating plans, etc. -* rofessional marketing* This approach to marketing of professional services is in consonance +ith the professional code of ethics. Such an approach involves the follo+ing, a& 1lanning for long*range marketing ob7ectives and +orking out strategies to match. b& Training the staff to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing and personal selling. c& )llocating time and budget to support marketing activity, and d& $nsuring that quality of professional services offered does not suffer as marketing activity increases. These efforts are usually preceded by gathering data about the market. Strategies are evolved thereafter. )gency positioning involves giving Avalue added2 dimension to the agency2s strengths, so that the client perceives them as fulfilling his specific needs. 1ositioning can be of different types. )gency positioning can be done on the basis of si9e . big or small, by talent . creative* oriented, marketing input*oriented, and others, like media planning, by au iliary services . market research, direct marketing, public relations, by markets . public issue, tender notices, and by price discounting.

!uestions for "iscussion

=. >. ?. @. (iscuss the marketing decisions in financial services Ghat are the challenges in tourism marketingJ $ plain the intricacies in healthcare marketing. Ghy is marketing of educational services differentJ

Case Stud#$

Advertising Companies of India

)dvertising is a big business in this era in #ndia. #ndian )dvertising industry has +itnessed a prominent globalisation. Gith the inception of various divisions, the advertising industry has undergone a sea change. #ndian consumerKs deepening pocket and blooming markets for ad*spends have touched ne+ heights in #ndia. The #ndian )dvertising Companies are creating stories and brand e periences in a +ay that engages and involves. Top Advertising Companies of India$ 6gilvy Gith its presence in over =CC countries, 6gilvy is a premier advertising agency in the +orld. #ts #ndian operations are headed by a+ard +inning advertising personality, 1iyush 1andey. This G11 subsidiary has created memorable ads like those for Fevik+ik, 0odafone, and Cadbury (airy Milk. :GT :GT, another G11 subsidiary, is among the largest ad agencies in the +orld. #t has si offices in #ndia, in (elhi, 8olkata, /yderabad, Mumbai, "angalore and Chennai. This company has +on several a+ards in the Cannes #ndia event. #ts famous ad campaigns include -isterine, Good night, and Teach for #ndia. -o+e -intas -o+e -intas is among the most trusted brands in the country. /eadquartered in Mumbai, it has offices in several locations in #ndia, including 1une, )hmedabad, 8olkata, Gurgaon and Chennai. !. "alki, the famous advertising personality is its Chairman. -o+e -intas is responsible for ad campaigns like #dea, #C#C# 1rudential and Tata Tea. McCann $rickson #ndia Gith offices in about =>C countries, McCann $rickson is an a+ard +inning global advertising company. #t is headed by 1rasoon :oshi, a revered ad personality in #ndia. This ad agency has #ndian offices in Chennai, "angalore, 4e+ (elhi and Mumbai. MasterCard, Coca Cola, and Greenlam -aminates are some of the popular ads created by McCann $rickson #ndia. ((" Mudra ((" Mudra is a popular advertising firm in #ndia, formed after global advertising holding ma7or 6mnicom Group acquired Mudra #ndia in >C==. #t is much kno+n for campaigns like Mc(onalds, Tourism )ustralia, Colgate and 1olicy" The company has its headquarters in Mumbai and has operations in (elhi as +ell.

Some very popular ads produced by agencies in #ndia -eo "urnett )mong the highest ranked advertising companies in )sia 1acific in >C=>, -eo "urnett #ndia is part of the ES advertising giant -eo "urnett Gorld+ide. #ts #ndian operations are headed by )rvind Sharma and the company has offices in Gurgaon, 4e+ (elhi, "angalore and Mumbai. #ts clients include Samsung, 1LG and "ala7i. (raftfcbMElka )dvertising 1vt. -td. ) subsidiary of the #nterpublic Group of Companies, (raftfcbMElka is much kno+n for its Falling /oarding outdoor campaign in Mumbai. The company has its headquarters in Mumbai and other offices in (elhi and "angalore. #ts clients include #TC Foods, Tata

(ocomo, Gipro and Snapdeal. (entsu #ndia (entsu is a Tokyo based advertising ma7or. #t has a number of +holly o+ned subsidiaries in #ndia, including (entsu Marcom, (entsu Creative #mpact, (entsu Media and (entsu Communications. #t has offices in Gurgaon, "angalore, Chennai, Mumbai and 4e+ (elhi. Taproot Taproot #ndia, before becoming a subsidiary of (entsu in )ugust >C=>, +as a budding independent advertising agency. "ased in Mumbai, it made memorable ad campaigns like )irtel ;/ar Friend Haroori /ai<, 1epsi' #CC Gorld Cup2s batting and bo+ing techniques, and The Times of #ndia2s )man 8i )sha. Contract Contract is a +ell kno+n ad agency in #ndia +ith offices in (elhi, Chennai, "angalore and Mumbai. #t offers services like business and marketing consulting, C!M solutions and design solutions, apart from core advertising. #t +as established in =NOF and since then has +on several a+ards for its creative advertising. Sasi )dvertising 1vt -td , This agency is ?C years old and is one of the largest South #ndian )dvertising )gency.The company deals +ith "randing,1ublic !elations,$vent Management,(irect marketing and many more.See the site for more details. FC"*Elka )dvertising -td, 6ne of the best company in #ndia in the advertising arena is FC"*Elka )dvertising -td. #n ES ,this advertising company ranks third and tenth in the +orld having about =OO offices in =C> countries. Their aim is to reflect the needs of the brand and not the personality of the brand. #t has about 3CC professionals and no prima donnas. !ediffusion*(5L!, This )dvertising company of #ndia has made a benchmark in the field of creativity. #ndiaKs 3th largest advertising company is !ediffusion. This advertising agency offers a +ide array of integrated pr services for e ternal and internal communications. The primary strength of the company lies in the media relations. !8 S+amy'""(6 )dvertising -td, #t maintained the record of remaining consistently among the top ten advertising agencies in #ndia. $stablished in =NB?,this advertising reached great heights. This is also #ndiaKs 4o.= research company in the market sector and is fully run by #ndians. "rand $quity is an integral part of the company. Grey Gorld+ide %#& 1vt. -td ,'#ndia& #t is a very famous company that deals in retail,advertising,digital media,entertainment. #t has its presence in South )frica,)ustralia,"angladesh,Canberra,China, /ong 8ong,

#ndia,#ndonesia, :apan, 8orea, Malaysia, 1hilippines, Singapore,Thailand, 0ietnam and many more places.

McCann Erickson India .on /old at %ondon International A.ards +010* 1ther Indian agencies also picked up metals*

The >3th -ondon #nternational )+ards +ere announced at a ceremony in -ondon on 4ovember O, >C=C. 6f the #ndian agencies, McCann $rickson picked up the only Gold. #t +as in the category (esign'1roduct'"rand 1oint*of*Sale for KThe Crying CarpetK for the 4G6 "achpan "achao )ndolan %Save the Childhood Movement&. -eo "urnett #ndia picked up t+o Silvers, one in the category (esign'1roduct'"rand for GhisperKs KGrapperK, and another for 1rint'Technique %Copy+riting*$nglish& for the ad K(ear 1rime MinisterK for )+areness for "hopal 0ictims. The agency +as a Finalist in the category 1rint'Campaign for its campaign for Tide (etergents %K$ggK, K8etchupK, KCoffeeK, K#nkK&. The other agency that +on a Silver +as 6gilvy L Mather #ndia in the category Television'Cinema'6nline Film'Campaign for !ing The "ell )gainst (omestic 0iolence %K"ank ClerkK, KSoft+are $ngineerK, K"us (riverK&. Creativeland )sia, !ediffusion 5! and "ates =@= +on "ron9es. Creativeland )sia +on in the category (esign'Specialism Campaign for Medimi /andmade Soap %K/erbsK, KMachineryK, KGhat Man (irtiesK&. !ediffusion 5! picked up its metal for 1ackage (esign in "everages*4on*)lcoholic for !asna. "ates =@= received the "ron9e in 1rint'Campaign

for its illustration campaign for Steadler 1ens %KMan on the MoonK, K"ell CallingK, KConquering Mt $verestK&. The 4et+ork of the 5ear +as 5L!, )gency of the 5ear +as !8C!'5L!, -ondon, and 1roduction Company of the 5ear +as M:H. %Source, http,''' , >C=C&

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