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-SAINARRATOR: Once a upon time, in the North of Malaysia lived a young poor boy called Aladdin with his old mother. His father died and his mother to work really hard to run the family.


MOTHER: Aladdin goes to the market and gets some fish for dinner. ALADDIN: Are we going to eat fish again, mother? MOTHER: You know we dont have enough money.and fish is all I can afford. ALADDIN: I am sorry mother. MOTHER: Its k Its not your fault. ALADDIN: But I promise you, that one day I will give you with everything you need. MOTHER: Its getting late, go now.

NARRATOR: He went to the market and while he is buying the fish, a stranger approached him. ALIN: Hello Aladdin How are you? I am your long-lost uncle. Hows your father doing? ALADDIN: Excuse me? My father died a long time ago ALIN: Oh, I am sorry. I didnt know. Please take me to see your mother, its important. NNARRATOR: Both went home and when Aladdins mother saw the man she was surprised because dont know who he was. MOTHER: Please sit down, and have dinner with us.


NARRATOR: During the dinner, Alin said he sympathize the family and he would like offer Aladdin a job where he can earn a lot. Alin: What do you do Aladdin to help your family? ALADDIN: hmmm I MOTHER: He does nothing. He just likes to play with his friends. ALIN: But that is not right Come and join me Aladdin to another country and there I will offer you a job where you can earn a lot. ALADDIN: That sound good to me, and Im in. ALIN: Thats the spirit boy. We will leave tomorrow morning. NARRATOR: All of them went to bed but Aladdins mother was not happy with it yet she does not voice it out as she controlled herself.. Both Ain and Aladdin leave the house early in the morning and Alin told Aladdin a lot of stories throughout the journey. Scene: In the Cave NARRATOR: After a long journey, both of them stopped nearby a cave and decided to stop there before they start their journey the next morning. Alin: Aladdin can you go and get us some wood to set up the fire and once you are back I have something to tell you. Aladdin: Sure, Alin NARRATOR: They set the fire and ate the food they brought from home early morning. After eating, Alin said about a mysterious cave and the jewellery in it. ALADDIN: Wow!!! Can I see the cave now? Alin: Gam Gam Ala Khazan, door door please open!!! NARRATOR: The cave right in front of their eyes opens and the cave glows. ALADDIN: Alin, what did you just do?? The cave opens.


ALIN: Now, you go in and get down the stairs and walk to the end of the cave until you find an oil lamp. Bring it to me but I warn you not to touch or take anything or you will regret. NARRATOR: Aladdin went down looking for the oil lamp and on his way he saw a lot of jewellery hanging so he just grabbed as much as he could and finally he saw an oil lamp at the end of the cave. ALADDIN: Hey, thats the lamp. I found it finally. But theres a ring inside, and Alin did not say anything about the ring I am just going to wear this!!! NARRATOR: Soon after taking the lamp, Aladdin walked back to the door. ALIN: Give me the lamp fast!!! NARRATOR: Aladdin was surprised by the tone of his voice and was suspicious. ALADDIN: No!!! Let me out first ALIN: NO!! I just want the lamp.. ALADDIN: Let me out, and then I will give you the lamp. ALIN: You disobey my orders I will shut the door and let you be in here forever.; NARRATOR: Alin, left Aladdin in the cave and left the place. Aladdin got trapped in the cave with the ring and the oil lamp. Aladdin was in the cave for two days. ALADDIN: Ohhh, its so dark in here and I am so cold NARRATOR: Then he rubbed his hands together and suddenly he saw a bright light coming out from the ring. It was a genie. GENIE OF RING: Master, I will do as you order! ALADDIN: Who are you? GENIE OF RING: I am the slave from the ring. I will grant you all your wishes. ALADDIN: Great, bring me to my home.


ALADDINS HOUSE MOTHER: Oh, my dear son.. You are back I am so worried about you. Where have you been? Wheres Alin? NARRATOR: Aladdin told everything that happen and his mother was shocked and terrified but she is relief because her son is safe. ALADDIN: Mother, I am very hungry. Can I have something to eat? MOTHER: Sorry son, we dont have any money to buy food. ALADDIN: Dont worry mother, the genie will help us. NARRATOR: And he rubbed the ring again, and when the genie appeared he said he cant help because he is only capable of bringing the master from one place to another. ALADDIN: If that is the case, then I will sell the lamp. MOTHER: Are you sure you want to do that? ALADDIN: Yes mother!! We have no other choice.. MOTHER: But wait, let me clean the lamp for you. We might better offer if it is shiny. NARRATOR: As the mother wipes the lamp, a tall and skinny genie appeared. ALADDIN: Who are you? GENIE FROM THE LAMP: I am the slave from the lamp; I will follow your orders master. ALADDIN: Give us something to eat. NARRATOR: genie served both Aladdin and his mother ample of food to eat. They were very astonished and started to eat. Then, from that moment they live happily. One fine day, Aladdin went to the market to get some fish and he met Princess Jasmine. He fell in love with and he wants to get married to her. So he went back and told his mother that he wants to get married to the princess. MOTHER: Ha ha ha You know that is impossible


ALADDIN: Please mother. Go and talk to the Sultan and tell him that we are rich. MOTHER: Very well. Ill go and talk but I cant promise you good news. NARRATOR: His mother went to the palace to talk to the Sultan. AT THE PALACE Sultan Mother : Old woman what can I do for you? : My son, Aladdin, fell in love with your daughter and he wants to marry

her. He has a gift for her. Sultan Narrator Sultan condition. Mother Sultan daughter. Mother Narrator another wish. At Aladdins House Aladdin : I order you to build the most stunning palace, with treasured stones, and a splendid garden. Genie from Narrator : Your wish is a command to me! the Lamp : Next day the Sultan was surprised to see the palace and agreed to : I will let him know your desire. : When Aladdin heard the news, he asked the genie from the lamp for : And what is that? : If Aladdin built a magnificent palace by tomorrow, he will marry my : Let me see it. : As soon as the Sultan saw the sparkling jewellery he said. : The fine jewellery is not enough. I will approve the wedding on one

the wedding and in a few days they got married.But in a faraway place the wizard the news.



: I am so furious! Aladdin didnt die inside the cave. I have to go back

and get the lamp! I am sure he has it! Narrator : As soon as he returned he disguised himself as a merchant and went

to the palace where Aladdin and his wife were living. At the Palace SULTAN Alin SULTAN Narrator Alin : What can I do for you? : I would like to talk to the princess. : Let me call her. : As soon as the princess was before him, he said. : Would you like to exchange old lamps for new ones?

PAGE 7 Princess: I have an old lamp. I will bring it. Narrator: Alin immediately rubbed the lamp as the princess passes it to him and the Genie appeared out of nowhere. Alin: Bring me, the princess and the castle to my place. Take all of us there. Narrator:The genie took them away. The Sultan was in anger when he discovers what had happened at Aladdin and told him the truth. Sultan: I can forgive you only if you can return my daughter to me. Aladdin: I swear, I will. I love her more than everything else. Narrator: Aladdin was desperate and he was clueless, suddenly he remembered the Genie of the Ring and rubbed the ring until the Genie appeared. Aladdin: Where is my wife now? Bring me to her now. Narrator: In a blink of eye, they were in Johor. Aladdin started searching for his wife until he found her.


In Johor Aladdin: My sweetheart, what have they done to you? Princess: Oh.. My dear husband... it is so terrible here. Aladdin: I have something to tell you. Let me speak the truth. Sit over here. Narrator: Aladdin told her what had happened and he asked Aladdin: Tell me, do you know where the lamp is? Princess: It is in the hand of the wicked wizard. Aladdin: We need to get it back. We must think how to get it back. I have an idea. Princess: I am listening. Narrator: The princess invited Alin for dinner that night and as usual Alin always carried that lamp with him. In A Restaurant Alin: You look gorgeous tonight, my lady. Page 8 PRINCESS: Thank.. I think I need some fresh air Lets go outside. ALIN: Take my hand PRINCESS: But, do you need to take the lamp with you? ALIN: Well, I dont think so. PRINCESS: Then just leave it on the table. Nobody will take something old and rusty like that. ALIN: Youre right.


NARRATOR: Alin placed the lamp on the table and they went outside. As soon as they left, Aladdin took the lamp. Then, he went behind them and push Alin until he felt to the ground.

ALADDIN : Come on! PRINCESS : Rub the lamp! ALADDIN : (Genie appears) Genie, take us to our palace. Now!! GENIE (of the ring) : Ay yay Alladin. Follow your order Master!

At the Palace SULTAN : My dear daughter youre back PRINCESS : Oh, father ALADDINS MOTHER : Aladdin! SULTAN : Thanks Aladdin for bringing my dearest daughter home. ALADDIN : Everything is over now, and we have nothing to worry about. Come my dear wife, our life is just about to begin.

NARRATOR : And they live happily ever after.

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