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General Studies (Mains) Questions Pattern & Trends Indian Polity & Constitution Basic features of the Constitution

n 1. Distinguish between Parliamentary and Presidential forms of Government. Do you think that changing over to Presidential form will be a solution for better governance? Substantiate your answer. (199 !"#$ %. &hat do you understand by the term '(ule of )aw*? +ow does the ,onstitution of -ndia seek to establish it? (199.!"#$ /. 0ring out the aberrations of the 1arliamentary system of government in -ndia. (%##1!/#$ ". &hat is a ,onstitution? &hat are the main sources of the -ndian ,onstitution? (%##2!/#$ Preamble 1. 3he Preamble to the ,onstitution is aimed to embody the fundamental values and the 1hiloso1hy on which the ,onstitution is based. 4lucidate. (1992!1#$ %. &hat is the significance of a 1reamble to a constitution? 0ring out the 1hiloso1hy of the -ndian 1olity as enshrined in the Preamble of the -ndian ,onstitution. (%##"!/#$ undamental !i"hts 1. &hat are the constitutional rights of the citi5ens of -ndia. &hat do you think about the demand of the 6(-*s for dual citi5enshi1? (199 !%#$ %. &hat is the 1resent status of the right to 1ro1erty as a 7undamental (ight? (199 !/$ /. &hy is 8rticle /% considered as the cornerstone of the ,onstitution? (199 !/$ ". 3he &rit of 9andamus cannot be granted against certain 1ersons. &ho are they? (199.!/$ . &hat are the 1rovisions regarding the 1rotection of )inguistic minorities in the ,onstitution? (1992!1#$ .. &hat is Social :ustice? +ow can reservation of seats for women in Parliament contribute to the establishment of a socially ;ust society in -ndia? (1992!"#$ 2. &hat< according to the Su1reme ,ourt< constituted '3he 0asic 7eatures* which is u1held in case known as (i$ =eshavanand 0harati v!s. State of =erala (199#$ (ii$ 9inerva 9ills v!s. >nion of -ndia (199#$ (1992!%#$ ?. &hat s1ecific 1rovisions e@ist in the ,onstitution of -ndia about child labour ? (1992!/$

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9. &hat were the circumstances leading to the 1romulgation of Prasar 0harti Ardinance in 8ugust 199?? (199?!.$ 1#. State the am1litude of 8rticle %1 of the ,onstitution. (199?!/$ 11. An what grounds does 8rticle 1 of the -ndian ,onstitution 1rohibit discrimination? -ndicate the way the conce1t of 'S1ecial 1rotection* has Bualified this 1rohibition< and contributed to social change. (1999!"#$ 1%. &hat is the status of the (ight to Pro1erty in the -ndian ,onstitution? (1999!/$ 1/. Discuss the constitutional 1rovisions regarding the rights of children. (%##1!1 $ 1". Discuss how the ,onstitution of -ndia 1rovides eBual rights. (%##"!/#$ 1 . &hat is +abeas ,or1us? (%##"!%$ 1.. &hat is the s1ecial facility 1rovided to the linguistic minorities under 8rticle / # 8? (%##"!1#$ 12. Give your views on the right to freedom of religion as enshrined in the -ndian ,onstitution. Do they make -ndia a secular State? (%## !/#$ 1?. &hat are the constitutional limitations on the free movements of -ndians throughout the country? (%## !1 $ 19. &hat is meant by 'double ;eo1ardy*? (%## !%$ %#. &hat is right to life and 1ersonal liberty? +ow have the courts e@1anded its meaning in recent years? (%##.!/#$ %1. 0ring out the differences between the 7undamental (ights and the Directive Princi1les of State Policy. Discuss some of the measures taken by the >nion and State Governments for the im1lementation of the Directive Princi1les of State Policy. (%##2!/#$ %%. &hat is the im1ortance of (ight to ,onstitutional (emedies (%##2!%$ #irecti$e Princi%les of State Policy 1. &hat have been the observations of the Su1reme ,ourt in a recent ;udgment in res1ect of a >niform ,ivil ,ode? (199 !.$ %. 0riefly state the stages through which the 1resent 1osition of the Directive Princi1les visCavis the 7undamental (ights has emerged. (199?!"#$ /. &hat is the im1ortance of Directive Princi1les of State Policy? 9ention which Directive Princi1les of State Policy have got 1rimacy over the 7undamental (ights. (1999!%#$ ". &hat is the constitutional 1osition of Directive Princi1les of State Policy? +ow has it been inter1reted by the ;udiciary after the emergency in 192 C22? (%##1!/#$ . Discuss the constitutional 1rovisions relating to the nonC;ustifiable directives binding u1on the states. (%##%!1 $

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undamental #uties 1. &rite any four fundamental duties 1rescribed in the ,onstitution of -ndia. (1992!/$ %. -dentify the ma;or 7undamental Duties. (%##/!1 $ /. 4numerate the 7undamental Duties incor1orated in the ,onstitution after the "% nd 8mendment. (%##?!1 $ &nion '(ecuti$e 1. 4@1lain the status of the 9inisters known as '9inisters of State*. (199 !!/$ %. &hat constitutional 1rovisions make the office of the ,om1troller and 8uditor General of -ndia inde1endent? (199.!/$ /. +ow are the President and the Dice President of -ndia elected? &hat are the constitutional issues involved in their election? (1992!"#$ ". 4@1lain the conce1t of 'Prime 9inisterial Government* and accounts for its decline in recent times in -ndia. (199?!"#$ . +ow is the viceCPresident of -ndia elected? (1999!!/$ .. Do you ;ustify the Prime 9inister*s entry into Parliament through the (a;ya Sabha? (%###!%$ 2. ,omment on the nature of ArdinanceCmaking 1ower of the President of -ndia. &hat safeguards are there against 1ossible misuse? (%##1!1 $ ?. &hat is the com1osition of the 4lectoral ,ollege for the election of the President of the -ndian (e1ublic? +ow the value of votes cast is counted? (%##%!/#$ 9. Discuss the Buestion of death sentence and Presidential clemency. (%##/!/#$ 1#. State the difference between ,ouncil of 9inisters and the ,abinet. (%##/!%$ 11. +ow is the Dice President of -ndia elected? (%##/!%$ 1%. -n what ways can the President of -ndia ascertain the views of the Su1reme ,ourt on a 1articular bill? (%## !%$ 1/. 3o what e@tent can the President withhold his assent to a 0ill already 1assed by the Parliament? (%##.!%$ 1". &hat are the e@ce1tions when the President of -ndia is not bound by the aid. and advice of the ,ouncil of 9inisters ? (%##2!1 $ 1 . +ow is the President of -ndia elected? (%##2!%$ 1.. &hat is the difference between ,ouncil of 9inisters and ,abinet? (%##2!%$ 12. Distinguish between the auditing and accounting functions of the ,8G of -ndia. (%##?!%$

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&nion Parliament 1. &hat is delegated legislation and which are the factors res1onsible for its increase? (199.!%#$ %. &hat are the ,onsolidated and ,ontingency 7unds of -ndia? +ow are the two o1erated? (199.!%#$ /. 3he &rit of 9andamus cannot be granted against certain 1ersons. &ho are they? (199.!/$ ". Present your views for and against the creation of an 8ll -ndia :udicial Service. (1992!%#$ . 4@amine the reasons for the nonCintroduction of &omen*s (eservation 0ill in the )ok Sabha. (199?!/ $ .. &hat is meant by 'ProCterm S1eaker*? (199?!!/$ 2. &hich of the cases regarding disBualifications for 9embershi1 of either +ouse of Parliament are decided by the President? (199?!/$ ?. Differentiate between Parliamentary Secretary and )ok Sabha Secretary. (199?!/$ 9. &ho 1resides over the :ointCSession of the two +ouses of the -ndian Parliament over a nonCmoney bill? (1999!/$ 1#. &hat is the ma@imum ga1 between two sessions of the -ndian Parliament? (1999!/$ 11. +ow does Parliament control the >nion 4@ecutive? +ow effective is its control? (%###!/#$ 1%. &hat is ,ontem1t of Parliament? (%###!%$ 1/. 4@1lain the )ocal 8rea Develo1ment Scheme of the 9embers of Parliament. (%##1!!%$ 1". &hen is the device of ;oint sitting of both the +ouses of Parliament not available? (%##1!/$ 1 . E3he issue of a hung Parliament adversely affects the stability of -ndian Government.F Discuss the statement and 1oint out how far changing over to the Presidential form of government will be a solution to this 1roblem. (%##%!/#$ 1.. &hat is the role of the 1roCterm s1eaker? (%##%!%$ 12. &hat is meant by the 'lameCduck session* of the legislature? (%##%!%$ 1?. Discuss Parliamentary ,ontrol over the 4@ecutive. (%##/!/#$ 19. -dentify the ma;or obstacles in the smooth functioning of Parliamentary democracy in -ndia. (%##/! /#$ %#. Define 9oneyCbill. Discuss how it is 1assed in the Parliament. (%##"!1 $ %1. &ho and what does the -ndian Parliament consist of? (%## !%$

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%%. An what grounds can a member be disBualified from either +ouse of Parliament? (%##.!/#$ %/. 4@1lain the following termsG -. --. ---. Dissolution of the +ouse Prorogation of the +ouse 8d;ournment of the business of the +ouse (%##.!%$

%". &hat is ,onsolidated 7und of -ndia? (%##.!%$ % . &hat is 1roCterm S1eaker? (%##2!1 $ %.. >nder what circumstances< Parliament may legislate on State sub;ects? (%##2!1 $ %2. &hat is ,asting Dote? (%##2!!%$ %?. &hat is consolidated fund? (%##2!%$ )o* Sabha 1. 4@1lain the sco1e of 8rticle //1. (199 !/$ %. &hat is 4thics ,ommittee of )ok Sabha? (%##1!%$ !a+ya Sabha 1. Describe the nonCfederal features of the ,ouncil of States. (199 !%#$ %. -n what ways is the (a;ya Sabha e@1ected to 1lay a s1ecial role in today*s changing 1olitical scenario? (1999!"#$ /. 4@1lain the relevance of (a;ya Sabha as a second chamber in the federal set u1 of -ndian Parliamentary System. (%##/!1 $ ,udiciary 1. &hat is the 1osition of the Su1reme ,ourt under the ,onstitution of -ndia? Discuss its role as a guardian of the ,onstitution. (199 !"#$ %. &hat is meant by ':udicial 8ctivism*? 4valuate its role in reducing corru1tion in 1ublic life. (199.!1#$ /. 4valuate the significance of Su1reme ,ourt ;udgment on the -ncome 3a@ (eturns of 1olitical 1arties. (199.!.$ ". Present your views for and against the creation of an 8ll -ndia :udicial Service. (1992!%#$ . 0ring out the issues involved in the a11ointments and transfer of ;udges of the Su1reme ,ourt and +igh ,ourts in -ndia. (199?!.$ .. &hat constitutes the doctrine of 'basic features* as introduced into the ,onstitution of -ndia by the :udiciary? (%###!/#$

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2. 4@1lain Public -nterest )itigation. &ho can file it and on what basis can it be re;ected by the ,ourt of )aw? (%###!1#$ ?. &hat is the 1osition of the Su1reme ,ourt under the ,onstitution of -ndia? +ow far does it 1lay its role as the guardian of the ,onstitution? (%##%!/#$ 9. +ow can a ;udge of the Su1reme ,ourt be removed? (%##"!%$ 1#. -s it 1ossible to distinguish between ;udicial review and ;udicial activism in -ndia? Does the recent behavior of the -ndian ;udiciary 1artake more of ;udicial activism? 8rgue with suitable e@am1les. (%## !/#$ 11. &hat are the common 1oints between 8rticles 1" and %%. of the -ndian ,onstitution? (%## !%$ 1%. -s the +igh ,ourts* 1ower to issue 'writs* wider than that of the Su1reme ,ourt of -ndia? (%##.!1 $ 1/. &rite notes on the )ok1al bill. (%##2!1#$ 1". &hat is meant by ':udicial 8ctivism*? 4valuate its role in the conte@t of the functioning of -ndian 1olity. (%##?!/#$ 1 . Do you think there is a need for a review of the -ndian ,onstitution? :ustify your view. (%##?!/#$ 1.. &rite about Su1reme ,ourt on (agging. (%##?!%$ Parliamentary Committees 1. 4@1lain the functions of the 4stimates ,ommittee. (199 !%#$ %. 8ssess the im1ortance of the role 1layed by the Public 8ccounts ,ommittee. (1999!%#$ /. 4@amine the role of 4stimates ,ommittee. (%###!1 $ ". 4@1lain the role of the Public 8ccounts ,ommittee. (%##%!1 $ Parliamentary Proceedin"s 1. &hat is a ,ut 9otion? Discuss its significance. (199.!%#$ %. &hat do (ule 1?" and 19/ in Parliamentary Procedure signify? (1992!!/$ /. &hat is a Privilege 9otion? (199?!!/$ ". -n case of any dis1ute whether a bill is a money bill or not< whose decision is final? (1999!/$ . &hat is vote on account? (%# words$ (%###!%$ .. &hat is a Privilege 9otion? (%# words$ (%###!%$ 2. &hat is ,all 8ttention 9otion? (%##1!/$ ?. &hat is a 1oint of order? &hen can it be raised? (%##/!%$ 9. &hat is a Privilege 9otion? (%##/!%$

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1#. &hat is meant by 'SineCdie* ad;ournment? (%##/!%$ 11. &hat is a ,ensure 9otion? (%##?!!%$ 1%. Distinguish between a starred Buestion and an unstarred one asked in the Parliament. (%##?!%$ 1/. &hat is contem1t of Parliament? (%##?!%$ Constitutional -mendments 1. +ighlight the significance of the 3wenty 7ourth 8mendment to the ,onstitution of -ndia? (1999!%#$ %. &hat are the main differences between the 1assage of a ,onstitution 8mendment 0ill and other )egislative 0ills? (%##1!/#$ /. &hat is the im1ortance of the ?"th 8mendment of the -ndian ,onstitution? (%##%!%$ ". +ow is the ,onstitution of -ndia amended? Do you think that the 1rocedure for amendment makes the ,onstitution a 1layCthing in the hands of the ,entre? (%##%!/#$ . +ighlight the significance of 7orty 7ourth 8mendment to the ,onstitution of -ndia. (%##/!1 $ .. +ow would you differentiate between the 1assage of a ,onstitution 8mendment 0ill and of an Ardinary )egislative 0ill? (%##.!1 $ 'mer"ency Pro$isions 1. Define 7inancial 4mergency. +ow many times has this been 1roclaimed so far? (199 !!%$ %. &hat is 8rticle / . in the -ndian ,onstitution? ,omment. (1992!/$ /. &hat do you know about the followingG 8rticle / . (199?!%$ ". Discuss the meaning of Ebreakdown of constitutional machineryF. &hat are its effects? (%##"!/#$ States -utonomy.Creation.Mo$ement 1. 4@amine whether the grant of greater autonomy to the States would be in the interest of strengthening the integrity and 1romoting the economic develo1ment of the country< es1ecially in the light of recent ha11enings in our ,ountry. (1991!"#$ %. +ow are the new States formed in -ndia? &hy have the demands of se1arate states like those of Didarbha< 3elangana etc. not been considered by the Government recently? (199?!%#$ /. 4@amine the demand for greater StateCautonomy and also its im1act on the smooth functioning of the -ndian 1olity. (%###!/#$

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Ci$il Ser$ices in India 1. +ow does the -ndian ,onstitution seek to maintain inde1endence of the Public Service ,ommission? (%##"!/#$ Inter/State 0ater #is%utes 1. &hat role can the >nion Government 1lay in settling interCstate water dis1utes? (199.!%$ %. &hat solution has been arrived at recently in the ,auvery water dis1ute? (199?!.$ /. >nder what 8rticle of the ,onstitution can the >nion Government 1lay its role in settling interCstate water dis1utes? (%##%!!%$ ". 3he -nterCState river water dis1ute has once again assumed centreCstage after the Pun;ab 8ssembly*s 0ill terminating all 1revious accords on river waters. Discuss. (%##"!/#$ . +ow does the -nterCState ,ouncil establish coCordination between States? (%##.!1 $ State '(ecuti$e 1. -s there any 1rovision to im1each the Governor of a State? (1999!/$ %. &hat were the two ma;or considerations to have the Governor a11ointed and not elected? (%##?!%$ State )e"islature 1. &hat is a bicameral legislature? 9ention the states that have a bicameral legislature in our country. (199 !/$ %. An what grounds the )egislative ,ouncils are ;ustified? +ow is it created or abolished in a State? (199?!%#$ /. &hy is it said that the centre has absolute veto over State )egislature? (%##1!%#$ )ocal Self Go$ernment 1. +ighlight the significance of the SeventyC3hird 8mendment to the ,onstitution of -ndia? (199?!%#$ %. &hat is meant by the 'fringe areas* in the s1here of local government in -ndia? (%##%!%$ /. Discuss how state governments can e@ercise control over 1anchayats. (%##"!1 $

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". &ould you say that the im1lementation of the Panchayati System in the last ten years has led to a real restructuring of the -ndian 1olity? (%## !/#$

'lection . 'lection Commission of India . -nti #efection 1. Describe the salient features of 8ntiCDefection )aw. (199 !%#$ %. 3he recent elections in -ndia seem to necessitate a change in the style of governance. 4@1lain. (199.!.$ /. +ow are electoral constituencies delimited for Parliamentary elections in -ndia? (199.!%#$ ". &hat is the ma;or recommendation of Dinesh Goswami ,ommittee? (199.!/$ . Differentiate and state the significance of general election< midCterm election and byCelection. (199?!%#$ .. -dentify the ma;or electoral reforms which are necessary in the -ndian Political System. (%###!1 $ 2. Describe the methods of delimiting constituencies for 1arliamentary elections in -ndia. (%##%!1 $ ?. +ow is the 4lection ,ommission of -ndia constituted? (%##"!!%$ 9. &hat are the ste1s that the 4lection ,ommission may take if a recalcitrant State Government wants to 1ut off 8ssembly 4lections? (%## !1 $ 1#. &hat are the main determinants of voting behavior in -ndia? (%##2!/#$ 11. &hat is criminali5ation of 1olitics? (%##2!%$ 1%. &hat is valueCbased 1olitics? (%##2!1#$ Party System In India . Pressure Grou%s 1. 4@amine the role of caste in -ndian 1olitics. (%##?!1 $ %. 4@amine the im1act of (egional Political Parties in -ndian 1olitics. (%##?!1 $ Institutions.Committees. Commissions 1. Discuss the com1osition and functions of the 6ational Security ,ouncil. (1999!%#$ %. &hat is a 7inance ,ommission? Discuss the main functions of the State 7inance ,ommission. (%##"!1 $ /. Discuss the com1osition and functions of the >nion Public Service ,ommission. (%##?!1 $ ". &rite about 9. 9. Punchi ,ommission. (%##?!%$ ederalism . &nion/State !elations

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1. Discuss the ma;or e@traCconstitutional factors influencing the working of federal 1olity in -ndia. (%###!1 $ %. Discuss the administrative relations between the centre and the states in the light of recent controversies. (%##1!/#$ /. &hat are the constitutional restrictions im1osed u1on the 1ower of borrowing of the state governments? (%##"!%$ ". ,omment on the financial relations between the >nion and the States in -ndia< +as 1ostC1991 liberali5ation in any way affected it? (%## !/#$ . Discuss the ma;or e@traCconstitutional factors influencing the federal 1olity in -ndia. (%##?!/#$ .. 4@amine the demand for greater state autonomy and its im1act on the smooth functioning of -ndian 1olity. (%##?!1 $ Miscellaneous 1. &hy does the ,onstitution of -ndia contain different forms of Aath for the President< the 9inisters< the )egislators and the members of the :udiciary? Discuss their significance. (199.!"#$ %. Discuss the factors res1onsible for the rise of regionalism in -ndia. +ow does it influence the 1olitical system? (1992!%#$ /. Give a brief account of ,.9.P. (,ommon 9inimum Programme$ of the >nited 7ront Government at the ,entre. (1992!/$ ". &hat are the significant features of )ok1al 0ill recently introduced in the )ok Sabha? (199?!.$ . Point out the constitution and functions of the ,entral Digilance ,ommission. (199?!/$ .. 4@amine the need for the review of the -ndian ,onstitution. (%###!/#$ 2. &hat is ,aretaker Government? (%###!%$ ?. Distinguish between ,abinet Secretariat and Prime 9inister*s Secretariat. &hich of these is more im1ortant? (%##1!1 $ 9. &hy does the ,onstitution of -ndia 1rovide different .forms of Aaths for the President< the 9inisters< the legislators and the members of the ;udiciary? Discuss their significance. (%##%!/#$ 1#. &hat are the 1reconditions for the growth of ,ivil Society? -s -ndian democracy conducive to it? (%##/!1#$ 11. &hat are the 1rotections afforded to Scheduled 3ribes in the 7ifth Schedule of the -ndian ,onstitution? (%## !%$ 1%. Discuss economic backwardness as a ma;or challenge of -ndian democracy. ,an democracy and develo1ment go together smoothly? (%##.!/#$

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