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AutoCAD Structural Detailing Steel Design and Documentation

Adam Sheather ADG Engineers

SE430-2: This course will cover the abilities of the AutoCAD Structural Detailing Steel Module. We will
look at extraction of the Revit Structure Model, uses of the connection tools, creation of user custom parts, using the advanced parametric structure tools, machining, custom connection modeling, welding, drilling and bolt creation. Setup project phasing, best modeling practices and standards to make you faster and more effective at creating models. We will look at taking connections back into Revit for visualization purposes. We will then look at the various tools, for soft/hard clash detection, inspecting models, manipulating and changing models, and exporting NC fabrication files. The other side will be creating automated documentation, creating tables of data, and changing the UCS to show parts correctly detailed and dimensioned in plan.

About the Speaker:

Adam Sheather is currently managing the transition of an International Multidisciplinary Engineering firm, ADG Consulting Engineers (, with all engineering disciplines (ESD, Fabric, Structural, Civil, Mechanical, Fire, Electrical, and Hydraulic) to the latest technologies Revit, IES, Ecotect, 12D, AutoCAD Civil 3D, 3ds Max, ASD and others; providing support on analytical packages integration and development of staff to work on an integrated solution within the BIM construction technologies, methodologies, and best practices. He is involved in the customization and integration of systems to support streamlined internal and external workflows; developing Project Information Delivery Systems and processes to suit clients', consultants' and contractors' requirements within BIM, IPD, and FM Deliverables; and works on all disciplines to ensure successful integration of solutions to the project. Previously, Adam has worked as a Project Co-ordinator for A3D creating BID Tenders with BIM, site logistics, sequencing models, programs, construction models, commissioning, and FM handover deliverables for an international niche consultancy in all disciplines. Adam has also worked previously for various engineering firms and for an Autodesk Reseller as Integration expert. Email:

AutoCAD Structural Detailing Steel Design and Documentation

Introduction We will be focusing on the workflow of the Steel Module for AutoCAD structural detailing. If your interested in standards setup please see the talk I did last year entitled :

Year: Autodesk University 2009 Class ID: SE9214-1 Session Name: AutoCAD Structural Detailing Standards and Template Development
This covers the more general settings rather then the workflow to help you set up the templates required for your Structural Steel detailing project. Before we begin when learning this Program there are THREE rules. 1. MAKE SURE YOU READ THE COMMAND LINE WHEN LEARNING NEW TOOLS 2. IF SOMETHING FAILS READ THE COMMAND AND THEN LOOK AT THE HELP FILE 3. WORKING IN WIREFRAME IN 3D IS 100 TIMES FASTER!!!! The Layout of ASD has 3 options.

We will be using the Steel option throughout this class.

As a note please be aware that ASD manages all its own layering systems automatically which may require some changes, for more information refer to the settings options. There are a few major elements of the user interface we will cover before we begin.


AutoCAD Structural Detailing Steel Design and Documentation

1. This is the Object Inspector and our Project Browser, it tracks all our elements, assemblies, drawing creation and manages our sheets. It also contains our Templates for modification and a version of design center to allow us to extract other templates and setups from other projects.

2. This is our Properties Browser it allows us to name items and see properties of the Object we have selected.

3. Our Layout tabs are broken into 3 Key Areas. a. Model TAB this is where our 3D model resides in our project. b. Editions Layout this tab contains our drawings in a temporary format before we choose to place them on sheets, it is where we might manipulate and add information to our views. c. Templates Layout This is our traditional sheet layout for our title blocks. 4. This is our ASD Model TAB. This tab is used exclusively for the manipulation and creation of steel members, plates, connections, bolts, wields, Grids systems. Also it allows us to mark and assemble our positions, connection create custom assembly drawings and build content from scratch. 3

AutoCAD Structural Detailing Steel Design and Documentation

5. ASD Drawings this TAB contains the tools to manipulate the 2D drawings extracted from our 3D models. The relationship between the 2 can be live or chosen to be updated depending on what the user prefers.

Creation of Grids (Work frames)

Whilst we can import our members and their locations from Revit, we can also build members from scratch. Either way you will need a Grid System (Workframe) to enable you to show where your assemblies are located as well as help use the 3D frame it creates to develop your project. Remember this is not a 2D Grid system this creates a X, Y and Z Grid object to allow you set your RLs as well as your X and Y.

The Workframes dialog has 2 main tabs, the first allows us to assign the overall Shape, Size and whether the system is uniform or not. The second allows us to change our alphanumerical numbering, what direction and customize the individual elements of the Workframe. If you turn on Non-Uniform a dialog eclipse option (the three dots button). This will allow you to specify the distances of the grids and height to achieve your System. Often you will create Multiple systems in order to develop the shape of the project you are after.

AutoCAD Structural Detailing Steel Design and Documentation

Note: If you need to modify any object during creation you can select it, right click and select the modify command. This will bring up the associated dialog box in order for you manipulate the elements, connections, members in order to make the changes necessary.

AutoCAD Structural Detailing Steel Design and Documentation

One of the most important option is creating members to populate your models. This is done via the Profiles command. Once selected this will bring up a dialog box that will allow you setup your member, position, rotation, offset and how you wish to create the member.

1. This contains access to a database that allows you to load members into your project. To set this up please refer to the settings talk. 2. Allows you to select any of the members you have currently loaded into your project. 3. These are the drawing options you can use. Please take note this command only allows you draw straight profiles, there is a separate command for curved members. 4. This contains the material name and properties connected to your member for tonnage, analysis and separation. 5. Families are customizable groups/layers you can create for your projects. These can be setup from the Project preferences command. Whether it is by columns, beams, stages, erection. Its up to you. 6. This allows you to specify your insertion point in relation to your drawing commands this controls justification and rotation of the member.

AutoCAD Structural Detailing Steel Design and Documentation

7. If you click on the More option (becomes the Less option, it will show you the current properties of the profile as well as allow you to specify a finish for your steel. Customized options can be created from the Project Preferences. NOTE: There are some very useful tools for copying similar frames and assemblies. Try not to create the whole model rather the main areas as the rest can be copied and taken to the other areas as your develop your ASD Project. The next step is make sure your members are correctly setup. This may require manipulation of lengths, heights merging, splits and manipulation of the members you wish to change. Getting around in just 3D can be a painful task especially for important and specific work. Luckily there is a few commands we can use to make life easier for us.

1. Dynamic UCS this automatically creates a drawing plane and moves you into the correct position. (Note, there are a number of sub-commands to make this work read the command prompt very closely). 2. Object snaps allow you to turn on snapping for profiles allowing you to snap to them as required. 3. This turns on a section or clipping plane giving you clarity in the areas you are working on to make life easier. MANIPULATION TOOLS 1. Allows you to change the ends of the members as required. 2. Allows you to merge and split profiles once you have created them. 3. Allows you to shorten and Lengthen Profiles, beyond their original lengths.

AutoCAD Structural Detailing Steel Design and Documentation

Once we have modified the profiles to suit they are ready to start adding connections. Be aware you dont have to manipulate every single profile to suit as the connections will manipulate the members to suit the connections we are after. There are more options to help you manipulate these options.

AutoCAD Structural Detailing Steel Design and Documentation

Before we begin adding connections if you are not familiar with the macros I would suggest you get familiar with them. Only members in the correct setup will allow the macro to proceed to ensure a connection. There I recommend familiarizing yourself with the ASD help on connections as it provides images of the connections and how they work once completed so you can be sure you are setting the right connection for the job. 1. 2. Allows you to select a connection and automatically apply its setup to any profiles that suit the conditions

Once the connection type has been specified you can select the members required to start the macro. The command prompt will let you know what you need to select in order to create the connection type you are after.

AutoCAD Structural Detailing Steel Design and Documentation

Once the connection dialog box is open you can select the size offsets, fitting type Bolt configuration and types as well as specify the wield conditions. Once this is complete you can save this connection as a template to use in future areas where this is will be a typical connection. Once save you will be able to select the options from the drop down list in the bottom corner of the dialog. When complete click the ok function. Be aware if your setting are not correct it will not allow you to create a connection that self-intersects. Make sure you check all tabs to find the offending parameters and make the changes to ensure correct creation. Once created you can use the copy connections option on page 9 to replicate the connection across any identical situations.


AutoCAD Structural Detailing Steel Design and Documentation

Parametric structures are specialized macros that allow you to develop unique elements that are required by steel fabricators and detailers but are not connections or members, these include, stairs, cross bracing, ladders and cages as well as railings. Many of these do not require members but may need certain conditions to be met. Again the help file is useful in finding out how to apply these tools as well as the get started manual. The option we will be looking at is the cross bracing tool. This requires a line to specify the diagonal position of once of the braces. Then it asks for the joining members to establish the connections required to utilize this tool. As you can see there are a lot more settings and controls to enable you to set up the connection properly. A hint if you use Rods or round bars additional options will come up to allow you specify sleeves and turnbuckles for your design.

Remember to take care to understand the rules behind parametric structures they really do require users to read the command line.


AutoCAD Structural Detailing Steel Design and Documentation

Positioning is the marking and tagging of all the objects in your model. You have the option to do this automatically or manually as well as changing the alphanumeric sequence . ASD will auto group all objects sharing the same properties sizes, and hole configurations allowing you to present the detail and table the information much easier according to the assembly you need. As I have been creating elements they are displayed in the Object Inspector. But so far we have no marking or assembly identification to associate them with.

The two images show the difference of applying the positioning tool. There are now tagging numbers applied to elements with identical elements tagged with the same mark. This can be done in manual process aswell or sections as required by the project.

The options for positioning allow you to apply marks manually, automatically remove current positions and verify existing elements to ensure your project has mark numbers. You can also use the Object Inspector to see if these items exist, they are essential to detailing. 12

AutoCAD Structural Detailing Steel Design and Documentation

So we have a 3D model, it looks great its positioned well all our connections are plce. But this means nothing without documentation to go with it. One day well do without that part but till then.. With our parts positioned we can now start to extract our 2D drawings from the 3D model. We look at 3 ways to extract our jobs first creating parts, then assemblies then custom details. Our drawings and creation come from the Object Inspector, from here we use the ASD Drawings tab to further develop and enhance our details. Firstly in the Object inspector we can click on the Positions Tab This will show us all our current members and plates in our project. We can select one we wish to create details of We do this by right click on the detail and selecting attach document.

These Templates can be customized from the Templates tab in the Object inspector. Please refer to the settings handout for more information for customization of ASD. Once you click ok ASD will take you to the Editions layout TAB so you can edit the detail you have created.


AutoCAD Structural Detailing Steel Design and Documentation

While creating details of single parts is very useful, you can also create assemblies and more complex detail drawings. However this is not as simple there are a couple of things you need to do in order to get this working. To activate automated assemblies select the :group assemblies command.

Then click on the component you are trying to create the assembly for. Once selected right click and pick Select assembly parts command. This will expand the selection to include the member, plates, bolts and wields connected to it. To see a breakdown of the assembly click on the Parts Edition Tab on the Object Inspector.

Here we can see what is included in the assembly we are going to create a detail for. Now click on the member right click and use the Select assembly command this will select all the items in that assembly. You can then right click and use the assign position command to create a position for the assembly. Now if you select the Positions TAB you can see the assembly listed you have created. If you right click on it you can use the same option we did for parts to create multiple views for the overall assembly member. This will again revert to the Edition layout TAB. 14

AutoCAD Structural Detailing Steel Design and Documentation

A Group in ASD is a custom selection of objects that can then be detailed. This can be in any normal view top, side, front as well as isometric views. Click on the Group command allows you to select items you wish to include in the Group detail. Once this is done it will ask whether this is an assembly or a Standard group. 99% of the time you want to choose standard. Last is the UCS you wish to use, UCSs are very important in ASD in making sure your details are aligned correctly relative to the world and the position you are detailing. Once the group is created it will appear in the positions layout. There is one other option but we will not cover indepth. Engineering Drawings command allows you to create framing plans and elevations of selections for an overall display of your project. Similar in works to a group but more focus on traditional views rather then details.


The last major area is creating sheets for our details and placing them on. Also there are some manipulations we can make to our project in order to create more sections and details and annotating those correctly. First create a new title block layout with the normal AutoCAD standard. Right click on the Templates layout and select the from Template option. This create a new layout sheet which we can begin to add details to. We will add our connection detail we created earlier. On the positions TAB in the object Inspector you can expand out the plate detail you have create if you have create multiple views you can add those as well. You can add the detail as either a viewport back to the original or as a block, both can be updated based on the original view the viewport obviously allows you access the detail from the sheet, where you can explode the block if you prefer however it will disassociate itself from the original detail. We can also automate this process and have our sheets and details and tables all be collected for us and placed onto a sheet. This is done via the automatic drawings command . 15

AutoCAD Structural Detailing Steel Design and Documentation

This will go through a series of tabs to allow to set the templates, scale, title block, details and tables we want to add. ASD will then assemble this information onto a sheet for us.

However make sure you setup the systems correctly or you will find yourself manipulating the elements to suit the space layout. I will use the first method to add the overall structure group to an A1 sheet.


AutoCAD Structural Detailing Steel Design and Documentation

Details will require manipulating for all kinds of different reasons, while ASD does automate some of this we can expand by going through some of these options. Here is the ASD Drawings TAB and some explanations of the tools.

1. Autoprinting and Plotting options for printing our drawings. 2. Drawing Templates Allows us to create additional templates for our detail creations for our drawing creation. 3. Change Style Gives the user the ability to change the drawing template and automatically adjust all the settings to a pre-configured setup. Adjust Style This option opens a dialog of the detail it is on to allow manipulation of the drawing on the fly. 4. These are for additional section an detail creation of detail as well as scale changes. There are additional options available from the drop option on the panel. 5. Table management and creation of the data and objects in your project. 6. Updates a particular table that may be out of sync with the model. 7. Allows the addition of printouts and tube development which we will not be covering. First our Overall structure has all the hidden lines in the view for which are not required for the presentation view. We can double click on the detail in the position tab and it will open the detail for use to manipulate. You can do this by using the Adjust Style if you need to make small adjustments otherwise you can use the Change Style if you have setup templates and you want to apply one of those. In this scenario I am going to use the Adjust Style tool.


AutoCAD Structural Detailing Steel Design and Documentation

We can also manipulate the amount of marking and detail information on our view in order to show the right information or clean up the drawing. Once this is done click ok and ASD will change according to your changes. This will be live updated on the sheet regardless of whether its a view port or a printout. Remember you can still use all the standard AutoCAD commands to add to your details to suit the documentation you required.

The last element we can add is tables, they can contain any data about individual elements, assemblies or the entire project. They source the information based on the sheet they are put on. I will add a Bill of Materials to the title sheet. This will include all the elements in the project as that is current view are looking at. You could manipulate the table to include bolts or add a separate bolts list from the options to the sheet. The sheets are all managed from the Printouts TAB in the Object Inspector. ASD will only keep so many layouts open which helps in keeping the Layout area clean. You can rename and Double click on any of these options to active the sheet that you need to made changes.


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