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Study Tips for Your Best GMAT Exam

Joining Us from GMAC

Monica Asencios

GMAT Program Manager

Betsy McIntyre

Director, Product Management

Webinar Agenda
The GMAT Integrated Reasoning How to Prepare Q&A

What is the GMAT

What is the GMAT?

5,400+ programs 2,000+ schools 90+ countries

What is the GMAT?

Continuous, secure testing available in

550+ test centers 110+ countries

Cost $250 USD, includes sending results to five (5) programs FREE Candidates can retest once/month, up to five times in 12 months
20% take more than once Average 30 point gain Most schools accept the highest score

What is the GMAT?

Analytical Writing Assessment (30 minutes)
Analysis of an Argument

Integrated Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning

Problem Solving Data Sufficiency

(12 questions, 30 minutes)

Optional Break

(37 questions, 75 minutes)

Optional Break

Verbal Reasoning
Reading Comprehension Critical Reading Sentence Correction

(41 questions, 75 minutes)

What is the GMAT?

Measures higher order thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation
Analytical Writing Integrated Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning Verbal Reasoning
Analyze the reasoning behind a given argument Formulate an appropriate and constructive critique of a specific conclusion based on a specific line of thinking Synthesize information Evaluate relevant information from multiple sources Organize, combine and manipulate information Reason quantitatively Solve quantitative problems Recognize which information is relevant and sufficient Draw inferences from written materials Critically evaluate arguments Correct written material

What is the GMAT?

Computer Adaptive Test (CAT)



What is the GMAT?








What is the GMAT?

Launched June, 2012 Assimilate

Evaluate Outcomes

Integrated Reasoning


Convert Data

What is the GMAT?

What is the GMAT?

Multi-Source Reasoning
Test takers will be asked to use text, charts, and/or tables from two to three sources of information to answer questions

What is the GMAT?

Table Analysis
Test takers will be presented with a sortable table of information, which has to be analyzed to determine if answer statements are accurate

What is the GMAT?

Graphics Interpretation
Test takers will be asked to interpret a graph or graphical image, and select from a drop-down list to make response statements accurate

What is the GMAT?

Two-Part Analysis
A question will involve two components for a solution. Possible answers will be given in a table format with a column for each component and rows with possible options; test takers will be asked to consider the options provided

Integrated Reasoning Score Scale

Does not affect your Quant or Verbal scores Scale from 1 to 8 with intervals of 1 No Partial Credit Must answer all parts to a question correctly to receive credit

Understand GMAT Scores

Scores are valid for five years Reports include the scaled score and percentile Percentile rankings are on

Relevance of IR

Graduate Management Education

Corporate Environment

5 Key Facts
Integrated Reasoning is a 30-minute section of 12 questions with a separate score. Quantitative and Verbal sections have not changed. Integrated Reasoning replaced the AWA Analysis of an Issue essay. Scores valid for 5 years. Over 5,400 programs worldwide take GMAT scores.

How does the GMAT Fit in with Admissions

Part of a Balanced Admissions Process
GMAT Value to Admissions Academic potential Compare across all applicants Value to Applicants
Opportunity to standout in the crowd Opportunity to compensate for other parts of their application Opens doors Confidence Preparation for school
Admissions Process Accesses Other Important Skills

Leadership skills and potential Team skills Job skills Business knowledge Subject-specific knowledge Spoken English

The Official Guide for GMAT Review

857 Questions 404 Quant 403 Verbal 50 IR Global pricing $42.95 US 22.00 1,499 INR

Online IR Section

Online IR

Other Test Preparation Materials

Official GMAT Guide: Quant Official GMAT Guide: Verbal GMAT Paper Tests GMAT Focus GMATPrep

How to Prepare for the GMAT Exam

1. Download GMATPrep and take the first practice test 2. Practice, practice, practice 3. Take the second practice test in GMATPrep 4. Get a good nights sleep!

5 Key Facts about Test Prep

GMAC offers enough test preparation materials that, if you study well without supervision, you can prepare for the exam without taking a preparation course. Learning about the exam is the best way to prepare for test day The 13th edition of the Guide and GMATPrep both include practice questions for all sections on the exam GMATPrep Software version 2.2 is now available for all operating systems and includes additional questions for practice and soon exams and is FREE at All of the questions in all of our preparation materials are different there is no overlap among products.

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