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Dear All, We are pleased invite you to own a Corporate IT Office Space in BESTECH BUSINESS PARK strategically situated

at Intersection of Sohna Road and Golf Course Road, Gurgaon,

IT/ITES OFFICE SPACE ON URGENT SALE @ BESTECH BUSINESS PARK @ UNBELIEVABLE PRICE of INR 7000 PSF Area : 50,000 S !fee"!# S$rea% O&er S'()*e F*oor P*a"e# Lo+er F*oor# O&er*oo,'() -a'( So.(a Roa%# Bare S.e**# Rea%/ "o O001$/

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'or 'urther details (l)% feel free to contact undersigned**%%

Dear Sir + ,ada-, Greetings fro- ,entors Realty ... This is in reference to your Apart-ent + 'lat in E-AAR -GF 5 PALGAR6EN, Sector / 01, Gurgaon% We wish to introduce ourself as one of the leading Real 2state 3ro4erage Co-panies of Gurgaon% We have a tea- of real estate professionals who can assist you in your Real 2state transactions 2fficiently and 5onestly% If you wish to S266 your Apart-ent + 'lat in E-AAR -GF 5 PAL- GAR6EN at the BEST PRICE, (l)% feel free to call our property e7perts for any infor-ation and transactions%

Assuring you of our 3est Services Always*%%

-Thanks and Regards, Girish Sharma - ED Handphone : +91.9818132198 Mentors Realty (A division o !en"ors Asso#ia"es $v". %"d.& %and'ine : +91.12(.(3)*3)* E+ai' : , ,R% Address : ---.+en"orsrea'"..#o+ : /0i"e no. 1*3, 1*21$, /e#"or - (*, 3ear ,ni"e#h 4.5er $ark, 60rgaon - 122**2, Har.ana, 7ndia

,entors Realty, an Invest-ent Advisory, Corporate Relocation and (roperty Consultancy fir-, Offering wide range of co--ercial IT+IT2S O''IC2S services% The 8usiness had a-8itions to grow fast and esta8lished its offices at the heart of South Delhi, Gurgaon, ideal locations to esta8lish a $uality presence in the centre of the fastest growing areas of the national capital region% We are Realtors who ta4e pleasure in always providing professional and personali)ed service to clients who de-and professional perspective% Infratech has strong, dedicated and dyna-ic tea- of e7perienced surveyors and supporting staff, who share good rapport with Clients, 3uilders and 2state ,anagers% We speciali)e in leasing to Corporates, 27patriate and Retail 8rands% 3esides this, we also provide services for sale, purchase and Invest-ents% The core ai- of the agency has always 8een a transparent and honest deal to its clients which has always helped us developing long9ter- association%

6ong and honest Relations, Setting high standards for services rendered%

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Infratech consists of young, energetic professionals with good educational 8ac4ground and custo-er satisfaction as the pri-e focus% We indulge ourselves to the -inutest details to serve you 8etter and to provide the 8est and cleanest deals fro- the -ar4et% Our ai- is to provide custo-er oriented services Tea- Infratech chooses the right property 8y understanding your re$uire-ents, (rovide the 8est location with 8est prices, and with a vision of pic4ing right invest-ent to give higher returns on the invest-ent% Our honest invest-ent options helps you to choose 8est options fro- the rest%

Our 6egal assistance helps our custo-ers to get the perfect docu-ents+Titles of the property% (erfect docu-entation is our forte and we assure the perfect chain of titles for our custo-ers% Architect and interior designers help you with value added services% 6oans fro- different institutions availa8le with a tea- assessing your eligi8ility within -inutes to help you 8uy the right price property for you%

Co77er0'a* Off'0e S$a0e Ser&'0e2

Sales, (urchase and Renting+6easing of Residential apart-ent, Co--ercial offices and Retail outlets :oint ;entures, Colla8orations (roperty develop-ent and -anage-ent services 6and Ac$uisitions Research, 'easi8ility and advisory services 'DIs and S2<s 6egal and Technical assistance services Real 2state Assets (ortfolio ,anage-ent

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