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I gave him five rupees. (Active voice) Five rupees were given to him by me.

. (Passive Voice) He was given five rupees by me. (Passive Voice) She has told me the truth. (Active voice) I was told the truth by her. (Passive Voice) The truth was told to me by her. (Passive Voice) They lent me their car. (Active voice) I was lent a car by them. (Passive Voice) A car was lent to me by them. (Passive Voice) The Government has sent him a message. (Active voice) He was sent a message by the government. (Passive Voice) A message was sent to him by the government. (Passive Voice) Please open the door. (Active voice) Let the door be opened by you. (Passive Voice) Do not mistake me. (Active voice) Let me not be mistaken. (Passive Voice) Cut your nails. (Active voice) Let your nails be cut. (Passive Voice) Do not ignore my suggestions. (Active voice) Let not my suggestions be ignored. (Passive Voice). You can take the book. (Active voice) The book can be taken by you. (Passive Voice). Everybody must obey the rules. (Active voice) The rules must be obeyed by everybody. (Passive Voice). They might have studied their lessons. (Active voice) Their lessons might have been studied by them. (Passive Voice). He may not accept this plan. (Active voice) This lesson may not be accepted by him. (Passive Voice). We are looking at the game. (Active voice) The game is being looked at by us. (Passive Voice). The fire-brigade put out the fire. (Active voice) The fire was put out by the fire-brigade. (Passive Voice). The Government will set up a factory. (Active voice) A factory will be set up by the government. (Passive Voice).

I hope that he will realize his mistake. (Active voice) That his mistake will be realized is hoped by us. (Passive Voice). I expected that they would take up the matter. (Active voice) That the matter would be taken up by them was expected by me. (Passive Voice). The Romans expected that they would conquer Carthage. (Active voice) It was expected by the Romans that Carthage would be conquered by them. (Passive Voice). We have learned that you have secured the first rank. (Active voice) It has been learned by us that the first rank has been secured by you. (Passive Voice). The postman brought you a parcel. (Active voice) A parcel was brought to you by a postman. (Passive Voice). You were brought a parcel by the postman. (Passive Voice).

I have taught the class the first lesson. (Active voice) The first lesson was taught by me to the class. (Passive Voice). The class was taught the first lesson by me. (Passive Voice). The office has sent her a message. (Active voice) A message has been sent to her by the office. (Passive Voice). She has been sent a message by her office. (Passive Voice). The waiter brought us the menu card. (Active voice) The menu card was brought to us by the waiter. (Passive Voice). We were brought the menu card by the waiter. (Passive Voice). They are offering you another chance. (Active voice) You are being offered another chance by them. (Passive Voice). Another chance is being offered to you by them. (Passive Voice). He had told me a lie. (Active voice) I had been told a lie by him. (Passive Voice). A lie had been told to me by him. (Passive Voice). I gave her your message. (Active voice) She was given your message by me. (Passive Voice). Your message was given to her by me. (Passive Voice). Who taught you Sanskrit? (Active voice) Sanskrit was taught to you by whom? (Passive Voice). You were taught Sanskrit by whom? (Passive Voice). Sign these documents. (Active voice) Let these documents be signed. (Passive Voice).

Active Simple Present Present Continuous Simple Past Past Continuous Once a week, Tom cleans the house. Right now, Sarah is writing the letter. Sam repaired the car. The salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the store. Many tourists have visited that castle. Recently, John has been doing the work.

Passive Once a week, the house is cleaned by Tom. Right now, the letter is being written by Sarah. The car was repaired by Sam. The customer was being helped by the salesman when the thief came into the store. That castle has been visited by many tourists. Recently, the work has been being done by John.

Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect

George had repaired many cars before he received his mechanic's license. Chef Jones had been preparing the restaurant's fantastic dinners for two years before he moved to Paris. Someone will finish the work by 5:00 PM.

Many cars had been repaired by George before he received his mechanic's license. The restaurant's fantastic dinners had been being prepared by Chef Jones for two years before he moved to Paris. The work will be finished by 5:00 PM.

Past Perfect Continuous

Simple Future

Simple Future

Sally is going to make a beautiful dinner tonight.

A beautiful dinner is going to be made by Sally tonight.

Future Continuous

At 8:00 PM tonight, John will be washing the dishes.

At 8:00 PM tonight, the dishes will be being washed by John. At 8:00 PM tonight, the dishes are going to be being washed by John. The project will have been completed before the deadline.

Future Continuous

At 8:00 PM tonight, John is going to be washing the dishes. They will have completed the project before the deadline.

Future Perfect

Future Perfect

They are going to have completed the project before the deadline. The famous artist will have been painting the mural for over six months by the time it is finished. The famous artist is going to have been painting the mural for over six months by the time it is finished. Jerry used to pay the bills.

The project is going to have been completed before the deadline. The mural will have been being painted by the famous artist for over six months by the time it is finished. The mural is going to have been being painted by the famous artist for over six months by the time it is finished. The bills used to be paid by Jerry. The pies would always be made by my mother. I knew the work would be finished by 5:00 PM.

Future Perfect Continuous


Future Perfect Continuous


Used to

Would Always Future in the Past


My mother would always make the pies. I knew John would finish the work by 5:00 PM.

Future in the Past


I thought Sally was going to make a beautiful dinner tonight.

I thought a beautiful dinner was going to be made by Sally tonight.

I watch movies every week. - Active Voice Movies are watched by me every week. - Passive Voice I am watching a movie now. A movie is being watched by me now. I have watched a movie today. A movie has been watched by me today I watched a movie yesterday. A movie was watched by me yesterday. I was watching a movie yesterday. A movie was being watched by me yesterday I had watched a movie three years ago. A movie had been watched by me three years ago I will watch a movie tomorrow. A movie will be watched by me tomorrow. I will be watching a movie at this time tomorrow. A movie will be being watched by me at this time tomorrow. I will have watched a movie by 6 pm tomorrow. A movie will have been watched by me by 6 pm tomorrow.

SIMPLE PRESENT and SIMPLE PAST The active object becomes the passive subject. am/is/are + past participle was/were + past participle Active: Simple Present The movie fascinates me. The movie bores Jack. The movie surprises them. Active: Simple Past The movie bored me. The movie fascinated Jack. The movie surprised them. Passive: Simple Present I am fascinated by the movie. Jack is bored by the movie. They are surprised by the movie. Passive: Simple Past I was bored by the movie. Jack was fascinated by the movie. They were surprisedby the movie.

PRESENT and PAST CONTINUOUS (PROGRESSIVE) Passive form: am/is/are + being + past participle was/were + being + past participle Active: Present Continuous I am helping Shannon. June is helping Su and Ling. Passive: Present Continuous Shannon is being helped by me. Su and Ling are being helped by June. Passive: Past Continuous The bathroom was being cleaned by me. The bedroom was being cleaned by them. The kitchen and patio were being cleaned by Susan.

Active: Past Continuous I was cleaning the bathroom. They were cleaning the bedroom. Susan was cleaning the kitchen and patio.

PRESENT PERFECT, PAST PERFECT and FUTURE PERFECT Passive form: have/has been + past participle had been + past participle Active: Present Perfect I have mailed the gift. Jack has mailed the gifts. Active: Past Perfect Steven Spielberg had directed the movie. Penny Marshall had directed those movies. Active: Future Perfect John will have finished the project next month. They will have finished the projects before then. Passive: Present Perfect The gift has been mailed by me. The gifts have been mailed by Jack. Passive: Past Perfect The movie had been directed by Steven Spielberg. The movies had been directed by Penny Marshall. Passive: Future Perfect The project will have been finished by next month. The projects will have been finished before then.

FUTURE TENSES Passive forms: will + be + past participle

is/are going to be + past participle Active: Future with WILL I will mail the gift. Jack will mail the gifts. Active: Future with GOING TO I am going to make the cake. Sue is going to make two cakes. Passive: Future with WILL The gift will be mailed by me. The gifts will be mailed by Jack. Passive: Future with GOING TO The cake is going to be made by me. Two cakes are going to be made by Sue.

PRESENT / FUTURE MODALS The passive form follows this pattern: modal + be + past participle Passive: WILL / WON'T (WILL NOT) Tom will be invited to the party by Sharon. Jeff won't be invited to the party by Sharon. (Jeff will not be invited to the party by Sharon.) Passive: CAN / CAN'T (CAN NOT) The future can be foretold by Mai. The future can't be foretold by Terry. (The future can not be foretold by Terry.) Passive: MAY / MAY NOT Katya may be given a new office by her company. The homework may not be done by the lazy students. MIGHT / MIGHT NOT Katya might be given a new office by her company. The homework might not be done by the lazy students. Passive: SHOULD / SHOULDN'T English verbs should be memorized by students. Cigarettes shouldn't be smoked by children. Passive: OUGHT TO English verbs ought to be memorized by students. Passive: HAD BETTER / HAD BETTER NOT English had better be practiced every day by students. Whiskey had better not be drunk by children. Passive: MUST / MUST NOT A passport to travel abroad must be applied for.

Active: WILL / WON'T (WILL NOT) Sharon will invite Tom to the party. Sharon won't invite Jeff to the party. (Sharon will not invite Jeff to the party.)

Active: CAN / CAN'T (CAN NOT) Mai can foretell the future. Terry can't foretell the future. (Terry can not foretell the future.) Active: MAY / MAY NOT Her company may give Katya a new office. The lazy students may not do the homework. MIGHT / MIGHT NOT Her company might give Katya a new office. The lazy students might not do the homework. Active: SHOULD / SHOULDN'T Students should memorize English verbs. Children shouldn't smoke cigarettes. Active: OUGHT TO Students ought to learn English verbs. (negative ought to is rarely used) Active: HAD BETTER / HAD BETTER NOT Students had better practice English every day. Children had better not drink whiskey. Active: MUST / MUST NOT Tourists must apply for a passport to travel abroad.

Customers must not use that door.

That door must not be used by customers. Passive: HAS TO / HAVE TO English has to be practiced every day. The dishes have to be washed by them every day. DOESN'T HAVE TO/ DON'T HAVE TO Her bedroom doesn't have to be cleaned every day. Their bedrooms don't have to be cleaned every day. Passive: BE SUPPOSED TO The composition is supposed to be typed by me. The stories in the book are not supposed to be copied. The living room is supposed to be cleaned by Janet. Candy and gum aren't supposed to be eaten by her. Dinner for the family is supposed to be made by them. Dessert isn't supposed to be made by them.

Active: HAS TO / HAVE TO She has to practice English every day. Sara and Miho have to wash the dishes every day. DOESN'T HAVE TO/ DON'T HAVE TO Maria doesn't have to clean her bedroom every day. The children don't have to clean their bedrooms every day.

Active: BE SUPPOSED TO I am supposed to type the composition. I am not supposed to copy the stories in the book. Janet is supposed to clean the living room. She isn't supposed to eat candy and gum. They are supposed to make dinner for the family. They aren't supposed to make dessert.

PAST MODALS The past passive form follows this pattern: modal + have been + past participle Active: SHOULD HAVE / SHOULDN'T HAVE The students should have learned the verbs. The children shouldn't have broken the window. Active: OUGHT TO Students ought to have learned the verbs. (negative ought to is rarely used) Active: BE SUPPOSED TO (past time) I was supposed to type the composition. I wasn't supposed to copy the story in the book. Janet was supposed to clean the living room. She wasn't supposed to eat candy and gum. Frank and Jane were supposed to make dinner. They weren't supposed to make dessert. Active: MAY / MAY NOT Passive: SHOULD HAVE / SHOULDN'T HAVE The verbs should have been learned by the students. The window shouldn't have been broken by the children. Passive: OUGHT TO The verbs ought to have been learned by the students.

Passive: BE SUPPOSED TO (past time) The composition was supposed to be typed by me. The story in the book wasn't supposed to be copied. The living room was supposed to be cleaned by Janet. Candy and gum weren't supposed to be eaten by her. Dinner was supposed to be made by them. Dessert wasn't supposed to be made by them. Passive: MAY / MAY NOT

That firm may have offered Katya a new job. The students may not have written the paper. MIGHT / MIGHT NOT That firm might have offered Katya a new job. The students might not have written the paper.

Katya may have been offered a new job by that firm. The paper may not have been written by the students. MIGHT / MIGHT NOT Katya might have been offered a new job by that firm. The paper might not have been written by the students.

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