Evaluation Rubric - Multimedia Presentation The Teacher Would Guide Students Scoring Below 4 During The Extra Classes

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EVALUATION RUBRIC MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATION The teacher would guide tude!t duri!

g the e$tra cla e %

EVALUATION CRITERIA. Content and Unde #tandin$ Nat% al Ve$etation T&'e# o( )e$etation in India. In(o *ation on t+e data collected and t+e o,#e )ation# *ade. Ca%#e# o( de(o e#tation. La-# and ' o)i#ion# in e$a d# o( (o e#t#. Excellent 12-10 Pre e!tatio! co!tai! accurate de cri&tio! o' Natural Vegetatio! a!d it t(&e

cori!g "elow #
Good 9-7 Pre e!tatio! co!tai! 0etch( de cri&tio! o' Natural Vegetatio! a!d it t(&e It de)o! trate a*erage cie!ti'ic te)&er i! tude!t i! ter) o' o" er*atio!+ collectio! o' data a!d A!al( i o' data+ (!the i with other i!'or)atio! a!d a&&licatio!% De)o! trate o)e u!der ta!di!g o' "a ic co!ce&t a!d &roce e , -% Ide!ti'icatio! o' cau e o' de'ore tatio!. /%de cri&tio! o' Fai !-" Pre e!tatio! co!tai! little or irrele*a!t de cri&tio! o' Natural Vegetatio! a!d it t(&e Scie!ti'ic 0ill o' o" er*atio!+ collectio! o' data a!d a!al( i o' data+ (!the i with other i!'or)atio! a!d a&&licatio! !eed to i)&ro*e

It de)o! trate &ro*e! cie!ti'ic te)&er i! tude!t i! ter) o' o" er*atio!+ collectio! o' data a!d a!al( i o' data+ (!the i with other i!'or)atio! a!d a&&licatio!%

De)o! trate clear u!der ta!di!g o' rele*a!t co!ce&t a!d &roce e , -%Ide!ti'icatio! o' cau e o' de'ore tatio!. /% De cri&tio! o' i)&act o'

De)o! trate little or !o u!der ta!di!g o' rele*a!t co!ce&t a!d &roce e %

de'ore tatio! a!d law 1 &ro*i io! regardi!g 'ore t % Tec+nolo$& Inte$ ation The u e o' )edia o"2ect uch a *ideo+ te$t+ gra&hic + a!i)atio! a!d ou!d i a&&ro&riate to co!*e( i!'or)atio! i! a! e''ecti*e )a!!er

i)&act o' de'ore tatio! a!d law 1 &ro*i io! regardi!g 'ore t % The u e o' )edia o"2ect uch a *ideo+ te$t+ gra&hic + a!i)atio! a!d ou!d i 2udiciou a!d &lea i!g

Mi!i)al u e o' )edia o"2ect uch a *ideo+ te$t+ gra&hic + a!i)atio! a!d ou!d

O $ani.ation #/ill#

I!'or)atio! I!'or)atio! &re e!ted i! a &re e!ted i! clear e3ue!ce e3ue!ce Clear+ direct co!!ectio! a!d tra! itio! are )ade a)o!g 'act + o" er*atio! a!d co!clu io! The &re e!tatio! how thought'ul orga!i4atio! a!d atte!tio! to detail % Idea co))u!icated i! clear+ 'ocu ed )a!!er Tool u ed to e!ha!ce 5airl( good co!!ectio! a!d tra! itio! a)o!g 'act + o" er*atio! a!d co!clu io! The &re e!tatio! how o)e orga!i4atio! a!d detail Idea co))u!icated 3uite well

No e3ue!ce e*ide!t i! the i!'or)atio! &re e!tatio!% Little or !o co!!ectio! "etwee! 5act + o" er*atio! a!d co!clu io! % Orga!i4atio! a!d detail 0ill !eed to i)&ro*e%

0 e#entation #/ill#

Idea co))u!icated i! li)ited wa( Tool u ed di ru&t co))u!icatio!

Tool u ed to u&&ort the

Colla,o ation

co))u!icatio! o' co!te!t Stude!t ha*e wor0ed together cohe i*el( a!d a a i!gle u!it toward co)&leti!g the &ro2ect E3ual re&re e!tatio! "( all )e)"er toward creatio! o' the &ro2ect

co!te!t Stude!t ha*e wor0ed together a!d coo&erated with each other 'or co)&leti!g the &ro2ect Mo t )e)"er o' the grou& ha*e co!tri"uted well toward &ro2ect creatio! GOO4 611-98 There are 'ew gra&hic ele)e!t % A&&ro&riate "ac0grou!d% So)e lide hard to read%

o' co!te!t Stude!t how o)e e*ide!ce o' &utti!g i! 2oi!t e''ort toward &ro2ect. "etter cohe io! !eeded Pro2ect creatio! do)i!ated "( a 'ew tude!t %

A1OUT T2E 3LI4E3 :%alit& o( t+e #lide# 6 e(e # to t+e )i#%al a''eal and not content8

E5CELLENT 617-128 A&&eali!g gra&hic ele)e!t are i!cluded a&&ro&riatel(% Slide are ea ( to read a!d )o*e)e!t a!d ou!d are u ed e''ecti*el(% There are !o error i! &elli!g+ gra))ar a!d &u!ctuatio!% Bullet are co! i te!t a!d clear% I!'or)atio! i clear a!d co!ci e o! each lide%

Con#i#tenc& o( t+e #lide#

There are o)e error i! &elli!g+ gra))ar a!d &u!ctuatio!% Bullet 'or)at i !ot co! i te!t o! a 'ew lide % Too )uch i!'or)atio! o! two or )ore lide

FAIR 67-"8 Bac0grou!d )a0e the &re e!tatio! hard to read% 6ra&hic are co!'u i!g a!d !ot related to word % Too )uch )o*e)e!t i! the lide % Ma!( lide hard to read% There are )a!( error i! &elli!g+ gra))ar a!d &u!ctuatio!% Bullet 'or)at i !ot co! i te!t or clear% Too )uch i!'or)atio! o! )a!( lide %

3'ecial e((ect# and ani*ation#

All i)age )o*e &ro&erl( i! relatio! hi& to the te$t% Sou!d are u ed &ro&erl( a!d add to the )ea!i!g o' the te$t% Ti)i!g a!d order o' a&&eara!ce 'low )oothl( i! each lide% All a!i)atio! are i! tu!e with the co!te$t &re e!ted%

A 'ew i)age )o*e i! 'ro!t o' te$t% Sou!d are !ot related to the i)age i! a 'ew lide % Ti)i!g a!d order o' a&&eara!ce i !ot *er( a&&eali!g i! a 'ew lide %

I)age i! 'ro!t o' te$t o! )a!( lide % Sou!d are irritati!g a!d co!'u i!g i! )o t lide % Ti)i!g a!d order o' a&&eara!ce i !ot co! i te!t o! )a!( lide %

Ta 0

7The ta 0 i the e!d re ult o' tude!t e''ort 8 !ot the te& i!*ol*ed i! getti!g there%9

;eetin$ in(o *ation o,<ecti)e#

All role &la(er &ro*ided i!'or)atio! that )et the o"2ecti*e re3uire)e!t %

O!e role &la(er did !ot )eet o"2ecti*e re3uire)e!t %

I!'or)atio! did !ot )eet the o"2ecti*e re3uire)e!t 'or all the role &la(er

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