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Numele i prenumele elevului: Data susinerii testului:

Pentru rezolvarea corect a tuturor cerinelor din Partea I i a II-a se acord 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se acord 10 puncte. Partea I_______________________________________________________________________ I. Read the text below and complete the following tasks. Write all yo r answers on the !nswer Sheet.

Pulitzer Prizes are awarded eac sprin! "# $olum"ia %niversit#. & eses pri"es are !iven for e'cellence in (ournalism) literature) istor# and music of t e %nited *tates. & e (ournalism prizes are a+arded for reportin! and p oto!rap # t at ave appeared in %* ne+spapers t e previous #ear. & e Pulitzer Prizes +ere esta"lis ed "# ,osep Pulitzer) an immigrant + o "ecame one of t e !reatest -merican p blishers. .e +as also t e fo nder of $olum"ia %niversit#/s *c ool for ,ournalism.

I. #. Read the text and mark the following sentences as T $tr e% or & $false%'
a. Pulitzer Prizes are a+arded t+ice a #ear. ". & ese prizes are !iven onl# for e'cellence in (ournalism. c. ,osep Pulitzer +as a native -merican. d. Pulitzer "ecame a !reat -merican pu"lis er. e. .e founded $olum"ia %niversit#/s *c ool for ,ournalism.

$() points%

I.(. *atch the words in bold in the text to their definition gi+en below. Write yo r answers on the answer sheet. $() points% ! a person + o leaves one countr# to settle permanentl# in anot er
, . E

companies or persons en!a!ed in pu"lis in! periodicals) "oo0s) music) etc. are !ranted or conferred as "ein! merited) needed or due a person + o esta"lis es an institution) compan#) societ#) etc. a+ards to "e !iven to a person or a !roup of people to reco!nize and re+ard actions or ac ievements $()points%

I./. P t the +erbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1. 1e 222222.. 3 ave4 lunc at one o/cloc0 ever# da#. 5. I 22222222 3eat4 m# ca0e no+. 6. .e 22222222.. 3!o4 to a (o" intervie+ toda#. 7. * e 222222222. 3not li0e4 t at "o#. 8. 9ar# 2222222. 3start4 to learn $ inese last mont .

:. ;ou22222222. 30no+4 ,ane since 199<. =. * e................................ 3not refer4 to t at document #et. <. .e ............................. 3see4 is amil# ne't +ee0. 9. & is mountain2222222222. 3"e) never4 clim"ed "# an#one. 10. *ara 22222222.. 3find4 t ose !loves in t e par0 #esterda#. I.0.Write short answers to the 1 estions. Do #ou li0e s0iin!> ;es)I do. 1.1ill #ou "u# t at dress if it fits> ;es) 2. 5.-re t e# made in Ital#> No) 22222222. e seen ?atman @ #et> No) 2222222. 7.1ould #ou li0e a co0e> ;es) 2222222222.. 8.Do #ou ave to tid# #our room toda#> ;es) 2222222. Partea a II2a $#) points%

$ () points%

1rite a letter to a penpal.1rite a"out #ourself)#our famil#)#our ome and #our free - time activities. $32#) lines%

BAREM DE EVALUARE 4I DE NOTARE Pentru rezolvarea corect a tuturor cerinelor din Partea I i a II-a se acord 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se acord 10 puncte.

P!RTE! I __________________________________________________________ I. 1. Aead t e te't and mar0 t e follo+in! sentences as & 3true4 or B 3false %. 0p x 3 sentences 5 ()p a. & b. & c. & d. T e. T I.5. 9atc t e +ords in "old in t e te't to t eir definition !iven "elo+. 0p x 3 sentences 5 () p !. immigrant ,. p blishers -. are awarded .. fo nder E. pri"es

I.6. Put t e ver"s in "rac0ets into t e correct tense.

1. ave 5. am eatin! 6. is !oin! 7. doesn/t li0e 8. started :. ave 0no+n =. asn/t referred <. +ill see 9. as never "een 10. Bound

(p x #) sentences 5 () p

I.7.1rite s ort ans+ers to t e Cuestions. ;es)I +ill DNo)t e# arenEtD No) e asnEtD ;es)I +ould D;es)I do

(p x 3 sentences 5 #) p

Partea a II2a $() points% _______________________________________________

- co esion and co erence - lan!ua!e accurac# and variet# - correct use of !rammar structures - accurate spellin! and punctuation - re!ister and voca"ular#

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