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THIRUVENKAYTAPAVANKUMAR S Career Objective B TECH Mechanical Gudlavalleru Engineering College,Gudlavalleru (Affiliated to JNT University Sel'!

motivated individual 1ith good ommuni ation and presentation s2ills and a good om3ination o' thin2ing and doing things, see2ing a areer 1ith a reputed organi4ation that 1ill apitali4e on m/ engineering servi es e-perien e, reativit/, strong interpersonal s2ills and high 'le-i3ilit/ to adapt in a competitive areer limate. S i!! Set Produ t Design Value 5ngineering!VAV5 Methodolog/ GD 6 7 Appli ations 5ngineering Design 7ear Do1n, (en h mar2ing and should osting 8AD/8A5 tools) Pro/5, Solid 5dge, 8atia V9 6 A.S:S 8osting tools) D;MA

!er"anent Address S/O S.V.Raghavaiah Aremanda(post), Ponnur (Mandal) Guntur(Distri t) Pin!"##$%&. Correspondence address 42/B, second floor, 16th Main, 16th cross, B.T.M. 2nd Stage , Bangalore-560076 Contact Nu"#er $%& %'(%&)*%%% E+Mail, !avan-u"ar.sa#asu/g"ail.co" !ersonal 0ata Date o' (irth Se.ationalit/ Marital Status ) %*!*&!%+,& ) Male ) 0ndian ) Single

Present "ob Pro#i!e Or$ani%ation & Sat'a( Co(p)ter Services *td+ ")ne,-./Ti!! 0ate Co(pan' Pro#i!e1 Sat/am 8omputer Servi es <td. (Mahindra Sat/am) (.:S5) SA:) is a leading glo3al 3usiness and in'ormation te hnolog/ servi es ompan/ that leverages deep industr/ and 'un tional e-pertise, leading te hnolog/ pra ti es, and an advan ed, glo3al deliver/ model to help lients trans'orm their highest!value 3usiness pro esses and improve their 3usiness per'orman e. Mahindra Sat/am 0ntegrated 5ngineering Solutions (05S) provides premium engineering and produ t development solutions to support a given engineered produ t through its li'e / le. 7he ideas are on eived, on eptuali4ed and validated 'or te hnologi al 'easi3ilit/ and ommer iali4ation. =ith a 2een e/e on aestheti s, ergonomi s, sa'et/ and relia3ilit/, Mahindra Sat/am>s engineers and designers shape thoughts to realit/. Our ?s/stem engineering> approa h addresses inter! dis iplinar/ dependen ies during the produ t design and development and derives an integrated solution 'rom Me hani al, 5le tri al 6 5le troni s, 5le tro!me hani al and 07 dis iplines Ro!es 2 Responsibi!ities1 Design o' Applian e omponents 3/ using Pro 5. Value 5ngineering o' various modules o' A7M ma hine 3/ using SAV5 Methodolog/ Modeling, Assem3l/ and Produ tion dra1ing reation 'or 0ndustrial and Applian es omponents 3/ using Pro 5 and Solid 5dge. Design o' A tuators 'or @ospital 3eds. Per'ormed 7ear Do1n Anal/sis, 8osting and (en h mar2ing o' A7M ma hines ,Applian es and generate Value 5ngineering opportunities 8osting o' Sheet metal and plasti omponents 3/ using D;MA tool Per'ormed desired Design 8al ulations ProAe t Bualit/ Do umentation 8o!ordinating 1ith Allian es 'or Manu'a turing and Vendor development

Certi#ications1 CProgram on 8AD/8AM and 7ool Design C 'rom 807D ,@/dera3ad C8ontinuit/ 5du ation 'rom 007 Madras, 8hennai. 8ognos, 0n'ormati a and (usiness O3Ae ts 'rom Sat/am <earning 8enter.

Projects Underta en1 Project 34) .8R A7M Value 5ngineering 8lient 7eam si4e Role 5nvironment ) ) ) ) .8R $ 7eam Mem3er VAV5 methodolog/, Pro!5

Project 0escription) 7he aim o' the proAe t to redu e the ost o' the ma hine 3/ "D in the areas o' Smart simple deign, Sheet metal optimi4ation, ;amil/ parts and Painting Optimi4ation. Contrib)tion As a team mem3er, 1as responsi3le 'or ? 7horoughl/ understanding 'un tion o' the entire modules o' the A7M ma hine. ? Appl/ing smart simple design and redu e the ost o' the ma hine ? Preparing ne1 on epts and me hanism in the pla e over design in the ma hine. ? 5stimating the ost ne1 me hanism 1ith help o' D;MA tool. ? Responsi3le 'or o! oordinating 1ith team mem3ers at various stages o' the proAe t. ? Responsi3le 'or maintaining Pro ess sheets and related do umentation. ? Asso iated 1ith the team 'or overseeing the Bualit/ pro edures related to the proAe t Project 35) .8R " A7M 7ear Do1n, 7eam si4e Role 5nvironment ) #* ) 7eam Mem3er ) D;MA, 7ear Do1n and (en h Mar2ing

Project 0escription 7he main aim o' the proAe t is to tear do1n the " A7M ma hines, Preparing (OM and osting o' all the omponents in ludes ele troni , atalogue and D;M parts. Preparing proposals 'or Value 5ngineering. Contri#ution As a team mem3er, 1as responsi3le 'or ? 0nvolved in the 7ear Do1n the ma hine ? Enderstanding the 'un tions o' various modules o' the ma hine. ? O3serving s ope o' Value 5ngineering 1hile doing 7ear do1n and Data apturing. ? 0nvolved in Data apturing. ? 8apturing the assem3l/ seFuen e o' the ma hine ? 5ntering the osts into (OM ? Preparing the 'inal reports omparing osts a ross "!A7M ma hines and individuall/ 'or ea h ma hine 1ith mentioning s ope o' redu tion in ost in ea h module ? Responsi3le 'or o! oordinating 1ith team mem3ers at various stages o' the proAe t. ? Responsi3le 'or maintaining Pro ess sheets and related do umentation. Project 361 S7itc8 9oard 0esi$n C!ient Tea( si%e Ro!e Environ(ent 1 Ma8indra 16 1 Tea( Me(ber 1 Pro E

Project 0escription1 7he main aim o' the proAe t to design ordinar/ s1it h 1ith ne1 design on ept 3/ eliminating seat plasti omponent.

Contribution As a team member, was responsible for ? 0nvolved in on eptual design stage o' ne1 me hanism ? Modeling o' the general s1it h. ? Modeling o' the ne1 s1it h and in orporate desired hanges through the development / le ? Release manu'a turing dra1ings o' the produ t ? Asso iated 1ith the team 'or overseeing the Bualit/ pro edures related to the proAe t ? ? Project 3:) Garden ;an 5ngineering
8lient 7eam si4e Role 5nvironment ) ) ) ) Garden, ESA. & 7eam Mem3er. Pro!5 1ild'ire #.*

Project 0escription1 7he main aim o' this proAe t HDesign o' the grills, 3ase and push 3uttons o' GARD5. 'ansI is to hange the design o' the e-isting grills and 3ase to redu e the ost o' the 'an. @ere 1e started the proAe t 3/ ma2ing possi3le options (design) 'or the grills and 3ase apart 'rom the e-isting design. 7his is 3eing 'ollo1ed 3/ modeling o' these parts (grills and 3ase) using Pro!5 a 8AD tool. 8ontri3ution) As a team mem3er, 1as responsi3le 'or ? Preparing the Pro 5 models o' the 'an parts. ? Asso iated 1ith the team 'or overseeing the Bualit/ pro edures related to the proAe t

Project 3;) GPA8 3ed Design 8lient ) @ill Rom, ESA 7eam si4e )9 Role ) 7eam Mem3er 5nvironment ) Solid 5dge V%+ Project 0escription1 5ngineering design o' A tuators and Modeling ,detailing and assem3l/ o' the entire 3ed 3/ using Solid 5dge V%+. 8ontri3ution) As a team mem3er, 1as responsi3le 'or ? Design o' A tuator 1ith three starts thread 'or desired load ? Modeling ,detailing o' the omponents 3/ using Solid 5dge V%+. ? Assem3l/ o' the omponents. ? Preparing B8 he 2lists a ording to @ill!Rom Standards. ? Responsi3le 'or o! oordinating 1ith team mem3ers at various stages o' the proAe t. ? Asso iated 1ith the team 'or overseeing the Bualit/ pro edures related to the proAe t Pro#essiona! <)a!i#ications 9 TECH, Me hani al , at Gudlavalleru 5ngineering 8ollege,Gudlavalleru, in the /ear #**J 1ith J&.&9 D 4-=5 under (05 Andhra Pradesh, in the /ear #**$ 1ith +$.# D 4-t8 under SS8 (oard Andhra Pradesh, in the /ear #**% 1ith +%., D

E>tra/C)rric)!ar Ac8ieve(ents Su3mitted a paper on CDesign o' Manual =ashing Ma hineC in .PD8 8on'eren e at 007 Madras. Presented man/ papers in m/ Graduation related to almost all the spheres o' 5ngineering. =as a 8lass Monitor throughout m/ S hooling

*an$)a$es Kno7n1 Interests and Hobbies1 Spending time 1ith 5lders. Pla/ing 8ri 2et and Volle/ 3all En$!is8 Hindi Te!)$)

Stren$t8s 1 Strong A ademi (a 2 ground. Sound 2no1ledge on all 'undamentals o' Me hani al 5ngineering, Adopta3le to 1or2 on an/ domain Strong planning, anal/ti al s2ill 6 strong ommuni ation

KPresent Salar/) $$*,*** P.A K 5-pe ted Salar/) 9"*,*** P.A K .oti e period) #! =ee2s ma-imum K Mo3ile .um3er) *+J$+%9#+++ K Are /ou 1illing to 1or2 in night shi'ts) :es

0 1ould 1el ome the opportunit/ to dis uss, ho1 m/ 2no1ledge and a3ilit/ ould 3e used in /our organi4ation. 0 here3/ on'irm that all the in'ormation given a3ove is true to 3est o' m/ 2no1ledge and 0 1ould 3e responsi3le 'or an/ dis repan ies 1hatsoever.


?T8ir) Ven ata Pavan K)(ar S@

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