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POP Yahoo!

Mail with Microsoft Outlook 2007

If you want to "POP" your Yahoo! Mail into your Outlook 2007 application, here's how: "ro# the $ools #enu, select "%ccount &ettin's!" If you (o not see "%ccount &ettin's," place your cursor o)er the two arrows at the *otto# of the list to (isplay #ore choices! 2! On the +#ail ta*, click New! ! ,! 2! 4! 8! 7! :! ;! 0! ! 2! ,! 2! 4! 8! 7! :! -heck the *o. ne.t to the first option, /Microsoft +.chan'e, POP,, IM%P, or 0$$P1 an( click Next! In the Your 3a#e *o., type your na#e as you'( like it to appear when you sen( a #essa'e! In the +#ail %((ress *o., enter your Yahoo! Mail a((ress 5for e.a#ple, "user6yahoo!co#"7! -heck the *o. for /Manually confi'ure ser)er settin's or a((itional ser)er types1 an( click Next! -heck the *o. ne.t to the first option /Internet +9#ail1 an( click Next! In the &er)er Infor#ation area, un(er /%ccount $ype1 select POP , fro# the pull9 (own #enu! In the Inco#in' #ail ser)er fiel(, enter: pop!#ail!yahoo!co#!s' In the Out'oin' #ail ser)er 5&M$P7 fiel(, enter: s#tp!#ail!yahoo!co#!s' In the <o'in Infor#ation area, in the =ser 3a#e fiel(, enter your Yahoo! I> 5your e#ail a((ress without the "6yahoo!co#"7! In the Passwor( *o., enter your Yahoo! Mail passwor(! -heck "?e#e#*er Passwor(" if you (on't want Outlook to pro#pt you for your passwor( each ti#e you check your #ail! 0an(y! >o not check the *o. la*ele( "<o' on usin' &ecure Passwor( %uthentication 5&P%7!" -lick on the More Settings *utton! -lick on the Out'oin' &er)er ta* an( check the *o. ne.t to /My out'oin' ser)er 5&M$P7 re@uires authentication!1 -lick on the %()ance( ta*! =n(er /Inco#in' &er)er 5POP,71, check the *o. ne.t to /$his ser)er re@uires an encrypte( connection 5&&<7"! $he port nu#*er in the /Inco#in' &er)er 5POP,7" fiel( shoul( auto#atically chan'e fro# 0 to ;;4! If it (oesnAt, #ake sure the port nu#*er is set to ;;4! =n(er /Out'oin' &er)er 5&M$P71, check the *o. ne.t to /$his ser)er re@uires an encrypte( connection 5&&<7"! +nter port nu#*er /2841 in the /Out'oin' &er)er 5&M$P71 fiel(! If you'( like to keep a copy of your e#ail #essa'es on the Yahoo! Mail ser)er, check the *o. ne.t to "<ea)e a copy of #essa'es on the ser)er!" If you want to (elete your #essa'es fro# the Yahoo! Mail ser)er after )iewin' the# in Outlook, (on't check the *o.!



2 ! 22! 2,!

-lick the OK *utton! -lick the Next *utton on the +#ail %ccount BiCar(, then click Finished! Boul( you like your Yahoo! Mail in*o. to *e your pri#ary in*o. in Outlook 7D If so, click the $ools #enu an( select "%ccount &ettin's!" If you (onAt see "%ccount &ettin's," place your cursor o)er the two arrows at the *otto# of the list to (isplay #ore choices! "ro# the list, select the pop!yahoo account you')e Eust a((e( an( click the Set as efault *utton! -lick the !lose *utton! YouAre (one!

22! 24!

"rou#leshooting instructions If you followe( the a*o)e confi'uration steps, you shoul( *e all set! 0owe)er, if you cannot sen( or recei)e #ail with your e#ail client, try the followin' tips! $he Yahoo! Mail &M$P ser)er re@uires authentication! Make sure you ha)e ena*le( &M$P authentication! $o turn this settin' on, follow these steps: ! "ro# the $ools #enu, choose "%ccount &ettin's!" 2! &elect the "+9#ail" ta*! ,! 2! 4! 8! 7! ! 2! ,! 2! 4! &elect your Yahoo! Mail account an( click !hange! -lick on the "Out'oin' &er)er" ta*! -heck the *o. ne.t to "My &er)er ?e@uires %uthentication!" Please #ake sure that "<o' on usin'" is not checke(! -lick OK! $o control (eletion of #essa'es fro# the Yahoo! Mail ser)er: "ro# the $ools #enu, select "%ccount &ettin's!" -lick on the "+#ail" ta*! &elect your Yahoo! Mail account an( click !hange! -lick on the "%()ance(" ta*! -heck "<ea)e a copy of #essa'es on ser)er" if you want to sa)e your Yahoo! Mail #essa'es on the Yahoo! Mail ser)er as well as on your local co#puter! Please note that settin' your e#ail client to re#o)e #essa'es fro# the ser)er will cause your #essa'es to *e (elete( fro# the ser)er! Once the #essa'es are (elete(, we are una*le to retrie)e the#! -lick OK! -lose Microsoft Outlook an( restart!

8! 7!

Be stron'ly reco##en( that you ena*le &&< for *oth POP an( &M$P, as (etaile( in the a*o)e instructions! $his will ensure that your Yahoo! I>, passwor( an( e#ail #essa'es are trans#itte( securely *etween your #ail client an( the Yahoo! ser)ers! 0owe)er, if you choose to not use &&< for &M$P, your e#ail client will likely (efault the &M$P port to 24! If your I&P *locks port 24 or if you're una*le to sen( e#ail, then you will nee( to use port 4:7 when sen(in' )ia Yahoo!'s &M$P ser)er! $o #ake this chan'e, please follow the (irections *elow: ! "ro# the "$ools" #enu, select "%ccount &ettin's"

2! ,! 2!

&elect your Yahoo! POP account an( click on !hange! -lick on the "%()ance(" ta*! -lick OK an( !lose!

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