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Fadumo Alin, B.A., M.Sc. Sjaak de Boer, M.Eng. Gordon Freer Lia van Ginneken, RN. Wim Klaa en, M.Eng !ean Ro"er# M"ane K$a#$a# o Mokoe#le, M.Sc. (Med), B.A. (Cur) Maeve Mo%ni$an, M.A., M.Comm.H. &ere Odera, M.A. &ro'( Sara )a#i S)ain Mir*a Tajuddin, M.Soc, M.Pub Admin Amle e# Te)odro Sections on Budgets and Accounting are by Man+o, a registered U c!arity "ro#iding su""ort in $inancia% management to N&'s Editing by Maeve Mo%ni$an M.A. M.Comm.H. (ay)out, editing and more by !on Ander on *!e Contents +ere c!ec,ed by De"ora$ ,ade and !o$n Tel'ord

Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

(oo, $or )))(ne#)orklearnin+(or+ $or ot!er materia%s

- . -

Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

HOW TO BUILD A GOOD SMALL NGO((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((0

W$o )e are( And )$o %ou 2ould "e ( ( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((1 A33l%in+ #$e e4er2i e and e4am3le 5((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((1 U3da#e6 Mar2$ .7785((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((1 De'ini#ion o' NGO 5((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((9

/HA&T,R ON,5 TH, B,GINNING STAG,S OF AN NGO(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((:

0(0 Fir # S#e3 (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( : 0(. T$e 'a2#or #$a# )ill $el3 %ou "uild an NGO o' +ood ;uali#%5(((((((((((((((((((((((((07

/HA&T,R TWO5 ID,NTIF<ING <OUR =ISION6 &RIN/I&L,S6 MISSION6 STRAT,GI,S6 ,T/(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((0. /HA&T,R THR,,5 ID,NTIF<ING TH, R,AL &ROBL,MS AND N,,DS((((((08
>(0 S#e3 05 &lan )$a# in'orma#ion %ou need and $o) #o +a#$er i# - 3er$a3 #$rou+$ a Need A e men# or a &RA(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((08 >(.S#e3 .5 Ge# in'orma#ion 'rom e43er# ou# ide %our NGO and 'rom #$e "ene'i2iarie - and make ure #$a# )$a# #$e% a% i #aken eriou l%((((((((((((((((((08

/HA&T,R FOUR5 &LANNING((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((01

?(0 S#e3 >5 De2ide )$a# #$e 3roje2# $ould do and #ar# 3lannin+@ iden#i'% +oal 6 o"je2#ive and a2#ivi#ie ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((01 ?(. S#e3 ?5 Involve #$e "ene'i2iarie in #$e 3lannin+ 3ro2e ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((01 i"le6 #$e ?(> S#e3 A5 Build Good &ra2#i2e and Tran 3aren2% in#o #$e 3lan((((((((((((((((((((((((09 ?(? S#e3 85 Develo3 a moni#orin+ % #em in )$i2$6 )$ere 3o "ene'i2iarie 2an 3la% a role(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((09 ?(A S#e3 15 Ge# #$e 'inan2in+(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((0:

/HA&T,R FI=,5 IM&L,M,NTATION((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.7

A(0 S#e3 95 And no) - a'#er all #$e 3lannin+ - im3lemen#6 or do i#(((((((((((((((((((((((.7

/HA&T,R SIB5 MONITORING AND ,=ALUATION((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.0

8(0 S#e3 :5 Moni#or(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.0 8(. S#e3 075 ,valua#e(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.0 8(> S#e3 005 Feed le on "a2k in#o #$e ne4# round o' 3lannin+(((((((((((((((((((((((((..

/HA&T,R S,=,N5 WHAT B,ST &RA/TI/, M,ANS ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.>

1(0 Be # &ra2#i2e 'or %ouC ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.> 1(. I "uildin+ an or3$ana+e Good &ra2#i2e or BadC(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.>

- > -

Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

1(> Workin+ ou# Be # &rin2i3le and &ra2#i2e(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.> 1(? Good &ra2#i2e in #$e 2on#e4# o' a 2oun#r% )i#$ ome re our2e (((((((((((((((((((.? 1(A Ho) %ou 'ind ou# )$a# i Be # &ra2#i2e in %our 'ield5(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.A

/HA&T,R ,IGHT5 BUILDING GOOD STRU/TUR,S (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.8

9(0 Be2omin+ a 'ormal NGO((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.8 9(. S3e2iali a#ion amon+ #$e #a''(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.8 9(> Buildin+ and u #ainin+ #$e 3rin2i3le ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.8 9(? T$e We #ern model o' or+ani a#ion (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.8 9(A Im3rovin+ #a'' 'un2#ionin+(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.9 9(8 Buildin+ and u #ainin+ an e''e2#ive Board(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.: 9(1 T$e rela#ion $i3 "e#)een #$e S#a'' and #$e Board in an NGO((((((((((((((((((((((((>0 9(9 Buildin+ #$e 2a3a2i#% o' Board and S#a''(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((>0 9(: T$e "o 6 #$e 2$ara2#er and #$e jo"(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((>0 9(07 Good +rou3 'un2#ionin+((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((>0
-../.. 0emocratic decision)ma,ing1 ..................................................................................2. -../.3 Res"ect$u% %istening1................................................................................................. 23 -../.2 Ho%ding good meetings1........................................................................................... 22 -../.4 5$ your grou" !as $a%%en into bad !abits1 ..................................................................24 -../.6 7!en t!ere is serious con$%ict bet+een t+o o$ t!e +or,ers1.....................................24

9(00 I' #$in+ are +oin+ )ron+ in #$e NGO(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((>8

/HA&T,R NIN,5 BUILDING GOOD BA/KDU& S,R=I/,S(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((>:

:(0 Good admini #ra#ion((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((>: :(. Lo+i #i2 ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ?7 :(> Makin+ Bud+e# (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((?7
8.2.. *!e ro%e o$ budgeting1 ............................................................................................... 4/ 8.2.3 0e$inition, and o#era%% a""roac! to budgeting1 ..........................................................4. 8.2.2 Notes about accounts structure1 ...............................................................................4.

/HA&T,R T,N5 MANAGING AND FINDING TH, MON,<((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((?>

07(0 Mana+in+ #$e mone%(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((?>
./.... Managing scarce resources.....................................................................................42 ./...3 7!at is $inancia% contro%9 ........................................................................................ 42 ./...2 7!y is $inancia% management im"ortant $or N&'s9................................................42 ./...4 &ood "ractice in $inancia% management can do t!e $o%%o+ing1.................................42 ./...6 &etting t!e basics rig!t............................................................................................ 44 ./...: ;inancia% Accounting #ersus Management Accounting............................................44 ./...< 7!y accounts are "roduced....................................................................................46 ./...- ;inancia% contro%s..................................................................................................... 46 ./...8 Segregation o$ duties............................................................................................... 46 ./..../ Accounting &o%den Ru%es......................................................................................4:

- ? -

Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

07(. Fundrai in+((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((?8

./.3.. P%anning t!e $unding needs o$ t!e N&', inc%uding training needs...........................4: ./.3.3 Acce"ting t!e mind)set t!at +i%% !e%" you succeed...................................................4./.3.2 ;inding t!e agencies +it! $unds...............................................................................4./.3.4 Ho+ to a""%y $or $unds............................................................................................. 48 ./.3.6 Co)o"erating +it! $unding organisations..................................................................6/ ./.3.: Bui%ding $undraising ca"acity...................................................................................6.

/HA&T,R ,L,=,N5 G,TTING L,GAL STATUS(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((A. /HA&T,R TW,L=,5 BUILDING SUSTAINABILIT<(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((A?

0.(0 In #i#u#ional u #aina"ili#%(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((A? 0.(. Su #aina"ili#% 'or 3roje2# (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((A8 0.(> Su #aina"ili#% and #rainin+ 3eo3le (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((A1 0.(? Buildin+ u #aina"ili#% #$rou+$ #ron+ ne#)ork ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((A1
.3.4.. C!a%%enges to bui%ding a net+or,.............................................................................6< .3.4.3 &uide%ines $or e$$ecti#e net+or,s ............................................................................6-

/HA&T,R THIRT,,N5 /L,ARING <OUR MIND((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((A:

0>(0 Ho) )ell do %ou under #and and 2on#rol %our o)n mo#iva#ionC((((((((((((((((A: 0>(. Ho) 'ar do %ou #rea# %our 2ollea+ue )i#$ re 3e2# and under #andin+C((((80 0>(> Ho) 'ar do %ou #rea# "ene'i2iarie )i#$ re 3e2# and under #andin+C(((((((((80 0>(? Di 2u 0>(A Di 2u 0>(8 Di 2u ion a"ou# under #andin+ and 2on#rollin+ %our o)n mo#iva#ion(((((8. ion a"ou# $o) %ou #rea# %our 2ollea+ue 5((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((8. ion a"ou# $o) %ou #rea# "ene'i2iarie ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((8>

ANN,B ON,5 N,,DS ASS,SSM,NTS IN/LUDING &RA (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((8? ANN,B TWO5 INDI/ATORS FOR ,FF,/TI=, WAT,R AND SANITATION &LUS H<GI,N, ,DU/ATION (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((89 ANN,B THR,,5 /OM&UT,RS((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((17 ANN,B FOUR5 MOR, ON BUDG,TS TH, &RA/TI/ALITI,S(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((1? ANN,B FI=,5 MOR, ON TH, &RA/TI/ALITI,S OF A//OUNTING(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((18
Re2ordin+ #ran a2#ion (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((18 Su33or#in+ do2umen# ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((1: &rodu2in+ a22oun# (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((1: Finan2ial 2on#rol ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((97 A22oun#in+ Golden Rule (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((90

Fur#$er re our2e and readin+ ma#erial 5

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

'ur +ebsite )))(ne#)orklearnin+(or+ !as %in,s to resource organisations and to materia%s you mig!t +ant to do+n%oad, or order. 5n "articu%ar, c!ec, our =Resources= "age at )))(ne#)orklearnin+(or+Edire2#or%($#ml

- 8 -

Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

W$o )e are( And )$o %ou 2ould "e ( ( (
*!is manua% !as been "ut toget!er by a grou" o$ "eo"%e +!o +or, in or +it! Non) &o#ernment 'rganisations, (N&'s). 'ur e>"eriences are main%y +it! N&'s in A$rica, t!e 5ndian sub)continent and countries "re#ious%y in t!e USSR. *!e N&'s are in cities, sma%%er to+ns and t!e countryside. Some o$ t!em are concerned +it! !uman rig!ts but more +it! im"ro#ing t!e ?ua%ity o$ %i$e o$ #arious grou"s. *!e N&' $ie%d inc%udes many dedicated and good)!earted "eo"%e. But as N&'s attem"t to gro+, t!ey $ace common "rob%ems. ;or e>am"%e, o$ten t!ey $ai% to %earn !o+ to manage t!eir money +e%%. *!is %eads to a%% ,inds o$ "rob%ems @ t!ey $unction %ess +e%%, t!eir re"utations su$$er and t!ey cannot get $unding to "ursue t!eir "%ans. So, +it! t!is manua%, our goa%s are to !e%" you to bui%d best "ractice into your N&'A to "re#ent, recognise and $i> "rob%ems. 7!ere#er you are in t!e N&' $ie%d, you +i%% $ind muc! t!at is use$u% in t!is manua%.

A33l%in+ #$e e4er2i e and e4am3le 5

*!roug!out t!e manua% you +i%% $ind best "ractice t!eory and a""ro"riate ,B,R/IS,S. *!ese can be done by one "erson sitting a%one or, better, by a grou" discussing t!e te>t. By doing t!e e>ercises, eac! "erson a""%ies ideas and t!eory to a situation (e.g. Bdoes t!is "roCect seem re%e#ant $or t!e "rob%ems9D). Eac! "erson %earns t!roug! t!in,ing and discussion. So "%ease do t!e e>ercises i$ at a%% "ossib%e. Eour N&' cou%d !a#e a sma%% +or,ing grou" +!o meet regu%ar%y to do so. *!ere are a%so a number o$ ,BAM&L,S $rom e>isting "roCects. 7it! eac!, you can c!ec, i$ t!ere are any %essons $or your o+n N&'. 5$ t!ere are to"ics +!ere you disagree +it! t!e aut!ors, you can argue it t!roug! to see i$ your disagreement is based on t!e rea%ity o$ your situation.

U3da#e6 Mar2$ .7785

Since t!is manua% +as +ritten, Net+or,%earning !as continued to de#e%o" its training materia%s. Some o$ t!ese co#er t!e same ground as c!a"ters in t!is manua% but go $urt!er. So you mig!t +ant to do+n%oad t!em as an additiona% or "ara%%e% resource1 /$a3#er >A Anne4 05 Net+or,%earning no+ !as B5n$ormation @ its co%%ection and useD, at,%earning.orgFboo,sFco%%ecting)in$ormation.!tm% t!at co#ers t!is "art o$ t!e ProCect Cyc%e. /$a3#er >, ?, A F 8 go t!roug! t!e ProCect Cyc%e. Net+or,%earning no+ !as a teac!ing modu%e, based on t!e same case study as a""ears in t!is manua%, at,%earning.orgFboo,sF"roCect)cyc%e.!tm% /$a3#er :(> F 07A Anne4e ? F A5 *!ese +ere a%% +ritten by Mango, t!e N&' t!at !e%"s ot!er N&'s manage money better. Mango no+ !a#e a B;inancia% Management Hea%t! C!ec,D (in Eng%is!, ;renc!, S"anis!, Arabic and Russian). *!is +i%% a%%o+ you to see !o+ !ea%t!y t!e $inancia% management is in your N&'1,">950G33 More $inancia% resources are at,">950G6

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

/$a3#er 07(.5 Net+or,%earning !as e>"anded t!is section into a se"arate "ub%ication, BA &uide to ;undraisingD, at !tt",%earning.orgFboo,sF$undraising.!tm%

De'ini#ion o' NGO 5

*!e United Nations Hig! Commission $or Re$ugees (UNHCR) as,s $or t!e $o%%o+ing in an N&', t!at it is non)"ro$itA non)commercia%A non)go#ernmentA %ega%%y registeredA and subscribing to uni#ersa% !umanitarian #a%ues and "ractices. Ho+e#er, %ega% registration may "ose "rob%ems +!ere t!e go#ernment is !osti%e. 5t can, $or e>am"%e, b%oc, e>terna% $unding. 't!er 5nternationa% agencies %oo, $or additiona% c!aracteristics. Per!a"s t!e most im"ortant are t!at t!e N&' !as ca"acity @ meaning t!at it ,no+s !o+ to ma,e a "%an and !as t!e resources to carry it out @ and t!at it is ready to be !e%d accountab%e $or its actions. Agencies may a%so %oo, $or1 H an estab%is!ed !ead?uartersA H a democratica%%y ado"ted constitutionA H se"aration o$ "o%icy)ma,ers and e>ecuti#e1 t!is means t!at t!at t!ere is one grou" o$ "eo"%e +!o decide on t!e "o%icy o$ t!e N&' (e.g. a Board) and a di$$erent grou" o$ "eo"%e doing t!e +or, @ t!e em"%oyees or t!e E>ecuti#e. *!e t!ird grou" in#o%#ed are t!e "eo"%e +!o bene$it $rom t!e N&' @ t!e bene$iciaries @ and t!e "o%icy)ma,ers s!ou%d re"resent t!ese bene$iciaries. *!ey s!ou%d a%so !a#e some rea% contro% o#er t!e +ay t!e em"%oyees a""roac! t!eir Cob. (See Chapter 8). H t!at t!e N&' !as e>isted $or at %east t+o yearsA H t!at it is not "o%itica%%y "artisanA H t!at it does not use or ad#ocate #io%enceA H t!at it is $unded main%y by indi#idua% members @ a%t!oug! in "oor countries t!is is o$ten im"ossib%e. 7e are not saying t!at eac! N&' s!ou%d do a%% o$ t!e abo#e. An N&' can ta,e di$$erent $orms. *!in, about +!at is rea%%y im"ortant1 H Many o$ t!e $actors %isted abo#e are about be!a#ing as a $orma% organisation. Sma%% N&'s may do $ine +it!out muc! $orma% s!a"e. H Some countries ma,e %ega% registration unnecessari%y di$$icu%t, or attac! "o%itica% strings. H 5t is "ossib%e to !a#e #arious inter"retations o$ many o$ t!ese terms, suc! as Buni#ersa% !umanitarian #a%uesD. So good N&'s may end u" %oo,ing #ery di$$erent $rom eac! ot!er. T$e de'ini#ion )e )i $ #o u e in #$i manual i #$a# an NGO $ould aim #o "e nonD3ro'i#6 nonD2ommer2ial and nonD+overnmen#( I# $ould u" 2ri"e #o univer al $umani#arian value and 3ra2#i2e ( I# $ould $ave 2a3a2i#%6 and "e read% #o "e $eld a22oun#a"le 'or i# a2#ion ( But t!e bottom %ine is t!is1 A %ot o$ N&'s do, on t!e +!o%e, more good t!an bad. A number o$ ot!ers are c%ear%y %ining t!e "oc,ets o$ t!e boss or !e%"ing one grou" grind do+n anot!er @ doing more bad t!an good. And a t!ird grou" !as so %itt%e ca"acity, so $e+ sta$$ +it! any con#iction, t!at t!ey are com"%ete%y ine$$ecti#e. 5n +!ic! grou", in ten years time, +i%% you !a#e "%aced your o+n N&'9

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO


... Fir # S#e3

;or a%% o$ you starting u" an N&', !o"ing to be success$u%, you need t!ree t!ingsA H H H t!e $irst is "assion t!e second is a grou" o$ "eo"%e +!o s!are t!is "assion, and t!e #ision to matc! t!e t!ird is a good re%ations!i" +it! t!e "eo"%e you +ant to !e%" @ t!e bene$iciaries.

5n most countries, N&'s start in t+o +ays1 one is +!ere t!ere is a grou" t!at !as no #oice but needs to $ind one. A $e+ "eo"%e in t!is grou" @ "er!a"s t!e "arents o$ c!i%dren +it! disabi%ities @ start to meet, decide to organise t!emse%#es in order to get more resources $or t!eir c!i%dren and $or t!eir $ami%y. *!is is t!e c%assic bottom)u" beginning. Anot!er +ay is t!at a grou" o$ "eo"%e +it! education or status decide to ado"t a cause, decide t!at t!ey +i%% !e%", $or e>am"%e, o%der "eo"%e +it! cancer or #i%%age grou"s +!o are "%anting trees. *!e di$$erence bet+een t!ese t+o grou"s is t!at, +it! t!e "arents o$ disab%ed c!i%dren and ot!er bottom)u" grou"s, t!e "rime or origina% bene$iciaries o$ t!e N&' are t!emse%#es and t!eir $ami%ies. *!is ensures t!at t!e bene$iciaries are treated +e%%. 7it! t!e second grou" t!ere is an BUsD, t!e "eo"%e +!o are doing good, and t!e B*!emD, t!e "eo"%e being done good to. 7!et!er t!is second grou" o$ N&'s +i%% bui%d +e%% de"ends on +!et!er t!ey mo#e t!e bene$iciaries $rom outside to inside, ma,ing t!em "art o$ t!e BUsD. *!is !as to !a""en #ery ?uic,%y, ot!er+ise t!e centra% re%ations!i" sets !ard and can be "oisonous @ 0o)&ooders !e%"ing 'bCects o$ C!arity *!ere is usua%%y a "eriod o$ in$orma%ity, +!en t!e grou" beginning t!e enter"rise treat eac! ot!er more or %ess as e?ua%s and e#eryone does e#eryt!ing, $rom s+ee"ing t!e $%oor to deciding on "o%icy. *!is is t!e "eriod t!at you may remember %ater as t!e best time, +!en your "assion +as strongest, t!e $ee%ing o$ +or,ing toget!er $or a common cause. Iery ?uic,%y, t!oug! t!e number o$ "eo"%e gets bigger, Cobs start to re?uire s"ecia%isation. 'utside organisations "us! you to+ards a "ro"er o$$ice, a com"uter, to+ards %ega% registration, t!e creation o$ a board. E#eryone starts to get a sa%ary. So no+ t!e main actors are1 t!e +or,ersA t!e bene$iciariesA t!e boardA and t!e indi#idua% or sma%% grou" +!o ,ee"s it a%% going. *!ese %ast may be +or,ers or t!e boss, may be a board member +!o +as "re#ious%y a bene$iciary. But t!ey are ,ey @ t!e "erson or "eo"%e +!o ,ee"s t!e engine running, +!o "ro#ides t!e energy and dri#e. 5$ you are t!at "erson or one o$ t!ose "eo"%e, t!en as t!e N&' gets bigger and !as di$$erent Cobs +it!in it, one o$ your big tas,s is to ma,e a%% t!e +or,ers $ee% t!at t!ey be%ong in t!e N&' and t!at t!e N&' be%ongs to t!em. Eou need to create a sense o$ o+ners!i", among t!e bene$iciaries and a%so among t!e +or,ers. 7!y a Board9 Not e#ery organisation ma,es one. A Board becomes im"ortant +!en t!e +or,ers start to be "aid, and "er!a"s become more concerned +it! earning a %i#ing t!an +it! good ser#ice. A Board s!ou%d !a#e members +!o tru%y re"resent t!e bene$iciaries and +!o %isten to t!e +or,ers, but t!ey ma,e "o%icy a+ay $rom t!e "eo"%e doing t!e dai%y tas,s. *!ey idea%%y !a#e no "ersona% interest e>ce"t t!e good o$ t!e bene$iciaries. 5n "ractice, c!ec,s and ba%ances s!ou%d ma,e sure t!ey are acting a""ro"riate%y.

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Jean-Robert Mbane *!is is t!e story o$ our N&' so $ar, t!oug! 5 +i%% say t!at it is on%y recent%y t!at +e c%aim to be an N&'. 7e !a#e been +or,ing +it! o%der "eo"%e $or about 4 years. E#eryt!ing came out o$ t!e "ity +e !ad, seeing o%der "eo"%e su$$ering. 7e started in our main #i%%age by "aying regu%ar #isits to t!em, discussion about t!eir concerns, t!e !eyday o$ t!eir %i$eA a$ter t!at +e broug!t t!em t!e $ood t!ey %i,ed +!ic! cou%d not be $ound in our #i%%age. 7e broug!t t!em c%ot!s against t!e co%dA +e broug!t t!em medicine and !e%"ed t!em to read t!e directions $or t!e medicines t!ey got. 7e +ere encouraged in t!ese acti#ities by some ot!er "eo"%e +!o came to !e%" by gi#ing $ood (rice, oi%), c%ot!s and ot!er use$u% t!ings. 7e +ere si> $ounder members. *!en +e started +or, +it! young "eo"%e +!o +ere not ab%e to com"%ete t!eir !ig!er studies and +!o !ad sett%ed in t!e #i%%ageA t!en, more and more, our action s"read to t!e neig!bouring #i%%ages. 5t is on%y recent%y t!at +e %earned t!at ot!er organisations around t!e +or%d !ad t!e same interests as us and sa+ t!e necessity and t!e use o$ %ega%ising our N&'. No+ +e $ace t!e "rob%em o$ !a#ing di$$erent #ie+s o$ +!at +e s!ou%d be doing. Some among us t!in, +e need to bui%d community !ouses $or o%der "eo"%e. 't!ers, inc%uding myse%$, t!in, t!at +e s!ou%d ,ee" o%der "eo"%e in t!eir o+n !ouses and assist t!em t!ere. ,B,R/IS,5 I #$i NGO #o3Ddo)n or "o##omDu3C W$a# i i# rela#ion $i3 )i#$ i# "ene'i2iarie C W$a# are #$e #$ree mo # im3or#an# #e3 i# $ould #ake ne4#C


T$e 'a2#or #$a# )ill $el3 %ou "uild an NGO o' +ood ;uali#%5

.. 5$ you are c%ear about your goa%s, #a%ues and et!osA i$ you are c%ear about t!e $ie%d in +!ic! you are bui%ding your s"ecia%ismA i$ you ,no+ +!at a""roac! you are ta,ing, +!et!er ad#ocacy or im"%ementation, and i$ you $ind +ays o$ ma,ing a recognisab%e name "ro$i%eA 3. 5$ you bui%d a re%ations!i" +it! your bene$iciary grou" +!ic! !as good +i%% and res"ect on bot! sidesA 2. 5$ you ado"t a sing%e obCecti#e, because t!en it is easier to ac!ie#e itA 4. 5$ you %i#e in a country +it! a strong ci#i% society. *!is means t!at t!ere are enoug! N&'s and Associations to $orm a mass big enoug! to be %istened to, a mass e>isting bet+een go#ernment and "eo"%e. An e>am"%e o$ a country +it! a strong ci#i% society is Senega%. 5$ you bui%d u" your "ro$essiona% ca"acity and bui%d "artners!i"s +it! ot!er grou"s. Here i a 'ormula #o 'ollo)5 GGG /A&A/IT<DBUILDING H &ARTN,RSHI&DBUILDING I &OW,R GGG A good e>am"%e o$ +!ere you need to be "ro$essiona% is in your !and%ing o$ money. 5$ you do t!e Cob "ro"er%y you +i%% a%so s!o+ yourse%$ to be trans"arent )anyone can see !o+ you are s"ending t!e money @ and accountab%e @ i$ money goes missing t!en it +i%% be noticed and someone +i%% !a#e to ta,e t!e b%ame. See Chapter 10.1A


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5$ your N&' bui%ds structures and +ays o$ acting +!ic! are trans"arent, accountab%e and democratic. See Chapter 8A 5$ you de#e%o" a c%ear and sensib%e "o%icy on gender. 5$ no t!oug!t is gi#en, t!en +omen +i%% be under)re"resented in t!e grou" t!at ma,es decisions, and t!e needs o$ bot! se>es among t!e bene$iciaries +i%% not be t!oug!t t!roug!.

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E#ery N&' +i%% do better i$ t!e +or,ers !a#e agreed on its #ision, strategies, "rinci"%es etcetera. 5t may ta,e a "eriod o$ discussion, during +!ic! eac! indi#idua% and grou" !as a c!ance to argue and brainstorm. *!e +ay in +!ic! #ision, mission and strategies $%o+ one $rom t!e ot!er and t!en %ead to "roCects is #ery c%ear in t!e $o%%o+ing e>am"%e1 EJAMP(E1 FINDING A I5S5'N, A M5SS5'N, S*RA*E&5ES AN0 &'A(S ;'R C5SS, 'UR N&'
By Mrs. Peres Odera Community 5nitiati#es Su""ort Ser#ices (C5SS) is an organisation registered in t!e re"ub%ic o$ enya as a de#e%o"ment agency. 5t o"erates in 7estern enya. 5t +as started by a grou" o$ "ro$essiona%s and "ractitioners in community !ea%t! and de#e%o"ment in .8<8. .. 'UR I5S5'N1 C5SS o"erations are based on t!e organisationKs #ision, +!ic! is Ja $eal#$% and ju # o2ie#%K . *o reac! suc! a society, t!ere are many t!ings t!at cou%d be done. 7it!in C5SS, +e narro+ed it do+n so as to identi$yL 'UR M5SS5'N1 J#o "uild and #ren+#$en u #aina"le individual 'amil%6 in #i#u#ional and 2ommuni#% ini#ia#ive 'or $eal#$ and develo3men# #$rou+$ 3ar#ner $i3 a# all level K. *o do t!is +e !ad to $indL S*RA*E&5ES. *!ese are broad)based and %imited in number. C5SS $ormu%ated t+o suc! strategies, one o$ +!ic! is Jor+ani a#ional develo3men# and mana+emen#K. &'A(S !ad to be $ound +it!in eac! strategy. 'ne o$ t!e goa%s, c%osest to t!e strategy gi#en abo#e, is J#o 3romo#e u #aina"le or+ani a#ional and re our2e develo3men#K. PR'MEC*S t!en !a#e to be "%anned and carried out to attain t!ese goa%s. 'ne suc! "roCect !as been T$e Or+ani a#ion /a3a2i#% Buildin+ &roje2#1 +!ic! revie)ed #$e vi ion6 mi ion and +oal o' #$e or+ani a#ion )i#$ #$e "oard mem"er 6 a o2ia#e and #a'' o' /ISS and ma33ed ou# #$e re 3on i"ili#ie o' ea2$ +rou36 )i#$in a #imeD'rame o' > mon#$ *!e strategy used $or t!e re#ie+ +as training and e>"erience)s!aring. (C%ear%y, ot!er "roCects +ou%d use ot!er strategies).





A"ou# #$e )ord u ed $ereL P%ease note t!at di$$erent organisations use +ords a %itt%e di$$erent%y. ;or e>am"%e +!en some N&'s ta%, about t!e %ong)term, most encom"assing "oint to aim at, t!ey ca%% it t!eir =goa%=, not t!eir =#ision=. 5n addition, +ords %i,e =goa%s= are used at di$$erent "oints in t!is +!o%e "%anning "rocess. But t!is is not so im"ortant. 7!at is #ita% is t!at e#ery "roCect !as its "%ace in a %ogica% "%an t!at t!e N&' +or,ers ,no+ and !a#e agreed to. /$oo in+ +ood #ra#e+ie and +oal 5t is #ery im"ortant t!at your N&' c!ooses good strategies. Anot!er +ay o$ stating a strategy +ou%d be to say, B*!e main t!rust o$ our +or, +i%% beLD so strategies are "ractica%, and you +i%% on%y be ab%e to manage a $e+. Here are t+o e>am"%es1 .) B'ne strategy is to ensure t!at a$ter $i#e years, in t!is #ery "oor community, eac! $ami%y +i%% !a#e one member +!o can earn moneyD. 3) BAs an en#ironmenta% N&', one o$ our strategies is to "rotect t!e e>isting trees and soi% by bui%ding sustainab%e coo,ing $ue% tec!ni?ues into t!e community (e.g. by tree) "%anting, so%ar coo,ers, im"ro#ed sto#es, etc.)=.

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7e a%% ,no+ sma%% N&'s +it! great commitment, +!o +or, !ard but +!ose "roCects and acti#ities are not "art o$ any sensib%e strategy and are, in t!e end, a +aste o$ time. EJAMP(E
An N&' in Asia +as trying to !e%" $ami%ies on t!e edge o$ sur#i#a%. Most o$ t!eir energy +ent into "ro#iding a sc!oo%. *!e c!i%dren came out o$ t!e sc!oo% ab%e to read, but not e?ui""ed to earn an income. *!e $ami%ies stayed "oor. 5$ t!e N&' !ad ado"ted t!e strategy B*o ensure t!at one member o$ eac! $ami%y can earn a %i#ingD t!ey mig!t !a#e made better "rogress.

Ho) #o de2ide on +ood #ra#e+ie 6 +oal e#2( *!is manua% ta%,s on a number o$ occasions about +ays to dea% +it! serious issues. 7e suggest t!e use o$ S7'* e>ercises, (Strengt!s 7ea,nesses, '""ortunities and *!reats), +!en an organisation sets aside a $e+ days, $inds a good +or,s!o" %eader and +or,s a%ternati#e%y a%% toget!er and in sma%%er grou"s. &ood strategies !a#e to be based on a good understanding o$ a%% t!e actors, "otentia%s, %imitations, needs, "rob%ems, %eaders!i" structure, etc. *!e S7'* "rocess is described in more detai% at t!e beginning o$ C!a"ter .3. 5$ t!e S7'* a""roac! is use $or identi$ying strategies, you mig!t +ant to in#ite one or t+o outsiders +it! good ana%ytica% s,i%%s and a #ie+ o$ t!e ro%e o$ an N&'. Senior "eo"%e $rom anot!er, success$u% N&' mig!t be t!e rig!t c!oice. A$ter brainstorming a number o$ "ossibi%ities, you need to narro+ do+n and "rioritise t!e $e+ t!at are most im"ortant @ and a%so identi$y t!e core "rob%em +!ic! under%ies e#eryt!ing e%se, "er!a"s %and%essness, dis"%acement, "o#erty. *!en comes t!e brainstorm on strategies @ +!at +ou%d eac! ac!ie#e9 7ou%d t!ey rea%%y meet t!e "rob%em9 7!ic! strategies +ou%d bui%d on t!e strengt!s o$ t!e N&'9 5$ "eo"%e +ant to concentrate on income generation, do you !a#e "eo"%e +it! e>"erience, +it! an understanding o$ mar,ets, "ro$it margins, !o+ money +or,s9 5$ t!e e>"ertise o$ t!e N&' is running crNc!es and none o$ you can do sim"%e sums, t!en to concentrate on income generation +ou%d be to bui%d on your +ea,nesses, not your strengt!s. Ho) %our vi ion i "uil# on 3rin2i3le Part o$ t!is "rocess o$ identi$ying goa%s, strategies etc. is recognising t!e "rinci"%es !e%d +it!in t!e N&', +!ic! most "eo"%e subscribe to but do not norma%%y discuss #ery muc!. Maybe your +or,ers be%ie#e t!at a%% "eo"%e deser#e res"ect and a %i#ing +age, or t!at i$ you are born +e%% o$$, you !a#e to gi#e somet!ing bac,. At t!e %e#e% o$ t!e N&' t!ere may be a strong "rinci"%e t!at its +or,ings s!ou%d a%+ays be trans"arent. Sometimes t!is "rinci"%e is ado"ted as a strategy, and systematic action is ta,en to ensure it. Sometimes t!e "rinci"%e is "ut on one side @ D7e +i%% tac,%e trans"arency ne>t year, a$ter +e !a#e made "rogress +it! ot!er strategiesD @ but it does not go a+ay. Princi"%es do not go a+ay. Strategies, !o+e#er, can be re"%aced +!en t!ey !a#e ser#ed t!eir "ur"ose. Anot!er "rinci"%e mig!t be $riend%iness to+ards t!e en#ironment. Anot!er, +e +ou%d !o"e, is t!e "rinci"%e o$ inc%usi#ity @ t!at a%% t!e "eo"%e +it! a say in an N&', +!et!er bosses, c%eaners or t!ose +!o get !e%", s!ou%d $ee% inc%uded and !a#e a +ay to ma,e t!eir o"inion !eard. No one s!ou%d be si%enced because o$ t!eir et!nic grou", because t!ey are disab%ed, too o%d, too "oor or because t!ey are +omen. Many N&'s !a#e started to trans%ate t!is "rinci"%e into somet!ing rea% by %oo,ing at gender.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

In2ludin+ )omen and men5 )orkin+ ou# a +ender 3oli2% 7!at is gender9 7e are born, most o$ us, as one o$ t!e t+o se>es. But boy babies and gir% babies get treated di$$erent%y $rom t!e moment t!eir umbi%ica% cord is cut. 7e are taug!t !o+ to be gir%sF+omen, boysFmen. So gender ro%es are t!e socia% and economic ro%es t!at our cu%ture gi#es us. *!ey a""%y to bot! main genders, but +omen tend to be be!ind men in t!eir situation (o$ten "oorer, %ess +e%%)$ed) and in t!eir abi%ity to get to resources. 5n most countries, $or e>am"%e, t!ey $ind it muc! more di$$icu%t to get credit e#en t!oug! t!ey !a#e a better record o$ re"ayment. EJAMP(E1 TH, ,FF,/T OF HA=ING A G,ND,R &OLI/<
5n .88-, t!ere +as a "ause in t!e $ig!ting in Sierra (eone. *!e "%anting season +as on%y si> +ee,s a+ay and t!e big internationa% agencies !ad to get seeds and too%s to e#erybody, $ast @ to sett%ed #i%%ages and to t!e dis"%aced "eo"%e in and around t!e #i%%ages. *!ey +or,ed t!roug! nationa% N&'s +!o in turn +or,ed t!roug! Ii%%age Heads. *!ose N&'s +it! no gender "o%icy a%%o+ed t!e Ii%%age Heads to contro% +!o bene$ited, +!ic! meant t!at t!e .2O o$ dis"%aced $ami%ies !eaded by +omen got not!ing. *!e N&'s +it! a gender "o%icy ,ne+ !o+ im"ortant it +as to reac! t!ese $ami%ies and made sure t!ey +ere !e%"ed.

Here are t!e reasons +!y +e say t!at an N&' s!ou%d +or, out its o+n gender "o%icy1 *!e first reason is t!at it +i%% !e%" you "ro#ide better ser#ices to bene$iciaries (%oo, at t!e e>am"%e abo#e). ;or a %ong time, certain grou"s !a#e been getting %ess attention in de#e%o"ment "roCects t!an ot!ers. 7omen !a#e been so%d s!ortA so !a#e di$$erent et!nic minorities, "eo"%e +it! "!ysica% disabi%ities, t!e e%der%y. Mean+!i%e t!e grou"s +it! t!e !ig!est "ro$i%e and %oudest #oice get t!e most attention. A crude e>am"%e is t!e cro+d +aiting $or t!e bread !andouts, a mass o$ young men e%bo+ing t!e +omen to t!e bac,. But t!e +omen @ %ea#ing em"ty)!anded as t!e bread runs out @ %oo, a$ter, on a#erage, $i#e ot!er "eo"%e. 5$ t!e distributors ,ne+ t!is, and acted on t!eir ,no+%edge, t!ey +ou%d "ro#ide a more e$$ecti#e ser#ice. So to some e>tent a gender "o%icy is about ,no+ing t!e "eo"%e you are !e%"ing and t!e grou"s +it!in t!e grou". 5t is simi%ar to doing a Iu%nerab%e &rou" Ana%ysis. 5t is a "%anning too%. *!e second reason is t!at it is an issue o$ Ca"acity Bui%ding. 0e#e%o"ing a gender "o%icy +i%% $orce you to %oo, at !o+ your o+n organisation !as de#e%o"ed and +!et!er your sta$$ is re"resentati#e o$ t!e grou"s you are !e%"ing. N&'s t!at are dominated by a !ig!er c%ass, or by one se>, N&'s +!ere e#eryone is young and ab%e)bodied, +i%% "robab%y not "ro#ide a sym"at!etic ser#ice $or anyone di$$erent, es"ecia%%y not t!e ot!er se>, t!e e%der%y, t!e most des"ised minorities.
,B,R/IS,5 I' #omorro) %our NGO #ar#ed a 3roje2# 'or 3ro #i#u#e 6 )ould ever%one #rea# #$em a )ell a #$e% )ould #rea# an old 'riend #$e% )en# #o 2$ool )i#$6 )$o i no) in #rou"leC I' no#6 )$% no#C W$ere doe kindD$ear#edne #ar# and endC

'n a more "ractica% %e#e%, most N&'s need +omen sta$$ $or certain tas,s, %i,e ta%,ing in con$idence to $ema%e bene$iciaries or "ro#iding ;ami%y P%anning. But i$ t!ey are on%y em"%oyed to do Cobs decided on by ma%e bosses a%one, t!en t!e N&' is under)using t!eir abi%ities and treating t!em +it! disres"ect @ and it "robab%y disres"ects its bene$iciaries as +e%%.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

N&'s +!ic! +ant to c!ange can organise sta$$ training, demand a "ro#en record o$ gender s,i%%s $or certain "osts etc. A third reason is t!at many donors and bigger N&'s ta,e t!e issue #ery serious%y. *!ey !a#e a gender "o%icy and +i%% e>"ect you to !a#e one too. *!is is not true $or a%% @ UNHCR !as a gender "o%icy, Medecins sans ;rontieres does not. ;ind out $rom your donors and "artner N&'s +!ere t!ey stand and t!en %oo, at t!eir +or,. A fourth reason is t!at gender is a matter o$ "rinci"%e. 5$ "eo"%e get +!at t!ey need t!en t!e ser#ice is $airer, more et!ica%. And +e cannot ,no+ +!at t!ey need un%ess +e understand t!eir situation. Ana%ysing it $rom t!e "ers"ecti#e o$ gender is one +ay to understand, and a !e%"$u% +ay. EJAMP(E1 HOW D,=,LO&ING G,ND,R AWAR,N,SS IM&RO=,D S,R=I/,S FOR TH, ,LD,RL< IN AFRI/A5
By Am%eset *e+odros, He%"Age 5nternationa% He%"Age 5nternationa% +or,s t!roug! %oca% N&'s +it! o%der +omen and men, and to do a good Cob it needs gender a+areness @ an understanding o$ t!e situation o$ bot! +omen and men and !o+ t!ey are a$$ected by socia% and "syc!o%ogica% $actors. 7it! good understanding, t!e rig!ts o$ bot! +omen and men can be e?ua%%y su""orted. 'n a#erage, +omen in t!e de#e%o"ing +or%d out%i#e men by 2)6 years, and by 3/36, t!e numbers o$ +omen aged o#er :/ +i%% !a#e increased by .6/ "er cent. (onger %i#es mean t!at, com"ared +it! men, +omen !a#e more c!ance o$ being +ido+ed, o$ %i#ing +it!out a "artner. '%der +ido+s !a#e $e+ o""ortunities to marry again and o$ten $ace %one%iness, iso%ation and de"endence on t!eir c!i%dren @ t!ese in societies +!ere status is %in,ed to !a#ing a !usband. 5n HA5Ps e>"erience, many o%der +omen continue to +or, into #ery o%d age. 5n addition to "roducing $ood or earning income t!emse%#es, t!ey o$ten ta,e on domestic res"onsibi%ities to enab%e ot!er $ami%y members to earn money. Care $or t!e Qo%d o%dP sti%% $a%%s %arge%y on $ema%e $ami%y members, o$ten t!emse%#es ageing and in $ai%ing !ea%t!A so does su""orting t!e sic, and disab%ed in bot! t!e immediate and t!e e>tended $ami%y At t!e A$rica Regiona% 0e#e%o"ment Centre o$ He%"Age 5nternationa%, +e $e%t t!at +e needed to do more to ma,e our "rogrammes gender)sensiti#e. So a consu%tancy $irm +as in#o%#ed to guide our +or,. *!ey started %oo,ing at t!e current "rogrammes im"%emented by t!e organisation and +!et!er t!ey cou%d be more gender)res"onsi#e. Iarious too%s use$u% $or mainstreaming gender +ere de#e%o"ed, $or e>am"%e too%s $or ad#ocacy, $or indicators and $or "rogramme monitoring. *!en, a t!ree)dayPs +or,s!o" +as carried out, to s!are t!ese too%s and increase t!e ca"acity o$ t!e sta$$ to use t!em. *!e +or,s!o" +as an eye)o"ener $or t!e sta$$. *!ey sa+ t!e need to c!ange be%ie$s and "ractices t!at margina%iRe +omen and t!e need to be more systematic and a%ert about ensuring t!at o%der +omen and men bene$it more $air%y $rom "rogrammes.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO


T$e 'ir # #e3 o' #$e &roje2# 2%2le involve iden#i'%in+ #$e real 3ro"lem and need ( <ou ma% alread% $ave a lo# o' in'orma#ion6 and ma% alread% $ave a +ood idea o' )$a# %ou )an# #o do( Ho)ever 3er$a3 #$i in'orma#ion i le 2om3le#e #$an %ou reali e( An e4er2i e in a2#ivel% +a#$erin+ in'orma#ion ma% "rin+ in an e4#ra dimen ion(


S#e3 05 &lan )$a# in'orma#ion %ou need and $o) #o +a#$er i# 3er$a3 #$rou+$ a Need A e men# or a &RA

A Needs Assessment is o$ten seen as a se"arate acti#ity, +!en a team $rom t!e N&' and ot!er disci"%ines goes and s"ends a +ee, +it! t!e bene$iciaries. But i$ t!e bene$iciaries are nearby, %i#ing in s!anty)to+ns or in a re$ugee cam", you mig!t +ant to bui%d in$ormation co%%ection into routine N&' acti#ities, +it! "er!a"s a "air o$ +or,ers s"ending an a$ternoon a +ee, #isiting a $e+ $ami%ies or indi#idua%s and gat!ering in$ormation in an organised +ay. *!en, your N&' +i%% be basing $uture decisions on good $oundations.
T ! PROC!SS O" # $!!%S #SS!SSM!$T &S '#&% O(T &$ #$$!) O$!.


S#e3 .5 Ge# in'orma#ion 'rom e43er# ou# ide %our NGO and 'rom #$e "ene'i2iarie - and make ure #$a# )$a# #$e% a% i #aken eriou l%

No N&' !as com"%ete e>"ertise. Needs Assessments can be done in "artners!i" +it! ot!er e>"erts. *!ese may be "eo"%e +or,ing in &o#ernment o$$ices or "ri#ate enter"rises. 5$ you are concerned +it! "o#erty, you mig!t +ant to in#o%#e an e>"ert on micro)enter"rises $rom a ban,A i$ you are interested in !ea%t! and sic,ness, you can ta%, to t!e %oca% !ea%t! +or,ers. Bui%ding "artners!i"s +it! suc! "eo"%e is +ort! doing. Most grou"s o$ bene$iciaries can "%ay an acti#e "art in t!e "rocess o$ $inding out +!at t!e "rob%ems are. C!i%dren o#er se#en, "eo"%e +it! "syc!iatric "rob%ems, e#en "eo"%e +it! s"ecia% education needs (t!e "eo"%e "re#ious%y ca%%ed Kmenta%%y !andica""edK) may sti%% be ab%e to communicate @ i$ you say to t!em in a care$u% and res"ect$u% +ay, B+!at are your "rob%ems9DA B+!at ,ind o$ "%ace do you +ant to %i#e in and +!y9D t!ey +i%% !a#e a "oint o$ #ie+ +ort! !earing. EJAMP(E1 TH, R,/ONSTRU/TION &RO!,/T IN LUARLILA M0N
5 be%ong to a nationa% N&' in a Centra% A$rican country. 5 +as +or,ing o#erseas +it! an 5nternationa% N&' +!en t!e country +ent into a "eriod o$ ci#i% +ar, +it! ,i%%ing, burning o$ #i%%ages etc. 7!en "eace +as restored 5 returned and, +it! $i#e co%%eagues, started t!e N&' +it! t!e main "ur"ose o$ reconstructing !ouses, since t!ere +ere many dis"%aced "eo"%e and returnees +it! no "ro"er !ousing. *!e 5nternationa% N&' $or +!om 5 !ad been +or,ing +as ready to $und a reconstruction "roCect i$ t!e "%an +as good ?ua%ity. 'ur $irst ste" +as a Partici"atory Rura% A""raisa%. 7e needed to $ind out +!at s!ou%d be done $irst in t!e situation t!at e>isted. 7e $ormed t+o teams, eac! !a#ing $our %oca% e>"erts @ an economist, a rura% de#e%o"ment s"ecia%ist, a nutritionistF"rimary !ea%t! care e>"ert and a socio%ogist. *!e teams +ere gi#en a one)+ee, training in Partici"atory Rura% A""raisa%. Eac! team +as t!en assigned a 0istrict $or +!ic!, a$ter t!e PRA, t!ey +ou%d !a#e to dra$t a reintegration and de#e%o"ment "%an @ t+o 0istricts in a%%.

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T$e ne4# #e3 o' #$e &roje2# /%2le involve de2idin+ )$a# #$e 3roje2# $ould do and #$en 3lannin+( To en ure #$a# %ou +e# #o )$ere %ou )an# #o +o #o6 3i2k +oal 6 o"je2#ive and indi2a#or #$a# #o+e#$er re'le2# #$e vi ion o' %our NGO(


S#e3 >5 De2ide )$a# #$e 3roje2# $ould do and #ar# 3lannin+@ iden#i'% +oal 6 o"je2#ive and a2#ivi#ie
*!e #ision o$ t!e N&' +or,ing in (uar%i%a is to im"ro#e t!e ?ua%ity o$ %i$e o$ t!e "eo"%e t!roug! bui%ding and in$rastructure "roCects. 5n (uar%i%a t!e &oa% (t!e %ong distance #ision) +as to enab%e t!e community to resume norma% %i$e t!roug! rebui%ding t!e !ouses and in$rastructure, Coming do+n to a more s"eci$ic sca%e, t!ere +ere t!ree main obCecti#es1 . 3 2 *o !a#e rain"roo$ !ousing $or a%% by t!e start o$ t!e rainy seasonA *o !a#e basic in$rastructure restored to an acce"tab%e standard *o in#o%#e t!e community in "%anning, im"%ementation and monitoring, so t!at t!ey +ou%d see t!e "roCect as t!eir o+n.

7e $e%t t!at t!e &oa% and obCecti#es o$ t!e "roCect $itted +e%% +it! our #ision.

Indi2a#or Some "roCect managers, +!en t!ey are c%ear on t!eir goa% and obCecti#es, brea, do+n some o$ t!e obCecti#es and acti#ities into sma%% re"resentati#e targets or indicators. 5$ t!e acti#ities se%ected as indicators are carried out +e%%, t!en "robab%y ot!er t!ings are "roceeding +e%% a%so. Eac! indicator !as to be measurab%e, ac!ie#ab%e, and re%e#ant.


S#e3 ?5 Involve #$e "ene'i2iarie in #$e 3lannin+ 3ro2e

7!en you start to "%an +!at to do, you must ,no+ +!at is Best Practice in your $ie%d. So c!ec, C!a"ter <. 5n (uar%i%a, bui%ding in Best Practice +as "art o$ t!e "%anning1 EJAMP(E1 TH, R,/ONSTRU/TION &RO!,/T IN LUARLILA M>N
'ur ne>t ste" +as to in#o%#e t!e Community as Acti#e Partners. 5n one o$ t!e 0istricts t!ere +as an acti#e 0istrict 0e#e%o"ment Committee ready to +or, +it! us. 7e +anted to gi#e t!is committee su""ort, !e%" it %earn by doing, and so become more ca"ab%e. Ho+e#er in t!e ot!er 0istrict t!e Committee +as !ea#i%y contro%%ed by t!e c!ie$ and !is $ami%y. 5t +as c%ear t!at t!ey +ou%d try to contro% +!o bene$ited $rom ne+ !ousing and t!e sa%es $rom any +ater su""%y. *!is "rob%em o$ an undemocratic committee, +as addressed in t!e $o%%o+ing +ay1 Bot! 0e#e%o"ment Committees +ere to%d t!at, i$ t!ey +anted t!e "roCect in t!eir district, t!ey +ou%d need to $orm a Reconstruction Sub)Committee t!at cou%d ma,e decisions. *!e numbers, gender and et!nic bac,ground o$ t!e members +ere de$ined in ad#ance, and t!e sub)committee members +ere +arned t!at t!ey +ere not a%%o+ed to bene$it t!emse%#es $rom t!e "roCect. 7ays o$ sett%ing disagreements +ere a%so +or,ed out in ad#ance.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO


S#e3 A5 Build Good &ra2#i2e and Tran 3aren2% in#o #$e 3lan

7!en you start to "%an +!at to do, it ma,es sense to be c%ear about Best Practice in your $ie%d. 5$ in doubt, c!ec, C!a"ter <. 5n (uar%i%a, bui%ding in Best Practice +as "art o$ t!e "%anning1 EJAMP(E1 TH, R,/ONSTRU/TION &RO!,/T IN LUARLILA M?N
A$ter t!e Partici"atory Rura% A""raisa%, t!ere +as a %ot o$ "%anning and "re"aration needed be$ore t!e im"%ementation cou%d start. *+o Community 0e#e%o"ment P%ans +ere made $rom t!e PRAs, and +ere #a%idated by t!e t+o "o"u%ations. *!e PRAs !ad $ound t!at in bot! 0istricts t!e needs +ere $or !ousing, $o%%o+ed by basic in$rastructure %i,e +ater su""%y, basic !ea%t! $aci%ities and some "rimary sc!oo%s. 7e +ere sur"rised at !o+ strong%y t!e t+o "o"u%ations +anted sc!oo%s $or t!eir c!i%dren. 7e !ad ensured t!at Best Practice +as bui%t into t!e "%ans1 *!is +as done by $o%%o+ing certain "rinci"%es1 H H 7e used tec!no%ogies t!at are used %oca%%y so t!at "eo"%e ,ne+ !o+ to construct t!eir o+n !ouses and ,ee" t!em re"aired. 7e tried to be sensib%e about %oca% resources, to a#oid a negati#e en#ironmenta% im"act. 7e used a !ouse design t!at did not in#o%#e too muc! %oca% +oodA +e did not +ant to see a%% t!e surrounding trees cut do+n. 7e +ere a%so #ery care$u% about %atrine siting etc. 7e $ound %oca% "eo"%e $or t!e critica% stages o$ bene$iciary identi$ication and mobi%isation, and !ired tec!nica% e>"ertise $rom outside.


'ur ne>t ste" +as to try to bui%d *rans"arency in t!e $o%%o+ing +ays be$ore +or, started1 bot! sub)committees met +it! t!e N&' to agree on +!o +as to recei#e e>tra bene$it $rom t!e "roCect, eit!er in t!e $orm o$ !e%" +it! t!e %abour o$ !ouse reconstruction or by a reduction in t!eir "ayments. *!e t+o se%ection criteria, #u%nerabi%ity and "o#erty, +ere agreed on and de$ined. ;or e>am"%e, +omen)!eaded !ouse!o%ds +ere c%assi$ied as #u%nerab%e. *!ese criteria +ere +ritten do+n and dis"%ayed in t!e t+o communities.


S#e3 85 Develo3 a moni#orin+ % #em in )$i2$6 )$ere 3o "ene'i2iarie 2an 3la% a role

i"le6 #$e

7e t!en "%anned t!e monitoring. *!is +as done in a meeting bet+een our N&' and t!e t+o Reconstruction Sub)committees. A number o$ areas +ere discussed inc%uding H H H Ho+ +i%% +e ,no+ i$ +e are reac!ing t!e #u%nerab%e grou"s9 7!at +i%% t!e community +ant to see as a sign o$ "rogress9 7!at can t!e sub)committees do to ,ee" t!e "roCect acti#ities going +!en t!e money sto"s and t!e "ro$essiona%s %ea#e9

'ut o$ t!is discussion +e agreed on a number o$ indicators, some o$ +!ic! +ere suggested by committee members. *!ey inc%uded1 H A mont! a$ter im"%ementation starts, a grou" +i%% #isit eac! district to c!ec, t!at a%% t!e #u%nerab%e and "oor $ami%ies are tru%y inc%udedA

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO H Si> mont!s a$ter t!e sc!oo% is o"en a maCority o$ t!e c!i%dren +i%% be attending regu%ar%y.

*!e Reconstruction Sub)committee !ad acce"ted res"onsibi%ity $or co%%ecting essentia% in$ormation, and $orms +ere dra+n u" to !e%" t!em. 5t +as agreed t!at some su"er#ision o$ t!e monitoring +ou%d be done by our N&'


S#e3 15 Ge# #$e 'inan2in+

Because +e +ere +or,ing a$ter a +ar in +!ic! our reser#es !ad disa""eared, +e +ere de"endent on one donor, t!e 5nternationa% N&'. *!is is ne#er good and in $act it too, %onger t!an necessary to a""ro#e t!e $inancing. *!is +as main%y because t!e +oman res"onsib%e $or Centra% A$rica got "regnant +it! com"%ications. So t!e start o$ +or, +as de%ayed $or $our mont!s and one o$ t!e best N&' +or,ers got bored, $ound a better)"aid Cob and %e$t.

"or *ore infor*ation read Chapter 10.+ on "undraisin, and Chapter -.. on Ma/in, Bud,ets.

ouse desi,ns usin, 0oca0 techno0o,y and not too *any 0oca0 trees

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO


6.. S#e3 95 And no) - a'#er all #$e 3lannin+ - im3lemen#6 or do i#

5m"%ementation can be re%ati#e%y easy i$ you !a#e done t!e "%anning +e%% @ and i$ you are %uc,y. Some t!ings are bound to go +rong. *!e most common "rob%ems are1 de%ayed $inancingA de%ayed su""%iesA sic,ness among t!e +or,ersA and bad +eat!er. P%anning s!ou%d try to ta,e a%% t!ese "ossib%e "it$a%%s into account. And +!en "rob%ems !a""en, you !a#e to be in#enti#e in $inding so%utions. EJAMP(E1 TH, R,/ONSTRU/TION &RO!,/T IN LUARLILA M9N
'ur ne>t ste" +as 5m"%ementation as $ina%%y t!e +or, began. 'ur "roCect !ad t+o maCor ty"es o$ acti#ities1 *!e $irst grou" o$ +or,s +ere !ouses +!ic! to a %arge e>tent t!e bene$iciaries cou%d rebui%d t!emse%#es or +it! some !e%" $rom a s,i%%ed bui%der. *!e res"onsibi%ity $or construction %ay a%most entire%y +it! t!e o+ner o$ t!e !ouseA !eFs!e made t!e bric,s, co%%ected t!e sand, did a%% t!e uns,i%%ed %abour etc.A our N&' +as on%y res"onsib%e $or de%i#ering bui%ding materia%s %i,e cement and roo$ing and co%%ecting a subsidised amount $rom eac! !ouse!o%d *!e second grou" o$ +or,s +ere t!ose t!at needed a contractor, and t!ese +ere t!e $aci%ities $or eac! community @ a +ater su""%y "%us reconstruction o$ t!e !ea%t! "ost and t!e "rimary sc!oo%. A contractor did t!e +or,. 0uring im"%ementation, a number o$ "rob%ems arose. Sma%% amounts o$ cement +ere needed during an ear%y stage o$ construction, and our N&' !ad been assigned an amount $rom a s!i"ment. Ho+e#er, t!is ?uota got di#erted to a &o#ernment "roCect. 5t too, time to $ind a%ternati#e sources. Mean+!i%e, construction !ad to sto". 'ne sub) committee became #ery de)moti#ated. A rumour +ent round t!at out N&' !ad embeRR%ed t!e $unds. ;re?uent #isits +ere necessary to ,ee" u" mora%e unti% +or, cou%d start again. A $urt!er "rob%em +as t!e o"timism o$ t!e community. Eac! $ami%y !ad eit!er to "ay a sma%% amount to t!e "roCect, or instead, !e%" one o$ t!e #u%nerab%e $ami%ies +it! t!eir !ouse bui%ding. Peo"%e #o%unteered to do t!is but many $ai%ed to "ut in t!e !ours. *!ree) ?uarters o$ t!e +ay t!roug! t!e "roCect, t!ere +as an emergency meeting +it! t!e de$au%ters. *!ey +ere gi#en a dead%ine $or +!en t!e "romised +or, !ad to be com"%eted @ or t!eir o+n !ouse +ou%d !a#e no roo$ing. Because o$ t!ese de%ays, t!e $ina% +or, on t!e !ouses +ent on into t!e rainy seasonA e>tra constructors !ad to be $ound and "aid so t!at a%% t!e roo$s +ere "ut on in time. *!e "roCect ran t!ree mont!s o#er t!e time "%anned and used u" a%% t!e contingency budget %ine. ,B,R/IS,5 W$a# )ere #$e #$ree "i++e # im3lemen#a#ion 3ro"lem 'a2ed "% #$e 3roje2# mana+erC Ho) did $e olve #$emC Would %ou $ave olved #$em in #$e ame )a%6 +iven %our o)n 2ul#ureC

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:.. S#e3 :5 Moni#or

Eou !a#e seen !o+ monitoring begins as "art o$ t!e "%anning stage. 'ne +ay to ensure t!at it is e$$ecti#e is to in#o%#e t!e "eo"%e you are +or,ing +it! and +!o +i%% bene$it $rom t!e "roCect, as !a""ened in t!e reconstruction "roCect in (uar%i%a. *!ey can !e%" you monitor t!e "rogress, based on t!e indicators t!at you !a#e identi$ied toget!er +it! t!e target grou"s. *!is is ca%%ed "artici"atory monitoring. Must as in Partici"atory Rura% A""raisa%, "eo"%e +!o cannot read or +rite can ne#ert!e%ess count and ta%%y, so t!ey can monitor and ,ee" records. T$e de'ini#ion o' moni#orin+5 *o monitor means constant%y to c!ec, !o+ t!ings are going, com"aring actua% "rogress to +!at +as "%anned. 5n ot!er +ords, !o+ +e%% are you $aring on your Courney9 Di''eren# rea on 'or moni#orin+5 ;or eac! N&', $or eac! "roCect, you, t!e managers, !a#e to decide +!y you +ant to monitorA t!en you !a#e to +or, out t!e minimum amount o$ recording t!at +i%% gi#e t!e in$ormation to meet your needsA t!en, !o+ to co%%ect itA and $ina%%y, !o+ you +i%% use t!e in$ormation co%%ected. Monitoring is one o$ t!e most im"ortant management too%s. Because o$ its im"ortance, it may rig!t%y ta,e u" to 6O o$ t!e budget. Ho+e#er, i$ t!e in$ormation gat!ered does not reac! t!e managers or i$ managers do not use it, time, money and e$$ort +i%% !a#e been +asted.


S#e3 075 ,valua#e

E#a%uation, %i,e monitoring, %oo,s at +!et!er obCecti#es !a#e been ac!ie#ed. But it tries to stand bac, and %oo, at t!e %onger)term obCecti#es @ Are you on t!e rig!t road9 5s your "roCect going to c!ange t!e "rob%em9 Being more s"eci$ic, !ere are some ideas (criteria) t!at are used by bigger organisations +!en t!ey e#a%uate. Eou do not need to use a%% o$ t!ese criteria. But you may +ant to re$ine !o+ you t!in, and "%an +it!in your N&'. AndFor you may +ant to ta%, to a bigger organisation in t!e internationa% %anguage. T$ree 2ri#eria u ed in ,valua#ion5 Relevan2e1 *!is is "er!a"s t!e most im"ortant. Suestion +!et!er t!e obCecti#es o$ t!e "roCect rea%%y matc!ed t!e "rob%ems and needs @ +!et!er t!e 12hy1 o$ t!e "roCect +as a good one. 5t is easy to start acti#ities t!at do not !e%" t!e "rob%em. ;or e>am"%e, one !ea%t! "roCect $ound a %ot o$ "rotein)ca%orie ma%nutrition (PCM) among t!e c!i%dren under $i#e and s"ent a great dea% o$ energy "ersuading t!e #i%%agers to start gro+ing %ettuces (not a "riority $ood $or c!i%dren +it! PCM). 'nce t!e "%ants +ere cro""ed t!ey +ere main%y so%d in t!e %oca% mar,ets and t!e cas! disa""eared into t!e !ouse!o%d budget. So t!ere +as no matc! bet+een "rob%em and acti#ity. /o #De''e2#ivene 5 E$$ecti#eness as,s +!et!er t!e "roCect !as been success$u% in ac!ie#ing its obCecti#es, and adding t!e +ord DcostD as,s +!et!er it !as done so $or a reasonab%e amount o$ money, time and e$$ort. 5$ a "roCect, $o%%o+ing its "%an, immunised 6// c!i%dren, t!at seems e$$ecti#eA but i$ t!e "roCect made one !undred $ie%d #isits and s"ent t!ree mont!s doing on%y immunisation, t!en it +as not #ery cost)e$$ecti#e. Su #aina"ili#%5 Are t!ere %asting bene$its a$ter t!e inter#ention (suc! as increased se%$) su$$iciency)9 Sustainabi%ity %oo,s at +!at !a""ens a$ter t!e "roCect comes to an end and +!et!er t!e bene$iciaries go on recei#ing bene$its $or an e>tended "eriod o$ time a$ter t!e assistance !as been +it!dra+n.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO


A $urt!er ste" $or t!e "roCect +as an E#a%uation, done t!ree mont!s a$ter t!e end o$ t!e "roCect by t!e $unding 5nternationa% N&'. *!ey +anted to %earn %essons $or t!e $uture. ;rom our "oint o$ #ie+ (t!e %oca% N&') t!e biggest +ea,ness o$ t!e e#a%uation +as t!at +e !ad not insisted on contributing to its *erms o$ Re$erence. 7e t!oug!t t!at t!e strong "oints o$ t!e "roCect +ere t!e community in#o%#ement and t!e !e%" gi#en to t!e #u%nerab%e. *!e *erms o$ Re$erence +ere more concerned +it! money, es"ecia%%y cost) e$$ecti#eness (#a%ue $or money) +!ic! !ad not been a strong "oint in t!e "roCect because o$ a%% t!e de%ays and o#er)s"ending. ;or our o+n e#a%uation, +e re)#isited t!e #i%%ages a year %ater and $ound t!at t!e sub)committees +ere co%%ecting money $or +ater and ensuring re"airs to t!e !ouses and +ater systems. *!is to us seems #ery "ositi#e. ,B,R/IS,5 Do %ou #$ink #$i 3roje2# 2ore )ell 'or relevan2e and u #aina"ili#%C /ould %ou +ive rea on C


S#e3 005 Feed le

on "a2k in#o #$e ne4# round o' 3lannin+

*!e %ast ste" is to $eed bac, t!e %essons you !a#e %earnt into t!e ne>t round o$ "%anning. EJAMP(E1 LUARLILA /ONTINU,D
A$ter our o+n e#a%uation, our N&' !e%d a +or,s!o" to re#ie+ B%essons to be %earnt $rom (uar%i%aD. 7e !ad in#ited t+o outsiders $rom ot!er N&'s and one $rom an internationa% donor. A$ter t+o "resentations, +e s"%it into grou"s and brainstormed. Se#era% "eo"%e !ad been as,ed to ta,e t!e ro%e o$ B0e#i%Ps Ad#ocateD. As a resu%t +e +ere more critica% t!an +e mig!t !a#e been o$ our bene$iciary in#o%#ement and o$ our dea%ings +it! t!e $under. At t!e end o$ t!e day +e !ad a number o$ =(essons (earnt= +ritten u" on a "oster in our main o$$ice, +!ere t!ey cou%d be ,e"t in mind.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO


<.. Be # &ra2#i2e 'or %ouC

5n eac! $ie%d o$ de#e%o"ment, "eo"%e !a#e been +or,ing and gaining e>"erience $or centuries. As"ects o$ Best Practice de"end on t!e situationA in t!e e>am"%e gi#en be%o+ o$ +or,ing +it! t!e "!ysica%%y disab%ed, t!e setting is Sout! A$rica. *!e economic situation is #aried but more de#e%o"ed t!an in ot!er countries, so standards are !ig!er. E%se+!ere, t!e on%y Practice "ossib%e may be !e%"ing t!e disab%ed Cust to ,ee" a%i#e. But +!ate#er t!e economic %e#e%, !e%"ing t!e bene$iciaries bui%d se%$)res"ect and gain some "o+er is bot! im"ortant and "ossib%e. 5$ your N&' %oo,s serious%y at +!at is considered Best Practice in its $ie%d, and a$ter !ard arguing decide t!at it is not rig!t $or your circumstances, t!en t!at is $air enoug!. But i$ you Cust ignore t!e +!o%e body o$ e>"erience and do +!at you +ant to do, you are %oo,ing a$ter your o+n egos, not t!e +e%% being o$ your bene$iciaries.


I "uildin+ an or3$ana+e Good &ra2#i2e or BadC

*raditiona%%y in A$rica, or"!ans +ere accommodated by t!e e>tended $ami%y. But in Euro"e "eo"%e bui%t or"!anages. *!e c!aracteristics o$ or"!anages $or t!e %ast t+o !undred years !a#e been1 H insu$$icient numbers o$ sta$$ to meet t!e "!ysica% and "syc!o%ogica% needs o$ t!e c!i%drenA H a $ai%ure to teac! t!e c!i%dren !o+ to re%ate to adu%ts o$ bot! se>es, and in doing so %earn !o+ to be a +oman or a manA H a $ai%ure to teac! t!em !o+ to bui%d re%ations!i"s o$ t!eir o+nA H %ac, o$ "%anning o$ t!e c!i%drenPsP +or, $utures. 5n Euro"e, gir% babies are "ut into or"!anages, gro+ u" +it!out re%ations!i"s +it! boys and men, come out at si>teen, get "regnant . . . and "ut t!eir gir% baby bac, into t!e or"!anage. Peo"%e seem to %o#e bui%ding or"!anages. *!e idea ma,es a nice menta% "icture @ t!e saint%y $ounders, surrounded by t!e %o#ing c!i%dren +!o are on%y a%i#e because o$ t!em, a%% in a bui%ding t!at is a concrete "roo$ o$ t!eir bene#o%ence. But t!is "icture is about t!e egos o$ t!e bui%ders, not +!at is best $or c!i%dren. *oday, A50S !as broug!t a %arge number o$ or"!ans. Ho+ s!ou%d t!ey be cared $or9 *!e money t!at can bui%d an or"!anage can a%so be s"ent on $ostering t!e babies +it! t!eir grannies and "aying an a%%o+ance. 5$ t!ere are no grannies, aunties or big sisters, t!ey can be $ostered +it! non)re%ated $ami%ies. 5$ %and tenure is c%osed to outsiders, t!en o%der or"!ans +i%% do better in to+ns, +!ere t!ey can be $ound a Master or Mistress and a""renticed to a trade, and idea%%y $ostered +it! t!e MistressPs or MasterPs $ami%y.


Workin+ ou# Be # &rin2i3le and &ra2#i2e

By #*0eset Te2odros 7e +or, $or He%"Age 5nternationa% A$rica Regiona% 0e#e%o"ment Centre, in enya. 'ur Cob is to "ro#ide su""ort $or nationa% and %oca% N&'s +or,ing +it! o%der "eo"%e. *!roug! t!eir e$$orts +e try to ensure t!at a number o$ best "rinci"%es and "ractice are re$%ected in "roCect +or,. Here are some o$ t!em1

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO /$e2kin+ our a##i#ude and #$o e o' o#$er ke% 3eo3le 7e try to ensure t!at e#eryone concerned sees o%der "eo"%e as e?ua% "artners, not as obCects o$ c!arity. &etting o%der is a natura% "rocess t!at a$$ects us a%%. 7e s!ou%d recognise t!at o%der +omen and men are an im"ortant "art o$ society. *!ey contribute, and t!eir rig!ts, needs and contributions need to be +e%% understood. 5t is im"ortant to recognise t!at o%der men and +omen !a#e a +ea%t! o$ e>"erience ac?uired o#er time. 3& ne4er be0ie4ed these poor o0der peop0e had anythin, to say. $o2 & ha4e chan,ed *y *ind and 2i00 a02ays consu0t the*56 &o#ernment o$$icer, Et!io"ia, a$ter attending a needs assessment +or,s!o" +it! o%der "eo"%e. Involvin+ #$e elderl% in NGO #ru2#ure and in #$eir 3lannin+ 3ro2e e 'ur "artner N&'s are in#o%#ing t!e e%der%y in t!eir structures. (i,e ot!er N&'s t!ey s!are "o+ers, rig!ts, and accountabi%ity by !a#ing strong Boards (more in C!a"ter -) and o%der men and +omen are re"resented on t!ese Boards. *!ey can use t!eir e>"eriences and ca"acities in "roCect designing, im"%ementing and monitoring. Under #andin+ #$eir 3$% i2al limi#a#ion "u# al o #$eir #ren+#$ As "eo"%e ad#ance in age, t!ey may become +ea,er and more susce"tib%e to i%%ness. 7e !a#e $ound t!at it is im"ortant to ta,e t!is into consideration +!i%e dea%ing +it! o%der "eo"%e. 7e !a#e to see eac! o$ t!em as an indi#idua%, to try to encourage "artici"ation, inde"endence and digni$ied %i#ing @ +!at +e ca%% acti#e ageing. But +e must not be o#er"rotecti#e. '%der "eo"%e !a#e great strengt!s. 7ou are ne4er too o0d to 0earn. "or *e6 it 2as 0i/e steppin, fro* dar/ness into the 0i,ht56 Mrs, Mc!uru, -3 years, a %iteracy "rogramme "artici"ant, 0urban, Sout! A$rica.


Good &ra2#i2e in #$e 2on#e4# o' a 2oun#r% )i#$ ome re our2e

By 8ordon "reer M'0E is a grou" o$ com"anies t!at is dedicated to $inding socio)economic so%utions $or "ersons +it! disabi%ities @ !e%"ing t!em $ind "aying +or,. 5n many cases disab%ed "eo"%e are seen as being a drain on $ami%ies and on society. But "aid +or, is economica%%y em"o+ering and can !e%" reintegrate t!em into t!eir society. Pre#ious%y t!ere +as a +e%$are mindset t!at ensured t!at t!e disab%ed remained de"endent on grants and !andouts @ in a "ro#erbia% sense, "eo"%e +ere gi#en $is! instead o$ being taug!t !o+ to $is!. 'ne bene$iciary said, B7!at does it !e%" i$ +e can dress ourse%#es and o"erate our +!ee%c!airs, but +e are unab%e to $ind Cobs to earn a %i#ing9 7e are a burden to our $ami%ies and +e !a#e no dignity.D *!roug! t!e M'0E met!odo%ogy, inacti#e, de"endent "eo"%e +it! disabi%ities are trans$ormed into acti#e, "roducti#e citiRens +!o contribute to t!e economy. M'0E is a Bbest "racticeD mode% o$ teac!ing "eo"%e +it! disabi%ity !o+ to $is!. Pro#ided +it! o""ortunities and su""ort, many "eo"%e +it! disabi%ities !a#e "ro#ed t!at t!ey can start and run t!eir o+n, #iab%e sma%% businesses. *!e "erson must be !ig!%y moti#ated to im"ro#e !is or !er $inancia% situation, t!roug! !is or !er o+n e$$ort and not re%ying on !andouts. 5t is a%so #ery im"ortant t!at t!e "erson !as a re%iab%e su""ort net+or, o$ $riends and $ami%y. *o ac!ie#e our aim, Mode uses a number o$ di$$erent too%s inc%uding1 H Em"o+erment o""ortunities to t!e sector o$ society +!o are %abe%%ed as Bdisab%edD. Moti#ated indi#idua%s +it! disabi%ities are "rom"ted to disco#er t!eir abi%ities. Iocationa% re!abi%itation, +!ic! inc%udes "re)#ocationa% s,i%%s, +or, "er$ormance s,i%%s and "rob%em)so%#ing s,i%%s.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO


7or, "%acement F Cob creation F business "%acement in t!e $orma% as +e%% as t!e in$orma% sector. En#ironment)enab%ing so%utions to o#ercome "!ysica% and socia% obstac%es in t!e +or, "%ace.


Ho) %ou 'ind ou# )$a# i Be # &ra2#i2e in %our 'ield5

*o $ind t!e best "ractice in your $ie%d1 H H ;ind an e>"erienced N&' in your $ie%d. As, i$ you can #isit and %oo, at +!at t!ey do. Read t!e %iterature. Pay a #isit to t!e nearest to+n +it! a %ibrary. (oo, at t!e %ist o$ addresses, contacts and resources in #nne9 Si9 at t!e end o$ t!is manua% and $ind +!at a""%ies to your s"ecia%ism. ;o%%o+ it u". *ry to $ind some use$u% sites on t!e 7eb. ;ind an e>"erienced +or,er in your $ie%d, "er!a"s retired, and as, t!em to Coin t!e Board o$ your N&'.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO


-.. Be2omin+ a 'ormal NGO

So your grou" !as "assed t!e initia% stage o$ ent!usiasm and in$orma%ity. Eou !a#e decided t!at you can do more i$ you $orma%ise your structure and register as an N&'. Eou +i%% create a steering committee or board, be recognised o$$icia%%y by t!e go#ernment and donors, and com"%y +it! t!e e>"ectations and "rescri"tions t!at +i%% resu%t.


S3e2iali a#ion amon+ #$e #a''

7e%%, do you rea%%y need administrators, $und)raisers and boo,,ee"ers, an o$$ice and a $i%ing system, secretaries, #e!ic%es and dri#ers, s+ee"ers, a canteen and coo,s9 *o ans+er t!at you need to start t!in,ing about t!e ot!er end @ 7!at do you +ant to ac!ie#e +it! your organisation9 *!e origina% grou" cou%d !e%" a !undred "eo"%e in a nearby s%um. No+ you +ant to run a !ea%t! ser#ice meeting t!e basic needs o$ 3/,/// "eo"%e. *o "ro#ide a bigger, more $ocused and "ro$essiona% ser#ice, "eo"%e !a#e to s"ecia%ise. 5$ you +ant to do immunisations, you need a nurse. *!e nurse s!ou%d not be s"ending a %ot o$ time s+ee"ing $%oors because t!en s!e can do $e+er immunisations. And so on.


Buildin+ and u #ainin+ #$e 3rin2i3le

But N&'s are not Cust about siRe and "ro$essiona%ism. *!ey are about "rinci"%es. 'ne o$ t!ese "rinci"%es is t!at e#erybody, director and s+ee"er, s!ou%d $ee% t!at t!ey are "art o$ t!e N&' team and t!at t!e N&' be%ongs to t!em. *!ere are di$$erent +ays o$ doing t!is but one is t!roug! "eo"%e eating toget!er. 5$ you ser#e a good midday mea% to e#eryone, at big, mi>ed tab%es, t!is is one +ay o$ ma,ing t!em a team. 't!er "rinci"%es $or an N&' are re%iabi%ity, accountabi%ity and trans"arency. ;or t!is you need an ade?uate administrati#e system. Someone must dea% +it! eac! gi$t o$ a "i%e o$ "ennies, gi#e a recei"t and say t!an, you. *!e boo,,ee"er must enter t!e money and be ab%e, as "art o$ t!e annua% audit, to s!o+ t!at it +ent to buy medicines, not beer $or t!e sta$$. *!e boo,,ee"ing must be sim"%e enoug! t!at t!e donor understands. *!e recei"ts $or t!e medicines must be $i%ed in a system so t!ey can be $ound again. 5$ +e come bac, to $inances o#er and o#er again, it is because so many N&'s !and%e money so "oor%y.


T$e We #ern model o' or+ani a#ion

*!e +estern mode% o$ organisations, t!e Pyramid, is t!e most common in industry and a%so among N&'s, bot! in t!e Nort! and t!e Sout!. 5t +as t!e same ty"e o$ organisation t!at bui%t t!e rea% "yramids. 't!er +ays o$ organising grou"s o$ +or,ers are $ound a%% o#er t!e +or%d and can a%so +or, +e%% but t!ey are usua%%y sma%%er organisations. ;or e>am"%e, in t!e !ea%t! $ie%d, nursing or maternity !omes are sometimes run by a grou" o$ sisters or mid+i#es, +!o are $air%y ega%itarian +!i%e o$$ering ?ua%ity care. *!e nurses ,no+ and res"ect eac! ot!er and +ou%d rat!er do minor Cobs t!emse%#es t!an "ay out e>tra sa%aries. 5t is a +ay o$ +or,ing +!ic! is more B$ema%eD, +!ic! dra+s on a s"irit o$ co)o"eration.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

Anot!er success$u% mode% is t!at o$ t!e ;ami%y organisation, +!ere e#erybody +i%% turn to any Cob and t!e boss is a%so grand"a. A "ossib%e +ea,ness +it! $ami%y organisations is t!at t!ey may be resistant to ne+ ideas. *!en, in addition to t!e stated $unction, t!e organisation !as anot!er @ im"ortant but un+ritten @ goa%1 to bene$it t!e $ami%y itse%$. *!is does not matter i$ t!ey ma,e and se%% $%i")$%o"s, but matters a %ot i$ t!ey say t!ey are !e%"ing A50S or"!ans. So t!e +estern Pyramid mode% is %i,e a "yramid in s!a"e, +it! usua%%y one boss at t!e to" and more "eo"%e as you go do+n t!e "yramid1 AN OUTLIN, ORGANOGRAMM, OF A W,ST,RN NGO5

Eac! %ayer su"er#ises t!e %ayer be%o+, eac! %ayer ans+ers to t!e %ayer abo#e. 5n t!e end, e#eryone ans+ers to t!e boss +!o s!ou%d ta,e res"onsibi%ity $or +!at e#eryone does. Some organisationa% "yramids are ta%% and t!inA some are +ider and $%atter. A good N&' !as a "yramid t!at is not too ta%%. *!e most Cunior "erson s!ou%d not !a#e too many %ayers bet+een !er or !im and t!e boss. *!e reason $or t!is1 it s!ou%d be easy $or t!e t+o to communicate, +!en necessary.
,B,R/IS,5 &u# %our NGO #ru2#ure on 3a3er6 like #$e e4am3le a"ove( Ho) man% la%er "e#)een #$e mo # junior 3er on and #$e "o

*!e same mode% is $ound in a%most a%% industries and "ro$it)ma,ing organisations. Some say it is a more Bmascu%ineD +ay o$ organising. *!e mode% can stay $air%y +or,er)$riend%y and democratic but, "articu%ar%y as t!e organisation gets bigger, it can become distorted in t!e $o%%o+ing +ays1 H *!e "restige o$ t!e boss may get greater and t!e ga" bet+een !im and t!e %o+est +or,er gets bigger (t!e boss is usua%%y but not a%+ays a man)A H *!e to" o$ t!e "yramid becomes main%y ma%eA H *o get "romotion or e#en ,ee" your Cob you must com"eteA H Em"%oyees are set targets, +it! "ressure to "roduce #o%ume rat!er t!an ?ua%ity. ;or e>am"%e1 An increasing number o$ o%d "eo"%e must be #isited eac! year. But it becomes %ess im"ortant t!at t!e ?ua%ity o$ t!eir %i#es is actua%%y im"ro#ed.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO


Im3rovin+ #a'' 'un2#ionin+

Eou can !e%" t!e N&' to $unction +e%% by ma,ing sure t!at eac! "ost !as a Cob descri"tion @ +!at t!at "erson s!ou%d be doing, +!o t!ey ans+er to and +!o t!ey su"er#ise. Mob descri"tions $or senior "osts s!ou%d inc%ude tas,s at $ie%d %e#e%, so t!at t!e bosses do not get out o$ touc!. And serious tas,s s!ou%d be s!ared rat!er t!an a%% being done by t!e 0irector. &ood bosses de"utise @ $or e>am"%e, t!e N&' can be re"resented on a %oca% "%at$orm on ;ood Security by t!e "erson +!o ,no+s about agricu%ture, etc. Eour N&' !as stated goa%s and a c!osen s"ecia%ism. So you ,no+ +!at you +ant t!e N&' to do. And you need sta$$ +!o can do it. *!e Cob o$ t!e N&' s!ou%d be re$%ected in t!e ca"acity o$ t!e sta$$ and t!en in t!e ?ua%ities o$ t!e board. Su3ervi ionE u33or# o' #$e )orker 5 Most +or,ers need t!e same t!ings to +or, +e%%. *!ey need t!e basic materia% t!ings @ a sa%ary +!ic! +i%% "ay $or a roo$, $ood, sc!oo% $or t!e c!i%drenA su$$icient Cob security so t!at i$ t!ey +or, +e%% t!ey +i%% not get sac,edA enoug! !o%idays to ,ee" menta%%y !ea%t!y. 5n an N&', a%% being +e%%, t!ey +i%% get somet!ing more @ a sense o$ "ur"ose in doing a Cob t!at !e%"s ot!ers. But t!is $ee%ing does not %ast $ore#er i$ t!e +or,ers t!emse%#es do not recei#e enoug! su""ort. 5n most organisations, most +or,ers ans+er to someone, +!o in turn !as t!e Cob o$ c!ec,ing +!at t!ey do. &ood su"er#ision reminds +or,ers $rom time to time o$ t!eir "ur"ose. Per!a"s eac! c%eric needs to s"end a day +it! a $ie%d +or,er $rom time to time, or t!e N&' cou%d !o%d an KAccounting 0ayK1 B*!is is +!at +e ac!ie#ed o#er t!e %ast yearLD 5n some cu%tures and +it! some "eo"%e, su"er#ision in a%most +!o%%y negati#e, +it! $ear and !umi%iation used to ,ee" +or,ers as under%ings. Not on%y is t!is mora%%y dubious, "eo"%e treated t!is +ay tend to +or, $ar be%o+ t!eir $u%% ca"acity. A better +ay is to $ocus on good +or, @ e$$ort, ac!ie#ement, su""ort o$ co%%eagues, coo"eration using "raise and encouragement. Honest "raise is a go%dmine t!at most organisations bare%y try to dig out. 5t ins"ires indi#idua%s and ,nits team s"irit. A good su"er#isor can a%so !e%" a +or,er to understand t!eir o+n moti#ation, t!eir strengt!s, t!eir +ea,nesses and !o+ t!ey can im"ro#e. 5$ you, t!e reader, are a%so a su"er#isor, you cou%d do t!e $o%%o+ing e>ercises +it! your su"er#isees (and be sure to do t!em $or yourse%$ as +e%%T)1 1..1, 1..1.1.6 1..1.+., 1..+.+. EJAMP(E1 BUILDING /A&A/IT< IN TH, F,N!I WAT,R &RO!,/T
;enCi is "art o$ a +ider "roCect run by an N&' in Iietnam. Unti% recent%y it +as a tem"orary "roCect re#i#ing an o%d +ater system +it! a number o$ tec!nicians on tem"orary contracts. No+ t!e e?ui"ment +or,s +e%%, meters are insta%%ed at eac! !ouse and businessA t!e money t!at is being co%%ected $rom users can "ay $or '"eration and Maintenance. *!e "roCect is sustainab%e. So t!e N&' is setting u" a "ermanent 7ater Section. As "art o$ t!e c!angeo#er it !as1 . 3 decided on t!e "osts re?uired in t!e 7ater SectionA $ormu%ated t!e Cob descri"tion $or eac! o$ t!e "ostsA

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conducted a "er$ormance a""raisa% o$ t!e sta$$ current%y +or,ing in t!e "roCectA decided +!et!er t!e ca"acities o$ t!e current sta$$, tec!nica% and "ersona%, matc! t!e re?uirements o$ t!e CobA decided, +it! regret, to dismiss one sta$$ member +it! $e+ s,i%%s and %itt%e +is! to %earnA and to mo#e t+o ot!ers +!o cou%d not be!a#e "ro"er%y to+ards t!e ne+ young bossA arranged $or t!ree sta$$ to go on training courses so t!at t!ey can do t!eir Cobs ade?uate%y (i$ t!ey "ass)A is dra+ing u" Cob contracts +it! a "robation time o$ : mont!s.

: <

*!is ,ind o$ a""roac! to a Cob o#er#ie+ is ,no+n as a S7'* (a Strengt!s, 7ea,nesses, '""ortunities and *!reats ana%ysis) and can be used to ana%yse ca"acity in t!e +!o%e N&' and $or ot!er issues. "or *ore on S:OTs read the first part of Chapter 1+6 1Bui0din, Sustainabi0ity1. 5n ;enCi and e%se+!ere, it is im"ortant to rea%ise t!at sta$$ ca"acity)bui%ding is more t!an Cust training @ some organisations see training as t!e ans+er $or e#ery "rob%em +!en +!at is needed is sta$$ +or,ing more accurate%y, getting better su"er#ision, !a#ing t!eir moti#ation im"ro#ed etc. ;unding $or training is more di$$icu%t to $ind t!ese days. EJAMP(E1 /A&A/IT<DBUILDING IN A WOMANOS &RO!,/T
A $arming N&' in nort!east A$rica started a 7omenPs Section to o$$er training to #i%%age +omen. 5t recruited $i#e "ro$essiona% +omen $rom t!e ca"ita%, a%% midd%e)c%ass and +it! !ea#y $ami%y res"onsibi%ities. *!ese +ere +omen +!o !ad to $ind $ood $or t!eir big $ami%ies +it! "rices !ig! and in$%ation risingA care $or t!e aged "arents o$ t!eir !usbandsA %ea#e t!eir babies +it! ./)year)o%ds +!i%e t!ey +or,ed. *!ey !ad good !earts but t!eir Cob +as not t!eir !ig!est "riority. *!e 7omenPs Section !ad no c%ear obCecti#es. Sta$$ !e%d meetings at crossroads around t!e country. *!ey +ou%d gi#e a %ecture on c!i%dcare. *+o +omen $rom eac! #i%%age +ou%d be B#o%unteeredD to attend. Neit!er sta$$ nor %isteners $ound it use$u% or interesting. *!e mora%e o$ t!e sta$$ became #ery %o+. *!en, +it! t!e !e%" o$ donors, t!e organisation started to ana%yse +!at +as needed. *!e sta$$ s"ent a +ee, in a #i%%age, $or se#era% t!e $irst time t!ey !ad done so. *!ey returned %ater to inter#ie+ +omen on +!at t!e #i%%age +omen +anted to %earn. *!eir "riorities turned out to be Earning Money and ;ami%y P%anning. But to teac! t!ese, t!e sta$$ !ad to do t+o t!ings @ $ind "ro$essiona%s to +or, +it! and go bac, to sc!oo% t!emse%#es. *!e "rocess o$ re)$orming +as %ong and toug! but it made sense to t!e sta$$ and t!eir mora%e +ent u".


Buildin+ and u #ainin+ an e''e2#ive Board

Ha#ing a Board or Steering Committee is a 7estern +ay o$ organising an N&'. 5t is not t!e on%y +ay. Ho+e#er, in t!e e>"erience o$ t!e aut!ors, good N&'s a%most a%+ays !a#e good Boards and t!e contribution o$ t!at board is #isib%e. 5n C!a"ter . +e said t!at a Board becomes im"ortant +!en t!e +or,ers start to be "aid, and may become more concerned +it! earning a %i#ing t!an +it! good ser#ice.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

A good Board can do t!e $o%%o+ing1 H H 5$ t!e members!i" is rig!t, it +i%% tru%y re"resent t!e interests o$ t!e bene$iciaries 5t can ma,e "o%icy decisions a+ay $rom t!e "eo"%e doing t!e dai%y tas,s, out o$ no "ersona% interest e>ce"t t!e good o$ t!e bene$iciaries. *!is is +!at is meant by t!e se"aration o$ "o%icy)ma,ing and e>ecuti#e $unctions. 5t gi#es t!e director aut!ority and su""ortA and "ro#ides an a%ternati#e aut!ority to +!ic! sta$$ can a""ea% i$ t!e director gets out o$ %ine. 5$ it is made u" o$ e>"erienced +omen and men $rom t!e %oca% community it +i%% bring a%% ,inds o$ e>"erience into t!e N&'.


By as,ing res"ect)+ort!y %oca% %eaders and re"resentati#es to be members, a bridge is bui%t bet+een t!e N&' and t!e +ider community. 5t is a $act t!at %oca% %eaders cannot be by"assed. 5$ t!ey $ee% i%% +i%% to+ards an N&' t!en t!at organisation !as a "oor c!ance o$ doing +e%%. 't!er +ays o$ ensuring t!e "assi#e su""ort o$ %oca% %eaders, +!en you donPt +ant t!em messing in "o%icy)ma,ing, are getting t!eir b%essing or as,ing t!em to be Honorary Patrons. Ho+e#er, i$ t!ey are suitab%e to be on t!e Board t!ey can a%so $orm an acti#e bridge bet+een t!e N&' and donors, t!e N&' and &o#ernment. *!e s,i%%s t!ey bring s!ou%d su""%ement t!ose o$ t!e N&' sta$$ rat!er t!an com"ete +it! t!em. E>am"%es o$ t!e "eo"%e to recruit as Members are1 nurses +!o !a#e reduced t!eir +or,%oad in t!e !os"ita%A !eadmastersA o$$icers +!o used to +or, in t!e community courtsA re"resentati#es o$ t!e "ri#ate sector (since some business "eo"%e !a#e a re$res!ing +ay o$ seeing organisations)A "eo"%e +!o +or, in $inance, because most N&'s are dread$u% managers o$ $inance. *!e Board members s!ou%d !a#e t!eir $unctions c%ear%y +ritten, +it! a Cob descri"tion @ $or many o$ t!em, it is indeed a ne+ Cob. *!e descri"tion s!ou%d inc%ude t!e years o$ tenure. Mob descri"tions a%so !e%" to %in, t!e board to t!e o$$ice and t!e "eo"%e in t!e o$$ice. *!e t+o ty"es o$ $unctions @ Board and Sta$$ @ s!ou%d com"%ement eac! ot!er, and bot! s!ou%d be stated in +riting. 5t s!ou%d be c%ear t!at t!e Board s!a%% ne#er inter$ere in decision)ma,ing about dai%y +or,A and t!e sta$$ s!ou%d not re)inter"ret t!e "o%icy o$ t!e board to ma,e it $it +it! t!eir o+n #ision. 5ne#itab%y, t!oug!, t!ese t!ings +i%% !a""en and t!ere +i%% be c%as!es.

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T$e rela#ion $i3 "e#)een #$e S#a'' and #$e Board in an NGO

Bot! Board and Sta$$ +i%% on%y $unction at t!eir best i$ t!eir re%ations!i" is +e%% bui%t. *!e sta$$ needs to !a#e +ays o$ "ro#iding in$ormation to t!e board and !a#ing an in"ut into t!e "rocess o$ "o%icy de#e%o"ment. *!ey must t!en be ready to understand, acce"t and +or, +it!in t!at "o%icy $rame+or,. And t!ey need to !a#e t!e room to ma,e decisions t!emse%#es +it!in t!e $rame+or,.


Buildin+ #$e 2a3a2i#% o' Board and S#a''

Members o$ t!e Board need to bui%d t!eir s,i%%s as Board Members. *!e N&' can arrange courses, t!e members can #isit ot!er N&'sA t!ey can %earn more $rom Sta$$ about t!e issues o$ t!e +or,. *!ey can a%so s!are training +it! Sta$$, bui%ding a sense o$ +or,ing toget!er. See the C'R#C e9a*p0e in Chapter 10.+.1. 1P0annin, the fundin, needs of the $8O1.


T$e "o

6 #$e 2$ara2#er and #$e jo"

*!e ca"abi%ity o$ bosses is a$$ected by !o+ t!ey are moti#ated and +!at got t!em t!e boss "osition. Some are bosses because t!ey are someonePs son or t!e o%dest successor to t!e resigning boss. A more ty"ica% !ead is someone +it! e>tra dri#e, energy and #ision. Sometimes t!e #ision is $or t!e bene$iciaries, sometimes it is $or "ersona% g%ory. Are you, t!e reader, a boss9 Can you %oo, at +!at moti#ates you and use t!at ,no+%edge to +or, better9 &f so6 0oo/ at !9ercises 1..1.+ and 1..+.+ in Chapter 1.. 5$ you ac,no+%edge to yourse%$ t!at your +or, is %ess about ser#ing ot!ers t!an $eeding t!e image you !a#e o$ yourse%$, donPt get discouraged. Eou can sti%% do a $ine Cob, but you need to bui%d in sa$eguards @ +ays o$ ensuring t!at you treat +or,ers and bene$iciaries +e%% and do not edge into sma%% tyranny. ;ind "eo"%e to s"end time +it! +!o +i%% te%% you i$ you are getting a s+o%%en !ead. *!en consider t!is1 +!ate#er your moti#ation as t!e boss, t!e more you are a strong, ins"iring %eader, t!e more you need to as, yourse%$ B5$ 5 !a#e a !eart attac, tomorro+, +!o +ou%d ,ee" t!e N&' going9 7!o +ou%d maintain standards9D *!en, +e suggest, you can start de%egating more, gi#ing "ossib%e successors more res"onsibi%ity and guiding t!em so t!ey %earn !o+. Start bui%ding sustainab%e %eaders!i". *!in, about t!is1 energetic, dri#en bosses are sometimes better at getting resu%ts t!an at bui%ding good re%ations!i"s +it! co%%eagues. 5$ t!ere is a "ersistent and serious con$%ict bet+een you and a co%%eague, or bet+een t+o co%%eagues, it may a$$ect t!e $unctioning o$ t!e N&'. See Chapter 8.10.;.


Good +rou3 'un2#ionin+

-../.. Demo2ra#i2 de2i ionDmakin+5 Eour organisation needs to be %i,e a democratic country. E#eryone s!ou%d !a#e a say and a #ote. Sometimes, t!e boss, %i,e a Prime Minister, !as to ta,e t!e $ina% decision, and a%so ta,e res"onsibi%ity i$ it goes +rong. Ho+e#er, bosses in many countries $ind it di$$icu%t to s!are any o$ t!e decision)ma,ing. 0ia%ogue bet+een board and sta$$, dia%ogue bet+een boss and sta$$ @ un%ess bosses ensure t!is, t!ey are on t!e road to a dys$unctiona%, undemocratic N&' +it! un!a""y em"%oyees.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

-../.3 Re 3e2#'ul li #enin+5 &ood, res"ect$u% %istening is one o$ t!e most im"ortant s,i%%s t!at e#eryone s!ou%d de#e%o". 5t means !e%"ing t!e ot!er "erson to say +!at t!ey t!in, and $ee%, by gi#ing t!em t!e time t!ey need, ma,ing encouraging noises, as,ing ?uestions, saying t!at t!ey are doing +e%% @ +!ate#er +or,s +it!in your cu%ture.

8ood 0istenin,
GROU& ,B,R/IS,5 T$e "e # )a% o' learnin+ i #o li #en #o #$e o#$er 3er onO 3oin# o' vie) and #$en #a#e i# %our el'6 e''e2#ivel%6 even i' %ou do no# a+ree )i#$ i#( So 'ind a #o3i2 #$a# 3eo3le 'ind e4i#in+ and )ill ar+ue a"ou#( For e4am3le5 <our 2oun#r% $a a )ild animal #$a# a##ra2# ri2$ $un#er 6 )$o "rin+ mone% in#o #$e 2oun#r% "u# kill( &ro#e2#in+ #$e animal mi+$# a##ra2# 2amera #ouri # i' an%one or+ani ed i#( And 'or ome 3eo3le #$e animal i lovel%@ i# $a a ri+$# #o urvive and "e 3ro#e2#ed6 )$a#ever #$e e2onomi2 ar+umen# ( Bu# #$e 2oun#r% i o 3oor( /an %ou #$ink o' u2$ an animal in %our o)n 2oun#r% #i+er - lion - ele3$an# - red deer - ar2#i2 'o4 - 3olar "earC No) ea2$ 3er on 3i2k an e4#reme 3o i#ion #$a# #$e% iden#i'% )i#$( JNo animal $ould "e $un#ed 'or 'unK6 or JI' i# "rin+ mone% in6 )e need i#K( T$en #$e% 'ind omeone )i#$ a 3o i#ion #$e% di a+ree )i#$ and make a 3air( No)6 ea2$6 in #urn6 #a#e #$eir 3oin# o' vie) a )ell a #$e% 2an6 )i#$ 'eelin+6 and #$e li #ener $el3 #$em a mu2$ a 3o i"le( T$en6 in 'ron# o' #$e )$ole +rou36 ea2$ 3er on #a#e #$e ar+umen# #$a# #$e% $eard 'rom #$eir 3ar#ner6 doin+ i# a )ell a #$e% 2an( T$e idea i no# 'or 3eo3le #o 2$an+e #$eir 3oin# o' vie)6 "u# #o ee #$a# a di''eren# 3oin# o' vie) i under #anda"le and )or#$% o' re 3e2#(

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

-../.2 Holdin+ +ood mee#in+ 5 Most meetings are miserab%e t!ings. Here are some +ays o$ ma,ing t!em muc! more use$u%, democratic and satis$ying1 H H Ma,e sure t!ey do not go on too %ong @ ne#er more t!an an !our and a !a%$A Ha#e a c%ear agenda and use it to mo#e t!e meeting a%ong. 7or, out be$ore!and !o+ muc! time you can s"end on eac! item and +!en t!at time is u", get t!e #ote and mo#e on. (i$t out issues t!at needs a %ot o$ discussion. ;or e>am"%e i$ you +ant e#erybody to discuss =S!ou%d our N&' be doing %ess emergency +or, and more %ong)term +or,9D t!en "ut aside a +!o%e a$ternoon $or t!at debate and get as muc! "re"aration as "ossib%e done in ad#ance. ;or e>am"%e, "eo"%e +!o !a#e a strong o"inion s!ou%d +rite do+n t!eir arguments and circu%ate co"ies to e#erybody. *!in, bac, to "re#ious meetings. 7!o ta%,s too muc!, +!o ta%,s too %itt%e9 5$ t!ere are "eo"%e +!o ta%, too muc!, %oo, at t!e section on &ood (istening Cust abo#e, ta%, to t!ose "eo"%e indi#idua%%y, and i$ necessary +arn t!em be$ore t!e ne>t meeting t!at a$ter t!ree minutes you +i%% sto" t!em. Per!a"s t!ere is an et!nic minority grou" +!o !ard%y s"ea,s, "er!a"s it is t!e +omen. As, yourse%$ +!y and "er!a"s !a#e a meeting +it! t!e minority grou" or +it! t!e +omen. 5s t!ere a rea% cu%tura% barrier to t!em s"ea,ing9 7ou%d t!ey %i,e to !o%d a "re) meeting meeting eac! time, +it! a $riend%y man +!o can argue t!eir case in t!e main meeting9 Are t!ey discouraged by interru"tions, "eo"%e %aug!ing at t!em or not %istening9 0o "eo"%e res"ond in demeaning +ays9 5$ yes, you can +or, $rom t+o ang%es. He%" t!e ?uiet "eo"%e to meet and c%ari$y t!eir #ie+"oint, !e%" t!em "ractice s"ea,ing. &i#e t!em time in t!e main meetings. *!en, ta%, to t!e "eo"%e +!o are "utting t!em do+n. 5$ some "eo"%e deny ot!ers t!e c!ance to s"ea,, t!is is not Cust a Co,eA it is bu%%ying, de"ri#ing "eo"%e o$ t!eir democratic rig!ts. 5t is nasty and not acce"tab%e.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

-../.4 I' %our +rou3 $a 'allen in#o "ad $a"i# 5 Sometimes "eo"%e in a grou" $a%% into bad !abits, Meetings are c!aotic, a $e+ "eo"%e do most o$ t!e ta%,ing, t!ere are a %ot o$ interru"tions and raised #oices. Eou mig!t +ant to brea, t!e "attern and s%o+ t!e discussion "rocess rig!t do+n. Suggest t!at $or t!e ne>t $our meetings, t!e grou" +or,s di$$erent%y, doing some or a%% o$ t!e $o%%o+ing1 a) *!ere is a *a%,ing Stic,, (as used by some Nati#e American "eo"%e). *!e "erson +!o !as t!e stic, can ta%, and nobody e%se, but $or a %imited time, "er!a"s t!ree minutes. A$ter t!at t!e stic, !as to be "assed to someone e%seA Nobody ta%,s t+ice unti% e#erybody !as ta%,ed onceA *!e discussion s!ou%d stay on t!e "rob%em, and "eo"%e s!ou%d not ta%, about t!e "ersona%ities in#o%#edA 5$ "eo"%e %ose t!eir tem"er, t!ey go outside unti% t!ey are coo%. 5t is better i$ ot!er "eo"%e do not "ay t!em muc! attention. (Paying attention re+ards bad be!a#iour). A$ter $our meetings, a more norma% meeting may be "ossib%e

b) c) d)

&" 7O( "&$% T &S S!CT&O$ (S!"('6 8&<! T ! !)C!RC&S!S &$ C #PT!R 1. # TR7.

-../.6 W$en #$ere i eriou 2on'li2# "e#)een #)o o' #$e )orker 5 5$ t!ere is "ersistent con$%ict bet+een t+o co%%eagues it may a$$ect t!e $unctioning o$ t!e N&'. Here is one +ay to a""roac! t!is "rob%em. (5t may seem e%aborate but you can ada"t it to your o+n needs. Abo#e a%%, do ma,e t!e e$$ort to reso%#e con$%ict1 i$ maCor disagreements go unreso%#ed, an N&' can get torn a"art.) ST,& ON,5 ;ind an inde"endent C!air, and !a#e bot! "arties agree to abide by t!e C!airPs decisions. ST,& TWO5 *!e C!air starts in#estigating t!e bac,ground, bearing in mind t!e $o%%o+ing basic "rinci"%es1 H H H H *!e "rob%em is de$ined by t!e interests and t!e "ersona%ities o$ t!e "eo"%e in#o%#ed. Bot! sides are "robab%y interested in ,ee"ing t!eir Cob Bot! sides are interested in being #a%ued. Probab%y, bot! +ant to be seen as in t!e rig!t in t!is disagreement. So $ocus on interests, not "ositions or "ersona%ities

*!e C!air may +ant to $ind out more about t!e con$%ict be$ore any $orma% meeting, ta%,ing +it! bosses and co%%eagues +it!in t!e N&'. *!en, ta%,ing se"arate%y +it! t!e $ami%ies o$ t!ose in#o%#ed in t!e con$%ict mig!t sto" t!e con$%ict being stirred at !ome @ instead $ami%y members can be encouraged to bring gent%e "ressure $or reso%ution. ST,& THR,,5 *!e C!air ta%,s to eac! "arty se"arate%y. .) 3) Eac! "arty gets t!e time t!ey need to recount t!eir #ie+ o$ +!at !as !a""ened. *!e C!air tries si%ent%y to sort out rea% e#ents $rom inter"retations o$ e#ents. Parties are %istened to ?uiet%y unti% emotions !a#e been c%ear%y e>"ressed. *!en t!e C!air res"onds to t!e $ee%ings1 B5 !ear $rom you !o+ sad and angry you are about e#eryt!ing t!at !as !a""enedD. Bot! sides need to !a#e t!eir say, %et out t!eir $ee%ings, and !a#e t!ose $ee%ings ac,no+%edged. Ha#ing eac! "arty do it se"arate%y means t!at bad $ee%ings are ,e"t a+ay $rom t!e ot!er "arty.

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2) 4)

*!e C!air can %ist, "er!a"s on a big s!eet o$ "a"er $or eac! "arty, t!e main e#ents and "rob%ems o$ t!e %ast years, +it! t!e "arties ensuring t!at t!e %ists are accurate. *!e C!air ensures t!at a%% remar,s are $ree o$ %abe%%ing one "arty t!e KgoodieK and t!e ot!er t!e KbaddieK. Saying somet!ing %i,e DNobody deser#es to !a#e t!eir re"ort sto%en and "resented as someone e%sePs +or,D +ou%d be $ine. 5t does not say t!at t!e C!air be%ie#es t!e re"ort +as sto%en (since it is not yet c%ear t!at it +as).

ST,& FOUR5 *!e C!air arranges t!e $irst meeting +it! bot! "arties. Some conditions may need to be im"osed @ $or e>am"%e, t!at bot! "romise to %isten and not ma,e "ersona% attac,s on t!e ot!er. 5ssues o$ !onour and $ace)sa#ing may be im"ortant to bot! "arties. 7!en t!e +ord KHonourK comes u", t!e C!air can ac,no+%edge its im"ortance and t!e $ee%ings it raisesA and say t!at any agreement reac!ed +i%% !a#e to be !onourab%e to bot! sides, ot!er+ise it +i%% not be agreed to. At a certain "oint, t!e C!air can say it is better not to use t!e +ord $or t!e moment because it is a gi#en and distracts $rom +or,ing out !o+ to re"air t!e under%ying "rob%em. Some "eo"%e get stuc, on t!e conce"t o$ !onour and c!e+ on it %i,e a dog +it! an o%d bone. *o mo#e t!em on, ta%, about t!e !onourab%e nature o$ +or,ing $or a $uture $or t!e N&' and !o+ +ort!y o$ res"ect it +ou%d be to ac!ie#e t!at. ST,& FI=,5 0ea%ing +it! t!e "ast. *!e C!air !as to identi$y +!ic! "ast e#ents +ere unacce"tab%e and cannot be $orgotten by t!e inCured "arty. Stea%ing a re"ort and "resenting it as your o+n mig!t be an e>am"%e. But is t!ere "roo$ or an admission o$ gui%t9 5$ not, t!e inCured "arty may !a#e to %i#e +it! no $ina% reso%ution. ST,& SIB5 ;inding t!e %ong)term goa%s t!at can be agreed to. As, bot! "arties to t!in, $i#e years a!ead. *!ey +i%% "robab%y sti%% bot! be +or,ing in t!e same N&', "er!a"s t!e same bui%ding. 7!at do t!ey bot! +ant9 5t is !o"ed t!at t!ey bot! +ant t!e N&' to be doing +e%%. *!ey "robab%y bot! +ant to be in a Cob, "er!a"s +it! "romotion. *!ey may bot! +ant to be boss or to !a#e more res"onsibi%ity. *!ey "robab%y +ant recognition, to be #a%ued, to $ee% some satis$action in +!at t!ey do. *!e C!air may !a#e to "oint out t!at in t!ese situations, "eo"%e are not going to get a%% t!ey +ant. Ho+e#er %i,e e#ery +or,er, t!ey deser#e a certain "ac,age. 5t may be "ossib%e to ensure t!at a "arty +it! %itt%e res"onsibi%ity is gi#en more (on%y i$ !e or s!e is a "ersona%ity +!o can !and%e it @ t!e interests o$ t!e N&' are a !ig!er "riority). *!e C!air can meet se"arate%y again +it! t!e t+o "arties, gi#e eac! a "rescri"tion o$ !o+ t!ey s!ou%d be!a#e in t!e $uture, and "romise to re)#isit o#er t!e ne>t year. 'ne "arty, $or e>am"%e, mig!t !ear1 B5$ you cannot contro% your tem"er o#er t!e ne>t year 5 +i%% recommend your dismissa%DA 'R Byou need to te%% yourse%$ e#ery day t!at t!e ot!er "arty is not t!e enemy and s!ou%d be treated as care$u%%y as a sib%ingDA 'R Byou need to start %istening serious%y to t!e ot!er "artyA you can %earn use$u% stu$$DA 'R B(et go o$ a%% t!ese com"%aints and grudgesA t!ey +i%% gi#e you stomac! u%cersD. *!is may be a good time $or t!e N&' to introduce a Code o$ Be!a#iour $or a%% +or,ers. *!is mig!t co#er ina""ro"riate be!a#iour suc! as angry outbursts, bu%%ying, and se>ua% !arassment. ;o%%o+ing suc! a Code can be "art o$ e#ery Cob descri"tion, a "re)condition $or "romotion and e#en $or ,ee"ing a Cob.

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ST,& S,=,N5 Saying sorry. *!is "art may need se"arate meetings +it! t!e t+o "arties. 7!en "eo"%e !a#e been !urt and angry $or a %ong time, it !e%"s to !a#e t!is ac,no+%edged by t!e "eo"%e t!ey see as t!e cause. 5t !e%"s to !ear t!e ot!er "arty say BSorryD. 5n Eng%is! you can say BSorryD +it!out admitting $au%t @ B5 +as not !ere +!en you bro,e you %eg but 5Pm sorry it !a""enedD. So, in con$%icts bet+een t+o "eo"%e, $ind a +ay $or bot! to say D5Pm sorry t!at +e are in disagreementDA B5 ac,no+%edge t!at sometimes 5 $orget !o+ anot!er may be $ee%ingA 5 did not mean to !urt you but 5 am sorry t!at 5 didD or B5 miss +or,ing c%ose%y +it! youD. ST,& ,IGHT5 S!aring !os"ita%ity and "%easant times. 5$ t!e "arties eat or drin, toget!er, +it! t!e C!air and t!e ot!ers in#o%#ed, t!e "rocess is rounded o$$ and %ig!tenedA t!ere is a start to+ards better $ee%ings and correct be!a#iour to eac! ot!er !as t!e c!ance to begin straig!t a+ay.


I' #$in+ are +oin+ )ron+ in #$e NGO

Many $actors may "us! an N&' in t!e +rong direction. Here +e dea% +it! some ty"ica% e>am"%es. 5$ you !a#e e>"erienced ot!er ty"es o$ "rob%ems, and $ound a +ay o$ so%#ing t!em, "%ease %et us ,no+. . PR'B(EM1 Worker are no# li #enin+ #o ea2$ o#$er6 no# allo)in+ o#$er #o $ave #$eir a%6 no# a22e3#in+ 2ri#i2i m or even $avin+ a major 2on'li2#( P'SS5B(E APPR'ACHES1 To he0p 2ith 0istenin,= Read C!a"ter -../.3 and !a#e e#eryone do t!e e>ercise at %east once. (Eou can re"eat t!e e>ercise by $inding di$$erent to"ics to discuss). To he0p 2ith acceptin, criticis*= *ry E>ercise .2.3.3. To he0p peop0e 2or/ better in ,roups= (oo, at C!a"ter -../.4. To he0p t2o peop0e 2ho are in serious conf0ict= C!ec, C!a"ter -../.6. 3 PR'B(EM1 Worker are un2lear a"ou# #$eir jo" or #$eir o)n mo#iva#ion( P'SS5B(E APPR'ACHES1 Ma/e the >ob c0ear= E#ery "ost, inc%uding t!e Board "ositions, needs a c%ear Cob descri"tion. 5$ "eo"%e act ina""ro"riate%y +it! Cuniors or bene$iciaries, or i$ t!ey start doing t!e minimum, t!en it !e%"s i$ t!eir "er$ormance can be monitored against t!e Mob 0escri"tion. Mob descri"tions s!ou%d inc%ude t!e %engt! o$ time t!e "ost !o%der can remain in "%ace @ t!e Cob %asts, say, $or t!ree years and is t!en re#ie+ed, or t!e !o%der !as to retire at a certain age. &*pro4e beha4iour to >uniors and beneficiaries= *ry e>ercises .2.3.., .2.3.3 and .2.2. A$ter using t!ese, ot!er a""roac!es can be $ound @ "er!a"s an outsider organising a sma%% +or,s!o", or discussions on re%e#ant sections o$ t!e oran or Bib%e. Per!a"s ot!er N&'s !a#e a""roac!es t!ey $ind use$u%. (se the po2erfu0 too0 of ro0e-p0ay= Su""ose t!ere is a +or,s!o" and you can $ind a cou"%e o$ bra#e bene$iciaries or outsiders. *!ey can act a scene in +!ic! t!ey "%ay Senior #. Munior, or 7or,er #. Bene$iciary. 5$, say, t!e N&' em"%oyees are o$ten rude, as,ing #ery "ersona% ?uestions or i$ seniors are e>"%oiting and "atronising t!en t!e actor e>aggerates suc! be!a#iour to t!e "oint +!ere "eo"%e are s!oc,ed and %aug!. Seeing bad be!a#iour acted out can c!ange attitudes. Some

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organisations a%%o+ t!is a""roac! in a year%y "%ay or "antomime. 5t can ma,e "oints more gent%y but sti%% be un$orgettab%e. Create a Code of Beha4iour= A $urt!er ste", suggested in C!a"ter -../.6, is a Code o$ Be!a#iour $or e#eryone, being a "art o$ t!eir Mob 0escri"tion. &*pro4e super4ision= (oo, at C!a"ter -.6. 5$ su"er#ision is "oor t!roug!out t!e N&', t!en a +or,s!o" @ "er!a"s +it! an outside trainer @ cou%d be t!e most use$u% a""roac!. 2 PR'B(EM1 T$e mana+emen# #%le i no# ervin+ #$e +oal o' #$e NGO( P'SS5B(E APPR'ACHES1 # S:OT e9ercise as in C!a"ter .3.. may be t!e +ay to start t!e "rocess o$ c!ange. 5t may a%so need an outside trainer. *!e management at eac! %e#e% +ou%d !a#e to acce"t t!e need $or c!ange, "er!a"s gi#ing muc! !ig!er "riority to t!e +e%$are and in#o%#ement o$ t!e +or,ers, "er!a"s retraining e#ery +or,er in t!e et!ics o$ ser#ice. Managers and su"er#isors at e#ery %e#e% +ou%d need retraining. Peo"%e +!o cannot demonstrate t!at t!ey can do t!e Cob t!e ne+ +ay can be, i$ not dismissed t!en b%oc,ed $rom "romotion. 4 PR'B(EM1 T$e "o i no lon+er li #enin+( P'SS5B(E APPR'ACHES1 Read Chapter 8.-. 5$ you are Cunior to t!e boss, identi$y t!e "eo"%e +!o can ta%, to !im about t!e +ay !e is acting. (oo, at t!e "eo"%e round !im. 7!o does !e res"ect9 Peo"%e !e ,ne+ as a student9 His $at!er9 Anyone on t!e board9 7!o cou%d ta%, to !im in a +ay !e +ou%d %isten9 At t!e same time t!ere may be a grou" o$ "eo"%e round !im in t!e o$$ice +!o boost !is ego and t!ese "eo"%e must be discouraged. *!in, o$ sma%% +ays o$ in$%uencing !im t!at can be done $re?uent%y. 6 PR'B(EM1 T$e Board i no# mo#iva#ed( P'SS5B(E APPR'ACHES1 *!is "rob%em +as tac,%ed in t!e (esot!o S7'* e>ercise out%ined in C!a"ter .3... : PR'B(EM1 ,lderl% individual a# #$e #o3 are "lo2kin+ 3ro+re ( 5n some countries t!e +or, cu%ture %ets t!e "erson +it! t!e %ongest ser#ice get "romotion, regard%ess o$ t!eir abi%ity to do t!e Cob. 'rganisations e>ist +!ere one or t+o e%der%y "eo"%e can b%oc, a%% "rogress, ,ee"ing t!e training sc!oo% em"ty or running maCor $euds against t!e organisation ne>t door. P'SS5B(E APPR'ACHES1 An organisation t!at !as t!is "rob%em !as to do t+o t!ings1 !nsure that the situation is not repeated in the future? by !a#ing more stringent se%ection criteria and Cob descri"tionsA and by bui%ding better c!ec,s and ba%ances into t!e guide%ines $or +!at Board and director can do. Then6 dea0 2ith the indi4idua0? A Board, $or e>am"%e, may not be ab%e to get rid o$ a Kdead+oodK director unti% !e retires in t+o years. Per!a"s !is terms o$ em"%oyment "rotect !im. Ho+e#er t!ey can start "%anning $or t!at moment. *!ey can ma,e it c%ear to !im t!at !is "o+ers are %imited1 !e cannot e>tend !is "ost, c!oose !is successor or !o%d u" business $or %onger t!an t+o years. *!ey can re$use to %isten

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any more to !is re"eated com"%aints and obsessions. *!ey can re"eat, B7e are concerned about t!e N&' !ere, not about indi#idua%s. (et us discuss t!e $uture o$ t!e N&'D. Re"eated, t!is may gradua%%y erode !is K"%aying t!e tyrantK. S!ou%d it be necessary to get a decision $rom !im, ensure t!is is done by sending a de%egate o$ $air%y e?ua% status to meet +it! !im @ a%one. *!e de%egate must be care$u% to ,ee" t!e +!o%e transaction coo% and adu%t. < PR'B(EM1 T$e 3ur3o e o' #$e NGO $a "een 2orru3#ed "u# #$i i no# di 2u ed( *!is can !a""en $rom t!e outside1 t!e go#ernment, by bringing "ressure andFor re"%acing sta$$, can turn t!e N&' into anot!er mout!"iece @ into a &'N&' (&o#ernment)organised N&'). Po%itica% "arties can turn an N&' into an organisation t!at gets money $or its o+n members. Sometimes t!e !iCac,ing comes $rom t!e inside @ an N&' created by a $ami%y may gradua%%y di#ert more resources and "ositions to $ami%y members and de"endants. A $urt!er +ay o$ !iCac,ing t!e "ur"ose is $or t!e +!o%e N&' to get com$ortab%e +it! doing t!e minimum. Consider, $or e>am"%e, an organisation to !e%" e%der%y +omen. *+o years on, it is contacting $e+er and $e+er o$ t!e bene$iciaries, and "ro#iding ser#ices t!at ta,e %itt%e time and are irre%e#ant. 'nce a year, it "asses out a do%% and some c%ot! to dress it. *!is agency cou%d c%ose t!e ne>t day and on%y t!e sta$$ +ou%d su$$er. P'SS5B(E APPR'ACHES1 *!is is a #ery di$$icu%t "rob%em to tac,%e $rom t!e inside. 5$ a Cunior c!a%%enges +!at is !a""ening, dismissa% is "ossib%e, and in many countries Cobs are scarce and $ami%ies need to be $ed. But an indi#idua% can, in a ?uiet +ay, start %oo, $or a%%ies and de#e%o"ing %egitimate strategies. *!ese mig!t inc%ude1 !ncoura,in, beneficiaries to or,anise the*se04es and protestA !nsurin, that the press ,ets interestedA !nsurin, that any partner or,anisations or funders start rea0isin, 2hat is happenin,. ;unders in "articu%ar may be ab%e to organise an inde"endent $inancia% audit andFor systematic re#ie+.

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8.. Good admini #ra#ion

Ho+e#er it is organised, +!oe#er does t!e +or,, good administration in an organisation does t!e $o%%o+ing1 H H H H H H it ,ee"s t!e organisation in touc! +it! im"ortant contacts, t!roug! %etters, e)mai% etc. it ma,es t!e o$$ice t!e !ub o$ t!e +!ee% +!en ot!er sta$$ goes o$$ on #arious tas,s, so t!at no one is %ost or $ee%s iso%ated, it ,ee"s corres"ondence ordered, u")to)date, and $indab%e it ma,es sure t!at e#eryone gets "aid on time it ,ee" some $i%es, %i,e "ersonne% $i%es, %oc,ed u" and con$identia% it ,ee"s $inancia% records and recei"ts u")to)date.

E#erybody in t!e organisation s!ou%d !a#e good administrati#e s,i%%s1 i$ com"uters are used, t!en e#eryone s!ou%d be ab%e to use t!em inc%uding t!e bossA i$ t!ere are "rocedures and "ractice in use, e#eryone s!ou%d use t!em, +!et!er $orms $or interna% memos and monitoring or ru%es $or e)mai%s. 5t is #ery im"ortant to ensure t!at t!e N&' does not !a#e don,eys, t!e "oor "eo"%e at t!e bottom o$ t!e "yramid +!o end u" doing a%% t!e boring +or, $or e#eryone e%se, carrying an im"ossib%e %oad.

%on1t put too *any tas/s on the office >unior

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Lo+i #i2

*!e Cob o$ %ogistics is ma,ing "roCects !a""en @ ensuring t!at t!ere are su""%ies and trans"ort +!en and +!ere needed. Some tas,s need %ogistics t!at are ?uite com"%icated. ;or e>am"%e, you +ant to #accinate sma%% c!i%dren at t!e rig!t times, so you need to get to t!e #accinating "oints $our times a year (meas%es #accine, $or e>am"%e, !as to be gi#en +!en a baby is nine mont!s, but babies are born a%% t!roug! t!e yearL). And you need to ,ee" t!e #accine co%d $rom t!e "oint it %ea#es t!e Ministry in t!e ca"ita% city, to t!e "oint +!ere it is gi#en. So you need +!at is ca%%ed a Co%d C!ain, a series o$ $ridges and insu%ated bo>es, +!ic! in turn means e%ectricity, "ara$$in or so%ar "o+er. And at t!e same time you need a system to steri%ise need%es and e?ui"ment, +it! "ressure coo,ers and boi%ing +ater and "ara$$in coo,ers. *!ere are ot!er t!ings you +i%% need, but t!e Ministry, UN5CE; or a bigger N&' +i%% !e%" you identi$y t!em a%%. But de$inite%y you +i%% need a #e!ic%e and a dri#er and diese% $ue% and s"are tyres and somebody to ,ee" t!e #e!ic%e mended and so on.
,B,R/IS,5 <ou 2ould do #$i even i' %ou are no# a $eal#$ NGO( I# )ill $el3 %ou #o #ar# #o #$ink like a 3lanner( Find a ma3 o' %our #o)n and #$e urroundin+ di #ri2# ( <ou are +oin+ #o vi i# #$ree villa+e 'our #ime a %ear6 #akin+ #$ree 2ommuni#% nur e 6 va22ine in 2old "o4e 6 #erili in+ e;ui3men# e#2( S#ar# li #in+ )$a# %ou )ill need( W$i2$ villa+e are #$e "e # 'or +e##in+ #o #$e mo # 3eo3leC T$ink a"ou# )$ere #$e 3eo3le are livin+ - #$e% )ill no# )alk more #$an #en kilome#re #o +e# a va22ine( Do #$e% move durin+ #$e %earC Ho) mu2$ #ime )ill i# #ake 'or #$e #eam #o +e# #o #$e villa+e and "a2kC Will %ou $ave #o #a% overni+$#C T$en #$ere )ill "e more #$in+ #o #ake )i#$ %ou( T$e villa+e are 3oor6 o %ou 2anno# de3end on #$em 'or 'ood(

'ne o$ t!e most im"ortant tas,s o$ t!e %ogistician is to "%an a!ead. 7!en t!ere is an eart!?ua,e, t!e %ogistician t!in,s not Cust o$ t!e emergency tents +!ic! !a#e to be $%o+n in immediate%y, but a%so about +!at +i%% be needed in t!ree mont!s @ because it ta,es t!ree mont!s $or boats to bring t!e corrugated iron and cement to start rebui%ding !ouses.


Makin+ Bud+e#

8.2.. T$e role o' "ud+e#in+5 Budgeting !as a #ita% ro%e to "%ay t!roug!out t!e cyc%e o$ e#ery "roCect. Money is t!e %i$eb%ood o$ any "roCect (or N&'), and it is contro%%ed t!roug! budgets. So, budgeting is a $undamenta% e%ement o$ a%% "%anning and monitoring. 5n t!e "%anning stages, it is necessary $or t!e "roCectPs managers to !a#e an accurate idea o$ t!e true cost o$ t!e "roCect. *!is s!ou%d !a#e an im"act on its design. 7it!out a rea%istic estimate o$ costs, t!ere is no +ay o$ com"aring t!e out"ut o$ t!e "roCect ("er!a"s in !umanitarian terms) to t!e resources re?uired @ i.e. t!e "roCectKs cost)e$$ecti#eness. *!is "re#ents senior management $rom ma,ing strategic decisions

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about !o+ best to use t!eir %imited resources. (;or e>am"%e, t!e cost o$ o#er)budgeting one "roCect is "aid in terms o$ %ac, o$ $unding a#ai%ab%e $or ot!er "roCects. 5n ot!er +ords, i$ "roCect budgets are made too big, t!en t!ey reduce t!e tota% resu%ts t!at an N&' can ac!ie#e.) *!e budget is a%so t!e basis o$ a%% $inancia% negotiations +it! donors $or e>terna% $unding. On2e a 3roje2# i under )a%6 an a22ura#e "ud+e# i e en#ial a a 'inan2ial 2on#rol( T$e "a i o' 'inan2ial mana+emen# i 2om3arin+ a2#ual e43endi#ure #o "ud+e#ed e43endi#ure( Wi#$ou# an a22ura#e "ud+e#6 #$i i im3o i"le( Finall%6 #$e "ud+e# $ould 'orm 3ar# o' #$e evalua#ion o' a 3roje2# on2e i# i 'ini $ed( EJAMP(E1 WAT,R &RO!,/T IN ASIA
;or a +ater "roCect in Asia, t!e donor, a Euro"ean &o#ernment, made a budget at t!eir des,s in t!eir ca"ita% city. A %um" sum +as set do+n $or t!e digging o$ 6// +e%%s +it! "um"s. E%se+!ere in t!e *erms o$ Re$erence it mentioned t!at t!e +e%%s s!ou%d "roduce +ater, but t!e ProCect Manager +as more concerned +it! digging. *!e "roCect budget +as ne#er trans%ated into e>act $ie%d e>"enditures. *+o)t!irds o$ t!e +ay t!roug!, t!e "roCect +as on target and +it!in budget @ e>ce"t t!at !a%$ t!e +e%%s !ad no +ater. 7!en an assessor "ointed t!is out, t!e "roCect !ad to re)dig a%% t!e dry +e%%s, ma,ing t!em com"%ete %ate and +ay o#er budget. 7!en t!e "roCect +as e#a%uated, e#eryone b%amed e#eryone e%se.

8.2.3 De'ini#ion6 and overall a33roa2$ #o "ud+e#in+5 A budget describes t!e e>"ected costs o$ one set o$ acti#ities. So, budgets o$ten !a#e to be re#ised "art +ay t!roug! a "roCect. *!is !a""ens +!en t!e acti#ities t!at are actua%%y carried out c!ange $rom t!e acti#ities origina%%y "%anned. *!ere is no "oint in com"aring t!e actua% cost o$ buying a""%es (or digging +e%%s) to t!e "roCected cost o$ buying oranges (or dri%%ing bore!o%es). *!is means t!at it is im"ortant t!at t!e origina% budget +as "ut toget!er in a %ogica%, sim"%e +ay. 't!er+ise, it is im"ossib%e to understand !o+ t!e origina% $igures +ere ca%cu%ated (or i$ t!ey +ere ca%cu%ated at a%%). And t!is ma,es it im"ossib%e to ada"t t!e budget to c!anging circumstances. So it is e>treme%y im"ortant $or budgets to be care$u%%y t!oug!t t!roug! and +e%% "resented. Somebody e%se "ic,ing u" your budget s!ou%d a%+ays be ab%e to understand it a%% (and ada"t it, +!en necessary) +it! no additiona% e>"%anation beyond +!at is +ritten do+n. *!ese notes suggest one +ay o$ doing t!is. 8.2.2 No#e a"ou# a22oun# #ru2#ure5 A budget is dra+n u" using a s"eci$ic accounts structure. An Qaccounts structureP is t!e +ay in +!ic! costs are categorised. (;or e>am"%e, costs may be categorised as1 %oca% sta$$, internationa% sta$$, tra#e%, etc.) 5t is genera%%y di$$icu%t to mo#e $rom one accounts structure to anot!er, once a "roCect is under +ay. *!e c!oice o$ accounts structure may be made by t!e N&' t!at you are +or,ing $or @ and i$ so, it must be used. Ho+e#er, some e>terna% donors !a#e strict accounts structures t!at must a%so be accommodated. 5$ you are recei#ing e>terna% $unding $or your "roCect, t!en t!is must be %oo,ed into, as ear%y as "ossib%e. Eou can sa#e a %ot o$ "ain %ater on, by setting u" an a""ro"riate accounts structure. See Chapter 10.
MOR! #BO(T T ! PR#CT&C#'&T&!S O" B(%8!TS &$ #$$!) "O(R

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,B,R/IS, FOR WOM,N WORKING IN NGOS5 Man% )omen a% JIOm "ad )i#$ num"er K and J I 2anO# do um K( Man% o' u )ere lau+$ed a# )$en )e )ere mall or #old #$a# ni2e +irl )ere no# +ood a# ma#$ ( For+e# a"ou# all #$a#( Ge# a 2$ea3 3o2ke# 2al2ula#or6 'ind a ;uie# 2orner or ear3lu+ 6 and %ou )ill "e a"le #o do a "ud+e# or make a 3lan u in+ num"er a )ell a an%one( Here i an e4am3le o' a Fo2u Grou3 Di 2u ion 'rom #$e Need A e men# Anne4 MAnnex OneN5 In three villages in Somalia, 19 women talked about their pregnancy history between them they had had 1!" known pregnancies leading to #9 living babies, some o$ whom died a$terwards% &he causes o$ the miscarriages suggested malnutrition and anaemia, malaria and sexually transmitted diseases% &he women were still sad at their losses but glad to have had the chance to have their stories listened to'( No) )ork ou# $o) man% 3re+nan2ie on avera+e #$e )omen $ad( T$en )ork ou# $o) man% live "ir#$ #$e% $ad on avera+e( No)6 #r% a 3er2en#a+e( W$a# 3er2en#a+e o' 3re+nan2ie led #o a live "a"%C T$i i $o) #o 2al2ula#e i#5 #ake #$e maller o' #$e #)o num"er 6 1:6 and mul#i3l% i# "% 077( T$en divide #$e re ul# "% #$e "i++er num"er M1: 4 077 I 1:77( Divide "% 0>8 I CN( I# i no# ea %6 "u# i' %ou +o lo)l% and do ever%#$in+ #)i2e %ou 2an do i#( MAn )er 5 1@ ?@ A9PN( (ell done)

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO


./.. Mana+in+ #$e mone%

W$a# i Finan2ial Mana+emen#C ;inancia% management in#o%#es "%anning, organising, contro%%ing and re"orting on t!e $inancia% resources o$ an organisation to ac!ie#e organisationa% goa%s. ./.... Mana+in+ 2ar2e re our2e N&'s must ensure donated $unds and ot!er resources are "ro"er%y uti%ised to ac!ie#e t!e organisationPs mission and obCecti#es. ;inancia% management e?uates to maintenance o$ a #e!ic%e @ i$ +e donPt "ut in t!e rig!t $ue% and oi% and gi#e it a regu%ar ser#ice, t!e $unctioning o$ t!e #e!ic%e su$$ers and it +i%% not run e$$icient%y. 5$ neg%ected, t!e #e!ic%e +i%% e#entua%%y grind to a !a%t and $ai% to reac! its intended destination. Mana+in+ ri k A%% organisations $ace interna% and e>terna% ris,s t!at can t!reaten o"erations and e#en sur#i#a% (e.g. $unds being +it!dra+n, an o$$ice $ire or a $raud). Ris,s must be managed in an organised +ay to %imit t!e damage t!ey can cause. *!is is done by estab%is!ing systems and "rocedures to bring about $inancia% contro%. Mana+in+ #ra#e+i2all% ;inancia% management s!ou%d not be seen as a se"arate acti#ity %e$t to $inance de"artment sta$$. 5t is o$ strategic im"ortance and must be incor"orated into a%% as"ects o$ o"erationa% management. ./...3 W$a# i 'inan2ial 2on#rolC ;inancia% contro% is a state o$ a$$airs t!at ensures t!at t!e $inances o$ an organisation are being "ro"er%y !and%ed. *!e conce"t o$ $inancia% contro% is at t!e !eart o$ $inancia% management. 5t is ac!ie#ed by designing systems and "rocedures to suit t!e "articu%ar needs o$ an organisation. 7it!out $inancia% contro%1 H assets are "ut at ris,, H $unds may not be s"ent in accordance +it! t!e organisationPs obCecti#es or donorsP +is!es, and H t!e com"etence o$ managers and integrity o$ t!e organisation may be ca%%ed into ?uestion. ./...2 W$% i 'inan2ial mana+emen# im3or#an# 'or NGO C 5n many N&'s, $inancia% management ta,es a %o+ "riority. ;inancia% "%anning and monitoring systems are o$ten inade?uate. But N&'s o"erate in a c!anging and com"etiti#e +or%d. *o sur#i#e in t!is c!a%%enging en#ironment, managers need to de#e%o" t!e necessary understanding and con$idence to ma,e $u%% use o$ $inancia% in$ormation. ./...4 Good 3ra2#i2e in 'inan2ial mana+emen# 2an do #$e 'ollo)in+5 !e%" managers to be e$$ecti#e and e$$icient ste+ards o$ t!e resources to ac!ie#e obCecti#es and $u%$i% commitments to sta,e!o%ders assist N&'s to be more accountab%e to donors and ot!er sta,e!o%ders gain t!e res"ect and con$idence o$ $unding agencies, "artners and t!ose ser#ed gi#e t!e N&' t!e ad#antage in com"etition $or increasing%y scarce resources !e%" N&'s "re"are t!emse%#es $or %ong)term sustainabi%ity and t!e gradua% increase o$ se%$)generated $unds.


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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

./...6 Ge##in+ #$e "a i2 ri+$# &ood "ractice in $inancia% management is ac!ie#ed by designing systems and "rocedures around t!e $our ,ey =bui%ding b%oc,s=. *!ese are1 . A22oun#in+ Re2ord E#ery organisation must ,ee" an accurate record o$ a%% $inancia% transactions t!at ta,e "%ace so t!at, as a minimum, it can s!o+ !o+ t!e $unds !a#e been used. *!is is re$erred to as t!e "inancia0 #ccountin, $unction. Finan2ial &lannin+ to t!e organisationPs strategic and o"erationa% "%ans, t!e budget is t!e cornerstone o$ any $inancia% management system and "%ays an integra% "art in monitoring t!e use o$ $unds. Finan2ial Moni#orin+ Mana,e*ent accounts are interna% re"orts "roduced so t!at managers can com"are t!e organisationPs "rogress against t!e budget and t!en ma,e decisions about t!e $uture. "inancia0 state*ents are "roduced "eriodica%%y $or outside c!ec,ers to demonstrate !o+ $unds !a#e been a""%ied in t!e "ast. In#ernal /on#rol Contro%s, c!ec,s and ba%ances @ co%%ecti#e%y re$erred to as interna% contro%s @ are "ut in "%ace to sa$eguard an organisationPs assets and manage ris,. *!eir "ur"ose is to deter o""ortunistic t!e$t or $raud and to detect errors and omissions in t!e accounting records. An e$$ecti#e interna% contro% system ser#es to #a%ue and "rotect t!ose +!o are res"onsib%e $or !and%ing t!e $inancia% a$$airs o$ t!e organisation.

E$$ecti#e $inancia% contro% +i%% not be ac!ie#ed by a "artia% im"%ementation o$ t!e bui%ding b%oc,s. ;or e>am"%e, t!ere is #ery %itt%e "oint in ,ee"ing detai%ed accounting records i$ t!ey are not c!ec,ed $or errors and omissions. 5naccurate records +i%% resu%t in mis%eading in$ormation, +!ic! in turn cou%d +rong%y in$%uence a $inancia% management decision. ./...: Finan2ial A22oun#in+ ver u Mana+emen# A22oun#in+ ;or t!e $inancia% management "rocess to ta,e "%ace e$$ecti#e%y, $inancia% systems and "rocedures need to co#er t+o as"ects o$ accounting, $inancia% accounting and management accounting. *!is is t!e day)to)day +or, o$ an accounts section. 5t describes t!e systems and "rocedures used to ,ee" trac, o$ $inancia% and monetary transactions t!at ta,e "%ace inside an organisation @ recording, c%assi$ying and summarising $inancia% data $or #arious "ur"oses. T$e "uildin+ "lo2k ;inancia% accounting records can be maintained eit!er using a manua% or com"uterised system (or a combination o$ bot! met!ods). A%t!oug! it is im"ortant to com"%y +it! certain accounting con#entions and standards, t!e actua% system ado"ted +i%% de"end on a #ariety o$ $actors1 H e>"ertise and resources a#ai%ab%e H #o%ume and ty"e o$ transactions H re"orting re?uirements o$ managers H ob%igations to donors 'ne out"ut o$ $inancia% accounting is t!e annua% $inancia% statements, +!ic! are bac,+ards %oo,ing and used "rimari%y $or accountabi%ity to t!ose e>terna% to t!e organisation. *!e routine out"ut o$ $inancia% accounting t!roug!out t!e year must be

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

accurate and u")to)date in order $or management accounting to be underta,en e$$ecti#e%y and +it! minimum e$$ort. Mana+emen# A22oun#in+ *!is ta,es t!e data gat!ered by t!e $inancia% accounting "rocess, com"ares t!e resu%ts +it! t!e budget and t!en ana%yses t!e in$ormation to !e%" ma,e decisions about t!e $uture management o$ t!e organisation. *!e re"orts "roduced by t!e management accounting "rocess @ most common%y t!e Bud,et Co*pared to #ctua0 Report and t!e Cash f0o2 "orecast @ are t!ere$ore "rimari%y $or interna% use and are $or+ard %oo,ing. ;inancia% re"orts $or management must be time%y, accurate and re%e#ant. *!ey s!ou%d be "roduced on a regu%ar basis @ usua%%y mont!%y or ?uarter%y de"ending on t!e needs o$ t!e organisation @ and as soon as "ossib%e so t!at $igures are re%e#ant to managersP discussions. ./...< W$% a22oun# are 3rodu2ed *!ere are se#era% com"e%%ing reasons to "roduce accounts, inc%uding1 H $or "roCect management1 so t!at managers ,no+ !o+ muc! money !as been s"ent, on +!atA H t!e %a+ re?uires it1 a%% c!arities are re?uired to "roduce accounts detai%ing t!eir income and e>"enditureA H donors re?uire it1 donors +is! to see !o+ t!eir money !as been s"entA H $or contro% "ur"oses1 to c!ec, t!at money is not going missingA H $or budget monitoring and "%anning1 to com"are actua% e>"enditure against t!e budget, so t!at managers can be sure t!at t!ere are $unds to com"%ete a%% "roCect acti#ities. ./...- Finan2ial 2on#rol A $e+ basic $inancia% contro%s can great%y reduce t!e c!ance o$ money going astray, or o$ $unds running out. *!ese are described be%o+, and inc%ude areas %i,e aut!orising e>"enditure. 5t may not a%+ays be "ossib%e to im"%ement a%% t!e contro%s. But, t!e more t!at you are ab%e to use, t!e stronger your system +i%% be. Remember t!at "re"aring accounts and com"aring t!em against a budget is an e>treme%y im"ortant $inancia% contro% in itse%$. Anot!er $undamenta% contro% is ma,ing sure t!at "eo"%e +it! t!e a""ro"riate s,i%%s and e>"erience are recruited $or $inancia% +or,, and t!at t!eir res"onsibi%ities are c%ear%y de$ined. *!is s!ou%d be t!e "riority +!en it comes to $inding ne+ sta$$ to ta,e on t!e accounts1 $ind someone +!o !as t!e rig!t ?ua%i$ications and e>"erience, and ma,e sure t!at t!ey ,no+ +!at is e>"ected $rom t!em. ./...8 Se+re+a#ion o' du#ie A standard $inancia% contro% is to ma,e sure t!at di$$erent members o$ sta$$ !a#e res"onsibi%ity $or di$$erent accounting duties. *!is introduces a series o$ c!ec,s on a%% accounting +or,, and great%y reduces t!e "ossibi%ity o$ $raud. *!e basic Cobs to try to s"%it u" are1 aut!orising "ayments, !and%ing cas! and recording transactions.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

./..../ A22oun#in+ Golden Rule U Record e#eryt!ing t!at you do. Eou must "reser#e an Qaudit trai%P. *!at means t!at anot!er "erson must be ab%e to $o%%o+ a%% o$ your accounts Cust $rom +!at you !a#e recorded, +it! no additiona% e>"%anation. Be organised. Ma,e sure t!at a%% documents are "ro"er%y $i%ed, and a%% "rocedures "ro"er%y $o%%o+ed. Be consistent. 5$ you do t!ings one +ay in one mont!, t!en do t!em t!e same +ay in t!e ne>t mont! (un%ess t!ere is a good reason $or c!anging t!em). ee" on to" o$ t!e boo,s. 0o not %et t!em go $or more t!an a +ee, +it!out ma,ing sure t!at t!ey are u" to date. ;i%% in a%% t!e "ro"er boo,s as t!e transactions !a""en1 do not %et a bac,%og bui%d u". 0o not get stuc, on one "oint. 5$ one t!ing is being #ery di$$icu%t, t!en ma,e a sim"%i$ying assum"tion t!at +i%% a%%o+ you to mo#e on. Ma,e a note o$ it, and discuss it +it! your manager or an accountant as soon as "ossib%e.


MOR! #BO(T T ! PR#CT&C#'&T&!S O" #CCO($TS &$ #$$!)!S "O(R #$% "&<!


Fundrai in+

./.3.. &lannin+ #$e 'undin+ need o' #$e NGO6 in2ludin+ #rainin+ need 5dea%ism and moti#ation are not enoug! to set u" a good N&'. Eou need money and you need to "%an +e%% a!ead. 5n t!is "%anning it is +ise to +or, out a""ro>imate%y !o+ muc! $unding +i%% be needed $or t!e $irst t+o to t!ree years. *a,ing into account t!e $o%%o+ing issues can be #ery !e%"$u%1 H 5$ t!ere is a "ossibi%ity $or #o%untary "artici"ation by your members, it may be a good idea to $irst start %oo,ing $or $unds $or sma%% concrete acti#ities, %i,e t!e sa%ary o$ a counse%%or, money $or #isua% aids, or money $or a +or,s!o". 0onors o$ten %i,e to $ind out $irst +!at your N&' is ab%e to !and%e, be$ore getting $u%%y in#o%#ed. By starting +it! a sma%% co%%aboration, you can s!o+ your sincerity and t!e ?ua%ity o$ your +or,. 0onors +i%% be more generous +!en you a""%y $or $unds t!e second time around. 0onors o$ten "re$er to su""ort s!ort)term "roCects +it! c%ear obCecti#es, and +!ic! contribute to t!e inde"endence o$ t!e N&'. 5n your "%anning, sources $rom +it!in t!e "roCect s!ou%d be ta,en into account. e.g. insurance sc!emes and income generating acti#ities. 7it! !ea%t! care acti#ities, "atient c!arges can be made $or consu%tations and treatment (a%%o+ing $or t!e $inancia% ca"acity o$ t!e "atients). 't!er "roCects can "roduce income $rom sa%eab%e artic%es %i,e +ater, !andicra$ts or agricu%tura% "roducts. A%t!oug! t!ese $unds +i%% ne#er co#er a%% "roCect e>"enses, t!ey are im"ortant in your "%anning and a%so in bui%ding t!e se%$)sustainabi%ity o$ your "roCects. 0onors are in genera% more interested in "roCect costs (im"%ementation o$ acti#ities) t!an in organisationa% costs (o#er!ead costs e.g. costs $or te%e"!oneF$a>, e)mai%, "ostage, e%ectricity bi%%, etc.). ;or t!at reason, a%+ays inc%ude an item %ine $or o#er!ead costs +!en submitting a "roCect "ro"osa%. UN5CE; admits to .4O, but ./O is reasonab%e $or a #ery sma%% organisation. Ho+e#er some donors do not %i,e


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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

"aying muc! to+ards t!is %ine. 5n t!at case, $ind out t!e donorPs "o%icy on o#er!eads and adCust t!e "ro"osa% according%y. V Eou a%so need to discuss a contingency %ine +it! t!e donor. *!is means a%%o+ing some money $or t!e "ossibi%ity o$ "%ans going +rong. A "ost)disaster "roCect, $or e>am"%e, may $ace in$%ation, $%uctuating e>c!ange rates, !i,es in t!e "rices o$ essentia% ra+ materia%s etc. *!e "roCect can soon be +ay o#er budget. An a%%o+ance o$ Qun$oreseenP o$ 6 to :O is norma% in e#ery "ro"osa%.

Ma/in, a p0an to find the *oney N&'s s!ou%d resist !a#ing donors gi#e t!em money in tranc!es. 5$ t!ey get t!e entire grant t!ey can "ut +!at is not immediate%y re?uired on de"osit and earn t!e interest. Eou can a%so encourage donors to set u" endo+ment $unds as a good +ay to become gradua%%y more sustainab%e or at %east inde"endent o$ t!at donor. 5ndirect ;unding can ta,e t!e $orm o$ substitution o$ resources, e.g. secondment o$ "ersonne%. E>am"%es are +!ere go#ernment sta$$ is a%%o+ed to +or, $or your N&' $or a certain "eriod o$ time, or t!e go#ernment a%%o+s t!e "roCect to use its #isua% aids materia%s. GGG Be ver% 2lear and $one # a"ou# #$e amoun# o' mone% %ou need 'or one 3ar#i2ular a2#ivi#%6 'rom one 3ar#i2ular donor GGG Remember t!at t!e bui%ding o$ a re%ations!i" o$ trust +it! your donor is Cust as im"ortant as t!e amount o$ money you as, or recei#e. EJAMP(E1 A WORKSHO& ON FUNDRAISING FOR A HUMAN RIGHTS NGO IN L,SOTHO
*!is N&' (C(RAC) organised a 7or,s!o" on ;und)raising $or bot! sta$$ and Board Members. *oget!er, o#er t!ree days, t!e "artici"ants +or,ed t!roug! t!e $o%%o+ing1 H a brie$ e#a%uation o$ $und raising by C(RAC in t!e "ast years1 conc%usionsA H !o+ to "%an t!e $unding needs $or C(RAC and set rea%istic obCecti#es $or t!e "eriod 3///)3//3A H de#e%o"ment o$ a $und)raising strategy, inc%uding1 "%anningFtiming o$ "roCects and C(RAC organisationa% costs in need o$ $undingA

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO H H H H H H ca"acity assessment in C(RAC to conduct $und)raisingA !o+ to bui%d in $und) raising ca"acity1 !uman resources de#e%o"ment and organisationa% de#e%o"mentA !o+ to target donors, %oca% and internationa% @ and +!at t!eir re?uirements areA !o+ to +rite a "ro"osa% $or "roCect $undingA an out%ine $or $inancia% re"ortingA a "%an to +rite a Strategic P%anning document $or im"%ementation o$ $und)raising by C(RACA meeting +it! a Maseru)based donor re"resentati#e

Because t!e Board members and sta$$ $o%%o+ed t!e 7or,s!o" toget!er, a $ee%ing o$ commitment and co)+or,ing a%so de#e%o"edA t!e Strategic P%anning 0ocument got +ritten and some money !as been raised.

./.3.3 A22e3#in+ #$e mindD e# #$a# )ill $el3 %ou u22eed Non)"ro$it organisations in t!e Sout! are steadi%y becoming more "ro$essiona%. ;or N&'s see,ing grants, one o$ t!e most im"ortant ste"s is a menta% one. 5t is acce"ting t!at t!ere are no ?uic, $i>es, no magic s!ortcuts. *!e steady, regu%ar +or, o$ your organisation ) your board members, your sta$$ res"onsib%e $or $unding @ a%% t!is +i%% de#e%o" an e$$ecti#e strategy t!roug! many sma%% ste"s. Par o$ t!e "rocess is to be c%ear about +!at you are @ eac! o$ you, eac! a #ery s"ecia% N&' @ and to ma,e t!at c%ear in t!e documents t!at go to t!e "ossib%e $under. A Mission State*ent t!at is ent!usiastic, imaginati#e and creati#e +i%% !e%" a %ot. Can you ans+er t!e $o%%o+ing ?uestions c%ear%y and direct%y9 H H 7!at is t!e uni?ue "ur"ose o$ your organisation9 7!at are t!e basic needs t!at t!is organisation $i%%s9 (t!e target grou" it ser#es and !o+ t!is organisation meets t!e needs o$ t!e bene$iciaries)

./.3.2 Findin+ #$e a+en2ie )i#$ 'und Researc! on any $underKs stated "rogramme interests is essentia%. 0o not attem"t a scatter a""roac!, sending re?uests to a +ide grou" o$ organisations. 5t can damage your organisationKs credibi%ity. Eou are trying to identi$y t!e $e+ $unders t!at !a#e interests t!at are in %ine +it! your organisationa% and "roCect obCecti#es. Here is a guide to researc! into $unding1 i$ you do not ?ua%i$y, do not a""%y. Many $unding agencies no+ !a#e +eb sites so %oo, t!em u" and see +!at t!ey say. ;under researc! is a t+o)ste" "rocess. *!e $irst ste" aims to de#e%o" an initia% K"ros"ectK %ist o$ some ./ to .6 $unders +!o !a#e genera% interests in t!e subCect area o$ your organisation or "roCect. *!e second ste" in#o%#es $urt!er researc! and re$ines t!is %ist to t!e 2 or 4 $unders you may a""roac!. Sources $or $unding can be $ound +it!in your country as +e%% as abroad. (oca% $unding !as a number o$ ad#antages. *!e "rocedures are o$ten easier to $o%%o+. And internationa% donors +ant to ,no+ t!at %oca% sources !a#e been tried $irst. 7!en a""%ying $or $unds $rom abroad, t!e nationa% registration o$ your N&' and $orma% a""ro#a% o$ your "roCect by your go#ernment is o$ten necessary. (oca%%y, t!e main institutions to a""%y to $or $unds are1 H 'oca0 or,anisations *!in, o$ Rotary or (ions c%ubs, c!urc!es, tem"%es, mos?ues, !os"ita%s, %oca% business associations, t!e Kric!K in your community etc.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

8o4ern*ent or %istrict institutions ;unds are o$ten a#ai%ab%e, es"ecia%%y i$ +or,ing in co)o"eration in t!e same $ie%d o$ interest. *!in, a%so o$ secondment o$ sta$$, use o$ t!eir %ogistics etc.

Possib%e sources $rom abroad inc%ude1 H <o0untary fundin, or,anisations *!ese inc%ude missions, aid agencies and ot!er grou"s, bot! re%igious and secu%ar. Most o$ t!em are based in t!e Nort!, in Euro"e, Nort! America and Austra%ia. Suc! grou"s are o$ten interested in su""orting sma%%er)sca%e de#e%o"ment and !ea%t! "roCects. A %ist o$ names can be obtained $rom nationa% and #o%untary organisations and $rom embassies. &nternationa0 #id or,anisations. *!ese inc%ude t!e United Nations Agencies suc! as 7H', UN5CE;, UN0P, ;A', t!e Euro"ean Commission (EC), t!e 7or%d Ban, (7B), and Asian 0e#e%o"ment Ban, (A0B). Ho+e#er, t!ey do not o$ten su""ort sma%%)sca%e "roCects direct%y. ;unds $rom t!ese sources are more %i,e%y to be a#ai%ab%e #ia nationa% umbre%%a organisations. 5t is +ort! $inding out +!at t!eir contributions in your country are, to t!e go#ernment and to bigger N&'s. *!is in$ormation +i%% be a#ai%ab%e $rom your go#ernment (ministry) or $rom %oca% UN and EC de%egations etc. "orei,n !*bassies. *!ey o$ten !a#e $unds a#ai%ab%e $or sma%%)sca%e "roCects. (;or e>am"%e, 0utc! Embassies !a#e s"ecia% $unding sources $or so ca%%ed AP "roCects. ;rom t!ese sources t!ey can gi#e direct su""ort to "roCects +it! sums u" to W3/,///. S"ecia% "roceduresFcriteria need to be $o%%o+ed). ./.3.4 Ho) #o a33l% 'or 'und . Se%ect your $unding source. *ry to get as muc! in$ormation as "ossib%e about t!e ins and outs o$ t!at organisation, its "rocedures $or a""%ication and so on. ;ind out +!ic! "erson to a""roac! +it!in t!e organisation, so you can address t!em "ersona%%y. *!is +or,s best #ia mutua% contacts. 7rite a %etter using your "ersona% tit%e to t!e "erson dea%ing +it! $unds. 5ntroduce yourse%#es in t!e %etter and gi#e a brie$ e>"%anation o$ your organisation, its obCecti#es, and your intentions +it! res"ect to $unds. As, $or t!e "rocedures you need to $o%%o+. A%+ays ma,e a co"y o$ your %etter to ,ee". 5$ your source is %oca%, gi#e t!e "erson you addressed a "!one ca%% about one +ee, a$ter you mai%ed t!e %etter and as, i$ +as recei#ed. *!is is not on%y to ma,e sure t!at t!e "ost is +or,ing, but it is a%so an e>cuse $or e>c!anging more in$ormation. Persona% re%ations!i"s are #ery im"ortant in $undraising. By ma,ing a "!one ca%%, you get a c!ance to $ind out t!ey ,ind o$ "erson t!ey are and to s!o+ your o+n in#o%#ement and moti#ation. 5$ you are a""roac!ing an internationa% donor, $o%%o+ your %etter u" +it! an e)mai% message i$ "ossib%e, Cust to ma,e sure t!at your a""%ication !as been recei#ed and again to s!o+ your o+n moti#ation. 2 7!i%e +aiting to $ind out t!e "rocedures to $o%%o+, you can "re"are t!e in$ormation t!e donor +i%% %i,e%y +ant to ,no+. Most +i%% e>"ect brie$ detai%s o$ t!e $o%%o+ing1 H H H Aims and obCecti#es o$ your organisation. 0etai%s o$ t!e target "o"u%ation Number o$ "eo"%eF#i%%ages you +ant to reac!

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO


Socia% structure o$ t!e communities, inc%uding detai%s o$ %oca% em"%oyment, income %e#e%s, !ig!)ris, grou"s etc. 0etai%s o$ t!e "roCect area, its %ocation, terrain and c%imate. Eour re%ations!i" +it! ot!er organisations e.g. ot!er N&'s and t!e &o#ernment and your intended co)o"eration +it! t!em. Names and ?ua%i$ications o$ your sta$$ members &enera% "%an o$ t!e im"%ementations o$ your acti#ities. Budget1 X 5nc%ude a budget $or t!e $irst year. X Estimate e>"ected $unds $rom ot!er sources. X Be concrete about t!e $unds you are as,ing $or. X 5nc%ude in your budget items t!at are essentia%, but do not as, $or e>"ensi#e or unnecessary e?ui"ment.

5$ you $o%%o+ a%% t!e guide%ines and sti%% your organisation does not get t!e grant it needs, remember t!at t!e $unding agency !as a !undred a""%ications $or e#ery s%ice o$ money. CitiRens Associations are increasing%y turning to t!e inde"endent $unding community to assist t!eir +or, and conse?uent%y t!e numbers and ?ua%ity o$ "roCects @ and t!eir accom"anying grant "ro"osa%s @ are increasing. So do not ta,e t!e reCection "ersona%%y. *!e "ercentage o$ "ro"osa%s being $ai%ed is 8/O, so do not be "ut o$$A you can %earn $rom $ai%ure. 7rite a brie$ %etter or emai% to t!e $under as,ing t!e reasons $or t!e reCection. *!e ans+er may suggest !o+ to im"ro#e t!e "ro"osa%, or e#en re?uest an im"ro#ed resubmission. EJAMP(E1
5 (;A) am a b%ac, +oman $rom t!e Sout!, %i#ing "resent%y in t!e Net!er%ands. 5 am t!e $ounder o$ an N&' based bot! in t!e Net!er%ands and in Soma%i%and. 5n .886 5 came to t!e Net!er%ands as a re$ugee. *!e ci#i% +ar !ad %e$t me unab%e to stay in my !ome%and, a ban,ru"t, my !ouse and sma%% $actory burnt to t!e ground. 0uring t!e mont!s 5 +aited in Euro"e to be eit!er granted residentia% status or reCected, success in business no %onger seemed im"ortant. 5nstead 5 decided to $ocus on ma,ing a di$$erence. 5 began ta%,ing to ot!er Soma%is +!o s!ared my "assion. *!e conce"t o$ our N&' gradua%%y too, s!a"e +it! t!e "ur"ose o$ ad#ocacy $or t!e interna%%y dis"%aced in Soma%i%and. 'n < No#ember .88<, 0oses o$ Ho"e +as $ormed. ;inding t!e money, t!oug! +as a maCor "rob%em 7e +ere ne+comers. 7e !ad set u" an N&' in t!e !eart o$ Euro"e. 7e started ,noc,ing on doors and encountered e#ery obstac%e and reCection ) one re"%y said, =+e !a#e recei#ed your %etter and understood its contents but un$ortunate%y +e t!in, neit!er our organisation nor any ot!er organisation in t!e Net!er%ands +ou%d su""ort your initiati#e=. But +e succeeded in $inding "artners @ !ig!%y res"ected "artners. So remember t!e t!ree Ps1 Persistence, Patience and Pursuing.

./.3.6 /oDo3era#in+ )i#$ 'undin+ or+ani a#ion Bui%ding a good trusted re%ations!i" +it! your donor is #ery im"ortant. '$ten, co) o"eration is not easy. *!e donor as,s $or %ong and com"%e> re"orts, and trans$ers o$ $unds are o$ten de%ayed. Communication "rob%ems are common because o$ misunderstandings $rom bot! sides and because o$ "osta% de%ays. 0onKt $orget t!at donors are de"endent on t!eir o+n su""orters, +!o in turn +i%% e>"ect reassurance t!at t!eir money is being +e%% s"ent. 7ays to im"ro#e co)o"eration are1 H A$ter recei#ing $unds, +rite a %etter o$ ac,no+%edgement and t!an,s. H Send regu%ar re"orts as re?uested by t!e donor. H Pre"are accurate budgets, and ,ee" costs as %o+ as "ossib%e.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO


5$ t+o or more donors are su""orting your "roCect, t!an t!e area o$ su""ort s!ou%d be c%ear%y de$ined and communicated. Encourage t!e donors to s!are a sing%e g%oba% re"ort and acce"t eac! ot!ersK tour re"orts to reduce t!e amount o$ time you s"end on t!eir re?uirements. A%+ays gi#e $eedbac, to t!e donor on !o+ t!e money +as s"ent. A%+ays stic, c%ear%y to t!e obCecti#es o$ your N&'. 5$ t!ere are any maCor c!anges o$ "%an, in$orm your donor. 7e%come #isitors $rom your donor agencies. *ry to re"%y "rom"t%y to %etters $rom your donor. ./.3.: Buildin+ 'undrai in+ 2a3a2i#%


0e#e%o" a $undraising "o%icy and regu%ations $or your N&'. Set u" a $undraising committee, +it! c%ear Cob descri"tions (res"onsibi%ities, tas,s). Monitor t!ese $undraising acti#ities "eriodica%%y (oo, again at t!e out%ine o$ t!e $unding +or,s!o" in C!a"ter ./.3...

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO


As "art o$ t!e "rocess o$ becoming acce"ted at internationa% %e#e%, you +i%% "robab%y !a#e to become registered, %ega% by t!e ru%es o$ your country. 5n eac! country t!ere is a N&' umbre%%a organisation to +!ic! you +i%% need to sign u". *!is ste" gi#e you access to in$ormation about ot!er organisations and t!eir acti#ities, about current best "ractice in your $ie%d. 5t is usua%%y a necessary ste" in getting $unding by most internationa% donors. EJAMP(E1 A NGO in India "e2ome le+al
by Professor Saras2ati S2ain Be$ore 5 retired 5 +as a $u%%)time Pro$essor in a Medica% Co%%ege. 5 +as conducting a %ot o$ studies +it! $unding $rom t!e 5ndian Counci% o$ Medica% Researc!, 7H', UN5CE; etc. A$ter retirement 5 +anted to continue and t!e on%y +ay $inancia%%y to do t!at +as to become a N&'. 5 sat +it! some o$ my %i,eminded $riends to de%iberate and $ormed an N&' ca%%ed Nationa% 5nstitute o$ A""%ied Human Researc! and 0e#e%o"ment (N5AHR0). 5n order to be %ega% and get $inancing, t!ree registrations +ere necessary1 H H H A registration under 5ndian Societies Registration Act. A registration +it! t!e Home Ministry under ;oreign Contribution Regu%ation Act to recei#e and uti%ise grant)in)aids or contributions $rom outside t!e country. A registration +it! t!e ;inance Ministry under section .3A o$ 5ncome *a> Act to be a non)"ro$it and non)ta>ed organisation.

Suc! registrations in 5ndia ta,e a %ot o$ time and in#o%#e $i%%ing in many $orms A$ter it +as %aunc!ed N5AHR0 started to ta,e u" "roCects and studies on be!a%$ o$ many nationa% and internationa% $unding agencies and a%so success$u%%y com"%eted t!ose "roCects. 7e +ere in#ited to many +or,s!o"s and Seminars and became an acti#e member o$ many net+or,s.

EJAMP(E1 T$e Sou#$ A'ri2an NGO e2#or

by @hathatso Mo/oet0e BAC &R'UN0 Non)go#ernmenta% organisations (N&'s) in Sout! A$rica !a#e a uni?ue !istory. 5n t!e a"art!eid years u" unti% .884, organisations t!at +ere more conser#ati#e and main%y run by +!ites +ere re$erred to as "ri#ate +e%$are organisations. Most o$ t!em +ere easy to register as t!ey $unctioned +it!in t!e %a+. Most recei#ed good subsidies $rom go#ernment and ac?uired $undraising numbers. 5n t!ose years, t!e term N&' "redominant%y re$erred to c!arity organisations t!at addressed t!e "rob%ems o$ disad#antaged communities. Most o$ t!em +ere run by t!e "rogressi#es, ser#ed b%ac, communities and de"ended a %ot on members!i" $ees, be?uests and o#erseas "!i%ant!ro"ic $inancia% su""ort. *!e criteria set $or registration made it di$$icu%t $or N&'s to register. *!ey +ere genera%%y seen as anti)go#ernment in t!eir criticism o$ a"art!eid %a+s and ser#ice de%i#ery. Members +ere in and out $or +!at t!ey said or did in de$iance o$ t!e go#ernment o$ t!e day. Re?uirements $or registration inc%uded, among ot!er t!ings, submission o$ t!e organiRationa% constitution, sta$$ names and "articu%ars to t!e registering o$$ice. As registered members, t!ey !ad to ma,e a#ai%ab%e +!ate#er documents t!e state re?uired. *!is made it easy $or "o%ice to trac, do+n and arrest Btroub0e *a/ersD. &i#en t!is conte>t, "rogressi#e organisations "re$erred not to be %ega%%y registered. But %oca% $undraising +as i%%ega% i$ t!e organisation did not !a#e a $undraising number.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO A;*ER *HE NE7 0EM'CRA*5C &'IERNMEN*, P'S* .884. 7it! t!e ne+ go#ernment, N&'s e>"erienced sur#i#a% di$$icu%ties. Pri#ate +e%$are organisations, most o$ +!ic! sur#i#ed on go#ernment subsidies, %ost bene$its $rom t!e ne+ go#ernment and !ad to c%ose. Progressi#e organisations a%so $aced sur#i#a% di$$icu%tiesA t!e o#erseas assistance recei#ed +as no+ di#erted to t!e ne+ democratic go#ernment. *!is drastic c!ange in t!e $inancia% en#ironment ad#erse%y a$$ected %ots o$ organisations, many o$ +!ic! !ad to c%ose. *HE EI'(U*5'N '; *HE N&' SEC*'R 5n t!e ne+ democratic go#ernment, some o%d organisations died $or reasons a%ready gi#en. Ne+ ones emerged $or se#era% reasons, t!e main reason being t!e increasing incidence o$ H5IFA50S, +it! more and more H5IFA50S organisations being $ormed. 7it! !istorica% "erce"tions e?uating non)go#ernment to anti)go#ernment in Sout! A$rica, t!e term N&' is gradua%%y being re"%aced by t!e term NP' (Non)Pro$it 'rganisation). *HE N'N PR';5* 'R&AN5SA*5'NS AC*, N'. 3. '; .88< *!e Act +as "romu%gated to ma,e it easier $or N&'sFNP's to register. *!e "rocedures are easier and user)$riend%ier. Under t!is Act, c!arityF non)"ro$it)ma,ing organisations are no+ $ree to register eit!er as C!aritab%e 'rganisations or Section 3. 'rganisations. *!e "ri#ate +e%$are organisations are a%so no+ registered under t!e t+o o"tions.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO


.3.. In #i#u#ional u #aina"ili#%

Remem"er5 Su #aina"ili#% i &eo3le An N&' +!ic! is concerned about %ong %i$e mig!t c!oose to do an e>ercise ca%%ed a S7'* @ Strengt!s, '""ortunities, 7ea,nesses, *!reats. *!is e>ercise !e%"s t!e N&' to identi$y t!e ,ey issues t!at cou%d ma,e its $uture eit!er more secure or instead, t!reatened in some +ay. *!e issues may be interna% (organisationa% issues) or e>terna% (en#ironmenta% issues). *!e "ur"ose o$ doing a S+ot is t+o$o%dA $irst%y it enab%es t!e N&' to $ind t!e issues +!ic! e#eryone agrees are strengt!s, +ea,nesses etc. *!e ne>t ste" is to +or, +it! t!ese issues, estab%is! t!e re%ations!i" bet+een t!em, se%ect t!e ones +!ic! are "riority and t!en trans$orm t!em into "o%icy issues or *!ings)to)be)0one. 5n t!is c!a"ter +e describe a S7'* t!at $ocuses on sustainabi%ity, but t!e same broad a""roac! can be used to ana%yse ot!er "rob%ems, suc! as t!e ca"acity issues in C!a"ter -.6. S#e3 #o #ake5 H *!e N&' $inds a +or,s!o" %eader, $rom it o+n sta$$ or $rom outside, +!o !as a good ana%ytica% mind and can run t!e +or,s!o" +e%%. H 5t a%%ocates a b%oc, o$ t!ree days $or t!e +!o%e e>amination o$ sustainabi%ity. '$ t!ese days, t!e $irst !a%$)day is gi#en o#er to t!e S7'* e>ercise. 0uring t!e rest o$ t!e time t!ere are discussions and brain)storming to $ind t!e "o%icy issues and *!ings)to)be)0one *!en, t!e meaning o$ Strengt!s 7ea,nesses, '""ortunities and *!reats are e>"%ained and agreed on. Partici"ants are as,ed to identi$y issues t!at $it into t!ese categories. An issue mig!t $it into t+o categories. ;or e>am"%e, i$ an N&' on%y !as one #ery generous donor t!is cou%d be bot! a strengt! and a +ea,nessA !o+e#er $or t!e "ur"ose o$ t!e S7'* e>ercise it can on%y be discussed in one category @ and in t!e conte>t o$ sustainabi%ity it is a +ea,ness. Bot! issues interna% to t!e N&' and t!ose t!at are e>terna%, need to be identi$ied. ;or e>am"%e, i$ a maCor donor is cutting bac, on contributions t!is is a serious e>terna% t!reat. 5$ t!e N&' is s"ending too muc! on administration t!is is an interna% t!reat. A $undamenta% conce"t in organisations is e>"%ained to t!e "artici"ants. 5t is t!is1 An organisation is %i,e a "%antA t!ere is a "art o$ it t!at is abo#e ground @ stem, %ea#es, $ruit. *!ese are t!e organisationa% as"ects t!at an outsider can see @ t!e "roCects, t!e administration, t!e ca"acity bui%ding. But t!ere is a%so t!e "art be%o+ t!e ground, t!e roots, or institutiona% as"ects o$ t!e organisation. *!is "art is strong i$ t!e N&' is serious about its "ur"ose, !as strong obCecti#es and con#ictions. 5$ t!e boss and sta$$ !a#e %ost t!eir #ision, t!e roots are +ea, but may sti%% be rescue)ab%e and a guarantee t!at t!e N&' can sur#i#e. 5$ t!e roots !a#e been eaten by "ests, no matter !o+ +e%% t!e o$$ice is run, t!e N&' +i%% die.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

P0antin, the $8O 2e00 for the future EJAMP(E1

An Asian N&' !ad t!e stated aim o$ im"ro#ing t!e s,i%%s o$ $armers t!roug!out t!e country. Ho+e#er t!ere +as a%so an un+ritten aim, !e%d by t!e boss and most o$ t!e BoardA t!at +as to s"read t!e cu%ture o$ t!e maCority et!nic grou" into minority areas. *!is aim !ad c!anged t!e nature o$ ser#ices $or t!e +orse. *!ere +as no serious decentra%isation and a%% training +as in t!e maCority %anguage e#en +!ere t!e $armers cou%d not understand it. *!e sta$$ +as becoming increasing%y demora%ised.

Work $o3 Te2$ni;ue5 H As t!e grou"s +or,, $indings need to be +ritten u". 5$ t!e on%y resource is a b%ac,board, t!at can be used. But it is one ste" better to use big s!eets o$ c!ea" "a"er and $e%t "ens. E#en better are $i%e cards and bu%%oc,, +!ic! is %i,e c!e+ing gum and stic,s cards to +a%%s or "a"er. 5ts ad#antage is t!at cards can be mo#ed around, grou"ed in one +ay and t!en anot!er. Eac! grou" +i%% need a b%ac,board or "a"er, cards and $e%t "ens. H Sta$$ are "ut into grou"s. 5$ t!e N&' is democratic, t!e grou"s can !a#e a mi> o$ gender, Cob status, HS) based and district)based, tec!nica% and non)tec!nica% etc. 5$ t!e S7'* is !a""ening in a cu%ture +!ere Cuniors cannot s"ea, $ree%y in $ront o$ bosses, t!en a di$$erent mi> in t!e grou"s !as to be done. 'r, i$ needed, di$$erent ,inds o$ grou"s can be made u" $or di$$erent ste"s o$ t!e S7'* e>ercise. Eac! o$ t!e grou"s discuss eac! o$ t!e $our t!emes $or a certain %engt! o$ time, "er!a"s $i$teen minutes. *!en a s!ort brea,, a cu" o$ tea or co$$ee !e%"s t!e digestion o$ ideas. E#eryone comes bac, toget!er and eac! grou" "resents its $indings. As eac! grou" ta%,s, t!e 7or,s!o" (eader +rites u" +!at t!ey say under Be>terna%D and Binterna%D. Under Strengt!s, 7ea,nesses, '""ortunities and *!reats, t!e (eader notes a%% t!e issues broug!t $or+ard by t!e grou"s. *!ese are t!en re#ie+ed and t!e not)so) re%e#ant ones %e$t out. *!roug! discussion, t!e remaining issues are "ut into an order o$ "riority. 7ays o$ addressing eac! "rob%em in turn are discussed. As agreement is reac!ed, and tas,s assigned.


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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

An N&' in (esot!o did a S7'* ana%ysis to %oo, at sustainabi%ity. A maCor $inding o$ t!e +or,s!o" +as t!at Board members !ad a %ac, o$ commitment to t!e basic goa%s o$ t!e N&', and t!at t!is +as an institutiona% +ea,ness t!at needed to be addressed. A sign o$ "oor commitment +as t!at too many Board members missed meetings. A number o$ Actions +ere identi$ied to c!ange t!is1 H ;irst%y, t!ere +as a #ery care$u%, tact$u% discussion on +!et!er t!e rig!t Board Members !ad been c!osen, +!et!er t!ey actua%%y !ad t!e time and means to do a good Cob. ;rom t!is discussion, t!e N&' came to a consensus on t!e $uture "ro$i%e $or Board Members and t!e "rocedure $or se%ecting t!em. Second%y, it +as agreed t!at t!e Board members s!ou%d !a#e training. *!is +as done. *!ird%y it +as agreed t!at t!e 0istrict '$$ice Co)ordinator s!ou%d raise t!e interest o$ Board MembersA t!is +as done by #isiting indi#idua%s at !ome, introducing indi#idua%s and t!eir s,i%%s to t!e meetings and raising !er o+n "ro$i%e as an e>am"%e. Board members +ere a%so encouraged to read N&' %iterature and documents.


*!is e>am"%e s!o+s !o+ a +or,s!o" can identi$y a +ea,ness, $ind organisationa% and institutiona% ans+ers and agree on t!e ste"s to ta,e to address 5 so t!at t!e +ea,ness no %onger e>ists. *!ese actions toget!er a%so raised t!e moti#ation and standing o$ t!e Members.

5t is im"ortant t!at t!e S7'* e>ercise does not $ocus on%y on +ea,nesses and t!reats, but de#otes a %ot o$ time to ac!ie#ements and strengt!s *!ey s!ou%d be !ig!%ig!ted and used to gi#e more "ers"ecti#e to t!e +ea,nesses and t!reats Anot!er BmustB in success$u% S7'*)ing is t!at e#eryt!ing s!ou%d be done to se"arate issues $rom "ersona%ities *!e S7'* !as to dea% +it! $unctions, "rocesses and "rocedures and not +it! t!e "er$ormance o$ indi#idua%s. 5t is not a "er$ormance a""raisa% o$ sta$$. 7!ere an N&' !as a serious issue %in,ed to an indi#idua%, t!is s!ou%d not be dea%t +it! in a +or,s!o" but t!roug! ot!er means. *!e $ina% ste"s o$ a S7'* +or,s!o" +ou%d be to "%an a reunion a$ter a cou"%e o$ mont!s to see !o+ +e%% t!e "%anned actions are im"%emented. *!en "artici"ants are t!an,ed and t!e +or,s!o" is c%osed.


Su #aina"ili#% 'or 3roje2#

5$ you !a#e "roCects +!ic! !e%" your bene$iciaries, t!en1 H eit!er t!ese acti#ities s!ou%d !a#e a %imited %i$e, $or e>am"%e a one)o$$ !eat! "romotion actionA H or t!ey s!ou%d be ab%e to sur#i#e on t!eir o+n i$ and +!en you sto" your su""ort. So t!ere s!ou%d be a degree o$ community "artici"ation andFor contribution in cas! and ,ind in order to guarantee a minimum %e#e% o$ o+ners!i". 5ncome)generating acti#ities s!ou%d be ma,ing a rea% income $or t!e target grou"s and t!ere$ore be more t!an Cust socia% sc!emes. *!e management o$ t!e money in#o%#ed s!ou%d $o%%o+ t!e same ru%es as money management +it!in your N&'.

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Su #aina"ili#% and #rainin+ 3eo3le

*!ere are im"ortant issues o$ sustainabi%ity i$ you train "eo"%e to do a Cob at #i%%age %e#e%. Be #ery care$u% o$ training "eo"%e in !ea%t! matters, un%ess t!e Ministry o$ Hea%t! is going to ta,e res"onsibi%ity $or t!e trainees and su"er#ise t!em. 7!y9 (oo, at 7ater and Sanitation "roCects, +!ere "roCects +ant Hygiene Education acti#ities and o$ten train #i%%age "eo"%e in !ea%t! matters. But sometimes t!e "roCect endsA t!e trainees !a#e a certi$icate, %itt%e training and no su"er#ision. *!ey may buy a +!ite coat, start gi#ing inCections, ,noc,ing out t!e teet! o$ c!i%dren +it! diarr!oea or branding t!em +it! red) !ot bicyc%e s"o,es. *!ey can do !arm. *!e same t!ing !a""ens +!en N&'s start so) ca%%ed Primary Hea%t! Care "roCects, train community !ea%t! +or,ers but disa""ear a$ter a year. GGG Be 2are'ul o' 2rea#in+ a +rou3 o' )orker ( ,i#$er #$e% $ould $ave a 'u#ure6 2an "e re)arded and u3ervi ed@ or6 #$eir #a k $ould "e el'Dlimi#in+ GGG


Buildin+ u #aina"ili#% #$rou+$ #ron+ ne#)ork

Net+or,s a%%o+ di$$erent grou"s to +or, toget!er to+ard a s!ared goa% by co)ordinating strategies and "oo%ing resources. Net+or,s, +!ic! inc%ude a range o$ organiRations, grou"s, and indi#idua%s, demonstrate to "o%icy ma,ers t!at t!ere is +ide su""ort $or "articu%ar "o%icies or "rogrammes. *!e term net+or, !ere re$ers to a grou" o$ organisations t!at communicate and co%%aborate on a s!ared ad#ocacy strategy @ t!at is ma,ing t!eir "oint o$ #ie+ ,no+n to t!e "eo"%e +!o matter. *!e goa% is to come toget!er, to "oo% resources and ca"abi%ities and to +or, more e$$ecti#e%y $or "ro"osed "rograms. .3.4.. /$allen+e #o "uildin+ a ne#)ork 0es"ite t!e bene$its, bui%ding and maintaining net+or,s is !ard +or,. Net+or, members must ,ee" in mind t!e $o%%o+ing c!a%%enges and be "re"ared to address t!em1 H H Bui%ding consensus is a time)consuming "rocess. And e#en t!en, net+or, members may not a%+ays agree on t!e goa%s, obCecti#es, and strategies o$ t!e net+or,. *!e net+or, must bui%d trust among its members. Member organisations and "rogrammes may com"ete $or $unding $rom t!e same donor agencies, !am"ering t!eir abi%ity to co%%aborate. Bui%ding trust in t!e $ace o$ suc! con$%icts is di$$icu%t @ members may !a#e "re#ious e>"eriences, bot! "ersona% and "ro$essiona%, +it! eac! ot!er, t!at a$$ect t!eir abi%ity to +or, co%%aborati#e%y. *!e %arger t!e net+or, gro+s, t!e more com"%e> it is to manage its %ogistics. ee"ing a%% members a+are o$ meetings, actions ta,en, resu%ts, and u"coming acti#ities is im"ortant. *!e net+or, must remain a co%%aborati#e e$$ort among a%% members, rat!er t!an t!e "ossession o$ one or se#era% o$ t!e most "o+er$u% members. Members must agree on ru%es necessary $or t!e net+or, to o"erate smoot!%y and e$$ecti#e%y. *!e net+or, must decide !o+ to %e#erage resources $or its co%%aborati#e acti#ities.


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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

.3.4.3 Guideline 'or e''e2#ive ne#)ork Articu%ate and committed young "eo"%e can !e%" t!e net+or, remain true to its mission o$ ser#ing yout!. Eout! are e>ce%%ent re"resentati#es $or "rogrammes designed to address t!eir needs. Eoung "eo"%e can organise students, $riends and ot!er young "eo"%e to su""ort t!e net+or,Ps cam"aign. ee" "eo"%e in$ormed1 maintain u")to)date mai%ing, "!one, $a>, and e)mai% %ists o$ net+or, members and ,ey contact "eo"%e. ee"ing members in$ormed maintains trust, interest, and in#o%#ement. 5t a%so minimiRes misunderstandings and identi$ies "oints o$ disagreement be$ore t!ey become "rob%ems. Net+or, members s!ou%d a%+ays recei#e minutes $rom meetings, u"dates, ne+s c%i""ings, and in$ormation on $uture e#ents. Ade?uate ad#ance notice o$ meetings and ot!er e#ents encourages "artici"ation in im"ortant discussions and decisions. Se%ect s"o,es"eo"%e +!o +i%% re"resent t!e net+or, to t!e media1 Ear%y in t!e net+or,Ps de#e%o"ment, identi$y members +!o !a#e e>"erience in "ub%ic s"ea,ing or interacting +it! t!e media. *!e s"o,es"eo"%e may or may not be t!e same "eo"%e as t!e %eaders!i" team. 'ne s"o,es"erson s!ou%d be a young "erson. Members s!ou%d agree on a "rocess $or !and%ing in?uiries $rom t!e media.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO


Peo"%e +!o do a good Cob in de#e%o"ment +or, !a#e $ound some ba%ance in t!ree areas1 . 3 2 *!ey !a#e some understanding and contro% o$ t!eir o+n moti#es. *!ey treat t!eir co%%eagues +it! res"ect and some understanding. *!ey treat t!e bene$iciaries o$ t!eir +or, +it! res"ect and some understanding.

7!at $o%%o+s are discussions and e>ercises to !e%" you in t!ese t!ree areas. *!e idea is to !e%" you to get t!ings c%ear in your mind ) !e%" you to understand +!y you do +!at you do. '$ course, you can s,i" t!is c!a"ter. But +!at you understand, you can contro%. 5$ you do not understand your o+n be!a#iour you +i%% not be in contro% o$ +!at you do. So +or, t!roug! it a%%, discuss +!at you %earn $rom t!e ans+ers to t!e e>ercisesA t!en ,ee" t!e debate going inside your !ead o#er t!e ne>t $e+ years. Eou mig!t +ant to do t!e e>ercises in a grou". Eou may !a#e a grou" o$ "eo"%e +it! +!om you !o"e to bui%d your N&'. 'r you may +or, +it! t!em in an N&'. 5$ you bring toget!er a grou" o$ $e%%o+)+or,ers, ma,e sure it is a grou" o$ e?ua%s. Ma,e sure, $or e>am"%e, t!at i$ one "erson says somet!ing !onest%y, and o$$ends t!e boss, t!ey +i%% not be sac,ed, or !a#e t!eir %i$e made di$$icu%t. So !a#e a grou" o$ t!ree Cunior sta$$, or t!ree seniors, instead o$ one big grou". Ma,e sure t!at eac! "erson "romises to ,ee" to t!emse%#es +!at t!ey !ear in t!e grou". 7e are ta%,ing no+ about e#eryone +!o +or,s in de#e%o"ment, inc%uding ourse%#es. Not!ing said !ere is meant as an insu%t. But as +e become o%der, +e !o"e t!at +e understand more c%ear%y +!at $ee%ings dro#e us +!en +e begun our careers. None o$ us are saints. None o$ us !a#e tota% contro% o#er our meaner instincts. At some %e#e% in our minds, +e a%% t!in, ourse%#es to be t!e ne>t Mot!er *eresa or Martin (ut!er ing. At anot!er %e#e%, +e are sure +e are rubbis!, and t!at +e can on%y sa#e ourse%#es i$ +e do &ood 0eeds $or t!e rest o$ our %i#es.


Ho) )ell do %ou under #and and 2on#rol %our o)n mo#iva#ionC

5t is im"ortant t!at "eo"%e in t!e business o$ !e%"ing ot!ers, understand *!e Rescue *riang%e1

*!e idea is t!at +e a%% "%ay ro%es, Cust as +e do in ro%e)"%ays, but +e do t!is most o$ t!e time unconscious%y. 7e !a#e ro%es t!at +e $ind com$ortab%e, and, since +e are in#o%#ed in N&'s, +e "robab%y %i,e t!e ro%e o$ Rescuer.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

't!er "eo"%e %i,e being t!e #ictim too +e%%. 5$ +e !e%" t!em +it! one "rob%em t!ey +i%% $ind anot!er. *o be a #ictim, most "eo"%e need a bad guy +!o ma,es t!em t!at +ay @ t!e "ersecutor. A c%assic e>am"%e is t!e +ea,)seeming +oman +!o a%+ays marries a man +!o treats !er bad%y . . . and +!o t!en $inds anot!er man +!o +i%% rescue !er. A$ter a +!i%e, !e, too, starts to treat !er bad%y, so s!e %oo,s $or anot!er man +!o . . . etc. So +e do not stay in one ro%e, +e mo#e around t!e Rescue *riang%e. 7e !e%" a $riend +it! !er "rob%ems, encourage !er to ta%, to us, gi#ing ad#ice, being a good rescuer, unti% sudden%y s!e te%%s us t!at +e are nagging, ma,ing !er %i$e miserab%e @ so no+ +e are "ersecutors. *!en s!e goes a+ay, %ea#ing us $ee%ing bad, $ee%ing %i,e t!e #ictim, so +e go to a $riend, +!o !e%"s us and encourages us to do t!is and t!at, unti% . . . 5t is not on%y indi#idua%s +!o "%ay Rescue *riang%e, it is et!nic grou"s and countries. Persecutor, Iictim, Rescuer @ can you t!in, o$ e>am"%es $rom A$rica and Asia in t!e %ast ten years9 Sometimes t+o countries $ig!t eac! ot!er and bot! $ee% t!e #ictim, and say t!at t!e ot!er is t!e "ersecutor, ca%%ing on t!e UN to come to t!e rescue. *!ere is one $urt!er "osition t!at indi#idua%s or countries can ta,e, and t!at is t!e "osition o$ 'n%oo,er, +!o sees +!at is going on but does not!ing. 5$ you t!in, in t!ese terms you +i%% rea%ise a $e+ t!ings1 H H Eou +or, in de#e%o"ment not Cust to be a good "erson, but a%so to ser#e your o+n needs. Sometimes, t!e natura%)born rescuers e>"ect too muc! and get disa""ointed +!en t!e +or%d does not $o%%o+ t!eir ad#ice. 'ne +ay to a#oid t!is is to sto" +anting to contro% e#eryt!ing. 5nstead, bui%d "artners!i"s +it! bene$iciaries so t!ey are more res"onsib%e t!an you $or sorting out t!eir o+n "rob%ems. Eou ma,e it c%ear t!at t!e "rob%ems are t!eirs, not yours, and you cannot %i$t t!em o$$ t!e su$$erersP bac,s. 5$ grou"s sti%% come bac,, time a$ter time, +it! more and more "rob%ems, and you t!in, t!ey are !a""y in t!e #ictim ro%e, ta%, about t!is +it! your co%%eagues. Eou may !a#e to te%% t!e grou" t!at it seems t!at t!ey are not menta%%y ready to $ind a true so%utionA "er!a"s you cou%d set a time %imit on your in#o%#ement.
,B,R/IS, .2.... /an %ou #$ink o' a #ime in #$e 3a # )$en #$e NGO or %ou a individual $ave +o# en#an+led in #$e Re 2ue Trian+leC ,B,R/IS, .2...3 Ima+ine #$a# i# i #en %ear 'rom no)( Ima+ine #$a# #$e NGO %ou #ar#ed $a done ver% )ell6 and %ou $ave "een #old %ou )ill "e +e##in+ a medal a# a "i+ 2eremon%( &eo3le )ill 2la3 %ou@ 3eo3le )ill a% $o) +rea# %ou are( ,a2$ o' %ou6 )ri#e do)n #$e an )er #o #$e 'ollo)in+ ;ue #ion 5 W$o i #$e 3er on %ou )ill 'ir # )an# #o #ellC Would i# "e %our 'a#$er6 %our mo#$erC <our +rand'a#$er or +randmo#$erC <our $u "and or "e # 'riendC <our "ank mana+erC A journali # a# #$e lo2al 3a3erC W$o are #$e 3eo3le )$o )ill "e mo # anno%ed or jealou C Bro#$er or i #erC Old 2$ool 'riend or enemie C Ho) im3or#an# i #ellin+ #$e e 3eo3leC One a 2ale )$ere O i Jno# a# allK and 07 i JT$e mo # im3or#an# #$in+ in #$e WorldKC

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO No) look a# /$a3#er 0>(? and $ave ome"od% read ou# )$a# i# a% a"ou# #$i e4er2i e( T$en di 2u )$a# %ou #$ink in #$e +rou3( <ou 2an $are a mu2$ or a li##le a %ou )i $ )i#$ #$e o#$er - "u# "e $one # )i#$ %our el'(


Ho) 'ar do %ou #rea# %our 2ollea+ue )i#$ re 3e2# and under #andin+C
,B,R/IS, .2.3.. T$i i an e4er2i e #o do in a +rou36 i' %ou 2an5 W$en i# 2ome #o makin+ de2i ion 6 )e 2ould a% #$a# ome 3eo3le are "e##er ui#ed #$an o#$er ( Su33o e #$a# i# i lun2$#ime in %our o''i2e@ 3eo3le are ea#in+ round #$e #a"le6 and #$e di 2u ion #urn in#o an in'ormal "u# eriou mee#in+ on #$e 'u#ure o' #$e NGO( T$ere i a mi4 o' 3eo3le round #$e #a"le( T$e% are li #ed "elo)( /o3% #$e de 2ri3#ion ou#6 ea2$ on#o one "i# o' 3a3er6 #$en 3u# #$e "i# o' 3a3er in a 2olumn6 )i#$ #$e 3er on )$o e o3inion i mo # im3or#an# a# #$e #o3 and #$e 3er on )$o e o3inion $ould ma##er lea # a# #$e "o##om5 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q A %oun+i $ male medi2al do2#or@ A middleDa+ed )oman o2ial )orker6 )$o e ,n+li $ i 3oor@ An older nonDli#era#e )oman6 vi i#in+ 'rom a villa+e6 )$o e ,n+li $ i 3oor@ One o' #$e +rou3 %ou are #r%in+ #o $el3@ A middleDa+ed male "ookDkee3er@ A vi i#in+ ,uro3ean e43er#@ A %oun+ 'emale )orker(

No) look a# #$e ne4# 3a+e and $ave ome"od% read ou# )$a# i# a% on 0>(.(0( T$en di 2u )$a# %ou #$ink in #$e +rou3( <ou 2an $are a mu2$ or a li##le a %ou )i $ )i#$ #$e o#$er - "u# "e $one # )i#$ %our el'( ,B,R/IS, .2.3.3 T$ink o' #$e la # #$ree #ime #$a# %ou )ere a# )ork and a 2ollea+ue di a+reed )i#$ %ou( A k #$e 3er on )$o )ork 2lo e # #o %ou #o remind %ou o' o#$er o22a ion ( Ho) did %ou 'eelC W$a# did %ou 'eel a"ou# #$e o#$er 3er onC Wri#e do)n a )ord 'or ea2$ o22a ion - "u# kee3 #$e e )ord #o %our el'( T$e )ord mi+$# "e mi+$# "e Kan+r%K6 J #u3idK6 J ur3ri edK Jdi re 3e2#edK )$a#ever( No) look a# #$e ne4# 3a+e and $ave ome"od% read ou# )$a# i# a% a"ou# 0>(.(.( T$en 'ollo) #$e in #ru2#ion ( <ou )ill need omeone in #$e +rou3 #o )ri#e on a "i+ $ee# o' 3a3er(


Ho) 'ar do %ou #rea# "ene'i2iarie )i#$ re 3e2# and under #andin+C
,B,R/IS, .2.2 ,a2$ o' %ou )ri#e do)n #$e an )er #o #$e 'ollo)in+ ;ue #ion 5 Su33o e %ou are lookin+ a'#er a 2$ild6 and #$e 2$ild no) eem #o "e +e##in+ a li+$# 'ever( <ou #$ink a"ou# #akin+ #$e 2$ild #o a )e #ernD #%le do2#or( <our mo#$er i around and u++e # $o) #$e 2$ild $ould "e #rea#ed( S$e i no# ver% edu2a#ed and +re) u3 in a villa+e( Do %ou a22e3# $er advi2e or +o #o #$e do2#orC W$% do %ou make #$a# 2$oi2eC No) look 'or 0>(> on #$e ne4# 3a+e and $ave ome"od% read ou# )$a# i# a% ( T$en di 2u )$a# %ou #$ink in #$e +rou3( <ou 2an $are a mu2$ or a li##le a %ou )i $ )i#$ #$e o#$er - "u# "e $one # )i#$ %our el'(

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Di 2u ion a"ou# under #andin+ and 2on#rollin+ %our o)n mo#iva#ion

Lookin+ a# 0>(0(.5 #$e a)ard 2eremon% 7!at you are concerned +it! !ere is t!e e>tent to +!ic! you are dri#en by t!e o"inions o$ ot!er "eo"%e. '$ course you +ant to "%ease your mot!er and ma,e your $at!er "roudA o$ course you may +ant to annoy your o%der brot!er +!o said you +ere a %oser. But i$ it becomes B*!e most im"ortant t!ing in t!e +or%dD, @ - or more on t!e sca%e o$ .)./ @ t!en you may !a#e a "rob%em. 5$ you +anted to te%% a ban, manager, t!en do you !a#e big money "rob%ems or a big need to be ric!9 5$ you +anted to te%% a Courna%ist, do you !a#e a crying need $or $ame9 5$ t!ese needs are #ery strong t!en you may start ma,ing decisions t!at are not in t!e interest o$ t!e goa%s o$ your organisation. 5$ you $ound t!at you scored - or more, t!en %oo, around $or somebody you can ta%, to, somebody o%der, more e>"erienced, +!o can !e%" you +or, out +!at is going on and !e%" you $ee% %ess strong%y.


Di 2u

ion a"ou# $o) %ou #rea# %our 2ollea+ue 5

Lookin+ a# 0>(.(05 #$e di 2u ion round #$e lun2$ #a"le 0id your grou" ma,e a !ierarc!y o$ t!e di$$erent "eo"%e9 7!y9 0id you rea%%y t!in, t!at a !ierarc!y is a good idea, or did you t!in, t!at @ i$ it is in a boo,, it must be rig!t9 Some boo,s are not so re%iab%e. So t!e $irst %esson is1 i$ your instincts are good, $o%%o+ t!em. Be%ie#e t!em be$ore you be%ie#e a boo,, e#en i$ it is +ritten in Euro"e. Per!a"s +e s!ou%d not "ut "eo"%e into any !ierarc!y. Ne>t, i$ you made t!e !ierarc!y, +!at #a%ue did you "ut on t!e di$$erent "eo"%e9 *!e te>t said, B7e cou%d say t!at some "eo"%e are better suited to ma,e decisions t!an ot!ersD. But +e cou%d a%so say t!e o""osite. 0id you "ut t!e Euro"ean near t!e to"9 7!y9 Euro"eans +!o go to t!e Sout! get ca%%ed Be>"ertD, but !o+ muc! more do t!ey ,no+ t!an you "eo"%e9 7ere your decisions a$$ected by t!e abi%ity o$ "eo"%e to s"ea, Eng%is!9 7!y9 Eou are not trying to !e%" "enni%ess Eng%is! !i""ies, +e !o"e. So #a%ue "eo"%e $or t!e ?ua%ities and e>"erience t!ey !a#e. Lookin+ a# 0>(.(.5 )$en 2ollea+ue di a+ree )i#$ %ou As, one "erson in t!e grou" to be t!e +riter on a big s!eet o$ "a"er. C%ear%y, in any grou" t!ere +i%% be disagreements. Sometimes t!ese can be !and%ed +e%% and sometimes t!ere is a c%as!. At t!e to" o$ t!e "a"er, +rite on t!e %e$t BHe%"$u%D and on t!e to" rig!t BUn!e%"$u%D. No+, in genera% t!e grou" discusses +!at $ee%ings can be !e%"$u% +!en "eo"%e disagree, and +!y @ +!at $ee%ings do not !e%" and +!y. Nobody !as to con$ess anyt!ing and nobody s!ou%d be accused o$ anyt!ing. But eac! indi#idua% s!ou%d t!in, serious%y about t!eir o+n be!a#iour. Some "eo"%e use anger to bu%%y co%%eagues. Some "eo"%e te%% t!emse%#esA i$ "eo"%e disagree +it! me, t!en 5 must be +rong and stu"id. *!is de)#a%ues t!em and t!eir contribution to t!e organisation. ;or some o$ you, no+ mig!t be a good moment to ma,e a reso%ution @ to be!a#e or ta%, to myse%$ in a more !e%"$u% +ay.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO FOLLOWDU& ,B,R/IS,5 Look round #$e +rou3 o' 2ollea+ue )i#$ )$om %ou are )orkin+( In #urn6 ea2$ o' %ou #ell ea2$ o#$er 3er on one ;uali#% #$a# #$e% $ave #$a# make #$em valua"le - 3er$a3 $one #%6 3er$a3 #$eir a"ili#% #o )ork $ard( Sa% ou# loud #$a# %ou all value )$a# i in %our +rou3(


Di 2u

ion a"ou# $o) %ou #rea# "ene'i2iarie

Fir #6 +o "a2k #o 0>(.(05 #$e mee#in+ round #$e lun2$ #a"le 5$ you made a !ierarc!y o$ e#erybody in order o$ im"ortance, !o+ im"ortant +as t!e member o$ t!e bene$iciary grou"9 5$ t!at "erson +as not near t!e to", "er!a"s you s!ou%d %oo, serious%y at !o+ your organisation sees t!is grou". 7!at are t!e "eo"%e +!o ma,e u" t!e grou" to you9 @ obCects o$ c!arity or "ro"er "artners in $inding out !o+ to im"ro#e t!eir %i#es9 5$ t!ey are obCects o$ c!arity, e#en Cust a %itt%e bit, as, yourse%$ t!is1 Ho+ +ou%d you $ee% i$ someone came a%ong and said, B+e are going to organise your $uture education and training, but +e +i%% not as, you +!at you +ant or +!at you t!in,, because +e ,no+ better t!an youD. No) look a# %our re 3on e #o 0>(>5 a"ou# %our mo#$er and #$e i2k 2$ild( *!is ?uestion +as intended to !e%" you t!in, about your mot!erPs cu%ture, +!ic! $or most "eo"%e is t!eir $irst cu%ture, t!e tradition to +!ic! t!ey be%ong be$ore t!ey go to sc!oo% and study science. And it is a%so, usua%%y, t!e cu%ture o$ t!e "eo"%e you +ant to !e%". 5$ you !a#e no res"ect $or t!at cu%ture, you may !a#e no res"ect $or t!em. EJAMP(E1
5 (MM) gre+ u" in Eng%and Cust a$ter 7or%d 7ar *+o, "art o$ an 5ris! Cat!o%ic $ami%y. My mot!er did a number o$ t!ings to ,ee" us !ea%t!y. 7e +ere a%% breast)$ed $or t!ree mont!s. 7e +ore Saint C!risto"!er meda%s round our nec,. ;or Cat!o%ics !e +as t!e "atron saint o$ tra#e%%ers and by e>tension +ou%d ,ee" us sa$e $rom cars on t!e road. S!e !ad !er o+n "o%icy on #accinations. 5$ any neig!bour!ood c!i%d !ad meas%es or mum"s, +e +ere sent to "%ay +it! t!em. My mot!er +as determined t!at +e +ou%d !a#e !ad a%% t!e c!i%d!ood in$ections be$ore +e started sc!oo%. And in s"ring +e !ad #itamin sand+ic!es, to strengt!en our b%ood a$ter t!e +inter, made o$ "ars%ey and anyt!ing e%se t!at gre+ green in t!e garden. E#ery morning +e !ad to s!it. E#ery e#ening, be$ore s%ee", +e !ad to ma,e u" ?uarre%s and say our "rayers . . . and more . . . and more.

7!at did your mot!er do to ,ee" you !ea%t!y9 Some o$ it, "robab%y, +as not rationa% or scienti$ic but made you $ee% "rotected, "art o$ a community, or in ba%ance +it! t!e +or%d. (ist a%% s!e did $or you and !onour it. *e%% your $riends. *e%% !er. Honour t!e cu%ture +!ere you started your %i$e.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO


PRA stands $or Partici"atory Rura% A""raisa%. Ho+e#er, t!ere are a number o$ names $or t!is +ay o$ $inding out in$ormation about needs. Anot!er #ariant is RRA @ Ra"id Rura% A""raisa%. And anot!er is Community Ana%ysis. Per!a"s t!e most im"ortant c!aracteristics o$ t!ese met!ods are1 H t!e "eo"%e +!ose needs you are studying "artici"ate in t!e "rocess. *!ey co%%ect in$ormation you ,no+ you +ant, but a%so add t!ings you ne#er t!oug!t o$. ;or e>am"%e, in one PRA concerned +it! +omen and !ea%t!, t!e mot!ers said t!ey +anted !e%" "ersuading t!eir !usbands to +ait be$ore arranging marriages $or t!eir daug!ters @ t!e gir%s +ere being married o$$ too young. *!is +as a #a%id concern, %in,ed to re"roducti#e !ea%t!, and +ort! $o%%o+ing u". H you in#o%#e co%%eagues o$ di$$erent but re%e#ant disci"%ines. So i$ you are %oo,ing at income generation, you mig!t +ant co%%eagues +!o ,no+ about agricu%ture, anima% !usbandry or $is!ing, or micro)industries. *!e a""roac! and many o$ t!e tec!ni?ues are e?ua%%y use$u% in urban or "eri)urban (around t!e to+ns) areas.

In'orma#ion %ou mi+$# need 2ould in2lude5

H *!e numbers, age and se> distribution o$ t!e bene$iciariesA t!eir occu"ations and incomeA number, age and gender o$ $ami%yFde"endentsA !ousing1 +!ere t!ey %i#e (e.g. in remote %ocations, among t!e main "o"u%ation, in s!anty to+ns or re$ugee cam"s) and +!et!er !ousing ade?uateFinade?uateA main sources o$ $ood and +ater. *ota% $ami%y budget and amounts going out $or rent, $ood, +ater, sc!oo%ing, !ea%t! care. P!ysica% "rob%ems, i%%nesses, ris, be!a#iourA use o$ a%co!o%, drugs, un"rotected se>. ;or +omen1 age at marriage, !istory o$ "regnancies and birt! ris, $actors, contrace"ti#e use. Peo"%e and occu"ations1 absent men9 5ncomers9 Enoug! Cobs9 Underem"%oyment9 Access to credit $or creating +or,9 0angerous or un!ea%t!y occu"ations9 Sma%% industries9 Resources used in t!e best +ay9 7or,%oads t!roug! t!e year, t!roug! t!e day, $or +omenFmen9 5n rura% areas1 cro"s9 Anima% !usbandry9 ;is!ing9 Cra$ts9 C!i%dren1 nutrition9 Iaccinations9 S"acing bet+een babies9 &enera% care9 &enita% muti%ation9 C!ances $or sc!oo%9 0i$$erences bet+een boysFgir%s9 C!oices $or teenagers9 Age o$ $irst marriageF"regnancy9 Ma%eF$ema%e "o+er +it!in marriage9 7!at does it mean to be a manFa +oman9 7!at are t!e "rob%ems $or our bene$iciaries9 7!at do norma% "eo"%e !a#e t!at t!ey donPt !a#e9 7!at do t!ey need t!at norma% "eo"%e donPt need9 7!at do t!ey see as most im"ortant9 7!ere do t!ey +ant t!e money s"ent9 Ho+ do t!ey see t!emse%#es @ as in contro% o$ t!eir o+n %i#es, as #ictims, or some+!ere in bet+een9 GGG Tr% onl% #o 2olle2# in'orma#ion %ou )ill make u e o'6 'or #$i 3roje2# or ano#$er in #$e 'u#ure( W$en 3eo3le +ive %ou in'orma#ion #$e% al o +ive %ou #ime and 2on'iden2e - and #$a# mu # "e re 3e2#ed( GGG


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,n urin+ a Good Need A


&ood Needs Assessments are not easy, but not im"ossib%e. &et a%% t!e !e%" you can. ;ind an N&' or simi%ar +!o can gi#e you ad#ice. (oo, $or t!e *A(C address and buy M. (. ;uersteinPs boo,, BPartici"atory E#a%uationD. Eou need to be ab%e to $orm a team o$ one or t+o i$ you are +or,ing %oca%%y, or about $i#e i$ you go o$$ to do a PRA. 5n t!is case some o$ t!e team members may be ad#isory rat!er t!an acti#e. *!e members, bet+een t!em, must !a#e t!e $o%%o+ing s,i%%s1 H At %east t+o must be ab%e to ta%, easi%y +it! t!e bene$iciaries, understand t!eir %i#es and at %east one must be $ema%e i$ you are ta%,ing to +omen. 5$ t!e bene$iciaries ta%, di$$erent %anguages t!ere must be "eo"%e to trans%ate. 5$ you +i%% be ta%,ing to +omen about "ersona% t!ings you need +omen trans%ators. Someone in t!e team must understand $igures @ not a ?ua%i$ied statistician but someone +!o can +or, out "ercentages and com"are one to anot!er, +!o understands BmoreD and B%essD, Bserious%y moreD and Bserious%y %essD. Someone must be ab%e to "ut a ?uestionnaire toget!er to get t!e in$ormation you need @ and be ab%e to train t!e rest o$ t!e grou" to use it.

5$ you do a PRA in a #i%%age, t!en because o$ distances you may !a#e to go and stay t!ere. Eou +i%% need at %east $i#e +or,ing days, so you +i%% !a#e to $ind a +ay o$ staying si> nig!ts, "er!a"s cam"ing. 0onPt e>"ect t!e community to $eed you @ t!ey are "robab%y %ess +e%% o$$ t!an you. 5$ t!e bene$iciaries %i#e nearby, t!e team cou%d $ree u" one a$ternoon a +ee,, $or t+o mont!s. Eou can $ind out a %ot in eig!t !a%$)days.

W$a# 2an %our #eam o' NGOD3lu D"ene'i2iarie doC

Most grou"s o$ bene$iciaries, e>ce"t babies and sma%% c!i%dren, can discuss "rob%ems and needs. *!e more acti#e grou"s, e#en t!ose +!o cannot read or +rite, can get t!eir neig!bours ta%,ing, bring grou"s toget!er, count, ma", ta%%y, do sim"%e measurements, ma,e timetab%es o$ acti#ities, +or, out incomes and $ami%y resources, te%% t!eir o+n story, %isten to t!e stories o$ ot!ers and s"ot "atterns. Eou mig!t be %oo,ing at t!e needs o$ c!i%dren o#er se#en or "eo"%e +it! s"ecia% needs ("re#ious%y ca%%ed t!e menta%%y !andica""ed). 5$ you s"ea, to t!em +it! res"ect, gi#e t!em time, and as, t!em about t!e ,ind o$ !e%" or care t!ey +ou%d %i,e to !a#e, t!en t!ey +i%% !a#e an o"inion +ort! %istening to. R %ou 2an u e a ;ue #ionnaire( ;or co%%ecting sim"%e $acts a ?uestionnaire is t!e most use$u% +ay. 5$ you ma,e a ?uestionnaire, "ractice using it $irst, to ma,e sure t!at is c%ear and ta,es no %onger t!an !a%$ an !our to $i%% in. 5$ you trans%ate it, get someone e%se to trans%ate it bac,, so t!at t!ere are no mista,es. 0o not !a#e any di$$icu%t ?uestions in your $irst ?uestionnaire. C!ec, t!at you +ou%d %i,e to ans+er t!e ?uestions yourse%$ @ i$ you +ant to as, me BHa#e you e#er !ad a se>ua%%y)transmitted disease9D t!en you better do it +it! great sensiti#ity or 5 +i%% ,ic, you outT
,B,R/IS,5 Ho) )ould %ou a k #$i ;ue #ion #o )$oever i

i##in+ ne4# #o %ouC

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R %ou 2an $old Fo2u Grou3 Di 2u ion ( Eou !a#e a ?uestion1 "er!a"s, B!o+ are sma%% c!i%dren cared $or9D 'r B+!at are t!e "ractices !ere around "regnancy and c!i%d)birt!9D *!en t!e "eo"%e +!o ,no+ @ in t!ese cases, +omen @ are as,ed to come and Coin in t!e discussion. &rou"s o$ about eig!t "eo"%e are best. 't!er e>am"%es o$ ;ocus &rou"s "roducing im"ortant in$ormation are1 street c!i%dren ta%,ing about t!e ris,s in t!eir %i#esA e%der%y +omen reca%%ing good $eeding "ractices $or sma%% c!i%drenA sma%%)business +omen "oo%ing e>"eriences o$ t!e ris,s o$ business. EJAMP(E1
5n t!ree #i%%ages in Soma%ia, .8 +omen ta%,ed about t!eir "regnancy !istoryA bet+een t!em t!ey !ad !ad .2: ,no+n "regnancies %eading to <8 %i#ing babies, some o$ +!om died a$ter+ards. *!e causes o$ t!e miscarriages suggested ma%nutrition and anaemia, ma%aria and se>ua%%y transmitted diseases. *!e +omen +ere sti%% sad at t!eir %osses but g%ad to !a#e !ad t!e c!ance to !a#e t!eir stories %istened to.

R %ou 2an do a Si2kne Surve% i' %ou mu # M"u# #$i i di''i2ul#6 o +e# advi2eN( Eou are studying t!e bene$iciary grou" and you +ant to ,no+ +!at sic,nesses t!ey !a#e e>"erienced in a de$ined "eriod. *!e in$ormation +i%% not be #ery use$u% un%ess it is $air%y accurate. Eou cou%d gi#e t!em "a"er and "enci% and as, t!em to ,ee" a %ist. But t!is on%y +or,s +it! an educated and moti#ated grou". Eou can as, t!em to reca%% t!eir sic,nesses o#er t!e %ast year, but most e"isodes +i%% be $orgotten. 'n t!e +!o%e, reca%% is on%y success$u% o#er t!e "re#ious t+o +ee,s. *!is is im"ortant +!en it comes to recording seasona% i%%ness. 5$ t!e ma%aria season +as t!ree mont!s ago, ma%aria +i%% be under)re"orted. But you can as, about sic,ness o#er t!e %ast t+o +ee,s. And you need to be #ery "ersistent and s"eci$ic1 BNo+ %etPs ta%, about your second c!i%d @ t!in, about t!e day be$ore @ are you sure9 @ +!at +ere t!e sym"toms9 @ so none o$ t!em !ad diarr!oea9 etcD. And you can return e#ery $e+ mont!s. 5t ta,es a %ot o$ time and you mig!t do better ta%,ing to t!e !ea%t! +or,ers in t!e area. 5$ you are ta%,ing to t!e elderl% or di a"led, you +ou%d "robab%y be concerned not on%y about "!ysica% sym"toms but about menta%Femotiona% sym"toms %i,e de"ression or anger. R %ou 2an "rin+ in nonDNGO 3eo3le $rom di$$erent disci"%ines, "er!a"s agricu%ture. *!en t!ese e>"erts, t!e N&' "eo"%e, and community members +it! t!eir di$$erent in$orma% s,i%%s can $orm t!emse%#es into sma%%er teams. *eam members!i" can c!ange during t!e +ee, so t!at e#erybody bounces ideas o$$ eac! ot!er. *!ey can do t!e $o%%o+ing1 H Make ma3 o$ t!e #i%%age and its resources, inc%uding !ouses, "um"s, roads etc. *!ese ma"s can be made on t!e ground using stic,s and stones. 0istances can be measured using "acing. Find ou# a"ou# Workload 5 t!e dai%y burden o$ +or, o$ bot! men and +omen. (Re"ort $rom one #i%%age1 Bt!e +omen +or, muc! %onger !ours t!an t!e men, main%y in t!e $ie%ds. *!e men do t!e same +or, in t!e $ie%ds but as it is men t!at do it, it is more im"ortant so more tiringD). Take Ke% mea uremen# 5 $or e>am"%e, t!e nutritiona% status o$ sma%% c!i%dren under $i#e using U""er Arm Circum$erence Bands. A grou" o$ +omen are s!o+n !o+ to do t!is t!en t!ey do it in "airs. 5$ t!e "air !a#e di$$erent measurements, t!e e>"ert doub%e)c!ec,s.

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Moderate ma%nutrition is an e>am"%e o$ a "rob%em t!at is not noticed by t!e community. Usua%%y it is in#isib%e. By measuring and disco#ering it, t!e "rob%em becomes #isib%e to mot!ers. R %ou 2an look 'or #$e di''eren# kind o' #ru#$ 6 kno)in+ #$a# di''eren# 3eo3le )ill #ell #$em in variou )a% de3endin+ on #$e i#ua#ion( *!e #i%%age c!ie$ +i%% "aint t!e "icture !e +ants o$$icia%s to acce"t. 7omenPs re"%ies to ?uestions can be more #aried and accurate t!an t!eir !usbandsP, because t!ey do not ,no+ t!e BcorrectB ans+er. Some issues are not $or "ub%ic consum"tion. *!ey must be broug!t u" in "ri#ate. So i$ you need t!is in$ormation, your Cob is to get t!roug! t!e %ayers o$ correct, "ub%ic or "o%itica% trut!s. Eou need to !a#e done your !ome+or,. Eou must ,no+ t!e ty"e o$ trut!s t!at "eo"%e +ou%d not easi%y discuss. EJAMP(E1
5n an assessment o$ a "roCect bui%ding %atrines in East A$rica, it +as di$$icu%t to $ind out +!y some !ouses +ere not "artici"ating. 'n%y by organising sma%% $ocus grou" discussions, and by ta,ing t!e time to ta%, about e#ery missed !ouse!o%d, did it emerge t!at eac! o$ t!ese $ami%ies +ere being bad%y a$$ected by t!e amount t!e earners +ere s"ending on a%co!o%.

0oing a Needs Assessment +it! se> +or,ers, one ,ey ?uestion +as B7!y is t!e +or, so dangerous9D 5n discussions, t!e +or,ers +anted to ta%, more about "oor "ay, #io%ent and c!eating c%ients, and money)grabbing "o%ice, t!an about A50S. *!ese ot!er issues +ere a%so im"ortant, and some so%utions cou%d be $ound. By a%%o+ing t!e se> +or,ers to !a#e some contro% o#er t!e agenda and by gi#ing t!em a %ot o$ time, e#entua%%y t!ey +ere +i%%ing to %oo, serious%y at %essening t!e s"read o$ H5I.

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A grou" ca%%ed PR'77ESS, based in t!e Ne+ Eor, UN o$$ices, de#e%o"ed aims and indicators $or +ater "roCects. *!ey said t!at a +ater "roCect s!ou%d !a#e t+o initia% aim 1 H H Peo"%e s!ou%d use t!e +ater "ro"er%y, !ygienica%%y, so t!at t!ere +ou%d be a good e$$ect on t!e !ea%t! o$ t!e $ami%y (PR'PER, HE&5EN5C USE)A and Peo"%e s!ou%d create a structure so t!at t!e +ater "oints +ou%d continue in use (SUS*A5NAB5(5*E).

*!e indi2a#or !a#e been ada"ted $or "roCects t!at inc%ude +ater, %atrines and !ygiene education. *!ese targets s!ou%d be agreed on or ada"ted +it! t!e community at t!e start o$ t!e "roCect and t!en monitored. Many ?uestions are geared to +omen because t!ey are t!e ones +!o co%%ect +ater, care $or sma%% c!i%dren, coo, etc. INDI/ATORS FOR &RO&,R6 H<GI,NI/ US, *!ese are used bot! at t!e start o$ t!e "roCect and during it, and i$ a%% is going +e%%, t!e number o$ ByesD ans+ers s!ou%d increase. (C!ec, t!at t!e indicators are measurab%e, re%e#ant and ac!ie#ab%e). X 5s soa" a$$ordab%e9 X 0o !ouse!o%ds "urc!ase soa" increasing%y during t!e "roCect9 X 5s +ater ?ua%ity maintained $rom t!e source to mout!9 (oo, $irst at t!e +ater "oint1 X 5s t!e site routine%y ,e"t c%ean9 X Are un"rotected +e%%s or "onds c!%orinated regu%ar%y (s"eci$y !o+)9A X Are containers c!%orinated regu%ar%y (s"eci$y !o+)9 X Are containers c%ean +!en t!ey are di""ed into t!e +e%% or "ond9 X 5s t!e +ater ,e"t c%ean during co%%ection and trans"ort9

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*!en %oo, at !ome !ygiene in t!e ,itc!en1 X Can +ater be contaminated in t!e ,itc!en9 X Are cu"s etc +as!ed, dried and stored c%ean%y9A X 5s t!ere soa" or as! and +ater near t!e ,itc!en $or !and)+as!ing9 X Are !ands +as!ed be$ore coo,ing9 X Are anima%s ,e"t out o$ t!e ,itc!en9 *!en %oo, at !ome !ygiene +it! sma%% c!i%dren1 X 5s contaminated +ater boi%ed +!en c!i%dren are sic,9 X Can mot!ers ma,e and use a re!ydration drin, or 'RS9 X Are t!e $aeces o$ c!i%dren c%eared u"9 X Are babies +e%% +as!ed9 X 0o mot!ers +as! t!eir !ands a$ter dea%ing +it! $aeces9 *!en %oo, at "ersona% !ygiene1 X Are t!ere "ri#ate +as!ing "%aces $or +omen9 X 5s enoug! +ater used in t!e !ouse!o%d $or +as!ing9 X Are +as!ing)re%ated i%%nesses getting %ess @ s,in in$ections, scabies9 X 0o "eo"%e say t!at t!ey $ee% c%eaner9 *!en %oo, at im"ro#ed %atrine use1 X Are t!ere enoug! %atrines and are t!ey c%ose to t!e !ouses9 X Are "eo"%e $ree to use %atrines (no taboos)9 X Are %atrines c%ean and $ree $rom sme%%s9 X 5s t!ere a system to +as! !ands a$ter %atrine use9 INDI/ATORS FOR SUSTAINABILIT< X ARE *HERE C'N;50EN*FC'MPE*EN* I5((A&E AC*'RS9 X X X X 5s t!ere a 7ater Y Sanitation Committee9 Are most o$ t!e committee members t!e "eo"%e +!o do t!e committee +or,9 5s t!ere at %east one +oman in t!e committee9 0o +omen members say +!at t!ey t!in, in meetings9

X Ha#e t!ere been meetings +it! community members inc%uding t!e +omen9 X Ha#e some o$ t!ese meetings %ed to action9 X 0o +omen in t!e community ,no+ +!at is going on9 X Ha#e t!e +omen "artici"ated in acti#ities9 X 0o t!e +omen say t!at t!ey can do somet!ing about diarr!oea in sma%% c!i%dren9 Do no# a k +eneral ;ue #ion ( A k 3e2i'i2all%5 ST$i mornin+6 )$ere and $o) did %ou $i#6 )a $6 e#2CS SW$a# did %ou do %e #erda% #o kee3 ever%#$in+ 2leanCK SW$en )a #$e la # #ime %our kid +o# diarr$oeaC W$a# did %ou doCS

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO


A good N&' does not need a com"uter in order to do good +or,. Most o$ +!at a com"uter does can be done +it! "en and "a"er @ o$ten muc! more e$$icient%y. But in t!e %ong run you can do better +or, and sa#e a %ot o$ time i$ you do !a#e a com"uter. A com"uter is "articu%ar%y use$u% $or creating documents t!at re?uire regu%ar u"dating, care$u% +ording, "recise ca%cu%ation, or c%ear "resentation. Area o' o3era#ion #$a# "ene'i# mo # 'rom 2om3u#eri a#ion5 H H H H H "%anning (e.g. budgets) organisation (e.g. tas, management) ca%cu%ation (e.g. management accounts) "resentation (e.g. bids $or $unding) communication and researc! (#ia t!e 5nternet)
Be 3a#ien#5 A com"uter +i%% not instant%y ma,e your N&' better. 5t can ta,e time and "erse#erance to set u" and %earn t!e "rograms you need be$ore you can start "rocessing a %ot o$ data e$$ecti#e%y. 5n t!e beginning you +i%% s"end more time on a com"uter t!an you sa#e. And remem"er #$e GOLD,N RUL,5 I' %ou 3u# +ar"a+e in6 %ou )ill +e# +ar"a+e ou#T <ou are #$e +uaran#ee o' ;uali#%6 no# #$e 2om3u#er(

Wi#$ #$e e ;uali'i2a#ion 6 $ere are ome o' #$e 3ra2#i2al "ene'i# 'or NGO 5 5MPR'IE0 7R5*5N& S 5((S1 Many "eo"%e $ind t!at t!eir +riting sty%e im"ro#es +it! a com"uter. A sentence can be re)+ritten unti% it is c%ear and "%easant. A %ong "aragra"! can be +or,ed at unti% it is muc! s!orter. A c!un, o$ te>t can be easi%y mo#ed $rom one "%ace to anot!er +!ere it ma,es better sense. *e>t can be sty%ed (bo%d, $or e>am"%e) to dra+ attention to it. E)MA5( AN0 C'NNEC*5'N *' *HE 7EB1 Iia e)mai% you can ta%, to ot!er organisations +or,ing in t!e same $ie%d. Eou can !a#e discussions bac, and $ort! +it! "artners in t!e Nort!. Eou can e#en send in a nice %ong re"ort (as an e)mai% attac!ment). *!e do+nside is you +i%% !a#e no e>cuse $or sending a re"ort in %ateT 5$ you read and +rite your emai%s +!i%e o$$%ine, te%e"!one c!arges s!ou%d be #ery sma%%. (Un%ess you send in 4ery %ong re"orts . . .)
Im3or#an#T =iru 3ro#e2#ion5 A NE7 I5RUS 5S (AUNCHE0 'N*' *HE 5N*ERNE* EIERE ;E7 M5NU*ES. *!an,$u%%y, most die a+ay +it!out s"reading #ery $ar, but a $e+ s"read %i,e +i%d$ire (suc! as t!e KAnna ourni,o#aK #irus, recent%y created $or K$unK by a 0utc! teenager). *!e media a%+ays ?uic,%y re"orts t!ese maCor #iruses @ but on%y a$ter t!ey !a#e in$ected mi%%ions o$ com"uter systems. Points to remember1 H Anyone +!o !as your emai% address on t!eir com"uter is a "otentia% source o$ in$ection. (t!at is, a%% your c%osest $riends . . . ) H Iiruses are contained in attac!ments, not t!e emai% itse%$. Eou can sa$e%y do+n%oad a%% your e)mai% and any e)mai% +it!out an attac!ment is a%most certain%y sa$e to o"en. But do not open an attach*ent un0ess you /no2 2hat it is. &f you are not sure6 de0ete the e-*ai0 strai,hta2ay Aand e*pty the binB and contact the sender. H &et !o%d o$ and use a good anti)#irus "rogramme. Because ne+ #iruses are created a%% t!e time, you +i%% sti%% need to be care$u% (a%t!oug! you s!ou%d be ab%e to do+n%oad $ree u"dates $or your "rogramme $rom its +ebsite @ see $or e>am"%e

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO +++.Mca$ i$ you !a#e a Mca$ee #irus scan "rogramme. A good "o%icy is to u"grade about once a mont!). 0o not be%ie#e any +arnings you recei#e by e)mai% about dangerous ne+ #iruses. Most are misin$ormation. 0o not "ass t!em on. 5nstead c!ec, t!e $acts $rom a re%iab%e source suc! as *!e Com"uter Iirus Myt!s +ebsite (+++.,umite.comFmyt!sF!ome.!tm)

5$ you can get onto t!e 7eb t!ere are many use$u% sites, +it! materia%s, inc%uding +!o%e boo,s and re"orts, +!ic! you can do+n%oad and "rint out (see our %ist o$ resources in Anne> Si>). Eou are un%i,e%y to encounter any #iruses on t!e 7eb. Be care$u%, t!oug! @ Ksur$ing t!e netK can be serious%y $un and you can $ind yourse%$ doing it $or muc! %onger t!an you "%anned. (And you 2i00 get a !uge te%e"!one bi%% . . . ) 'R&AN5S5N& 5N;'RMA*5'N1 As +it! a "a"er $i%ing system, you can store in$ormation in an organised and #ery structured +ay so t!at you can get t!e $i%es you need ?uic,%y and easi%y. Storing in$ormation on t!e com"uter +i%% a%so $orce you to se%ect and summariRe on%y t!e in$ormation you rea%%y need. Eou can u")date te>t, gra"!s and s"reads!eets at any time +it!out !a#ing to redo t!e +!o%e $i%e. But remember1
Im3or#an#T &riva2% and 2on'iden#iali#%5 EEP PR5IA*E 5N;'RMA*5'N PR5IA*E. EEP C'N;50EN*5A( 5N;'RMA*5'N C'N;50EN*5A(. ;or e>am"%e, in$ormation on em"%oyees s!ou%d be ,e"t "ri#ate. So as, +!oe#er su""%ied your com"uter, or your tec!nician, to insta%% a system in your com"uter t!at as,s, eac! time a ne+ "erson starts your o$$ice com"uter, $or !is or !er "ersona% s"eci$ic "ass+ord. (e.g. t!e nic,name o$ somebodyPs auntie %i#ing 4// ,i%ometres a+ay, +!ic! nobody cou%d guess). *!is ensures t!at se%ected in$ormation is on%y accessib%e by t!ose +!o !a#e a mandate to +or, +it! it. Im3or#an#T Ba2kDu3 a'e#%5 EEP EE 5N;'RMA*5'N SA;E BE MA 5N& BAC ) UPS. 5m"ortant com"uter documents need to be co"ied onto dis,ettes and sa$e%y stored a+ay. H Bac,)u" dis,ettes must be ,e"t in a $ire"roo$ sa$e or ta,en to a sa$e !ome. (0is,ettes can degrade o#er time, es"ecia%%y in !ot +et c%imates, so start +it! ne+ ones e#ery t+o years.) H ee" a second co"y o$ t!e most #a%uab%e $i%es in a sa$e. H 5n addition, e#ery e#ening, t!e "erson in c!arge o$ com"uter documents s!ou%d t!in,, B*onig!t t!ere mig!t be a $ireD and ma,e a co"y onto a se"arate dis,ette o$ a%% t!e documents +or,ed on t!at day. (*!at dis,ette can be o#er)+ritten eac! e#ening +it! t!e ne+ bac,)u" $i%es.) H 7rite somet!ing meaning$u% on t!e dis,etteKs %abe% so you ,no+ +!at $i%es it contains. H 5t is use$u% $or t!e name o$ t!e com"uter $i%e to a""ear on K!ard co"yK ("rintouts), too, so you can $ind it ?uic,%y i$ c!anges are needed.

Re2ommended 3ro+ramme 5
$.B. This section 2as 2ritten in +001. "or free open source soft2are that offers a 4iab0e a0ternati4e to re0iance on Microsoft6 chec/ +++.o"eno$$

A #ery +e%% ,no+n K"ac,ageK is Microsoft Office. 5t is a#ai%ab%e in many editions and its %atest #ersion (ca%%ed Microsoft Office Pre*iu*) contains u" to 8 di$$erent "rogrammes. But an o%der #ersion, Microsoft Office -C, +i%% "robab%y be more t!an su$$icient $or your re?uirements, and certain%y muc! c!ea"er. (5$ you $ind it is no %onger a#ai%ab%e, as, $or a Microsoft Office +000 standard "ac,age.) Microsoft Office -C !as in its standard #ersion 4 ,ey "rogrammes1 :ord, !9ce0, Po2erPoint and Out0oo/. 7!at can t!ese "rogrammes mean $or your N&'9 7'R01 As its name suggests, t!is "rogramme is used $or ma,ing te>t $i%es. 5t can ma,e #ery neat re"orts $or you, +!ic!, i$ "ro"er%y "rinted, +i%% %oo, as good as t!e +or, o$ t!e

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

best "rinter in to+n. Eou can a%so ma,e tab%es +it! :ord, you can e#en dra+ your o+n s"eci$ic organogram +it! arro+s and bo>es. A ty"ica% sma%% N&' cou%d "robab%y e>ecute 86 O o$ its ordinary com"uter +or, +it! t!is one "rogramme. EJCE(1 A s"reads!eet "rogramme. Main%y used $or accounting "ur"oses as it !as a%% ,inds o$ (#ery so"!isticated) ca%cu%ation $unctions in it. So !9ce0 is great $or dra+ing u" budgets, $or com"aring actua% e>"enditures +it! budgets, $or stoc,),ee"ing "ur"oses, $or ma,ing "ro$itabi%ity ca%cu%ations, $or anyt!ing mat!s)re%ated. !9ce0 can a%so "roduce nice #isua% c!arts $rom t!e ca%cu%ations. 5$ you a%ready !a#e !9ce0 on your com"uter you cou%d try and %earn by "%aying around +it! a co"y o$ t!e Mango accounting system s"reads!eet "ro#ided +it! t!is manua%. *ry t!is ,B,R/IS,1
. 3 2 4 6 : < 8 ./ .. .3 O3en #$e ,42el 'ile 2alled U"ud+e#(4l U Sele2# 2olumn F "% 2li2kin+ i# la"el UFU a# #$e #o3( A%% t!e ce%%s in t!e co%umn s!ou%d no+ be !ig!%ig!ted (meaning t!ey are se%ected). Go #o #$e In er# menu and ele2# /olumn ( A ne+ b%an, co%umn K;K s!ou%d a""ear. (*!e data t!at used to be t!ere automatica%%y s!i$ts to t!e ne>t co%umn a%ong, K&K). Sele2# 2ell UF8U "% 2li2kin+ in i#( Note t!at t!e ot!er ce%%s in co%umn K;K are no+ no %onger se%ected. T%3e UP o'U and 3re Re#urn( No+ t!e te>t KO o$K is in ce%% ;:, and by "ressing Return you !a#e mo#ed to ce%% ;<. In 2ell F16 #%3e U#o#al 2o #U and 3re Re#urn a+ain (mo#ing to ce%% ;-). Eou !a#e created a !eading $or your ne+ co%umn o$ data, +e%% doneT &re Re#urn a+ain #o move #o 2ell F:( 7e +i%% use a $ormu%a to "ro#ide t!e data $or t!is ce%% @ based on a ca%cu%ation o$ data $rom t+o ot!er ce%%sL T%3e UIU and #$en 2li2k in 2ell G:( *!e te>t K&8K automatica%%y a""ears a$ter t!e e?ua%s signA and t!e ce%% &8 no+ !as a mo#ing $rame. T%3e UEU and #$en 2li2k in 2ell G9( *!e $ormu%a no+ reads KG&8F&-K (and ce%% &- !as t!e mo#ing $rame). &re ,n#er in #ead o' Re#urn #$i #ime( 'n%y ce%% ;8 is se%ected again and +e s!ou%d !a#e some generated data in it no+. Ho+e#er +e +i%% need to c!ange t!e ce%% $ormat to dis"%ay t!e data correct%y as a "ercentage. Go #o #$e Forma# menu and ele2# U/ell LU A +indo+ a""ears (ca%%ed K;ormat Ce%%sK). From #$e #a" a# #$e #o36 ele2# UNum"er U@ #$en ele2# U&er2en#a+eU 'rom #$e /a#e+or% li #in+( A "o4 'or de2imal 3la2e a33ear - e# i# #o U0U and 2li2k UOKU( 5$ a%% !as +or,ed t!en +e s!ou%d no+ be ab%e to see t!at t!e Programme Manager re"resents .-.6O o$ t!e tota% s"ending on internationa% sta$$. (etKs see !o+ t!is $igure c!anges i$ +e doub%e t!e Programme ManagerKs +or,%oadL /li2k in 2ell ,:6 #%3e in U.?U and 3re ,n#er( 2..3O o$ t!e 5nternationa% sta$$ budget is no+ being gobb%ed u" by t!e Programme Manager @ correct9


'$ more margina% use are1 P'7ERP'5N*1 7it! t!is "rogramme you cou%d ma,e u" your o+n "ro$essiona% "resentation o$ your N&', or your "rogramme, and beam your co%our$u% images onto a +a%% @ to" o$ t!e modern %i$eT But "robab%y not #ery $easib%e $or you as t!e c!ea"est beamer to connect to your com"uter +ou%d cost you about UW 2.///. 5$ you !a#e an o#er!ead "roCector, you can ma,e a #ery decent "resentation Cust by "rinting out your beauti$u% Po+erPoint "ages onto a %aser "rinter, or a !umb%e in,Cet "rinter. 'r you can e#en use a $%i" c!art. 'U*('' 1 A searc! "rogramme. 5t +i%% !e%" you to retrie#e a $i%e t!at you !a#e on your com"uter but cannot $ind anymore. Su""ose you +ou%d %i,e to retrie#e t!e $i%e about your +omenKs coo"erati#e in dressma,ing, but cannot remember t!e $i%e name. Eou

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

sim"%y $i%% in t!e +ord Qdress)ma,ingP under t!e te>t searc! and your com"uter +i%% %ocate a%% $i%es t!at !a#e anyt!ing to do +it! dressma,ing. Cou%d be !andy one dayL &rin#er a a di #ri2# re our2e5 *!ere may be many sma%%er N&'s in your district. Per!a"s you cou%d t!in, o$ t!em @ some o$ t!em at %east @ as $uture co%%eagues and resources +!o no+ need !e%". Eou cou%d o$$er to "rint materia%s t!ey need, "er!a"s $or t!e cost o$ t!e "a"er.
Im3or#an#T =iru 3ro#e2#ion5 5; E'U 0EC50E *' ';;ER SUCH SERI5CES *' C'((EA&UES, A(7AES CHEC *HE5R 05S E**ES ;'R I5RUSES. 7!en you "ut t!e dis,ette in your com"uter, do not o"en anyt!ing on it immediate%y. ;irst o"en your anti)#irus "rogramme and te%% it to scan t!e ne+ dis,ette. 0o not t!in,, B+e are $ar out in t!e bus!, ne+ #iruses do not come t!at easi%y !ereD.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO


To "e # learn 'rom #$i e2#ion6 3rin# ou# #$e ,42el 3read $ee# S"ud+e#(4l S )$i2$ a22om3anie #$i manual( No#e a"ou# a22oun# #ru2#ure5 A budget is dra+n u" using a s"eci$ic accounts structure. An Qaccounts structureP is t!e +ay in +!ic! costs are categorised. (;or e>am"%e, costs may be categorised as1 %oca% sta$$, internationa% sta$$, tra#e%, etc.) 5t is genera%%y di$$icu%t to mo#e $rom one accounts structure to anot!er, once a "roCect is under +ay. *!e c!oice o$ accounts structure may be set by t!e N&' t!at you are +or,ing $or @ and i$ so, it must be used. Ho+e#er, some e>terna% donors !a#e strict accounts structures t!at must a%so be accommodated. 5$ you are recei#ing e>terna% $unding $or your "roCect, t!en t!is must be %oo,ed into, as ear%y as "ossib%e. Eou can sa#e a %ot o$ "ain %ater on, by setting u" an a""ro"riate accounts structure. See Chapter 10.1.

An a33roa2$ #o dra)in+ u3 a "ud+e#

EJAMP(E1 HARG,ISA S/HOOLS D,=,LO&M,NT &RO!,/T "irst print out the !9ce0 spreadsheet 1bud,et.90s1. *!e budget is a good one. 5t !as t!e $o%%o+ing c!aracteristics t!at you s!ou%d $o%%o+1 H *!e Budget detai%s inc%ude basic in$ormation about t!e "roCect, inc%uding t!e nameA t!e "eriod co#ered in t!e "roCectA t!e currency usedA c%ear %abe%%ing o$ t!e currency on eac! costs co%umnA a BCodeD co%umn +it! accounts codes c%ear%y mar,edA *!e B0escri"tionD co%umn !as a s!ort descri"tion $or eac! ty"e o$ cost +!ic! s!ou%d be as detai%ed as "ossib%e, and is uni?ue $or eac! item. ;or e>am"%e, $or sta$$, it !as B Sc!oo% 'utreac! '$$icer .D and BSc!oo% 'utreac! '$$icer 3D on di$$erent %ines, rat!er t!an Cust one %ine Q'utreac! '$$icersP. A good ru%e o$ t!umb is to go $or more detai% rat!er t!an %ess, i$ you are not sure !o+ to describe a cost. 0escri"tions are as "recise as "ossib%e. ;or e>am"%e, Qe%ectricity $or t!e o$$iceP is muc! more use$u% t!an Q"o+erP. *!ere are Qot!erP %ines at t!e bottom o$ eac! section o$ t!e budget. *!is ensures t!at t!ere are accounts codes $or un$oreseen e>"enditure. *!is means t!at t!e accounts codes do not !a#e to be stretc!ed +!en une>"ected t!ings !a""en @ +!ic! t!ey sure%y +i%%. *!e units +ritten in t!e BunitD co%umn +ere c!osen to corres"ond to !o+ you +i%% actua%%y ma,e "ayments $or eac! item. *!is means t!at t!ere +i%% be di$$erent units $or di$$erent items. Eou s!ou%d not try to set units (e.g. t!e mont!%y cost) $or t!e +!o%e budget1 t!is +i%% on%y cause con$usion $or some items. *!e budget inc%udes t!e time sca%e as +e%% as t!e ser#ice. *!is means t!at it uses =com"osite units= @ e.g. a Q"erson)dayP. ;or e>am"%e, t!is +ou%d be t!e best unit to use $or a consu%tant +!o +i%% be +or,ing $or ten days on a "roCect.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

To#al /o # *!e tota% cost co%umn s!ou%d be $i%%ed in +it! t!e Qunit costP mu%ti"%ied by t!e Q?uantityP. 5t is e>treme%y im"ortant t!at a%% %ines rea%%y do !a#e t!is ca%cu%ation made on t!em. 5$ t!e numbers do not add u", t!en it is #ery !ard to !a#e any $ait! in t!e budget, or to adCust t!e budget. (;or e>am"%e, su""ose a budget s!o+ed 6 bags o$ cement, eac! +it! a unit cost o$ W3/, !a#ing a tota% cost o$ W-/. 5t is im"ossib%e to te%% i$ t!is means t!at eac! bag cou%d actua%%y be boug!t $or W.:, or i$ on%y 4 bags +ere boug!t $or W3/ eac!. So, it is im"ossib%e to adCust t!e budget to c!anging circumstances. *!e tota% cost must be 6 > 3/ G W.//.) No#e Any notes about !o+ a $igure is arri#ed at (eit!er t!e cost or ?uantity) s!ou%d be +ritten in t!e QnotesP co%umn. *!is co%umn is o$ten not inc%uded in budgets. 5t a%+ays s!ou%d be. 7it!out it, it is im"ossib%e to ,no+ e>act%y +!y t!e ?uantity (or t!e unit cost) s!o+n on t!e budget !as been c!osen. E#ery %ine s!ou%d !a#e a QnoteP +ritten a%ongside it. ;or e>am"%e, i$ 6 air $%ig!ts !a#e been budgeted $or, t!e note s!ou%d e>"%ain +!y t!ere are 6 $%ig!ts, and not 4 or :. 7it!out a good record o$ t!e decisions ta,en in dra+ing u" t!e budget, it is im"ossib%e to adCust t!e budget. *!is se#ere%y %imits t!e use o$ t!e budget and t!e ?ua%ity o$ $inancia% management "ossib%e. 5t is a%+ays use$u% to +rite more rat!er t!an %ess in t!e notes co%umn. Ho+e#er, t!ese notes do not !a#e to be !uge. *!ey Cust !a#e to be enoug! to e>"%ain t!e numbers gi#en in t!e ot!er co%umns o$ t!e budget. 5t cannot be stressed enoug! !o+ im"ortant t!is in$ormation is. ,BTRA/T FROM HARG,ISA S/HOOLS D,=,LO&M,NT &RO!,/T BUDG,T See fi0e 1bud,et.90s1
Bud,et Period= Bud,et Currency= Code %escription B B. B3 B2 B4 B6 B: B< BNa#ional S#a'' /o # Sc!oo% outreac! o$$icer . Sc!oo% outreac! o$$icer 3 Sc!oo% outreac! o$$icer 2 '$$ice assistant 0ri#ers &uards C%eaner Medica% costs .st Marc! 3/// ) 3-t! ;ebruary 3//. US 0o%%ars (nit (nit Duantit Cost y Tota0 Cost $otes >:6977 Mont! Mont! Mont! Mont! Mont! Mont! Mont! Person Mont! 46/ 46/ 46/ 26/ 36/ 36/ 36/ 6/ .3 .3 .3 .3 2: 34 .3 .23 6,4// Hargeisa &rade B 3,-// Hargeisa &rade B 3,-// Hargeisa &rade B 4,3// Hargeisa &rade C 8,/// 2 dri#ers, eac! on Hargeisa grade 0 :,/// 3 guards $or t!e o$$ice, eac! on Hargeisa grade 0 2,/// . c%eaner, on Hargeisa grade 0 :,:// e>"ected cost1 W6/ "er sta$$ member (.. in tota%) "er mont! 076:97 6,4// W.6/ $ue% "er "roCect #e!ic%e ".m. .,-// W 6/ maintenance "er "roCect #e!ic%e ".m. 2,:// Annua% insurance $or eac! #e!ic%e .-/ ;or tri"s by PM, EM and 'M (assumed 3 during t!e year, 6 days eac!).

G &. &3 &2 &4

Lo2al Tran 3or# ;ue% Ie!ic%e maintenance Ie!ic%e insurance Nairobi %oca% trans"ort

Ie!ic%e Mont! Ie!ic%e Mont! Ie!ic%e Eear Person 0ay

.6/ 6/ 2// :

2: 2: .3 2/

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO


To "e # learn 'rom #$i e2#ion6 3rin# ou# #$e ,42el Work"ook Sa22oun#in+(4l S )$i2$ a22om3anie #$i manual( *!e +or,boo, contains - s"reads!eets t!at are good e>am"%es o$ t!e accounting records discussed !ere. Remind %our el' )$% a22oun# are 3rodu2ed5 H ;or "roCect management1 so t!at managers ,no+ !o+ muc! money !as been s"ent, on +!atA H *!e %a+ re?uires it1 a%% c!arities are re?uired to "roduce accounts detai%ing t!eir income and e>"enditureA H 0onors re?uire it1 donors +is! to see !o+ t!eir money !as been s"entA H ;or contro% "ur"oses1 to c!ec, t!at money is not going missingA H ;or budget monitoring and "%anning1 to com"are actua% e>"enditure against t!e budget, so t!at managers can be sure t!at t!ere are $unds to com"%ete a%% "roCect acti#ities.

Re2ordin+ #ran a2#ion

/a $"ook5 Payments and recei"ts are re$erred to as transactions. A%% transactions must be "ro"er%y recorded in a cas!boo,. *!e cas!boo, is t!e most im"ortant sing%e accounting boo,. 5$ you do not ,ee" any ot!er accounting records (a"art $rom t!e recei"ts), t!en you s!ou%d ,ee" a cas!boo,. 5t sets do+n t!e basic in$ormation used to bui%d u" a com"%ete set o$ accounts. *!e $o%%o+ing detai%s must be entered in t!e cas!boo, $or eac! transaction1 t!e date, a descri"tion, t!e re$erence number (see %ater), and t!e amount. *!e s!eet BCas!boo,D s!o+s t!e cas!boo, $or a ne+ $ie%d "roCect. 5t is im"ortant to note t!at t!is is Cust one e>am"%e o$ !o+ a cas!boo, can be %aid out. Cas!boo,s can be set out di$$erent%y, $or instance +it! recei"ts and "ayments %aid out in adCacent co%umns, in t!e same tab%e. Ho+e#er, t!ey a%+ays contain t!e same basic in$ormation. *!e $irst entry recorded in t!e Manuary s!eet (.st Man 3///) is t!e W3/,/// cas!, +!ic! t!e '$$ice Manager broug!t $rom t!e U Head '$$ice in order to set u" t!e $ie%d o$$ice. ;rom t!e "oint o$ #ie+ o$ t!e $ie%d o$$ice, t!is is income. (Pre#ious%y t!ere +as no money in t!e o$$ice cas! account. No+ t!ere is W3/,///.) So, t!is is recorded on t!e %e$t !and side, in t!e recei"t section. 5n Manuary a donation o$ W3,/// +as a%so recei#ed. *!is means t!at tota% recei"ts $or t!e mont! +ere W33,///. 5n t!e same mont!, a tota% o$ W<,/// +as s"ent, as "ayments on rent, materia%s, e%ectricity and sa%aries. 0educting t!e tota% "ayments $rom t!e tota% recei"ts gi#es t!e amount remaining at t!e end o$ t!e mont! (i.e. W33,/// ) W<,/// G W.6,///). *!e W.6,/// is ca%%ed t!e Eba0ance carried for2ardF. *!is is because it is t!e ba%ance o$ money carried $or+ard to t!e ne>t mont!, ;ebruary. *!is Qba%ance carried $or+ardP s!ou%d be t!e same as t!e amount o$ money in t!e sa$e at t!e end o$ t!e mont!. 5$ it is not t!e same, t!en eit!er a "ayment or a recei"t !as been made but not recorded in t!e cas!boo,, or money !as been ta,en or added to t!e sa$e. (*!is e>ercise o$ com"aring t!e amount o$ money in t!e sa$e to t!e ba%ance in t!e cas!boo, is ,no+n as a Ecash reconci0iationF, and s!ou%d be carried out at t!e end o$

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e#ery mont!. Record t!e $indings o$ any cas! reconci%iations t!at you "er$orm on a cas! count $orm (see e>am"%e on s!eet BCas!countD). 5nc%ude an e>"%anation $or any di$$erences bet+een t!e ba%ance on t!e cas!boo, and t!e amount o$ money in t!e sa$e.) Mo#ing do+n t!e e>am"%e to t!e ;ebruary accounts, t!e $irst entry is t!e Qba%ance broug!t $or+ardP $rom Manuary (i.e. W.6,///). *!is is t!e starting "osition $or t!e mont!. 5t is e>treme%y im"ortant t!at t!e ba%ance broug!t $or+ard in one mont! is e>act%y t!e same as t!e ba%ance carried $or+ard $rom t!e "re#ious mont!. (*!ere +as no ba%ance broug!t $or+ard $or Manuary, because t!e o$$ice did not e>ist be$ore Manuary. 5t did not !a#e any $unds to Qbring $or+ardP.) 0uring ;ebruary, W2// o$ additiona% income is recei#ed, and a tota% o$ W.4,36/ "ayments are made. So, t!e ba%ance carried $or+ard at t!e end o$ ;ebruary is W.,/6/, and t!is s!ou%d be t!e amount in t!e sa$e on t!e 3-t! ;ebruary. Bank"ook5 5n t!e e>am"%e, t!e ne+ $ie%d o$$ice starts u" !o%ding a%% its money in cas!. Ho+e#er, in ;ebruary t!e '$$ice Manager decides to o"en an account at a %oca% ban,. S!e is t!en ab%e to ma,e "ayments using a c!e?ueboo, as +e%% as by using cas!, and to !o%d t!e o$$icePs $unds in t!e ban,. So, t!e '$$ice Manager !as to ,ee" a se"arate accounting boo, to record t!e detai%s o$ ban, transactions. An e>am"%e o$ t!is is s!o+n in t!e s!eet BBan,boo,D. (*!ere !as to be a se"arate accounting boo, $or eac! Q"otP o$ money used by t!e o$$ice1 t!e cas!boo,s, and t!e ban,boo,s, s!ou%d describe e>act%y +!at is !a""ening in t!e cas! accounts and t!e ban, accounts.) *!e Qban,boo,P !as a%most e>act%y t!e same $ormat as t!e cas!boo,. *!e on%y di$$erence is an e>tra co%umn used to record t!e c!e?ue numbers o$ a%% "ayments made. 5n $act, t!e term cas!boo, is used %oose%y. 5t can re$er to a boo, detai%ing eit!er cas! transactions or ban, transactions. *!e term Qban,boo,P is used !ere to distinguis! it $rom t!e cas!boo,. *!e o$$icePs ban, account +as o"ened +it! a de"osit o$ W./,///, ta,en $rom t!e cas! account. 5t is im"ortant to see !o+ t!is is s!o+n in t!e cas! and ban,boo,s. 5n t!e cas!boo, it is recorded as a "ayment. *!is ma,es sense, because t!e cas! account is W./,/// +orse o$$. (7it!out t!is entry, t!e ba%ance carried $or+ard in t!e cas!boo, +ou%d be W./,/// !ig!er t!an t!e amount in t!e sa$e.) 5n t!e ban,boo,, t!e amount is recorded as a recei"t. *!is a%so ma,es sense. Pre#ious%y t!ere +as no money in t!e ban, account, and no+ t!ere is W./,///. 5t is im"ortant to remember t!at trans$ers made bet+een cas! and ban, must be recorded in bot! account boo,s. 5n t!e e>am"%e, cas! is de"osited in t!e ban,. But, it is a%so true $or cas! t!at is +it!dra+n $rom t!e ban, and !e%d in t!e cas! account. *!e ban,boo, is com"%eted in e>act%y t!e same +ay as t!e cas!boo,. 5n t!e e>am"%e, c!e?ue "ayments tota%%ing W6,336 are made during ;ebruary. W.6,/// o$ income +as recei#ed by ban, trans$er $rom Head '$$ice, in addition to %oca% income o$ W.,3//. *oget!er +it! t!e W./,/// de"osited $rom t!e cas! account, t!is means t!at tota% income recei#ed in t!e ban, account (during ;ebruary) +as W3:,3//. So t!e ba%ance carried $or+ard at t!e end o$ t!e mont! +as W3/,8<6 (GW3:,3// ) W6,336). Bank re2on2ilia#ion5 *!e cas! reconci%iation con$irmed t!at a%% t!e cas! transactions +ere "ro"er%y recorded in t!e cas!boo,. A simi%ar c!ec, can be carried out $or t!e ban, account. 5nstead o$ com"aring t!e ba%ance in t!e cas!boo, to t!e amount o$ cas! in t!e sa$e, t!e ba%ance in

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t!e ban,boo, is com"ared (reconci%ed) to t!e ba%ance on t!e ban, statement. *!is is ,no+n as a Qban, reconci%iationP. A ban, statement is a %ist o$ transactions "roduced by a ban,, s!o+ing a%% t!e "ayments and recei"ts on an account o#er a "eriod o$ time, and t!e amount !e%d at t!e end o$ t!at "eriod. See t!e s!eet BStatementD $or t!e ban, statement recei#ed by t!e $ie%d o$$ice at t!e end o$ ;ebruary. *!e ba%ance in t!e ban,boo, may not be t!e same as t!e amount on t!e statement, e#en i$ transactions !a#e been "ro"er%y recorded. *!ere +i%% "robab%y be a number o$ timing di$$erences. ;or e>am"%e, a c!e?ue "ayment made in t!e %ast cou"%e o$ days o$ t!e mont! +i%% be recorded in t!e ban,boo,. But t!e c!e?ue may not !a#e been "resented to t!e ban, and "rocessed by t!e ban,. So it mig!t not a""ear on t!e ban, statement. 'r, money "aid into t!e ban, during t!e %ast $e+ days o$ t!e mont! may not a""ear on t!at mont!Ps statement. *!ere may a%so be some transactions on t!e ban, statement t!at !a#e not been recorded in t!e accounts. A common e>am"%e is ban, c!arges, +!ic! are deducted direct%y $rom t!e ban, account. So, it is necessary to c!ec, +!et!er eac! transaction a""ears on t!e ban, statement and in t!e ban,boo,. *!is can be done by tic,ing transactions o$$ t!e statement, and seeing i$ t!ey a""ear in t!e ban,boo,, and t!en by tic,ing transactions o$$ t!e ban,boo, and seeing i$ t!ey a""ear on t!e statement. 5t s!ou%d t!en be "ossib%e, using transactions t!at are on%y recorded in one "%ace, to reconci%e t!e ba%ance in t!e ban,boo, to t!e ba%ance on t!e statement. See t!e s!eet BReconci%iationD $or an e>am"%e. Mul#i3le 2urren2ie 5 As e>"%ained abo#e, se"arate boo,s must be used to record cas! and ban, transactions. Se"arate boo,s must a%so be used $or eac! currency t!at is used. *!is a%%o+s you to ,ee" trac, o$ t!e ba%ance o$ eac! $und o$ money t!at you are using. (;or instance, su""ose you !a#e 4,/// do%%ars and .4,/// enyan S!i%%ings. Eou cannot account $or bot! t!e do%%ars and t!e s!i%%ings in one cas!boo, @ ot!er+ise you +ou%d be trying to add u" di$$erent currencies, +!ic! soon becomes #ery com"%icated, or meaning%ess.) &a%men# vou2$er Mre'eren2e num"er N5 5n a cas!boo,, eac! transaction is gi#en a re$erence number. ;or "ayments, t!is is done using "ayment #ouc!ers. E#ery "ayment s!ou%d be documented on a "ayment #ouc!er. *!is #ouc!er must state1 its o+n uni?ue number (t!ey s!ou%d be numbered se?uentia%%y), t!e date o$ t!e "ayment, t!e "ayee (t!e "erson recei#ing t!e "ayment), a descri"tion, t!e amount o$ t!e "ayment and t!e accounts code. 5t s!ou%d be "re"ared be$ore t!e "ayment is made, and it can a%so be used to aut!orise "ayments. Ho+e#er, it is better "ractice to use se"arate aut!orisation $orms $or t!is. *!e basic "ur"ose o$ "ayment #ouc!ers is to assign a uni?ue number to eac! "ayment. *!is number is t!e %abe% t!at $inance sta$$ use to trac, t!e "ayment t!roug! t!e accounting system. 5t is o$ten necessary to do t!is, es"ecia%%y +!en "rob%ems cro" u". 5$ no "rinted "ayment #ouc!ers are a#ai%ab%e, t!en you can ma,e do by assigning eac! "ayment a number. ;or instance, you mig!t c!oose to use t!e se?uence BMan/., Man/3, etcD. *!is $u%$i%s t!e #ouc!ersP basic $unction. Payment #ouc!ers s!ou%d be "roduced in du"%icate. *!e $irst co"y s!ou%d be $i%ed in t!e accounts records, and t!e second co"y s!ou%d be %e$t in t!e "ayment #ouc!ers boo,. *!is means t!at t!ere is an e>tra record o$ a%% "ayments made in t!e #ouc!ers boo,, a%ong +it! t!e record in t!e cas!boo,.

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E#ery "ayment must a%so be su""orted by a recei"t, and an in#oice +!ere a#ai%ab%e. *!e recei"t is t!e "roo$ t!at "ayment rea%%y !a""ened, and t!at t!e goods or ser#ices +ere rea%%y boug!t. *!e in#oice describes t!e goods or ser#ices t!at +ere actua%%y recei#ed. 7!en t!ere is no in#oice, t!e goods or ser#ices recei#ed s!ou%d be described on t!e recei"t. Recei"ts s!ou%d be $i%ed, as described in t!e $o%%o+ing section, =Su""orting 0ocuments=. Re2ei3# vou2$er 5 Any income recei#ed s!ou%d be documented on a recei"t #ouc!er. *!is must state1 its o+n uni?ue number (numbered se?uentia%%y), t!e date o$ t!e recei"t, t!e "ayer (t!e "erson gi#ing t!e money), a descri"tion, t!e amount and t!e accounts code. Recei"t #ouc!ers s!ou%d be "roduced in tri"%icate. *!e "ayer s!ou%d be gi#en one co"y, signed by t!e "erson +!o recei#ed t!e money. *!is is t!eir "roo$ t!at t!e money !as gone to your s"eci$ic organisation. *!e second co"y s!ou%d be %e$t in t!e recei"t #ouc!ers boo,, and t!e t!ird s!ou%d be $i%ed in t!e accounts records. Boo,s o$ recei"t #ouc!ers s!ou%d be stored in a secure "%ace. 't!er+ise, anybody cou%d use t!em, a""arent%y recei#ing money in your organisationPs name.

Su33or#in+ do2umen#
A%% transactions must be recorded in cas!boo,s or ban,boo,s (as described abo#e). Ho+e#er, eac! transaction must a%so !a#e su""orting documents $i%ed $or it, as +e%%. Su""orting documents inc%ude recei"ts, "ayment #ouc!ers and aut!orisation $orms. *!ese $i%es o$ su""orting documents are a crucia% "art o$ any set o$ accounts. *!ere s!ou%d be a se"arate $i%e o$ documents $or e#ery mont!, +it! di#iders in it $or eac! di$$erent currency (and $or cas! as o""osed to ban, accounts). *!e documents $i%ed $or eac! transaction s!ou%d inc%ude1 aut!orisation (+!ic! cou%d be on t!e "ayment #ouc!er), t!e "ayment #ouc!er, and recei"ts or in#oices, a%% sta"%ed toget!er. *!e documents s!ou%d be $i%ed in order o$ "ayment #ouc!er. 5t s!ou%d be easy to $ind t!e su""orting documents in t!e $i%es $or any entry in a cas!boo, or ban,boo,. So, any accounts o$$ice is %i,e%y to !a#e mont!%y $i%es o$ su""orting documents a%ong its boo,s!e%#es.

&rodu2in+ a22oun#
Recording transactions is t!e basis o$ boo,,ee"ing, and one o$ t!e most im"ortant "arts o$ any accounting system. Ho+e#er, on t!eir o+n, cas! and ban,boo,s on%y !a#e %imited #a%ue. *!ey on%y gi#e detai%s o$ indi#idua% transactions. *!ey do not "ro#ide any o#era%% "icture o$ !o+ muc! money +as s"ent on +!at, and $rom +!ere money +as recei#ed. *o do t!is, t!e in$ormation contained in t!e cas!boo,s must be summarised. *!e s!eet BSummaryD s!o+s a summary o$ t!e recei"ts and "ayments made by t!e $ie%d o$$ice in Manuary and ;ebruary. *!e in$ormation !as been dra+n $rom bot! t!e cas!boo, and t!e ban,boo,, and t!e income and e>"enditure !as been summarised, using categories. ;rom t!is, it is easy to see !o+ muc! !as been s"ent and recei#ed. 5t "ro#ides a c%ear brea,do+n o$ !o+ t!e money +as s"ent, and +!ere it came $rom. *!is is use$u% $or t!e "roCect manager, +!o can monitor t!e o#era%% $inancia% situation. 7!en transactions are made in a number o$ currencies, you !a#e to con#ert t!em a%% in to one common currency be$ore you "roduce accounts. As discussed be$ore, it does not ma,e muc! sense to add do%%ars to s!i%%ings, $or e>am"%e.

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Ho) #o Build a Good Small NGO

A22oun# 2ode 5 *!e categories used to summarise cas!boo,s are %abe%%ed +it! Qaccounts codesP. Any set o$ categories can be used to summarise a "roCectPs income and e>"enditure. ;or N&'s, t!e e>"enditure codes are genera%%y t!e most im"ortant ones. *!ey can be set u" according to geogra"!ica% region ($or instance, e>"enditure in t!e Nort!, Sout!, East or 7est), according to "roCect ($or instance, e>"enditure on !ea%t! education or agricu%tura% su""ort), or according to ty"e o$ e>"enditure ($or instance, sta$$ costs, trans"ort or agricu%tura% too%s). '$ten, codes +i%% use a mi>ture o$ t!ese di$$erent $rame+or,s. (*!is can gi#e rise to %ong codes.) Any codes at a%% can be set u" and used. Ho+e#er, t!e same codes must be used on t!e budget as a%% subse?uent accounts. So, accounts codes are de$ined +!en t!e budget is +ritten. Eou must a%+ays consider t!e needs o$ "eo"%e +!o +i%% use t!e accounts +!en you are setting u" accounts codes. *!e codes de$ine +!at in$ormation +i%% be "roduced. 7i%% t!at in$ormation be use$u% $or t!e "eo"%e +!o use t!e accounts9 *!ese "eo"%e inc%ude t!e "roCect management, t!e N&' !ead o$$ice accountants and any e>terna% donors. Some o$ t!e users !a#e $i>ed, in$%e>ib%e re?uirements. So, t!eir standard accounts codes must be used. *!is is %i,e%y to be t!e case $or t!e N&' !ead o$$ice accounts systems, and $or some e>terna% donors. *!is is discussed $urt!er in t!e Q%onor Reportin,F Mango Accounting Pac, 5t is im"ortant t!at e#ery transaction recorded in t!e cas! and ban,boo,s is "ro"er%y coded. ;or t!is, an e>tra co%umn is re?uired on t!e cas! and ban,boo,s. See t!e s!eet BCodesD $or an e>am"%e, a""%ying codes to t!e Manuary and ;ebruary cas!boo,s. A22oun# ummar%5 *!e cas! and ban,boo,s can be summarised using t!e accounts codes. *!is a%%o+s accounts to be "roduced. An e>am"%e o$ a sim"%e accounts summary is gi#en on t!e s!eet Qaccounts summaryP. Eou can see !o+ t!e in$ormation "roduced !ere is use$u% $or managers, and !o+ it cou%d easi%y be com"ared against an o#era%% budget.

Finan2ial 2on#rol
A $e+ basic $inancia% contro%s can great%y reduce t!e c!ance o$ money going astray, or o$ $unds running out. *!ese are described be%o+, and inc%ude areas %i,e aut!orising e>"enditure. 5t may not a%+ays be "ossib%e to im"%ement a%% t!e contro%s. But, t!e more t!at you are ab%e to use, t!e stronger your system +i%% be. Remember t!at "re"aring accounts and com"aring t!em against a budget is an e>treme%y im"ortant $inancia% contro% in itse%$. Anot!er $undamenta% contro% is ma,ing sure t!at "eo"%e +it! t!e a""ro"riate s,i%%s and e>"erience are recruited $or $inancia% +or,, and t!at t!eir res"onsibi%ities are c%ear%y de$ined. *!is s!ou%d be t!e "riority +!en it comes to $inding ne+ sta$$ to ta,e on t!e accounts1 $ind someone +!o !as t!e rig!t ?ua%i$ications and e>"erience, and ma,e sure t!at t!ey ,no+ +!at is e>"ected $rom t!em. Au#$ori a#ion5 E#ery item o$ e>"enditure must be aut!orised. *!is is necessary to ensure t!at t!ose +it! res"onsibi%ity $or e>"enditure are ab%e to maintain contro%. *!e ProCect Manager, $or instance, is norma%%y res"onsib%e $or ensuring t!at e>"enditure remains +it!in budget. *!is +ou%d be outside !is contro% i$ any o$ t!e sta$$ cou%d aut!orise "ayments. (;or instance, money cou%d be s"ent ina""ro"riate%y.)

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*!ere must be c%ear%y stated "rocedures agreed by t!e ProCect Manager, +!o is res"onsib%e $or t!e budget, setting out di$$erent aut!ority %e#e%s. ;or instance, t!e '$$ice Manager mig!t be a%%o+ed to aut!orise cas! "ayments o$ u" to W6//. Payments $or more t!an W6// +ou%d !a#e to be aut!orised by t!e ProCect Manager (or a designated de"uty in t!e absence o$ t!e "roCect manager). 5t is genera%%y a%so necessary to !a#e di$$erent $orms to aut!orise di$$erent ty"es o$ transactions. (;or instance, t!ere mig!t be a s"eci$ic Q$%oat re?uest $ormP used to re?uest and aut!orise $%oats.) Se2uri#%5 5t is c%ear%y #ery im"ortant t!at any cas! in t!e o$$ice is ,e"t secure, usua%%y in a sa$e, or at %east in a strong cas!bo>. Access to t!is s!ou%d be restricted to one "erson. Cas! !e%d in t!e o$$ice s!ou%d be restricted to a minimum. Money s!ou%d be +it!dra+n $rom t!e ban,, or obtained $rom Head '$$ice, on%y +!en it is re?uired. /a $ and "ank re2on2ilia#ion 5 5$ regu%ar cas! and ban, reconci%iations are carried out, t!en you ,no+ t!at t!e accounts are recording rea%ity1 t!at i$ t!e accounts say t!at you !a#e W.// o$ cas!, t!en you rea%%y !a#e W.// o$ cas!. *!is is a $undamenta% contro%, and must be carried out at %east e#ery mont!. Se+re+a#ion o' du#ie 5 A standard $inancia% contro% is to ma,e sure t!at di$$erent members o$ sta$$ !a#e res"onsibi%ity $or di$$erent accounting duties. *!is introduces a series o$ c!ec,s on a%% accounting +or,, and great%y reduces t!e "ossibi%ity o$ $raud. *!e basic Cobs to try to s"%it u" are1 aut!orising "ayments, !and%ing cas! and recording transactions.

A22oun#in+ Golden Rule

U Record e#eryt!ing t!at you do. Eou must "reser#e an Qaudit trai%P. *!at means t!at anot!er "erson must be ab%e to $o%%o+ a%% o$ your accounts Cust $rom +!at you !a#e recorded, +it! no additiona% e>"%anation. Be organised. Ma,e sure t!at a%% documents are "ro"er%y $i%ed, and a%% "rocedures "ro"er%y $o%%o+ed. Be consistent. 5$ you do t!ings one +ay in one mont!, t!en do t!em t!e same +ay in t!e ne>t mont! (un%ess t!ere is a good reason $or c!anging t!em). ee" on to" o$ t!e boo,s. 0o not %et t!em go $or more t!an a +ee, +it!out ma,ing sure t!at t!ey are u" to date. ;i%% in a%% t!e "ro"er boo,s as t!e transactions !a""en1 do not %et a bac,%og bui%d u". 0o not get stuc, on one "oint. 5$ one t!ing is being #ery di$$icu%t, t!en ma,e a sim"%i$ying assum"tion t!at +i%% a%%o+ you to mo#e on. Ma,e a note o$ it, and discuss it +it! your manager or an accountant as soon as "ossib%e.


"or further infor*ation6 p0ease contact= Man,o6 -C# St #0dates6 O9ford6 O)1 1BT6 (@ :ebsite= 222.*an,o.or,.u/ Phone= GHH A0B18I; H..88; !-*ai0= enJuiriesK*an,o.or,.u/

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