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Special Qualities A half-fiend has all the special qualities of the base creature, plus the following special qualities. Darkvision out to 60 feet. Immunity to poison. Resistance to acid 10, electricity 10, and fire 10. Damage reduction: 5/magic (if HD 11 or less) or 10/magic (if HD 12 or more). A half-fiends natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Spell resistance equal to creatures HD + 10 (maximum 35). Abilities Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +4, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +4, Cha +2. (8+Int mod) x 7 for skill points for base HD 1d6 bite, 1d4 claw Cold Subtype: Takes 2 x damage from Fire attacks, immune to cold attacks. STR +1 12 DEX CON INT +4 +2 +0 18 14 10 WIS +1 12 CHA +3 16

TOUGHNESS FORTITUDE REFLEX WILL +12/+2* +7 +8 +8 *without Force Field Skills: Acrobatics 8 (+12), Bluff 10 (+13), Concentration 11 (+12), Notice 7 (+8), Profession 4 (+5) Feats: Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quick Change, Taunt Power: Energy Control 12 (Cold Control, plus three power feats). Can create an area of extreme cold at up to 25,000ft. -Blast 12d6 -Create Object 12-Effect: General Action: Standard Range: Ranged Duration: Sustained Saving Throw: Reflex (see below)
You can form solid objects out of nowhere. You can create any simple geometric shape or common object (such as a cube, sphere, dome, hammer, lens, disk, etc.). The GM has final say on whether or not a particular object is too complex. Your objects cant have any moving parts more complex than a hinge. They can be solid or hollow, opaque or transparent, as you choose when you use the power. You can create an object up to one 5-foot cube in size per power rank with Toughness up to your power rank. Created objects can be damaged or broken like ordinary objects (see Damaging Objects, page 166).

-Snare12- Effect: Attack Action: Standard Range: Ranged Duration: Instant Saving Throw: Reflex
You can restrain a target with bonds of ice, glue, webbing, bands of energy, and so forth (whatever suits your descriptors). Make a ranged attack roll. If successful, the target makes a Reflex saving throw. On a failed save, the target is entangled, suffering a 2 penalty to attack rolls and Defense, and a 4 penalty to Dexterity. If the Snare is anchored to an immobile object (such as the ground), the entangled character cannot move from that spot. Otherwise, he can move at half speed, but cant move all out. If the Reflex save fails by 5 or more, or on a second successful Snare attack, the target is bound and helpless. The target is unable to move, loses his defense bonus, and suffers a further 5 modifier to Defense. Each additional Snare layered onto a helpless target increases the Snares Toughness by +1, to a maximum of double its normal Toughness. A bound target gains cover from the Snare (see Cover, page 160). Entangled characters do not gain this benefit.

Targets can break out of a Snare using Strength or an effect that doesnt require freedom of movement (this may restrict the use of some powers and devices, for example). The Snare makes Toughness saves like an inanimate object with Toughness equal to its rank. If the trapped character has an attack with a damage bonus 5 or more greater than the Snares Toughness, he can break the Snare automatically as a standard action. If the trapped character has an attack with a damage bonus greater than the Snares Toughness +10, he can break the snare automatically as a free action. Alternately, a Snare victim can attempt an Escape Artist check to slip free as a full-round action, with a DC of 20 + the Snares rank.

Flight 6 (500 MPH, or 900ft/round), Force Field 10 (Extras: Impervious) Immunity 5 (chosen energy type)

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