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Away in the Wilderness

R.M. Ballantyne

James Nisbet & Co; 1st edition (1863) ASIN: B00088X7AY

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A(AY IN " # (I/*#$N#SS3 BY $&+& BA//AN"YN#& CHAPTER ONE. THE HUNTER. %n a bea4ti546 s4mme7 e8enin93 not man: :ea7s a9o3 a man ;as seen to as<end t=e side o5 a 6itt6e mo4nd o7 =i66o<>3 on t=e to? o5 ;=i<= =e 6in9e7ed to 9a@e 4?on t=e ;i6d s<ene7: t=at 6a: st7et<=ed o4t be5o7e =im& "=e man ;o7e t=e 6eat=e7n <oat and 6e99in9s o5 a No7t= Ame7i<an =4nte73 o7 t7a??e73 o7 ba<>;oodsman; and ;e66 did =e dese78e a66 t=ese tit6es3 5o7 Jas?e7 *e77: ;as >no;n to =is 57iends as t=e best =4nte73 t=e most s4<<ess546 t7a??e73 and t=e bo6dest man in t=e ba<>;oods& Jas?e7 ;as bi9 and st7on9 as ;e66 as bo6d3 b4t =e ;as not a b466:& +en o5 t74e <o47a9e a7e in 9ene7a6 ?ea<e5466: dis?osed& Jas?e7 <o46d 5i9=t 6i>e a 6ion ;=en t=e7e ;as o<<asion to do so; b4t =e ;as 9ent6e and 97a8e3 and A4iet b: nat47e& e ;as a6so eBt7eme6: 9ood.=4mo47ed; =ad a 6o; so5t 8oi<e3 and3 bot= in mind and bod:3 seemed to de6i9=t in a state o5 7e?ose& (e =a8e said t=at =is <oat ;as made o5 6eat=e7; t=e mo<<asins o7 Indian s=oes on =is 5eet ;e7e made o5 t=e same mate7ia6& (=en Jas?e7 5i7st ?4t t=em on t=e: ;e7e so5t 6i>e a 96o8e o5 <=amois 6eat=e73 and b7i9=t :e66o;; b4t =a7d se78i<e =ad t47ned t=em into a di7t: b7o;n3 ;=i<= 6oo>ed mo7e b4siness 6i>e& "=e s4n =ad b47ned =is 5a<e and =ands to as dee? a b7o;n as =is <oat& %n =is =ead =e ;o7e a 6itt6e 7o4nd <a?3 ;=i<= =e =ad made ;it= =is o;n =ands3 a5te7 =a8in9 <a49=t t=e b6a<> 5oB t=at s4??6ied t=e 5473 in one o5 =is o;n t7a?s& A <o6o47ed ;o7sted be6t bo4nd =is <oat 7o4nd =is ;aist3 and beneat= t=e <oat =e ;o7e a s<a76et 56anne6 s=i7t& A 6on9 >ni5e and a sma66 =at<=et ;e7e st4<> in t=e be6t at =is ba<>3 and in 57ont =4n9 a sma66 <6ot= ba93 ;=i<= ;as so t=i<>6: o7namented ;it= beads o5 man: <o6o47s3 t=at 6itt6e o5 t=e <6ot= <o46d be seen& "=is 6ast ;as a 5i7e.ba9-so <a66ed be<a4se it <ontained t=e 56int3 stee63 and tinde7 7eA4i7ed 5o7 ma>in9 a 5i7e& It a6so <ontained Jas?e7Cs ?i?e and toba<<o-5o7 =e smo>ed3 as a matte7 o5 <o47se& +en smo>e e8e7:;=e7e-mo7eCs t=e ?it:-and Jas?e7 5o66o;ed t=e eBam?6e o5 t=ose a7o4nd =im& Smo>in9 ;as a6most =is on6: 5a46t& e ;as a t7emendo4s smo>e7& %5ten3 ;=en o4t o5 toba<<o3 =e =ad smo>ed tea& )7eA4ent6: =e =ad t7ied ba7> and d7ied 6ea8es; and on<e3 ;=en =a7d ?7essed3 =e =ad smo>ed oa>4m& e ;o46d 7at=e7 =a8e 9one ;it=o4t =is s4??e7 t=an ;it=o4t =is ?i?eD A ?o;de7.=o7n and s=ot ?o4<= ;e7e s64n9 o8e7 =is s=o46de7s b: t;o <7oss be6ts3 and =e <a77ied a 6on9 sin96e.ba77e66ed 94n& I =a8e been t=4s ?a7ti<46a7 in des<7ibin9 Jas?e7 *e77:3 be<a4se =e is o47 =e7o3 and =e is ;o7t= des<7ibin93 bein9 a 5ine3 =ea7t:3 =andsome 5e66o;3 ;=o <a7ed as 6itt6e 5o7 a ;i6d Indian o7 a 97i@@6: bea7 as =e did 5o7 a b4tte756:3 and ;=o ;as one o5 t=e best o5 <om?anions3 as =e ;as one o5 t=e best o5 =4nte7s3 in t=e ;i6de7ness& a8in9 9ained t=e to? o5 t=e =i66o<>3 Jas?e7 ?6a<ed t=e b4tt o5 =is 6on9 94n on t=e

97o4nd3 and3 <7ossin9 =is =ands o8e7 t=e m4@@6e3 stood t=e7e 5o7 some time so motion6ess3 t=at =e mi9=t =a8e been mista>en 5o7 a stat4e& A ma9ni5i<ent <o4nt7: ;as s?7ead o4t be5o7e =im& J4st in 57ont 6a: a <6ea7 6a>e o5 abo4t a mi6e in eBtent3 and t=e e8enin9 ;as so sti66 t=at e8e7: t7ee3 stone3 and b4s= on its ma79in3 ;as 7e56e<ted as in a mi77o7& e7e3 =4nd7eds o5 ;i6d d4<>s and ;i6d 9eese ;e7e 5eedin9 amon9 t=e sed9es o5 t=e ba:s3 o7 56:in9 to and 57o min96in9 t=ei7 <7ies ;it= t=ose o5 t=o4sands o5 ?6o8e7 and ot=e7 >inds o5 ;ate7.5o;6 t=at in=abited t=e ?6a<e& At t=e 6o;e7 end o5 t=is 6a>e a sma66 7i846et ;as seen to iss4e 5o7t= and ;ind its ;a: t=7o49= ;oods and ?6ains 6i>e a si68e7 t=7ead3 4nti6 it ;as 6ost to 8ie; in t=e 5a7 distan<e& %n t=e 7i9=t and 6e5t and be=ind3 t=e ea7t= ;as <o8e7ed ;it= t=e dense 5o6ia9e o5 t=e ;i6d ;oods& "=e =i66o<> on ;=i<= t=e ;este7n =4nte7 stood3 6a: in t=e 8e7: =ea7t o5 t=at 97eat 4n<46ti8ated ;i6de7ness ;=i<= 5o7ms ?a7t o5 t=e B7itis= ?ossessions in No7t= Ame7i<a& "=is 7e9ion 6ies to t=e no7t= o5 t=e Canadas3 is nea76: as 6a79e as a66 #47o?e3 and 9oes b: t=e name o5 t=e 4dsonCs Ba: "e77ito7:3 o7 $4?e7tCs /and& It =ad ta>en Jas?e7 man: 6on9 ;ee>s o5 =a7d t7a8e6 b: 6and and ;ate73 in <anoes and on 5oot3 to 9et t=e7e; and se8e7a6 ;ee>s o5 toi6 sti66 6a: be5o7e =im3 e7e =e <o46d attain t=e obEe<t3 5o7 ;=i<= =is Eo47ne: =ad been 4nde7ta>en& (i<>ed ?eo?6e sa: t=at F;oman is at t=e bottom o5 a66 mis<=ie5DG *id it ne8e7 o<<47 to t=ese same ;i<>ed indi8id4a6s3 t=at ;oman is E4st as m4<= at t=e bottom o5 a66 9oodH (=et=e7 5o7 9ood o7 5o7 e8i63 ;oman ;as at t=e bottom o5 Jas?e7 !e77:Cs =ea7t and a55ai7s& "=e <a4se o5 =is Eo47ne: ;as 6o8e; t=e aim and end o5 it ;as ma77ia9eD *id t74e 6o8e e8e7 74n smoot=H FNo3 ne8e73G sa:s t=e ?7o8e7b& (e s=a66 see& CHAPTER TWO. THE THREE FRIENDS. (=en t=e =4nte7 =ad stood 5o7 5466 5i8e min4tes 9a@in9 at t=e bea4ti546 s<ene7: b: ;=i<= =e ;as s477o4nded3 it s4dden6: o<<477ed to =im t=at a ?i?e ;o46d 7ende7 =im m4<= mo7e <a?ab6e o5 enEo:in9 it; so =e sat do;n on t=e t74n> o5 a 5a66en t7ee3 6eaned =is 94n on it3 ?466ed t=e 5i7e.ba9 57om =is be6t3 and be9an to 5i66 =is ?i?e3 ;=i<= ;as one o5 t=e >ind 4sed b: t=e sa8a9es o5 t=e <o4nt7:3 ;it= a stone =ead and a ;ooden stem& It ;as soon 6i9=ted3 and Jas?e7 ;as t=in>in9 =o; m4<= mo7e <6ea7 and bea4ti546 a 6ands<a?e 6oo>ed t=7o49= toba<<o smo>e3 ;=en a =and ;as 6aid 6i9=t6: on =is s=o46de7& /oo>in9 A4i<>6: 7o4nd3 =e be=e6d a ta66 da7>.5a<ed Indian standin9 b: =is side& Jas?e7 bet7a:ed neit=e7 a6a7m no7 s47?7ise; 5o7 t=e :o4t= ;as =is o;n <om7ade3 ;=o =ad me7e6: <ome to te66 =im t=at t=e <anoe in ;=i<= t=e: =ad been t7a8e66in9 to9et=e73 and ;=i<= =ad been s6i9=t6: dama9ed3 ;as 7e?ai7ed and 7ead: 5o7 se78i<e& F(=:3 A77o;=ead3 :o4 stea6 on me ;it= t=e so5t t7ead o5 a 5oB& +: ea7s a7e not d4663 :et I did not =ea7 :o47 a??7oa<=3 6ad&G A smi6e 6i9=ted 4? t=e <o4ntenan<e o5 t=e :o4n9 Indian 5o7 a moment3 as =e 6istened to a <om?6iment ;=i<= 97ati5ied =im m4<=; b4t t=e 97a8e eB?7ession ;=i<= ;as nat47a6 to

=im instant6: 7et47ned3 as =e said3 FA77o;=ead =as =4nted in t=e $o<>: +o4ntains ;=e7e t=e men a7e t7ea<=e7o4s; =e =as 6ea7ned to t7ead 6i9=t6: t=e7e&G FNo do4bt3 :e =ad need to be a6;a:s on t=e 6oo> o4t ;=e7e t=e7e a7e s4<= 8a7mints; b4t =e7ea;a:3 A77o;=ead3 t=e7e a7e no 5oes to 5ea73 and t=e7e5o7e no need to ta>e :e7 57iends b: s47?7ise& B4t :eC7e ?7o4d oC :o47 9i5ts3 6ad3 anC I s4??ose itCs nat47a6 to 6i>e to s=o; t=em o55& Is t=e <anoe 7ead:HG "=e Indian 7e?6ied b: a nod& F"=atCs ;e663 6ad3 it ;i66 be;n in anot=e7 =o473 anC I ;o46d 6i>e to <am? on t=e ?oint o5 ?ines to.ni9=t; so <ome a6on9&G F istDG eB<6aimed t=e Indian3 ?ointin9 to a 56o<> o5 9eese ;=i<= <ame into 8ie; at t=at moment& FA=D :o4 <ome o5 a maste7546 7a<e3G said Jas?e73 s=a>in9 =is =ead 97a8e6:3 F:o4C7e ne8e7 <ontent ;=en :eC8e 9ot eno49=3 b4t m4st a6;a:s be >i66in9 2odCs <7eat47es 7i9=t and 6e5t 5o7 ?47e s?o7t& a8enCt ;e 9ot one 97e: 9oose a67ead: 5o7 s4??e73 anC t=atCs eno49= 5o7 t;o men s47e6:& %5 <o47se I ma>e no a<<o4nt oC t=e a7tist3 ?oo7 <7at47C3 5o7 =e eats neBt to not=inC& o;sCe8e73 as :o47 a??etite ma: be s=a7?e7 set t=an 4s4a63 IC8e no obEe<tion to b7in9 do;n anot=e7 5o7 :e&G So sa:in9 t=e =4nte7 and t=e Indian <7o4<=ed be=ind a b4s=3 and t=e 5o7me73 ;=i6e =e <o<>ed =is 94n and eBamined t=e ?7imin93 9a8e 4tte7an<e to a se7ies o5 <7ies so 6o4d and dis<o7dant3 t=at an: one ;=o ;as i9no7ant o5 a =4nte7Cs ;a:s m4st =a8e t=o49=t =e ;as anBio4s to d7i8e a66 t=e 6i8in9 <7eat47es ;it=in siB mi6es o5 =im a;a: in te77o7& Jas?e7 =ad no s4<= ;is=3 =o;e8e7& e ;as me7e6: imitatin9 t=e <7: o5 t=e ;i6d 9eese& "=e bi7ds3 ;=i<= ;e7e at 5i7st so 5a7.o55 t=at a 7i56e.ba66 <o46d not =a8e 7ea<=ed t=em3 no soone7 =ea7d t=e <7: o5 t=ei7 57iends (as t=e: do4bt6ess t=o49=t it) t=an t=e: t47ned o4t o5 t=ei7 <o47se3 and <ame 97ad4a66: to;a7ds t=e b4s= ;=e7e t=e t;o men 6a: =idden& "=e =4nte7 did not <ease to <7: 4nti6 t=e bi7ds ;e7e ;it=in 94ns=ot& "=en =e 5iBed =is e:e on one o5 t=e 56o<> t=at seemed ?64m? and 5at& "=e 6on9 ba77e6 o5 t=e 94n ;as A4i<>6: 7aised3 t=e 9eese dis<o8e7ed t=ei7 mista>e3 and t=e ;=o6e 56o<> ;e7e t=7o;n into ;i6d <on54sion as t=e: attem?ted to s=ee7 o55; b4t it ;as too 6ate& Smo>e and 5i7e b47st 57om t=e b4s=3 and an eno7mo4s 97e: 9oose 5e66 ;it= a =ea8: <7as= to t=e 97o4nd& F(=at =a8e :o4 s=otH ;=at =a8e :o4 s=otHG <7ied a s=7i66 and some;=at ;ea> 8oi<e in t=e distan<e& In anot=e7 moment t=e o;ne7 o5 t=e 8oi<e a??ea7ed3 74nnin9 ea9e76: to;a7ds t=e t;o men& F'se :o47 e:es3 Jo=n e:;ood3 anC :e ;onCt need to as>3G said Jas?e73 ;it= a A4iet smi6e3 as =e <a7e5466: 7e6oaded =is 94n& FA=D I see-a 97e: s;an-no3 s47e6:3 it <annot be a 9ooseHG said e:;ood3 t47nin9 t=e bi7d o8e7 and 7e9a7din9 it ;it= astonis=ment; F;=:3 t=is is t=e bi99est one I e8e7 did see&G

F(=atCs :on in t=e ;ate7H *ee73 I do be6ie8e3G <7ied Jas?e73 A4i<>6: d7a;in9 t=e sma66 s=ot 57om =is 94n and ?4ttin9 in a ba66 instead& FCome3 6ads3 ;e s=a66 =a8e 8enison 5o7 s4??e7 to.ni9=t& "=at beast <anCt 7ea<= tCot=e7 side so soon as ;e <an&G Jas?e7 6ea?ed A4i<>6: do;n t=e =i663 and das=ed t=7o49= t=e b4s=es to;a7ds t=e s?ot ;=e7e t=ei7 <anoe 6a:& e ;as <6ose6: 5o66o;ed b: =is <om?anions3 and in 6ess t=an t;o min4tes t=e: ;e7e da7tin9 a<7oss t=e 6a>e in t=ei7 6itt6e Indian <anoe3 ;=i<= ;as made o5 bi7<=.ba7>3 and ;as so 6i9=t t=at one man <o46d <a77: it easi6:& (=i6e t=e: a7e t=4s en9a9ed I ;i66 int7od4<e t=e 7eade7 to Jo=n e:;ood& "=is indi8id4a6 ;as a :o4t= o5 nineteen o7 t;ent: :ea7s o5 a9e3 ;=o ;as b: ?7o5ession a ?ainte7 o5 6ands<a?es and anima6s& e ;as ta66 and s6ende7 in ?e7son3 ;it= st7ai9=t b6a<> =ai73 a ?a6e =a99a7d.6oo>in9 5a<e3 an eB<itab6e ne78o4s manne73 and an ent=4siasti< tem?e7ament& Bein9 ad8ent47o4s in =is dis?osition3 =e =ad 6e5t =is 5at=e7Cs =ome in Canada3 and ent7eated =is 57iend3 Jas?e7 *e77:3 to ta>e =im a6on9 ;it= =im into t=e ;i6de7ness& At 5i7st Jas?e7 ;as 8e7: 4n;i66in9 to a97ee to t=is 7eA4est; be<a4se t=e :o4n9 a7tist ;as 4tte76: i9no7ant o5 e8e7:t=in9 <onne<ted ;it= a 6i5e in t=e ;oods3 and =e <o46d neit=e7 4se a ?add6e no7 a 94n& B4t e:;oodCs 5at=e7 =ad done =im some se78i<e at a time ;=en =e ;as i66 and in di55i<46ties3 so3 as t=e :o4t= ;as 8e7: anBio4s to 9o3 =e 7eso68ed to 7e?a: t=is 9ood t47n o5 t=e 5at=e7 b: doin9 a >indness to t=e son& e:;ood t47ned o4t b4t a ?oo7 ba<>;oodsman3 b4t =e ?7o8ed to be a ?6easant3 am4sin9 <om?anion3 and as Jas?e7 and t=e Indian ;e7e A4ite s455i<ient 5o7 t=e mana9ement o5 t=e 6i9=t <anoe3 and t=e 9ood 94n o5 t=e 5o7me7 ;as mo7e t=an s455i<ient to 5eed t=e ?a7t:3 it matte7ed not=in9 to Jas?e7 t=at e:;ood s?ent most o5 =is time seated in t=e midd6e o5 t=e <anoe3 s>et<=in9 t=e s<ene7: as t=e: ;ent a6on9& Sti66 6ess did it matte7 t=at e:;ood missed e8e7:t=in9 =e 5i7ed at3 ;=et=e7 it ;as <6ose at =and o7 5a7 a;a:& At 5i7st Jas?e7 ;as dis?osed to 6oo> 4?on =is :o4n9 <om?anion as a ?oo7 4se6ess <7eat47e; and t=e Indian 7e9a7ded =im ;it= 4ndis94ised <ontem?t& B4t a5te7 t=e: =ad been some time in =is <om?an:3 t=e o?inions o5 t=ese t;o men o5 t=e ;oods <=an9ed; 5o7 t=e: 5o4nd t=at t=e a7tist ;as ;ise3 and ;e66 in5o7med on man: s4bEe<ts o5 ;=i<= t=e: ;e7e eBt7eme6: i9no7ant; and t=e: be=e6d ;it= dee? admi7ation t=e bea4ti546 and 6i5e.6i>e d7a;in9s and ?aintin9s ;=i<= =e ?7od4<ed in 7a?id s4<<ession& S4<= ;as t=e 7omanti< :o4t= ;=o =ad3 5o7 t=e sa>e o5 seein9 and ?aintin9 t=e ;i6de7ness3 Eoined =imse65 to t=ese 7o49= sons o5 t=e 5o7est3 and ;=o no; sat in t=e <ent7e o5 t=e <anoe s;a:in9 =is a7ms abo4t and s=o4tin9 ;it= eB<itement as t=e: A4i<>6: d7e; nea7 to t=e s;immin9 =e7d o5 dee7& F0ee? :o47se65 sti663G said Jas?e73 6oo>in9 o8e7 =is s=o46de73 F:eC66 4?set t=e <anoe i5 :e 9o on 6i>e t=at&G F2i8e me t=e aBe3 9i8e me t=e aBe3 IC66 >i66 =imDG <7ied e:;ood& F"a>e :o47 ?en<i6 and d7a; =im3G obse78ed t=e =4nte73 ;it= a A4iet 6a49=& FNo;3 A77o;=ead3 t;o 9ood st7o>es o5 t=e ?add6e ;i66 do-t=e7e- so&G

As =e s?o>e t=e <anoe 96an<ed 4? a6on9side o5 an a557i9=ted dee73 and in t=e t;in>6in9 o5 an e:e Jas?e7Cs 6on9 >ni5e ;as in its =ea7t3 and t=e ;ate7 ;as d:ed ;it= b6ood& "=is =a??ened A4ite nea7 to t=e o??osite s=o7e o5 t=e 6a>e3 so t=at in 6itt6e mo7e t=an =a65 an =o47 a5te7 it ;as >i66ed t=e anima6 ;as <4t 4? and ?a<>ed3 and t=e <anoe ;as a9ain s?eedin9 to;a7ds t=e 4??e7 end o5 t=e 6a>e3 ;=e7e t=e ?a7t: a77i8ed E4st as ni9=t be9an to 56in9 its da7> mant6e o8e7 t=e ;i6de7ness& CHAPTER THREE. THE ENCAMPMENT. Cam?in9 o4t in t=e ;oods at ni9=t is t746: a de6i9=t546 t=in93 and t=e ?6easantest ?a7t o5 it3 ?e7=a?s3 is t=e 6i9=tin9 o5 t=e 5i7e& /i9=t is a97eeab6e to =4man e:es and <=ee7in9 to t=e =4man =ea7t& So6omon >ne; and 5e6t t=at ;=en =e ?enned t=e ;o7ds3 FA ?6easant t=in9 it is 5o7 t=e e:es to be=o6d t=e s4n&G And t=e 7isin9 o5 t=e s4n is s<a7<e6: mo7e 97ate546 to t=e 5ee6in9s t=an t=e 6i9=tin9 o5 a 5i7e on a da7> ni9=t& So o47 57iends t=o49=t and 5e6t3 ;=en t=e 5i7e b6a@ed 4?3 b4t t=e: ;e7e too b4s: and too =4n97: at t=e time to t=in> abo4t t=e state o5 t=ei7 5ee6in9s& "=e Indian ;as =4n97:& A 9ood 5i7e =ad to be made be5o7e t=e 8enison <o46d be 7oasted3 so =e 9a8e =is ;=o6e attention to t=e 5e66in9 o5 d7: t7ees and <4ttin9 t=em 4? into 6o9s 5o7 t=e 5i7e& Jas?e7 ;as a6so =4n97:3 and a s6i9=t s=o;e7 =ad ;etted a66 t=e moss and ;it=e7ed 97ass3 so =e =ad eno49= to do to st7i>e 5i7e ;it= 56int and stee63 <at<= a s?a7> on a 6itt6e ?ie<e o5 tinde73 and t=en b6o; and <oaB t=e s?a7> into a 56ame& "=e a7tist ;as indeed 57ee to ind469e in a 6itt6e meditation; b4t =e =ad st4mb6ed in t=e da7> on 6andin93 and b74ised =is s=ins3 so =e <o46d on6: sit do;n on a 7o<> and 74b t=em and 5ee6 mise7ab6e& B4t t=e 5i7e soon <a49=t; b7an<=es ;e7e =ea?ed 4?3 97eat 6o9s ;e7e ?i6ed on3 5o7>ed ton94es o5 56ame be9an to 6ea? 4? and 6i<> t=e b7an<=es o5 t=e o8e7=an9in9 t7ees& "=e 97een 6ea8es 6oo>ed 7i<= and ;a7m; t=e t=i<> stems 6oo>ed 7ed and =ot; t=e 5a<es and <6ot=es o5 t=e men seemed as i5 abo4t to <at<= 5i7e as t=e: mo8ed abo4t t=e en<am?ment ?7e?a7in9 s4??e7& In s=o7t3 t=e ;=o6e s<ene ;as so eBt7eme6: <om5o7tab6e3 in 7ea6it: as ;e66 as in a??ea7an<e3 t=at e:;ood 5o79ot =is b74ised s=ins and be9an to 74b =is =ands ;it= de6i9=t& In a 8e7: s=o7t time t=7ee E4i<: 8enison.stea>s ;e7e steamin9 be5o7e t=e t=7ee t7a8e66e7s3 and in a m4<= s=o7te7 time t=e: =ad disa??ea7ed a6to9et=e7 and ;e7e 7e?6a<ed b: t=7ee ne; ones& "=e mode o5 <oo>in9 ;as 8e7: sim?6e& #a<= stea> ;as 5iBed on a ?ie<e o5 sti<> and set 4? be5o7e t=e 5i7e to 7oast& (=en one side ;as 7ead:3 t=e a7tist3 ;=o seemed to =a8e 8e7: 6itt6e ?atien<e3 be9an to <4t o55 ?ie<es and eat t=em ;=i6e t=e ot=e7 side ;as <oo>in9& "o sa: t74t=3 men o4t in t=ose 7e9ions =a8e 4s4a66: s4<= 9ood a??etites t=at t=e: a7e not ?a7ti<46a7 as to t=e <oo>in9 o5 t=ei7 5ood& ,4antit:3 not A4a6it:3 is ;=at t=e: desi7e& "=e: 9ene7a66: 5ee6 8e7: m4<= 6i>e t=e $4ssian3 o5 ;=om it is said3 t=at =e ;o46d be <ontent

to eat sa;d4st i5 on6: =e got plenty of itD "=e stea>s ;e7e ;as=ed do;n ;it= tea& "=e7e is no ot=e7 d7in> in $4?e7tCs /and& "=e 4dsonCs Ba: Com?an: 5o4nd t=at s?i7its ;e7e so =47t546 to t=e Indians t=at t=e: 7e54sed to send t=em into t=e <o4nt7:; and at t=e ?7esent da: t=e7e is no st7on9 d7in> to be =ad 5o7 6o8e o7 mone: o8e7 t=e 6en9t= and b7eadt= o5 t=ei7 te77ito7ies3 eB<e?t at t=ose ?6a<es ;=e7e ot=e7 547.t7ade7s o??ose t=em3 and ob6i9e t=em3 in se65.de5en<e3 to se66 5i7e.;ate73 as t=e Indians <a66 it& "ea is t=e 97eat-t=e on6:-d7in> in $4?e7tCs /andD Yes3 6a49= as :e ;i663 :e 6o8e7s o5 9in and bee7 and ;=is>:3 one ;=o =as t7ied it3 and =as seen it t7ied b: =4nd7eds o5 sto4t sta6;a7t men3 te66s :o4 t=at t=e teetota66e7 is t=e best man 5o7 7ea6 =a7d ;o7>& "=e t=7ee t7a8e66e7s d7an> t=ei7 tea and sma<>ed t=ei7 6i?s3 and 97inned at ea<= ot=e7 ;it= 97eat satis5a<tion& "=e: <o46d not =a8e done mo7e i5 it =ad been t=e best o5 b7and: and t=e: t=e Eo66iest o5 to?e7sD B4t t=e =ei9=t o5 t=ei7 enEo:ment ;as not 7ea<=ed 4nti6 t=e ?i?es ;e7e 6i9=ted& It ;as A4ite a si9=t to see t=em smo>eD Jas?e7 6a: ;it= =is =49e 57ame eBtended in 57ont o5 t=e b6a@e3 ?455in9 <6o4ds o5 smo>e t=i<> eno49= to =a8e s=amed a sma66 <annon& A77o;=ead 7ested =is ba<> on t=e st4m? o5 a t7ee3 st7et<=ed =is 5eet to;a7ds t=e 5i7e3 and a66o;ed t=e smo>e to 7o66 s6o;6: t=7o49= =is nost7i6s as ;e66 as o4t at =is mo4t=3 so t=at it >e?t <476in9 A4iet6: 7o4nd =is nose3 and 4? =is <=ee>s3 and into =is e:es3 and t=7o49= =is =ai7 in a most de6i9=t546 manne7; at 6east so it ;o46d seem3 5o7 =is 7eddis=.b7o;n 5a<e beamed ;it= =a??: <ontentment& Yo4n9 e:;ood did not smo>e3 b4t =e d7e; 5o7t= =is s>et<> and s>et<=ed =is t;o <om?anions; and in t=e ?7a<ti<e o5 =is be6o8ed a7t3 I =a8e no do4bt3 =e ;as =a??ie7 t=an eit=e7& FI ;onde7 =o; man: t7adin9.?osts t=e 4dsonCs Ba: Com?an: =as 9otHG said e:;ood3 as =e ;ent on ;it= =is ;o7>& F 4nd7eds o5 Cem3G said Jas?e73 ?7essin9 t=e 7ed.=ot toba<<o into t=e bo;6 o5 =is ?i?e ;it= t=e end o5 =is 6itt6e 5in9e73 as s6o;6: and <oo66: as i5 =is 56es= ;e7e 5i7e.?7oo5& FI donCt >no;3 eBa<t6:3 =o; man: t=e:C8e 9ot& I do4bt i5 an:bod: does3 b4t t=e: =a8e t=em a66 o8e7 t=e <o4nt7:& Yo4C8e seen a 6itt6e o5 t=e <o4nt7: no;3 e:;ood; ;e663 ;=at :o4 =a8e seen is 8e7: m4<= 6i>e ;=at :o4 ;i66 see as 6on9 as :o4 <=oose to t7a8e6 =e7ea;a:& Yo4 <ome to a sma66 <6ea7in9 in t=e 5o7est3 ;it= 5i8e o7 siB 6o9 =o4ses in it3 a sto<>ade 7o4nd it3 and a 56a9sta55 in t=e midd6e o5 it; 5i8e3 ten3 o7 5i5teen men3 and a 9ent6eman in <=a79e& "=atCs a 4dsonCs Ba: Com?an:Cs t7adin9.?ost& A66 7o4nd it 6ie t=e ;i6d ;oods& 2o t=7o49= t=e ;oods 5o7 t;o o7 t=7ee =4nd7ed mi6es and :o4C66 <ome to anot=e7 s4<= ?ost3 o7 5o7t3 as ;e sometimes <a66 Cem& "=atCs =o; it is a66 t=e <o4nt7: o8e7& A6t=o49= t=e7e a7e man: o5 t=em3 t=e <o4nt7: is so 4n<ommon bi9 t=at t=e: ma: be said to be 5e; and 5a7 bet;een& Some a7e bi99e7 and some a7e 6ess& "=e7eCs s<a7<e6: a sett6ement in t=e <o4nt7: ;o7t=: oC t=e name o5 a 8i66a9e eB<e?t $ed $i8e7&G FA=D $ed $i8e73G eB<6aimed e:;ood3 FIC8e =ea7d m4<= o5 t=at sett6ement-=o6d stead:

-ICm d7a;in9 :o47 nose E4st no;-=a8e :o4 been t=e7e3 Jas?e7HG F"=at =a8e I3 6ad3 and a 5ine ?6a<e it is3 eBtendinC 5i5t: mi6es o7 mo7e a6on9 t=e 7i8e73 ;it= 5ine 5ie6ds3 and =andsome =o4ses3 and <=47<=es3 and missiona7ies and s<=oo6s3 and ;=at not; b4t t=e 7est o5 $4?e7tCs /and is E4st ;=at :o4 =a8e seen; no 7oads3 no =o4ses3 no <46ti8ated 5ie6ds-not=in9 b4t 6a>es3 and 7i8e7s3 and ;oods3 and ?6ains ;it=o4t end3 and a 5e; Indians =e7e and t=e7e3 ;it= ?6ent: o5 ;i6d beasts e8e7:;=e7e& "=ese t7adin9.?osts a7e s<atte7ed =e7e and t=e7e3 57om t=e At6anti< to t=e !a<i5i<3 and 57om Canada to t=e )7o@en Sea3 standinC so6ita7:.6i>e in t=e midst o5 t=e ;i6de7ness3 as i5 t=e: =ad d7o??ed do;n 57om t=e <6o4ds b: mista>e and didnCt >no; eBa<t6: ;=at to do ;it= t=emse68es&G F o; 6on9 =a8e de Com?an: 6i8edHG inA4i7ed A77o;=ead3 t47nin9 s4dden6: to Jas?e7& "=e sto4t =4nte7 5e6t a 6itt6e ?4t o4t& FA=emD I donCt eBa<t6: >no;; b4t it m4st =a8e been a 6on9 time3 no do4bt&G F%=3 I <an te66 :o4 t=at3G <7ied e:;ood& FYo4HG said Jas?e7 in s47?7ise& FA:; t=e Com?an: ;as sta7ted nea76: t;o =4nd7ed :ea7s a9o b: !7in<e $4?e7t3 ;=o ;as t=e 5i7st 2o8e7no73 and t=atCs t=e 7eason t=e <o4nt7: <ame to be <a66ed $4?e7tCs /and& Yo4 >no; its <ommon name is It=e 4dsonCs Ba: "e77ito7:3C be<a4se it s477o4nds 4dsonCs Ba:&G F(=:3 ;=e7e did :o4 6ea7n t=atHG said Jas?e73 FI t=o49=t I >no;ed a.most e8e7:t=in9 abo4t t=e Com?an:; b4t I m4st <on5ess I ne8e7 >ne; t=at abo4t !7in<e $4?e7t be5o7e&G FI 6ea7ned it 57om boo>s3G said t=e a7tist& FBoo>sDG eB<6aimed Jas?e73 FI ne8e7 6ea7ned not=inC 57om boo>s-mo7eCs t=e ?it:& I 9it a6on9 ;e66 eno49= in t=e t7a??inC and s=ootinC ;a: ;it=o4t Cem; b4t ICm so77: I ne8e7 6ea7ned to 7ead& A=D IC8e a 97eat o?inion o5 boo>s-so I =a8e&G "=e ;o7t=: =4nte7 s=oo> =is =ead so6emn6: as =e said t=is in a 6o; 8oi<e3 mo7e to =imse65 t=an to =is <om?anions3 and =e <ontin4ed to m4tte7 and s=a>e =is =ead 5o7 some min4tes3 ;=i6e =e >no<>ed t=e as=es o4t o5 =is ?i?e& a8in9 7e5i66ed and 7e6i9=ted it3 =e d7e; =is b6an>et o8e7 =is s=o46de73 6aid =is =ead 4?on a t45t o5 97ass3 and <ontin4ed to smo>e 4nti6 =e 5e66 as6ee?3 and a66o;ed t=e ?i?e to 5a66 57om =is 6i?s& "=e Indian 5o66o;ed =is eBam?6e3 ;it= t=is di55e7en<e3 t=at =e 6aid aside =is ?i?e3 and d7e; t=e b6an>et o8e7 =is =ead and 4nde7 =is 5eet3 and ;7a??ed it 7o4nd =im in s4<= a ;a: t=at =e 7esemb6ed a man se;ed 4? in a sa<>& e:;ood ;as t=4s <om?e66ed to s=4t =is s>et<>; so =e a6so ;7a??ed =imse65 in =is b6an>et3 and ;as soon so4nd as6ee?& "=e <am?.5i7e 97ad4a66: san> 6o;& %n<e o7 t;i<e t=e end o5 a 6o9 5e663 sendin9 4? a b7i9=t 56ame and a s=o;e7 o5 s?a7>s3 ;=i<=3 5o7 a 5e; se<onds3 6i9=ted 4? t=e s<ene a9ain and 7e8ea6ed t=e t=7ee s64mbe7in9 5i947es& B4t at 6ast t=e 5i7e died o4t a6to9et=e73

and 6e5t t=e en<am?ment in s4<= t=i<> da7>ness t=at t=e s=a7?est e:e ;o46d =a8e 5ai6ed to dete<t t=e ?7esen<e o5 man in t=at distant ?a7t o5 t=e 6one ;i6de7ness& CHAPTER FOUR. MOS UITOES!CAMP"FIRE TA#$. "=e7e is a <e7tain 56: in t=e Ame7i<an 5o7ests ;=i<= is ;o7t=: o5 noti<e3 be<a4se it eBe7<ises a 97eat in564en<e o8e7 t=e =a??iness o5 man in t=ose 7e9ions& "=is 56: is 5o4nd in man: ot=e7 ?a7ts o5 t=e ;o76d3 b4t it s;a7ms in immense n4mbe7s in Ame7i<a3 ?a7ti<46a76: in t=e s;am?: dist7i<ts o5 t=at <ontinent3 and in t=e =ot mont=s o5 s4mme7& It is <a66ed a mosA4ito-?7ono4n<ed moskeeto-and it is3 ?e7=a?s3 t=e most to7mentin93 t=e most ?e7se8e7in93 sa8a9e3 8i<io4s 6itt6e monste7 on t=e 5a<e o5 t=e ea7t=& %t=e7 56ies 9o to s6ee? at ni9=t; t=e mosA4ito ne8e7 does& *a7>ness ?4ts do;n ot=e7 56ies-it seems to en<o47a9e t=e mosA4ito& *a: and ni9=t it ?e7se<4tes man and beast3 and t=e on6: time o5 t=e t;ent:.5o47 =o47s in ;=i<= it seems to 7est is abo4t noon3 ;=en t=e =eat ?4ts it do;n 5o7 a 6itt6e& B4t t=is ?e7iod o5 7est st7en9t=ens it 5o7 a 7ene;a6 o5 ;a7 d47in9 t=e 7emainde7 o5 t=e da: and ni9=t& In 5o7m t=e mosA4ito 8e7: m4<= 7esemb6es t=e 9nat3 b4t is some;=at 6a79e7& "=is inst74ment o5 to7t47e is =is nose3 ;=i<= is A4ite as 6on9 as =is bod:3 and s=a7?e7 t=an t=e 5inest need6e& Bein9 4nab6e to 7est be<a4se o5 t=e mosA4itoes3 e:;ood 7eso68ed to =a8e a <=at& FCome3 Jas?e73G said =e3 6oo>in9 4? into =is <om?anionCs 97a8e <o4ntenan<e3 Fa6t=o49= ;e =a8e been man: ;ee>s on t=is Eo47ne: no;3 :o4 =a8e not :et to6d me ;=at =as b7o49=t :o4 =e7e3 o7 ;=at t=e end o5 :o47 t7i? is 9oin9 to be&G FIC8e <ome =e7e a.=4ntin93G said Jas?e73 ;it= t=e 6oo> and tone o5 a man ;=o did not ;is= to be A4estioned& FNa:3 no;3 I >no; t=at is not t=e 7eason3G said e:;ood3 smi6in9; F:o4 <o46d =a8e =4nted m4<= nea7e7 =ome3 i5 :o4 =ad been so minded3 and to as 9ood ?47?ose& Come3 Jas?e73 :o4 >no; ICm :o47 57iend3 and t=at I ;is= :o4 ;e66& /et me =ea7 ;=at =as b7o49=t :o4 so 5a7 into t=e ;i6de7ness- ma:=a? I <an 9i8e :o4 some 9ood ad8i<e i5 :o4 do&G F(e663 6ad3 I donCt mind i5 I do& "=o49=3 5o7 t=e matte7 o5 9ood ad8i<e3 I donCt 5ee6 m4<= in need o5 an: E4st at t=is time&G Jas?e7 s=oo> t=e as=es o4t o5 =is ?i?e3 and 7e5i66ed it as =e s?o>e; t=en =e s=oo> =is =ead on<e o7 t;i<e and smi6ed3 as i5 =is t=o49=ts am4sed =im& a8in9 6i9=ted t=e ?i?e3 =e st7et<=ed =imse65 o4t in a mo7e <om5o7tab6e ;a: be5o7e t=e b6a@e3 and saidF(e663 6ad3 IC66 te66 :e ;=at it is-itCs t=e o6d sto7:; t=e 6o8e o5 ;oman =as b7o49=t me =e7e&G FAnd a 8e7: 9ood o6d sto7: it is3G 7et47ned e:;ood3 ;it= a 6oo> o5 inte7est& FA ?oo7 mise7ab6e set o5 <7eat47es ;e s=o46d be ;it=o4t t=at same 6o8e o5 ;oman& Come3 Jas?e73 ICm 96ad to =ea7 :o4C7e s4<= a sensib6e 5e66o;& I >no; somet=in9 abo4t t=at s4bEe<t m:se65& "=e7eCs a ?7ett: b64e.e:ed 9i763 ;it= 9o6den =ai73 do;n a;a: in Canada t=at-G

e:;ood sto??ed s=o7t in =is s?ee<= and si9=ed& FCome3 it ainCt a =o?e6ess <ase3 is itHG said Jas?e73 ;it= a 6oo> o5 s:m?at=:& FI 7at=e7 5ea7 it is; b4t I =o?e not& A=3 ;=at s=o46d ;e do ;it=o4t =o?e in t=is ;o76dHG F"=atCs t74e3G obse78ed Jas?e73 ;it= m4<= 97a8it:3 F;e <o46d not 9et on at a66 ;it=o4t =o?e&G FB4t <ome3 Jas?e73G said t=e a7tist3 F6etCs =ea7 abo4t :o47 a55ai73 and IC66 te66 :o4 abo4t mine some ot=e7 time&G F(e663 t=e7e is not m4<= to te663 b4t IC66 9i8e :e a66 t=atCs o5 it& Yo4 m4st >no;3 t=en3 t=at abo4t t;o :ea7s a9o I ;as in t=e se78i<e o5 t=e 4dsonCs Ba: Com?an:3 at one oC t=ei7 o4t?osts in t=e +<0en@ieCs $i8e7 dist7i<t& (e =ad 6itt6e to eat t=e7e and 6itt6e to do3 and I 5e6t so 6onesome3 ne8e7 seeinC a =4man beinC eB<e?t t=e 5o47 o7 5i8e men at t=e 5o7t anC a 5e; Indians3 t=at I made 4? m: mind to A4it& I =ad no 7eason to <om?6ain oC t=e Com?an:3 dC:e see& "=e: a6;a:s t7eated me =andsome6:3 and it ;as no 5a46t oC t=ei7s t=at t=e 6i8inC in t=at dist7i<t ;as ?oo7 and t=e ?ost 6onesome& F(e663 on m: ;a: do;n to /a>e (inni?e93 I 5e66 in ;it= a b7i9ade oC boats 9oinC to t=e Sas>at<=e;an dist7i<t3 and ;e <am?ed to9et=e7 t=at ni9=t& %ne oC t=e 94ides o5 t=e Sas>at<=e;an b7i9ade =ad =is da49=te7 ;it= =im& "=e 94ide ;as a )7en<=.Canadian3 and =is ;i5e =ad been a S<ot<= =a65.<aste3 so ;=at t=e da49=te7 ;as is mo7e t=an I <an te66; b4t I >no; ;=at s=e 6oo>ed 6i>e& S=e E4st 6oo>ed 6i>e an an9e6& It ;asnCt so m4<= t=at s=e ;as ?7ett:3 b4t s=e ;as so s;eet3 and so A4iet 6oo>inC3 and so inno<entD (e663 to <4t t=e matte7 s=o7t3 I 5e66 in 6o8e at on<e& *C:e >no; ;=at it is3 e:;ood3 to 5a66 in 6o8e at 5i7st si9=tHG F%=D donCt IHG 7e?6ied t=e a7tist ;it= s4dden ene79:& FAnC dC:e >no;3G <ontin4ed Jas?e73 F;=at it is to be;it=3 at 5i7st si9=tHG F(e663 no3 ICm not so s47e abo4t t=at3G 7e?6ied e:;ood sad6:& FI do3 t=en3G said Jas?e73 F5o7 t=at s;eet <7itte7 5e66 in 6o8e ;it= me 7i9=t o55-t=o49= ;=at s=e sa; in me to 6o8e =as ?4@@6ed me m4<=& o;soe8e73 s=e did3 and 5o7 t=at ICm t=an>546& e7 name is +a7ie /a7o<=e& S=e and I o?ened o47 minds to ea<= ot=e7 t=at ni9=t3 and I too> t=e 94ide3 =e7 5at=e73 into t=e ;oods3 and to6d =im I ;anted =is da49=te7; and =e ;as a97eeab6e; b4t =e ;o46d not =ea7 o5 m: ta>inC =e7 a;a: t=en and t=e7e& e to6d me I m4st 9o do;n to Canada and 9et sett6ed3 and ;=en I =ad a =o4se to ?4t =is da49=te7 in3 I ;as to <ome ba<> into t=e ;i6de7ness =e7e and be ma77ied to =e73 and t=en ta>e =e7 =ome-so =e7e I am on m: ;a: to <6aim m: b7ide& B4t t=e7eCs one t=in9 t=at ?4@@6es me so7e6:&G F(=at is t=atHG as>ed e:;ood& FIC8e ne8e7 =ea7d 57om +a7ie 57om t=at da: to t=is3G said Jas?e7& F"=at is st7an9e3G 7e?6ied t=e ot=e7; Fb4t ?e7=a?s s=e <annot ;7ite&G

F"=atCs t74e& No;3 :o4 s?ea> o5 it3 I do be6ie8e s=e <anCt ;7ite a 6ine; b4t3 t=en3 s=e mi9=t =a8e 9ot some one to ;7ite 5o7 =e7&G F*id :o4 6ea8e :o47 add7ess ;it= =e7HG F o; <o46d I3 ;=en I =ad no add7ess to 6ea8eHG FB4t did :o4 e8e7 send it to =e7HG FNo3 I ne8e7 t=o49=t o5 t=at3G said Jas?e73 o?enin9 =is e:es 8e7: ;ide& FCome3 t=atCs a <om5o7t-t=atCs a 9ood 7eason 5o7 ne8e7 =a8inC =ea7d 57om =e7& "=an>ee3 6ad3 5o7 ?4ttin9 me 4? to it& And3 no;3 as ;e m4st be 4? and a;a: in anot=e7 =o473 IC66 5inis= m: na?&G So sa:in93 Jas?e7 ?4t o4t =is ?i?e and on<e mo7e d7e; =is b6an>et o8e7 =im& e:;ood 5o66o;ed =is eBam?6e3 and ;=i6e =e 6a: t=e7e 9a@in9 4? at t=e sta7s t=7o49= t=e t7ees3 =e =ea7d t=e ;o7t=: =4nte7 m4tte7in9 to =imse653 F"=atCs it; t=at a<<o4nts 5o7 m: not =ea7inC 57om =e7&G A si9= 5o66o;ed t=e ;o7ds3 8e7: soon a sno7e 5o66o;ed t=e si9=3 and e7e man: min4tes =ad ?assed a;a:3 t=e en<am?ment ;as a9ain b47ied in da7>ness and 7e?ose& CHAPTER FI%E. &OURNE'IN( IN THE WI#DERNESS. It seemed to e:;ood t=at =e =ad not been as6ee? mo7e t=an 5i8e min4tes3 ;=en =e ;as a7o4sed b: Jas?e7 6a:in9 =is =ea8: =and on =is s=o46de7& %n 74bbin9 =is e:es and 9a@in9 7o4nd =im3 =e 5o4nd t=at t=e 5i7st st7ea> o5 da;n ;as 8isib6e in t=e easte7n s>:3 t=at t=e <anoe ;as a67ead: in t=e ;ate73 and t=at =is <om?anions ;e7e 7ead: to emba7>& It is 4s4a66: 5o4nd t=at men a7e not dis?osed to ta6> at t=at ea76: =o47& e:;ood me7e6: 7ema7>ed t=at it ;as a 5ine mo7nin93 to ;=i<= Jas?e7 7e?6ied b: a nod o5 =is =ead& Not=in9 mo7e ;as said& "=e a7tist 7o66ed 4? =is b6an>et in a ?ie<e o5 oi6ed.<6ot=3 <o66e<ted =is d7a;in9 mate7ia6s and ?4t t=em into t=ei7 ba93 9ot into =is ?6a<e in t=e <ent7e o5 t=e <anoe3 and immediate6: ;ent to s6ee?3 ;=i6e Jas?e7 and t=e Indian3 ta>in9 t=ei7 ?6a<es in t=e bo; and ste7n3 di??ed t=e ?add6es into t=e ;ate7 and s=ot a;a: 57om t=e s=o7e& "=e: 6oo>ed m:ste7io4s and 9=ost6: in t=e dim mo7nin9 6i9=t; and t=e ;=o6e s<ene a7o4nd t=em 6oo>ed m:ste7io4s and 9=ost6: too3 5o7 t=e ;ate7 in t=e 6a>e seemed b6a<>3 and t=e s=o7es and is6ands 6oo>ed 6i>e da7> s=ado;s3 and a ?a6e t=in mist 7o66ed s6o;6: o8e7 t=e s475a<e o5 t=e ;ate7 and =4n9 o8e7=ead& No so4nd ;as =ea7d eB<e?t t=e 6i9=t ?6as= o5 t=e ?add6es as t=e t;o ba<>;oodsmen 479ed t=ei7 6itt6e <anoe s;i5t6: a6on9& B: de97ees t=e 6i9=t o5 da: in<7eased3 and Jas?e7 a;a>ened e:;ood in o7de7 t=at =e mi9=t be=o6d t=e bea4ti546 s<ene7: t=7o49= ;=i<= t=e: ?assed& "=e: ;e7e no; a??7oa<=in9 t=e 4??e7 end o5 t=e 6a>e3 in ;=i<= t=e7e ;e7e inn4me7ab6e is6ands o5 e8e7: s=a?e and si@e-some o5 t=em not mo7e t=an a 5e; :a7ds in 6en9t=3 ;=i6e some ;e7e t;o o7 t=7ee =4nd7ed :a7ds a<7oss3 b4t a66 ;e7e <6ot=ed ;it= t=e most bea4ti546 97een 5o6ia9e and s=74bbe7:& As t=e ?a6e :e66o; o5 t=e easte7n s>: be9an to 97o; 7ed3 d4<>s

and 9466s besti77ed t=emse68es& #a76: 7ise7s amon9 t=em 5i7st be9an to <=i7?3 and s<7eam3 and ;=ist6e t=ei7 mo7nin9 son93-5o7 t=e7e a7e 6a@: ones amon9 t=e bi7ds3 E4st as t=e7e a7e amon9 men& Sometimes3 ;=en t=e <anoe 7o4nded a ?oint o5 7o<>s a 56o<> o5 9eese ;e7e 5o4nd 56oatin9 ?ea<e5466: amon9 t=e sed9es3 so4nd as6ee?3 ;it= t=ei7 =eads 4nde7 t=ei7 ;in9s& "=ese ;o46d 6ea? into t=e ai7 and 56: o55 in 97eat a6a7m3 ;it= m4<= di55i<46t: and t7emendo4s s?64tte73 7emindin9 one o5 t=e ?7o8e7b3 F"=e mo7e =aste t=e 6ess s?eed&G At ot=e7 times t=e: ;o46d <ome 4?on a 56o<> o5 d4<>s so s4dden6:3 t=at t=e: =ad no time to ta>e ;in93 so t=e: di8ed instead3 and t=4s 9ot o4t o5 t=e ;a:& "=en t=e :e66o; =4e o5 s4n7ise <ame3 a 9ood ;=i6e be5o7e t=e s4n =imse65 7ose& "=e 6ast o5 t=e b7i9=t sta7s ;e7e ?4t o4t b: t=e 56ood o5 6i9=t3 and m46tit4des o5 6itt6e bi7ds on s=o7e be9an to <=i7? t=ei7 mo7nin9 son9; and ;=o <an sa: t=at t=is ;as not a =:mn o5 ?7aise to 2od3 ;=en3 in t=e o6: Bib6e itse653 in t=e 1J0t= !sa6m3 ;e 5ind it ;7itten3 F/et e8e7:t=in9 t=at =at= b7eat= ?7aise t=e /o7d&G At 6ast t=e s4n b47st 5o7t= in a66 =is 9o6den 96o7:& (ate73 ea7t=3 and s>: 96o;ed as i5 t=e: =ad been set on 5i7e& (=at a b6essed in564en<e t=e s4n =as 4?on t=is ;o76dD It 7esemb6es t=e <o4ntenan<e o5 a 6o8in9 5at=e7 beamin9 in 4?on =is 5ami6:3 d7i8in9 a;a: <6o4ds3 and di554sin9 ;a7mt= and Eo:& "=e bi7ds ;e7e no; a66 asti7 to9et=e73 insom4<= t=at t=e ai7 seemed a6i8e ;it= t=em& "=e7e a7e sma66 ;=ite 9466s3 ;it= 7ed 6e9s and 7ed bea>s3 in t=ose 6a79e in6and 6a>es3 E4st as t=e7e a7e on t=e o<ean& "=ese be9an to 4tte7 t=ei7 s;eet ;i6d <7ies so ?o;e75466: t=at t=e: a6most d7o;ned t=e noise o5 a66 t=e 7est& Yet t=e 4nited <=o74s o5 t=e ;=o6e ;as not =a7s=& It ;as so5tened and me66o;ed b: distan<e3 and 5e66 on t=e ea7s o5 t=e t;o =4nte7s as ?6easant6: as t=e 5inest m4si< does in t=e ea7s o5 men t7ained to s;eet so4nds 57om in5an<:& Not 4nti6 t=e s4n =ad as<ended a <onside7ab6e ;a: on its <o47se t=7o49= t=e s>:3 did Jas?e7 t=in> it ne<essa7: to 6a: do;n =is ?add6e& B: t=at time t=e 4??e7 end o5 t=e 6a>e =ad been 7ea<=ed3 and t=e =4nte7 =ad 74n t=e <anoe <6ose to a 6ed9e o5 56at 7o<> and E4m?ed as=o7e3 sa:in9 t=at it ;as time 5o7 b7ea>5ast& FI =ad a6most 9ot to be6ie8e I ;as in ?a7adise3G said e:;ood3 as =e ste??ed as=o7e& FI o5ten t=in> t=e7eCs a 9ood dea6 o5 t=e 9a7den o5 #den sti66 6e5t in t=is ;o76d3G 7e?6ied Jas?e73 as =e <a77ied t=e >ett6e 4? to t=e 6e8e6 ?a7t o5 t=e 7o<> and be9an to >ind6e a 5i7e3 ;=i6e t=e Indian3 as 4s4a63 =e;ed t=e ;ood& FI5 ;e <o46d on6: ma>e 4se o5 2odCs 9i5ts instead o5 ab4sinC t=em3 I do be6ie8e ;e mi9=t be 8e7: =a??: a66 o47 da:s&G FSee t=e7e3 Jas?e73 is one o5 t=e bi7ds I ;ant so m4<= to 9et =o6d o5& I ;ant to ma>e a d7a;in9 o5 =im& (o46d :o4 obEe<t to s?end a s=ot on s4<= 9ame&G e:;ood ?ointed as =e s?o>e to a 97e: bi7d3 abo4t t=e si@e o5 a b6a<>bi7d3 ;=i<= sat on a b7an<= <6ose abo8e =is =ead& "=is <7eat47e is <a66ed b: t=e 547.t7ade7s a ;=is>:.Jo=n3 and it is one o5 t=e most im?4dent 6itt6e bi7ds in t=e ;o76dD (=e7e8e7 :o4 9o t=7o49=o4t t=e <o4nt7:3 t=e7e :o4 5ind ;=is>:.Jo=ns 7ead: to 7e<ei8e and ;e6<ome :o43 as i5 t=e:

;e7e t=e o;ne7s o5 t=e soi6& "=e: a7e ?e75e<t6: 5ea76ess; t=e: ;i66 <ome and sit on a b7an<= ;it=in a :a7d o5 :o47 =and3 ;=en :o4 a7e eatin93 and 6oo> at :o4 in t=e most inA4isiti8e manne7& I5 t=e: <o46d s?ea>3 t=e: <o46d not sa: mo7e ?6ain6:3 F(=at =a8e :o4 9ot t=e7eH-9i8e me someDG I5 :o4 6ea8e t=e mo4t= o5 :o47 ?7o8ision sa<> o?en t=e: a7e s47e to E4m? into it& (=en :o4 a7e done eatin9 t=e: ;i66 s<a7<e6: 6et :o4 siB :a7ds a;a: be5o7e t=e: ma>e a das= at t=e <74mbs; and i5 :o4 t=7o; sti<>s o7 stones at t=em3 t=e: ;i66 =o? o4t o5 t=e ;a:3 b4t t=e: ;i66 not ta>e to 56i9=tD FIt ;o46d be a ?it: to ;aste ?o;de7 on t=em <7itte7s3G said Jas?e73 Fb4t IC66 <at<= one 5o7 :o4&G As =e said t=is =e too> a 5e; <74mbs o5 b7o>en meat 57om t=e bottom o5 t=e ?7o8ision sa<> and s?7ead t=em on =is 7i9=t =and; t=en =e 6a: do;n 4nde7 a b4s=3 <o8e7ed =is 5a<e ;it= a 5e; 6ea8es3 and t=74st o4t =is =and& e:;ood and t=e Indian 7eti7ed a 5e; ?a<es and stood sti66 to a;ait t=e 7es46t& In a 5e; se<onds a ;=is>:.Jo=n <ame 56:in9 to;a7ds t=e o?en =and3 and a6i9=ted on a b7an<= ;it=in a :a7d o5 it& e7e =e s=oo> =is 5eat=e7s and 6oo>ed 8e7: bo6d3 b4t s4s?i<io4s3 5o7 a 5e; min4tes3 t47nin9 5i7st one e:e to;a7ds t=e =and3 and t=en t=e ot=e7& A5te7 a 6itt6e =e =o??ed on a b7an<= sti66 nea7e73 and3 seein9 no motion in t=e =and3 =e at 6ast =o??ed 4?on t=e ?a6m and be9an to ?e<> t=e <74mbs& Instant6: t=e 5in9e7s <6osed3 and Jas?e7 <a49=t =im b: t=e toes3 ;=e7e4?on t=e ;=is>:.Jo=n be9an to s<7eam 547io4s6: ;it= 7a9e and te77o7& B4t I am bo4nd to sa: t=e7e ;as mo7e o5 7a9e t=an o5 te77o7 in =is <7:& Jas?e7 =anded t=e ?assionate bi7d o8e7 to t=e a7tist3 ;=o t7ied to ma>e a ?o7t7ait o5 =im3 b4t =e s<7eamed and ?e<>ed so 5ie7<e6: t=at e:;ood ;as ob6i9ed to 6et =im 9o a5te7 ma>in9 a 7o49= s>et<=& B7ea>5ast ;as a 7e?etition o5 t=e s4??e7 o5 t=e ni9=t be5o7e; it ;as soon dis?osed o53 and t=e t=7ee t7a8e66e7s a9ain set 5o7t=& "=is time Jas?e7 san9 one o5 t=e bea4ti546 <anoe son9s ?e<46ia7 to t=at <o4nt7:3 and e:;ood and A77o;=ead3 bot= o5 ;=om =ad 9ood 8oi<es3 Eoined in t=e <=o74s& "=e: soon ?assed 57om t=e 6a>e into t=e 7i8e7 b: ;=i<= it ;as 5ed& At 5i7st t=e <477ent o5 t=is 7i8e7 ;as s6499is=; b4t as t=e: as<ended3 it be<ame st7on9e73 and ;as b7o>en =e7e and t=e7e b: 7a?ids& "=e se8e7e toi6 o5 t7a8e66in9 in t=e ba<>;oods no; be9an& "o ?add6e on a 6e8e6 6a>e a66 da: is eas: eno49=3 5o73 ;=en :o4 9et ti7ed3 :o4 <an 6a: do;n t=e ?add6e and 7est& B4t in t=e 7i8e7 t=is is im?ossib6e3 be<a4se o5 t=e <477ent& "=e on6: ;a: to 9et a 7est is to ?4s= t=e bo; o5 t=e <anoe as=o7e& It ;as a 5ine si9=t to see t=e mo8ements o5 Jas?e7 and t=e Indian ;=en t=e: <ame to t=e 5i7st 7a?id& e:;ood >ne; t=at =e <o46d be o5 no 4se3 so3 6i>e a ;ise man3 =e sat sti66 and 6oo>ed on& "=e 7a?id ;as a 8e7: st7on9 one3 b4t t=e7e ;e7e no 5a66s in it; on6: a 547io4s 94s= o5 ;ate7 o8e7 t=e b7o>en bed o5 t=e 7i8e73 ;=e7e man: 6a79e 7o<>s 7ose 4? and <a49=t t=e

<477ent3 =476in9 t=e ;ate7 ba<> in ;=ite 5oam& An: one ;=o >ne; not ;=at t=ese =4nte7s <o46d do3 ;o46d =a8e 6a49=ed i5 :o4 =ad to6d =im t=e: ;e7e abo4t to as<end t=at 7a?id in s4<= an e99.s=e66 o5 a <anoeD "=e: be9an b: <7ee?in9 4?3 in.s=o7e3 as 5a7 as t=e: <o46d& "=en t=e: das=ed bo6d6: o4t into t=e st7eam3 and t=e <477ent ;=i76ed t=em do;n ;it= 6i9=tnin9 s?eed3 b4t s4dden6: t=e <anoe <ame to a =a6t in t=e 8e7: midd6e o5 t=e st7eamD #8e7: 7o<> in a 7a?id =as a 6on9 tai6 o5 sti66 ;ate7 be6o; it; t=e <anoe =ad 9ot into one o5 t=ese tai6s o7 eddies3 and t=e7e it 7ested se<47e6:& A 5e; :a7ds =i9=e7 4? t=e7e ;as anot=e7 7o<>3 nea7e7 to t=e o??osite ban>3 and t=e edd: ;=i<= tai6ed o55 57om it <ame do;n a 6itt6e 6o;e7 t=an t=e 7o<> be=ind ;=i<= t=e <anoe no; 6a:& "=e7e ;as a 547io4s 94s= o5 ;ate7 bet;een t=em and t=is edd:3 b4t t=e men >ne; ;=at t=e <anoe <o46d bea73 and t=ei7 ne78es ;e7e st7on9 and stead:& A<7oss t=e: ;ent 6i>e a s=ot& "=e: ;e7e s;e?t do;n to t=e eBt7eme ?oint o5 t=e edd:3 b4t a 5e; ?o;e7546 st7o>es o5 t=e ?add6e sent t=em into it3 and neBt moment t=e: ;e7e 56oatin9 be=ind t=e se<ond 7o<>3 a 5e; :a7ds =i9=e7 4? t=e st7eam& "=4s t=e: da7ted 57om 7o<> to 7o<>3 9ainin9 a 5e; :a7ds at ea<= da7t3 4nti6 at 6ast t=e: s;e?t into t=e smoot= ;ate7 at t=e =ead o5 t=e 7a?id& +an: a time ;as t=is 7e?eated t=at da:3 5o7 7a?ids ;e7e n4me7o4s; t=ei7 ?7o97ess ;as t=e7e5o7e s6o;& Sometimes t=e: <ame to ?a7ts o5 t=e 7i8e7 ;=e7e t=e st7eam ;as 8e7: st7on9 and dee?3 b4t not b7o>en b: 7o<>s3 so t=at t=e: =ad no eddies to da7t into& In s4<= ?6a<es A77o;=ead and e:;ood ;a6>ed a6on9 t=e ban>3 and =a46ed t=e <anoe 4? b: means o5 a 6ine3 ;=i6e Jas?e7 7emained in it to stee7& "=is ;as =a7d ;o7>3 5o7 t=e ban>s in ?6a<es ;e7e 8e7: stee?3 in some ?a7ts <om?osed o5 so5t m4d3 into ;=i<= t=e men san> nea76: 4? to t=ei7 >nees3 and in ot=e7 ?6a<es <o8e7ed so t=i<>6: ;it= b4s=es t=at it ;as a6most im?ossib6e to 5o7<e a ?at= t=7o49= t=em& Jas?e7 and t=e Indian too> t=e stee7in9. ?add6e b: t47ns3 and ;=en e:;ood 7eA4i7ed a 7est =e 9ot into =is ?6a<e in t=e midd6e o5 t=e <anoe; b4t t=e: ne8e7 =a6ted 5o7 mo7e t=an a 5e; min4tes at a time& A66 da: t=e: ?add6ed and d7a99ed t=e <anoe s6o;6: 4? a9ainst t=e st7on9 <477ent3 and ;=en ni9=t <6osed in t=e: 5o4nd t=e: =ad ad8an<ed on6: t=7ee mi6es on t=ei7 Eo47ne:& "=e 6ast obsta<6e t=e: <ame to t=at da: ;as a 7oa7in9 ;ate75a66 abo4t t=i7t: 5eet =i9=& e7e3 it mi9=t =a8e been t=o49=t3 ;as an e55e<t4a6 <=e<> to t=em at 6ast& Not=in9 ;it=o4t ;in9s <o46d =a8e 9one 4? t=at ;ate75a663 ;=i<= 5i66ed t=e ;oods ;it= t=e t=4nde7 o5 its 7oa7; b4t t=e <anoe =ad no ;in9s3 so ;=at ;as to be doneH "o one i9no7ant o5 t=e <4stoms o5 t=at <o4nt7:3 9oin9 on ;o46d =a8e seemed im?ossib6e3 b4t not=in9 <an sto? t=e ad8an<e o5 a ba<>;oods 8o:a9e7& I5 =is <anoe ;onCt <a77: =im3 =e <a77ies =is <anoeD Jas?e7 and =is 57iends did so on t=e ?7esent o<<asion& "=e: =ad 7ea<=ed ;=at is <a66ed a ?o7ta9e o7 <a77:in9.?6a<e3 and t=e7e a7e =4nd7eds o5 s4<= ?6a<es a66 o8e7 $4?e7tCs /and& %n a77i8in9 at t=e 5oot o5 t=e 5a663 e:;ood set o55 at on<e to a s?ot 57om ;=i<= =e <o46d obtain a 9ood 8ie; o5 it3 and sat do;n to s>et<=3 ;=i6e =is <om?anions 4n6oaded t=e

<anoe and 6i5ted it o4t o5 t=e ;ate7& "=en Jas?e7 <o66e<ted to9et=e7 as m4<= o5 t=e ba99a9e as =e <o46d <a77:3 and <6ambe7ed 4? t=e ban> ;it= it3 4nti6 =e 7ea<=ed t=e sti66 ;ate7 at t=e to? o5 t=e 5a66& e7e =e 6aid it do;n and 7et47ned 5o7 anot=e7 6oad& +ean;=i6e A77o;=ead 6i5ted t=e <anoe ;it= 97eat ease3 ?6a<ed it on =is s=o46de7s3 and bo7e it to t=e same ?6a<e& (=en a66 =ad been <a77ied 4?3 t=e <anoe ;as 6a4n<=ed into t=e A4iet ;ate7 a 5e; =4nd7ed :a7ds abo8e t=e 5a663 t=e ba99a9e ;as 7e?6a<ed in it3 and t=e t7a8e66e7s ;e7e 7ead: to <ontin4e t=ei7 8o:a9e& "=is ;=o6e o?e7ation is <a66ed making a portage& It too> abo4t an =o47 to ma>e t=is ?o7ta9e& !o7ta9es 8a7: in 6en9t= and in n4mbe7s& In some 7i8e7s t=e: a7e 5e; and 5a7 bet;een; in ot=e7s t=e: a7e so n4me7o4s t=at ei9=t o7 t;e68e ma: =a8e to be made in a da:& +an: o5 t=e ?o7ta9es a7e not mo7e t=an an ei9=t= o5 a mi6e in 6en9t=3 and a7e <7ossed 5o7 t=e ?47?ose o5 a8oidin9 a ;ate75a66& Some a7e 5o47 o7 5i8e mi6es in eBtent3 5o7 man: 6on9 7ea<=es in t=e 7i8e7s a7e so b7o>en b: 5a66s and 7a?ids3 t=at t=e 8o:a9e7s 5ind it t=ei7 best ?6an to ta>e <anoes and ba99a9e on t=ei7 ba<>s and <4t a<7oss <o4nt7: 5o7 se8e7a6 mi6es; t=4s t=e: a8oid 7o49= ?6a<es a6to9et=e7& Jas?e7 de6a:ed sta7tin9 5o7 =a65 an =o473 in o7de7 to 9i8e e:;ood time to 5inis= =is s>et<= o5 t=e 5a66& It be9an to 97o; da7> ;=en t=e: a9ain emba7>ed3 so3 a5te7 ?add6in9 4? st7eam 4nti6 a <on8enient ?6a<e ;as 5o4nd3 t=e: ?4t as=o7e and en<am?ed ;it=in si9=t o5 anot=e7 ;ate75a663 t=e 7oa7 o5 ;=i<=3 so5tened b: distan<e3 5e66 4?on t=ei7 ea7s a66 t=at ni9=t 6i>e t=e so4nd o5 ?6easant m4si<& CHAPTER SI). THE OUTPOST. %n t=e mo7nin9 o5 t=e se<ond da: a5te7 t=e e8ents ;=i<= I =a8e des<7ibed in t=e 6ast <=a?te73 o47 t=7ee t7a8e66e7s a77i8ed at one o5 t=e so6ita7: o4t?osts be6on9in9 to t=e 547. t7ade7s& It stood on t=e ban>s o5 t=e 7i8e73 and <onsisted o5 5o47 sma66 =o4ses made o5 6o9s& It <o8e7ed abo4t an a<7e o5 97o4nd3 and its on6: de5en<e ;as a ;a66 o5 ;ooden ?osts3 abo4t t;o in<=es a?a7t3 ;=i<= <om?6ete6: s477o4nded t=e b4i6din9s& F"=is 5o7t is a namesa>e o5 mine3G said Jas?e73 ;=en t=e: 5i7st si9=ted it; Ft=e: <a66 it Jas?e7Cs o4se& I s?ent a da: at it ;=en I ;as =e7ea;a: t;o :ea7s a9o&G F(=o is in <=a79e o5 itHG as>ed e:;ood& FA 9ent6eman named 27ant3 I be6ie8e3G 7e?6ied Jas?e7& F"=at ;=ite ?ainted =o4se in t=e midd6e o5 t=e sA4a7e is =is& "=e ot=e7 =o4se on t=e 7i9=t3 ?ainted :e66o;3 is ;=e7e t=e men 6i8e& +7 27ant =as on6: 9ot siB men3 ?oo7 5e66o;3 to >ee? =im <om?an:; =e se6dom sees a ne; 5a<e =e7e 57om one end o5 t=e :ea7 to t=e ot=e7& B4t =e ma>es a t7i? on<e a :ea7 to t=e =ead ?ost o5 t=e dist7i<t ;it= =is 547s3 and t=atCs a so7t o5 b7ea> to =im&G FA7e t=e7e no ;omen at t=e ?6a<eHG inA4i7ed t=e a7tist& F%n6: t;o3G 7e?6ied Jas?e7& FAt 6east t=e7e ;e7e t;o ;=en I ;as =e7e 6ast; t=e: ;e7e t=e ;i8es o5 t;o o5 t=e men3 Indian ;omen t=e: ;e7e3 ;it= 5e; b7ains3 and 6itt6e o7 not=inC to sa:; b4t t=e: ;e7e 4se546 <7itte7s 5o7 a66 t=at3 5o7 t=e: <o46d ma>e <oats3 and t7o4se7s3

and mo<<asins3 and mittens3 and t=e: ;e7e 5i7st.7ate <oo>s3 besides beinC =and: at a6most e8e7: >ind oC ;o7>& "=e: <o46d e8en 4se t=e 94n& IC8e =ea7d oC t=em b7in9inC do;n a ;i6d 9oose on t=e ;in93 ;=en none oC t=e men ;e7e at =and to 6et d7i8e at t=e ?assin9 56o<>& I do be6ie8e t=atCs +7 27ant =imse65 standinC at t=e 9ate oC t=e 5o7t&G Jas?e7 ;as 7i9=t& "=e maste7 o5 Jas?e7Cs o4se3 a bi93 =ea7t:.6oo>in9 man o5 abo4t 5i8e. and.5o7t:3 ;as standin9 at t=e 9ate o5 =is 6one6: 7esiden<e3 6eanin9 a9ainst one o5 t=e doo7.?osts3 ;it= =is =ands in =is b7ee<=es ?o<>ets and a s=o7t ?i?e in =is mo4t=& is s4mme7 em?6o:ments =ad <ome to an end3-no Indians =ad been nea7 t=e ?6a<e 5o7 man: ;ee>s3 and =e =a??ened to =a8e not=in9 at t=at time to do b4t eat3 smo>e3 and s6ee?; ;=i<= t=7ee o<<4?ations =e 4s4a66: attended to ;it= m4<= ea7nestness& +7 27ant did not obse78e t=e <anoe a??7oa<=in9 57om be6o;3 5o7 at t=at time =is attention ;as att7a<ted to somet=in9 4? t=e 7i8e7& S4dden6: =e sta7ted3 too> =is ?i?e 57om =is 6i?s3 and3 bendin9 5o7;a7d3 6istened ;it= dee?3 ea7nest attention& A 5aint m47m47 <ame 56oatin9 do;n on t=e b7ee@e3 sendin9 a t=7i66 o5 ?6eas47e to t=e =ea7t o5 t=e so6ita7: man3 as ;e66 it mi9=t3 5o7 a ne; 5a<e ;as a 7a7e si9=t at Jas?e7Cs o4se& At 6ast a 6o4d s=o4t 7an9 t=7o49= t=e 5o7est3 and 5i8e Indian <anoes s;e?t 7o4nd a ?oint o5 7o<>s3 and <ame s4dden6: into 8ie;3 t=e men tossin9 t=ei7 ?add6es in t=e ai7 and sendin9 7ainbo;s o5 s?7a: o8e7 t=ei7 =eads as t=e: made 5o7 t=e 6andin9.?6a<e& "=ese ;e7e t=7ee o7 5o47 5ami6ies o5 Indians3 ;=o =ad <ome 57om a 6on9 =4ntin9 eB?edition 6aden ;it= 7i<= 547s& "=ei7 <anoes3 t=o49= sma66 and 6i9=t3 <o46d =o6d a ;onde7546 A4antit:& In t=e 5o7emost sat a :o4n9 sa8a9e3 ;it= a da7>.b7o;n 5a<e3 96itte7in9 b6a<> e:es3 and sti55 b6a<> =ai7 =an9in9 st7ai9=t do;n a66 7o4nd =is =ead3 eB<e?t in 57ont3 ;=e7e it ;as <4t s=o7t o55 E4st abo8e t=e e:es in o7de7 to 6et =is 5a<e a??ea7& "=at 5e66o;Cs <anoe3 besides =imse653 <a77ied =is t=7ee ;i8es-=e ;as a 9ood =4nte73 and <o46d a55o7d to =a8e t=7ee& ad =e been a bad =4nte73 =e ;o46d =a8e =ad to <ontent =imse653 ?oo7 5e66o;3 ;it= oneD "=e <anoe a6so <ontained siB o7 se8en =ea8: ?a<>s o5 547s; a =a4n<= o5 8enison; siB ?ai7s o5 7abbits; se8e7a6 d4<>s and 9eese; a 64m? o5 bea7Cs meat; t;o 6itt6e bo:s and a 9i76; a 6a79e tent made o5 dee7.s>ins; 5o47 o7 5i8e tin >ett6es; t;o o7 t=7ee di7t:.6oo>in9 do9s and a 94n; se8e7a6 =at<=ets and a 5e; b6an>ets; t;o babies and a dead bea8e7& In s=o7t3 t=e7e ;as a6most no end to ;=at t=at ba7> <anoe <o46d =o6d; :et t=at Indian3 ;it= t=e sti55 b6a<> =ai73 <o46d 6i5t it o55 t=e 97o4nd3 ;=en em?t:3 6a: it on =is s=o46de7s3 and <a77: it 5o7 mi6es t=7o49= t=e 5o7est& "=e ot=e7 <anoes ;e7e m4<= t=e same as t=is one& In a 5e; min4tes t=e: ;e7e at t=e ban>3 <6ose 4nde7 t=e 5o7t3 and abo4t t=e same time Jas?e7 and =is 57iends 6ea?ed as=o7e3 and ;e7e =ea7ti6: ;e6<omed b: +7 27ant3 ;=o ;as 96ad eno49= to see Indians3 b4t ;as o8e7Eo:ed to meet ;it= ;=ite men& F26ad to see :o43 Jas?e73G <7ied +7 27ant3 s=a>in9 t=e =4nte7 b: t=e =and; F7i9=t 96ad to see :o4& It does 9ood to a man to see an o6d 57iend 6i>e :o4 t47n 4? so 4neB?e<ted6:&

a??:3 a6so3 to meet ;it= :o43 +7 e:;ood& ItCs a ?6eas47e I donCt o5ten =a8e3 to meet ;it= a ;=ite st7an9e7 in t=is ;i6de7ness& !7a:3 <ome ;it= me to t=e =o4se&G "=e 547.t7ade7 t47ned to t=e Indians3 and3 sa:in9 a 5e; ;o7ds to t=em in t=ei7 o;n 6an94a9e3 6ed t=e ;a: to =is 7esiden<e& +ean;=i6e3 t=e Indians =ad tossed e8e7:t=in9 o4t o5 t=e <anoes 4?on t=e ban>3 and t=e s?ot ;=i<= =ad been so A4iet and so6ita7: =a65 an =o47 be5o7e3 be<ame a s<ene o5 t=e 4tmost animation and <on54sion& (=i6e t=e ;omen ;e7e em?6o:ed in e7e<tin9 t=e tents3 t=e men st7ode 4? to t=e =a66 o5 7e<e?tion3 ;=e7e +7 27ant s4??6ied t=em ;it= toba<<o and 5ood to t=ei7 =ea7tsC <ontent& "=ese nati8es3 ;=o3 o;in9 to t=e 7eddis= <o??e7.<o6o47 o5 t=ei7 s>ins3 a7e <a66ed 7ed. men3-;e7e d7essed <=ie56: in <6ot=es made o5 dee7.s>in; <4t m4<= in t=e same 5as=ion as t=e 9a7ments ;o7n b: Jas?e7 *e77:& "=e ;omen ;o7e s=o7t 9o;ns3 a6so made o5 6eat=e73 and 6e99in9s o5 t=e same mate7ia6; b4t it ;as noti<eab6e t=at t=e ;omen =ad 6e99in9s mo7e o7namented ;it= 9a: beads t=an t=ose o5 t=e men3 and t=e: ;o7e 9a4d: >e7<=ie5s 7o4nd t=ei7 ne<>s& "=ese ;omen ;e7e ?oo7 6oo>in9 <7eat47es3 =o;e8e7& "=e: =ad a s4bd4ed3 =4mb6e 6oo>3 6i>e do9s t=at a7e 4sed to bein9 >i<>ed; 8e7: di55e7ent 57om t=e bo6d 57ee bea7in9 o5 t=e men& "=e 7eason o5 t=is ;as3 t=at t=e: ;e7e t7eated b: t=e men mo7e as beasts o5 b47den t=an <om?anions& (omen amon9 t=e No7t= Ame7i<an Indians =a8e a =a7d time o5 it3 ?oo7 <7eat47es& (=i6e t=ei7 6o7ds and maste7s a7e o4t at t=e <=ase3 o7 id6: smo>in9 7o4nd t=e 5i7e3 t=e Indian ;omen a7e em?6o:ed in <4ttin9 5i7e;ood and d7a;in9 ;ate7& %5 <o47se3 t=e: do a66 t=e <oo>in93 and3 as t=e eatin9 a6;a:s <ontin4es3 so t=e <oo>in9 ne8e7 sto?s& (=en t=ese mo7e se8e7e 6abo47s a7e o8e73 t=e: em?6o: t=ei7 time in ma>in9 and o7namentin9 <oats3 6e99in9s3 and mo<<asins-and 8e7: bea4ti546 ;o7> t=e: <an t47n o4t o5 t=ei7 =ands& %n t=e 8o:a9e3 t=e ;omen 4se t=e ?add6e as ;e66 as t=e men3 and3 in Eo47ne:in9 t=7o49= t=e ;oods3 t=e: a6;a:s <a77: o7 d7a9 t=e =ea8iest 6oads& )o7 a66 t=is t=e: 9et 5e; t=an>s3 and o5ten ;=en t=e =4sbands be<ome Eea6o4s3 t=e: 9et se8e7e6: beaten and >i<>ed& It is a6;a:s t=4s amon9 sa8a9es; and it ;o46d seem t=at3 E4st in ?7o?o7tion as men 7ise 57om t=e sa8a9e to t=e <i8i6ised state3 t=e: t7eat t=ei7 ;omen bette7& It is <e7tain t=at ;=en man emb7a<es t=e b6essed 9os?e6 o5 C=7ist and 6ea7ns to 5o66o; t=e 6a; o5 6o8e3 =e ?6a<es ;oman not on6: on a 6e8e6 ;it= =imse653 b4t e8en abo8e =imse653 and see>s =e7 <om5o7t and =a??iness be5o7e =e see>s =is o;n& )e; o5 t=e $ o5 No7t= Ame7i<a a7e :et C=7istians3 t=e7e5o7e t=e: =a8e no 9a66ant7: abo4t t=em-no 9ene7o4s and <=i8a67o4s 5ee6in9s to;a7ds t=e ;ea>e7 seB& +ost o5 t=ei7 ;omen a7e do;nt7odden and de97aded& "=e 5i7st ni9=t at Jas?e7Cs o4se ;as s?ent in smo>in9 and ta6>in9& e7e o47 57iend Jas?e7 *e77: 9ot ne;s o5 +a7ie& "o =is immense de6i9=t =e 6ea7ned t=at s=e ;as ;e663 and 6i8in9 ;it= =e7 5at=e7 at )o7t #7ie3 nea7 t=e ?6ains3 o7 ?7ai7ies as t=e: a7e <a66ed3 on

t=e Sas>at<=e;an $i8e7& A 6on9 Eo47ne: sti66 6a: be5o7e o47 bo6d =4nte73 b4t t=at ;as not=in9 to =im& e 5e6t A4ite satis5ied to =ea7 t=at t=e 9i76 o5 =is =ea7t ;as ;e663 and sti66 4nma77ied& NeBt da: t=e se7io4s b4siness o5 t7adin9 <ommen<ed at t=e o4t?ost& FI s=o46d 6i>e to 9et t=at ?o;de7 and ba66 be5o7e :o4 be9in to t7ade ;it= t=e Indians3 +7 27ant3G said Jas?e73 a5te7 b7ea>5ast ;as <on<64ded3 FICm anBio4s to be o55 as soon as ?ossib6e&G FNo3 no3 Jas?e73 IC66 not 9i8e :o4 a sin96e <=a79e o5 ?o;de7 o7 an o4n<e o5 6ead t=is da:& Yo4 m4st s?end anot=e7 ni9=t ;it= me3 m: man; I =a8e not =ad =a65 m: ta6> o4t ;it= :o4& Yo4 =a8e no need to =477:3 5o7 +a7ie does not >no; :o4 a7e <omin93 so o5 <o47se s=e <anCt be im?atient&G +7 27ant said t=is ;it= a 6a49=3 5o7 =e >ne; t=e state o5 Jas?e7Cs =ea7t3 and 4nde7stood ;=: =e ;as so anBio4s to =asten a;a:& FBesides3G <ontin4ed t=e 547.t7ade73 F+7 e:;ood =as not =a65 5inis=ed t=e d7a;in9 o5 m: 5o7t3 ;=i<= =e be9an :este7da:3 and I ;ant =im to ma>e me a <o?: o5 it&G FI s=a66 be de6i9=ted to do so3G said t=e a7tist3 ;=o ;as b4si6: en9a9ed in a77an9in9 =is b74s=es and <o6o47s& F(e663 ;e663G <7ied Jas?e7& FI s4??ose I m4st s4bmit& I 5an<: you =a8e no obEe<tion to sto? =e7e anot=e7 da:3 A77o;=eadHG "=e Indian nodded 97a8e6:3 as =e sA4atted do;n on t=e 56oo7 and be9an to 5i66 =is ?i?e& F"=atCs sett6ed3 t=en3G said Jas?e73 Fso IC66 9o ;it= :o4 to t=e sto7e3 i5 :o4C66 a66o; me&G F(it= a66 m: =ea7t3G 7e?6ied t=e 547.t7ade73 ;=o 5o7t=;it= 6ed t=e ;a: to t=e sto7e3 5o66o;ed b: t=e Indians ;it= t=ei7 ?a<>s o5 547s& No;3 t=e sto7e o7 s=o? at a 4dsonCs Ba: t7adin9.?ost is a most inte7estin9 and <47io4s ?6a<e& "o t=e Indian3 es?e<ia66:3 it is a so7t o5 en<=anted <=ambe73 o4t o5 ;=i<= <an be obtained e8e7:t=in9 >no;n 4nde7 t=e s4n& As t=e7e <an be on6: one s=o? o7 sto7e at a t7adin9.?ost3 it 5o66o;s t=at t=at s=o? m4st <ontain a 5e; a7ti<6es o4t o5 a6most e8e7: ot=e7 st:6e o5 s=o? in t=e ;o76d& A<<o7din96:3 :o4 ;i66 5ind <o66e<ted ;it=in t=e 5o47 ;a66s o5 t=at 6itt6e 7oom3 >ni8es and 94ns 57om S=e55ie6d3 <otton ;ebs 57om +an<=este73 97indstones 57om Ne;<ast6e3 toba<<o 57om 1i79inia3 and e8e7: so7t o5 t=in9 57om I >no; not ;=e7e a66D Yo4 <an b4: a b6an>et o7 a 5i6e3 an aBe o7 a ?ai7 o5 t7o4se7s3 a ?o4nd o5 s49a7 o7 a ba77e6 o5 nai6s3 a 7o66 o5 toba<<o o7 a tin >ett6e3-e8e7:t=in93 in s=o7t3 t=at a man <an t=in> o5 o7 desi7e& And :o4 <an b4: it3 too3 ;it=o4t mone:D Indeed3 :o4 must b4: it ;it=o4t mone:3 5o7 t=e7e is not s4<= a t=in9 as mone: in t=e 6and& "=e t7ade is <a77ied on enti7e6: b: ba7te73 o7 eB<=an9e& "=e Indian 9i8es t=e t7ade7 =is 547s3 and t=e t7ade7 9i8es =im =is 9oods& In o7de7 to ma>e t=e eB<=an9e 5ai7 and eA4itab6e3 =o;e8e73 e8e7:t=in9 is 7ated b: a <e7tain standa7d o5 8a64e3 ;=i<= is <a66ed a

made-beaver in one ?a7t o5 t=e <o4nt7:3 a castore in anot=e7& "=e 5i7st man t=at ste??ed 5o7;a7d to t=e <o4nte7 ;as a <=ie5& A bi93 <oa7se.6oo>in93 disa97eeab6e man3 b4t a 5i7st.7ate =4nte7& e =ad t;o ;i8es in <onseA4en<e o5 =is abi6ities3 and t=e 5a8o47ite ;i5e no; stood at =is e6bo; to ?7om?t3 ?e7=a?s to <a4tion3 =im& e t=7e; do;n a =49e ?a<> o5 547s3 ;=i<= t=e t7ade7 o?ened3 and eBamined ;it= <a7e3 5iBin9 t=e ?7i<e o5 ea<= s>in3 and ma7>in9 it do;n ;it= a ?ie<e o5 <=a6> on t=e <o4nte7 as =e ;ent a6on9& "=e7e ;e7e t;o s?6endid b6a<> bea7.s>ins3 t;o o7 t=7ee do@en ma7tens3 o7 sab6es3 5i8e o7 siB b6a<> 5oBes3 and a 97eat man: si68e7 5oBes3 besides <7oss and 7ed ones& In addition to t=ese3 =e =ad a n4mbe7 o5 min>s and bea8e7.s>ins3 a 5e; otte7s3 and s4nd7: ot=e7 547s3 besides a 5e; b455a6o and dee7.s>ins3 d7essed3 and ;it= t=e =ai7 s<7a?ed o55& "=ese 6ast s>ins a7e 4sed 5o7 ma>in9 ;inte7 <oats3 and a6so mo<<asins 5o7 t=e 5eet& A5te7 a66 =ad been eBamined and 8a64ed3 t=e ;=o6e ;as s4mmed 4?3 and a n4mbe7 o5 ?ie<es o5 sti<> ;e7e =anded to t=e <=ie5-ea<= sti<> 7e?7esentin9 a <asto7e; so t=at =e >ne; eBa<t6: =o; m4<= =e ;as ;o7t=3 and ?7o<eeded to <=oose a<<o7din96:& )i7st =e 9a@ed ea7nest6: at a =49e t=i<> b6an>et3 t=en =e <o4nted =is sti<>s3 and <onside7ed& !e7=a?s t=e memo7: o5 t=e <o6d b6asts o5 ;inte7 <7ossed =is mind3 5o7 =e A4i<>6: as>ed =o; man: <asto7es it ;as ;o7t=& "=e t7ade7 to6d =im& "=e ?7o?e7 n4mbe7 o5 ?ie<es o5 sti<> ;e7e 6aid do;n3 and t=e b6an>et ;as =anded o8e7& NeBt a 94n att7a<ted =is e:e& "=e 94ns sent o4t 5o7 t=e Indian t7ade a7e 8e7: <=ea? ones3 ;it= b64e ba77e6s and 7ed sto<>s& "=e: s=oot ?7ett: ;e663 b4t a7e 7at=e7 a?t to b47st& Indeed t=is 5ate =ad be5a66en t=e <=ie5Cs 6ast 94n3 so =e 7eso68ed to =a8e anot=e73 and bo49=t it& "=en =e 6oo>ed ea7nest6: 5o7 some time at a tin >ett6e& Boi6ed meat ;as e8ident6: in =is mind; b4t at t=is ?oint =is sA4a; ?64<>ed =im b: t=e s6ee8e& S=e ;=is?e7ed in =is ea7& A to4<= o5 9ene7osit: seemed to <ome o8e7 =im3 5o7 =e ?ointed to a ;eb o5 b7i9=t s<a76et <6ot=& A :a7d o5 t=is ;as meas47ed o553 and =anded to =is s?o4se3 ;=ose =a??iness 5o7 t=e moment ;as <om?6ete-5o7 sA4a;s in $4?e7tCs /and3 6i>e t=e 5ai7 seB in #n96and3 a7e 4n<ommon6: 5ond o5 5ine7:& As t=e <=ie5 ?7o<eeded3 =e be<ame mo7e <a4tio4s and s6o; in =is <=oi<e& )ine7: tem?ted =im on t=e one =and3 ne<essa7ies ?7essed =im on t=e ot=e73 and at t=is ?oint t=e t7ade7 ste??ed in to =e6? =im to de<ide; =e 7e<ommended3 ;a7ned3 and ad8ised& ";ine ;as to be 9ot 5o7 nets and 5is=in9.6ines3 ?o;de7 and s=ot3 aBes 5o7 <4ttin9 =is ;inte7 5i7e;ood3 <6ot= 5o7 =is o;n and =is ;i5eCs 6e99in9s3 >ni8es3 toba<<o3 need6es3 and an end6ess 8a7iet: o5 t=in9s3 ;=i<= 97ad4a66: 6essened =is 6itt6e ?i6e o5 sti<>s3 4nti6 at 6ast =e 7ea<=ed t=e sti<>in9 ?oint3 ;=en a66 =is sti<>s ;e7e 9one& FNo;3 *a7>e:e3G (t=at ;as t=e <=ie5Cs name)3 F:o4C8e <ome to t=e end at 6ast3 and a 9ood t=in9 :o4 =a8e made o5 it t=is :ea73G said +7 27ant3 in t=e Indian 6an94a9e& F a8e :o4 9ot a66 :o4 ;antHG F*a7>e:e ;ants b466ets3G said t=e <=ie5&

FA=3 to be s47e& Yo4 s=a66 =a8e a 6ot o5 t=ese 5o7 not=in93 and some toba<<o too3G said t=e t7ade73 =andin9 t=e 9i5ts to t=e Indian& A 6oo> o5 satis5a<tion 6i9=ted 4? t=e <=ie5Cs <o4ntenan<e as =e 7e<ei8ed t=e 9i5ts3 and made ;a: 5o7 anot=e7 Indian to o?en and dis?6a: =is ?a<> o5 547s& B4t Jas?e7 ;as st74<> b: a ?e<46ia7 eB?7ession in t=e 5a<e o5 *a7>e:e& %bse78in9 t=at =e too> 4? one o5 t=e b466ets and s=o;ed it to anot=e7 sa8a9e3 o47 =4nte7 ed9ed nea7 =im to o8e7=ea7 t=e <on8e7sation& F*o :o4 see t=at ba66HG said t=e <=ie53 in a 6o; tone& "=e Indian to ;=om =e s?o>e nodded& F/oo> =e7eDG *a7>e:e ?4t t=e b466et into =is mo4t= as =e s?o>e3 and bit it 4nti6 =is st7on9 s=a7? teet= san> dee? into t=e 6ead; t=en3 =o6din9 it 4?3 =e said3 in t=e same 6o; 8oi<e3 FYo4 ;i66 >no; it a9ainHG %n<e mo7e t=e sa8a9e nodded3 and a ma6i<io4s smi6e ?6a:ed on =is 5a<e 5o7 a moment& J4st t=en +7 27ant <a66ed o4t3 FCome =e7e3 Jas?e73 te66 me ;=at :o4 t=in> t=is otte7.s>in is ;o7t=&G Jas?e7Cs <47iosit: =ad been a7o4sed b: t=e m:ste7io4s <ond4<t o5 *a7>e:e3 and =e ;o46d =a8e 9i8en a 9ood dea6 to =a8e =ea7d a 6itt6e mo7e o5 =is <on8e7sation; b4t3 bein9 t=4s <a66ed a;a:3 =e ;as ob6i9ed to 6ea8e =is ?6a<e3 and soon 5o79ot t=e in<ident& *47in9 t=e ;=o6e o5 t=at da: t=e t7adin9 o5 547s ;as <a77ied on m4<= as I =a8e no; des<7ibed it& Some o5 t=e Indians =ad 6a79e ?a<>s3 and some =ad sma663 b4t a66 o5 t=em =ad s455i<ient to ?47<=ase s4<= t=in9s as ;e7e ne<essa7: 5o7 t=emse68es and t=ei7 5ami6ies d47in9 t=e a??7oa<=in9 ;inte7; and as ea<= man 7e<ei8ed 57om +7 27ant a ?7esent o5 toba<<o3 besides a 5e; t7in>ets o5 sma66 8a64e3 t=e: 7et47ned to t=e a66 t=at ni9=t in =i9= 9ood =4mo47& NeBt da:3 Jas?e7 and =is 57iends bade t=e =os?itab6e t7ade7 5a7e;e663 and a 5e; da:s a5te7 t=at t=e Indians 6e5t =im& "=e: smo>ed a 5a7e;e66 ?i?e3 t=en st74<> t=ei7 tents3 and ?6a<ed t=em and t=ei7 ?a<>s o5 9oods in t=e <anoes3 ;it= t=ei7 ;i8es3 <=i6d7en3 and do9s& !4s=in9 o4t into t=e st7eam3 t=e: <ommen<ed t=e 7et47n Eo47ne: to t=ei7 distant =4ntin9. 97o4nds& %n<e mo7e t=ei7 s=o4ts 7an9 t=7o49= t=e 5o7est3 and 7o66ed o8e7 t=e ;ate73 and on<e mo7e t=e ?add6es sent t=e s?a7>6in9 d7o?s into t=e ai7 as t=e: das=ed a=ead3 7o4nd t=e ?oint o5 7o<>s abo8e t=e 5o7t3 and disa??ea7ed; 6ea8in9 t=e 547.t7ade73 as t=e: 5o4nd =im3 smo>in9 =is ?i?e3 ;it= =is =ands in =is ?o<>ets3 and 6eanin9 a9ainst t=e doo7.?ost o5 =is on<e.a9ain si6ent and so6ita7: =ome& CHAPTER SE%EN. A SA%A(E FAMI#'* AND A FI(HT WITH A BEAR. Abo4t a ;ee> a5te7 o47 t7a8e66e7s 6e5t t=e o4t?ost3 A77o;=ead =ad an ad8ent47e ;it= a

bea73 ;=i<= =ad ;e66.ni9= <4t s=o7t =is Eo47ne: t=7o49= t=is ;o76d3 as ;e66 as =is Eo47ne: in t=e ;i6de7ness o5 $4?e7tCs /and& It ;as in t=e e8enin9 o5 a bea4ti546 da: ;=en it =a??ened& "=e <anoe =ad 9ot amon9 some bad 7a?ids3 and3 as it ad8an<ed 8e7: s6o;6:3 :o4n9 e:;ood as>ed to be ?4t on s=o7e3 t=at =e mi9=t ;a6> 4? t=e ban>s o5 t=e 7i8e73 ;=i<= ;e7e 8e7: bea4ti5463 and s>et<=& In =a65 an =o47 =e ;as 5a7 a=ead o5 t=e <anoe& S4dden6:3 on t47nin9 7o4nd a 7o<>: ?oint3 =e 5o4nd =imse65 5a<e to 5a<e ;it= a sma66 Indian bo:& It is ?7obab6e t=at t=e 6itt6e 5e66o; =ad ne8e7 seen a ;=ite man be5o7e3 and it is <e7tain t=at e:;ood =ad ne8e7 seen s4<= a s?e<imen o5 a b7o;n bo:& e ;as <6ot=ed in s>in3 it is t74e3 b4t it ;as t=e s>in in ;=i<= =e =ad been bo7n3 5o7 =e =ad not a stit<= o5 <6ot=in9 on =is 5at 6itt6e bod:& As t=e man and t=e bo: stood sta7in9 at ea<= ot=e73 it ;o46d =a8e been di55i<46t to sa: ;=i<= o?ened =is e:es ;idest ;it= ama@ement& At 5i7st e:;ood 5an<ied t=e 47<=in ;as a ;i6d beast o5 some so7t on t;o 6e9s3 b4t a se<ond 96an<e <on8in<ed =im t=at =e ;as a 7ea6 bo:& "=e neBt t=o49=t t=at o<<477ed to t=e a7tist ;as3 t=at =e ;o46d t7: to s>et<= =im3 so =e <6a??ed =is =and to =is ?o<>et3 ?466ed o4t =is boo> and ?en<i63 and 5o7t=;it= be9an to d7a;& "=is te77i5ied t=e 6itt6e 5e66o; so m4<=3 t=at =e t47ned abo4t and 56ed =o;6in9 into t=e ;oods& e:;ood t=o49=t o5 9i8in9 <=ase3 b4t a noise att7a<ted =is attention at t=at moment3 and3 6oo>in9 a<7oss t=e 7i8e73 =e be=e6d t=e bo:Cs 5at=e7 in t=e same <oo6 d7ess as =is son& "=e man =ad been 5is=in93 b4t ;=en =e sa; t=at st7an9e7s ;e7e ?assin93 =e t=7e; =is b6an>et 7o4nd =im3 E4m?ed into =is <anoe3 and <7ossed o8e7 to meet t=em& "=is t47ned o4t to be a mise7ab6: ?oo7 5ami6: o5 Indians3 <onsistin9 o5 t=e 5at=e73 mot=e73 t=7ee 9i76s3 and a bo:3 and a 5e; i66.6oo>in9 do9s& "=e: a66 6i8ed to9et=e7 in a 6itt6e tent o7 ;i9;am3 made ?a7t6: o5 s>ins and ?a7t6: o5 bi7<=.ba7>& "=is tent ;as s=a?ed 6i>e a <one& "=e 5i7e ;as >ind6ed inside3 in t=e midd6e o5 t=e 56oo7& A =o6e in t=e side se78ed 5o7 a doo73 and a =o6e in t=e to? did d4t: 5o7 ;indo; and <=imne:& "=e 5ami6: >ett6e =4n9 abo8e t=e 5i7e3 and t=e 5ami6: <i7<6e sat a7o4nd it& A di7tie7 5ami6: and 5i6t=ie7 tent one <o46d not ;is= to see& "=e 5at=e7 ;as a ?oo7 ;ea>6: man and a bad =4nte7; t=e sA4a; ;as t=in3 ;7in>6ed3 and 8e7: di7t:3 and t=e <=i6d7en ;e7e a66 si<>6:. 6oo>in93 eB<e?t t=e bo: be5o7e mentioned3 ;=o seemed to enEo: mo7e t=an =is 5ai7 s=a7e o5 =ea6t= and 7ot4ndit:& F a8e :e 9ot an:t=in9 to eatHG inA4i7ed Jas?e73 ;=en t=e <anoe 7ea<=ed t=e ?6a<e& "=e: =ad not 9ot m4<=3 on6: a 5e; 5is= and an o;6& F!oo7 mise7ab6e <7itte7s3G said Jas?e73 t=7o;in9 t=em a 9oose and a 64m? o5 8enison; Fsee t=e7e-t=atC66 >ee? t=e ;o65 o4t oC :e7 insides 5o7 some time& a8e :e 9ot an:t=in9 to smo>eHG No3 t=e: =ad not=in9 to smo>e b4t a 5e; d7ied 6ea8es&

F(o7se and ;o7se3G <7ied Jas?e73 ?466in9 a 6a79e ?649 o5 toba<<o 57om t=e b7east o5 =is <oat; F=e7e3 t=atC66 >ee? :o4 ?455inC 5o7 a s=o7t bit3 an:=o;&G e:;ood3 a6t=o49= no smo>e7 =imse653 <a77ied a sma66 s4??6: o5 toba<<o E4st to 9i8e a;a: to Indians3 so =e added t;o o7 t=7ee ?649s to Jas?e7Cs 9i5t3 and A77o;=ead 9a8e t=e 5at=e7 a 5e; <=a79es o5 ?o;de7 and s=ot& "=e: t=en ste??ed into t=ei7 <anoe3 and ?4s=ed o55 ;it= t=at 5ee6in9 o5 6i9=t =ea7ted =a??iness ;=i<= a6;a:s 5o66o;s t=e doin9 o5 a >ind a<tion& F"=e7eCs bea7s 4? t=e 7i8e73G said t=e Indian3 as t=e: ;e7e 6ea8in9& F a8e :e seen t=emHG inA4i7ed Jas?e7& FA:3 b4t <o46d not s=oot-no ?o;de73 no ba66& /oo> o4t 5o7 t=emDG F"=at ;i66 I3G 7e?6ied t=e =4nte73 and in anot=e7 moment t=e <anoe ;as o4t amon9 t=e 7a?ids a9ain3 ad8an<in9 s6o;6: 4? t=e 7i8e7& In abo4t an =o47 a5te7;a7ds t=e: <ame to a ?a7t o5 t=e 7i8e7 ;=e7e t=e ban>s ;e7e =i9= and stee?& e7e Jas?e7 6anded to 6oo> 5o7 t=e t7a<>s o5 t=e bea7s& e soon 5o4nd t=ese3 and as t=e: a??ea7ed to be 57es=3 =e ?7e?a7ed to 5o66o; t=em 4?& F(e ma: as ;e66 en<am? =e7e3G said =e to A77o;=ead; F:o4 <an 9o and 6oo> 5o7 t=e bea7s& I ;i66 6and t=e ba99a9e3 and =a46 4? t=e <anoe3 and t=en ta>e m: 94n and 5o66o; :o4& I see t=at o47 57iend e:;ood is at ;o7> ;it= =is ?en<i6 a67ead:&G "=is ;as t74e& "=e >een a7tist ;as so de6i9=ted ;it= t=e s<ene be5o7e =im3 t=at t=e moment t=e <anoe to4<=ed t=e 6and =e =ad E4m?ed o4t3 and3 seatin9 =imse65 on t=e t74n> o5 a 5a66en t7ee3 ;it= boo> and ?en<i63 soon 5o79ot e8e7:t=in9 t=at ;as 9oin9 on a7o4nd =im& A77o;=ead s=o46de7ed =is 94n and ;ent a;a: 4? t=e 7i8e7& Jas?e7 soon 5inis=ed ;=at =e =ad to do3 and 5o66o;ed =im3 6ea8in9 e:;ood seated on t=e 5a66en t7ee& No; t=e ?osition ;=i<= e:;ood o<<4?ied ;as 7at=e7 dan9e7o4s& "=e t7ee 6a: on t=e ed9e o5 an o8e7=an9in9 ban> o5 <6a:3 abo4t ten 5eet abo8e t=e ;ate73 ;=i<= ;as dee? and 7a?id at t=at ?6a<e& At 5i7st t=e :o4n9 man sat do;n on t=e t7ee.t74n> nea7 its 7oot3 b4t a5te7 a time3 5indin9 t=e ?osition not A4ite to =is mind3 =e <=an9ed it3 and ;ent <6ose to t=e ed9e o5 t=e ban>& e ;as so m4<= o<<4?ied ;it= =is d7a;in93 t=at =e did not obse78e t=at t=e 97o4nd on ;=i<= =is 5eet 7ested a<t4a66: o8e7=4n9 t=e st7eam& As =is ;ei9=t 7ested on t=e 5a66en t7ee3 =o;e8e73 =e 7emained t=e7e sa5e eno49= and b4s: 5o7 =a65 an =o47& At t=e end o5 t=at time =e ;as dist47bed b: a noise in t=e b4s=es& /oo>in9 4?3 =e be=e6d a 6a79e b7o;n bea7 <omin9 st7ai9=t to;a7ds =im& #8ident6: t=e bea7 did not see =im3 5o7 it ;as <omin9 s6o;6: and 6a@i6: a6on93 ;it= a A4iet meditati8e eB?7ession on its 5a<e& "=e a??ea7an<e o5 t=e anima6 ;as so s4dden and 4neB?e<ted3 t=at ?oo7 e:;oodCs =ea7t a6most 6ea?ed into =is mo4t=& is 5a<e 97e; dead6: ?a6e3 =is 6on9 =ai7 a6most 7ose on =is =ead ;it= te77o73 and =e ;as 4tte76: 4nab6e to mo8e =and o7 5oot&

In anot=e7 moment t=e bea7 ;as ;it=in t=7ee :a7ds o5 =im3 and3 bein9 ta>en b: s47?7ise3 it immediate6: 7ose on its =ind 6e9s3 ;=i<= is t=e <4stom o5 bea7s ;=en abo4t to ma>e o7 7e<ei8e an atta<>& It sta7ed 5o7 a moment at t=e =o77i5ied a7tist& /et not m: 7eade7 t=in> t=at e:;oodCs 5ee6in9s ;e7e d4e to <o;a7di<e& "=e b7a8est o5 men =a8e been ?ani<.st7i<>en ;=en ta>en b: s47?7ise& "=e :o4n9 man =ad ne8e7 seen a bea7 be5o7e3 eB<e?t in a <a9e3 and t=e di55e7en<e bet;een a <a9ed and a 57ee bea7 is 8e7: 97eat& Besides3 ;=en a 7o49=.6oo>in9 monste7 o5 t=is >ind <omes 4neB?e<ted6: on a man ;=o is 4na7med3 and =as no <=an<e o5 es<a?e3 and 7ises on its =ind 6e9s3 as i5 to 6et =im =a8e a 5466 8ie; o5 its eno7mo4s si@e3 its 97eat st7en9t=3 and its 496: a??ea7an<e3 =e ma: ;e66 be eB<4sed 5o7 5ee6in9 a 6itt6e 4n<om5o7tab6e3 and 6oo>in9 some;=at 4neas:& (=en t=e bea7 7ose3 as I =a8e said3 e:;oodCs <o47a9e 7et47ned& is 5i7st a<t ;as to 56in9 =is s>et<> in B74inCs 5a<e3 and t=en3 4tte7in9 a 6o4d :e663 =e s?7an9 to =is 5eet3 intendin9 to 74n a;a:& B4t t=e 8io6en<e o5 =is a<tion b7o>e o55 t=e ea7t= 4nde7 =is 5eet& e d7o?t into t=e 7i8e7 6i>e a 64m? o5 6ead3 and ;as ;=i76ed a;a: in a momentD (=at t=at bea7 t=o49=t ;=en it sa; t=e man 8anis= 57om t=e s?ot 6i>e a 9=ost3 o5 <o47se I <annot te66& It <e7tain6: looked s47?7ised3 and3 i5 it ;as a bea7 o5 o7dina7: sensibi6it:3 it m4st 4ndo4bted6: =a8e felt astonis=ed& At an: 7ate3 a5te7 standin9 t=e7e3 9a@in9 5o7 nea76: a min4te in m4te ama@ement at t=e s?ot ;=e7e e:;ood =ad disa??ea7ed3 it 6et itse65 do;n on its 5o7e6e9s3 and3 t47nin9 7o4nd3 ;a6>ed s6o;6: ba<> into t=e b4s=es& !oo7 e:;ood <o46d not s;im3 so t=e 7i8e7 did ;=at it ?6eased ;it= =im& A5te7 s;ee?in9 =im o4t into t=e midd6e o5 t=e st7eam3 and 7o66in9 =im o8e7 5i8e o7 siB times3 and ;=i76in9 =im 7o4nd in an edd: <6ose to t=e 6and3 and d7a99in9 =im o4t a9ain into t=e main <477ent3 and sendin9 =im st74996in9 do;n a 7a?id3 it t=7e; =im at 6ast3 6i>e a b4nd6e o5 o6d <6ot=es3 on a s=a66o;3 ;=e7e =e mana9ed to 9et on =is 5eet3 and sta99e7ed to t=e s=o7e in a most me6an<=o6: ?6i9=t& "=e7ea5te7 =e 7et47ned to t=e en<am?ment3 6i>e a d7o;ned 7at3 ;it= =is 6on9 =ai7 ?6aste7ed to =is t=in 5a<e3 and =is soa>ed 9a7ments <6in9in9 ti9=t6: to =is s6ende7 bod:& ad =e been ab6e to see =imse65 at t=at moment3 =e ;o46d =a8e 6a49=ed3 b4t3 not bein9 ab6e to see =imse653 and 5ee6in9 8e7: mise7ab6e3 =e si9=ed and s=4dde7ed ;it= <o6d3 and t=en set to ;o7> to >ind6e a 5i7e and d7: =imse65& +ean;=i6e t=e bea7 <ontin4ed its ;a6> 4? t=e 7i8e7& A77o;=ead3 a5te7 a time3 6ost t=e t7a<> o5 t=e bea7 =e ;as in sea7<= o53 and3 be6ie8in9 t=at it ;as too 6ate to 5o66o; it 4? 5a7t=e7 t=at ni9=t3 =e t47ned abo4t3 and be9an to 7et7a<e =is ste?s& Not 6on9 a5te7 t=at3 =e and t=e bea7 met 5a<e to 5a<e& %5 <o47se3 t=e IndianCs 94n ;as 6e8e66ed in an instant3 b4t t=e meetin9 ;as so s4dden3 t=at t=e aim ;as not so t74e as 4s4a63 and3 a6t=o49= t=e ba66 mo7ta66: ;o4nded t=e anima63 it did not >i66 =im o4t7i9=t& "=e7e ;as no time to 7e.6oad3 so A77o;=ead d7o??ed =is 94n and 7an& e do4b6ed as =e 7an3 and made 5o7 t=e en<am?ment; b4t t=e bea7 7an 5aste7& It ;as soon at t=e IndianCs =ee6s& 0no;in9 t=at 5a7t=e7 56i9=t ;as 4se6ess3 A77o;=ead d7e; t=e =at<=et t=at =4n9 at =is be6t3 and3 t47nin9 7o4nd3 5a<ed t=e in547iated anima63 ;=i<= instant6: 7ose on its =ind

6e9s and <6osed ;it= =im& "=e Indian met it ;it= a t7emendo4s b6o; o5 =is aBe3 sei@ed it b: t=e t=7oat ;it= =is 6e5t =and3 and endea8o47ed to 7e?eat t=e b6o;& KSee 57ontis?ie<e&L B4t b7a8e and ?o;e7546 t=o49= =e ;as3 t=e Indian ;as 6i>e a me7e <=i6d in t=e ?a; o5 t=e bea7& "=e aBe des<ended ;it= a <7as= on t=e monste7Cs =ead3 and san> into its s>466& B4t bea7s a7e noto7io4s6: =a7d to >i66& "=is one s<a7<e6: seemed to 5ee6 t=e b6o;& NeBt instant A77o;=ead ;as do;n3 and3 ;it= its <6a;s 5iBed in t=e manCs ba<>3 t=e bea7 =e6d =im do;n3 ;=i6e it be9an to 9na; t=e 56es=: ?a7t o5 =is 6e5t s=o46de7& No <7: es<a?ed 57om t=e ?7ost7ate =4nte7& e dete7mined to 6ie ?e75e<t6: sti663 as i5 =e ;e7e dead3 t=at bein9 =is on6: <=an<e o5 es<a?e; b4t t=e anima6 ;as 547io4s3 and t=e7e is 6itt6e do4bt t=at t=e IndianCs b7a8e s?i7it ;o46d soon =a8e 56ed3 =ad not 2od me7<i5466: sent Jas?e7 *e77: to =is 7e6ie5& "=at sto4t =4nte7 =ad been nea7 at =and ;=en t=e s=ot ;as 5i7ed& e at on<e 7an in t=e di7e<tion ;=en<e t=e so4nd <ame3 and a77i8ed on t=e s<ene o5 t=e st74996e E4st as A77o;=ead 5e66& (it=o4t a momentCs =esitation =e d7o?t on one >nee3 too> a A4i<> b4t <a7e546 aim and 5i7ed& "=e ba66 ente7ed t=e bea7Cs =ead E4st be=ind t=e ea7 and 7o66ed it o8e7 deadD A77o;=eadCs 5i7st a<t on 7isin9 ;as to sei@e t=e =and o5 =is de6i8e7e73 and in a tone o5 dee? 5ee6in9 eB<6aimed3 F+: b7ot=e7DG FA:3G said Jas?e7 ;it= a A4iet smi6e3 as =e 7e6oaded =is 94n; Ft=is is not t=e 5i7st time t=at :o4 and I =a8e =e6?ed one anot=e7 in t=e ni<> o5 time3 A77o;=ead; ;e s=a66 be b7ot=e7s3 and 9ood 57iends to boot3 I =o?e3 as 6on9 as ;e 6i8e&G F2ood3G said t=e Indian3 a smi6e 6i9=tin9 4? 5o7 one moment =is 4s4a66: 97a8e 5eat47es& FB4t m: b7ot=e7 is ;o4nded3 6et me see3G said Jas?e7& FIt ;i66 soon be ;e663G said t=e Indian <a7e6ess6:3 as =e too> o55 =is <oat and sat do;n on t=e ban>3 ;=i6e t=e ;=ite =4nte7 eBamined =is ;o4nds& "=is ;as a66 t=at ;as said on t=e s4bEe<t b: t=ese t;o men& "=e: ;e7e 4sed to dan9e7 in e8e7: 5o7m3 and =ad o5ten sa8ed ea<= ot=e7 57om s4dden deat=& "=e IndianCs ;o4nds3 t=o49= ?ain5463 ;e7e t7i56in9& Jas?e7 d7essed t=em in si6en<e3 and t=en3 d7a;in9 =is 6on9 =4ntin9 >ni5e3 =e s>inned and <4t 4? t=e bea73 ;=i6e =is <om?anion 6a: do;n on t=e ban>3 smo>ed =is ?i?e3 and 6oo>ed on& a8in9 <4t o55 t=e best ?a7ts o5 t=e <a7<ass 5o7 s4??e73 t=e =4nte7s 7et47ned to t=e <anoe3 <a77:in9 t=e s>in a6on9 ;it= t=em& CHAPTER EI(HT. RUNNIN( THE FA##S!WI#D SCENES AND MEN. NeBt da: t=e t7a8e66e7s 7ea<=ed one o5 t=ose ma9ni5i<ent 6a>es o5 ;=i<= t=e7e a7e so man: in t=e ;i6d ;oods o5 No7t= Ame7i<a3 and ;=i<= a7e so 6i>e to t=e 97eat o<ean itse653 t=at it is s<a7<e6: ?ossib6e to be6ie8e t=em to be bodies o5 57es= ;ate7 4nti6 t=e: a7e tasted&

"=e 6a79est o5 t=ese in6and seas is t=e 5amo4s /a>e S4?e7io73 ;=i<= is so eno7mo4s in si@e t=at s=i?s <an sai6 on its b7oad bosom 5o7 se8e7a6 da:s out of sight o5 6and& It is 4?;a7ds o5 t=7ee =4nd7ed mi6es 6on93 and abo4t one =4nd7ed and 5i5t: b7oad& A 9ood idea o5 its si@e ma: be 5o7med 57om t=e 5a<t3 t=at it is 6a79e eno49= to <ontain t=e ;=o6e o5 S<ot6and3 and dee? eno49= to <o8e7 =e7 =i9=est =i66sD "=e 6a>e on ;=i<= t=e <anoe ;as no; 6a4n<=ed3 a6t=o49= not so 6a79e as S4?e7io73 ;as3 ne8e7t=e6ess3 a 7es?e<tab6e bod: o5 ;ate73 on ;=i<= t=e s4n ;as s=inin9 as i5 on a s=ie6d o5 b7i9=t si68e7& "=e7e ;e7e n4mbe7s o5 sma66 is6ets s<atte7ed o8e7 its s475a<e; some t=i<>6: ;ooded to t=e ;ate7Cs ed9e3 ot=e7s 6itt6e bette7 t=an ba7e 7o<>s& C7ossin9 t=is 6a>e t=e: <ame to t=e mo4t= o5 a ?7ett: 6a79e st7eam and be9an to as<end it& "=e 5i7st t=in9 t=e: sa; on 7o4ndin9 a bend in t=e st7eam ;as an Indian tent3 and in 57ont o5 t=is tent ;as an Indian bab:3 =an9in9 57om t=e b7an<= o5 a t7ee& /et not t=e 7eade7 be =o77i5ied& "=e <=i6d ;as not =an9in9 b: t=e ne<>3 b4t b: t=e =and6e o5 its <7ad6e3 ;=i<= its mot=e7 =ad ?6a<ed t=e7e3 to >ee? =e7 6itt6e one o4t o5 t=e ;a: o5 t=e do9s& "=e Indian <7ad6e is a 8e7: sim?6e <ont7i8an<e& A :o4n9 mot=e7 <ame o4t o5 t=e tent ;it= =e7 <=i6d E4st as t=e <anoe a77i8ed3 and be9an to ?a<> it in its <7ad6e& Jas?e7 sto??ed 5o7 a 5e; min4tes to <on8e7se ;it= one o5 t=e Indians3 so t=at t=e a7tist =ad a 9ood o??o7t4nit: o5 ;itnessin9 t=e ;=o6e o?e7ation& "=e <7ad6e ;as sim?6: a ?ie<e o5 56at boa7d3 ;it= a bit o5 s<a76et <6ot= 5astened do;n ea<= side o5 it& )i7st o5 a663 t=e mot=e7 6aid t=e ?oo7 in5ant3 ;=i<= ;as A4ite na>ed3 s?7a;6in9 on t=e 97o4nd& A di7t:.6oo>in9 do9 too> ad8anta9e o5 t=is to snea> 5o7;a7d and sme66 at it3 ;=e7e4?on t=e mot=e7 sei@ed a =ea8: ?ie<e o5 ;ood3 and =it t=e do9 s4<= a 7a? o8e7 t=e nose as sent it a;a: =o;6in9& "=en s=e s?7ead a t=i<> 6a:e7 o5 so5t moss on t=e ;ooden boa7d& Abo8e t=is s=e 6aid a 8e7: neat3 sma66 b6an>et3 abo4t t;o 5eet in 6en9t=& '?on t=is s=e ?6a<ed t=e bab:3 ;=i<= obEe<ted at 5i7st to 9o to bed3 sA4a66ed a 9ood dea63 and >i<>ed a 6itt6e& "=e mot=e7 t=e7e5o7e too> it 4?3 t47ned it o8e73 9a8e it one o7 t;o =ea7t: s6a?s3 and 6aid it do;n a9ain& "=is seemed to A4iet it3 5o7 it a5te7;a7ds 6a: st7ai9=t o4t3 and ?e75e<t6: sti663 ;it= its <oa6. b6a<> e:es sta7in9 o4t o5 its 5at b7o;n 5a<e3 as i5 it ;e7e astonis=ed at 7e<ei8in9 s4<= 7o49= t7eatment& "=e mot=e7 neBt s?7ead a 6itt6e moss o8e7 t=e <=i6d3 and abo8e t=at s=e ?6a<ed anot=e7 sma66 b6an>et3 ;=i<= s=e 5o6ded and t4<>ed in 8e7: <om5o7tab6:3 >ee?in9 t=e 6itt6e oneCs a7ms <6ose to its sides3 and ?a<>in9 it a66 4?3 57om ne<> to =ee6s3 so ti9=t6: t=at it 6oo>ed mo7e 6i>e t=e ma>in9 4? o5 a ?a7<e6 t=an t=e ;7a??in9 4? o5 a <=i6d& "=is done3 s=e d7e; t=e s<a76et <6ot= o8e7 it 57om ea<= side o5 t=e <7ad6e3 and 6a<ed it do;n t=e 57ont& (=en a66 ;as done3 t=e in5ant 6oo>ed 6i>e an #9:?tian m4mm:3 not=in9 b4t t=e =ead bein9 8isib6e& "=e mot=e7 t=en 6eaned t=e <7ad6e a9ainst t=e stem o5 a t7ee3 and immediate6: one o5 t=e do9s 7an a9ainst it3 and >no<>ed it o8e7& /4<>i6:3 t=e7e ;as a ;ooden ba7 atta<=ed to t=e <7ad6e3 in 57ont o5 t=e <=i6dCs 5a<e3 ;=i<= ba7 is ?6a<ed t=e7e on ?47?ose to 94a7d a9ainst inE47: 57om s4<= a<<idents3 so t=at t=e ba7 <ame 5i7st to t=e 97o4nd3 and t=4s ?7e8ented

t=e 56attenin9 o5 t=e <=i6dCs nose3 ;=i<=3 to sa: t74t=3 ;as 56at eno49= a67ead:D Instead o5 s<o6din9 =e7se65 5o7 =e7 o;n <a7e6essness3 t=e Indian mot=e7 s<o6ded t=e do93 and t=en =4n9 t=e <=i6d on t=e b7an<= o5 a t7ee3 to >ee? it 57om 547t=e7 mis<=ie5& "=e neBt t47n in t=e 7i8e7 7e8ea6ed a 6a79e ;ate75a663 4? ;=i<= it ;as im?ossib6e to ?add6e3 so t=e: ?7e?a7ed to ma>e a ?o7ta9e& Be5o7e a77i8in9 at t=e 5oot o5 it3 =o;e8e73 Jas?e7 6anded e:;ood3 to enab6e =im to ma>e a s>et<=3 and t=en t=e t;o men s=o8ed o553 and ?7o<eeded to t=e 5oot o5 t=e 5a66& "=e: ;e7e 6:in9 t=e7e in an edd:3 <onside7in9 ;=e7e ;as t=e best s?ot to 6and3 ;=en a 6o4d s=o4t d7e; t=ei7 attention to;a7ds t=e 74s=in9 ;ate7& Immediate6: a5te73 a boat ;as seen to =o8e7 5o7 a moment on t=e b7in> o5 t=e ;ate75a66& "=is 5a663 a6t=o49= abo4t ten o7 5i5teen 5eet =i9=3 =ad s4<= a 6a79e bod: o5 ;ate7 74s=in9 o8e7 it3 t=at t=e 7i8e73 instead o5 5a66in9 st7ai9=t do;n3 94s=ed o8e7 in a stee? in<6ine& *o;n t=is in<6ine t=e boat no; da7ted ;it= t=e s?eed o5 6i9=tnin9& It ;as 5466 o5 men3 t;o o5 ;=om stood e7e<t3 t=e one in t=e bo;3 t=e ot=e7 in t=e ste7n3 to <ont7o6 t=e mo8ements o5 t=e boat& )o7 a 5e; se<onds t=e7e ;as dee? si6en<e& "=e men =e6d t=ei7 b7eat= as t=e boat 6ea?ed a6on9 ;it= t=e boi6in9 56ood& "=e7e ;as a <476in9 ;=ite ;a8e at t=e 5oot o5 t=e 5a66& "=e boat <4t t=7o49= t=is 6i>e a >ni5e3 d7en<=in9 =e7 <7e; ;it= s?7a:& NeBt moment s=e s;e?t 7o4nd into t=e edd: ;=e7e t=e <anoe ;as 56oatin93 and t=e men 9a8e 8ent to a 6o4d <=ee7 o5 satis5a<tion at =a8in9 74n t=e 5a66 in sa5et:& B4t t=is ;as not t=e end o5 t=at eB<itin9 s<ene& S<a7<e6: =ad t=e: 9ained t=e 6and3 ;=en anot=e7 boat a??ea7ed on t=e <7est o5 t=e 5a66& A9ain a s=o4t ;as 9i8en and a das= made& )o7 one moment t=e7e ;as a st74996e ;it= t=e 7a9in9 56ood3 and t=en a 6o4d <=ee7 as t=e se<ond boat s;e?t into t=e edd: in sa5et:& "=en a t=i7d and a 5o47t= boat ;ent t=7o49= t=e same o?e7ation3 and be5o7e t=e end o5 a A4a7te7 o5 an =o473 siB boats 7an t=e 5a66& "=e ba: at t=e 5oot o5 it3 ;=i<= =ad been so A4iet and so6ita7: ;=en Jas?e7 and =is 57iends a77i8ed3 be<ame t=e s<ene o5 t=e ;i6dest <on54sion and noise3 as t=e men 7an abo4t ;it= t7emendo4s a<ti8it:3 ma>in9 ?7e?a7ations to s?end t=e ni9=t t=e7e& Some =a46ed mi9=t and main at t=e boats; some <a77ied 4? t=e ?7o8isions3 57:in9.?ans3 and >ett6es; ot=e7s <4t do;n d7: t7ees ;it= t=ei7 aBes3 and <4t t=em 4? into 6o9s 57om 5i8e to siB 5eet 6on93 and as t=i<> as a manCs t=i9=& "=ese ;e7e intended 5o7 siB 97eat 5i7es3 ea<= boatCs <7e; 7eA4i7in9 a 5i7e to t=emse68es& (=i6e t=is ;as 9oin9 on3 t=e ?7in<i?a6 94ides and stee7smen <7o;ded 7o4nd o47 t=7ee t7a8e66e7s3 and ?6ied t=em ;it= A4estions; 5o7 it ;as so 4n4s4a6 to meet ;it= st7an9e7s in t=at 5a7.o55 ;i6de7ness3 t=at a <=an<e meetin9 o5 t=is >ind ;as 7e9a7ded as A4ite an im?o7tant e8ent& FYo4C7e bo4nd 5o7 Yo7> )o7t3 no do4bt3G said Jas?e73 add7essin9 a ta66 =andsome man o5 bet;een 5o7t: and 5i5t:3 ;=o ;as t=e ?7in<i?a6 94ide& FA:3 t=atCs t=e end o5 o47 Eo47ne:& Yo4 see ;eC7e ta>in9 o47 547s do;n to t=e <oast& a8e

:o4 <ome 57om Yo7> )o7t3 57iendDG FNo3 IC8e <ome a66 t=e ;a: 57om Canada3G said Jas?e73 ;=o t=e7e4?on 9a8e t=em a s=o7t a<<o4nt o5 =is 8o:a9e& F(e663 Jas?e73 :o4C66 s?end t=e ni9=t ;it= 4s3 ;onCt :o4HG said t=e 94ide& F"=at ;i66 I3 7i9=t 96ad6:&G FCome3 t=en3 I see t=e 5i7es a7e be9innin9 to b47n& (e ma: as ;e66 =a8e a ?i?e and a <=at ;=i6e s4??e7 is 9ettin9 7ead:&G "=e ni9=t ;as no; <6osin9 in3 and t=e s<ene in t=e 5o7est3 ;=en t=e <am?.5i7es be9an to b6a@e3 ;as one o5 t=e most sti77in9 and 7omanti< si9=ts t=at <o46d be ;itnessed in t=at 6and& "=e men o5 t=e b7i9ade ;e7e some o5 t=em )7en<=.Canadians3 some nati8es o5 t=e %7>ne: Is6ands3 ;=o =ad been =i7ed and sent o4t t=e7e b: t=e 4dsonCs Ba: Com?an:3 ot=e7s ;e7e =a65.b7eeds3 and a 5e; ;e7e ?47e Indians& "=e: ;e7e a66 d7essed in ;=at is <a66ed voyageur <ost4me.<oats o7 <a?otes o5 b64e o7 97e: <6ot=3 ;it= =oods to <ome o8e7 t=ei7 =eads at ni9=t3 and 5astened 7o4nd t=ei7 ;aists ;it= s<a76et ;o7sted be6ts; <o7d47o: o7 97e: t7o4se7s3 9a7te7ed o4tside at t=e >nees3 mo<<asins3 and <a?s& B4t most o5 t=em t=7e; o55 t=ei7 <oats3 and a??ea7ed in b64e and 7ed st7i?ed <otton s=i7ts3 ;=i<= ;e7e o?en at t=e t=7oat3 eB?osin9 t=ei7 b7oad3 s4n.b47ned3 =ai7: <=ests& "=e7e ;as 8a7iet:3 too3 in t=e <a?s-some =ad S<ot<= bonnets3 ot=e7s 7ed ni9=t<a?s3 a 5e; =ad ta66 =ats3 o7namented ;it= 9o6d and si68e7 <o7ds and tasse6s3 and a 9ood man: ;o7e no <o8e7in9 at a66 eB<e?t t=ei7 o;n t=i<>6:.matted =ai7& "=ei7 5a<es ;e7e b47ned to e8e7: s=ade o5 7ed3 b7o;n3 and b6a<>3 57om <onstant eB?os47e3 and t=e: ;e7e st7on9 as 6ions3 ;i6d as @eb7as3 and 57o6i<>some as >ittens& It ;as no ;onde73 t=en3 t=at e:;ood 9ot into an eBt7ao7dina7: state o5 eB<itement and de6i9=t as =e be=e6d t=ese ;i6d3 5ine.6oo>in9 men smo>in9 t=ei7 ?i?es and <oo>in9 t=ei7 s4??e7s3 sittin93 6:in93 and standin93 ta6>in9 and sin9in93 and 6a49=in93 ;it= teet= 96istenin9 and e:es 96itte7in9 in t=e 7ed b6a@e o5 t=e 5i7es-ea<= o5 ;=i<= 5i7es ;as bi9 eno49= to =a8e 7oasted a ;=o6e oBD "=e :o4n9 a7tist <e7tain6: made 9ood 4se o5 =is o??o7t4nit:& e ;ent abo4t 57om 5i7e to 5i7e3 s>et<> in =and3 s>et<=in9 a66 t=e best.6oo>in9 men in e8e7: ?ossib6e attit4de3 sometimes sin96:3 and sometimes in 97o4?s o5 5i8e o7 siB& e t=en ;ent to t=e 5a7t=est end o5 t=e en<am?ment3 and3 in t=e 6i9=t o5 t=e 6ast 5i7e3 made a ?i<t47e o5 a66 t=e 7est& "=e >ett6es ;e7e soon steamin9& "=ese =4n9 57om t7i?ods e7e<ted o8e7 t=e 5i7es& "=ei7 <ontents ;e7e 56o47 and ?emmi<an3 made into a t=i<> so4? <a66ed $4bbiboo& As ?emmi<an is a >ind o5 5ood b4t 6itt6e >no;n in t=is <o4nt7:3 I ma: as ;e66 des<7ibe =o; it is made& In t=e 5i7st ?6a<e3 it <onsists o5 b455a6o meat& "=e 97eat ?6ains3 o7 ?7ai7ies3 o5 Ame7i<a3 ;=i<= a7e 6i>e =49e do;ns o7 <ommons =4nd7eds o5 mi6es in eBtent3 a55o7d 97ass s455i<ient to s4??o7t <o4nt6ess =e7ds o5 dee73 ;i6d =o7ses3 and bisons& "=e bisons a7e <a66ed b: t=e ?eo?6e t=e7e b455a6oes& "=e b455a6o is some;=at 6i>e an eno7mo4s oB3

b4t its =ind.A4a7te7s a7e sma66e7 and its 5o7e.A4a7te7s m4<= 6a79e7 t=an t=ose o5 t=e oB& Its =ai7 is 6on9 and s=a99:3 ?a7ti<46a76: abo4t t=e ne<> and s=o46de7s3 ;=e7e it be<omes a6most a mane& Its =o7ns a7e t=i<> and s=o7t3 and its 6oo> is 8e7: 5e7o<io4s3 b4t it is in 7ea6it: a timid <7eat47e3 and ;i66 on6: t47n to atta<> a man ;=en it is =a7d ?7essed and <annot es<a?e& Its 56es= is 5i7st.7ate 5o7 5ood3 e8en bette7 t=an bee53 and t=e7e is a 6a79e =4m? on its s=o46de73 ;=i<= is <onside7ed t=e best ?a7t o5 t=e anima6& S4<= is t=e bison3 o7 b455a6o3 57om ;=i<= ?emmi<an is made& (=en a man ;is=es to ma>e a ba9 o5 ?emmi<an3 =e 5i7st o5 a66 >i66s t=e b455a6o-not an eas: t=in9 to do b: an: means3 5o7 t=e b455a6o 74ns ;e66& a8in9 >i66ed =im3 =e s>ins =im and <4ts 4? t=e meat-a6so a di55i<46t t=in9 to do3 es?e<ia66: i5 one is not 4sed to t=at so7t o5 ;o7>& "=en =e <4ts t=e meat into t=in 6a:e7s3 and =an9s it 4? to d7:& *7ied meat ;i66 >ee? 5o7 a 6on9 time& It is ?a<>ed 4? in ba6es and sent abo4t t=at <o4nt7: to be 4sed as 5ood& "=e neBt t=in9 to be done is to ma>e a ba9 o5 t=e 7a; =ide o5 t=e b455a6o& "=is is done ;it= a 96o8e7Cs need6e3 t=e 7a; sine;s o5 t=e anima6 bein9 4sed instead o5 t=7ead& "=e ba9 is 4s4a66: abo4t t=7ee 5eet 6on93 and ei9=teen in<=es b7oad3 and t=e =ai7 is 6e5t on t=e o4tside o5 it& A =49e ?ot is no; ?4t on t=e 5i7e3 and t=e 5at o5 t=e b455a6o is me6ted do;n& "=en t=e d7ied meat is ?o4nded bet;een t;o stones3 4nti6 it is to7n and b7o>en 4? into s=7eds3 a5te7 ;=i<= it is ?4t into t=e ba93 t=e me6ted 5at is ?o47ed o8e7 it3 and t=e ;=o6e is ;e66 miBed& "=e 6ast o?e7ation is to se; 4? t=e mo4t= o5 t=e ba9 and 6ea8e it to <oo63 a5te7 ;=i<= t=e ?emmi<an is 7ead: 5o7 4se& In t=is state a ba9 o5 ?emmi<an ;i66 >ee? 57es= and 9ood 5o7 :ea7s& (=en t=e sea7<= ;as 9oin9 on in t=e ?o6a7 7e9ions 5o7 t=e 6ost s=i?s o5 Si7 Jo=n )7an>6in3 one o5 t=e ?a7ties =id some ?emmi<an in t=e 97o4nd3 intendin9 to 7et47n and ta>e it 4?& "=e: 7et47ned =ome3 =o;e8e73 anot=e7 ;a:& )i8e :ea7s 6ate7 some t7a8e66e7s dis<o8e7ed t=is ?emmi<an3 and it ;as 5o4nd3 at t=at time3 to be 5it 5o7 5ood& !emmi<an is eBtensi8e6: 4sed t=7o49=o4t $4?e7tCs /and3 es?e<ia66: d47in9 s4mme73 5o7 at t=at season t=e b7i9ades o5 boats sta7t 57om =4nd7eds o5 in6and t7adin9.?osts to ta>e t=e 547s to t=e <oast 5o7 s=i?ment to #n96and3 and ?emmi<an is 5o4nd to be not on6: t=e best o5 5ood 5o7 t=ese =a7d.;o7>in9 men3 b4t eB<eedin96: <on8enient to <a77:& S4??e7 5inis=ed3 t=e ;i6d.6oo>in9 5e66o;s o5 t=is b7i9ade too> to t=ei7 ?i?es3 and t=7e; 57es= 6o9s on t=e 5i7es3 ;=i<= 7oa7ed3 and <7a<>6ed3 and s=ot 4? t=ei7 5o7>ed ton94es o5 56ame3 as i5 t=e: ;is=ed to de8o47 t=e 5o7est& "=en t=e son9 and t=e sto7: ;ent 7o4nd3 and men to6d o5 te77ib6e 5i9=ts ;it= t=e o5 t=e ?7ai7ies3 and des?e7ate en<o4nte7s ;it= 97i@@6: bea7s in t=e $o<>: +o4ntains3 and na77o; es<a?es amon9 t=e 7a?ids and 5a66s3 4nti6 t=e ni9=t ;as =a65 s?ent& "=en3 one b: one3 ea<= man ;7a??ed =imse65 in =is b6an>et3 st7et<=ed =imse65 on t=e 97o4nd ;it= =is 5eet to;a7ds t=e 5i7e and =is =ead ?i66o;ed on a <oat o7 a =ea? o5 b74s=.;ood3 and ;ent to s6ee?& #7e 6on9 t=e: ;e7e a66 do;n3 eB<e?t one o7 t;o 6on9.;inded sto7: te66e7s3 ;=o ;ent on m4tte7in9 to t=ei7 ?i?es a5te7 t=ei7 <om7ades ;e7e as6ee?& #8en t=ese be<ame ti7ed at 6ast o5 t=e so4nd o5 t=ei7 o;n 8oi<es3 and 97ad4a66: e8e7: noise in t=e <am? ;as =4s=ed3

eB<e?t t=e <7a<>6in9 o5 t=e 5i7es as t=e: san> b: de97ees and ;ent o4t3 6ea8in9 t=e ?6a<e in dead si6en<e and tota6 da7>ness& (it= t=e 5i7st ?ee? o5 da;n t=e 94ide a7ose& In ten min4tes a5te7 =is 5i7st s=o4t t=e ;=o6e <am? ;as asti7& "=e men :a;ned a 9ood dea6 at 5i7st and 974mb6ed a 6itt6e3 and st7et<=ed t=emse68es 8io6ent6:3 and :a;ned a9ain& B4t soon t=e: s=oo> o55 6a@iness and s?7an9 to t=ei7 ;o7>& !ots3 ?ans3 >ett6es3 and ?emmi<an ba9s ;e7e tossed into t=e boats3 and in t=e <o47se o5 t=e: ;e7e 7ead: to <ontin4e t=e 8o:a9e& Jas?e7 stood beside t=e 94ide 6oo>in9 on at t=e b4s: s<ene& F ea7d :o4 an: ne;s 57om t=e Sas>at<=e;an o5 6ate3G said =e& FNot m4<=3G 7e?6ied t=e 94ide; Ft=e7eCs 6itt6e sti77in9 t=e7e E4st no;3 eB<e?t amon9 t=e Indians3 ;=o =a8e been >i66in9 and s<a6?in9 ea<= ot=e7 as 4s4a6& B4t3 b: t=e ;a:3 t=at 7eminds me t=e7e =as been a so7t o5 7o; bet;een t=e Indians and t=e Com?an:Cs ?eo?6e at )o7t #7ie&G F)o7t #7ie3G said Jas?e7 ;it= a sta7t& FA:3 t=atCs t=e name oC t=e 5o7t3 i5 I 7emembe7 7i9=t3G 7et47ned t=e 94ide& FIt seems t=at one oC t=e men t=e7e3 I t=in> t=e: <a66 =im /a7o<=e-b4t ;=at ma>es :o4 sta7t3 57iend Jas?e7H *o :o4 >no; an:t=in9 o5 t=is man&G FYes3 =eCs a 57iend o5 mine& 2o on3 6et me =ea7 abo4t it&G F(e663 t=e7eCs not m4<= to te663G 7es4med t=e 94ide& F"=is /a7o<=e3 it ;o46d a??ea73 =as 9ot into =ot ;ate7& e =as a da49=te73 a 9ood 6oo>inC ;en<= ICm to6d3 and3 bette7 t=an t=at3 a ; one& %ne oC t=e Indians =ad been im?e7tinent to t=e 9i763 so o6d /a7o<=e3 ;=o seems to be a 5ie7: 5e66o;3 4? 5ist3 =it =im on t=e nose3 and >no<>ed t=e sa8a9e 56at on =is ba<>& A t7emendo4s =o;6 ;as set 4?3 and >ni8es and =at<=ets ;e7e 56o47is=ed; b4t +7 !embe7ton3 ;=o is in <=a79e o5 )o7t #7ie3 7an in and ?a<i5ied t=em& "=e Indian t=at ;as 56oo7ed 8o;s =eC66 =a8e t=e =ai7 o5 o6d /a7o<=eCs =ead&G "=is ta>in9 t=e =ai7 o55 ?eo?6eCs =eads3 o7 s<a6?in93 as it is <a66ed3 is a <ommon ?7a<ti<e amon9 t=e No7t= Ame7i<an Indians& (=en a sa8a9e >i66s =is enem: =e 74ns =is s<a6?in9 >ni5e 7o4nd t=e dead manCs =ead3 sei@es t=e =ai7 ;it= =is 6e5t =and and tea7s t=e s<a6? o55& Indeed t=is d7ead546 <74e6t: is sometimes ?7a<tised be5o7e deat= =as o<<477ed& "=e s<a6? ;it= its 6o<> o5 =ai7 is ta>en =ome b: t=e 8i<to73 and =4n9 4? in =is tent as a t7o?=: o5 ;a7& "=e man ;=o <an s=o; t=e 97eatest n4mbe7 o5 s<a6?s is <onside7ed t=e 97eatest ;a77io7& "=e d7esses o5 Indian ;a77io7s a7e 4s4a66: 57in9ed ;it= =4man s<a6?.6o<>s& F"=atCs a bad b4siness3G said Jas?e73 ;=o ;as <on<e7ned to =ea7 s4<= ne;s o5 =is intended;& F*o :e >no; t=e name oC t=is 7ed.s>inned 7as<a6HG FI =ea7d it mentioned3G said t=e 94ide3 Fb4t I <anCt 7emembe7 it at t=is moment&G F"=e boats a7e 7ead: to sta7t3G said one o5 t=e stee7smen3 <omin9 4? E4st t=en& F1e7: 9ood3 6et t=e men emba7>& No;3 Jas?e73 ;e m4st ?a7t& 2i8e 4s a s=a>e oC :o47

=and& A ?6easant t7i? to :o4&G F"=e same to :o43 57iend3G said Jas?e73 7et47nin9 t=e 94ideCs sA4ee@e& In anot=e7 min4te t=e boats ;e7e a;a:& FNo;3 57iends3 ;e s=a66 sta7t3G said Jas?e73 b7ea>in9 t=e dee? si6en<e ;=i<= 5o66o;ed t=e de?a7t47e o5 t=e b7i9ade& F2ood3G said A77o;=ead& FICm 7ead:3G said e:;ood& "=e <anoe ;as soon in t=e ;ate73 and t=e men in t=ei7 ?6a<es; b4t t=e: sta7ted t=at mo7nin9 ;it=o4t a son9& A77o;=ead ;as ne8e7 in<6ined to be nois:3 e:;ood ;as s6ee?:3 and Jas?e7 ;as 7ende7ed anBio4s b: ;=at =e =ad =ea7d o5 =is 57iends at )o7t #7ie3 so t=e: ?add6ed a;a: in si6en<e& CHAPTER NINE. THE FORT* AND AN UNE)PECTED MEETIN(. (e t47n no; to a 8e7: di55e7ent s<ene& It is a sma66 5o7t o7 t7adin9.?ost on t=e ban>s o5 a st7eam ;=i<= 56o;s t=7o49= t=e ?7ai7ie& "=e 5o7t is 8e7: m4<= 6i>e t=e one ;=i<= =as been a67ead: des<7ibed3 b4t some;=at st7on9e7; and t=e7e a7e 5o47 b6o<>.=o4ses o7 bastions3 one at ea<= <o7ne73 57om ;=i<= t=e m4@@6es o5 a 5e; =ea8: 94ns ma: be seen ?7ot74din9& "=e t7ees and b4s=es =a8e been <6ea7ed a;a: 57om a7o4nd t=is 5o7t3 and t=e st7i?s o5 5o7est.6and3 ;=i<= 74n a6on9 bot= sides o5 t=e 7i8e73 a7e not so t=i<>6: ;ooded3 as t=e <o4nt7: t=7o49= ;=i<= t=e 7eade7 =as =it=e7to been t7a8e66in9& In 57ont o5 t=e 5o7t 7o66s t=e 7i8e7& Immediate6: be=ind it 6ies t=e bo4nd6ess ?7ai7ie3 ;=i<= eBtends 6i>e a sea o5 97ass3 ;it= s<a7<e6: a t7ee o7 b4s= 4?on it3 as 5a7 as t=e e:e <an 7ea<=& "=is is )o7t #7ie& Yo4 mi9=t 7ide 5o7 man: da:s o8e7 t=at ?7ai7ie ;it=o4t seein9 an:t=in9 o5 t=e 5o7est3 eB<e?t a <64m? o5 t7ees and b4s=es =e7e and t=e7e3 and no; and t=en a 6itt6e ?ond& "=e ;=o6e 7e9ion is eBt7eme6: bea4ti546& %ne t=at o49=t to 5i66 t=e =ea7ts o5 men ;it= admi7ation and 6o8e o5 t=e bo4nti546 2od ;=o 5o7med it& B4t men in t=ose 7e9ions3 at t=e time I ;7ite o53 t=o49=t o5 6itt6e bea4ties o5 nat47e3 and <a7ed not=in9 5o7 t=e 9oodness o5 2od& At 6east t=is ma: be t746: said o5 t=e 7ed.s>inned o;ne7s o5 t=e soi6& It ;as ot=e7;ise ;it= some o5 t=e ;=ite ?eo?6e ;=o d;e6t t=e7e& "=7ee ;ee>s =ad ?assed a;a: sin<e t=e ni9=t s?ent b: o47 57iends ;it= t=e b7i9ade& It ;as no; a bea4ti546 e8enin93 a 6itt6e a5te7 s4nset& "=e da:Cs ;o7> at t=e 5o7t =ad been 5inis=ed3 and t=e men ;e7e am4sin9 t=emse68es b: 7a<in9 t=ei7 =o7ses3 o5 ;=i<= 5ine anima6s t=e7e ;e7e 97eat n4mbe7s at )o7t #7ie& J4st a 6itt6e a5te7 t=e s4n =ad 9one do;n3 t=7ee =o7semen a??ea7ed on t=e distant ?7ai7ie and <ame bo4ndin9 at 5466 9a66o? to;a7ds t=e 5o7t& "=e: ;e7e o47 57iends Jas?e73 e:;ood3 and A77o;=ead& "=ese ad8ent47o4s t7a8e66e7s =ad 7ea<=ed a 5o7t 5a7t=e7 do;n

t=e 7i8e7 t;o da:s be5o7e3 and3 =a8in9 been s4??6ied ;it= =o7ses3 =ad ?4s=ed 5o7;a7d b: ;a: o5 t=e ?6ains& %n ente7in9 t=e be6t o5 ;oods <6ose to t=e 5o7t3 t=e =o7semen 7eined in3 and 7ode amon9 t=e t7ees mo7e <a4tio4s6:& F e7eCs t=e end o5 o47 Eo47ne: at 6ast3G <7ied Jas?e73 on ;=ose b7on@ed <o4ntenan<e t=e7e ;as a dee? 564s= o5 eB<itement and a 6oo> o5 anBiet:& J4st as =e said t=is3 Jas?e7Cs =ea7t a??ea7ed to 6ea? into =is t=7oat and a6most <=o>ed =im& !466in9 4? s4dden6:3 =e s;a66o;ed =is =ea7t3 ;it= some di55i<46t:3 and saidF o6d on3 6ads& IC66 7ide 7o4nd to t=e 5o7t b: ;a: o5 t=e 7i8e73 5o7 7easons o5 m: o;n& !4s= on3 e:;ood3 ;it= t=e Indian3 and 6et +7 !embe7ton >no; ICm <omin9& See3 I ;i66 9i8e :o4 t=e ?a<>et o5 6ette7s ;e ;e7e as>ed to <a77: 57om t=e 5o7t be6o;& No;3 ma>e =aste&G e:;ood3 t=o49= a 6itt6e s47?7ised at t=is s?ee<=3 and at t=e manne7 o5 =is 57iend3 too> t=e ?a<>et in si6en<e and 7ode s;i5t6: a;a:3 5o66o;ed b: t=e Indian& (=en t=e: ;e7e 9one3 Jas?e7 dismo4nted3 tied =is =o7se to a t7ee3 and ;a6>ed A4i<>6: into t=e ;oods in anot=e7 di7e<tion& No; t=is m:ste7io4s ?7o<eedin9 is not di55i<46t to eB?6ain& Jas?e7 =ad <a49=t si9=t o5 a 5ema6e 5i947e ;a6>in9 4nde7 t=e t7ees at a <onside7ab6e distan<e 57om t=e s?ot ;=e7e =e =ad ?466ed 4?& e >ne; t=at t=e7e ;e7e none b4t Indian ;omen at )o7t #7ie at t=at time3 and t=at3 t=e7e5o7e3 t=e on6: 7es?e<tab6: d7essed 5ema6e at t=e ?6a<e m4st needs be =is o;n +a7ie /a7o<=e& %8e7Eo:ed at t=e o??o7t4nit: t=4s 4neB?e<ted6: a55o7ded =im o5 meetin9 =e7 a6one3 =e =astened 5o7;a7d ;it= a beatin9 =ea7t& +a7ie ;as seated on t=e st4m? o5 a 5a66en t7ee ;=en t=e =4nte7 <ame 4?& S=e ;as a 5ai73 bea4ti546 ;oman o5 abo4t 5i8e.and.t;ent:3 ;it= an ai7 o5 modest: abo4t =e7 ;=i<= att7a<ted 6o8e3 :et 7e?e66ed 5ami6ia7it:& +an: a 9ood.6oo>in9 and ;e66.doin9 :o4n9 5e66o; =ad attem?ted to 9ain t=e =ea7t o5 +a7ie d47in9 t=e 6ast t;o :ea7s3 b4t ;it=o4t s4<<ess-5o7 t=is 9ood 7eason3 t=at =e7 =ea7t =ad been 9ained a67ead:& S=e ;as some;=at sta7t6ed ;=en a man a??ea7ed t=4s s4dden6: be5o7e =e7& Jas?e7 stood in si6en<e 5o7 a 5e; moments3 ;it= =is a7ms <7ossed 4?on =is b7east3 and 9a@ed ea7nest6: into =e7 5a<e& As =e did not s?ea>3 s=e saidFYo4 a??ea7 to be a st7an9e7 =e7e& a8e :o4 a77i8ed 6ate6:HG Jas?e7 ;as 5o7 a moment astonis=ed t=at s=e did not at on<e 7e<o9nise =im3 and :et =e =ad no 7eason to be s47?7ised& Besides t=e a6te7ation t=at t;o :ea7s sometimes ma>es in a man3 Jas?e7 =ad made a <onside7ab6e a6te7ation on =imse65& (=en +a7ie 6ast sa; =im3 =e =ad been in t=e =abit o5 ?7a<tisin9 t=e 5oo6is= and 4nnat47a6 <4stom o5 s=a8in9; and =e =ad <a77ied it to s4<= an eBt7eme t=at =e s=a8ed o55 e8e7:t=in9- ;=is>e7s3 bea7d3 and mo4sta<=e& B4t ;it=in a :ea7 =e =ad been ind4<ed b: a ;ise 57iend to <=an9e =is

o?inion on t=is s4bEe<t& "=at 57iend =ad s499ested3 t=at as !7o8iden<e =ad <a4sed =ai7 to 97o; on =is <=ee>s3 6i?s3 and <=in3 it ;as intended to be ;o7n3 and t=at =e =ad no mo7e 7i9=t to s=a8e =is 5a<e t=an a C=inaman =ad to s=a8e =is =ead& Jas?e7 =ad been so 5a7 <on8in<ed3 t=at =e =ad s455e7ed =is ;=is>e7s to 97o;& "=ese ;e7e no; 6a79e and b4s=:3 and =ad en<7oa<=ed so m4<= on =is <=in as to =a8e be<ome a6most a bea7d& Besides t=is3 not =a8in9 s=a8ed an: ?a7t o5 =is 5a<e d47in9 t=e 6ast t=7ee ;ee>s3 t=e7e ;as 6itt6e o5 it 8isib6e eB<e?t =is e:es3 5o7e=ead3 and <=ee>.bones& A66 t=e 7est ;as mo7e o7 6ess <o8e7ed ;it= b6a<> =ai7& No ;onde73 t=en3 t=at +a7ie3 ;=o be6ie8ed =im to be t;o t=o4sand mi6es a;a: at t=at moment3 did not 7e<o9nise =im in t=e in<7easin9 da7>ness o5 e8enin9& "=e 6o8e7 at on<e 4nde7stood t=is3 and =e 7eso68ed to ?6a: t=e ?a7t o5 a st7an9e7& e =a??ened to =a8e t=e ?o;e7 o5 <=an9in9 =is 8oi<e-a ?o;e7 ?ossessed b: man: ?eo?6e-and3 t74stin9 to t=e in<7easin9 96oom to <on<ea6 =im3 and to t=e 5a<t t=at =e ;as t=e 6ast ?e7son in t=e ;o76d ;=om +a7ie mi9=t eB?e<t to see t=e7e3 =e add7essed =e7 as 5o66o;s:FI am indeed a st7an9e7 =e7e; at 6east I =a8e not been at t=e ?ost 5o7 a 8e7: 6on9 time& I =a8e E4st 7ea<=ed t=e end o5 a 6on9 8o:a9e&G FIndeed3G said t=e 9i763 inte7ested b: t=e st7an9e7Cs 97a8e manne7& F+a: I as> ;=e7e :o4 =a8e <ome 57omHG FI =a8e <ome a66 t=e ;a: 57om Canada3 :o4n9 ;oman3 and I <o4nt m:se65 64<>: in meetin9 ;it= s4<= a ?6easant 5a<e at t=e end o5 m: Eo47ne:&G F)7om CanadaDG eB<6aimed +a7ie3 be<omin9 sti66 mo7e inte7ested in t=e st7an9e73 and b64s=in9 dee?6: as s=e as>ed-FYo4 =a8e 57iends t=e7e3 no do4btHG FA:3 a 5e;3G said Jas?e7& FAnd ;=at =as b7o49=t :o4 s4<= a 6on9 ;a: into t=is ;i6d ;i6de7nessHG as>ed +a7ie3 si9=in9 as s=e t=o49=t o5 t=e =4nd7eds o5 mi6es t=at 6a: bet;een )o7t #7ie and Canada& FI =a8e <ome =e7e to 9et me a ;i5e3G 7e?6ied Jas?e7& F"=at is st7an9e3G said t=e 9i763 smi6in93 F5o7 t=e7e a7e 5e; b4t Indian ;omen =e7e& A sto4t =4nte7 6i>e :o4 mi9=t 5ind one nea7e7 =ome3 I s=o46d t=in>&G e7e +a7ie ?a4sed3 5o7 s=e 5e6t t=at on s4<= a s4bEe<t s=e o49=t not to <on8e7se ;it= a st7an9e7& Yet s=e <o46d not =e6? addin93 FB4t ?e7=a?s3 as :o4 sa:3 :o4 =a8e been in t=is ?a7t o5 t=e ;o76d be5o7e3 :o4 ma: =a8e some one in :o47 mindHG FI am en9a9ed3G said Jas?e7 ab74?t6:& %n =ea7in9 t=is +a7ie 5e6t mo7e at =e7 ease3 and3 bein9 o5 a 8e7: s:m?at=eti< nat47e3 s=e at on<e <o47ted t=e <on5iden<e o5 t=e st7an9e7& F+a: I 8ent47e to as> =e7 nameHG said +a7ie3 ;it= an a7<= smi6e& FI ma: not te663G 7e?6ied Jas?e7; FI =a8e a <om7ade ;=o is entit6ed to >no; t=is se<7et

be5o7e an: one e6se& !e7=a?s :o4 ma: =a8e =ea7d o5 =im3 5o7 =e ;as 4? in t=ese ?a7ts t;o :ea7s a9one& is name is Jas?e7 *e77:&G "=e b6ood 74s=ed to +a7ieCs tem?6es on =ea7in9 t=e name3 and s=e t47ned =e7 5a<e a;a: to <on<ea6 =e7 a9itation3 ;=i6e3 in a 6o; 8oi<e3 s=e saidFIs Jas?e7 *e77:3 t=en3 :o47 intimate 57iendHG F"=at is =e-a 8e7: intimate 57iend indeed& B4t :o4 a??ea7 to >no; =im&G FYes3 I-I >no; =im-I =a8e seen =im& I =o?e =e is ;e663G said +a7ie; and s=e 6istened ;it= a beatin9 =ea7t 5o7 t=e ans;e73 t=o49= s=e sti66 t47ned =e7 5a<e a;a:& F%=D =eCs ;e66 eno49=3G said Jas?e7; Fsi<>ness donCt o5ten t7o4b6e him& ma77ied&G eCs 9oin9 to be

ad a b466et st74<> t=e 9i76Cs =ea7t s=e <o46d not =a8e t47ned mo7e dead6: ?a6e t=an s=e did on =ea7in9 t=is& S=e =a65 7ose 57om t=e t7ee st4m?3 and ;o46d =a8e 5a66en to t=e 97o4nd insensib6e3 =ad not Jas?e7 <a49=t =e7 in =is a7ms& F+: o;n +a7ie3G said =e 5e78ent6:3 F5o79i8e me3 dea7est; 5o79i8e m: 5o66:3 m: ;i<>edness3 in de<ei8in9 :o4 in t=is 5as=ion& %=3 ;=at a 5oo6 I amDG =e added3 as t=e ?oo7 9i76 sti66 =4n9 =ea8i6: in =is 97as?-Fs?ea> to me +a7ie3 m: o;n da76in9&G (=et=e7 it ;as t=e ea7nestness o5 =is 8oi<e3 o7 t=e >iss ;=i<= =e ?7inted on =e7 5o7e=ead3 o7 t=e <oo6ness o5 t=e e8enin9 ai73 I >no; not3 b4t <e7tain it is t=at +a7ie 7e<o8e7ed in t=e <o47se o5 a 5e; min4tes3 and3 on bein9 <on8in<ed t=at Jas?e7 7ea66: ;as =e7 o6d 6o8e73 s=e 7esi9ned =e7se653 ;ise6:3 to =e7 5ate3 and =e6d s4<= an 4n<ommon6: 6on9 <on8e7sation ;it= t=e bo6d =4nte73 t=at t=e moon ;as 4? and t=e sta7s ;e7e o4t be5o7e t=e: t47ned t=ei7 ste?s to;a7ds t=e )o7t& F(=:3 Jas?e7 *e77:3G <7ied +7 !embe7ton3 as t=e =4nte7 ente7ed t=e =a66 o5 )o7t #7ie3 F;=e7e have :o4 been& IC8e been eB?e<tin9 :o4 e8e7: moment 5o7 t=e 6ast t;o =o47s&G F(e663 :o4 see3 +7 !embe7ton3 I E4st ;ent do;n t=e 7i8e7 a s=o7t bit to see an o6d 57iend and I ;as >e?C 6on9e7 t=an I eB?e<ted3G said Jas?e73 ;it= a <oo63 97a8e 5a<e3 as =e 97as?ed and s=oo> t=e =and ;=i<= ;as =e6d o4t to =im& FA=D I see3 :o4 =4nte7s a7e mo7e 6i>e b7ot=e7s t=an 57iends& No do4bt :o4 ;ent to smo>e a ?i?e ;it= a;>e:e3 o7 to =a8e a <=at ;it= t=e +4s>7at abo4t o6d times3G said t=e 547. t7ade73 mentionin9 t=e names o5 t;o Indians ;=o ;e7e <e6eb7ated as bein9 t=e best =4nte7s in t=e nei9=bo47=ood3 and ;=o =ad been bosom 57iends o5 Jas?e7 ;=en =e 7esided t=e7e t;o :ea7s be5o7e& FNo3 IC8e not :et smo>ed a ?i?e ;it= a;>e:e3 neit=e7 =a8e I seen +4s>7at3 b4t I <e7tain6: =a8e =ad a ?7ett: 6on9 <=at ;it= one oC m: o6d 57iends3G ans;e7ed Jas?e73 ;=i6e a A4iet smi6e ?6a:ed on =is 5a<e& F(e663 <ome a6on9 and =a8e a ?i?e and a <=at ;it= me& I =o?e :o4 <o4nt me one o5 :o47 57iends too3G said +7 !embe7ton3 <ond4<tin9 Jas?e7 into an inne7 7oom3 ;=e7e =e 5o4nd

e:;ood and A77o;=ead seated at a tab6e3 doin9 E4sti<e to a s?6endid s4??e7 o5 b455a6o. ton94es3 8enison.stea>s3 and ma77o;.bones& F e7e a7e :o47 <om7ades3 :o4 see3 =a7d at ;o7>& ItCs 64<>: :o4 <ame to.ni9=t3 Jas?e73 5o7 I intend to be o55 to.mo77o; mo7nin93 b: b7ea> o5 da:3 on a b455a6o.=4nt& I5 :o4 =ad been a 5e; =o47s 6ate7 o5 a77i8in93 I s=o46d =a8e missed :o4& Come3 ;i66 :o4 eat o7 smo>eHG FIC66 eat 5i7st3 i5 :o4 =a8e no obEe<tion3G said Jas?e73 Fand smo>e a5te7;a7ds&G F1e7: 9ood& Sit do;n3 t=en3 and 9et to ;o7>& +ean;=i6e IC66 9o and 6oo> a5te7 t=e =o7ses t=at ;e intend to ta>e ;it= 4s to.mo77o;& %5 <o47se :o4C66 a<<om?an: 4s3 Jas?e7HG FIC66 be 8e7: 96ad3 and so ;i66 A77o;=ead3 t=e7e& "=e7eCs not=in9 =e 6i>es so m4<= as a <=ase a5te7 a b455a6o3 4n6ess3 it ma: be3 t=e eatin9 o5 =im& B4t as 5o7 m: 57iend and <om7ade +7 e:;ood3 =e m4st s?ea> 5o7 =imse65&G FI ;i66 be de6i9=ted to 9o3G ans;e7ed t=e a7tist3 Fnot=in9 ;i66 9i8e me mo7e ?6eas47e; b4t I 5ea7 m: steed is too m4<= eB=a4sted to-G F%=D ma>e :o47 mind eas: on t=at s<o7e3G said t=e 547.t7ade73 inte774?tin9 =im& FI =a8e ?6ent: o5 <a?ita6 =o7ses3 and <an mo4nt t=e ;=o6e o5 :o43 so t=atCs sett6ed& And no;3 57iends3 do E4sti<e to :o47 s4??e73 I s=a66 be ba<> be5o7e :o4 =a8e done&G So sa:in93 +7 !embe7ton 6e5t t=e 7oom3 and o47 t=7ee 57iends3 bein9 4n4s4a66: =4n97:3 5e66 8i9o7o4s6: to ;o7> on t=e 9ood <=ee7 o5 )o7t #7ie& CHAPTER TEN. BUFFA#O"HUNTIN( ON THE PRAIRIES. NeBt da: most o5 t=e men o5 )o7t #7ie3 =eaded b: +7 !embe7ton3 7ode a;a: into t=e ?7ai7ies on a b455a6o.=4nt& Jas?e7 ;o46d ;i66in96: =a8e 7emained ;it= +a7ie at t=e 5o7t3 b4t3 =a8in9 ?7omised to 9o3 =e ;o46d not no; d7a; ba<>& "=e band o5 =o7semen 7ode 5o7 t=7ee =o47s3 at a A4i<> ?a<e3 o8e7 t=e 97ass: ?6ains3 ;it=o4t seein9 an:t=in9& Jas?e7 >e?t <6ose beside =is 57iend3 o6d /a7o<=e3 ;=i6e e:;ood 7ode and <on8e7sed <=ie56: ;it= +7 !embe7ton& "=e7e ;e7e abo4t t;ent: men a6to9et=e73 a7med ;it= 94ns3 and mo4nted on t=ei7 best b455a6o.74nne7s3 as t=e: st:6ed t=e =o7ses ;=i<= ;e7e t7ained to =4nt t=e b455a6o& +an: o5 t=ese steeds =ad been ;i6d =o7ses3 <a49=t b: t=e Indians3 b7o>en.in3 and so6d b: t=em to t=e 547.t7ade7s& FI =a8e se6dom 7idden so 6on9 ;it=o4t meetin9 b455a6oes3G obse78ed +7 !embe7ton3 as t=e ?a7t: 9a66o?ed to t=e to? o5 a 7id9e o5 6and3 57om ;=i<= t=e: <o46d see t=e ?6ains 5a7 and ;ide a7o4nd t=em& F"=e7e t=e: a7e at 6ast3G said e:;ood ea9e76:3 ?ointin9 to a <e7tain s?ot on t=e 5a7.o55 =o7i@on ;=e7e 6i8in9 <7eat47es o5 some so7t ;e7e seen mo8in9& F"=at m4st be a band oC 7ed.s>ins3G said Jas?e73 ;=o t7otted 4? at t=is moment ;it= t=e 7est o5 t=e ?a7t:&

F"=e: a7e Sa4tea4B3G K"=is ;o7d is ?7ono4n<ed Sotoes in t=e ?647a6; Sotoe in t=e sin946a7L obse78ed A77o;=ead A4iet6:& FYo4 m4st =a8e 9ood e:es3 57iend3G said !embe7ton3 a??6:in9 a sma66 ?o<>et.te6es<o?e to =is e:e; Ft=e: a7e indeed Sa4tea4B3 I see b: t=ei7 d7ess3 and t=e: =a8e obse78ed 4s3 5o7 t=e: a7e <omin9 st7ai9=t t=is ;a:3 6i>e t=e ;ind&G F(i66 t=e: <ome as enemies o7 57iendsHG inA4i7ed e:;ood& FAs 57iends3 I =a8e no do4bt3G 7e?6ied t=e 547.t7ade7& FCome3 6ads3 ;e ;i66 7ide 5o7;a7d to meet t=em&G In a s=o7t time t=e t;o ?a7ties o5 =o7semen met& "=e: a??7oa<=ed a6most at 5466 s?eed3 as i5 ea<= meant to 7ide t=e ot=e7 do;n3 and did not 7ein 4? 4nti6 t=e: ;e7e so <6ose t=at it seemed im?ossib6e to a8oid a s=o<>& F a8e :o4 seen t=e b455a6oes 6ate6:HG inA4i7ed !embe7ton3 a5te7 t=e 5i7st sa64tation =ad ?assed& FYes3 t=e7e a7e 6a79e bands not an =o47Cs 7ide 57om t=is& Some o5 o47 :o4n9 ;a77io7s =a8e 7emained to =4nt& (e a7e 9oin9 to t=e 5o7t to t7ade&G F2ood; :o4 ;i66 5ind toba<<o eno49= t=e7e to >ee? :o4 smo>in9 ti66 I 7et47n ;it= 57es= meat3G said !embe7ton3 in t=e nati8e ton94e3 ;=i<= =e <o46d s?ea> 6i>e an Indian& FIC66 not be 6on9 a;a:& )a7e;e66&G No mo7e ;o7ds ;e7e ;asted& "=e t7ade7s 9a66o?ed a;a: o8e7 t=e ?7ai7ie3 and t=e Indians3 o5 ;=om t=e7e ;e7e abo4t 5i5teen3 das=ed o55 in t=e di7e<tion o5 t=e 5o7t& "=ese Indians ;e7e a 8e7: di55e7ent set o5 men 57om t=ose ;=om I =a8e a67ead: int7od4<ed to t=e 7eade7 in a 5o7me7 <=a?te7& "=e7e a7e man: t7ibes o5 Indians in t=e ;i6de7ness o5 $4?e7tCs /and3 and some o5 t=e t7ibes a7e at <onstant ;a7 ;it= ea<= ot=e7& B4t in o7de7 to a8oid <on54sin9 t=e 7eade73 it ma: be as ;e66 to di8ide t=e Indian 7a<e into t;o 97eat <6asses-name6:3 t=ose ;=o in=abit t=e ;oods3 and t=ose ;=o 7oam o8e7 t=e ?6ains o7 ?7ai7ies& As a 9ene7a6 746e3 t=e t=i<> ;ood Indians a7e a mo7e ?ea<e546 set o5 men t=an t=e ?7ai7ie Indians& "=e: a7e 5e; in n4mbe73 and 6i8e in a 6and 5466 o5 9ame3 ;=e7e t=e7e is 5a7 mo7e t=an eno49= o5 7oom 5o7 a66 o5 t=em& "=ei7 mode o5 t7a8e66in9 in <anoes3 and on 5oot3 is s6o;3 so t=at t=e di55e7ent t7ibes do not o5ten meet3 and t=e: =a8e no o<<asion to A4a77e6& "=e: a7e3 5o7 t=e most ?a7t3 a A4iet and =a7m6ess 7a<e o5 sa8a9es3 and bein9 8e7: de?endent on t=e 547.t7ade7s 5o7 t=e ne<essa7ies o5 6i5e3 t=e: a7e on t=ei7 9ood be=a8io473 and se6dom do m4<= mis<=ie5& It is 8e7: di55e7ent ;it= t=e ?6ain Indians& "=ese sa8a9es =a8e n4mbe7s o5 5ine =o7ses3 and 6i8e in a s?6endid o?en <o4nt7:3 ;=i<= is ;e66.sto<>ed ;it= dee7 and b455a6oes3 besides ot=e7 9ame& "=e: a7e bo6d 7ide7s3 and s<o47 o8e7 t=e <o4nt7: in a66 di7e<tions3 <onseA4ent6: t=e di55e7ent t7ibes o5ten <ome a<7oss ea<= ot=e7 ;=en o4t =4ntin9& ,4a77e6s and 5i9=ts a7e t=e 7es46ts3 so t=at t=ese sa8a9es a7e nat47a66: a 5ie7<e and ;a76i>e 7a<e& "=e: a7e inde?endent too; 5o7 a6t=o49= t=e: 9et t=ei7 94ns and amm4nition

and ot=e7 ne<essa7ies 57om t=e t7ade7s3 t=e: <an mana9e to 6i8e ;it=o4t t=ese t=in9s i5 need be& "=e: <an <6ot=e t=emse68es in t=e s>ins o5 ;i6d anima6s3 and ;=en t=e: 6ose t=ei7 94ns3 o7 ;et t=ei7 ?o;de73 t=e: <an >i66 9ame easi6: ;it= t=ei7 o;n bo;s and a77o;s& It ;as a band o5 t=ese 5e66o;s t=at no; ;ent 9a66o?in9 to;a7ds )o7t #7ie3 ;it= t=e 6on9 manes and tai6s o5 t=e =a65.;i6d =o7ses and t=e s<a6?.6o<>s on t=ei7 d7esses and t=ei7 o;n 6on9 b6a<> =ai7 st7eamin9 in t=e ;ind& !embe7ton and =is ?a7t: soon <ame 4? ;it= t=e :o4n9 Indians ;=o =ad 7emained to <=ase t=e b455a6oes& e 5o4nd t=em s=e6te7ed be=ind a 6itt6e mo4nd3 ma>in9 ?7e?a7ations 5o7 an immediate atta<> on t=e anima6s3 ;=i<=3 =o;e8e73 ;e7e not :et 8isib6e to t=e men 57om t=e 5o7t& FI do be6ie8e t=e:C8e seen b455a6oes on t=e ot=e7 side o5 t=at mo4nd3G said !embe7ton3 as =e 7ode 5o7;a7d& e ;as 7i9=t& "=e Indians3 o5 ;=om t=e7e ;e7e siB3 ;e66 mo4nted and a7med ;it= st7on9 s=o7t bo;s3 ?ointed to t=e mo4nd3 and said t=at on t=e ot=e7 side o5 it t=e7e ;e7e =4nd7eds o5 b455a6oes& As t=e anima6s ;e7e so n4me7o4s3 no obEe<tion ;as made to t=e 547.t7ade7s Eoinin9 in t=e =4nt3 so in anot=e7 moment t=e 4nited ?a7t: 6ea?ed 57om t=ei7 =o7ses and ?7e?a7ed 5o7 a<tion& Some ;i?ed o4t and <a7e5466: 6oaded t=ei7 94ns3 ot=e7s eBamined t=e ?7imin9 o5 t=ei7 ?ie<es3 and <=i??ed t=e ed9es o55 t=e 56ints to ma>e s47e o5 t=ei7 not missin9 5i7e& A66 6oo>ed to t=e 9i7t=s o5 t=ei7 sadd6es3 and a 5e; t=7e; o55 t=ei7 <oats and 7o66ed t=ei7 s=i7t.s6ee8es 4? to t=ei7 s=o46de7s3 as i5 t=e: ;e7e 9oin9 to 4nde7ta>e =a7d and b6ood: ;o7>& +7 !embe7ton too> in =and to 6oo> a5te7 o47 57iend e:;ood; t=e 7est ;e7e ;e66 A4a6i5ied to 6oo> a5te7 t=emse68es& In 5i8e min4tes t=e: ;e7e a66 7emo4nted and 7ode A4iet6: to t=e b7o; o5 t=e mo4nd& e7e an inte7estin9 si9=t ?7esented itse65& "=e ;=o6e ?6ain ;as <o8e7ed ;it= t=e =49e 4n;ie6d: 5o7ms o5 t=e b455a6oes& "=e: ;e7e s<atte7ed abo4t3 sin96: and in 97o4?s3 97a@in9 o7 ?6a:in9 o7 6:in9 do;n3 and in one o7 t;o ?6a<es some o5 t=e b466s ;e7e en9a9ed in sin96e <ombat3 ?a;in9 t=e ea7t=3 9o7in9 ea<= ot=e73 and be66o;in9 547io4s6:& A5te7 one 6oo>3 t=e =4nte7s das=ed do;n t=e =i66 and ;e7e in t=e midst o5 t=e astonis=ed anima6s a6most be5o7e t=e: <o46d 7aise t=ei7 =eads to 6oo> at t=em& No; <ommen<ed a s<ene ;=i<= it is not eas: to des<7ibe <o77e<t6:& #a<= man =ad se6e<ted =is o;n 97o4? o5 anima6s3 so t=at t=e ;=o6e ?a7t: ;as s<atte7ed in a moment& F)o66o; me3G <7ied !embe7ton to :o47se65&G e:;ood3 Fobse78e ;=at I do3 and t=en 9o t7: it

"=e 547.t7ade7 9a66o?ed at 5466 s?eed to;a7ds a 97o4? o5 b455a6oes ;=i<= stood 7i9=t be5o7e =im3 abo4t t;o =4nd7ed :a7ds o55& e <a77ied a sin96e.ba77e66ed 94n ;it= a 56int

6o<> in =is 7i9=t =and and a b466et in =is mo4t=3 7ead: to 7e.6oad& "=e b455a6oes 9a@ed at =im 5o7 one moment in st4?id s47?7ise3 and t=en3 ;it= a toss o5 t=ei7 =eads and a ;=is> o5 t=ei7 tai6s3 t=e: t47ned and 56ed& At 5i7st t=e: 7an ;it= a s6o; a;>;a7d 9ait3 6i>e ?i9s; and to one ;=o did not >no; t=ei7 ?o;e7s3 it ;o46d seem t=at t=e 5ast.74nnin9 =o7ses o5 t=e t;o men ;o46d A4i<>6: o8e7ta>e t=em& B4t as t=e: ;a7med to t=e ;o7> t=ei7 s?eed in<7eased3 and it 7eA4i7ed t=e =o7ses to 9et 4? t=ei7 best ?a<es to o8e7ta>e t=em& A5te7 a 547io4s 9a66o?3 !embe7tonCs =o7se 7an <6ose 4? a6on9side o5 a 5ine.6oo>in9 b455a6o <o;-so <6ose t=at =e <o46d a6most to4<= t=e side o5 t=e anima6 ;it= t=e ?oint o5 =is 94n& *7o??in9 t=e 7ein3 =e ?ointed t=e 94n ;it=o4t ?4ttin9 it to =is s=o46de7 and 5i7ed& "=e ba66 ?assed t=7o49= t=e anima6Cs =ea7t3 and it d7o?t 6i>e a stone& At t=e same moment !embe7ton 564n9 =is <a? on t=e 97o4nd beside it3 so t=at =e mi9=t a5te7;a7ds <6aim it as =is o;n& "=e ;e66.t7ained =o7se did not s=: at t=e s=ot3 neit=e7 did it <=e<> its ?a<e 5o7 a moment3 b4t 7an st7ai9=t on and soon ?6a<ed its maste7 a6on9side o5 anot=e7 b455a6o <o;& In t=e meantime3 !embe7ton 6oaded 6i>e 6i9=tnin9& e 6et t=e 7eins =an9 6oose3 >no;in9 t=at t=e =o7se 4nde7stood =is ;o7>3 and3 sei@in9 t=e ?o;de7.=o7n at =is side ;it= =is 7i9=t =and3 d7e; t=e ;ooden sto??e7 ;it= =is teet=3 and ?o47ed a <=a79e o5 ?o;de7 into =is 6e5t-94essin9 t=e A4antit:3 o5 <o47se& !o47in9 t=is into t=e 94n =e ?4t t=e m4@@6e to =is mo4t=3 and s?at t=e ba66 into it3 st74<> t=e b4tt on t=e ?omme6 o5 t=e sadd6e to send it do;n3 as ;e66 as to d7i8e t=e ?o;de7 into t=e ?an3 and ta>in9 =is <=an<e o5 t=e 94n ?7imin9 itse653 =e aimed as be5o7e3 and ?466ed t=e t7i99e7& "=e eB?6osion 5o66o;ed3 and a se<ond b455a6o 6a: dead 4?on t=e ?6ain3 ;it= a 96o8e beside it to s=o; to ;=om it be6on9ed& S<enes simi6a7 to t=is ;e7e bein9 ena<ted a66 o8e7 t=e ?6ain3 ;it= t=is di55e7en<e3 t=at t=e bad o7 im?atient men sometimes 5i7ed too soon and missed t=ei7 ma7>3 o7 b: on6: ;o4ndin9 t=e anima6s3 in547iated t=em and <a4sed t=em to 74n 5aste7& %ne o7 t;o i66. t7ained =o7ses s=ied ;=en t=e 94ns ;e7e 5i7ed3 and 6e5t t=ei7 7ide7s s?7a;6in9 on t=e 97o4nd& %t=e7s st4mb6ed into bad9e7.=o6es and 7o66ed o8e7& "=e Indians did t=ei7 ;o7> ;e66& "=e: ;e7e 4sed to it3 and did not bend t=ei7 bo;s 4nti6 t=ei7 =o7ses a6most b74s=ed t=e 7ee>in9 sides o5 t=e =49e b74tes& "=en t=e: d7e; to t=e a77o; =eads3 and3 6eanin9 5o7;a7d3 b47ied t=e s=a5ts 4? to t=e 5eat=e7s& "=e a77o; is said to be e8en mo7e dead6: t=an t=e b466et& A67ead: t=e ?6ain ;as st7e;n ;it= dead o7 d:in9 b455a6oes3 and t=e 97o4nd seemed to t7emb6e ;it= t=e t=4nde7 o5 t=e t7ead o5 t=e a557i9=ted anima6s& Jas?e7 =ad Id7o?tC t=7ee3 and A77o;=ead =ad s6ain t;o3 :et t=e ?a<e did not s6a<>en-sti66 t=e ;o7> o5 deat= ;ent on& a8in9 seen !embe7ton s=oot anot=e7 anima63 e:;ood be<ame 5i7ed ;it= a desi7e to t7: =is o;n =and3 so =e ed9ed a;a: 57om =is <om?anion& Seein9 a 8e7: 6a79e monst7o4s. 6oo>in9 b455a6o 56:in9 a;a: b: itse65 at no 97eat distan<e3 =e t47ned =is =o7se to;a7ds it3 97as?ed =is 94n3 s=oo> t=e 7eins3 and 9a8e <=ase&

No; ?oo7 e:;ood did not >no; t=at t=e anima6 =e =ad made 4? =is mind to >i66 ;as a to49= o6d b466; neit=e7 did =e >no; t=at a b466 is bad to eat3 and dan9e7o4s to 5o66o;; and3 ;o7se t=an a663 =e did not >no; t=at ;=en a b466 =o6ds =is tai6 sti55 and st7ai9=t 4? in t=e ai73 it is a si9n t=at =e is in a t7emendo4s 7a9e3 and t=at t=e ;isest t=in9 a man <an do is to 6et =im a6one& e:;ood3 in 5a<t3 >ne; not=in93 so =e 74s=ed b6ind6: on =is 5ate& At 5i7st t=e b466 did not 7aise =is tai63 b4t3 as t=e 7ide7 d7e; nea73 =e t47ned =is eno7mo4s s=a99: =ead a 6itt6e to one side3 and 6oo>ed at =im o4t o5 t=e <o7ne7 o5 =is ;i<>ed 6itt6e e:e& (=en e:;ood <ame ;it=in a 5e; :a7ds and3 in attem?tin9 to ta>e aim3 5i7ed o55 =is 94n b: a<<ident st7ai9=t into t=e 5a<e o5 t=e s4n3 t=e tai6 ;ent 4? and t=e b466 be9an to 97o;6& "=e 5e7o<io4s as?e<t o5 t=e <7eat47e a6a7med t=e a7tist3 b4t =e =ad made 4? =is mind to >i66 it3 so =e attem?ted to 7e.6oad3 as !embe7ton =ad done& e s4<<eeded3 and3 as =e ;as abo4t to t47n =is attention a9ain to t=e b4663 =e obse78ed one o5 t=e men be6on9in9 to t=e 5o7t ma>in9 to;a7ds =im& "=is man sa; and >ne; t=e a7tistCs dan9e73 and meant to ;a7n =im3 b4t =is =o7se 4n5o7t4nate6: ?4t one o5 its 5eet into a =o6e3 and sent =im 56:in9 =ead o8e7 =ee6s t=7o49= t=e ai7& e:;ood ;as no; so <6ose to t=e b466 t=at =e =ad to ?7e?a7e 5o7 anot=e7 s=ot& "=e =o7se =e 7ode ;as a t=o7o49=6: 9ood b455a6o.74nne7& It >ne; t=e dan9e7o4s <=a7a<te7 o5 t=e b4663 i5 its 7ide7 did not3 and >e?t its e:e ;at<=5466: 4?on it& At 6ast t=e b466 6ost ?atien<e3 and3 s4dden6: ;=ee6in9 7o4nd3 das=ed at t=e =o7se3 b4t t=e t7ained anima6 s?7an9 nimb6: to one side3 and 9ot o4t o5 t=e ;a:& e:;ood ;as a66 b4t t=7o;n& e <64t<=ed t=e mane3 =o;e8e73 and =e6d on& "=e b466 t=en <ontin4ed its 56i9=t& *ete7mined not to be <a49=t in t=is ;a: a9ain3 t=e a7tist sei@ed t=e 7eins3 and 7an t=e =o7se <6ose a6on9side o5 t=e b455a6o3 ;=ose tai6 ;as no; as sti55 as a ?o>e7& %n<e mo7e t=e b466 t47ned s4dden6: 7o4nd& e:;ood ?466ed t=e 7eins 8io6ent6:3 t=4s <on54sin9 =is steed ;=i<= 7an st7ai9=t a9ainst t=e b455a6oCs bi9 =ai7: 5o7e=ead& It ;as sto??ed as 8io6ent6: as i5 it =ad 74n a9ainst t=e side o5 a =o4se& B4t ?oo7 e:;ood ;as not sto??ed& e 6e5t t=e sadd6e 6i>e a 7o<>et3 56e; 7i9=t o8e7 t=e b466Cs ba<>3 <ame do;n on =is 5a<e3 ?6o49=ed 4? t=e 6and ;it= =is nose-and 6ea7ned a 6esson 57om eB?e7ien<eD )o7t4nate6: t=e s?ot3 on ;=i<= =e 5e663 =a??ened to be one o5 t=ose so5t m4dd: ?6a<es3 in ;=i<= t=e b455a6oes a7e 5ond o5 7o66in9 t=ei7 =49e bodies3 in t=e =eat o5 s4mme73 so t=at3 ;it= t=e eB<e?tion o5 a b74ised and di7t: 5a<e3 and bad6: soi6ed <6ot=es3 t=e bo6d a7tist ;as none t=e ;o7se 5o7 =is ad8ent47e& CHAPTER E#E%EN. WINTER!S#EEPIN( IN THE SNOW!A NI(HT A#ARM. S4mme7 ?assed a;a:3 a4t4mn ?assed a;a:3 and ;inte7 <ame& So did C=7istmas3 and so did Jas?e7Cs ma77ia9e.da:& No; t=e 7eade7 m4st 4nde7stand t=at t=e7e is a ;onde7546 di55e7en<e bet;een t=e ;inte7 in t=at ?a7t o5 t=e No7t= Ame7i<an ;i6de7ness <a66ed $4?e7tCs 6and3 and ;inte7 in o47 o;n =a??: is6and&

(inte7 o4t t=e7e is 57om siB to ei9=t mont=s 6on9& "=e sno; 8a7ies 57om t=7ee to 5o47 5eet dee?3 and in man: ?6a<es it d7i5ts to 5i5teen o7 t;ent: 5eet dee?& "=e i<e on t=e 6a>es and 7i8e7s is sometimes abo8e siB 5eet t=i<>; and t=e sa6t sea itse653 in 4dsonCs Ba:3 is 57o@en o8e7 to a 97eat eBtent& Not=in9 6i>e a t=a; ta>es ?6a<e 5o7 man: mont=s at a time3 and t=e 57ost is so intense t=at it is a matte7 o5 di55i<46t: to ?7e8ent oneCs.se65 57om bein9 57ost.bitten& "=e ;=o6e <o4nt7:3 d47in9 t=ese 6on9 ;inte7 mont=s3 a??ea7s ;=ite3 deso6ate3 and si6ent& Yet a 9ood man: o5 t=e bi7ds and anima6s >ee? mo8in9 abo4t3 t=o49= most o5 t=em do so at ni9=t3 and do not o5ten meet t=e e:e o5 man& "=e bea7 9oes to s6ee? a66 ;inte7 in a =o6e3 b4t t=e ;o65 and t=e 5oB ?7o;6 abo4t t=e ;oods at ni9=t& *4<>s3 9eese3 and ?6o8e7 no 6on9e7 en6i8en t=e ma7s=es ;it= t=ei7 ;i6d <7ies; b4t ;=ite 97o4se3 o7 ?ta7mi9an3 56: abo4t in immense 56o<>s3 and a7<ti< =a7es ma>e man: t7a<>s in t=e dee? sno;& Sti663 t=ese a7e A4iet <7eat47es3 and t=e: s<a7<e6: b7ea> t=e dee? dead si6en<e o5 t=e 5o7ests in ;inte7& At t=is ?e7iod t=e Indian and t=e 547.t7ade7 ;7a? t=emse68es in ;a7m d7esses o5 dee7. s>in3 6ined ;it= t=e t=i<>est 56anne63 and s?end t=ei7 s=o7t da:s in t7a??in9 and s=ootin9& At ni9=t t=e Indian ?i6es 6o9s on =is 5i7e to >ee? o4t t=e 57ost3 and adds to t=e ;a7mt= o5 =is s>in.tent b: =ea?in9 sno; 4? t=e o4tside o5 it a66 7o4nd& "=e 547.t7ade7 ?4ts do4b6e ;indo;.57ames and do4b6e ?anes o5 96ass in =is ;indo;s3 ?4ts on do4b6e doo7s3 and =eats =is 7ooms ;it= <ast.i7on sto8es& B4t do ;=at =e ;i663 t=e 547.t7ade7 <annot >ee? o4t t=e <o6d a6to9et=e7& e ma: =eat t=e sto8e 7ed.=ot i5 =e ;i663 :et t=e ;ate7 in t=e basins and E49s in t=e <o7ne7 o5 =is 7oom ;i66 be 57o@en3 and =is b7eat= sett6es on t=e ;indo;.?anes3 and 57ee@es t=e7e so t=i<>6: t=at it a<t4a66: dims t=e 6i9=t o5 t=e s4n& "=is <74st on t=e ;indo;s inside is sometimes an in<= t=i<>D "=e7momete7s in #n96and a7e 4s4a66: 5i66ed ;it= A4i<>si68e7& In $4?e7tCs /and A4i<>si68e7 ;o46d be 57o@en =a65 t=e ;inte73 so s?i7it o5 ;ine is 4sed instead3 be<a4se t=at 6iA4id ;i66 not 57ee@e ;it= an: o7dina7: de97ee o5 <o6d& e7e3 t=e t=e7momete7 sometimes 5a66s as 6o; as @e7o& %4t t=e7e it does not 7ise so =i9= as @e7o d47in9 t=e 97eate7 ?a7t o5 t=e ;inte73 and it is o5ten as 6o; as t;ent:3 t=i7t:3 and e8en 5i5t: de97ees below @e7o& I5 t=e ;ind s=o46d b6o; ;=en t=e <o6d is intense3 no man da7e 5a<e it- =e ;o46d be <e7tain to be 57ost.bitten& "=e ?a7ts o5 t=e bod: t=at a7e most easi6: 57o@en a7e t=e ea7s3 t=e <=in3 t=e <=ee>.bones3 t=e nose3 t=e =ee6s3 5in9e7s3 and toes& "=e 57ee@in9 o5 an: ?a7t be9ins ;it= a ?7i<>in9 sensation& (=en t=is o<<47s at t=e ?oint o5 :o47 nose3 it is time to 9i8e ea7nest attention to t=at 5eat47e3 e6se :o4 74n t=e 7is> o5 =a8in9 it s=o7tened& "=e best ;a: to 7e<o8e7 it is to 74b it ;e663 and to >ee? <a7e5466: a;a: 57om t=e 5i7e& "=e 6i>est t=in9 to a 57ost.bite is a b47n& In 5a<t3 t=e t;o t=in9s a7e a6most t=e same& In bot= <ases t=e s>in o7 56es= is dest7o:ed3 and be<omes a so7e& In t=e one <ase it is

dest7o:ed b: 5i7e3 in t=e ot=e7 b: 57ost; b4t in bot= it is ?ain546 and dan9e7o4s3 a<<o7din9 to t=e de?t= o5 t=e 57ost.bite o7 t=e b47n& +an: a ?oo7 5e66o; 6oses Eoints o5 =is toes and 5in9e7s-some =a8e e8en 6ost t=ei7 =ands and 5eet b: 57ost& +an: =a8e 6ost t=ei7 6i8es& B4t t=e most <ommon 6oss is t=e 6oss o5 t=e s>in o5 t=e ?oint o5 t=e nose3 <=ee>.bones3 and <=in-a 6oss ;=i<= is indeed ?ain5463 b4t <an be 7e?6a<ed b: nat47e in t=e <o47se o5 time& %5 <o47se <47io4s a??ea7an<es a7e ?7od4<ed b: s4<= intense <o6d& %n 9oin9 o4t into t=e o?en ai73 t=e b7eat= sett6es on t=e b7east3 ;=is>e7s3 and e:eb7o;s in t=e s=a?e o5 =oa7. 57ost; and men ;=o 9o o4t in t=e mo7nin9 5o7 a 7amb6e ;it= b6a<> o7 b7o;n 6o<>s3 7et47n at ni9=t ;it= ;=at a??ea7s to be 97e: =ai7-sometimes ;it= i<i<6es =an9in9 abo4t t=ei7 5a<es& o7ses and <att6e t=e7e a7e se6dom ;it=o4t i<i<6es =an9in9 57om t=ei7 6i?s and noses in ;inte7& !oo7 +7 !embe7ton ;as m4<= t7o4b6ed in t=is ;a:& e ;as a 5at and =ea8: man3 and a?t to ?e7s?i7e 57ee6:& (=en =e ;ent o4t to s=oot in ;inte73 t=e moist47e t7i<>6ed do;n =is 5a<e and t47ned =is ;=is>e7s into t;o 6itt6e b6o<>s o5 i<e; and =e 4sed to be o5ten seen3 a5te7 a =a7d da:Cs ;a6>3 sittin9 5o7 a 6on9 time beside t=e sto8e3 =o6din9 =is <=ee>s to t=e 5i7e3 and 9ent6: <oaBin9 t=e i<: b6o<>s to 6et 9o t=ei7 =o6dD B4t 5o7 a66 t=is3 t=e 6on9 ;inte7 o5 t=ose 7e9ions is a b7i9=t enEo:ab6e season& "=e <o6d is not 5e6t so m4<= as one ;o46d eB?e<t3 be<a4se it is not damp3 and t=e ;eat=e7 is 4s4a66: b7i9=t and s4nn:& )7om ;=at I =a8e said3 t=e 7eade7 ;i66 4nde7stand t=at s4mme7 in t=ose 7e9ions is s=o7t and 8e7: =ot; t=e ;inte7 6on9 and 8e7: <o6d& Bot= seasons =a8e t=ei7 o;n ?e<46ia7 enEo:ments3 and3 to =ea6t=: men3 bot= a7e eBt7eme6: a97eeab6e& I =a8e said t=at Jas?e7Cs ma77ia9e.da: =ad a77i8ed& Ne; Yea7Cs *a: ;as 5iBed 5o7 =is 4nion ;it= t=e 5ai7 and 9ent6e +a7ie& As is 4s4a6 at t=is 5esti8e season o5 t=e :ea73 it ;as a77an9ed t=at a ba66 s=o46d be 9i8en at t=e 5o7t in t=e 6a79e =a66 to a66 t=e ?eo?6e t=at <=an<ed to be t=e7e at t=e time& %6d /a7o<=e =ad been sent to a sma66 =4t a 6on9 da:Cs ma7<= 57om t=e 5o7t3 ;=e7e =e ;as ;ont to s?end =is time in t7a??in9 5oBes& e ;as t=e7e a6one3 so3 t=7ee da:s be5o7e Ne; Yea7Cs *a:3 Jas?e7 set o4t ;it= A77o;=ead to 8isit t=e o6d man3 and bea7 =im <om?an: on =is ma7<= ba<> to t=e 5o7t& "=e7e a7e no 7oads in t=at <o4nt7:& "7a8e66e7s =a8e to ?6od t=7o49= t=e ;i6de7ness as t=e: best <an& It ma: not =a8e o<<477ed to m: 7eade7 t=at it ;o46d be a di55i<46t t=in9 to ;a6> 5o7 a da: t=7o49= sno; so dee?3 t=at3 at e8e7: ste?3 t=e t7a8e66e7 ;o46d sin> t=e ;=o6e 6en9t= o5 =is 6e9& "=e t74t= is3 t=at t7a8e66in9 in $4?e7tCs /and in ;inte7 ;o46d be im?ossib6e b4t 5o7 a ma<=ine ;=i<= enab6es men to ;a6> on t=e s475a<e o5 t=e sno; ;it=o4t sin>in9 mo7e t=an a 5e; in<=es& "=is ma<=ine is t=e sno;s=oe& Sno;.s=oes 8a7: in si@e and 5o7m in di55e7ent ?a7ts o5 t=e <o4nt7:3 b4t t=e: a7e a66 4sed 5o7 t=e same ?47?ose& Some a7e 6on9 and na77o;; ot=e7s a7e nea76: 7o4nd& "=e: 8a7: in si@e 57om

t=7ee to siB 5eet in 6en9t=3 and 57om ei9=t to t;ent: in<=es in b7eadt=& "=e: a7e eBt7eme6: 6i9=t-made o5 a 57ame.;o7> o5 =a7d ;ood3 and <o8e7ed ;it= a net;o7> o5 dee7.s>in3 ;=i<=3 ;=i6e it ?7e8ents t=e ;ea7e7 57om sin>in9 mo7e t=an a 5e; in<=es3 a66o;s an: sno; t=at ma: <=an<e to 5a66 on t=e to? o5 t=e s=oe to ?ass t=7o49= t=e nettin9& "=e 8a64e o5 t=is <64ms: 6oo>in9 ma<=ine ma: be ima9ined3 ;=en I sa: t=at men ;it= t=em ;i66 easi6: ;a6> t;ent:3 t=i7t:3 and e8en 5o7t: mi6es a<7oss a <o4nt7: o8e7 ;=i<= t=e: <o46d not ;a6> t=7ee mi6es ;it=o4t s4<= =e6?s& It ;as a b7i9=t3 <a6m3 57ost: mo7nin9 ;=en Jas?e7 and =is 57iend set o4t on t=ei7 s=o7t Eo47ne:& "=e s4n s=one b7i66iant6:3 and t=e =oa7.57ost s?a7>6ed on t=e t7ees and b4s=es3 <a4sin9 t=em to a??ea7 as i5 t=e: =ad been <o8e7ed ;it= mi66ions o5 diamonds& "=e b7eat= o5 t=e t;o men <ame 57om t=ei7 mo4t=s 6i>e <6o4ds o5 steam& A77o;=ead ;o7e t=e 7o4nd sno;.s=oes ;=i<= 9o b: t=e name o5 bea7Cs ?a;s-=e ?7e5e77ed t=ese to an: ot=e7s& Jas?e7 ;o7e t=e sno;.s=oes ?e<46ia7 to t=e C=i?e;:an Indians& "=e: ;e7e nea76: as 6on9 as =imse653 and t47ned 4? at t=e ?oint& Bot= men ;e7e d7essed a6i>e3 in t=e :e66o; 6eat=e7n <ost4me o5 ;inte7& "=e on6: di55e7en<e bein9 t=at Jas?e7 ;o7e a 547 <a?3 ;=i6e A77o;=ead s?o7ted a <6ot= =ead.?ie<e t=at <o8e7ed =is ne<> and s=o46de7s3 and ;as o7namented ;it= a ?ai7 o5 =o7ns& A66 da: t=e t;o men ?6odded steadi6: o8e7 t=e <o4nt7:& Sometimes t=e: ;e7e toi6in9 t=7o49= dee? sno; in ;ooded ?6a<es3 sin>in9 siB o7 ei9=t in<=es in s?ite o5 t=ei7 sno;. s=oes& At ot=e7 times t=e: ;e7e ?assin9 s;i5t6: o8e7 t=e s475a<e o5 t=e o?en ?6ains3 ;=e7e t=e sno; ;as beaten so =a7d b: eB?os47e to t=e s4n and ;ind t=at t=e s=oes on6: E4st b7o>e t=e <74st and 6e5t t=ei7 o4t6ines be=ind& "=en t=e: 7ea<=ed a bend o5 t=e 7i8e73 ;=e7e t=e: =ad a9ain to ?6od =ea8i6: t=7o49= t=e ;oods on its ban>s3 4nti6 t=e: <ame o4t 4?on its 57o@en s475a<e& e7e t=e sno; ;as so =a7d3 t=at t=e: too> o55 t=ei7 sno;.s=oes and 7an b7is>6: a6on9 ;it=o4t t=em 5o7 a 6on9 s?a<e& "=4s t=e: t7a8e66ed a66 da:3 ;it=o4t one =a6t3 and made s4<= 9ood 4se o5 t=ei7 time3 t=at t=e: a77i8ed at t=e 6o9.=4t o5 o6d /a7o<=e ea76: in t=e e8enin9& F(e66 met3;3 that is to be3G <7ied t=e sto4t o6d man =ea7ti6:3 as t=e t;o =4nte7s made t=ei7 a??ea7an<e be5o7e t=e 6o; doo7.;a: o5 =is =4t3 ;=i<= ;as s477o4nded b: t7ees and a6most b47ied in sno;& FI5 :o4 =ad been =a65 an =o47 6ate73 I ;o46d =a8e met :o4 in t=e ;oods&G F o; so3;3 that is to be3G said Jas?e73 F;e7e :e 9oinC o4t to :o47 t7a?s so 6ate as t=isHG FNa:3 man3 b4t I ;as sta7tinC 5o7 t=e 5o7t& ItCs a 6on9 ;a:3 as :o4 >no;3 and m: o6d 6imbs a7e not E4st so s4??6e as :o47s& I t=o49=t I ;o46d t7a8e6 to.ni9=t3 and s6ee? in t=e ;oods3 so as to be t=e7e in 9ood time to.mo77o;& B4t <ome in3 <ome in3 and 7est :o4& I ;a77ant me :o4C66 not 5ee6 in<6ined 5o7 mo7e ;a6>inC to.ni9=t&G

FNo; m: name is not Jas?e7 *e77: i5 I ente7 :o47 =4t t=is ni9=t3G said t=e =4nte7 sto4t6:& FI5 I <o46d not t47n 7o4nd and ;a6> st7ai9=t ba<> to t=e 5o7t t=is ni9=t3 I ;o46d not be ;o7t=: o5 :o47 da49=te73 o6d man& So <ome a6on9 ;it= :o4& (=at sa: :o43 A77o;=ead; s=a66 ;e 9o st7ai9=t ba<>HG F2ood3G ans;e7ed t=e Indian& F(e663 ;e663G <7ied /a7o<=e3 6a49=in93 F6ead t=e ;a:3 and I ;i66 5o66o; in :o47 5ootste?s& It be<omes :o4n9 men to beat t=e t7a<>3 and o6d ones to ta>e it eas:&G "=e t=7ee men t47ned t=ei7 5a<es to;a7ds )o7t #7ie3 and ;e7e soon 5a7 a;a: 57om t=e 6o9.=4t& "=e: ;a6>ed steadi6: and si6ent6: a6on93 ;it=o4t on<e =a6tin93 4nti6 t=e ni9=t be<ame so da7> t=at it ;as di55i<46t to a8oid st4m?s and b4s=es& "=en t=e: ?7e?a7ed to en<am? in t=e sno;& No; it ma: seem to man: ?eo?6e a 8e7: disa97eeab6e idea3 t=at o5 s6ee?in9 o4t in sno;3 b4t one ;=o =as t7ied it <an ass47e t=em t=at it is not so bad as it seems& No do4bt3 ;=en Jas?e7 =a6ted in t=e <o6d da7> ;oods3 and said3 FI t=in> t=is ;i66 be a ?7ett: 9ood ?6a<e to s6ee?3G an: one 4na<A4ainted ;it= t=e <4stoms o5 t=at <o4nt7: ;o46d =a8e t=o49=t t=e man ;as Eestin9 o7 mad; 5o73 besides bein9 8e7: disma63 in <onseA4en<e o5 its bein9 ?it<= da7>3 it ;as eB<essi8e6: <o6d3 and sno; ;as 5a66in9 steadi6: and so5t6: on t=e 97o4nd& B4t Jas?e7 >ne; ;=at =e ;as abo4t3 and so did t=e ot=e7s& (it=o4t sa:in9 a ;o7d3 t=e t=7ee men 564n9 do;n t=ei7 b4nd6es o5 ?7o8isions3 and ea<= set to ;o7> to ma>e t=e en<am?ment& %5 <o47se t=e: =ad to ;o7> in da7>ness so t=i<> t=at e8en t=e ;=ite sno; <o46d s<a7<e6: be seen& )i7st o5 a66 t=e: se6e<ted a t7ee3 t=e b7an<=es o5 ;=i<= ;e7e so t=i<> and s?7eadin9 as to 5o7m a 9ood s=e6te7 57om t=e 5a66in9 sno;& e7e Jas?e7 and /a7o<=e 4sed t=ei7 sno;. s=oes as s=o8e6s3 ;=i6e A77o;=ead ?6ied =is aBe and soon <4t eno49= o5 5i7e;ood 5o7 t=e ni9=t& e a6so <4t a 6a79e b4nd6e o5 sma66 b7an<=es 5o7 beddin9& A s?a<e o5 abo4t t;e68e 5eet 6on93 b: siB b7oad3 ;as <6ea7ed at t=e 5oot o5 t=e t7ee in =a65 an =o47& B4t t=e sno; ;as so dee? t=at t=e: =ad to di9 do;n 5o47 5eet be5o7e t=e: 7ea<=ed t=e t475& As t=e sno; ta>en o4t o5 t=e =o6e ;as t=7o;n 4? a66 7o4nd it3 t=e ;a66s 7ose to nea76: se8en 5eet& A77o;=ead neBt 6i9=ted a 7oa7in9 5i7e at one end o5 t=is <6ea7ed s?a<e3 t=e ot=e7s st7e;ed t=e b7an<=es o8e7 t=e s?a<e in 57ont o5 it3 and s?7ead t=ei7 b6an>ets on t=e to?3 a5te7 ;=i<= t=e >ett6e ;as ?4t on to boi63 b455a6o stea>s ;e7e st4<> 4? be5o7e t=e 5i7e to 7oast3 and t=e men t=en 6a: do;n to 7est and smo>e3 ;=i6e s4??e7 ;as ?7e?a7in9& "=e intense <o6d ?7e8ented t=e 5i7e 57om me6tin9 t=e sno;: ;a66s o5 t=is en<am?ment3 ;=i<= s=one and s?a7>6ed in t=e 7ed b6a@e 6i>e ?in> ma7b6e st4dded a66 o8e7 ;it= diamonds3 ;=i6e t=e s?7eadin9 b7an<=es 5o7med a 74dd:.6oo>in9 <ei6in9& (=en t=e: =ad 5inis=ed s4??e73 t=e =eat o5 t=e 5i7e and t=e =eat o5 t=ei7 5ood made t=e t7a8e66e7s 5ee6 A4ite ;a7m and <om5o7tab6e3 in s?ite o5 Jo=n )7ost; and ;=en t=e: at 6ast ;7a??ed t=ei7 b6an>ets 7o4nd t=em and 6aid t=ei7 =eads to9et=e7 on t=e b7an<=es3 t=e: 5e66 into a s6ee? mo7e so4nd and

7e57es=in9 t=an t=e: ;o46d =a8e enEo:ed =ad t=e: 9one to 7est in a ;a7m =o4se 4?on t=e best bed in #n96and& B4t ;=en t=e 5i7e ;ent o4t3 abo4t t=e midd6e o5 t=e ni9=t3 t=e <o6d be<ame so intense t=at t=e: ;e7e a;a>ened b: it3 so Jas?e7 7ose and b6e; 4? t=e 5i7e3 and t=e ot=e7 t;o sat 4? and 5i66ed t=ei7 ?i?es3 ;=i6e t=ei7 teet= <=atte7ed in t=ei7 =eads& Soon t=e b6a@e and t=e smo>e ;a7med t=em3 and a9ain t=e: 6a: do;n to s6ee? <om5o7tab6: ti66 mo7nin9& Be5o7e da:b7ea>3 =o;e8e73 A77o;=ead-;=o ne8e7 s6e?t so so4nd6: b4t t=at =e <o46d be ;a>ened b: t=e s6i9=test 4n4s4a6 noise-s6o;6: 7aised =is =ead and to4<=ed Jas?e7 on t=e s=o46de7& "=e =4nte7 ;as too ;e66.t7ained to t=e dan9e7s o5 t=e ;i6de7ness to sta7t 4? o7 s?ea>& e 4tte7ed no ;o7d3 b4t too> 4? =is 94n so5t6:3 and 6oo>ed in t=e di7e<tion in ;=i<= t=e IndianCs e:es 9a@ed& A sma66 7ed s?ot in t=e as=es se78ed to 7e8ea6 a ?ai7 o5 96a7in9 e:e.ba66s amon9 t=e b4s=es& FA ;o653G ;=is?e7ed Jas?e73 <o<>in9 =is 94n& FNo; a man3G said A77o;=ead& At t=e so4nd o5 t=e <6i<> o5 t=e 6o<> t=e obEe<t in t=e b4s=es mo8ed& Jas?e7 6ea?ed 4? in an instant3 ?ointed =is 94n3 and s=o4ted ste7n6:FStand 5ast and s?ea>3 o7 I 5i7eDG At t=e same moment A77o;=ead >i<>ed t=e 6o9s o5 t=e 5i7e3 and a b7i9=t 56ame 6ea?t 4?3 s=o;in9 t=at t=e o;ne7 o5 t=e ?ai7 o5 e:es ;as an Indian& Seein9 t=at =e ;as dis<o8e7ed3 and t=at i5 =e t47ned to 74n =e ;o46d <e7tain6: be s=ot3 t=e sa8a9e <ame 5o7;a7d s46>i6: and sat do;n beside t=e 5i7e& Jas?e7 as>ed =im ;=: =e <ame t=e7e in t=at stea6t=: manne7 6i>e a s6: 5oB& "=e Indian said =e ;as me7e6: t7a8e66in9 b: ni9=t3 and =ad <ome on t=e <am? 4neB?e<ted6:& Not >no;in9 ;=o ;as t=e7e3 =e =ad <ome 5o7;a7d ;it= <a4tion& Jas?e7 ;as not satis5ied ;it= t=is 7e?6:& e did not 6i>e t=e 6oo> o5 t=e man3 and =e 5e6t s47e t=at =e =ad seen =im some;=e7e be5o7e3 b4t =is 5a<e ;as dis5i947ed ;it= ;a7 ?aint3 and =e <o46d not 5ee6 <e7tain on t=at ?oint 4nti6 =e 7emembe7ed t=e s<ene in t=e t7adin9 sto7e at Jas?e7Cs o4se& F(=at-*a7>e:eDG <7ied =e3 F<an it be :o4HG F*a7>e:eDG s=o4ted /a7o<=e3 s4dden6: 7isin9 57om =is 7e<6inin9 ?osition and sta7in9 t=e Indian in t=e 5a<e ;it= a da7> s<o;6& F(=:3 Jas?e73 t=is is t=e 8i66ain ;=o ins46ted m: da49=te73 and to ;=om I ta49=t t=e 6esson t=at an o6d man <o46d >no<> =im do;n&G "=e s47?7ise and indi9nation o5 Jas?e7 on =ea7in9 t=is ;as 97eat3 b4t 7emembe7in9 t=at t=e sa8a9e =ad a67ead: been ?4nis=ed 5o7 =is o55en<e3 and t=at it ;o46d be mean to ta>e ad8anta9e o5 =im ;=en t=e7e ;e7e t=7ee to one3 =e me7e6: saidF(e663 ;e663 I ;onCt bea7 a 974d9e a9ainst a man ;=o is <o;a7d eno49= to ins46t a ;oman& I ;o46d >i<> :o4 o4t oC t=e <am?3 *a7>e:e3 b4t as :o4 mi9=t 4se :o47 94n ;=en :o4 9ot into t=e b4s=es3 I ;onCt 9i8e :o4 t=at <=an<e& At t=e same time3 ;e <anCt a55o7d to 6ose t=e 7est o5 o47 na? 5o7 :o43 so A77o;=ead ;i66 >ee? :o4 sa5e =e7e and ;at<= :o43

;=i6e /a7o<=e and I s6ee?& (e ;i66 6et :o4 9o at da:b7ea>&G Sa:in9 t=is Jas?e7 6a: do;n beside =is;3 and t=e: ;e7e bot= as6ee? in a 5e; min4tes3 6ea8in9 t=e t;o Indians to sit and s<o;6 at ea<= ot=e7 beside t=e 5i7e& CHAPTER TWE#%E. THE WEDDIN(* AN ARRI%A#* A FEAST* AND A BA##. Ne; Yea7Cs *a: <ame at 6ast3 and on t=e mo7nin9 o5 t=at da: Jas?e7 *e77: and +a7ie /a7o<=e ;e7e made man and ;i5e& "=e: ;e7e ma77ied b: t=e $e8e7end +7 (i6son3 a (es6e:an missiona7:3 ;=o =ad <ome to )o7t #7ie3 a 5e; da:s be5o7e3 on a 8isit to t=e t7ibes o5 Indians in t=at nei9=bo47=ood& "=e No7t= Ame7i<an Indian =as no 7e6i9ion ;o7t=: o5 t=e name; b4t =e =as a <ons<ien<e3 6i>e ot=e7 men3 ;=i<= te66s =im t=at it is ;7on9 to m47de7 and to stea6& Yet3 a6t=o49= =e >no;s t=is3 =e se6dom =esitates to do bot= ;=en =e is tem?ted t=e7eto& +7 (i6son ;as one o5 t=ose ea7nest missiona7ies ;=o 9o to t=at ;i6de7ness and 5a<e its dan9e7s3 as ;e66 as its =a7ds=i?s and s455e7in9s3 5o7 t=e sa>e o5 tea<=in9 t=e sa8a9e t=at t=e me7e >no;6ed9e o5 7i9=t and ;7on9 is not eno49=-t=at t=e 6o8e o5 2od3 ;7o49=t in t=e =ea7t o5 man b: t=e o6: S?i7it3 a6one <an enab6e =im to 7esist e8i6 and do 9ood-t=at be6ie5 in t=e /o7d Jes4s C=7ist a6one <an sa8e t=e so46& "=e7e a7e se8e7a6 missiona7ies o5 t=is stam?-men ;=o 6o8e t=e name o5 Jes4s-in t=at 7e9ion3 and t=e7e a7e a n4mbe7 o5 stations ;=e7e t=e 9ood seed o5 2odCs (o7d is bein9 ?6anted in t=e ;i6de7ness& B4t I =a8e not s?a<e3 and t=is is not t=e ?6a<e3 to en6a79e on t=e 97eat and inte7estin9 s4bEe<t o5 missiona7: ;o7> in $4?e7tCs /and& I m4st 7et47n to m: na77ati8e& It ;as3 as I =a8e said3 Ne; Yea7Cs da: ;=en Jas?e7 and +a7ie ;e7e ma77ied& And a 7ema7>ab6: b7i9=t3 bea4ti546 mo7nin9 it ;as& "=e sno; a??ea7ed ;=ite7 t=an 4s4a63 and t=e <o4nt6ess 9ems o5 =oa7.57ost t=at =4n9 on s=74b and t7ee seemed to s?a7>6e mo7e t=an 4s4a6; e8en t=e s4n a??ea7ed to s=ine mo7e b7i9=t6: t=an e8e7 it did be5o7e-at 6east it seemed so in t=e e:es o5 Jas?e7 and +a7ie& F#8e7:t=in9 seems to smi6e on 4s to.da:3 +a7ie3G said Jas?e73 as t=e: stood ;it= some o5 t=ei7 57iends at t=e 9ate o5 t=e 5o7t3 E4st a5te7 t=e <e7emon: ;as <on<64ded& FI t74st t=at 2od ma: smi6e on :o43 and b6ess :o47 4nion3 m: 57iends3G said +7 (i6son3 <omin9 5o7;a7d ;it= a sma66 Bib6e in =is =and& F e7e is a <o?: o5 2odCs (o7d3 Jas?e73 ;=i<= I ;is= :o4 to a<<e?t o5 and >ee? as a 7ememb7an<e o5 me and o5 t=is da:&G FIC66 >ee? it3 si73 and I t=an> :o4 =ea7ti6:3G said Jas?e73 ta>in9 t=e boo> and 7et47nin9 t=e 97as? o5 t=e missiona7:Cs =and& FAnd m: <=ie5 obEe<t in 9i8in9 it to :o43 Jas?e73 is3 t=at :o4 and +a7ie ma: 7ead it o5ten3 and 5ind Eo: and ?ea<e to :o47 so46s&G As t=e missiona7: said t=is a 5aint so4nd3 6i>e t=e tin>6in9 o5 distant be66s3 ;as =ea7d in t=e 57ost: ai7&

/oo>s o5 s47?7ise and eB<itement s=o;ed t=at t=is ;as an 4n;onted so4nd& And so it ;as; 5o7 on6: on<e o7 t;i<e d47in9 t=e 6on9 ;inte7 did a 8isito7 96adden )o7t #7ie ;it= =is ?7esen<e& "=ese s;eet so4nds ;e7e t=e tin>6in9 o5 s6ei9=.be66s3 and t=e: to6d t=at a st7an9e7 ;as a??7oa<=in9-t=at 6ette7s3 ?e7=a?s3 and ne;s 57om 5a7.distant =omes3 mi9=t be nea7 at band& %n6: t;i<e in t=e :ea7 did t=e #47o?eans at t=at 6one6: o4t?ost 7e<ei8e 6ette7s 57om =ome& /itt6e ;onde7 t=at t=e: 6on9ed 5o7 t=em3 and t=at t=e: ;ent a6most ;i6d ;it= Eo: ;=en t=e: <ame& Soon t=e s6ei9= a??ea7ed in si9=t3 <omin9 4? t=e 7i8e7 at 5466 s?eed3 and a 6o4d F=477a=DG 57om t=e men at t=e 9ate3 to6d t=e 8isito7 t=at =e ;as a ;e6<ome 94est& It ;as a do9. s6ei9=-a so7t o5 <on8e:an<e m4<= 4sed b: t=e 547.t7ade7s in ;inte7 t7a8e66in9& In 5o7m3 it ;as as 6i>e as ?ossib6e to a tin s6i??e7 bat=& It mi9=t a6so be <om?a7ed to a s=oe& I5 t=e 7eade7 ;i66 t7: to <on<ei8e o5 a s=oe 6a79e eno49= to =o6d a man3 sittin9 ;it= =is 6e9s o4t be5o7e =im3 t=at ;i66 9i8e =im a 9ood idea o5 t=e s=a?e o5 a do9 <a7io6e& "=e7e is sometimes an o7namenta6 <478e in 57ont& It is made o5 t;o t=in =a7d;ood ?6an>s <476ed 4? in 57ont3 ;it= a 6i9=t 57ame.;o7> o5 ;ood3 <o8e7ed o8e7 ;it= dee7 o7 b455a6o s>in3 and ?ainted in a 8e7: 9a: manne7& )o47 do9s a7e 4s4a66: =a7nessed to it3 and t=ese a7e A4ite s455i<ient to d7a9 a man on a Eo47ne: o5 man: da:s3 o8e7 e8e7: so7t o5 <o4nt7:3 ;=e7e t=e7e is no 7oad ;=ate8e7& *o9s a7e m4<= 4sed 5o7 =a46in9 6itt6e s6ed9es in t=at <o4nt7: in ;inte7& "=e t7a8e66e7 sits ;7a??ed 4? so <om?6ete6: in 547s3 t=at not=in9 b4t =is =ead is 8isib6e& e is attended b: a d7i8e7 on sno;.s=oes3 ;=o is a7med ;it= a 6a79e ;=i?& No 7eins a7e 4sed& I5 t=e sno; is =a7d3 as is 4s4a66: t=e <ase on t=e s475a<e o5 a 6a>e o7 7i8e73 t=e d7i8e7 ;a6>s be=ind and =o6ds on to a tai6.6ine3 to ?7e8ent t=e do9s 57om 74nnin9 a;a:& I5 t=e t7a8e66e7Cs ;a: 6ies t=7o49= t=e ;oods3 t=e sno; is so so5t and dee? t=at t=e ?oo7 do9s a7e neit=e7 ;i66in9 no7 ab6e to 74n a;a:& It is as m4<= as t=e: <an do to ;a6>; so t=e d7i8e7 9oes be5o7e t=em3 in t=is <ase3 and beats do;n t=e sno; ;it= =is sno;. s=oes-Fbeats t=e t7a<>3G as it is <a66ed& "=e =a7ness o5 t=e do9s is 4s4a66: 8e7: 9a:3 and <o8e7ed ;it= 6itt6e be66s ;=i<= 9i8e 5o7t= a <=ee7546 tin>6in9 so4nd& FItCs :o4n9 Came7on3G <7ied +7 !embe7ton3 =astenin9 5o7;a7d to ;e6<ome t=e ne;<ome7& Came7on ;as t=e 9ent6eman in <=a79e o5 t=e nea7est o4t?ost-t;o =4nd7ed and 5i5t: mi6es do;n t=e 7i8e7& F(e6<ome3 Came7on3 m: bo:3 ;e6<ome to )o7t #7ie& Yo4 a7e t=e ?6easantest si9=t ;e =a8e seen =e7e 5o7 man: a da:3G said !embe7ton3 s=a>in9 t=e :o4n9 man =ea7ti6: b: t=e =and as soon as =e =ad E4m?ed o4t o5 =is s6ei9=& FCome3 !embe7ton3 :o4 5o79et +iss +a7ie /a7o<=e ;=en :o4 ta6> o5 m: bein9 t=e ?6easantest si9=t3G said Came7on3 6a49=in9& FA=D t74e& !a7don me3 +a7ie-G F#B<4se me3 9ent6emen3G inte774?ted Jas?e73 ;it= m4<= 97a8it:3 FI >no; o5 no s4<=

?e7son as +iss +a7ie /a7o<=eDG F o;H ;=at do :o4 meanHG said Came7on3 ;it= a ?4@@6ed 6oo>& FJas?e7 is 7i9=t3G eB?6ained !embe7ton3 F+a7ie ;as Miss Laroche :este7da:; s=e is Mrs Derry to.da:&G F"=en I sa64te :o43 +7s *e77:3 and <on97at46ate :o4 bot=3G <7ied t=e :o4n9 man3 >issin9 t=e b7ideCs 5ai7 <=ee>3 Fand I 7eEoi<e to 5ind t=at I am sti66 in time to dan<e at :o47 ;eddin9&G FA:3G said !embe7ton3 as t=e: mo8ed 4? to t=e =a663 Ft=at 7eminds me to as> :o4 ;=: :o4 a7e so 6ate& I eB?e<ted :o4 be5o7e C=7istmas *a:&G FI =ad intended to be =e7e b: t=at da:3G 7e?6ied Came7on3 Fb4t one o5 m: men <4t =is 5oot bad6: ;it= an aBe3 and I <o46d not 6ea8e =im; t=en m: do9s b7o>e do;n on t=e Eo47ne:3 and t=at detained me sti66 6on9e7& B4t :o4 ;i66 5o79i8e m: bein9 so 6ate3 I t=in>3 ;=en I te66 :o4 t=at I =a8e 9ot a ?a<>et o5 6ette7s ;it= me&G F/ette7sDG s=o4ted e8e7: one& FA:3 6ette7s and ne;s?a?e7s 57om #n96and&G A 6o4d <=ee7 97eeted t=is anno4n<ement& "=e ?a<>et ;as =a46ed o4t o5 t=e s6ei9=3 =477ied 4? to t=e 5o7t3 to7n o?en ;it= ea9e7 =aste3 and t=e 547.t7ade7s o5 )o7t #7ie ;e7e soon de8o47in9 t=e <ontents 6i>e =4n97: men& And t=e: were =4n97: men-t=e: ;e7e sta78in9D "=ose ;=o see t=ei7 >ind7ed and 57iends dai6:3 o7 =ea7 57om t=em ;ee>6:3 <annot 4nde7stand t=e 5ee6in9s o5 men ;=o =ea7 57om t=em on6: t;i<e in t=e :ea7& 27eat im?7o8ements =a8e ta>en ?6a<e in t=is matte7 o5 6ate :ea7s; sti663 man: o5 t=e 4dson Ba: Com?an:Cs o4t?osts a7e so distant 57om t=e <i8i6ised ;o76d3 t=at t=e: <annot 9et ne;s 57om F=omeG o5tene7 t=an t;i<e a :ea7& It ;as a si9=t to st4d: and mo7a6ise o8e7-t=e <o4ntenan<es o5 t=ese banis=ed men& "=e t7emb6in9 anBiet: 6est t=e7e s=o46d be Fbad ne;s&G "=e 96eam o5 Eo:3 and t=e dee? Ft=an> 2od3G on 7eadin9 Fa66 ;e66&G "=en t=e smi6es3 t=e si9=s3 t=e 6a49=s3 t=e eB<6amations o5 s47?7ise3 ?e7=a?s t=e tea7s t=at would s?7in9 to t=ei7 e:es as t=e: 7ead t=e b7ie5 b4t3 to t=em3 t=7i66in9 ?7i8ate =isto7: o5 t=e ?ast =a65 :ea7& "=e7e ;as no bad ne;s in t=at ?a<>et3 and a 5ee6in9 o5 dee? Eo: ;as ?o47ed into t=e =ea7ts o5 t=e ?eo?6e o5 t=e 5o7t b: t=ese F2ood ne;s 57om a 5a7 <o4nt7:&G #8en t=e =a65. b7eeds and Indians3 ;=o <o46d not s=a7e t=e 5ee6in93 5e6t t=e s;eet in564en<e o5 t=e 9ene7a6 =a??iness t=at ;as di554sed amon9 t=e 547.t7ade7s on t=at b7i9=t Ne; Yea7Cs *a: in t=e ;i6de7ness& (=at a dinne7 t=e: =ad t=at da: to be s47eD (=at E4i<: 7oasts o5 b455a6o bee5; ;=at eno7mo4s stea>s o5 t=e same; ;=at a ma9ni5i<ent 8enison ?ast:; and ;=at 96o7io4s ma77o;.bones-not to mention ton94es3 and =ea7ts3 and 97o4se3 and ot=e7 t=in9sD B4t t=e 97eat 5eat47e o5 t=e 5east ;as t=e ?64m.?4ddin9& It ;as 6i>e a =49e <annon.ba66 ;it=

t=e meas6esD "=e7e ;as ;ine3 too3 on t=is o<<asion& Not m4<=3 it is t74e3 b4t mo7e t=an eno49=3 5o7 it =ad been sa8ed 4? a66 t=e :ea7 eB?7ess6: 5o7 t=e C=7istmas and Ne; Yea7Cs 5esti8ities& "=4s t=e: ;e7e enab6ed to d7in> to absent 57iends3 and b7in9 4? a66 t=e o6d toasts and son9s t=at 4sed to be so 5ami6ia7 6on9 a9o in t=e Fo6d <o4nt7:&G B4t t=ese st47d: t7ade7s needed no stim46ants& "=e7e ;e7e one o7 t;o ;=o e8en s<o7ned t=e ;ine3 and st4<> to ;ate73 and to t=ei7 <7edit be it said3 t=at t=e: toasted and san9 ;it= t=e best o5 t=em& At ni9=t t=e7e ;as a ba663 and t=e ba66 beat t=e dinne7 o4t o5 si9=t& )e; indeed ;e7e t=e ;omen3 b4t n4me7o4s ;e7e t=e men& Indian ;omen a7e not 5amo4s 5o7 97a<e o7 <6ean6iness3 ?oo7 t=in9s& B4t t=e: enEo:ed t=e ba663 and t=e: did t=ei7 best to dan<e& S4<= dan<in9D "=e: seemed to =a8e no Eoints& "=e: stood 4? sti55 as 6am?.?osts3 and ;ent ;it= an 4?;n motion 57om side to side& B4t t=e men did t=e t=in9 b7a8e6:3 es?e<ia66: t=e Indians& "=e on6: dan<es attem?ted ;e7e S<ot<= 7ee6s3 and t=e Indians t7ied to <o?: t=e 547.t7ade7s; b4t on 5indin9 t=is some;=at di55i<46t3 t=e: int7od4<ed some s47?7isin9 ste?s o5 t=ei7 o;n3 ;=i<= t=7e; t=e ot=e7s enti7e6: into t=e s=adeD "=e7e ;as 4n5o7t4nate6: no 5idd6e73 b4t t=e7e ;as a 5idd6e-one made o5 ?ine ;ood b: an Indian3 ;it= st7in9s o5 dee7.s>in sine;& Some o5 t=e bo6dest o5 t=e ?a7t: s<7a?ed time ;it=o4t 7e9a7d to tune3 and o47 57iend e:;ood beat t=e >ett6e.d74m& "=e tones o5 t=e 5idd6e at 6ast be<ame so =o77ib6e t=at it ;as banis=ed a6to9et=e73 and t=e: dan<ed t=at ni9=t to t=e >ett6e.d74mD %5 <o47se t=e 5ai7 b7ide ;as t=e A4een o5 t=at ba66& e7 <o4ntenan<e ;as t=e 6i9=t o5 it3 and =e7 modest3 ;oman6: manne7 =ad a so5tenin9 in564en<e on t=e 7o49= men ;=o s477o4nded =e7& (=en t=e ba66 ;as o8e73 a <47io4s t=in9 o<<477ed in t=e =a66 in ;=i<= it =ad ta>en ?6a<e& "=e 7oom ;as =eated b: a sto8e3 and as a sto8e d7ies t=e ai7 o5 a 7oom too m4<=3 it ;as <4stoma7: to >ee? a ?an o5 ;ate7 on t=e sto8e to moisten it a 6itt6e& "=is moist47e ;as in<7eased t=at ni9=t b: t=e steam o5 t=e s4??e7 and b: t=e ;i6d dan<in93 so t=at3 ;=en a66 ;as o8e73 t=e ;a66s and <ei6in9 ;e7e <o8e7ed ;it= d7o?s o5 ;ate7& *47in9 t=e ni9=t t=is a66 57o@e in t=e 5o7m o5 sma66 bea4ti5466:.s=a?ed <7:sta6s3 and in t=e mo7nin9 t=e: 5o4nd t=emse68es in a <7:sta6 ?a6a<e o5 nat47eCs o;n 5o7mation3 ;=i<= beat a66 t=e <7:sta6 ?a6a<es t=at e8e7 ;e7e =ea7d o5-at 6east in o7i9ina6it:3 i5 not in s?6endo47& "=4s =a??i6: ended t=e ma77ia9e.da: o5 =onest Jas?e7 *e77: and s;eet +a7ie /a7o<=e3 and t=4s ?6easant6: be9an t=e ne; :ea7 o5 18-& B4t as s47e6: as da7>ness 5o66o;s 6i9=t3 and ni9=t 5o66o;s da:3 so s47e6: does so77o; t7ead on t=e =ee6s o5 Eo: in t=e =isto7: o5 man& 2od =as so o7dained it3 and =e is ;ise ;=o <o4nts 4?on eB?e7ien<in9 bot=& CHAPTER THIRTEEN. THE CONC#USION. A ;ee> a5te7 t=e e8ents na77ated in t=e 6ast <=a?te73 Jas?e7 *e77: ;as sittin9 beside t=e sto8e in t=e =a66 at )o7t #7ie3 smo>in9 =is ?i?e and <on8e7sin9 ;it= =is; abo4t =is intention o5 9oin9 to /a>e (inni?e9 ;it= t=e b7i9ade in s?7in9 and ?7o<eedin9

t=en<e to Canada in a ba7> <anoe& F%5 <o47se3G said =e3 FI ;i66 ta>e +a7ie ;it= me3 and i5 :o4C66 ta>e m: ad8i<e3 5at=e73 :o4C66 <ome too&G FNo3 m: son3 not :et a ;=i6e3G said o6d /a7o<=e3 s=a>in9 =is =ead; FI =a8e a :ea7 :et to se78e t=e Com?an: be5o7e m: en9a9ement is o4t& A5te7 t=at I ma: <ome3 i5 ICm s?a7ed; b4t :o4 >no; t=at t=e Indians a7e not sa5e E4st no;3 and some o5 t=em3 I 5ea73 bea7 me a 974d9e3 5o7 t=e:C7e a 7e8en9e546 set&G F"=atCs t74e3 5at=e73 b4t s4??osinC t=at a66 9oes ;e66 ;it= :o43 ;i66 :e <ome anC 6i8e ;it= +a7ie and meHG F(e s=a66 see3 6ad; ;e s=a66 see3G 7e?6ied /a7o<=e3 ;it= a ?6eased smi6e; 5o7 t=e o6d 94ide e8ident6: enEo:ed t=e ?7os?e<t o5 s?endin9 t=e e8enin9 o5 6i5e in t=e 6and o5 =is 5at=e7s3 and 4nde7 t=e 7oo5.t7ee o5 =is son and da49=te7& At t=at moment t=e 7e?o7t o5 a 94n ;as =ea7d o4tside t=e =o4se& %ne o5 t=e ;indo;. ?anes ;as smas=ed and at t=e same instant /a7o<=e 5e66 =ea8i6: 5o7;a7d on t=e 56oo7& Jas?e7 s?7an9 4? and endea8o47ed to 7aise =im3 b4t 5o4nd t=at =e ;as insensib6e& e 6aid =im <a7e5466: on =is ba<>3 and =asti6: o?ened t=e b7east o5 =is <oat& A 5e; d7o?s o5 b6ood s=o;ed ;=e7e =e =ad been ;o4nded& +ean;=i6e se8e7a6 o5 t=e men ;=o =ad been att7a<ted b: t=e 94ns=ot so <6ose to t=e =o4se b47st into t=e 7oom& FStand ba<>3 stand ba<>3 9i8e =im ai73G <7ied Jas?e7; Fsta:3 % 2od =e6? 4sD t=e o6d man is s=ot <6ean t=7o49= t=e =ea7tDG )o7 one moment Jas?e7 6oo>ed 4? ;it= a be;i6de7ed 96an<e in t=e 5a<es o5 t=e men3 t=en3 4tte7in9 a ;i6d <7: o5 min96ed 7a9e and a9on:3 =e s?7an9 4?3 das=ed t=em aside3 and <at<=in9 4? =is 94n and sno;.s=oes 74s=ed o4t o5 t=e =o4se& e soon 5o4nd a 57es= t7a<> in t=e sno;3 and t=e 6en9t= o5 t=e st7ide3 <o4?6ed ;it= t=e manne7 in ;=i<= t=e sno; ;as <ast aside3 and t=e sma66e7 b4s=es ;e7e b7o>en and t7odden do;n3 to6d =im t=at t=e 549iti8e =ad made it& In a moment3 =e ;as 5o66o;in9 t=e t7a<>3 ;it= t=e 4tmost s?eed3 o5 ;=i<= =e ;as <a?ab6e& e ne8e7 on<e =a6ted3 o7 5a6te7ed3 o7 t47ned aside3 a66 t=at da:& is i7on 57ame seemed to be in<a?ab6e o5 5ati94e& e ;ent ;it= =is bod: bent 5o7;a7d3 =is b7o;s 6o;e7in93 and =is 6i?s 5i7m6: <om?7essed; b4t =e ;as not s4<<ess546& "=e m47de7e7 =ad 9ot a s455i<ient6: 6on9 sta7t o5 =im to 7ende7 ;=at sai6o7s <a66 a ste7n <=ase a 6on9 one& Sti66 Jas?e7 ne8e7 t=o49=t o5 9i8in9 4? t=e ?47s4it3 4nti6 =e <ame s4dden6: on an o?en s?a<e3 ;=e7e t=e sno; =ad been 7e<ent6: t7odden do;n b: a =e7d o5 b455a6oes3 and b: a band o5 Indians ;=o ;e7e in <=ase o5 t=em& e7e =e 6ost t=e t7a<>3 and a6t=o49= =e sea7<=ed 6on9 and <a7e5466: =e <o46d not 5ind it& /ate t=at ni9=t t=e ba556ed =4nte7 7et47ned to t=e 5o7t& FYo4 =a8e 5ai6ed-I see b: :o47 6oo>3G said +7 !embe7ton3 as Jas?e7 ente7ed& FA:3 I =a8e 5ai6ed3G 7et47ned t=e ot=e7 96oomi6:& F e m4st =a8e 9one ;it= t=e band o5

Indians amon9 ;=ose t7a<>s I 6ost =is 5ootste?s&G F a8e :o4 an: idea ;=o <an =a8e done t=is =o77ib6e deedHG said !embe7ton& FIt ;as *a7>e:e3G said Jas?e7 in a ste7n 8oi<e& Some o5 t=e Indians ;=o <=an<ed to be in t=e =a66 ;e7e sta7t6ed3 and 7ose on =ea7in9 t=is& FBe not a6a7med3 57iends3G said t=e 547.t7ade7& FYo4 a7e t=e 94ests o5 C=7istian men& (e ;i66 not ?4nis= :o4 5o7 t=e deeds o5 anot=e7 man o5 :o47 t7ibe&G F o; does t=e ;=ite man >no; t=at t=is ;as done b: *a7>e:eHG as>ed a <=ie5 =a49=ti6:& FI know it3G said Jas?e7 an97i6:; FI 5ee6 s47e o5 it; b4t I <annot ?7o8e it-o5 <o47se& *oes A77o;=ead a97ee ;it= meHG F e doesDG 7e?6ied t=e Indian3 Fand t=e7e ma: be ?7oo5& *oes Jas?e7 7emembe7 t=e t7adin9 sto7e and t=e bitten bulletHG A 96eam o5 inte66i9en<e s=ot a<7oss t=e <o4ntenan<e o5 t=e ;=ite =4nte7 as =is <om7ade said t=is& F"74e3 A77o;=ead3 t74e&G e t47ned3 as =e s?o>e3 to t=e bod: o5 =is 6ate;3 and eBamined t=e ;o4nd& "=e ba663 a5te7 ?assin9 t=7o49= t=e =ea7t3 =ad 6od9ed in t=e ba<>3 E4st 4nde7 t=e s>in& FSee3G said =e to t=e Indians3 FI ;i66 <4t o4t t=is ba663 b4t be5o7e doin9 so I ;i66 te66 =o; I t=in> it is ma7>ed&G e t=en 7e6ated t=e in<ident in t=e t7adin9 sto7e3 ;it= ;=i<= t=e 7eade7 is a67ead: a<A4ainted3 and a5te7;a7ds eBt7a<ted t=e ba663 ;=i<=3 a6t=o49= m4<= 56attened and >no<>ed o4t o5 s=a?e3 s=o;ed <6ea76: t=e dee? ma7>s made b: t=e IndianCs teet=& "=4s3 t=e a<t ;=i<= =ad been done s6:6: b4t boast5466: be5o7e t=e e:es o5 a <om7ade3 ?7obab6: as ;i<>ed as =imse653 be<ame t=e means ;=e7eb: *a7>e:eCs 94i6t ;as <6ea76: ?7o8ed& At on<e a ?a7t: o5 =is o;n t7ibe ;e7e di7e<ted b: t=ei7 <=ie5 to 9o o4t in ?47s4it o5 t=e m47de7e7& It ;e7e 8ain 5o7 me to endea8o47 to des<7ibe t=e an94is= o5 ?oo7 +a7ie on bein9 de?7i8ed o5 a >ind and 6o8in9 5at=e7 in so a;546 and s4dden a manne7& I ;i66 d7o? a 8ei6 o8e7 =e7 97ie53 ;=i<= ;as too dee? and sa<7ed to be inte7medd6ed ;it=& %n t=e da: 5o66o;in9 t=e m47de73 a band o5 Indians a77i8ed at )o7t #7ie ;it= b455a6o s>ins 5o7 sa6e& "o t=e ama@ement o5 e8e7: one *a7>e:e =imse65 ;as amon9 t=em& "=e ;i6: sa8a9e->no;in9 t=at =is attem?tin9 to A4it t=at ?a7t o5 t=e <o4nt7: as a 549iti8e ;o46d be <e7tain to 5iB s4s?i<ion on =im as t=e m47de7e7-7eso68ed to 5a<e t=e 547. t7ade7s as i5 =e ;e7e i9no7ant o5 t=e deed ;=i<= =ad been done& B: t=e 8e7: bo6dness o5 t=is ste? =e =o?ed to disa7m s4s?i<ion; b4t =e 5o79ot t=e bitten ball& It ;as t=e7e5o7e a 6oo> o5 9en4ine s47?7ise t=at 7ose to *a7>e:eCs 8isa9e3 ;=en3 t=e

moment =e ente7ed t=e 5o7t3 +7 !embe7ton sei@ed =im b: t=e 7i9=t a7m3 and 6ed =im into t=e =a66& At 5i7st =e attem?ted to sei@e t=e =and6e o5 =is >ni5e3 b4t a 96an<e at t=e n4mbe7s o5 t=e ;=ite men3 and t=e indi55e7en<e o5 =is o;n 57iends3 s=o;ed =im t=at =is best <=an<e 6a: in <4nnin9& "=e Indians ;=o =ad a77i8ed ;it= =im ;e7e soon in5o7med b: t=e ot=e7s o5 t=e <a4se o5 t=is3 and a66 o5 t=em <7o;ded into t=e =a66 to ;at<= t=e ?7o<eedin9s& "=e bod: o5 ?oo7 /a7o<=e ;as 6aid on a tab6e3 and *a7>e:e ;as 6ed 4? to it& "=e <4nnin9 Indian ?4t on a ?7etended 6oo> o5 s47?7ise on be=o6din9 it3 and t=en t=e 4s4a6 eB?7ession o5 sto6id 97a8it: sett6ed on =is 5a<e as =e t47ned to +7 !embe7ton 5o7 in5o7mation& FYour =and did t=is3G said t=e 547.t7ade7& FIs *a7>e:e a do9 t=at =e s=o46d s6a: an o6d manHG said t=e sa8a9e& FNo3 :o4C7e not a do93G <7ied Jas?e7 5ie7<e6:; F:o4 a7e ;o7se-a <o;a7d6: m47de7e7HG FStand ba<>3 Jas?e73G said +7 !embe7ton3 6a:in9 =is =and on t=e s=o46de7 o5 t=e eB<ited =4nte73 and t=74stin9 =im 5i7m6: a;a:& F"=is is a se7io4s <=a79e& "=e Indian s=a66 not be =asti6: <ondemned& e s=a66 =a8e 5ai7 ?6a:3 and justice&G F2oodDG <7ied se8e7a6 o5 t=e Indians on =ea7in9 t=is& +ean;=i6e t=e ?7in<i?a6 <=ie5 o5 t=e t7ibe too> 4? =is stand <6ose beside t=e ?7isone7& F*a7>e:e3G said +7 !embe7ton3 ;=i6e =e 6oo>ed stead5ast6: into t=e e:es o5 t=e Indian3 ;=o 7et47ned t=e 6oo> as steadi6:-F*a7>e:e3 do :o4 7emembe7 a <on8e7sation :o4 =ad man: ;ee>s a9o in t=e t7adin9 sto7e at Jas?e7Cs o4seHG "=e <o4ntenan<e o5 t=e Indian ;as instant6: t7o4b6ed3 and =e said ;it= some =esitation3 F*a7>e:e =as =ad man: <on8e7sations in t=at sto7e; is =e a medi< Ka <onE47e7L t=at =e s=o46d >no; ;=at :o4 meanHG FI ;i66 on6: ?4t one ot=e7 A4estion3G said t=e 547.t7ade7& F*o :o4 >no; t=is b466et with the marks of teeth in itHG *a7>e:eCs 8isa9e 5e66 at on<e& e be<ame dead6: ?a6e3 and =is 6imbs t7emb6ed& e ;as abo4t to s?ea> ;=en t=e <=ie53 ;=o =ad =it=e7to stood in si6en<e at =is side3 s4dden6: ;=i76ed =is toma=a;> in t=e ai73 and3 b7in9in9 it do;n on t=e m47de7e7Cs s>4663 <6e5t =im to t=e <=inD A 5ie7<e :e66 5o66o;ed t=is a<t3 and se8e7a6 s<a6?in9 >ni8es 7ea<=ed t=e dead manCs =ea7t be5o7e =is bod: 5e66 to t=e 97o4nd& "=e s<ene t=at 5o66o;ed ;as te77ib6e& "=e sa8a9es ;e7e 7o4sed to a state o5 57en@:3 and 5o7 a moment t=e ;=ite men 5ea7ed an atta<>3 b4t t=e an9e7 o5 t=e Indians ;as a6to9et=e7 di7e<ted a9ainst t=ei7 dead <om7ade3 ;=o =ad been dis6i>ed b: =is ?eo?6e3 ;=i6e =is ?oo7 8i<tim /a7o<=e =ad been a 4ni8e7sa6 5a8o47ite& Sei@in9 t=e bod: o5 *a7>e:e3 t=e: <a77ied it do;n to t=e ban>s o5 t=e 7i8e73 =ootin9 and :e66in9 as t=e: ;ent; =a<>ed and <4t it nea76: to ?ie<es3 and t=en3 >ind6in9 a

6a79e 5i7e3 t=e: t=7e; t=e man96ed <o7?se into it3 and b47ned it to as=es& It ;as 6on9 be5o7e t=e s=ado; o5 t=is da7> <6o4d ?assed a;a: 57om )o7t #7ie; and it ;as 6on9e7 sti66 be5o7e ?oo7 +a7ie 7e<o8e7ed =e7 ;onted <=ee7546ness& B4t t=e ?7esen<e o5 +7 (i6son did m4<= to <om5o7t =e7& 27ad4a66: time so5tened t=e ?an9 and =ea6ed t=e ;o4nd& And no;3 6itt6e 7emains to be to6d& (inte7 ?assed a;a: and s?7in9 <ame3 and ;=en t=e 7i8e7s and 6a>es ;e7e s455i<ient6: 57ee 57om i<e3 t=e b7i9ade o5 boats 6e5t )o7t #7ie3 6aden ;it= 547s3 5o7 t=e sea.<oast& %n a77i8in9 at /a>e (inni?e93 Jas?e7 obtained a sma66 <anoe3 and3 ?6a<in9 =is ;i5e and e:;ood in t=e midd6e o5 it3 =e and A77o;=ead too> t=e ?add6es3 seated t=emse68es in t=e bo; and ste7n3 and 94ided t=ei7 57ai6 ba7> t=7o49= man: =4nd7eds o5 mi6es o5 ;i6de7ness-o8e7 man: a 7o49= ?o7ta9e3 a<7oss man: a bea4ti546 6a>e3 and 4? man: a 7oa7in9 to77ent3 4nti63 5ina66:3 t=e: a77i8ed in Canada& e7e Jas?e7 sett6ed& is 5a7m ?7os?e7ed-=is 5ami6: in<7eased& St47d: bo:s3 in <o47se o5 time3 ?6o49=ed t=e 6and and b6oomin9 da49=te7s tended t=e dai7:& Yet Jas?e7 *e77: did not <ease to toi6& e ;as one o5 t=ose men ;=o feel t=at t=e: ;e7e made to ;o7>3 and t=at m4<= =a??iness 56o;s 57om ;o7>in9& e o5ten 4sed to sa: t=at i5 it ;as 2odCs ;i663 =e ;o46d F6i>e to die in =a7ness&G Jas?e7Cs on6: ;ea>ness ;as t=e ?i?e& It st4<> to =im and =e st4<> to it to t=e 6ast& +a7ie3 in <o47se o5 time3 <ame to to6e7ate it3 and 7e946a76: 5i66ed it 5o7 =im e8e7: ni9=t& #8enin9 ;as t=e time ;=en t=e inmates o5 #7ie Cotta9e (as t=ei7 7esiden<e ;as named) enEo:ed t=emse68es most; 5o7 it ;as t=en t=at t=e sta6;a7t sons and t=e b6oomin9 da49=te7s <i7<6ed 7o4nd t=e 97eat 5i7e o5 ;ood t=at 7oa7ed3 on ;inte7 ni9=ts3 4? t=e <=imne:; and it ;as t=en t=at Jas?e7 7e<ei8ed =is ?i?e 57om =is sti66 9ood.6oo>in93 t=o49= 7at=e7 sto4t3 +a7ie3 and be9an to s?in :a7ns abo4t =is :o4n9 da:s& At t=is time3 too3 it ;as3 t=at t=e doo7 ;o46d 57eA4ent6: o?en3 and a 7499ed o6d Indian ;o46d sta6> in 6i>e a ma=o9an: 9=ost3 and sA4at do;n in 57ont o5 t=e 5i7e& e ;as o5ten 5o66o;ed b: a ta66 t=in o6d 9ent6eman3 ;=o ;as eBt7eme6: eB<itab6e3 b4t 9ood.=4mo47ed& Jas?e7 97eeted t=ese t;o 7ema7>ab6e 6oo>in9 men b: t=e names o5 A77o;=ead and e:;ood& And 96ad ;e7e t=e :o4n9 ?eo?6e ;=en t=e: sa; t=ei7 ;7in>6ed 5a<es3 5o7 t=en3 t=e: >ne; 57om eB?e7ien<e3 t=ei7 o6d 5at=e7 ;o46d be<ome mo7e 6i8e6: t=an 4s4a63 and ;o46d 9o on 5o7 =o47s ta6>in9 o5 a66 t=e ;onde7s and dan9e7s t=at =e =ad seen and en<o4nte7ed 6on93 6on9 a9o3 ;=en =e and =is t;o 57iends ;e7e a;a: in t=e ;i6de7ness& " # #N*&

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