Answers To Chap 1 Questions Academic

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Answers to Chap 1 Questions 1. a) The countries are located in all parts of the world.

. b) Russia Canada ndia U" China Ar!entina $er%an& USA "aza#hstan 'a%aica Brazil Sudan Australia

China and the USA are si%ilar in size to Canada. (. ). *. Wealthy Australia Canada -rance USA .u,e%bour! South "orea Poor Russia +e,ico Ban!ladesh China /!&pt /thiopia

*. b Ar!entina 0 South Africa is difficult to classif&. 1. $23 does not %easure happiness. 4. a) An absolute %easure of a5ailable cropland is useful because Canada has a low population and if the population was accounted for6 it would chan!e the ran#in! of Canada. b) 7es6 it can be useful because so%e countries ha5e a low population6 others ha5e a hi!h population. t is i%portant to understand not onl& how %uch cropland a countr& has6 but also how it connects to that countries population. c) An absolute %easure of a5ailable cropland can be %isleadin! because not e5er& countr& has the sa%e population. 8.

9. a)

To find the a%ount lar!er or s%aller fro% Canada6 subtract Canada:s area fro% the countr& &ou are %easurin!. To find the percenta!e of Canada:s size6 ta#e the area of the countr& &ou are %easurin! and di5ide it b& Canada:s area6 then %ultipl& it b& 1;;. Countr& Area <#%() A%ount lar!er <0).s%aller <=) than Canada <#%() Russia 1868;16;;; 8681)6;;; Canada 9,992,000 China ?64)(6;;; =)4;6;;; -629000 USA ?6)4)6;;; Brazil 911(;;; =1*9;6;;; Australia 864986;;; =(6);16;;; ndia )6(;*6;;; =468996;;; Ar!entina (689;6;;; =86(1(6;;; "aza#hstan (68186;;; =8(861;;; Sudan (61;46;;; =86*946;;; South 16((16;;; =968816;;; Africa 3ercenta!e of Canada:s size

188> ?4.*> ?).8> 91> 88> )(> (9> (8> (1> 1(>

'apan $er%an& U" 'a%aica

)896;;; )186;;; (*16;;; 116;;;

=?641*6;;; =?64)16;;; =?68*86;;; =?6?916;;;

).9> ).4> (.*> ;.1>

b) 1?6)116;;; = Canada 0 USA in area 1868;16;;; Russia /5en if &ou add Canada:s area and the area of the USA6 it is lar!er than Russia6 but not b& a si!nificant a%ount. ii) Russia is @ust too lar!e a countr& to !o5ern properl&. iii) "aza#hstan and U#raine c) Very Large Russia Large Medium Small South Africa 'apan $er%an& U" USA ndia Brazil6 Ar!entina China Australia "aza#hstan Canada Sudan Very Small 'a%aica

c) refer to top of p! 18 !) Ad5anta!e of a countr& with hi!h population densit& is %ore people can pa& %ore ta, and help societ&. Ad5anta!e of a countr& with low population densit& is easier to !o5ern. +ore natural resources for e5er&one. +ore space to !row6 easier to ride public transit. 2isad5anta!es of a countr& with hi!h population densit& areA crowded6 less space. 2isad5anta!e of a countr& with low population densit& isA less ta, %one&.

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