Crusader Magazine November-February 2010

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(Registered Charity No. 232409)

476 Lytham Rd., Blackpool, FY4 1JF
United Kingdom
Tel: 01253 - 343701
Hours: 8.30 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. Monday to Friday
(Excluding public holidays).


The Ministers of the Charity are:

Brother Andrew

Brother Roy

Out of hours:
Brother Andrew 01253 - 731897
Brother Roy 01253 - 354282
(International callers: +44 and exclude the 0 prefix)

Cover picture: Brother Conrad

3rd March 1933 – 14th September 2009


Always Hello
Dr. Tim O’Higgins

Brother Conrad has made his

journey into his inner home. On September 14th
2009, Conrad made his transition whilst resting
peacefully at home with his wife Anne and his
friend Breda.

Conrad’s life adventure was expressed through the

World Healing Crusade in prayer and service,
writing and counselling. His ministerial outreach
included missions throughout the British Isles,
Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Africa and the
United States. His professional life as a psychologist
included practice in England, South Africa and

Although well versed in the study of psychology and

philosophy, he chose to express his wisdom writing
with profound simplicity, in ‘Power Lines’ and
‘Crusader.’ His prayer ministry continued by

telephone, even in the last weeks of his life, during
which time he received and responded to calls for
prayer and support, from all over the world.

His life was gentle

And the elements so mixed in him
That nature might stand up
And say to all the world,
This was a man.

Conrad’s children, Kort, Rachel, Jo, his wife Anne,

Breda and I, were joined by many of his friends from
the local community of Benilloba village, near
Alicante in Spain, on September 15th. 2009. At his
funeral, we celebrated his life in music, song and
prayer. The inner family of God, and the extended
family of Crusaders throughout the world, rejoice
with us in his homecoming.

A gentle and private man, dedicated to service of

the Divine, Conrad Nyquist lived a life of spiritual
simplicity, fidelity and respect for the Divine
incarnate in all creation. His counsel centred on
gratitude for divine activity to resolve all dilemmas,
to heal all wounds, to comfort all afflicted and to heal
the broken-hearted. A man of deep spiritual insight,
Conrad displayed a playful spirit, a joie de vivre and
a spontaneity flowing from authenticity. He brought
a childlike sparkle to the lives of those who were
privileged to relax in the warmth of his friendship. In
his relationships with family, friends and colleagues,
Conrad maintained a genuine respectfulness and
trust in their inner dignity. His particular love and
respect for the dignity of children, was expressed in
his books ‘Listening to the Lord,’ ‘Short Stories for
Prayer Time’ and ‘Think Stories.’

As brothers and sisters in Christ, the family of the

World Healing Crusade join Conrad’s wife, his
children and grandchildren and his sisters Margret
and Glenys, in prayerful support, in this time of
Divine Adjustment in their lives. In this moment of
reflection, with love and gratitude, greet Conrad as
he continues expressing on the pathways of the
Inner Life, with the words he loved ‘Always Hello.’
Siempre Hola!

Recommended listening
A 3 – Love God/ The Holy Spirit – Brother Conrad
C 1 – The Comforter – Brother Conrad
C 2 – One World – One God – Brother Conrad
CL 5 – The Kingdom is Within – Brother Conrad

Available on CD or audio tape & priced at £5 + p. & p.

Books by Brother Conrad



LISTENING TO THE LORD - When we love God with

our questions we receive divine answers. This book
is about such answers and which open wonderful
ways of partnership with Him.

‘Short Stories at Prayer Time’ and ‘Think Stories’

are two books to share with children thanking God
for their purity and most imaginative trust in His love.
They are also educational and quicken reading
ability, comprehension and positive concepts. The
three books are priced at £6 each + p. & p.

Healing Prayer Services are held in the Sanctuary

every weekday morning between 09:00 and 09:15.
Divine Healing Services are held every Tuesday
afternoon at Crusade H/Q between 14:00 and
16:00, (excluding Bank Holidays). There is no
charge for admission and refreshments are provided
without cost.

• Online with WHC

Each weekday Healing Prayer Service and Divine

Healing Service is broadcast ‘live’ on the Internet
in colour and with sound. Just ‘log on’ to our home
page at: and
link in with your friends at the Sanctuary and
thousands of other dear prayer partners around
the world. Together we can make a difference
The Silence
Brother Mandus

I just sit still either in a

comfortable chair, bolt
upright or even lying down in
bed. I find with practice, the
posture matters little, for one
learns to slip into the
presence at any time,
anywhere, even standing up.

Remember, GOD TAKES US into His inner

Kingdom as soon as WE remove our resistance. I
become quite still. I consciously think LOVE to
every living soul, forgiving all, repenting my own
weaknesses and thankfully accepting God's
forgiveness. Then simply and completely I KNOW
that I am poised in His Holy Spirit; as simply and
realistically as I know I am in the midst of the air I
breathe. As I come to Him, He is already there
waiting for me. I enter His peace, and think no
more. There is nothing to do. The Father does all
that needs to be done. If thoughts intrude about
anything outside, such as troubles, pain, sickness
or tomorrow's work, I gently turn back to my Lord
thinking thankfulness, surrender, joy, and peace.

"My Father and I are ONE. Here is my life Father
— all I am, all I possess — I lay it down for
THEE. This moment, this day, eternally, THY
WILL, not mine. And through the love and grace
of Jesus Christ, I am again abiding in Thy
Kingdom, in peace and love."

The silence in the Father's presence grows deeper

as I practise coming to Him. Sometimes I am lifted
up and seem to expand in some indescribable way,
and realise ONE-ness in a universal sense. I have
discovered that we should not worry about lack of
ecstasies and illuminations — such experiences are
rare. God expresses Himself in easily realisable
states of mind, daily experiences and opportunities.
LOVE — a swelling, GIVING kind of love, is a divine
experience. So is peace of mind, thankfulness,
worship, praise, joy, determination, strength, desire
to serve and all those kinds of thoughts which are
positive and progressive. Quite definitely we should
NOT pray in the silence — it is the time for God to
do all that needs to be done. Our task is to allow
Him to do it. Then it is absolutely amazing how ALL
things for our joy are added to us, pressed down
and running over — love, wisdom, happiness,
achievement and supply.

When I am taking a Healing Service and lectures, I
sit for as long as possible in the Kingdom before it
begins. The noise of people entering the hall or
church, and every kind of tumult disappears as the
Lord takes me into His peace. I just know that
everyone else is being drawn into the same
presence. I never need to prepare the lecture or do
anything except be ONE with God.

Then when the time comes for action — He does all

the work. He gives the inspiration and He does the
healing — and wonderful it is to witness His
immediate response to prayer as people visibly
become healed, some completely — others greatly
eased and shown the way to future freedom.

We become so obsessed with the need to DO, that

we often prevent God from giving us exactly what
we need. We insist on emphasising our ills and
troubles until our very petitioning about them only
serves to magnify their reality and their horror in our
minds. Leave them outside the Kingdom — it is
sufficient to find God, and to fulfil His laws of
righteousness, when all else is freely given to meet
every need. So I take a separate period altogether
for wordy prayers. Even then, I have found the need
to be very careful. We become so bold in our
clamouring that we are often blind to our real needs.
The outer ills are so often the true reflection of some
inner disturbance, some negative expression, that
we should do well to pray for more love, grace,
humility and willingness to give of ourselves to God
and our fellows.

When we pray for others, we should look above and

beyond the outer man and see only the indwelling
Christ — the perfect person. It is impossible to pray,
with love and faith, and not receive a response. God
always answers prayer, when we pray correctly.

Excerpt taken Brother Mandus’ excellent booklet

entitled, ‘Your Eternal Mission.’ It is our gift of love to
you, please write in and request your copy.

Recommended Listening
BT5 – The Power of Love/Abiding – Brother Mandus
GS 2 – The Divine Plan – Brother Mandus
GS 4 – Pray Without Ceasing – Brother Mandus
HC 45 – Healing for Your Family – Brother Mandus
BT 6 - A Child’s Christmas Story – Brother Mandus

Available on CD or audio tape & priced at £5 + p. & p.


Sunday 1st – Wednesday 4th November

"Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities, for
we know not what we should pray for as we ought,
but the Spirit Itself maketh Intercession for us." St.

Thursday 5th – Saturday 7th November

The Spirit of Christ is completely devoid of self —
He cares for everyone.

Sunday 8th – Wednesday 11th November

“I AM your Heavenly Father, and I come to you now
as the living Presence within your own being.” –
Brother Mandus

Thursday 12th – Saturday 14th November

"When you pray, believe that you receive, and you
shall have it." – Jesus

Sunday 15th – Wednesday 18th November

Embrace and accept peace, joy, courage, strength,
health, inspiration and guidance, as the natural
pattern of Christ's action for yourself and your loved

Thursday 19th – Saturday 21st November
Fulfil the law of love by asking God to show you how
you can help other people.

Sunday 22nd – Wednesday 25th November

Focus your belief and attention on the current day,
and God will fill it with blessings.

Thursday 26th – Saturday 28th November

Yesterday has gone, tomorrow is still to be born,
and this one day is yours in the eternal NOW!

Sunday 29th – Wednesday 2nd December

God heals through every channel offered to Him!

Thursday 3rd – Saturday 5th December

In partnership with the Lord you are an "Angel of
Light" bearing His Blessings to all.

Sunday 6th – Wednesday 9th December

You are now being blessed with perfect everything;
you are enfolded in His Peace.

Thursday 10th – Saturday 12th December

You are spirit, not a body, and therefore an eternal
being who can never be lost - no matter what
Sunday 13th – Wednesday 16th December
There is no greater thing you can do, no greater gift
you can secure, than to gather the sincere and
simple prayer of people who believe.

Thursday 17th – Saturday 19th December

The moment prayers of faith are begun, something
wonderful is immediately happening.

Sunday 20th – Wednesday 23rd December

Our purpose is always to release everything to Him,
knowing that, in His wisdom, He is doing what is
necessary for the eternal good of yourself and all

Thursday 24th – Saturday 26th December

A blessed and Happy Christmas to you and your
loved ones. Father, thank You for Thy presence
with me. I am abiding in Thy perfection.

Sunday 27th – Wednesday 30th December

A blessed and Happy New Year to you and all
your loved ones. “So God created man in His
own image, in the image of God created He him.
And God saw everything that He had made, and,
behold, it was very good.” Gen. 1:27, 31.

Thursday 31st – Saturday 2nd January
“But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His
righteousness; and all these things shall be added
unto you.” Jesus: Matt. 6:33.

Sunday 3rd – Wednesday 6th January

“And so abideth faith, hope, love; these three. But
the greatest of these is love.” I Cor. 13.

Thursday 7th – Saturday 9th January

PRAYER is the most important of all human
activities. It is nothing less than communicating
with the Father of all creation.

Sunday 10th – Wednesday 13th January

It Is the Father who silently moved in response to
our united love and faith, to rectify "impossible"

Thursday 14th – Saturday 16th January

God is love and is the very "substance" of the Sun,
the Earth and all life.

Sunday 17th – Wednesday 20th January

"Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." –

Thursday 21st – Saturday 23rd January
Love; in this total committal advocated by Jesus,
releases a perfection principle that works
comprehensively throughout the soul, mind, body
and environment.

Sunday 24th – Wednesday 27th January

The supreme revelation of Jesus was that when we
live in a complete love-awareness of God, and
express this principle in our relationships with
others, our lives reflect the peace and harmony of
the divine order.

Thursday 28th – Saturday 30th January

When love functions in prayer we unite with the
perfection of God—according to our faith.

Sunday 31st – Wednesday 3rd February

When our minds are centred on the motivating
principle of love, comprehensively expressed, there
is an inevitable outward flow of multiplying good
throughout the life experience.

Thursday 4th – Saturday 6th February

There is no hatred, bitterness, selfishness, fear or
worry where love abounds in the highest sense.

Sunday 7th – Wednesday 10th February
Who can be afraid if we know all the power of
God is with us?

Thursday 11th – Saturday 13th February

“Lord, make me a channel of Thy Peace.” – St.

Sunday 14th – Wednesday 17th February

Faith is the foundation upon which the mind
must stand in order to experience anything at all.
Therefore it is a quality which has infinite

Thursday 18th – Saturday 20th February

The direction and plan of the Father has
produced a "tree" with widespread branches.
Countless people have been healed by His love.

Sunday 21st Wednesday 24th February

“Believe the works: that ye may know, and believe,
that the Father is in me, and I in him.” - St. John

Thursday 25th – Sunday 28th February

"I and my Father are one." – Jesus - St. John
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476, Lytham Road,

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476, Lytham Road,

2010 Calendar Cards – FREE…………………………………………………
Under the revised Gift Aid Scheme The World
Healing Crusade in Blackpool can recover basic
rate tax on all your donations (whether large or
small, regular or irregular) provided that you pay
U.K. income tax or capital gains tax equal to the tax
we reclaim on your donations, (currently 25p for
every POUND you give). TO RECLAIM TAX WE
I want The World Healing Crusade in Blackpool to
treat all donations made from 6/4/00 as GIFT AID
donations until I notify you otherwise. I have read
the notes set out above. PLEASE PRINT.
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DATE ........................... SIGNED…………………………...

Please return to :- The World Healing Crusade
476 Lytham Road,
Blackpool FY4 1JF

Part of The Whole

I am part of God, Who is the Whole;

One with the mountain and the forest tree;
Sunrise and sunset centre in my soul
And every flower that blooms hath birth in me.

I am the eagle soaring in the height,

The sparkling rivulet, the sylvan glade,
Gladness of dawning, sacred peace of night,
The star-strewn heavens and the woodland shade.

I am the immortal promise of the Spring,

The flame of Autumn burns within my breast;
Mine is the harmony of Summer’s sing,
The Winter purity of snow-clad rest.

I am a part of all created things,

And He Who fashioned them hath made me too.
Lord, Who hast given to my spirit wings
Bid me ascend and lose myself in You.
Poetry by ‘Mac’ of the Sanctuary
We have 6 booklets written by ‘Mac’ of the
Sanctuary and they contain her finest poetry! They
are a joy to read and we know that you will just love

• ‘The Damascus Road & Other Poems’

• ‘Housewife’s Christ & Other Poems’
• ‘The Light Celestial & Other Poems’
• ‘The Man Next Door & Other Poems’
• ‘Little Boy’s Prayer – Creation & Other Poems
• ‘Winged Worship & Other Poems’

Priced at £1 each + p. & p.

Will You Support Us Please?

This is a draft wording of a simple will:

“I GIVE AND BEQUEATH (state what……) to the

Trustees for the time being of The World Healing
Crusade, of 476 Lytham Road, Blackpool, in the
County of Lancashire, United Kingdom, (being a
Charity registered under the Charities Act, No.
232409) to be applied for the general purposes of
the Crusade AND I DECLARE that the receipt of the
Treasurer when this legacy is paid, or the then
proper officer for the Crusade, shall be a complete
discharge to my Trustee(s) for the legacy to the

Your generosity will help us to help people that are

less fortunate than we are, both now and in the
future. We are grateful to you for your kindness and
support of our divine mission.

All In One
Brother Andrew
“I and my Father are one.”
You might think that it is a
strange way to begin an
article but I have been
thinking about Jesus’ words
that are quoted in John

I led a Divine Healing Service today using just that

theme and the thoughts just flowed forth like ‘living
waters.’ So I thought I would share the same theme
with you in the hope that you too would be inspired.

As a Christian I pray in the name of Jesus as you no

doubt you do; the Bible tells us to do so. For those
non Christians reading this article you might well
take issue with such a manner of prayer, but hear
me out please. When we speak of the Trinity,
Christians refer to the oneness of God, Jesus and
the Holy Spirit and I do not disagree with that line of
thinking. Such unity implies that anyone that prays
to God will be heard as He responds to all equally.
You might say that some do not worship the same
God because He is called by a different name but I
could disagree, I think that God answers all prayers
without favour.

You will no doubt recall that David, Moses and

Abraham amongst others prayed to ‘the God of the
Jews.’ They didn’t pray in the name of Jesus and
their prayers were heard! So prayer is a mighty
force for good throughout all religions and it should
bring us closer together rather than creating a
schism. Lest we forget. Jesus was a Jew first and
foremost and He prayed to God; He never said,
worship me.

I will not take issue with any non-Christian that prays

to God because I believe that we are worshipping
one and the same God. The God of ancient times,
the God of the prophets and our God are one and
the same.

Yes, I accept that God’s son, Jesus was the Father

made manifest in flesh. He was and is the living
embodiment of the living God that is, was and will
be. I was brought up within the Church of England, I
was Christened and Confirmed in the Church; I
attended Sunday school and I served in the choir
and the Scouts. I have fond memories of my time
within the Church but as I have matured in years,
my mind has turned more to question ‘orthodox
religion’ and I have become a ‘seeker of the truth.’

I understand that over the years there have been

many mistranslations that have compounded
misunderstandings in theology for hundreds of
years. When we go right back to the root language
of Christ, namely Aramaic, we begin to see and
understand a different Jesus from that one
portrayed in the New Testament. A man with a
sense of humour, a person who could get very
angry, a man that was passionate and empathic, a
man the had a mission and new that His end was
defined by God that His Father might be glorified.

The healing Christ can heal all, irrespective of race

creed and colour. He did so and continues to do so!
Jesus was, is and will be for all nations, races,
creeds, the perfect all in one solution to all problems
Recommended Listening
DHS 5 - Opening Doors To Go God – Brother Andrew
E 8 – Being Alive – Brother Andrew
TH 19 – God’s Kingdom – Brother Andrew
E 16 – Healing Memories – Brother Andrew
DHS 8 – Being Together – Brother Andrew
Available on CD or audio tape & priced at £5 + p. & p.
Let’s Waltz
Night Away
By Brother Roy

Above you can see Vernon, posing with one of his

young dancing instructors. What’s so remarkable
about that you may ask? Well if you had, like myself
met Vernon seven years ago when I first became a
minister of the World Healing Crusade the very
thought that one day Vernon would be dancing and
looking a picture of Health and Vitality would have
seemed nigh impossible.
In those early days of our meeting Vernon inhabited
a world of darkness and pain and life did not hold
any real joy for him. But over the years through my
weekly visits to his home where I conducted a
healing service and through his own determination
and resolve he has started to emerge from that
darkness and with encouragement change his
quality of life for the better. He has nearly
completely refurbished his home and now his life is
full of numerous pursuits, so much so that these
days I have to make an appointment to catch him in
and sometime it means my calling on him as early
as 08.30 in the morning. Vernon still has off days
but he doesn’t let things spoil it for him.
Vernon is just one of many of our Crusader friends
that I have regularly called upon over the years and
I continue to work in partnership with both them and
the Lord for the betterment of their health and
In many cases there has not been a quick fix to
healing prayer but a gradual improvement over a
period of time. One incident that sticks in my
memory the most was when on one of my many
ministerial visits I found myself in the waiting room
of a local mental health facility. On arrival I saw
there was only one other man in the waiting room
and as I entered he looked up at me and noticed the
blue cross that I wear in my jacket lapel. He had the
most pathetic and sad look on his face, and he
asked me, "Are you a minister?" I said, "Yes." He
began to weep and proceeded to share with me his
almost hopeless struggle with depression.
Through his tears, he said he regularly went to
Church and that he knew God answered prayers,
but he had been constantly praying for his
depression to go away but nothing seems to be
happening. With a sense of desperation in his voice,
he asked the question, "Why doesn't God seem to
hear my prayers?" At that moment the nurse called
his name and I quickly handed him my card as he
got up to go into the facility.

Afterwards I gave his question some thought and

then it came to me that sometimes maybe we are
not actually praying at all. I remember seeing a
behavioural psychology experiment using a lab rat
that was given cocaine every time it pushed down a
little bar. Within a day or two that rat was beating
down on that little bar like crazy until it forgot all
about eating, drinking or raising his rat family.

God in His wisdom knows that if prayer was only

just asking Him for what we wanted and "puff", we
immediately got it, most of us would become like
that poor rat, banging away like crazy at Heavens
gate for more and more of what we want and paying
very little attention to who God is, what do we really
need and also forgetting about our responsibility to
our family and others. Can you imagine what the
world would be like if everything everybody
asked for was immediately granted! Speak
about chaos!

No, I believe God's purpose in prayer is for us

to get to know who He is and His holiness
rather than to get Him to do our bidding. That
does not mean that He will not hear our prayers
and answer, but His purpose is not to make us
happy, but to make Him known to us and others
and by so doing bring about our own true joy
and happiness.
So I continue to visit all our Crusader friends,
who for whatever reason are unable to call into
the Sanctuary themselves. In praying together
we find God’s purpose and in so doing bring
about a Healing, sometimes it can be
instantaneous or like in Vernon’s case gradual
over many years, all it takes is that first
important step. Would you care to join me for a

Dear Brother Roy

Thank you so much for your most uplifting letter
& leaflets. They were truly inspirational and
helped me so much.
Yours in His name –Hilda
Free Gifts for You!
CB 1 – Christmas and New Year Blessings from
Bro. Mandus & Staff; BD 1 ‘Birthday Blessings’
audio tape & CD & card, (please specify which you
require) with the Staff of WHC; 'Prayer For Peace'
card - Brother Mandus, 'The Divine Word' booklet -
Brother Mandus, 'Our Father' by Brother Mandus,
Prayer Cards, Miracle Cards & a full range of
pamphlets to help and assist you and others.
Please write in for these items.

Special offer:- WHC Carol Service on DVD

£5.00 + p. & p.

Testimonies To Answered Prayer

He got the job!

“Thank you all so much for your prayers and good
energy sent to my son Jamie. He got the job and
starts on 16 September. As a bonus he also got a
temporary job for the week before that which will
help with his finances. I really appreciate all of your
help for him and I know that this circle of love helps
everyone in some way. Lots of love and blessings,

Annette xxx” Email received 01/09/09

The prayers and healing are definitely working!

“Update on my Mother. I actually talked to her today,

for a few minutes, they moved her out of intensive
care today, it was so wonderful to hear her voice,
even though she tired quickly. He said she's making
slow but steady progress, with the odd hiccup, but
she's definitely improving each day. Many thanks to
The Healing Prayers Circle - the prayers and
healing are definitely working!

Diana.” – Email received 01/09/09

I cannot thank God enough!

Wanted to let you know that I received my exam

results and I have managed to pass some of my
subjects and I can not thank God enough as it has
been a very long and difficult road for me to get
where I am.

Stay Blessed,

J.N., South Africa - Email received 04/08/09

Miracles do happen!

“Good evening to you all at Blackpool. Thank you

so much for all your prayers for my friend, I wrote to
you back in May asking you to send out your
thoughts for R., (I gave him another name (Steven)
at the time of writing) R. was on remand in Walton
Prison at the time but I supplied him with a bail
address for the three months leading up to his trial
which began today. Yesterday I gave him a good
luck card also one of your "expect a miracle" cards,
which I placed in his inside pocket of his suit and
guess what? What should have been a routine
swearing in of the jury, and the court case starting
properly tomorrow, probably lasting for three
days, developed into him being told he was free to
go. He called me on his mobile saying "your miracle
card worked" so now he has returned to his wife and
family, now, I would like you to send some thoughts
out for myself, having had his company for the last
three months I shall miss him so much, so would
you remember ME in your prayers. Thanking you
once again for all your prayers. Yours sincerely, J.
R.” – UK – Received 08/07/09

Our prayers are being answered and miracles

are happening thank You Father!
World Healing Crusade Booklets
• H1 The Healing Love
• H2 Freedom Through Faith
• H3 Perfect Health
• H4 Perfect Prosperity
• H5 The Kingdom of God
• H6 Healing & Success Treatments
• H7 The Wondrous Way of Answered Prayer
• H8 For Those In Trouble
• H9 The Healing Silence
• L1-2 The Healing Christ & Practical Christianity
• L3-4 The Christ Consciousness & The Year of
Abundant Life
• L5-6 The Power of Thought & The Healing
Power of Prayer
• L7-8 Signs and Wonders & The Infallible Law
• R1 This is Your Life
• R2 The Power To Heal
• R3 Woman, Behold Thy Son
• R4 The Faith That Moves Mountains
• R5 The Science of The New Age
• R6 How God Called Me
• R7 Revelation
All the booklets mentioned above are by Bro. Mandus
• Pause For Thought – Canon John Smith
• A Thought For The Day – Brother Andrew

All the booklets priced at £1 + p. & p.

Classic Books by Brother Mandus

• The Grain of Mustard Seed

• For Women Only
• This Wondrous Way of Life
• Call Unto Me
• The Divine Awakening
• All About You
• Highways To Health and Happiness
• Power Thinking

These books are available from the Sanctuary

priced at £6 each + p. & p.


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