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February 2010 [KW 1522] B.N.Y.S DEGREE EXAMINATION.

(New Regulations) Third Year Paper VII MASSAGE, AROMATHERAPY, CHIROPRACTICE AND OSTEOPATHY Q.P. Code : 821522 Time : Three hours Answer ALL questions.
I. Essay Questions: 1. Types of massage movements and their effects. 2. Write the method of use, action and healing effects of (a) Bergamot (b) Chamomile (c) Tea-tree. II. Short Notes: 1. Geranium. 2. Qualities of Measures. 3. Substitute for massage oil. 4. Massage of the heart. 5. Lavandula angustifolia. 6. Essential oil for hypertension. 7. Action of essential oils. 8. Chiropractice. 9. Swedana. 10. Define emmenagogue, cholagogue, aphrodisiac, nervine and diuretic. III. Short Answers: 1. Five fragrance categories. 2. Four contraindications of massage. 3. Skin patch test. 4. Solvent extraction. 5. Shiatsu. 6. Cremasteric reflex. 7. Linea alba. 8. Knee jerk. 9. Point percussion. 10. Rolling.

Sub. Code: 1522

Maximum : 100 marks

(2 x 15 = 30)

(10 x 5 = 50)

(10 x 2 = 20)

August 2010 [KX 1522] B.N.Y.S DEGREE EXAMINATION. (New Regulations) Third Year Paper VII MASSAGE, AROMATHERAPY, CHIROPRACTICE AND OSTEOPATHY Q.P. Code : 821522 Time : Three hours Answer ALL questions.
I. Essay Questions: (2 x 15 = 30) 1. Write Down various movements used for each part of the body and contraindicated movements. 2. History, advantages, disadvantages of Aromatherapy. II. Short Notes: 1. Scientific and therapeutic effects of stroking. 2. Friction. 3. Aroma and massage for pregnancy. 4. Vibration. 5. Carrier oils. 6. Methods of using aroma oils. 7. Classify kneading movements. 8. How will you select aroma oils? 9. Ylong Ylong. 10. Aromatherapy for anxiety. III. Short Answers: 1. Define massage. 2. Touch and its classification. 3. Define Osteopathy. 4. Oils which have anti inflammatory effect. 5. Difference between Indian massage and Swedish massage. 6. Oils used in case of Insomnia. 7. Chemical constituents of Eucalyptus and its use. 8. Mixing of aroma oils. 9. Side effects of aroma oils. 10. Chucking.

Sub. Code: 1522

Maximum : 100 marks

(10 x 5 = 50)

(10 x 2 = 20)

February 2011

[KY 1522]
B.N.Y.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION. (New Regulations) Third Year

Sub. Code : 1522

Paper VII MASSAGE, AROMATHERAPY, CHIROPRACTICE AND OSTEOPATHY Q.P. Code : 821522 Time : Three hours Draw diagrams wherever necessary. Answer ALL questions. I. 1. Long Essay : (2 15 = 30) Maximum : 100 marks

Write in detail about the history of massage in various countries. Add note on different types of massage in various systems. Write about the physiological effects and therapeutic effects of various movements. Short notes : Side effects and benefits of massage. Friction. Chiropractice. Massage movements of knee and effects. Beauty care. Different methods of preparation of Aromo Oils. Essential oils. Aromotherapy for skin diseases. Basil. Panchakarma. (10 5 = 50)


II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

III. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Short answer : Define massage. Carrier oils. Osteopathy. Lavender. Skin patch test. Aroma oils to be avoided in pregnancy. Powder massage - Indications. Oils used in massage. Tea tree. Movements contra - Indicated in facial massage.

(10 2 = 20)

[KY 1522]

August 2011
[KZ 1522] B.N.Y.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION. Third Year Paper VII MASSAGE, AROMATHERAPY, CHIROPRACTICE AND OSTEOPATHY Q.P. Code : 821522 Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL questions. I. Essay questions: (2X15=30) 1. Describe different methods of extraction of aromatic substances from plants? Write down different methods of using essential oils? 2. Classify different massage manipulations and explain physiologically effects and therapeutic effects of each manipulation movements. II. Short Notes: 1. Characteristics of masseur. 2. Physiological effect of chiropractice. 3. Aroma therapy for psoriasis. 4. Geranium. 5. Gharshana Abhyagana. 6. Thyme. 7. Essential oils in arthritis. 8. Aroma oils and photo toxicity. 9. History of massage. 10. Massage and its effects on nutrition. III. Short Answer: 1. Andrew-w-still. 2. Storage and shelf life of aroma oils. 3. Phagocytosis. 4. Massage on skin. 5. Blending of Aroma oils. 6. Amenorrhoea and aroma oils. 7. Contraindications of massage. 8. Carrier oils. 9. Define Osteopathy. 10. Benefits of spinal manipulation. ****** (10X2=20) (10X5=50) Sub. Code: 1522

February 2012
[LA 1522] Sub. Code: 1522

Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 marks

Answer ALL questions

I. Elaborate on: (2x15=30) 1. Describe in detail about the physiological effects of massage. Add its effects on Haemosynthesis 2. Write in detail about Aroma oil preparation and write the methods of using Aromatherapy II. Write notes on: 1. Head massage 2. Qualities of masseur 3. Aroma for mental tension 4. Classification of Kneading 5. Carrier Oils 6. Tea-tree 7. Bergamot 8. Contraindications of massage 9. Advantages of Aromatherapy 10. Effects of facial massage III. Short Answers 1. Define massage 2. Types of frictions 3. Essential oils 4. Amma amma 5. Oils used for massage 6. Contraindication of abdominal massage 7. Aroma therapy- Precautions 8. Ylang - Ylang 9. Aroma for common cold 10. Ill effects of Aroma oils ******* (10x2=20) (10x5=50)

Sub. Code: 1522 THIRD B.N.Y.S. DEGREE EXAM AUGUST 2 12 !"#e$ %II MASSAGE& AR'MATHERA!Y& CHIR'!RACTICE AND 'STE'!ATHY Q.P. Code: (21522 T)*e: 1( *)+u,eM".)*u*: 1 *"$/A+-0e$ ALL 1ue-,)o+I. E2"bo$",e o+: !"3e- T)*e M"$/4M"..54M"..54M"..5 1. What is massage and its effects on nutrition, Haematogenesis, Phagocytosis, Absorption of increased inflammatory exude, Obese and emaciated.16 ! 1! . Write do"n #arious mo#ements in massage, used for each part of the body and contradicted mo#ements. 16 ! 1!
II. S6o$, +o,e- o+:
1.Aromotherapy for Anxiety. 2.&lassify 'neading mo#ements. 3.(hiatsu in manipulati#e therapy. 4.Po"der massage ) merits * demerits. 5.+ffects of pressure of hands on s'in. 6.Phagocytosis. 7.,assage to head and spine. 8.,assage to infants and children. 9.Osteopathy. 10. History of massage in brief.

[LB 1522]

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

% % % % % % % % % % ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

III. S6o$, A+-0e$- o+: 1. (ide effects of aroma oils. 2. Oils used in Insomnia. 3. -ifference bet"een Indian and ("edish massage. 4. .ouch and its classification. 5. /lending of aroma oils. 6. -ry brush massage. 7. &ircum 0ocation. 8. Physiological effects of &hiropractice. 9. &hiropractice 1 Origin. 10. -ifference bet"een Indian massage and ("edish massage. 2222222

[LC 1522]

Sub. Code: 1522 THIRD B.N.Y.S. DEGREE EXAM - FEBR ARY 2!1"


M-.()u) : 1!! M-+/, ANS0ER ALL & ESTI$NS

2 X 151 "!

1. Write down physiological effects of massage nutrition, haematogenesis, phagocytosis, excretory system and nervous system. 2. Methods of using aroma oils. II. SH$RT N$TES: 1. Physiological effects of Aromatherapy. 2. Carrier oils. . !ssential oils. ". Classification of stro#ing and friction. $. %oint movements. &. 'ses of petrisage. (. )ndications of massage. *. Powder massage. +. ,iagnostics methods in -steo and Chiropractice. 1.. Precaution for massage. III. SH$RT ANS0ERS 1. 'ses of /ead massage. 2. 0omi 1 0omi. . 2avara#i3hi. ". 'ses of 4lac# pepper oil. $. Movements in 5acial massage. &. ,efine -steopathy. (. 6hiatsu. *. 0osemary. +. 7lang7lang. 1.. Mixing of Aroma oils. 888888888 1! X 21 2! 1! X 51 5!

[LD 1522]

Sub. Code: 1522 THIRD B.N.Y.S. DEGREE EXAM - AUGUST 2 1!

"A"ER #II - MASSAGE$ %STE%"ATHY$ CHIR%"RACTICE AND AR%MATHERA"Y &.". C%DE: '21522 T()e: T*+ee Hou+,
I. ESSAY &UESTI%NS: 1. Write down the history and various types of massage. 2. Write down the preparatory methods of Aroma oils and its physiological action. II. SH%RT N%TES: 1. Qualities of masseur. 2. Friction types & uses. 3. recautions ta!en in Aromatherapy. ". #lassification of !neading movements. $. rescriptions for headache. %. #ontraindications of &assage. '. hysiological & therapeutic effects of petrissage. (. #hiropractice. ). &assage in children. 1*. +avender oil. III. SH%RT ANS0ERS 1. 2. 3. ". $. %. '. (. ,efine massage. #arrier oils. -asil. .tro!ing. /i0ration uses. ,efine 1ematogenesis. -ergamot. owder massage. 1 X 21 2 1 X 51 5

M-.()u) : 1 ANS0ER ALL &UESTI%NS


2 X 151 !

). 2steopathy. 1*. ,efine Aromatherapy. 333333333

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