BAT Set 3

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During which year was the companys earnings 10 percent of its sales?

A) 85
B) 86
C) 87
C) 88
E) 90

Q2. During the years 1986 through 1988, what were the average earnings per

A) 6 million
B) 7.5 million
C) 9 million
D) 10 million
E) 27 million

Q3. In which year did sales increase by the greatest percentage over the precious

A) 86
B) 87
C) 88
D) 89
E) 90

Q4. If Consolidated Conglomerates earnings are less than or equal to 10 percent
of sales during a year, then the stockholders must take a dividend cut at the end
of the year. In how many years did the stockholders of Consolidated
Conglomerate suffer a dividend cut?

A) None
B) One
C) Two
D) Three
E) Four

Q5. On which day shown on the graph did the value of US dollar increase against
the Rupee b the greatest amount?

A) Jan 10
B) Jan 14
C) Jan 21
D) Jan 23
E) Feb 4

Q6. John had 100 dollars. The exchange rate converts the amount in US dollars to
a number in Indian Rupees by directly multiplying by the value of the exchange
rate. By what amount did Johns $100 increase in terms of Indian Rupees from
Jan. 9 to Feb. 8?
A) 5
B) 10
C) 15
D) 25
E) 50
Q7. On Feb 8, the dollar value was approximately what percent of the dollar
value on Jan 9?
A) 1.28
B) 12.8

C) 101.28
D) 112.8
E) 128

Q8. By what percent did the number of schools with Pupil/Teacher ratio less
than 16 increase in January 1999 over January 1998?

A) -2%
B) 0%
C) 2%
D) 10%
E) 12%

Q9. In January 1998, what percent of high schools had a pupil/teacher ratio les
than 23?

A) 25%
B) 39%
C) 50%
D) 60%
E) 75%

Q10. If the areas of the sectors in the circle graphs are drawn in proportions to
the percent shown, what is the measure, in degrees, of the sector representing
the number of high schools with Pupil/Teacher ratio greater than 27 in 1999?

A) 21.6
B) 30
C) 45.7
D) 56.3
E) 72

Q11. For which year was the ratio of the Security holes to Bugs fixed by the
software company the greatest?

A) 1998
B) 1999
C) 2000
D) 2001
E) 2002

Q12. If the total number of software problems solved is a direct measure of the
companys capability, then by approximately what percent did capability
increase from 1999 to 2002?

A) 10%
B) 20%
C) 30%
D) 40%
E) 50%

Q13. In City Y last year, what was the ratio of the number of commuters who
rode buses to the number of commuters who rode trains?
1) In City Y last year, 50,000 commuters rode trains and 48,000 commuters rode
2) In City Y last year, if the number of commuters who rode trains had been 20
percent greater, the number of commuters who rode trains would have been 125
percent of the number of commuters who rode buses.

Q14. What is the average of 8a and 4b?
1) a + b = 5
2) 2a + b = 11

Q15. What is the ratio of x to y?
1) 0.8x + 0.5y = 40
2) 0.625y = 50 x

Data Analysis

Q1. A certain portfolio consisted of 5 stocks, priced at $20, $35, $40, $45, and
$70, respectively. On a given day, the price of one stock increased by 15%, while
the price of another stock decreased by 35% and the prices of the remaining
three remained constant. If the average price of a stock in the portfolio rose by
approximately 2%, which of the following could be the prices of the shares that
remained constant?

A) $20, $35, and $70
B) $20, $45, and $70
C) $20, $35, and $40
D) $35, $40, and $70
E) $35, $40, and $45

Q2. Two years ago, Arthur gave each of his five children 20 percent of his fortune
to invest in any way they saw fit. In the first year, three of the children, Alice,
Bob, and Carol, each earned a profit of 50 percent on their investments, while
two of the children, Dave and Errol, lost 40 percent on their investments. In the
second year, Alice and Bob each earned a 10 percent profit, Carol lost 60 percent,
Dave earned 25 percent in profit, and Errol lost all the money he had remaining.
What percentage of Arthur's fortune currently remains?

A) 93%
B) 97%
C) 100%
D) 107%
E) 120%

Q3. At the beginning of the year, the ratio of juniors to seniors in high school X
was 3 to 4. During the year, 10 juniors and twice as many seniors transferred to
another high school, while no new students joined high school X. If, at the end of
the year, the ratio of juniors to seniors was 4 to 5, how many seniors were there
in high school X at the beginning of the year?

A) 80
B) 90
C) 100
D) 110
E) 120

Q4. John and Jacob set out together on bicycle travelling at 15 and 12 miles per
hour, respectively. After 40 minutes, John stops to fix a flat tire. If it takes John on
hour to fix the flat tire and Jacob continues to ride during this time, how many
hours will it take John to catch up to Jacob assuming he resumes his ride at 15
miles per hour?

A) 3

B) 3.33
C) 3.5
D) 4
E) 4.5

Q5. Jim needs $1,000 to buy a new flat-screen TV. Since he has only $7, he
borrows the remaining balance from his sister Mary. The loan will be repaid in 3
annual installments at an interest rate of 10%, compounded annually. The
formula for calculating the monthly payment P is P = (L x C x r) / (C 1) where L
= amount of the loan, r = annual interest rate, and C = compounding factor = (1 +
r)N where N = number of annual payments. How much does Jim have to pay
Mary at the end of each of the next 3 years (rounded to the nearest penny)?

A) $357.67
B) 375.85
C) $387.40
D) $399.30
E) $433.33

Q6. A family consisting of one mother, one father, two daughters and a son is
taking a road trip in a sedan. The sedan has two front seats and three back seats.
If one of the parents must drive and the two daughters refuse to sit next to each
other, how many possible seating arrangements are there?

A) 28
B) 32
C) 48
D) 60
E) 120

Q7. On Tuesday, Kramer purchases exactly 3 new shirts, 2 new sweaters, and 4
new hats, On the following day and each subsequent day thereafter, Kramer
wears one of his new shirts together with one of his new sweaters and one of his
new hats. Kramer avoids wearing the exact same combination of shirt, sweater,
and hat for as long as possible. On which day is this no longer possible?

A) Tuesday
B) Wednesday
C) Thursday
D) Friday
E) Saturday

Q8. When Professor Wang looked at the rosters for this term's classes, she saw
that the roster for her economics class (E) had 26 names, the roster for her
marketing class (M) had 28, and the roster for her statistics class (S) had 18.
When she compared the rosters, she saw that E and M had 9 names in common,
E and S had 7, and M and S had 10. She also saw that 4 names were on all 3
rosters. If the rosters for Professor Wang's 3 classes are combined with no
student's name listed more than once, how many names will be on the combined


A) 20
B) 30
C) 40
D) 50
E) 60

Q9. A paint store makes peach paint according to the formula above. The
numbers of gallons of white and yellow paint used in a batch of peach paint are
always each an integer. If the store owner wants to make the smallest batch of
peach paint possible, how many gallons of red are needed?

A) 1/4
B) 1
C) 3.75
D) 5
E) 9

Q10. A printing press can print x pages in y minutes. A certain job has one page
more than the usual job. This job would take the same amount of time as the
usual job if it were to print at what rate per hour?

A) (60x/y) 1
B) (x 1)/60y
C) 60x/(y + 1)
D) (x/60y) + 1
E) 60(x + 1)/y

Q 11. In a certain school, there are x classrooms, each with an average
(arithmetic mean) of y students per classroom. If the number of classrooms were
increased to z while the total school enrollment did not change, the new average
class size would be how many fewer students per classroom?

A) xy/z
B) y (xy)/z
C) (xy/z) y
D) {xy/(z y)}
E) {xy/(y z)}

Q12. The first two numbers on a list of three numbers have a sum of 20. The first
number plus twice the second number equals the third number. The first
number plus four times the third number is 16. What is the average (arithmetic
mean) of the three numbers?

A) 3
B) 4
C) 12
D) 18
E) 36

Q13. A politician running for office campaigned door- to-door in a neighborhood.
She spoke with everyone who answered the door and left flyers at every home
where no one answered the door. If there are 120 homes in the neighborhood,
and she left flyers at three times as many homes as the number of homes where
she spoke with people, how many flyers did she leave?

A) 30
B) 40
C) 80
D) 90
E) 120

Q14. A furniture factory can produce f + 4 chairs when w workers are working.
How many workers are required to produce f chairs at this same rate?

A) fw/(f + 4)
B) w/(f + 4)
C) w/f
D) (f + 4)/w
E) (f + 4)/fw

Q15. A car dealers lot contains 12 cars for lease and 15 cars for sale. The lot also
contains 23 trucks for lease and 22 trucks for sale. The dealer wants to change
the ratio of trucks for lease to trucks for sale so that it equals the ratio of cars for
lease to cars for sale. If the total number of trucks remains unchanged, by how
many would the number of trucks for sale increase?

A) 3
B) 5
C) 15
D) 22
E) 25

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