Practice 11

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Rewrite the sentences with the time expressions below.

rarely every day now tomorrow soon

1. Shes busy, so shell call you back later.

2. Antonella watches the British soap opera EastEnders, and she loves it.
3. What time are you arriving?
4. He goes to the cinema, but enjoys watching DVDs at home.
5. Im meeting Ben, so Ive got to leave in five minutes.

Choose the correct answer.

1. What CD to? I really like it!

a. do you listen
b. are you listening
2. My friend a moped this weekend.
a. is buying
b. buys
3. I cant tidy up my room now because I in a minute.
a. am leaving
b. leave
4. Marty rarely television.
a. watches
b. is watching
5. Kims phone number?
a. Are you remembering
b. Do you remember
6. Some of the basketball players in every game.
a. arent playing
b. dont play

Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.


Laura ................................ (love) cooking.

My friends and I ................................ (learn) how to drive this year.
What temperature ................................ water ................................ (boil) at?
They always ................................ (wait) for the bus on that corner.
Be quiet! I ................................ (try) to concentrate.
I used to go out with Tim, but I ................................ (not date) anybody right now.

Choose the correct answer.


It rarely rains / is raining here, but it rains / is raining now.

Now that I am thinking / think about your suggestion, I am thinking / think its a good idea.
Why does she begin / is she beginning the lesson so late? She always begins / is beginning on time.
I want to check how much these boxes are weighing / weigh, so I am weighing / weigh them now.
I look / am looking at everyone in this room but nobody looks / is looking familiar.
My doctor usually sees / is seeing patients in the afternoons but this morning, I see / am seeing him.
Your dog is smelling / smells this bag because he is smelling / smells the hamburger inside it!

TOP MARKS 1 Photocopiable

Burlington Books

Unit Test 1 Level 1

Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. Whats so funny? (laugh)

Why ............................................................................................................... ?
2. In my opinion, she isnt very generous. (not think)
I ...................................................................................................................... .
3. Emma cant find her maths book. (look for)
Emma ............................................................................................................. .
4. Shes walking to school today. (ride)
She usually ....................................................................................her bicycle.
5. Please put the milk back into the fridge. (drink)
Nobody ................................................................................................. it now.
6. What are you talking about? (not understand)
I ...................................................................................................................... .

Complete the passage with the verb in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

Nearly everyone 1. .................................. (love) chocolate, but most people 2. .................................. (think) that it is
unhealthy because it 3. .................................. (contain) a lot of calories and a high amount of fat. However, these days,
scientists 4. .................................. (find) that it has also got some health benefits. Based on recent studies, researchers
5. .................................. (begin) to promote the idea that moderate amounts of dark chocolate can help protect against
heart disease and high blood pressure. Furthermore, dark chocolate provides small amounts of important nutrients, so
it adds some vitamins and minerals to your diet. I 6. .................................. (want) some chocolate right now; what about


Complete the sentences with the time expressions below.


You missed an exciting football match ................................ .

................................ we had swum, we had lunch at a caf on the beach.
My friends were shouting encouragement ................................ I was running the race.
I was sleeping ................................ Beth rang the bell.
................................ our bags arrived, all the other passengers had already got theirs.
This shopping centre is only a few years old. It opened ................................ .

Choose the correct answer.

when as last night by the time in 2003 after

1. Someone stole my wallet while I yesterday.

a. shopped
b. was shopping
2. Jim on the phone when I arrived.
a. was talking
b. talked
3. By the time the waiter brought the dessert, we our coffee.
a. had finished
b. finished
4. Dan was at basketball practice when he his knee.
a. had hurt
b. hurt
5. that joke before Cindy told it last night?
a. Did you already hear
b. Had you already heard
6. I wasnt feeling well, so I the wedding immediately after the ceremony.
a. was leaving
b. left

Complete the passage with the verb in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous.

I was looking forward to a quiet evening at home last night. But it wasnt as quiet as I had hoped.
I 1. .................................. (watch) television when the first call 2. .................................. (come). It was my old girlfriend.
I didnt want to talk to her, so I 3. .................................. (tell) her that I 4. .................................. (study). Then Lisa rang,
but she 5. .................................. (laugh) so much that I couldnt understand what she 6. .................................. (say).
After that, my new girlfriend, Mary, 7. .................................. (arrive) at the door. While she 8. ..................................
(stand) in the hall, the phone 9. .................................. (ring) again. Luckily, it was Bob. He 10. ..................................


Jo 25/5/06

TOP MARKS 1 Photocopiable

Burlington Books

Unit Test 1 Level 1

(do) his homework when he realised that he 11. .................................. (need) the maths assignment. Finally, Mary
12. .................................. (leave), the phone stopped ringing, and I watched another programme on TV.

Decide which sentence has got a meaning that is similar to the first one.

1. We were swimming when the waves got very high.

a. We began swimming after the waves got high.
b. We had begun to swim before the waves got high.
2. I did my homework after I had had dinner.
a. When I finished dinner, I did my homework.
b. I had done my maths homework by the time I had dinner.
3. The football team was practising while it was raining.
a. The team was practising until it began to rain.
b. The team practised in the rain.
4. Tim ran across the street to meet me as I was parking the car.
a. I parked the car, and then Tim ran across the street.
b. While I was parking, Tim ran across the street.
5. By the time the concert ended, my ears were hurting.
a. My ears had begun to hurt before the concert ended.
b. The concert had ended before my ears began to hurt.

Choose the correct answer.


They offered me more tea, but I already drank / had already drunk enough.
By the time Mia decided / had decided which jeans to buy, she had tried on seven pairs.
Jason was upset / had been upset last night because he hadnt scored a goal.
The thieves were caught after they robbed / had already robbed three banks in a month.
I spoke / had spoken to my sister when she called home yesterday.
Alice came home after her parents went / had gone to bed.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the Past Simple, Past Perfect
Simple or Past Continuous.


Sally .................................. (hike) when she and David met for the first time.
What .................................. you .................................. (do) after you heard the news?
Last night, Joni was wearing the boots she .................................. (buy) the day before.
By the time we got to the station, their train had already arrived and they .................................. (wait) for us.


What DVD .................................. you ...


Complete the sentences with the time expressions below .

since ever never for yet when last night just


My grandparents have owned their farm .................................. 1970.

Sherry has been our neighbour .................................. six years.
The dog ran outside .................................. I opened the door.
Their plane has .................................. landed, so it will be a while until we see them.
Linda and I went to a great club .................................. .
Have you .................................. heard of a band called Portishead?
Ive .................................. ridden a moped before, but Keith is taking me for a ride later.
Joe hasnt told his family .................................. , but he wants to ask Meg to marry him.

Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Perfect Simple .
tell take not buy think not sleep



.................................. you already .................................. Susan that you cant come to her party?
They .................................. the books for the new school year yet.
My sister .................................. never .................................. advice from anyone.
.................................. you ever .................................. about living somewhere else?
Lucy .................................. this late for months! I wonder what time she arrived home.
Jo 25/5/06

TOP MARKS 1 Photocopiable

Burlington Books

Unit Test 1 Level 1

Write sentences by putting the words in the correct order.

Use the Present Perfect Simple form of the verbs.

1. final / Sara / exams / begin / already / to / study / for / her / .

2. Sunday / television / not watch / I / since / .
3. you / find / your / yet / sunglasses / ?
4. suitcase / pack / already / Mike / his / .
5. the / dark / I / never / be / afraid / of / .

Choose the correct answer.

Until the late 1990s, flying between European cities 1. was / has been quite expensive, so people often
2. have chosen / chose to travel by coach, train or car. Recently, however, new airlines 3. have been /
were established that offer low-cost flights throughout Europe. When these airlines 4. began / have begun to
operate, many experts 5. have believed / believed they would fail. But with thousands of passengers taking
advantage of the new lower fares, that 6. didnt happen / hasnt happened yet. For many people who
7. havent already taken / didnt take one of these flights, they should think about it many are now cheaper
than a train or coach!

Complete the dialogues using the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Use the Present Perfect Simple or the Past Simple .

1. .................................. you ever ................................... Shakira perform live? (see)

2. No, but my brother .................................. to one of her concerts about a year ago. (go)

3. When .................................. you .................................. your job at Zara? (quit)

4. I .................................. there since April. (not work)

5. .................................. you already .................................. about Marians accident? (hear)

6. Yes. Her mother .................................. this morning to tell me about it. (ring)

7. .................................. you .................................. what to do yet? (decide)

8. Yes. I .................................. my decision yesterday. (make)

9. What .................................. you .................................. Jordan for his birthday? (give)

10. I bought him the latest Coldplay CD, but I .................................. it to him yet. (give)

Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning of the sentence.
Use the Past Simple or Present Perfect Simple forms of the verbs .

1. The last time we went on holiday was in 2002. (since)

2. Tomorrow John is seeing a cricket game for the first time. (never)
3. Susie is no longer in my class. (last year)
4. Have you got any experience of working in a shop? (ever)


Jo 25/5/06

TOP MARKS 1 Photocopiable

Burlington Books

Unit Test 1 Level 1

Read the text and answer the questions that follow.






Sherlock Holmes, the fictional English private detective who solves complex mysteries with logical
thinking, has captivated readers for over a hundred years. Writer Arthur Conan Doyle introduced him in
the 1887 novel A Study in Scarlet. A second Holmes novel, The Sign of Four, appeared in 1890. Then,
Conan Doyle began writing short Holmes stories for the monthly magazine The Strand. Accompanied by
dramatic illustrations, the stories were immensely popular. And then, quite suddenly, tired of the
character, Conan Doyle ended Holmes life in the December 1893 story The Final Problem.
Holmes fans reacted emotionally. Twenty-thousand Strand readers cancelled their subscriptions. Some
men wore black cloth around their arms as a sign of sadness over Holmes death. And disappointed
readers wrote letters begging Conan Doyle to produce more Holmes stories. But Conan Doyle ignored
his fans and concentrated on writing historical novels, which were unsuccessful.
In 1901, needing money, Conan Doyle published the novel The Hound of the Baskervilles, presenting it
as an old Holmes case. A couple of years later, he brought the character back to life and by 1927, he had
written over 30 more Holmes short stories. Conan Doyle died in 1930, but the Holmes stories live on.
They still sell well in various languages, and have been made into dozens of films and plays.
Holmes has even been the subject matter of academic articles, books and the game, a hobby of
thousands of people around the world. Participants call themselves Sherlockians and pretend to believe
that Holmes and his assistant Dr Watson were real people. They research the stories in order to work out
conflicting details and unsolved issues that Conan Doyle never specified, such as when Holmes was
born, or what university he attended. Sherlockians have set up local clubs and Internet sites, published
their research and held conferences. With new books about Holmes being released every year, the
number of Sherlockians is sure to grow.

Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? Find evidence in the text to support your answers.
...... 1. Holmes first appeared in a short story in a magazine.
...... 2. After The Final Problem was published, more people subscribed to the Strand.
...... 3. The game is popular globally.

Find words or expressions in the text that mean:


fascinated (paragraph I)
bored with (paragraph I)
paid no attention to (paragraph II)
solve (paragraph IV)
established (paragraph IV)



Jo 25/5/06

TOP MARKS 1 Photocopiable

Burlington Books

Unit Test 1 Level 1

Complete the sentences using the information given in the text. Use your own words as far as possible.

1. As a result of Conan Doyles financial problems,

............................................................................... .
2. It is safe to assume that there will be an increase in
the number of Sherlockians because......................
............................................................................... .

Choose the correct answer.

1. Conan Doyle decided to kill Holmes because

a. he was tired of writing.
b. he was bored with the character.
c. the readers demanded it.
2. Sherlockians
a. believe that Sherlock Holmes actually lived.
b. try to understand things about Holmes life that dont appear in the stories.
c. are detectives who investigate mysteries.

Write a composition of about 100-120 words. Choose one option.

1. Describe your favourite fictional character.

2. Describe a detective story or mystery you have read or seen on television or in a film, and explain how the case was


Jo 25/5/06

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Burlington Books




TOP MARKS 1 Photocopiable

Burlington Books

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