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COCONUT OIL DIETARY GUIDELINES AND SUGGESTIONS By Mary T. Newport, MD Updated September 2009 See www.coconutketones.

.com for more information

HOW CAN COCONUT OIL BE USED IN THE DIET? Coconut oi can be !ub!tituted for any !o id or i"uid oi , ard, butter or mar#arine in ba$in# or coo$in# on t%e !to&e, and can be mi'ed direct y into food! a ready prepared. Some peop e ta$e it !trai#%t wit% a !poon, but for mo!t peop e it may be %ard to !wa ow t%i! way and more p ea!ant to ta$e wit% food. (%en coo$in# on t%e !to&e, coconut oi !mo$e! if %eated to #reater t%an )*0 de#ree! or medium %eat. +ou can a&oid t%i! prob em by addin# a itt e o i&e or peanut oi . Coconut oi can be u!ed at any temperature in t%e o&en w%en mi'ed in food!. WHAT IS THE NUTRIENT CONTENT OF COCONUT OIL? DOES IT CONTAIN O EGA!" FATTY ACIDS? Coconut oi %a! about ,,-.,20 ca orie! per tab e!poon!, about t%e !ame a! ot%er oi !. /t contain! *-.001 medium c%ain tri# yceride!, w%ic% are ab!orbed direct y wit%out t%e need for di#e!ti&e en2yme!. 3art of it i! metabo i2ed by t%e i&er to $etone! w%ic% can be u!ed by mo!t ce ! in t%e body for ener#y. T%i! portion of t%e coconut oi i! not !tored a! fat. Coconut oi i! about 401 !aturated fat, mo!t of w%ic% i! t%e medium c%ain fat! t%at are metabo i2ed different y t%an anima !aturated fat!. /t contain! no c%o e!tero and no tran!fat a! on# a! i! non. %ydro#enated. 5n ad&anta#e of a !aturated fat i! t%at t%ere i! now%ere on t%e mo ecu e for free radica ! or o'idant! to attac%. 5bout 01 of t%e oi i! monoun!aturated and 21 po yun!aturated. Coconut oi a !o contain! a !ma amount of p%yto!tero !, w%ic% are one of t%e component! of t%e 6!tatin!7 u!ed for owerin# c%o e!tero . Coconut oi contain! ome#a.0 fatty acid! but no ome#$!" %$tt& $c'(, !o t%i! mu!t be ta$en in addition to coconut oi . +ou can obtain a of t%e e!!entia fatty acid! re"uired by u!in# 8u!t coconut oi and ome#a.) fatty acid!. /f you were to u!e coconut oi a! your primary oi , t%e on y ot%er oi you wou d need i! an ome#a.) fatty acid, w%ic% you can #et by eatin# !a mon twice a wee$, or ta$in# fi!% oi or f a' oi cap!u e!, 2.) per day. Some ot%er #ood !ource! of ome#a.) fatty acid! are #round f a' mea , c%ia 9a fine #rain:, wa nut oi and wa nut!. ;auric acid i! a medium c%ain tri# yceride t%at ma$e! up a mo!t %a f of t%e coconut oi . Scientific !tudie! !%ow t%at auric acid %a! antimicrobia propertie! and may in%ibit #rowt% of certain bacteria, fun#u!<yea!t, &iru!e! and proto2oa. /t i! one of t%e component! of %uman brea!t mi $ t%at pre&ent! infection in a newborn. WHAT )IND OF COCONUT OIL SHOULD I USE? ;oo$ for coconut oi ! t%at are non.%ydro#enated wit% no tran!fat. 5&oid coconut oi ! t%at are %ydro#enated or !uper. %eated becau!e it c%an#e! t%e c%emica !tructure of t%e fat!. /f you i$e t%e odor of coconut, oo$ for product! ca ed 6&ir#in,7 6or#anic,7 or 6unrefined,7 w%ic% are #enera y more e'pen!i&e t%an 6refined,7 or 6a natura ,7 or 6=BD7 9refined, b eac%ed and deodori2ed: coconut oi , w%ic% do not %a&e an odor. T%e oi it!e f i! ta!te e!!. 5ny of t%e!e %a&e e!!entia y t%e !ame nutrient wit% about *-.001 MCT oi 9medium c%ain tri# yceride!.: T%e ea!t e'pen!i&e t%at / %a&e been ab e to find !o far i! t%e ;ouanna brand at (a mart, priced oca y at >*.?? per "uart. U!in# coconut o'* c$+su*es 's not $n e%%'c'ent w$& to #i&e t%e oi !ince t%e cap!u e! are re ati&e y e'pen!i&e and contain on y , #ram of oi per cap!u e, w%erea! t%e oi i! ,? #ram! per tab e!poon. Cap!u e! mi#%t be u!efu for !omeone w%o wi not ta$e t%e oi . WHY DOES THE COCONUT OIL LOO) ,CLOUDY?Coconut oi i! a c ear or ! i#%t y ye ow i"uid abo&e -0 de#ree! but become! !o id at -0 de#ree! and be ow. /f your %ou!e i! $ept ri#%t around -0 de#ree! you may e&en !ee part y i"uid oi wit% !o id c oud! of oi f oatin# in it. /f your %ome i! #enera y $ept at -* de#ree! or be ow, t%e oi wi tend to be a w%ite or ! i#%t y ye ow !oft !emi.!o id. WHAT OTHER COCONUT .RODUCTS CONTAIN COCONUT OIL? Coconut m'*k i! a combination of t%e oi and t%e water from t%e coconut and mo!t of t%e ca orie! are from t%e oi . ;oo$ for brand! wit% ,0 to ,) #ram! of fat in 2 ounce!. ;oo$ in t%e #rocery !tore@! 5!ian !ection. Some brand! are e!! e'pen!i&e but are di uted wit% water. Coconut c/e$m i! mo!t y coconut mi $ and !ometime! %a! added !u#ar. F*$ke( o/ #/$te( coconut can be purc%a!e un!weetened or !weetened and i! a &ery #ood !ource of coconut oi and fiber and %a! about ,* #ram! oi and ) #ram! fiber in A cup. Bro2en or canned coconut me$t u!ua y %a! a ot of added !u#ar and not muc% oi per !er&in#. 5 %/es0 coconut can be cut up into piece! and eaten raw. 5 27 ' 27 piece %a! about ,00 ca orie! wit% ,* #ram! of oi and ? #ram! of fiber. CT O'* 9medium c%ain tri# yceride!: are part of t%e coconut oi and can a !o be purc%a!ed in !ome %ea t% food !tore! or on. ine. T%i! may be u!efu for peop e w%o are on t%e #o and do not %a&e muc% time to coo$. 5 !o, MCT oi i! u!ed a! ener#y and not !tored a! fat, !o it may be u!efu for !omeone w%o want! to o!e wei#%t, if !ub!tituted for !ome of t%e ot%er fat! in t%e diet. Coconut w$te/ doe! not u!ua y contain coconut oi , but %a! ot%er %ea t% benefit!. T%e e ectro yte compo!ition i! !imi ar to %uman p a!ma and i! u!efu to pre&ent or treat de%ydration. HOW SHOULD I STORE COCONUT .RODUCTS? Coconut oi i! e'treme y !tab e wit% a !%e f ife of at ea!t two year! w%en !tored at room temperature. /t doe! not need to be refri#erated and become! e'treme y %ard w%en co d. /f you wi!% to $eep it in t%e refri#erator, you can mea!ure out , or 2 tab e!poon! into eac% !ection of a p a!tic ice cube tray. T%e coconut oi ea!i y pop! out of t%e p a!tic tray. Coconut mi $ i! mo!t y coconut oi and can be !ub!tituted for t%e oi in many way!. Coconut mi $ mu!t be refri#erated after openin# and !%ou d be u!ed wit%in a few day! or to!!ed out. Crated or f a$ed coconut can be !tored at room temperature for a few wee$!, but may a!t on#er if !tored in a refri#erator. 5 fre!% y cut up coconut can be !tored in t%e refri#erator for a few day! or free2er for a coup e of wee$!. WHO SHOULD TRY THIS? 3eop e w%o %a&e a neurode#enerati&e di!ea!e t%at in&o &e! decrea!ed # uco!e upta$e in neuron! cou d benefit from ta$in# %i#%er amount! of coconut and<or MCT oi to produce $etone! w%ic% may be u!ed by brain ce ! a! ener#y. T%e!e di!ea!e! inc ude 5 2%eimer@! and ot%er dementia!, 3ar$in!on@!, 5;S 9;ou Ce%ri#@!:, mu tip e !c ero!i!, Duc%enne mu!cu ar dy!trop%y, auti!m, Down@! !yndrome, and Duntin#ton@! c%orea. Eetone! can

a !o !er&e a! an a ternati&e fue for ot%er ce ! in t%e body t%at are in!u in re!i!tant or cannot tran!port # uco!e, and cou d potentia y e!!en t%e effect! of diabete! / or // on t%e brain and ot%er or#an!. /f you are at ri!$ due to fami y %i!tory, you con!ider ma$in# t%i! dietary c%an#e a! we . /f your o&ed one i! in a!!i!ted i&in#, t%e doctor may be wi in# to pre!cribe coconut oi to be #i&en at eac% mea , increa!in# #radua y. HOW UCH SHOULD I TA)E? /f you ta$e too muc% oi too fa!t, you may e'perience indi#e!tion, crampin# or diarr%ea. To a&oid t%e!e !ymptom!, ta$e wit% food and !tart wit% , tea!poon coconut oi or MCT oi per mea , increa!in# ! ow y a! to erated o&er a wee$ or on#er. /f diarr%ea de&e op! drop bac$ to t%e pre&iou! e&e . Bor mo!t peop e, t%e #oa wou d be to increa!e #radua y to ?.0 tab e!poon! a day, dependin# on t%e !i2e of t%e per!on, !pread o&er 2.? mea !. Mi'in# MCT oi and coconut oi cou d pro&ide %i#%er e&e ! and a !teady e&e of $etone!. Fne formu a i! to mi' ,0 ounce! MCT oi p u! ,2 ounce! coconut oi in a "uart 8ar and increa!e ! ow y a! to erated, !tartin# wit% , tea!poon. T%i! mi'ture wi !tay i"uid at room temperature. WHAT ABOUT CHILDREN? C%i dren wit% Down@! !yndrome and !ome c%i dren wit% auti!m !%ow decrea!ed # uco!e upta$e in part! of t%e brain. 5 rea!onab e amount to #i&e a c%i d wou d be about A tea!poon of coconut oi for e&ery ,0 pound! t%at t%e c%i d wei#%!, 2 or ) time! a day. 5 !o, !ome c%i dren i$e t%e ta!te of coconut mi $ . , G to 2 tea!poon! per ,0 pound! wei#%t can be added to t%e diet 2 or ) time! a day. /f you u!e coconut mi $ for a c%i d be !ure to refri#erate it and to!! after two day!. Do not add %oney to coconut mi $ for c%i dren under , year o d due to ri!$ of infection. DO I NEED TO BE WORRIED ABOUT GAINING WEIGHT FRO THE E1TRA FAT IN THE DIET? Yes22 T%e be!t way to a&oid #ainin# wei#%t i! to !ub!titute coconut oi for mo!t ot%er fat! and oi ! in t%e diet, and if t%at i!n@t enou#%, cut bac$ on portion !i2e! of carbo%ydrate!, !uc% a! bread!, rice, potatoe!, cerea !, and ot%er #rain!. /n #enera it i! a #ood idea to u!e w%o e mi $ product! but, if wei#%t #ain i! a prob em, you can a !o compen!ate for !ome of t%e new fat in t%e diet by c%an#in# from fu fat to ower fat dairy product!, !uc% a! mi $, c%ee!e, cotta#e c%ee!e and yo#urt!, a! we a! ow.fat or !a ad dre!!in#!, to w%ic% you can add coconut oi . 5 !o, u!e a mea!urin# !poon and remo&e t%e e'ce!! by e&e in# it wit% a $nife to a&oid o&ere!timatin#, w%ic% can ma$e a bi# difference in t%e number of ca orie! con!umed. Tiny # a!! mea!urin# cup! are a&ai ab e at #rocery !tore! wit% mar$in#! for tea!poon! and tab e!poon!. T%e!e are e!pecia y u!efu for combinin# !a ad dre!!in# wit% coconut oi . DOES COCONUT OIL INCREASE CHOLESTEROL? Dydro#enated coconut oi can increa!e c%o e!tero . T%erefore oo$ for non.%ydro#enated coconut oi wit% no tran!fat. T%ere i! no c%o e!tero in coconut oi it!e f, and wit% non.%ydro#enated coconut oi , mo!t peop e wi !ee itt e difference or wi !ee an impro&ement in t%eir DD; 96#ood7: and a decrea!e in ;D; 96bad7: c%o e!tero . Some !ee an increa!e in tota c%o e!tero , u!ua y a! a re!u t of an increa!e in DD; 96#ood7: c%o e!tero . SO E OTHER BENEFITS OF COCONUT OIL AND OTHER COCONUT .RODUCTS

Coconut oi i! ea!i y ab!orbed by t%e body and increa!e! ab!orption of certain &itamin! and minera ! and ot%er important nutrient!. T%i! wou d a !o %o d true for coconut mi $, coconut meat, w%et%er wet or dry, !uc% a! f a$ed or #rated coconut. T%e fiber in coconut meat may be e!pecia y beneficia to per!on! wit% Cro%n@! or ot%er type! of inf ammatory bowe di!ea!e or ma ab!orption !yndrome! and peop e w%o %a&e diarr%ea from MCT or coconut oi . 5 of your ce membrane! and about 00.-01 of t%e brain and are made up of fat!. C%o e!tero i! a &ery important component of t%e !upport !tructure of t%e brain. Many ce function! ta$e p ace wit%in t%e ce membrane. Since about t%e ,9*0@! many peop e in t%i! country %a&e been u!in# ,001 &e#etab e oi , w%ic% i! u!ua y %ydro#enated po yun!aturated fat and contain! tran!fat, w%ic% can carry free radica ! into your ce membrane!. /f you be#in to !ub!titute coconut and ot%er natura oi !, !uc% a! o i&e oi and e&en butter, a on# wit% ome#a.) oi ! you may be ab e to undo !ome of t%e dama#e. Mo!t of t%e ce ! of t%e body turn o&er wit%in ) to 0 mont%! and you may notice a nicer te'ture to your !$in, and a decrea!e in certain prob em! !uc% a! yea!t and fun#a infection!. FOOD IDEAS U!e coconut oi in!tead of butter on toa!t, Hn# i!% muffin!, ba#e !, #rit!, corn on t%e cob, potatoe!, !weet potatoe!, rice, &e#etab e!, nood e!, pa!ta. Mi' coconut oi into oatmea or ot%er %ot cerea . 5dd coconut oi or mi $ to !moot%ie!, yo#urt or $efir. Mi' coconut oi %a f and %a f wit% !a ad dre!!in#!. Mi' coconut oi into your fa&orite !oup, c%i i or !auce. U!e a mea!ured amount of coconut oi to !tir fry or !autI 9add peanut oi o&er medium %eat: 3urc%a!e or ma$e coconut macaroon! made from a natura product!. Hat a 27 ' 27 !"uare of raw coconut for a !nac$ to pro&ide ,* #ram! of oi . 5dd f a$ed or #rated coconut to %ot or co d cerea , yo#urt, fruit or &e#etab e !a ad!. 6T%e Coconut ;o&er@! Coo$boo$,7 Bruce Bife many more #reat idea! Coconut m$c$/oons3 2 e## w%ite! Da!% of !a t ,<2 t!p &ani a 2<) cup !u#ar o/ ,<? cup !u#ar and , to 2 da!%e! of Ste&ia e'tract , cup !%redded coconut Beat e## w%ite! wit% !a t and &ani a unti !oft pea$! form. Cradua y add !u#ar 9and !te&ia:, beatin# unti !tiff. Bo d in coconut. Coat coo$in# !%eet wit% #enerou! amount of butter. Drop by t%e rounded tea!poon onto coo$ie !%eet. Ba$e at )2* de#re!! for 20 minute!. Ma$e! about ,4 coo$ie!. Hac% coo$ie at t%i! !i2e wou d %a&e about ? #ram! of coconut oi . Coconut '*k3 Mi' in a container and !%a$e we before u!eJ , can of coconut mi $ G can of water Da!% of !a t ,.2 tab e!poon! of %oney or ot%er !weetener to ta!te . Store in refri#erator and di!card unu!ed portion after ? day!. CT O'*4Coconut o'* '5tu/e Store at room temperature, in a "uart !i2e 8arJ ,0 ounce! MCT oi K ,2 ounce! coconut oi

,Fu(#eMe t and mi' to#et%er 6 cu+ e$c0 of coconut oi and c%oco ate c%ip! and di&ide e"ua y into a p a!tic ice cube tray and p ace in free2er. /n a ,0 cube tray, eac% cube wi e"ua , tab e!poon coconut oi . 5dd #rated coconut and<or nut! for &ariety.

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