h1 Egypt KWL

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October 9, 2012

Global I Ancient River Valley Civilizations

Do Now: Today we will be filling out K/W/L charts on Egypt. Use your notes from Friday to fill out the K
section, and fill out the W section based on what you want to learn.
Learning Objectives: Students will be able to
- identify the geography, religion, government, and impact of Ancient Egypt
- analyze and compare the impact of rivers on civilization there
HW: In 3-4 sentences, explain what you believe is Napoleons greatest contribution so far. Why?
Group Activity: Fill out the learn section of the chart based on your outlines.
Want to Know
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Family Life
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Ancient Egypt: Gift of the Nile

Geography The Nile River helped Egypt develop a civilization.
Economics The fertile land provided everything Egyptians needed.
Economics The Nile and other resources inuenced Egypts economy.
Geography of Ancient Egypt
- The Longest River
o Nile River is 4,160 miles long, the worlds longest river
begins near equator in Africa, ows north to Mediterranean Sea
o South has cataractswaterfalls
o Deltaarea near rivers mouth; water leaves siltne soil
o Heavy rains ooded Nile every summer
soil left on shores was fertilegood for growing crops

Red Land, Black Land

o Ancient Egyptians lived in narrow land on sides of Nile
called region the black land because of fertile soil
red land was desert beyond fertile region
o Eight months of year were sunny, hot
four months of winter were sunny, cooler
o One inch of rain a year in most of region

o Desert acted as barrier to enemies
o Sea coast was swampy with no good harbors
o Early Egyptians stayed close to home

Land of Plenty
- Agricultural Techniques
o Egyptians watched for ibises to determine ood, planting seasons
o By about 2400 B.C., farmers used technology to expand farmland
dug irrigation canals to carry water to dry areas
used shadufs to spread water across elds

Egyptian Crops
o Grew vegetables, fruits; were rst to grind wheat into our
mixed our with yeast and water to make bread
o Wove ax plant bers into linenlightweight cloth
wore clothing made from linen

Egyptian Houses
o Houses built with bricks of mixed mud and straw
narrow windows, white walls reduced sunlight, heat
sticks, palm trees woven into roof; reed mats covered oor
o Nobles had fancy homes, courtyards, pools
o Poor people cooled off on roof; cooked, ate, slept outside

Geography Shapes Egyptian Life

- Mining
o Copper was used for tools, weapons as early as 6000 B.C.E

Egyptians later sought iron, which was stronger

o Africas richest gold mines in upper Nile; area called Nubia
o Mining minerals was difcult in hot Sinai Peninsula east of Egypt
chipped rock to get at hidden mountain veins
o Mined precious stones such as turquoise, lapis lazuli

Fishing and Hunting

o Reed rafts used for river travel; caught sh with nets, harpoons
o Some hunters speared hippopotamuses, crocodiles
o Hunted quail and duck with nets, boomerangs

Transportation and Trade

o Later used sails to let wind carry boats south on Nile
when following current north, used oars, paddles for speed
o Began to bartertrade goods with no exchange of money

Life in Ancient Egypt

Economics Egyptians developed a complex society with many different jobs and social roles.
Science and Technology Egyptians made advances in calendars, geometry, medicine, and other areas.
Belief Systems Egyptians believed in many gods and a happy life after death.
Work and Family Life
- Specialized Jobs
o Food surpluses let people do jobs other than farm
o Scribes wrote and kept records
o Some artisans built stone and brick houses and temples
others made pottery, furniture, clothing, jewelry
o Some Egyptians traded with other Africans on upper Nile
scrolls, linen, gold, jewelry traded for woods, skins, animals

Rulers and Priests

o Government divided empire into 42 provinces, created army
o Priest was one of highest jobsperformed rituals, cared for temples
o Together priests and the ruler held ceremonies to please the gods
believed if gods happy, Nile would ood, crops would grow

o Slaves were at bottom of society but generally treated well
except slaves working in mines, who often died from labor
o People enslaved if had debts, committed crime, were captured in war
usually freed after time

Life for Women

o Women had almost equal rights, could own property
o Most cared for children, home; others wove cloth, worked in elds
some rose to government positions

o Children had dolls, board games, marbles; played ball games

o Children of wealthy went to schools; most learned parents jobs

almost all married in their early teens
Expanding Knowledge
- Astronomy
o Priests studied world to nd ways to please gods
some advances came from practical discoveries
o Priests studied sky for religious reasons
o Used 365-day cycle of star to create rst practical calendar
star used now called Sirius

o Surveyors used knotted rope to mark boundaries washed out by oods
o Geometric shapes were sacred, used in design of temples, monuments

o Doctors prepared bodies for burial, knew body parts
performed some of rst surgeries
some specialized in herbal medicines
o Believed that heart controlled thought, brain circulated blood

o Hieroglyphspictures that stand for different words, sounds
o In use from 3000 B.C., writing system started with 700 characters
grew to include over 6,000 symbols
o Papyruspaper-like material from papyrus reed
pressed, rolled into scrolls; light, easy to carry
used to create some of the rst books

Beliefs and Religion

- Life After Death
o Egyptians along the Nile had positive view of life
o Niles black land provided for most of their needs
o Egyptians believed gods favored them, believed in happy afterlife
afterlifelife believed to follow death
o Other cultures, such as Sumerians, thought afterlife was miserable

Many Gods
o Polytheismbelief in many gods
o Egyptian gods included those of afterlife, nature
o Re was sun god, later called Amon-Re
o Osiris was a god who judged Egyptians after death
o Isis was a fertility goddess, Osiris wife
o Anubis was a god of the dead

Making Mummies
o Dead bodies embalmed so people would have their bodies in afterlife
embalmto preserve a body after death
o Removed all organs but heart, lled body with salt, herbs
created mummya body dried so it wont decay
o Dried body wrapped in linen strips; process took about 70 days
o Put in cofn in tomb with everyday objects for use in afterlife

What did the oods of the Nile River provide for farmers?
What agricultural techniques did ancient Egyptians use?
How did geography affect Egypts economy?
How did work and social roles affect people in ancient Egypt?
What advances in learning did the Egyptians make?
What did Egyptians think happened after death?

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