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School of Electrical, Electronic, and Computer Engineering Signals and Systems 328 Tutorial-2

1. Calculate the transfer function Y/R of the system shown in the signal flow graph using the Mason gain formula.


(Dorf and Bishop P2.8) A bridged-T network is often used in ac control systems as a filter network. The circuit of one bridged-T network is shown below. Show that the transfer function of the network is
Vo ( s ) 1 + 2 R1Cs + R1R2C 2 s 2 = . Vin ( s ) 1 + (2 R1 + R2 )Cs + R1R2C 2 s 2


(Dorf and Bishop P2.17) A mechanical system is shown below, which is subjected to a known displacement x3 (t ) with respect to the reference. (a) Determine the two independent equations of motion. (b) Obtain the equations of motions in terms of the Laplace transform, assuming that the initial conditions are zero. (c) Sketch a signalflow graph representing the system of equations. (d) Obtain the relationship between X1 ( s ) and X 3 ( s ) , T13 ( s ) , by using Masons signal-flow gain formula.

4. (Dorf and Bishop CDP2.1) We desire to accurately position a table for a machine as shown below. A traction-drive motor with a capstan roller possesses several desirable characteristics compared to the more popular ball screw. The traction drive exhibits low friction and no backlash. However, they are susceptible to disturbances. Develop a model of the traction drive shown in the figure for the parameters given in the table. The drive uses a dc armature-controlled motor with a capstan roller attached to the shaft. The drive bar moves the linear slide-table. The slide uses an air bearing, so its friction is negligible. We are determining the open-loop model and its transfer function in this problem. Feedback will be introduced later.

5. (Ogata, 4th Ed. pp. 116) Simplify the block diagram shown in the figure and obtain the transfer function (C(s)/R(s)) of the closed-loop system.

6. For MIMO system shown in the block diagram calculate the output C.

1. Loops are: ABA, BYB, ABYA, and AYA and corresponding loop gains are: G3 H1 , G4 H 2 , G3G4 H 3 , G2 H1H 2 ,and G2 H 3 . There are no non-touching loops. Forward paths are: RABY, and RAY and their corresponding gains are: G1G3G4 , and G1G2 and their corresponding cofactors are: D1 = D2 = 1.
Y 1 = (P 1D1 + P 2 D2 ) R D . G1G3G4 + G1G2 = 1 G3 H1 G4 H 2 G3G4 H 3 G2 H1H 2 G2 H 3


Define i1 , i2 and v1 as shown below.

i1 v1

Circuit equations are 1 1 vin = vo + R2i2 v1 = R1 (i1 + i2 ) vin = v1 + i1 vo = v1 + i2 sC sC Dependent variables are i1 , i2 , v1 and vo . Rewriting the circuit equations as follows 1 1 1 1 1 v1 = vin i1 i2 = vin vo vo = v1 + i2 i1 = v1 i2 sC R2 R2 sC R1 yield the following signal-flow graph.

1 R2

1 R1 Vin

1 sC 1 R2


1 sC




Signal-flow graph has 3 loops ( v1i1v1 , i2voi2 and v1voi2i1v1 ) and 3 open paths from vin to vo ( vin i2vo , vin v1vo and vin i2i1v1vo ). The determinant and cofactors are 1 2 1 1 = 1+ + + 2 2 , , 2 = 3 = 1 1 = 1 + sCR1 sCR2 s C R1R2 sCR1 The stated transfer function follows from application of Masons Rule. Note above solution is not unique. One could rewrite the circuit equations in a different way to get a different signal-flow graph. The resulting transfer function must, however, be the same. (Obviously!)

3. (a) (b) (c)

1 x 3 ) = 0 M1 x1 + K1 ( x1 x2 ) + b1 ( x 2 x 3 ) + K1 ( x2 x1 ) = 0 M 2 x2 + K 2 ( x2 x3 ) + b2 ( x
( M1s 2 + b1s + K1 ) X1 ( s ) K1 X 2 ( s ) b1sX 3 ( s ) = 0 ( M 2 s 2 + b2 s + K1 + K 2 ) X 2 ( s ) (b2 s + K 2 ) X 3 ( s ) K1 X1 ( s ) = 0 Rewrite equations as follows K1 b1s X1 ( s ) = X 2 ( s) + X 3 (s) 2 2 M1s + b1s + K1 M1s + b1s + K1 = AX 2 ( s ) + BX 3 ( s ) X 2 (s) = K1 M 2 s 2 + b2 s + K1 + K 2 X1 ( s) + b2 s + K 2 M 2 s 2 + b2 s + K1 + K 2 X 3 ( s)

= CX1 ( s ) + DX 3 ( s ) yields the following signal-flow graph.



X2 D C



It can be easily shown using Masons Rule that

B + AD 1 AC Substituting in the expressions for A, B, C and D yields finally M 2b1s 3 + b1b2 s 2 + (b1K1 + b1K 2 + b2 K1 ) s + K1K 2 T13 ( s ) = M1M 2 s 4 + ( M1b2 + M 2b1 ) s 3 + ( M1K1 + M1K 2 + M 2 K1 + b1b2 ) s 2 T13 ( s ) =

+ (b1K1 + b1K 2 + b2 K1 ) s + K1K 2


Motor is an armature-controlled dc motor. Therefore, following Fig. 2.18 of Dorf and Bishop (pp. 55), the block diagram is as shown below.

+ _

Km La s + Ra

1 JT s + b

1 s


back emf


In the block diagram, Ra and La are the armature resistance and inductance respectively, K m and Kb are motor constants that relate armature current to torque (torque constant) and rotor speed to back emf (back emf constant), respectively. The block labelled 1 s converts the rotor angular speed to actual angles while the block labelled r converts the rotor angle to displacement of the slide. r is the roller radius.

JT is the total inertia on the rotor. It includes the rotors own inertia and that due to the mass of the slide and drive bar. Thus JT = J m + ( M s + M b )r 2 b is the total damping coefficient on the motor and equals only bm , the motor damping coefficient, since it is assumed the slide uses an air bearing.
The transfer function is given by (see eqn. 2.69, Dorf and Bishop)

Kmr X ( s) . = Va ( s ) s ( La s + Ra )( JT s + b) + K m Kb s



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