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Basic Sentence Patterns Sentence Type 1 S Vi Sentence Type 2 S Vi SC S Vi S Be N/Adj 1. Birds fly. 1. 'er other is a teacher. 2. The star was shining. 2. That the earth is ro!nd is tr!e. 3. To be honest pays. 3. What is the atter( 4. We all breathe, eat, and drink. Who was absent( S Be Adv/Prep Ph/Part There Vi S 1. This watch is o!t of order. 1. There entered a five-year-old boy. 2. )y parents are in good health. 2. There will be no charge for the ovie. 3. *ll the g!ests were downstairs. 3. There was once a great king. 4. The ti e is !p. The train is in. 4. There is a stranger to see yo!."There is *ll the lights are o!t. a stranger who wants to see yo!. S Be to V It Vi S 1. )y p!rpose is to pass the e+a . 1. #t atters little whether it will rain or 2. Who is to bla e( not."Whether it will rain or not atters ,"Who is to be bla ed(little. 3. To see is to believe. 2. #t happened$chanced that # was at ho e. It Be SC S to V "# happened$chanced to be ho e. 1. #t is easy to learn .nglish. 3. #t see s$appears that yo! are %!ite 2. #t is a pity not to live with hi . right. 3. #t wo!ld be wrong to consider hi dishonest. S Vi Adv 1. The s!n rises in the east. It Be SC S Ving 2. We didn&t go anywhere last night. 1. #t is no !se crying over spilt ilk. 3. The two boys stood side by side. 2. #t was a diffic!lt atter getting everything ready in an ho!r. Here/There S Vi 3. #t is childish behaving like that. 1. 'ere it is. 2. 'ere yo! are. It Be SC S N Cl 3. There he goes. 1. #t is obvio!s that two and two ake fo!r. Here/There Vi S 2. #t is a pity that yo! failed to co e 1. 'ere is yo!r hat. yesterday. 2. There goes the last train 3. #t is do!btf!l whether he will be 3. There co es the city b!s present or not.

It Be SC S or s! to V 1. #t is easy for her to pass the e+a . 2. #t is !n!s!al for /i to get !p early. 3. #t was possible for hi to say that. S Vi C Adv 1. The eeting lasted ,for- three ho!rs. 2. /i y weighs two h!ndred po!nds. 3. The roo eas!res five feet by fo!r feet. 4. They have traveled h!ndreds of iles. S Vi C N/Adj 1. 'e see s ,to be- an honest an. 2. 0he see s ,to be- good at doing it. 3. 'e appeared ,to be- elancholy. It Vi SC S toV/Ving/N Cl 1. #t see s !seless to st!dy all day long witho!t rest. 2. #t see ed no good keeping on working. 3. #t appears likely that it will rain tonight. S Vi "in#ing V SC ,beco e, feel, get, grow, so!nd, t!rn, taste11. The food s ells delicio!s. 2. To looks angry. 3. 'e re ains a bachelor. There Vi S Adv 1. There are three boys in the classroo . 2. There are any stores over there. 3. There are a lot of ch!rches in Taipei. Sentence Type $ S Vt % S Vt N 1. 'e needs yo!r help. 2. We d!g a big hole. 3. 0he s iled a bitter s ile.

S Vt to V 1. They want to help !s. 2. We ref!se to accept his apology. 3. They decided not to go to /apan. S Vt there to !e N 1. # don&t want there to be any noise. 2. 'e e+pected there to be no tro!ble. 3. We like there to be a picnic soon. S Vt % Part 1. 'e woke e !p. 2. # have given y pen away. 3. 2!t yo!r gloves on. S Vt Part % 1. 'e threw away that chair he bo!ght three years ago. 2. 'e has given away every penny he has. 3. 2!t on the ost bea!tif!l dress yo! have. S Vt % Adv/Prep Ph 1. Bring the baby downstairs. 2. 'e threw the ball o!t of the window. 3. We visited 0ingapore for sightseeing. S Vt % to V/Adv Cl 1. 'e st!died his lessons to$in order to prepare for the e+a . 2. They treat her as if she were a %!een. 3. # fo!nd the ! brella where # left it. S Vt N Cl 1. We believe ,that- yo! are innocent. 2. # don&t know when he will ret!rn. 3. We wonder whether$if he will co e. S Vt so/not So S Vt

,believe, say, see, s!ppose, notice1. ,This %!estion is easy.# don&t think so. 2. ,* test will be held to orrow.We hope$e+pect not. 3. ,The new teacher is very strict.0o #&ve heard. S Vt &h to V 1. 'e doesn&t know what to do."'e doesn&t know what he sho!ld do. 2. # forget how to get to his ho!se. 3. # don&t re e ber when to take the e+a . S Vt Ving 1. 0he en3oys playing basketball. 2. 'ave yo! finished doing yo!r e+ercise( 3. 'elen practices playing piano every day. S Vt to V/Ving 1. They like to swi $swi ing. 2. 'e began to talk$talking. 3. # prefer to stay$staying at ho e. 4. 4o! !st contin!e to work$working hard. S Vt Ving/to !e Ven 1. That sentence needs e+plaining$to be e+plained. 2. What he said won&t bear repeating$to be repeated. 3. This car wants repairing$to be repaired. S Vt % Prep N 1. Thank yo! for yo!r enco!rage ent. 2. 0he spent a lot of oney on clothes. 3. They acc!sed hi of taking bribery. 4. We congrat!lated her on her

achieve ent. S Vt Prep s! % 1. We heard fro )ary all abo!t her brother&s illness. ,cf. We heard the news fro )ary.2. # entioned to hi the iss!es of the eeting held the other day. 3. 5on&t throw at the dog anything that ight h!rt hi . Sentence Type ' S Vt I% (% S Vt I% (% ) S Vt (% to I% 1. 'e lent e ten dollars. "'e lent ten dollars to e. 2. 6!r teacher gave !s .nglish assign ents."6!r teacher gave .nglish assign ents to !s. 3. 'e bro!ght her !ch tro!ble. "'e bro!ght !ch tro!ble to her. 4. 2lease pass e the salt and pepper. "2lease pass the salt and pepper to e. 7. # read hi an .nglish poe . "# read an .nglish poe to hi . S Vt I% (% ) S Vt (% or I% 1. 'er father bo!ght her a bicycle. "'er father bo!ght a bicycle for her. 2. 0he left hi so e cake. "0he left so e cake for hi . 3. We sho!ld choose )other a birthday present."We sho!ld choose a birthday present for )other. 4. 'e got his son a toy train. "'e got a toy train for his son. 7. Wo!ld yo! cook the children so e eggs("Wo!ld yo! cook so e eggs for the children(

S Vt I% (% 1. # envy yo! yo!r attractive apart ent. 2. 8orgive !s o!r sin. 3. That will save e lots of tro!ble. 4. We asked hi any %!estions. "We asked any %!estions of hi . S Vt I% N Cl 1. 'e infor ed e that # had to leave at once. 2. *sk her where she bo!ght it. 3. 9an yo! tell e why yo! are late( S Vt I% &h to V 1. They showed !s how to do it. 2. 2lease tell )ary where to go. 3. To asked her father which to take. S Vt to I% that 1. # s!ggested to hi that he go there in no ti e. 2. 0he confessed to her other that she had lost her p!rse. 3. 'elen said to e that the delay was inevitable. S Vt it Prep I% to V/that 1. We !st leave it to yo!r 3!dg ent to decide whether he is to bla e or not. 2. * rich an takes it as a atter of co!rse to live a l!+!rio!s life. 3. # p!t it to yo! that yo! go i ediately. "# s!ggest to yo! that yo! go i ediately. Sentence Type * S Vt % %C S Vt % +to !e, N/Adj 1. We believe it ,to be- tr!e.

2. They all think hi ,to be- a good leader. 3. We proved hi ,to be- a liar. S Vt % to V 1. 0he allowed hi to call on her. 2. 6!r boss warned !s not to be late. 3. # prefer yo! to stay at ho e tonight. S Vt % or/as N/Adj 1. They istook her for her yo!nger sister. 2. # regard the sit!ation as serio!s. 3. They tho!ght of hi as a fool. S Vt it N/Adj to V/that 1. # ake it a r!le to go for a walk every day. 2. # think it a pity that yo! co!ld not co e. 3. We consider it foolish to do it that way. S Vt % V 1. # saw hi enter the roo . "'e was seen to enter the roo . 2. We noticed /ohn get nervo!s before the e+a ."/ohn was noticed to get nervo!s before the e+a . 3. We felt the earth shake violently."The earth was felt to shake violently. S Vt % V 1. # had y brother fi+ the bicycle. ")y brother was had to fi+ the bicycle by e. 2. The teacher ade the recite the lesson over and over again. "They were ade to recite the lesson over and over again by the teacher.

3. )other let !s play in the park. "We were let to play in the park by other. S Vt % Ving 1. # saw the police r!nning after a thief. 2. They watched /ohn cheating in the e+a . 3. 0he felt so eone&s hand p!shing her. S Vt % Ving 1. # don&t want to keep the waiting o!tside. 2. The police ca!ght hi stealing. 3. We fo!nd the playing in the garden. S Vt % Ving 1. # can&t have yo! beating hi . ,"# can&t allow yo! to beat hi .2. The actor had the a!dience la!ghing. ,"The actor ade the a!dience la!gh.S Vt % Adj 1. Try to ake yo!rself co fortable. 2. The s!n keeps !s war . 3. We tried to p!sh the door open. S Vt % N/N Cl 1. They chose hi class leader. 2. They elected B!sh president. 3. 'er parents ake her what she is today. S Vt % Ven 1. 4o! !st have$get yo!r hair c!t. 2. We fo!nd the watch stolen. 3. # want the work finished soon. 4. # haven&t heard this opera s!ng in 8rench. 7. 0he s!ddenly heard her na e called.

Ver! Tenses Si-ple Present 1. Water consists of hydrogen and o+ygen. 2. # st!dy for two ho!rs every night. 3. # have only a dollar right now. Present Progressive 1. /ohn is sleeping right now. 2. # need an ! brella beca!se it is raining. 3. 'e is trying to i prove his work habits. Practice ,0i ple 2resent or 2resent 2rogressive1. To can&t co e to the phone beca!se he is washing ,wash- his hair. 2. 5iane washes,wash- her hair every other day. 3. 2lease be %!iet. # a trying,try- to concentrate. 4. *fter three days of rain, #& glad that the s!n is shining,shine- again today. 7. .very orning, the s!n shines,shine- in y bedroo window and wakes,wakee !p. :. )ike is a st!dent, b!t he isn&t going,go, not- to school right now beca!se it&s s! er. 'e attends ,attend- college fro 0epte ber to )ay every year, b!t in the s! ers he !s!ally has,have, !s!ally- a 3ob at the post office. #n fact, he is working,work- there this s! er. Nonprogressive Ver!s know reali;e !nderstand recogni;e believe feel s!ppose think< i agine do!bt re e ber forget want need prefer ean love like appreciate hate dislike fear envy ind care possess have< own belong taste< hear see< s ell< feel< see look< appear< cost owe weigh< be< e+ist consist of contain incl!de # think he is a kind an. 'e has a car. This food tastes good. These flowers s ell good. # see a b!tterfly. 5o yo! see it( The cat&s f!r feels soft. 0he looks cold. #&ll lend her y coat. # a thinking abo!t this gra ar. # a having tro!ble. The chef is tasting the sa!ce. 5on is s elling the roses. The doctor is seeing a patient. 0!e is feeling the cat&s f!r. # a looking o!t the window.

'e appears to be asleep. * piano is heavy. #t weighs a lot. # a h!ngry.

The actor is appearing on the stage. The grocer is weighing the banana. To is being foolish.

Practice ,0i ple 2resent or 2resent 2rogressive1. =ight now # a looking,look- aro!nd the classroo . 4oko is writing,write- in her book. 9arlos is biting ,bite- his pencil. To is scratching,scratch- his head. )ary is staring,stare- o!t the window. 0he see s ,see - to be daydrea ing, b!t perhaps she is thinking,think- hard abo!t verb tenses. What do yo! think,think, yo!- )ary is doing,do-( 2. =ight now # a looking,look- at 'elen. 0he looks ,look- angry. # wonder what&s the atter. 0he has ,have- a frown on her face. 0he certainly isn&t having ,have, not- any f!n right now. 3. *> Who is that wo an who is standing,stand- ne+t to the window( B> Which wo an( *re yo! talking,Talk, yo!- abo!t the wo an who is wearing,wear- the bl!e dress( *> ?o, # a not talking,talk, not- abo!t her. # ean , ean- the wo an who is wearing,wear- the bl!e s!it. B> 6h. # don&t know,know, not-. # don&t recogni;e ,recogni;e, not- her. Si-ple Past 1. # bo!ght a new watch three days ago. 2. 'e lived in 2aris for ten years, b!t now he is living in =o e. 3. # stood !nder a tree when it began to rain. Past Progressive 1. # was standing !nder a tree when it began to rain. 2. *t eight o&clock last night, # was st!dying. 3. While # was st!dying in y roo , y sister was watching T@ in the living roo . Practice ,0i ple 2ast or 2ast 2rogressive1. # called,call- =oger at nine last night, b!t he wasn&t ,be, not- at ho e. 'e was st!dying,st!dy- at the library. 2. # didn&t hear,hear, not- the th!nder d!ring the stor last night beca!se # was sleeping,sleep-. 3. )y brother and sister were arg!ing,arg!e- abo!t so ething when # walked,walkinto the roo .

4. *> 'ow did yo! break,break, yo!- yo!r ar ( B> # slipped,slip- on the ice while # was crossing ,cross- the street in front of the dor . 7. #t was y first day of class. # finally fo!nd,find, finally- the right roo . The roo was already,be, already- f!ll of st!dents. 6n one side of the roo , st!dents were talking b!sily,talk, b!sily- to each other in 0panish. 6ther st!dents were speaking ,speak- /apanese, and so e were conversing ,converse- in *rabic. #t so!nded like the Anited ?ations. 0o e of the st!dents, however, were 3!st sitting,sit, 3!st%!ietly by the selves. # chose ,choose- an e pty seat in the last row and sat,sitdown. #n a few in!tes, the teacher walked,walk- into the roo and all the !ltiling!al conversation stopped,stop-. Present Per ect 1. # have already seen that ovie. 2. # have et any people since # ca e here in /!ne. 3. # have been here since seven o&clock. 4. # have known hi for any years. Practice ,0i ple 2ast or 2resent 2erfect1. 0o far the week, # have had,have- three tests. 2. What have yo! learned,learn, yo!- since yo! ca e ,co e- here( 'ow any new friends have yo! ade, ake, yo!-( # hope yo! have already et , eet, already- a lot of interesting people. 3. Bibraries today are different fro those in the 1CDDs. 8or e+a ple, the contents of libraries have changed,change- greatly thro!gh the years. #n the 1CDDs, libraries were,be- si ply collections of books. 'owever, today ost libraries have beco e ,beco e- !lti edia centers that contain tapes, co p!ters, disks, fil s, aga;ines, !sic, and paintings. The role of the library in society has also changed,change, also-. #n the 1CDDs, libraries were ,be- open only to certain people, s!ch as scholars or the wealthy. Today Bibraries serve everyone.

Present Per ect Progressive 1. # have been sitting here since seven o&clock$for two ho!rs. 2. #t has been raining all day. #t is still raining right now. 3. )y back h!rts, so # have been sleeping on the floor lately. The bed is too soft. 4. # have lived$have been living here since 1EC7. 7. 'e has worked$has been working at the sa e store for ten years. Practice

,2resent 2erfect or 2resent 2erfect 2rogressive1. #t has been snowing,snow- all day. # wonder when it will stop. 2. # have written,write- the three ti es, b!t # still haven&t received a reply. 3. # have lived$have been living,live- here since last )arch. 4. The telephone has r!ng,ring- fo!r ti es in the last ho!r, and each ti e it has been for y roo ate. 7. The telephone has been ringing,ring- for al ost a in!te. Why doesn&t so eone answer it( :. *> 'ave yo! been,Be, yo!- able to reach Bob on the phone yet( B> ?ot yet. # have been trying ,try- for the last twenty in!tes, b!t the line has been,be- b!sy. F. *> 5r. /ones is a good teacher. 'ow long has he been,be, he- at the !niversity( B> 'e has ta!ght$has been teaching,teach- here for twenty years. Past Per ect 1. )y parents had already eaten by the ti e # got ho e. 2. 0a had already left when we got there. 3. *fter the g!est had left$left, # went to bed. 4. )y parents had slept$slept before # got ho e. Practice ,0i ple 2ast or 2ast 2erfect1. When # first traveled,travel- abroad to st!dy, # had never lived,live, never- in a dor itory before. 5!ring the first year, # had,have- a roo ate fro 0wit;erland who beca e,beco e- a very good friend. 2rior to that ti e, # had never lived,live, never- with anyone fro another c!lt!re. 2. #n 1E77, y parents e igrated,e igrate- to the Anited 0tates fro T!rkey. They had never traveled ,travel, never- o!tside of T!rkey and were,be-, of co!rse, e+cited by the challenge of relocating in a foreign co!ntry. .vent!ally, they settled,settle- in 9alifornia. )y sister and # were,be- born there and grew,grow- !p there. Bast year, # went,go- to visit T!rkey to visit y relatives. # had always wanted ,want, always- to visit T!rkey and learn ore abo!t y own fa ily backgro!nd. )y drea was finally reali;ed. Past Per ect Progressive 1. The police had been looking for the cri inal for two years before they ca!ght hi . 2. 'e finally ca e at si+ o&clock. # had been waiting for hi since fo!r-thirty. 3. When /!dy got ho e, her hair was still wet beca!se she had been swi ing. 4. 'er eyes were red beca!se she had been crying.

Practice ,2resent or 2ast 2erfect 2rogressive1. Wake !pG 4o! have been sleeping,sleep- long eno!gh. #t&s ti e to get !p. 2. We had been waiting,wait- for ?ancy for over three ho!rs before she finally arrived yesterday. 3. To had a hard ti e finding a 3ob. 'e had been trying,try- to get a new 3ob for si+ onths before he finally fo!nd a position at a local co !nity college. ?ow he has a two-year contract. 'e has been teaching,teach- there for only a few weeks, b!t he likes his new 3ob very !ch. 4. The arathon r!nner had been r!nning,r!n- for al ost two ho!rs when she collapsed to the pave ent. 0he received i ediate edical attention. Si-ple ./t/re 2rediction> 1. 'e will$is going to finish his work to orrow. 2. *ccording to the weather report, it will$is going to be clo!dy to orrow. * prior plan> 3. *> Why did yo! b!y this paint( B> # a going to paint y bedroo to orrow. 4. # talked to Bob yesterday. 'e is tired of taking the b!s to work. 'e is going to b!y a car. That&s what he told e. Willingness> 7. *> The phone is ringing. B> # will get it. :. *> # don&t !nderstand this proble . B> *sk yo!r teacher abo!t it. 0he will help yo!. Practice ,will or be going to1. *> 5o yo! want to go shopping with e( # a going to go,go- to the shopping all downtown. B> 0!re. What ti e do yo! want to leave( 2. *> #t&s cold in here. B> # agree. # will t!rn,t!rn- the heater on. *> That&s a good idea. 3. *> 6h, ohG #&ve spilled coffee on y shirt. B> /!st a in!te. # will get,get- a da p cloth for yo!. 4. *> What do yo! want to be when yo! grow !p( B> # a going to be,be- an astrona!t. *> Hood for yo!G 7. 8red will$is going to be,be- at the eeting to orrow. # think /ane will$is going to co e,co e- too.

./t/re In Ti-e Cla/ses 1. Bob will co e soon. When Bob co es, we will see hi . 2. Binda is going to leave soon. Before she leaves, she is going to finish her work. 3. They are going to co e soon. # will wait here !ntil they co e. Practice ,will$be going to or 0i ple 2resent1. #& going to watch a T@ progra at nine. Before # watch,watch- that progra , # will$a going to write,write- a letter to y parents. 2. Hary will co e soon. # will$a going to wait,wait- here !ntil he co es,co e-. 3. *> 'ow long will yo!$are yo! going to stay,stay, yo!- in this co!ntry( B> # plan,plan- to be here for abo!t one ore year. # hope,hope- to grad!ate a year fro this /!ne. *> What will yo!$are yo! going to do,do, yo!- after yo! leave,leave-( B> # will$a going to ret!rn,ret!rn- ho e and get,get- a 3ob. 'ow abo!t yo!( *> # will$a going to be,be- here for at least two ore years before # ret!rn,ret!rnho e and get,get- a 3ob. Present Progressive/Si-ple Present .or ./t/re Ti-e 1. 'elen has an appoint ent with a doctor. 0he is seeing 5r. ?orth ne+t T!esday. 2. 0a has already ade his plans. 'e is leaving at noon to orrow. 3. The !se! opens at ten to orrow orning. 4. /ohn&s plane arrives at si+ 2.). ne+t )onday. ./t/re Progressive 1. ,# will begin to st!dy at F. 4o! will co e at C.# will be st!dying when yo! co e. 2. =ight now # a sitting in class. *t this sa e ti e to orrow, # will be sitting in class. 3. 5on&t call e at nine beca!se # won&t be ho e. # a going to be st!dying at the library. Practice ,0i ple 2resent or 8!t!re 2rogressive1. To orrow #& going to leave for ho e. When # arrive,arrive- at the airport, y whole fa ily will be waiting,wait- for e. 2. When # get,get- !p to orrow orning, the s!n will be shining,shine-, the bird will be singing,sing-, and y roo ate will still be lying,lie, still- in bed fast asleep. 3. *> When do yo! leave for 8lorida( B> To orrow. /!st think. Two days fro now # will be lying,lie- on the beach in the s!n. *> 0o!nds greatG # will be thinking,think- abo!t yo!. 4. Book at those dark clo!ds. When class is,be- over, it will probably be raining,rain, probably-.

./t/re Per ect 1. ,# will grad!ate in /!ne. # will see yo! in /!ly.By the ne+t ti e # see yo!, # will have grad!ated. 2. # will have finished y ho ework by the ti e # go o!t on a date tonight. ./t/re Per ect Progressive 1. ,# will go to bed at ten 2.). 'e will get ho e at idnight. *t idnight # will be sleeping.# will have been sleeping for two ho!rs by the ti e he gets ho e. 2. When 2rofessor /ones retires ne+t onth, he will have ta!ght$will have been teaching for 47 years. Practice 1. *nn and *ndy got arried on /!ne 1st. Today is /!ne 14th. *nn and *ndy have been,be- arried for two weeks. By /!ne Fth, they had been,be- arried for one week. By /!ne 2Cth, they will have been,be- arried for fo!r weeks. 2. Ho ahead and leave on yo!r vacation. 5on&t worry abo!t this work. By the ti e yo! get,get- back, we will have taken,take- care of everything. 3. #& getting tired of sitting in the car. 5o yo! reali;e that by the ti e we arrive,arrive- in 2hoeni+, we will have been driving,drive- for twenty straight ho!rs( 4. What( 'e got arried again( *t this rate, he will have had,have- a do;en wives by the ti e he dies,die-. 7. This orning # ca e,co e- to class at E>DD. =ight now it is,be- 1D>DD, and # a ,be- still in class. # have been sitting,sit- at this desk for an ho!r. By E>3D, # had been sitting,sit- here for half an ho!r. By 11>DD, # will have been sitting,sit- here for two ho!rs. The Passive .or-ing the Passive 1. .ngineers design bridges. ,si ple present"Bridges are designed by engineers. 2. *nn is sending the letters. ,present progressive"The letters are being sent by *nn. 3. The 3!dges have ade a decision. ,present perfect"* decision has been ade by the 3!dges. 4. 0everal people saw the accident. ,si ple past"The accident was seen by several people. 7. * g!ard was protecting the 3ewels. ,past progressive"The 3ewels were being protected by a g!ard. :. The edicine had c!red y illness. ,past perfect-

")y illness had been c!red by the edicine. F. 8red will plan the party. ,si ple f!t!re"The party will be planned by 8red. C. The city is going to b!ild a bridge. "* bridge is going to be b!ilt by the city. E. The cat will have ca!ght the o!se. ,f!t!re perfect"The o!se will have been ca!ght by the cat. 0sing the Passive 1. =ice is grown,grow- in #ndia. 2. 6!r ho!se was b!ilt,b!ild- in 1CED. 3. The olive oil was i ported,i port- fro 0pain. 4. Bife on the )ississippi was written,write- by )ark Twain. 7. This r!g was ade, ake- by y a!nt. That r!g was ade, ake- by y other. Practice 1. They are fi+ing

y car today.

)y car is being fi+ed today. 2. They speak 8rench in I!ebec. 8rench is spoken in I!ebec. 3. @ery few people watch that T@ show. That T@ show is watched by very few people. 4. 5id .dison invent the telephone( Was the telephone invented by .dison( 7. 0o eone c!t down that tree last week. That tree was c!t down last week. Indirect %!jects as Passive S/!jects 0o eone handed *nn a en! at the resta!rant. *nn was handed a en! at the resta!rant.

(irect %!jects as Passive S/!jects 0o eone handed a en! to *nn at the resta!rant. * en! was handed to *nn at the resta!rant.

Practice 1. 0o eone has offered )ike the opport!nity to st!dy abroad. )ike has been offered the opport!nity to st!dy abroad. The opport!nity has been offered to )ike to st!dy abroad. 2. 2eople do not pay babysitters a lot of Babysitters are not paid a lot of * lot of oney. oney.

oney is not paid to babysitters.

Practice 1. 0oon after # applied,apply- for a 3ob with the Anited ?ations two years ago, # was hired,hire-. 2. *> Where did yo! b!y,b!y, yo!- that watch( B> # didn&t b!y,b!y, not- it. #t was given,give- to e for y birthday. 3. Bananas originated in *sia. They were introd!ced ,introd!ce- to the * ericas in 171:. Antil the 1C:Ds, bananas were eaten,eat- principally by people of the tropics. Today, bananas are e+ported ,e+port- to all parts of the world, and they are en3oyed,en3oy- by people who live in all cli ates. 4. 4esterday we went to look at an apart ent. # really liked it, b!t by the ti e we got there, it had already been rented,rent, already-. Passive 1odals 1. /a es sho!ld be told,sho!ld, tell- the news as soon as possible. 2. /a es sho!ld have been told,sho!ld, tell- the news a long ti e ago. 3. )eat !st be kept, !st, keep- in a refrigerator or it will spoil. 4. This ho!se !st have been b!ilt, !st, b!ild- over 2DD years ago. 7. We tried, b!t the window co!ldn&t be opened,can&t, open-. :. Hood newsG # ay be offered, ay, offer- a 3ob soon. F. *ndy, yo!r chores had better be finished,had better, finish- by the ti e # get ho e. C. This application is s!pposed to be sent,be s!pposed to, send- to the personnel depart ent soon. E. These books have to be ret!rned,have to, ret!rn- to the library by to orrow.

Stative Passive 1. ,The door was locked by

e five

in!tes ago.-

?ow the door is locked. 2. ,The window was broken by *nn.?ow the window is broken. 3. # a interested in 9hinese art. 4. 'e is satisfied with his 3ob. 7. *nn is arried to *le+. :. # don&t know where # a . # a lost. F. # can&t find y p!rse. #t is gone. C. # a finished$done with y work.

Practice 1. ,co pose- Water is co posed of hydrogen and o+ygen. 2. ,acc!sto - # a acc!sto ed to living here. 3. ,oppose- # a opposed to that s!ggestion. 4. ,cover- #t&s winter, and the gro!nd is covered with snow. 7. ,divorce- 'elen is divorced fro To . :. ,relate- 'is na e is /ohn 0 ith. 'e is related to )ary 0 ith. F. ,disappoint- /i got a bad grade beca!se he didn&t st!dy. 'e is disappointed with$in hi self. C. ,scare- Bobby is not very brave. 'e is scared of his own shadow. E. ,devote- )r. and )rs. )iller are devoted to each other. 1D. ,do- We are done with this e+ercise. 11. ,ac%!aint- # a ac%!ainted with that an. 12. ,addict- * person who is addicted to dr!gs needs professional edical help. 13. ,know- )ark Twain is known for his stories abo!t life on the )ississippi. 14. ,e%!ip- )y car is e%!ipped with air conditioning and a s!n roof. 17. ,convince- The boss is convinced of /ean&s ability. The Passive 2ith 3et 1. # stopped working beca!se # got tired. 2. They are getting arried ne+t onth. 3. # got worried beca!se he was two ho!rs late. Practice 1. ,h!rt- There was an accident, b!t nobody got h!rt. 2. ,lose- We didn&t have a ap, so we got lost. 3. ,dress- We can leave as soon as yo! get dressed. 4. ,conf!se- # got conf!sed beca!se everybody gave e different advice.

7. ,depress- 9hris got depressed when she lost her 3ob, so # tried to cheer her !p. :. ,invite- 0he got invited to the party( F. ,pay- # get paid on 8ridays. #&ll give yo! the oney # owe yo! ne+t 8riday. 6kay( C. ,hire- *fter .d grad!ated, he got hired by an engineering fir . E. ,fire- B!t later he got fired beca!se he didn&t do his work. 1D. ,pack- #&ll be ready to leave as soon as # get packed. Participial Adjectives 1. ,The proble conf!ses the st!dents.#t is a conf!sing proble . 2. ,The st!dents are conf!sed by the proble . They are conf!sed st!dents. 3. ,The story a !ses the children.#t is an a !sing story. 4. ,The children are a !sed by the story.They are a !sed children. Practice 1. The stolen,steal- 3ewelry was recovered. 2. 0!ccess in one&s work is a satisfying,satisfy- e+perience. 3. The terrified,terrify- villagers ran for their lives. 4. # fo!nd yself in an e barrassing,e barrass- sit!ation last night. 7. * da aging,da age- earth%!ake occ!rred recently. :. 2eople are still in the process of repairing the any da aged,da age- b!ildings and streets. F. # elbowed y way thro!gh the crowded,crowd- roo . C. ?o one lives in that deserted,desert- ho!se e+cept a few ghosts. E. # bo!ght so e fro;en,free;e- vegetables at the s!per arket. 1D. The in3!red,in3!re- wo an was p!t into an a b!lance. 11. Ase the given,give- words in the following,follow- sentence. 12. * growing,grow- child needs a balanced,balance- diet. 13. # still have five ore re%!ired,re%!ire- co!rses to take. 14. There is an old saying> Bet sleeping,sleep- dogs lie. 17. The abandoned,abandon- car was towed away by a tow tr!ck. Conditional Sentences Tr/e in the Present or ./t/re 1. #f # don&t eat breakfast, # always get h!ngry d!ring class. 2. Water free;es$will free;e if the te perat!re goes below 328$D9. 3. #f the weather is nice to orrow, we will go on a picnic.

0ntr/e in the Present 1. #f # ta!ght this class, # wo!ldn&t give tests. 2. #f he were here right now, he wo!ld help !s. 3. #f # were yo!, # wo!ld accept their invitation. 0ntr/e in the Past 1. #f yo! had told e abo!t the proble , # wo!ld have helped yo!. 2. #f they had st!died, they wo!ld have passed the e+a . 3. #f # hadn&t slipped on the ice, # wo!ldn&t have broken y ar . Practice 1. #t&s too bad 'elen isn&t here. #f she were,be- here, she wo!ld know,know- what to do. 2. 8red failed the test beca!se he didn&t st!dy. 'owever, if he had st!died,st!dy- for the test, he wo!ld have passed,pass- it. 3. 4o! sho!ld tell yo!r father e+actly what happened. #f # were,be- yo!, # wo!ld tell,tell- hi the tr!th as soon as possible. 4. #f # had had,have- y ca era with e yesterday, # wo!ld have taken,take- a pict!re of *le+ standing on his head. 7. 0ally always answers,answer- the phone if she is,be- in her office. :. # will ake, ake- a to ato salad for the picnic to orrow if the to atoes in y garden are,be- ripe. F. # got wet beca!se # didn&t take y ! brella. 'owever, # wo!ld not have got,get, not- wet if # had re e bered,re e ber- to take y ! brella with e yesterday. C. # wo!ld change,change- the present econo ic policy if # were,be- the 2resident of the Anited 0tates. E. #f the teacher is,be- absent to orrow, class will be,be- cancelled. 0sing Progressive 1. #f it were not raining right now, # wo!ld go for a walk. ,#t is raining right now, so # will not go for a walk.2. #f it had not been raining yesterday afternoon, # wo!ld have gone for a walk. ,#t was raining yesterday afternoon, so # did not go for a walk.-

1i4ed Ti-e 1. #f he were a good st!dent, he wo!ld have st!died for the test yesterday. ,'e is not a good st!dent. 'e did not st!dy for the test yesterday.-

2. #f # had eaten breakfast several ho!rs ago, # wo!ld not be h!ngry now. ,# did not eat breakfast several ho!rs ago, so # a h!ngry now.Practice 1. Bob left his wallet at ho e this l!nch.

orning, and now he doesn&t have any orning, he wo!ld have so e

oney for oney for

#f Bob had not left his wallet at ho e this

l!nch now. 2. 9arol didn&t answer the phone beca!se she was st!dying. 9arol wo!ld have answered the phone if she had not been st!dying. 3. .very !scle in last night. .very !scle in y body aches today beca!se # played basketball for three ho!rs y body wo!ld not ache if # had not played basketball for three

ho!rs last night. 4. Barry stops to shake everyone&s hand beca!se he&s r!nning for political office. Barry wo!ld not stop to shake everyone&s hand if he were not r!nning for political office. 7. # feel better now beca!se yo! talked to e abo!t y proble s last night. e abo!t y proble last night.

# wo!ldn&t feel better now if yo! hadn&t talked to

0sing Sho/ld 1. #f /ohn sho!ld call, tell hi #&ll be back aro!nd five. 2. #f it sho!ld rain to orrow, the picnic will be cancelled. 0sing &ere To 1. #f the s!n were to rise in the west, # wo!ld change y ind. 2. #f # were to live to be 17D years old, # still co!ld not read all books. %-itting I 1. Were # yo!, # wo!ldn&t do that. 2. 'ad # known, # wo!ld have told yo!. 3. 0ho!ld anyone call, please take a essage. Practice 1. Were he a

illionaire, he wo!ld help those poor people.

2. 0ho!ld he co e to orrow, give hi the essage. 3. 'ad yo! !sed a co p!ter, yo! co!ld have finished the work in half the ti e. 4. #f the s!n were to rise in the west, # wo!ld tell yo! the secret. I-plied Conditions 1. # wo!ld have answered the phone, b!t # didn&t hear it ring. # wo!ld have answered the phone if # had heard it ring. 2. # co!ldn&t have finished the work witho!t yo!r help. # co!ldn&t have finished the work if yo! hadn&t helped 3. # wo!ld have gone to ?epal last s! # wo!ld have gone to ?epal last s! 0sing &ish 8!t!re> 1. 0he will not tell e. oney.

er, b!t # didn&t have eno!gh er if # had had eno!gh oney.

e. e.

# wish she wo!ld tell

2. 'e isn&t going to be here. # wish he were going to be here. 3. 0he can&t co e to orrow. # wish she co!ld co e to orrow. 2resent> 1. # don&t know 8rench. # wish # knew 8rench. 2. #t is raining right now. # wish it weren&t raining right now. 3. # can&t speak /apanese. # wish # co!ld speak /apanese. 2ast> 1. /ohn didn&t co e. # wish /ohn had co e.

2. )ary co!ldn&t co e. # wish )ary co!ld have co e. 0sing &o/ld to -a#e 2ishes a!o/t the ./t/re 1. #t is raining. # wish it wo!ld stop,stop-. 2. We&re going to be late. # wish yo! wo!ld h!rry,h!rry-. 3. 'e needs so e oney. 'e wishes his parents wo!ld send,send- hi so e. 4. )y roo ate is very essy. # wish she wo!ld pick,pick- !p after herself ore often. Practice 1. We need so e help. # wish To this work very %!ickly.

were,be- here now. #f he were,be-, we co!ld finish

2. We had a good ti e in 'o!ston over vacation. # wish yo! had co e,co e- with !s. #f yo! had co e,co e- with !s, yo! wo!ld have had,have- a good ti e. 3. # wish it were not,be, not- so cold today. #f it weren&t,be, not- so cold, # wo!ld go,go- swi ing. 4. *> # wish yo! wo!ld h!rry,h!rry-G We&re going to be late. B> # wish yo! wo!ld rela+,rela+-. We&ve got plenty of ti e. 7. *> # wish we didn&t have,have, not- to go to class today. B> 0o do #. # wish it were,be- a holiday. :. *> )y da!ghter wishes she weren&t,be, not- so tall and wishes her hair were,beblack and straight. B> =eally( )y da!ghter wishes she were,be- taller and that her hair were,be- blond and c!rly. F. *> #t&s raining. # wish it wo!ld stop,stop-. B> )e too. # wish the s!n were shining,shine- so that we co!ld go,go- swi ing. 0sing As I /As Tho/gh 1. ,'e is not a child.'e talks as if he were a child. 2. ,0he didn&t take a shower with her clothes on.When she ca e in fro the rainstor , she looked as if she had taken a shower with her clothes on. 3. ,'e has et her.'e acted as tho!gh he had never et her. 4. ,0he will be here.0he spoke as if she wo!ldn&t be here.

Practice 1. They treat their dog as if it were a child. ,The dog isn&t a child.2. 0he went right on talking as tho!gh she hadn&t heard a word #&d said. ,0he heard everything # said.3. 4o! look so depressed. 4o! look as if yo! didn&t have a friend in the world. ,4o! have any friends.4. #t was so %!iet that it see ed as if the earth had stopped. ,The earth didn&t stop.7. # t!rned, and there she was. #t was as tho!gh she had appeared o!t of nowhere. ,0he didn&t appear o!t of nowhere.1odal A/4iliaries Polite 5e6/ests 1. )ay # ,please- borrow yo!r pen( 2. 9o!ld # borrow yo!r pen ,please-( 3. 9an # borrow yo!r pen( ,4es, certainly. $ 9ertainly. $ 4es, of co!rse. $ 6f co!rse. $ 0!re. $ JAh-h!hK4. Wo!ld yo! pass the salt ,please-( 7. Will yo! ,please- pass the salt( :. 9o!ld yo! pass the salt( F. 9an yo! pass the salt( ,4es, #&d be happy to. $ 4es, #&d be glad to. $ 9ertainly. $ 0!re.&o/ld 7o/ 1ind 1. Wo!ld yo! ind if # closed the window( 2. Wo!ld yo! ind if # !sed the phone( ,?o. ?ot at all. $ ?o, of co!rse not. $ ?o, that wo!ld be fine. $ JAnh-!nhK3. Wo!ld yo! ind closing the window( 4. .+c!se e( Wo!ld yo! ind repeating that( ,?o. #&d be glad to. $ ?ot at all. #&d be glad to.Practice 1. #& getting tired. #&d like to go ho e. Wo!ld yo! ind if # left,leave- early( 2. *> *re yo! going to the post office( B> 4es. *> Wo!ld yo! ind ailing, ail- this letter for e( B> ?ot at all. 3. *> *re yo! co ing with !s( B> #& not feeling very good. Wo!ld yo! ind if # stayed,stay- ho e( *> 6f co!rse not. 4. *> #t&s getting hot in here. Wo!ld yo! ind if # opened$opening,open- the window( B> ?o.

7. *> # don&t like this T@ progra . Wo!ld yo! ind if # changed$changing,changethe channel( B> Anh-!nh. 84pressing Necessity 1. *ll applicants !st$have to take an entrance e+a . 2. #& looking for 0!e. # have to talk to her abo!t o!r l!nch date to orrow. # can&t eet her for l!nch beca!se # have to go to a b!siness eeting at 1>DD. 3. Where&s 0!e( # !st talk to her right away. # have an !rgent essage for her. 4. # have got to$have to go now. # have a class in ten in!tes. 7. # had to st!dy last night. "ac# o Necessity and Prohi!ition 1. To orrow is a holiday. We don&t have to go to class. 2. # can hear yo!. 4o! don&t have to sho!t. 3. 4o! needn&t worry. ,Br.4. 4o! !st not look in the closet. 4o!r birthday present is hidden there. 7. 4o! !st not tell anyone y secret. 5o yo! pro ise( Practice ,any for of 'ave To or )!st ?ot1. Bast night /ack had to go to a eeting. 5id yo! have to,4o!- go to the eeting last night too( 2. 4o! don&t have to introd!ce e to 5r. Hray. We&ve already et. 3. #n order to be a good salesclerk, yo! !st not be r!de to a c!sto er. 4. )att is nearsighted. 'e has had to wear glasses ever since he was ten years old. 7. By the ti e this week is finished, # will have had to take eight e+a inations in five days. The life of a st!dent isn&t easyG :. # don&t have to go to the doctor. #& feeling !ch better. F. /ohnnyG 4o! !st not play with sharp knives. C. This is an opport!nity that co es once in a lifeti e. We !st not let it pass. E. * person doesn&t have to beco e rich and fa o!s in order to live a s!ccessf!l life. Advisa!ility 1. 4o! sho!ld$o!ght to st!dy harder. 2. 5rivers sho!ld$o!ght to obey the speed li it. 3. 4o! sho!ldn&t$o!ght not to leave yo!r keys in the car. 4. 4o! had better take care of that c!t on yo!r hand soon, or it will get infected. Practice ,0ho!ld or )!st$'ave To1. * person !st$have to eat in order to live. 2. * person sho!ld eat a balanced diet. 3. We sho!ld go to 'awaii for o!r vacation. 4. #f yo! want to beco e a doctor, yo! !st$have to go to

edical school for


years. 7. #f yo! don&t know how to spell a word, yo! sho!ld look it !p in the dictionary. The Past .or- o Sho/ld To didn&t st!dy for the test. 5!ring the e+a he panicked and started looking at other st!dents& test papers. 1. To sho!ld have st!died for the test. 2. 'e sho!ldn&t have panicked d!ring the test. 3. 'e sho!ldn&t have started cheating. 84pectations 1. The ga e is s!pposed to begin at 1D>DD. ,is e+pected to2. 0!gar is s!pposed to be bad for yo!r teeth. ,it is generally believed3. The co ittee is to eet to orrow. 4. 4o! are not to eat or drink in this roo . 7. # sho!ld go to the eeting. # a s!pposed to go to the eeting. :. # !st be at the eeting. # a to be at the eeting. Practice 1. 4o! are not s!pposed to,s!ppose, not- open that door. 2. # have a eeting at seven tonight. # a s!pposed to,s!ppose- be there a little early to disc!ss the agenda. 3. 4o! are not to,be, not- s oke. 4. 4o! are to,be- keep off the grass. 1a#ing S/ggestions 1. Bet&s not go to a ovie. Bet&s stay ho e instead. 2. Why don&t we go to a ovie( ,"Bet&s go to a ovie.3. Why don&t yo! give )ary a call( 4. 0hall # open the window( #s that okay with yo!( 7. Bet&s go, shall we( :. *> #& having tro!ble in ath class. B> 4o! co!ld talk to yo!r teacher. 6r yo! co!ld ask *nn to help yo! with yo!r ath lessons. 6r # co!ld try to help yo!. F. *> # failed y ath class. B> 4o! co!ld have talked to yo!r teacher. 6r yo! co!ld have asked *nn to help yo! with yo!r ath. 6r # co!ld have tried to help yo!.

(egrees o Certainty 2resent Ti e> Why isn&t /ohn in class( 1. 'e is sick. ,1DDL2. 'e !st be sick. ,E7L3. 'e ay$ ight$co!ld be sick. ,7DL-

Practice ,)!st or )ay$)ight$9o!ld1. *> 'ello. )ay # speak to =on( B> #& sorry. 4o! !st have the wrong n! ber. There&s no one here by that na e. 2. *> Where&s )s. *da s( 0he&s not in her office. B> # don&t know. 0he ay$ ight$co!ld be at the eeting. *> #f yo! see her, wo!ld yo! tell her #& looking for her( B> 9ertainly, )r. 8rench. 2resent Ti e ?egative> 1. 0a isn&t h!ngry. ,1DDL2. 0a co!ldn&t$can&t be h!ngry. ,EEL3. 0a !st not be h!ngry. ,E7L4. 0a ay$ ight not be h!ngry. ,7DL-

2ast Ti e> Why wasn&t )ary in class( 1. 0he was sick. ,1DDL2. 0he !st have been sick. ,E7L3. 0he ay$ ight$co!ld have been sick. ,7DL-

2ast Ti e ?egative> 1. 0a wasn&t h!ngry. ,1DDL2. 0a co!ldn&t$can&t have been h!ngry. ,EEL3. 0a !st not have been h!ngry. ,E7L4. 0a ay$ ight not have been h!ngry. Practice ,any for of )!st1. *> 2a!la fell asleep in class this orning. B> 0he !st have stayed !p,stay !p- too late last night. 2. *> /i is eating everything in the salad b!t the onions. 'e&s p!shed all of the onions over to the side of his plate with his fork.

B> 'e !st not like,like- onions. 3. *> What ti e is it( B> Well, we ca e at seven, and #& s!re we&ve been here for at least an ho!r. 0o it !st be,be- aro!nd eight o&clock. 8!t!re Ti e> 1. May will do well on the test. ,1DDL2. 0he sho!ld$o!ght to do well on the test. ,EDL3. 0he ay$ ight$co!ld do well on the test. ,7DL-

Practice ,Will or 0ho!ld or )!st1. Book at all the people standing in line to get into that ovie. #t !st be,be- a good ovie. 2. *> #t&s very i portant for yo! to be there on ti e. B> # will be,be- there at seven o&clock. # pro ise. 3. *> Who do yo! think is going to win the ga e to orrow( B> Well, o!r tea has better players, so we sho!ld win,win-, b!t yo! never know. *nything can happen in sports. 4. # tho!ght # had a dollar in y wallet, b!t # don&t. # !st have spent,spend- it. 7. # wonder what&s ca!sing the delay. .llen&s plane sho!ld have been,be- here an ho!r ago. Progressive .or-s o 1odals 1. Bet&s 3!st knock on the door lightly. To ay be sleeping. 2. *ll of the lights in *nn&s roo are t!rned off. 0he !st be sleeping. 3. 0!e wasn&t at ho e last night when we went to visit her. 0he ight have been st!dying at the library. 4. *l wasn&t at ho e last night. 'e has a lot of e+a s co ing !p soon, and he is also working on a ter paper. 'e !st have been st!dying at the library. Practice ,)!st or 0ho!ld or )ay N 2rogressive1. Book. Those people who are co ing in the door are carrying wet ! brellas. #t !st be raining,rain-. 2. *> Why is )argaret in her roo ( B> # don&t know. 0he ay be doing,do- her ho ework. 3. *> What are yo! doing( B> #& writing a letter to a friend, b!t # sho!ld be st!dying,st!dy-. # have a teat to orrow.

4. *> 5id .d ean what he said abo!t *ndy yesterday( B> # don&t know. 'e ay have been kidding,kid- when he said that, b!t who knows( 7. *> 5id .d really ean what he said yesterday( B> ?o, # don&t think so. # think he !st have been kidding,kid-. 0sing Be 0sed To and 0sed To and &o/ld 1. )ary is !sed to$is acc!sto ed to cold weather. 2. Bob oved to *laska. *fter a while he got !sed to$got acc!sto ed to living in a cold cli ate. 3. /ack !sed to live in 9hicago. ,sit!ation4. 'e !sed to be a Boy 0co!t. ,sit!ation7. They !se to have a 8ord. ,sit!ation:. When # was a child, y father !sed to$wo!ld read e a story at night before bed. ,actionPractice ,Be Ased To or Ased To1. /ane !sed to work,work- for the telephone co pany, b!t now she has a 3ob at the post office. 2. This work doesn&t bother e. # a !sed to working,work- hard. #&ve worked hard all y life. 3. 5ick !sed to have,have- a !stache, b!t he doesn&t any ore. 'e shaved it off beca!se his wife didn&t like it. # a not !sed to seeing,see, not- hi witho!t his !stache. 'e still looks strange to e. 4. When # was a child, # !sed to think,think- anyone over 4D was old. 6f co!rse, now that #& iddle-aged, # agree with those who say, JBife begins at 4D.K 7. .ven tho!gh /ason is only 12, he is !sed to flying,fly- on airplanes. 'is father is a pilot and has taken /ason with hi in a plane any ti es. Practice ,Be Ased To or Ased To or Wo!ld1. # !sed to be,be- very shy. Whenever a stranger ca e to o!r ho!se, # wo!ld hide,hide- in a closet. 2. # !sed to be,be- afraid of flying. )y heart wo!ld start,start- po!nding every ti e # stepped on a plane. B!t now # a !sed to flying,fly- and en3oy it. 3. # !sed to have,have- a bicycle. )y friends wo!ld ask,ask- to ride it, b!t for years # wo!ld never let,let, never- anyone else !se it. Pre erence 1. # wo!ld rather go to a

ovie tonight than st!dy gra


2. #&d rather st!dy history than ,st!dy- biology.

3. 'ow !ch do yo! weigh( #&d rather not tell yo!. 4. The ovie was okay, b!t # wo!ld rather have gone to the concert last night. 7. #&d rather be lying on a beach in 8lorida than ,be- sitting in class right now. Practice 1. # went to an opera last night. # wo!ld rather have gone,go- to a ovie. 2. # wrecked y father&s car. #&d rather not face,face- hi , b!t # have to. 3. #&d rather be reading,read- a novel than ,be- st!dying,st!dy- gra ar right now. 4. # wo!ld rather go,go- bowling than play,play- tennis this afternoon. 0sing Can and Be A!le To 1. To is strong. 'e can lift that heavy bo+. 2. # can play the piano. #&ve taken lessons for any years. 3. 4o! can see fish at an a%!ari! . 4. That race car can go very fast. 7. 5ogs can bark, b!t they cannot$can&t talk. :. #& not %!ite ready to go, b!t yo! can leave if yo!&re in a h!rry. #&ll ,infor alF. When yo! finish the test, yo! ay leave. ,for alC. *nn will$ ay$sho!ld$!sed to be able to lift that bo+.

eet yo! later.

Past A!ility 1. When # was yo!nger, # co!ld r!n fast. ,2robable eaning> # !sed to be able to r!n fast, b!t now # can&t r!n fast.2. To has started an e+ercise progra . 'e was able to r!n two iles yesterday witho!t stopping or slowing down. 3. 5id yo! read the news abo!t the o!ntain cli bers( They were able to reach the top yesterday. They anaged to reach the top yesterday. They reached the top yesterday. 4. To co!ldn&t r!n$wasn&t able to r!n five iles yesterday. They co!ldn&t reach$weren&t able to reach the top yesterday. Practice ,9o!ld or Be *ble To1. # co!ld swi ,swi - long distances when # was a teenager. 2. The teacher gave the st!dents plenty of ti e for the test yesterday. *ll of the were able to co plete ,co plete- it before the ti e was !p. 3. *fter years of devoted work, )r. Brown finally was able to get,get- a raise in salary last *pril. 4. # like to ride y bicycle. # co!ld ride,ride- it to work when we lived on 8irst 0treet,

b!t now # can&t. ?ow # have to drive beca!se we live too far away.

S/!ject9Ver! Agree-ent Irreg/lar Pl/ral No/ns babybabies ene yene ies hobbyhobbies an en childchildren o+o+en o!se ice

lo!se-lice footfeet goosegeese toothteeth heroes potatoes to atoes photos pianos radios videos ;oos os%!itoes$ os%!itos tornadoes$tornados volcanoes$volcanos ;eroes$;eros halfhalves knifeknives leafleaves lifelives shelfshelves thiefthieves wolfwolves beliefs chiefs cliffs roofs deer fish eans series sheep species pheno enonpheno ena criterioncriteria sti !l!ssti !li for !lafor !lae$for !las analysisanalyses crisiscrises oasisoases bacteri! bacteria c!rric!l! c!rric!la dat! data edi! edia

0nco/nta!le No/ns baggage clothing e%!ip ent f!rnit!re garbage 3ewelry 3!nk achinery ail ake!p traffic oney cash change postage scenery

water coffee tea ilk oil so!p blood ice bread b!tter cheese eat gold iron silver paper cotton wool stea air o+ygen s oke s og poll!tion rice corn d!st flo!r grass hair pepper salt sand s!gar wheat barley bea!ty confidence co!rage en3oy ent f!n honesty knowledge la!ghter l!ck wealth advice infor ation news evidence proof gra ar slang vocab!lary 9hinese history literat!re athe atics baseball soccer tennis chess poker driving swi ing traveling walking weather dew fog hail heat h! idity rain th!nder wind darkness light fire electricity Basic Agree-ent 1. )y friend lives in Boston. 2. The ideas in that book are interesting. 3. )y brother and sister live in ?ew 4ork. 4. .very an, wo an, and child needs love. 7. Hrowing flowers is her hobby. :. To do so e e+ercise is i portant for o!r health. F. What she said was %!ite right. C. 'ow to help her bothers e. Practice 1. The s!b3ects yo! will be st!dying in this co!rse are,be- listed in the syllab!s. 2. The professor and the st!dent agree,agree- on that point. 3. .ach girl and boy in the si+th-grade class has,have- to do a science pro3ect. 4. )aking pies and cakes is,be- 'elen&s specialty. 7. 'ow to prevent diseases is,be- worth st!dying. :. When he was born is,be- nothing to do with the case. 0sing 84pressions o :/antity 1. 0o e of the book is good. 0o e of the books are good. 2. * lot of the e%!ip ent is new. * lot of y friends are here. 3. 6ne of$.ach of$.very one of y friends is here.

4. ?one of the boys are here. 7. The n! ber of st!dents in the class is forty. :. * n! ber of st!dents were late for class. Practice 1. 0o e of the apples in that bowl are,be- rotten. 2. 'alf of this oney belongs,belong- to yo!. 3. * lot of clothing in those stores is,be- on sale. 4. .ach of the boys in the class has,have- his own notebook. 7. .very one of the st!dents is,be- re%!ired to take the final test. :. ?one of the ani als at the ;oo are,be- free. *ll of the are,be- in enclos!res. F. * n! ber of st!dents are,be- absent today. C. 6ne of the chief aterials in bones is,be- calci! . E. 5oes,do- all of this ho ework have to be finished by to orrow( 1D. What percentage of the people in the world are,be- illiterate( Collective No/ns ,#t or They1. # have a wonderf!l fa ily. They have,have- always helped e. 2. # look !p so e infor ation abo!t the average * erican fa ily. # fo!nd o!t that it consists ,consist- of 2.3 children. 3. The a!dience clapped enth!siastically. 6bvio!sly they had en3oyed the concert. 4. The a!dience filled the roo to overflowing. #t was,be- larger than # had e+pected. 7. The crowd beca e ore and ore e+cited. They began to sho!t and wave flags in the air. :. The crowd at the soccer ga e was,be- over ten tho!sand people. F. The office staff gave their boss a gold watch when she retired. C. The office staff is,be- co posed of three people. E. The class is too s all. #t is,be- going to be cancelled. 1D. The class is planning a party. They are,be- going to bring any different kinds of food. 11. The co ittee is,be- held twice a onth. 12. The co ittee have,have- different opinions abo!t the proposal. 0nit 1. 6ne h!ndred dollars is,be- too !ch to pay for that bo+ l!nch. 2. )illions of dollars are,be- spent on the pro3ect. 3. Twenty days see s,see - a long ti e to wait. 4. Three years have,have- passed since he grad!ated. 7. * h!ndred iles is,be- a short distance.

Co-po/nd S/!ject 1. .arly to bed and early to rise akes, ake- a an healthy. 2. The long and short of it is,be- that he is correct. 3. Bread and b!tter was,be- all she asked for. 4. Bread and b!tter are,be- the necessities of life. 7. *ll work and no play akes, ake- /ack a d!ll boy. :. 0low and steady wins,win- the race. F. * poet and novelist is,be- visiting o!r school now. C. 6ne or ore persons are,be- needed to do the 3ob. E. .ither yo! or he is,be- correct. 1D. ?either yo! nor # a ,be- wrong. 11. ?ot only yo! b!t also he is,be- to bla e. 12. )ary with her sisters is,be- playing volleyball. 13. /i as well as yo! knows,know- how to catch a sparrow. 14. ?obody b!t To and )ary is,be- absent today. Irreg/larities 1. The Anited 0tates has,have- a pop!lation of aro!nd 27D illion. 2. The news abo!t )r. 'ogan is,be- s!rprising. 3. 2hysics seeks,seek- to !nderstand the ysteries of the physical world. 4. The police are,be- prepared in case there is a riot. 7. The poor are,be- helped by govern ent progra s.

Practice ,0i ple 2resent1. There are,be- a lot of sheep in the field. 2. 6ne of y friends keeps,keep- a goldfish bowl on her kitchen table. 3. 0ensitivity to other people&s feelings akes, ake- hi a kind and !nderstanding person. 4. .ach penny, nickel, di e, and %!arter was,be- co!nted caref!lly by the bank teller. 7. 5o,do- ost of the st!dents live in the dor itories( :. *n orange and black bird is,be- sitting in that tree. F. *l ost two-thirds of the land in the north areas of the co!ntry is,be- !ns!itable for far ing. C. The econo ic and c!lt!ral center of the Anited 0tates is,be- ?ew 4ork 9ity. E. Two ho!rs of 3ogging provides,provide- plenty of e+ercise. 1D. * car with poor brakes and no brake lights is,be- dangero!s. 11. * n! ber of people fro the co pany plan,plan- to attend the conference. 12. ?o news is,be- good news. 13. The n! ber of schools in this village is,be- ;ero.

14. *l ost all the infor ation in those reports appears ,appear- to be well researched. 17. .very day there are,be- ore than a do;en traffic accidents in the city. 1:. The class is,be- too large to be ta!ght by a single an. 1F. The other as well as the children is,be- watching T@. 1C. 8ifty in!tes is,be- the a+i ! length of ti e allowed for the e+a . 1E. Twenty dollars is,be- an !nreasonable price for the necklace. 2D. =ef!sing invitations is,be- not always easy. In initives ; 3er/nds Ver!s .ollo2ed !y In initives @ N to @ afford agree clai consent appear decide arrange ask de and beg care deserve e+pect fail @ N 6 N to @ advise allow ask beg ca!se challenge

hesitate hope learn anage ean need offer

plan prepare pretend pro ise ref!se see str!ggle

swear threaten vol!nteer wait want wish

convince dare enco!rage e+pect forbid

force hire instr!ct invite need

order per it pers!ade re ind re%!ire

teach !rge warn

tell want

Ver!s .ollo2ed !y 3er/nds @ N @-ing ad it advise consider anticipate delay deny appreciate disc!ss avoid co plete dislike en3oy

finish keep ention ind iss postpone

practice %!it recall recollect reco end regret

resist risk s!ggest tolerate can&t help

Practice 1. /ack disc!ssed opening,open- o!r own b!siness. 2. The teacher re inded the st!dents to do,do- their assign ents. 3. # was broke, so /enny offered to lend,lend- e so e oney. 4. 'e told a really f!nny 3oke. We co!ldn&t stop la!ghing,la!gh-. 7. Tony entioned taking,take- the b!s to school instead of walking. :. )y boss e+pects e to finish,finish- this work *0*2. F. # wanted to go to /apan. 0ally s!ggested going,go- to 'awaii.

C. 4o! have to decide how to do it. 4o! can&t postpone aking, ake- that decision !ch longer. E. B!cy pretended to know,know- the answer to y %!estion. 1D. /ack advised e to find,find- a new apart ent. 11. /oan and 5avid were considering getting,get- arried in /!ne, b!t they finally decided to wait,wait- !ntil *!g!st. 12. .ven tho!gh # asked the people in front of e at the ovie to be,be- %!iet, they kept talking,talk-. 13. # don&t ind waiting,wait- for yo!. Ho ahead and finish doing,do- yo!r work. 14. The ta+i driver ref!sed to take,take- a check. 'e wanted the passenger to pay,pay- in cash. 17. 0o eti es st!dents avoid looking,look- at the teacher if they don&t want to answer,answer- a %!estion.

Ver!s .ollo2ed !y In initives/3er/nds @ N to @$@-ing ,sa e eaningbegin start contin!e like love prefer hate can&t stand$bear # prefer staying ho e to going to the concert. # prefer to stay ho e than ,to- go to the concert. Ver!s .ollo2ed !y In initives/3er/nds @ N to@$ @-ing ,different eanings/!dy always re e bers to lock the door. # re e ber seeing the *lps for the first ti e. 0a often forgets to lock the door. #&ll never forget seeing the *lps for the first ti e. # regret to tell yo! that yo! failed the test. # regret lending hi so e oney. 'e never paid e back. #& trying to st!dy hard. The roo was hot. # tried opening the window, b!t that didn&t help. 0o # tried t!rning on the fan, b!t # was still hot. 8inally, # t!rned on the air conditioner. 0he stopped to take a rest when she got tired. 0he stopped going to classes when she got sick. Practice 1. The play wasn&t very good. The a!dience started to leave$leaving,leave- before it was over. 2. The children love to swi $swi ing,swi - in the ocean.

3. When # travel, # prefer driving,drive- to taking,take- a plane. 4. # prefer to drive,drive- than ,to- take,take- a plane. 7. # always re e ber to t!rn,t!rn- off all the lights before # leave

y ho!se.

:. # re e ber playing,play- with dolls when # was a child. F. What did yo! forget to do,do- before yo! left for class this orning. C. # can&t ever forget watching,watch- o!r tea score the winning goal in the last seconds of the ga e. E. # regret to infor ,infor - yo! that yo!r loan application has not been approved. 1D. # regret not listening,listen, not- to y father&s advice. 'e was right. 11. When a st!dent asks a %!estion, the teacher always tries to e+plain,e+plain- it as clearly as possible. 12. # tried everything, b!t the baby still wo!ldn&t stop crying,cry-. # tried holding,hold- hi . # tried feeding,feed- hi . # tried changing,change- his diapers. ?othing worked. 13. )y grandfather prefers to read$reading,read-. 14. # forgot to take,take- a book back to the library, so # had to pay a fine. 17. *fter st!dying for three ho!rs, # stopped to get ,get- so ething to eat.

Adjectives .ollo2ed !y In initives be ad3 N to @ glad happy sorry sad !pset pleased delight disappointed content relieved pro!d asha ed l!cky fort!nate ready prepared

an+io!s eager willing otivated deter ined caref!l hesitant rel!ctant

afraid s!rprised a a;ed astonished shocked st!nned

Practice 1. # was relieved to find,find- o!t that # had passed the e+a . 2. The soldier were prepared to fight,fight-. 3. The children are an+io!s to go,go- to the circ!s. 4. The teacher is always willing to help,help- !s. 7. Be caref!l not to slip,slip, not- on the icy sidewalks. :. To was hesitant to walk,walk- ho e alone on the dark streets. F. We were sorry to hear,hear- the bad news. C. *t first, the bank was rel!ctant to lend,lend- e the oney. E. @isitors are often a a;ed to discover,discover- how little the town has changed.

1D. The st!dents are

otivated to st!dy,st!dy- .nglish.

0sing In initive 2ith Too ; 8no/gh 1. * child is too yo!ng to read,read- a long novel, b!t an ad!lt is old eno!gh to appreciate,appreciate- good literat!re. 2. 0he is too weak to lift,lift- the heavy bo+, b!t her h!sband is strong eno!gh to lift,lift- it. 3. #t&s too hot for !s to play,play- o!tdoors, b!t it&s hot eno!gh for !s to go,goswi ing. 4. # was too tired to walk any farther. "# was so tired that # co!ldn&t walk any farther. 7. 0he is so yo!ng as to look like a child. "0he is so yo!ng that she looks like a child.

Past ; Passive .or-s 1. # didn&t e+pect to be invited to his party. # appreciated being invited to yo!r ho e. 2. The rain see s to have stopped at si+. # appreciate having had the opport!nity to eet the king in 1EC7. 3. /ane is fort!nate to have been given a scholarship last year. # appreciate having been told the news yesterday. Practice 1. #t is easy to be fooled,fool- by his lies. 2. # don&t en3oy being la!ghed,la!gh- at by others. 3. Ti was in the ar y d!ring the war. 'e was ca!ght by the ene y b!t he anaged to escape,escape-. 'e is l!cky to have escaped,escape- with his life. 4. #& glad that y co pany sent e to another co!ntry to st!dy. #& very pleased to have been given,give- the opport!nity to learn abo!t another c!lt!re. 7. Bast year # st!died abroad. # appreciate having had,had- the opport!nity to live and st!dy in a foreign co!ntry. :. )s. Walters co plained abo!t not having been told,tell, not- abo!t the eeting. #n the f!t!re, she e+pects to be infor ed,infor - of any and all eetings. F. *> # tho!ght 0a was sick. B> 0o did #. B!t he see s to have recovered,recover- very %!ickly. 'e certainly doesn&t see to be,be- sick now.

0sing Need 1. # need to borrow so e oney. 2. /ohn needs to be told the tr!th. 3. The ho!se needs painting$to be painted. 0sing Ver!s o Perception see notice watch look at observe feel hear listen to s ell # heard a fa o!s star sing at the concert last night. When # walked into the apart ent, # heard y roo ate singing in the shower. The cat watched the bird fly away. ,The bird disappearedThe cat h!ngrily watched the bird flying above its head. ,The bird contin!ed to fly hear the cat.0sing "et ; Help 1. )y father let e drive his car. 2. # let y friend borrow y bicycle. 3. )y brother helped e wash$to wash

y car.

0sing Ca/sative Ver!s 1. )rs. Bee ade her son clean his roo . 0ad ovies ake e cry. 2. # had the pl! ber repair the leak. # had y watch repaired. 3. The st!dents got the teacher to dis iss class early. # got y bicycle fi+ed. Practice 1. The chair is broken. # need to fi+,fi+- it. The chair needs fi+ing$to be fi+ed,fi+-. 2. When # walked past the park, # saw so e children playing,play- in the park. 3. # re e ber it distinctly. *t five yesterday afternoon, # saw /i walk,walk- to his car, open ,open- the door, and get,get- in. 4. 5o yo! see )ary walking,walk- !p the street( #sn&t that her, the wo an in the red dress( 7. )rs. 9rane had her ho!se painted,paint-. :. 5on got so e kids in the neighborhood to clean ,clean- o!t his garbage. F. )r. Brown ade her son wash,wash- the windows. C. # went to the bank to have a check cashed,cash-. E. # spilled so e to ato sa!ce on y coat. ?ow # need to get y coat cleaned,clean-.

1D. 5o yo! s ell so ething b!rning,b!rn-( 11. When # heard the principal of the school call,call- y na e at the grad!ation cere ony, # walked to the front of the a!ditori! to receive y diplo a. 12. 5o yo! hear so eone calling,call- for help in the distance( # do.

Special 84pressions < V 1. # cannot b!t think,think- so. "# cannot choose$help b!t think,think- so. "# cannot help thinking,think- so. 2. 'elen did nothing b!t$e+cept st!dy,st!dy- all day long. 3. *ll yo! have to do is take,take- a rest. What we can do now is wait,wait-. 3o < V9ing go boating go bowling go ca ping go canoeing go dancing go fishing

go hiking go 3ogging go r!nning go sailing go skating go skiing

go shopping go swi ing go sightseeing go birdwatching go o!ntain cli bing go window shopping

Special 84pressions < V9ing 1. We had a lot of f!n playing,play- ga es at the picnic. 2. We had a good ti e swi ing,swi - in the ocean. 3. # have tro!ble$diffic!lty !nderstanding,!nderstand- 'elen when she speaks. 0he talks too fast. 4. Ted is an indecisive person. 'e has a hard$diffic!lt ti e aking, ake- !p his ind abo!t anything. 7. 'eather is a co !ter. .very work day, she spends al ost three ho!rs going,goto and fro work. :. We wasted o!r oney going,go- to that ovie. #t was very boring. F. )ichael is sitting in class taking,take- notes. C. )artha is standing at the corner waiting,wait- for the b!s. E. #t was a bea!tif!l spring day. 5orothy was lying !nder a tree listening,listen- to the birds sing. 1D. # wondered what the children were doing while # was gone. When # got ho e, # fo!nd the watching,watch- T@. 11. When )r. Brown walked into the kitchen, he ca!ght the children eating,eat- so e

candy. 12. *ll the st!dents are b!sy preparing,prepare- for the co ing entrance e+a . 13. There is no telling,tell- what ay happen. 14. What do yo! say to playing,play- volleyball( 17. #t&s no !se crying,cry- over spilt ilk. 1:. This !se! is worth visiting,visit-. 1F. This !se! is worthy of being visited,visit-. Participles Present vs= Past Participles 1. boiling$boiled water 2. falling$fallen leaves 3. a drowning$drowned an 4. a critici;ing$critici;ed speech 7. a sinking$s!nken ship Co-po/nd Adjectives ?-@ing a heart-breaking story a record-breaking tea .nglish-speaking people eye-catching rings *d3-@ing a good-looking an an easy-going person sweet-s elling roses strange-so!nding stories *dv-@ing a hard-working st!dent an o!t-going girl well- eaning advice best-selling novels *d3-?ed a broken-hearted an a gray-haired teacher a three-legged table a five-roo ed ho!se

?-@en a heart-broken an a coin-operated achine hand- ade shoes th!nder-stricken people *d3-@en a ready- ade dress a poor-born child green-painted ho!ses *dv-@en a privately-owned garden a well-ed!cated an widely-!sed dictionaries well-behaved st!dents hot-te pered boys fo!r-footed ani als open- inded people high-priced goods

Practice 1. We are warned not to eat food which contains cancer-ca!sing,ca!se- s!bstances.

2. Those snow-covered,cover- o!ntains are so bea!tif!l. 3. 0t!dents in o!r school are all healthy-looking,look- girls. 4. )y !ncle lives in that red-painted,paint- ho!se. 7. Tornados are fast- oving, ove- whirlwind. :. That the earth is ro!nd is a generally-accepted ,accept- fact. F. 4o! sho!ld get rid of those old-fashioned,fashion- ideas.

Participial Constr/ction 9on3 0 N @1, 01 @-ing1, 01 1. *fter he arrived at the station, he fo!nd the train had left. *rriving at the station, he fo!nd the train had left. 2. *s she was a stranger in the city, she didn&t know where to go. Being a stranger in the city, she didn&t know where to go. 3. Beca!se # didn&t know what to do, # was at a loss. ?ot knowing what to do, # was at a loss. 4. Beca!se he had finished his ho ework, he went o!t to play. 'aving finished his ho ework, he went o!t to play. 7. Tho!gh he is short and !gly, he is kind-hearted. Tho!gh ,being- short and !gly, he is kind-hearted. :. While he was walking down the street, he While walking down the street, he et an old friend.

et an old friend.

9on3 0 N be @-en1, 01 @-en1, 01 1. Beca!se the letter was written in haste, it contains Written in haste, the letter contains 2. *s he has been praised too ,'aving been- 2raised too any istakes. any istakes.

!ch, he beco es too pro!d. !ch, he beco es too pro!d.

3. When she was asked the %!estion, she felt e barrassed.

When asked the %!estion, she felt e barrassed.

9on3 01 N @1, 021 01 N @-ing1, 021 1. When she saw a handso e boy, her heart began to beat faster. 0he seeing a handso e boy, her heart began to beat faster. 2. Beca!se it was a holiday, he didn&t go to school. #t being a holiday, he didn&t go to school. 3. #f weather per its, we will go on a picnic. Weather per itting, we will go on a picnic.

9on3 01 N be @-en1, 021 01 N @-en1, 021 1. *s the gro!nd was covered with snow, we co!ld only go on foot. The gro!nd covered with snow, we co!ld only go on foot. 2. *fter his ho ework had been finished, he went o!t to play. 'is ho ework ,having been- finished, he went o!t to play.

0 N @11 and ,0- @21 0 N @11, @2-ing1 1. 0he stayed at ho e and cleaned the roo s. 0he stayed at ho e, cleaning the roo s. 2. 0he stood a a;ed and she didn&t know what to do. 0he stood a a;ed, not knowing what to do.

01 N @11 and 02 N @21 01 N @11, 02 N@2-ing1 1. 'e stayed at ho e, and his wife went shopping. 'e stayed at ho e, his wife going shopping. 2. 0he fainted and we didn&t know what to do.

0he fainted, we not knowing what to do. Practice 1. 5iscovering,5iscover- a dead body in the dark alley, # called the police at once. 2. 'aving done,5o- all the work, they closed the shop. 3. 'e was %!ite p!;;led, not knowing,know, not- what to do. 4. Bro!ght,Bring- !p in * erica, she speaks fl!ent .nglish. 7. 5efeated,5efeat- by the ene y, the ar y ran away. 5elative Prono/ns S/!ject 1. # thanked the wo an who$that helped e. 2. The book which$that is on the table is ine. %!ject 1. The an who, -$that$O # saw was )r. /ones. 2. The ovie which$that$O we saw last wasn&t good. 3. 0he is the wo an who, -$that$O # told yo! abo!t. 0he is the wo an abo!t who # told yo!. 4. The !sic which$that$O we listened to was good. The !sic to which we listened was good. 0sing &hose 1. # know the an whose bicycle was stolen. 2. 0he has a painting whose val!e is inesti able. Practice ,Who $ Who $ Which $ Whose1. 0he is the wo an who sits ne+t to e in class. 2. The hat which To is wearing is !n!s!al. 3. The person to who *nn spoke co!ld not answer her %!estion. 4. # read abo!t a child whose life was saved by her pet dog. 7. # en3oyed talking with the an who$who # sat ne+t to on the plane. :. *le+ bo!ght a bicycle which is specially designed for long-distance racing. F. # live in a dor itory whose residents co e fro any co!ntries. C. The topic abo!t which we talked was interesting. 0sing &hat ; 9ever 1. This is what # need. "This is the thing which # need.

2. 'e always says whatever co es into his ind. "'e always says anything that co es into his ind. 3. Whoever wants to co e is welco e. "*nyone who wants to co e is welco e. 4. 'e akes friends easily with who, -ever he eets. "'e akes friends easily with anyone who, - he eets. 7. =et!rn the dictionary to whosever na e is on it. "=et!rn the dictionary to anyone whose na e is on it. :. There are fo!r good progra s on T@ at C o&clock. 4o! can watch whichever progra $one yo! prefer. "4o! can watch any of the fo!r progra s that yo! prefer. F. 4o! ay leave whenever yo! wish. "4o! ay leave at any ti e that yo! wish. C. 0he can go wherever she wants to go. "0he can go anyplace that she wants to go. E. The st!dents ay dress however they please. "The st!dents ay dress in any way that they please. 0sing As ; B/t ; Than 1. 'e is as brave a soldier as ever lived. 2. 5on&t read s!ch books as are not worth reading. 3. This is the sa e watch as # lost. 4. There is no one b!t akes istakes. "There is no one that doesn&t ake istakes. 7. 5on&t give children ore oney than is needed. 0sing &here ; &hen ; &hy 1. The b!ilding where he lives is very old. "The b!ilding in which he lives is very old. 2. #&ll never forget the day when # et yo!. "#&ll never forget the day on which # et yo!. 3. This is the reason why # don&t help hi . "This is the reason for which # don&t help hi . Practice 1. 0pring is the season when flowers are in bloo . 2. The town where # grew !p is s all. 3. 'eavy traffic was the reason why they were late. 4. 'e gave e ore oney than was re%!ired. 7. .veryone had a good ti e. There was not a person b!t la!ghed heartily.

:. # have bo!ght the sa e bicycle as yo! have. F. There is no r!les b!t has e+ceptions. C. #&ll provide yo! with s!ch things as yo! ay need. E. Whoever leads a life f!ll of love and happiness is rich. 1D. What he said was interesting. 11. # want yo! to be honest. # hope yo! feel free to say whatever is on yo!r ind. 12. #f yo! want to rearrange the f!rnit!re, go ahead. 4o! can rearrange it however yo! want. # don&t care one way or the other. 13. # have a car. # can take yo! wherever yo! want to go. 14. # have fo!r. Take whichever one pleases yo! ost. 17. 'e is free to go anyti e he wishes. 'e can go whenever he wants. 1:. )arie does whatever she wants to do, goes wherever she wants to go, gets !p whenever she wants to gets !p, akes friends with who, -ever she eets, and dresses however she pleases. 5estrictive ; Nonrestrictive 1. The professor who$that teaches 9he istry 1D1 is an e+cellent teacher. 2rofessor Wilson, who teaches 9he istry 1D1, is an e+cellent teacher. 2. The an who$that # et yesterday teaches che istry. )r. 0 ith, who # et yesterday, teaches che istry. 3. 'awaii, which consists of eight principal islands, is a favorite vacation spot. 4. We took so e children on a picnic. The children, who wanted to play soccer, ran to an open field as soon as we arrived at the park. We took so e children on a picnic. The children who wanted to play soccer ran to an open field as soon as we arrived at the park. The others played a different ga e. Practice ,add 9o as if necessary1. *lan, who did not co e to class yesterday, e+plained his absence to the teacher. 2. The st!dent who did not co e to class yesterday e+plained his absence to the teacher. 3. 6nly people who speak =!ssian sho!ld apply for the 3ob. 4. )atthew, who speaks =!ssian, applied for the 3ob. 7. # have fond e ories of y ho etown, which is sit!ated in a valley. :. # live in a town which is sit!ated in a valley. F. * river which is poll!ted is not safe for swi ing. C. The )ississippi =iver, which flows so!th fro )innesota to the H!lf of )e+ico, is the a3or co ercial river in the Anited 0tates. E. The rice which we had for dinner last night was very good. 1D. =ice, which is grown in any co!ntries, is a staple food thro!gho!t !ch of the world.

0sing 84pression o :/antity 1. #n y class there are 2D st!dents, ost of who are fro the 8ar .ast. 2. # a taking five co!rses, all of which are re%!ired. 3. The teachers disc!ssed /i , one of whose proble s was poor st!dy habits. 0sing &hich to -odi y a 2hole sentence 1. To was late, which s!rprised e. 2. The elevator is o!t of order, which is too bad. Practice 1. The city has si+teen schools, two of which are colleges. 2. That co pany has five e ployees, all of who are co p!ter e+perts. 3. )a+ isn&t ho e yet, which worries e. 4. /ack is interested in any things, one of whose interests is collecting sta ps. 7. )rs. *nderson responded to y letter right away, which # appreciated very !ch. 5ed/ction 1. The girl ,who is- sitting ne+t to e is )ary. 2. The ideas ,which are- presented in that book are interesting. 3. The books ,that are- on that shelf are ine. 4. *l is the an ,who is- responsible for the istake. 7. .nglish has an alphabet that consists of 2: letters. .nglish has an alphabet consisting of 2: letters. :. *nyone who wants to co e with !s is welco e. *nyone wanting to co e with !s is welco e. Practice 1. The people waiting,wait- for the b!s in the rain are getting wet. 2. # co e fro a city located,locate- in the so!thern part of the co!ntry. 3. The children attending,attend- that school receive a good ed!cation. 4. They live in a ho!se b!ilt,b!ild- in 1CED. 7. The ho!se s!rro!nded,s!rro!nd-by the fence is ade of wood. :. The fence s!rro!nding,s!rro!nd- o!r ho!se is ade of wood. Conj/nctions Coordinate Conj/nctions and both1and1

b!t or so for

not only1b!t ,alsoeither1or1 neither1nor1 as well as

1. 0teve and his friend are co ing to dinner. 2. These shoes are old b!t co fortable. 3. #n y spare ti e, # en3oy reading novels or watching T@. 4. #t is very late, so we had better go to bed. 7. #t !st have rained d!ring the night, for the gro!nd is wet. :. Both y other and y sister are,be- here. F. ?ot only the teacher b!t also the st!dent is,be- here. C. .ither the teacher or the st!dents are,be- planning to co e. E. ?either the st!dents nor the teacher is,be- here. 1D. The teacher as well as the st!dents is,be- planning to co e. Transitions +Conj/nctive Adver!s, besides oreover only still f!rther ore in ,and$b!t- yet addition also however nevertheless likewise nonetheless on the si ilarly indeed other hand on the again contrary otherwise

therefore th!s conse%!ently as a res!lt accordingly hence na ely that is ,to sayfor e+a ple$instance

1. #t&s too late to go for a walkP besides, it&s beginning to rain. 2. The engineer says that the plan is not practical. )oreover$8!rther ore, he has other ob3ections. 3. 4o! need oney and ti e. #n addition, yo! need diligence. ,additionally4. # prepared y ath lessonP also, # wrote y .nglish co position. 7. The cost of food has co e down in recent years. Bikewise$0i ilarly, f!el prices have fallen. :. 'e didn&t ob3ect to o!r proposalP indeed, he gave several reasons for s!pporting it. F. The car was al ost newP again, it was in e+cellent condition. C. 'e pro isesP only he does not keep his word. E. 'e failed againP still he didn&t lose his hope. 1D. 'e is always polite to e, ,and- yet # don&t like hi . 11. #t was cold. 'owever$?evertheless$?onetheless, # still went swi ing. 12. #&d like to eat o!tP on the other hand, # sho!ld be trying to save oney. 13. 'e is not a st!pid boyP on the contrary, he is %!ite intelligent.

14. 4o!&d better h!rry. 6therwise, yo!&ll be late. 17. *l didn&t st!dyP therefore$th!s$conse%!ently$as a res!lt, he failed the test. ,in conse%!ence1:. There aren&t any 3obs available. *ccordingly, co panies receive h!ndreds of res! es for every opening. 1F. The cost of transport is a a3or e+pense for an ind!stry. 'ence, factory location is an i portant consideration. 1C. Three st!dents were entionedP na ely, /ohn, 5ick and To . 1E. 0!san is a good st!dentP that is ,to say-, she gets good grades in school. 2D. #t&s e+tre ely e+pensive to live in ?ew 4ork. 8or e+a ple$8or instance, # pay Q127D for a one-bedroo apart ent. Prepositions +Adver!ial Prepositional Phrases, besides in thanks to with a view addition to beca!se to with an eye to of d!e to for the p!rpose of owing to as a despite in spite of res!lt of

regardless of according to in case of in the event of when it co es to speaking of

1. Besides$#n addition to going to aerobics twice a week, she rides horses on 0at!rdays. 2. Beca!se of$5!e to$6wing to the cold weather, we stayed ho e. 3. )any people are now ho eless as a res!lt of the civil war. 4. Thanks to yo!r carelessness, the doc! ents have been lost. 7. We bo!ght the ho!se with a view to$with an eye to$ for the p!rpose of retiring there. :. 5espite$#n spite of the lang!age diffic!lty, we soon beca e friends. F. 'e does what he wants, regardless of what # say. C. *ccording to the police, )iller was arrested at the scene of the robbery. E. #n case of tro!ble, call the police. 1D. #n the event of rain, the picnic will be cancelled. 11. When it co es to$0peaking of co p!ters, he&s a bit of an e+pert.

S/!ordinate Conj/nctions +Adv Cla/ses, Ti-e after before since !ntil$till when while$as as soon as once

whenever the first ti e

every ti e the last

by the ti e as$so long as ti e the ne+t ti e no sooner1than hardly1when$before the o ent$instant ,thatdirectly scarcely1when$before ,wheni ediately ,when1. *fter she grad!ates, she will get a 3ob. 2. # ,had- left before he ca e. 3. When # arrived, he was talking on the phone. 4. While$*s # was walking ho e, it began to rain. 7. By the ti e he arrived, we had already left. :. # haven&t seen hi since he left this orning. F. We stayed there !ntil$till we finished o!r work. C. *s soon as$6nce it stops raining, we will leave. E. # will never speak to hi again as$so long as # live. 1D. Whenever$.very ti e # see her, # say hello. 11. The first ti e # went to ?ew 4ork, # went to an opera. 12. # saw two plays the last ti e # went to ?ew 4ork. 13. The ne+t ti e # go to ?ew 4ork, #& going to see a ballet. 14. ?o sooner had he sat down than the phone rang. 17. 'ardly$0carcely had he sat down when$before the phone rang. 1:. /en b!rst o!t la!ghing the o ent$the instant she walked in. 1F. 5irectly$# ediately # got yo!r essage, # ca e. Ca/se and 8 ect beca!se since

now that


inso !ch as

1. Beca!se he was sleepy, he went to bed. 2. 0ince he&s not interested in classical !sic, he decided not to go to the concert. 3. ?ow that the se ester is finished, #& going to rest a few days and then take a trip. 4. *s she had nothing to do, she called !p a friend and asked her if she wanted to take in a ovie. 7. #nas !ch as the two govern ent leaders co!ld not reach an agree ent, the possibilities for peace are still re ote. P/rpose 5es/lt in order that so that for fear ,that- lest1 s!ch1that so1that ,sho!ld1. 0he st!dies very hard in order that she ay enter her ideal college. 2. 2lease t!rn down the radio so that # can get to sleep. 3. 0he finally ran away for fear ,that- he wo!ld kill her.

4. 0he t!rned away fro the window lest anyone ,sho!ld- see her. 7. #t was s!ch nice weather that we went to the ;oo. :. 0he speaks so fast that # can&t !nderstand her. %pposition even if tho!gh






1. .ven if$tho!gh it was cold, # went swi ing. 2. *ltho!gh$Tho!gh she 3oined the co pany only a year ago, she&s already been pro oted twice. 3. The old syste was fairly co plicated, whereas$ while the new syste is really very si ple. Condition if !nless whether or not on condition that

only if provided ,that- providing ,thats!ppose ,that-

s!pposing ,thatas$so long as in case ,thatin the event ,that-

1. #f it rains to orrow, # will take y ! brella. 2. #&ll go swi ing to orrow !nless it&s cold. 3. #& going to go swi ing to orrow whether it is cold or not. 4. =on lent e the oney on condition ,that- # paid it back within three weeks. 7. The picnic will be cancelled only if it rains. 6nly if it rains will the picnic be cancelled. :. 6f co!rse we&ll look after yo!r kids provided$ providing ,that- yo! can drop the off at o!r ho!se. F. 0!ppose$0!pposing ,that- yo! lost yo!r 3ob to orrow, what wo!ld yo! do( C. 4o!&ll be %!ite safe as$so long as yo! follow y instr!ctions. E. #&ll be at y !ncle&s ho!se in case ,that- yo! ,sho!ld- need to reach e. 1D. #n the event ,that- yo! ,sho!ld- need to reach e, #&ll be at y !ncle&s ho!se.

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