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Writing Winning Cover Letters


What is a Cover Letter?
Your cover letter works in partnership with your resume to convince an employer that your skills and background make you a candidate worth interviewing. Its your marketing tool! A good cover letter will make you a more attractive candidate by demonstrating Knowledge about the !ob" the company" the industry Effort in your !ob search" motivation" and enthusiasm #or the !ob Professionalis and detail orientation Writing skills Organi!ed thinking "nderstanding about yoursel# Energ# and $otivation Pre%are $eview the !ob description in detail. List the skills and attributes the employer is seeking. Identi#y how your %uali#ications match the skills and attributes. Choose three to #ive matching skills and attributes to use in your letter. $esearch the employer to identi#y important #acts including products and services

&nato # of a Cover Letter

A cover letter generally consists o# three or #our brie# paragraphs& written in an active voice" and pro#essional style. Sal'tation Address your letter to a speci#ic person" 'be sure o# the correct spelling and appropriate title '(r. (s. )r." etc.* whenever possible Acceptable alternatives include +)ear Internship Coordinator, or +)ear -iring (anager", however" do not write +to whom it may concern., (irst Paragra%h Introduce the purpose o# your writing. ./plain clearly and succinctly why you are writing. 0tate the #ull name o# the position. )escribe how you learned about it" name o# person" printed or on1line media etc.

Se)ond*Third Paragra%h Write these paragraphs based on your preparation. ./plain how your %uali#ications match the !ob description by highlighting relevant e/perience and brie#ly describing accomplishments that demonstrate your capabilities.

Last Paragra%h 2he closing paragraph can be short and simple. 0tress your enthusiasm #or the position and your interest in meeting #or an interview. 0tate how and when you can best be contacted. 2hank the individual and end with an appropriate closing.

E ail VS+ Standard ,snail- $ail

0ome employers will e/press a pre#erence between standard mail and email" while others will accept either. 2here is no need #or both. When using email" use the cover letter as the body o# an email and attach the resume as a Word or 3)4 document. Another option is to simply cut and paste the resume to the body o# the email. 2his may be pre#erable to employers who want to avoid virus attachments. 5ust make sure the #ormatting on the resume stays the same. Write a compelling sub!ect line.

Cover Letter (or at Your 0treet 3hysical Address and .mail Address )ate 6ame o# Contact 3erson Contact 3erson 2itle 6ame o# Company" Corporation or Agency Address City" 0tate" 7ip )ear &RO"SE INTEREST. Write in an active conversational voice. Introduce yoursel#" state why you are writing" identi#y the #ull time position" internship or co1op #or which you would like to be considered" and indicate how you heard o# the position. 8e speci#ic in de#ining your purpose. CRE&TE /ESIRE. 2his should answer the %uestion" +Why should I hire you9, 0ummari:e your %uali#ications #or the position. ;ive e/amples o# your skills and e/periences that relate to the position. 0tate your interest in the position" the company" and the #ield. $e#er the reader to your enclosed resume #or additional in#ormation. &SK (OR &CTION. .nd letter by stating that you would welcome the opportunity #or an in1 person or phone interview. I# appropriate" indicate that you will contact them in a week to set up an appointment to discuss your %uali#ications #urther. '<nly say this i# you will really contact them.* C<=.$ L.22.$ 0A(3L.0 0everal samples are provided. >. .(AIL 0A(3L. ?. $.4.$$AL 0A(3L. @. C<L) CALL 0A(3L. A. 06AIL (AIL 0A(3L.

EMAIL Sample

<ctober >B" ?CCD )ear (r. (organ" I am interested in pursuing a career opportunity as an analyst with 8oston 3roperties. I learned o# the e/citing career opportunities on the Isenberg 0chool o# (anagements career website. I would welcome the opportunity to interview with your #irm and have attached a copy o# my resume #or your review. As an intern #or (assInnovation" I was chosen to serve as a sub1committee chairperson and have worked with a team o# #ive local business owners to analy:e downtown real estate investments. I am con#ident that the skills I have ac%uired #rom my activities and academics have prepared me #or a challenging and productive summer internship with your company. 2here#ore I am e/cited about this opportunity and am available #or an interview at your earliest convenience. I may be contacted at or at 'FCF* >>>1????. 2hank you #or your time and consideration. 0incerely" .ric )illinger


>>> $iver )rive

Amherst" (A C>CC@ 'A>@*BBB1G@B@ <ctober >B" ?CCD (s. Cathy $ecruiter (cHinsey I Company >C 3ark Avenue 0outh City" 0tate 7ip Code )ear (s. $ecruiter" (r. 4rank -urley suggested that I #orward my resume to you #or consideration. I am a senior at the Jniversity o# (assachusetts1Amherst" Isenberg 0chool o# (anagement ma!oring in 4inance with a minor in .conomics with a @.G ;3A. I am currently working as summer intern with Alternative Investments ;roup. As (r. -urley may have mentioned" I am in the top BK o# my class at Isenberg" and I recently was elected president o# 8eta ;amma 0igma" 6ational 8usiness -onor 0ociety. In both my academic and e/tracurricular activities" I have consistently demonstrated my capacity to make a positive impact" regardless o# the situation. (y analytical and personal skills are ideally suited to management consulting" and I am con#ident that would be an asset to (cHinsey I Company. I have e/tensive knowledge o# business applications including ./cel" Word and Access and have interpreted comple/ data #or several honor classes as well as an independent study on global investment strategies. I believe my strengths in data analysis" analytical problem solving" and communication have prepared me #or a success#ul career in investment banking. I want to thank you in advance #or your time and pre#erence list consideration. You may contact me at or 'A>@*BBB1G@B@. 0incerely" (ia 0tudent

COLD CALL Sample BGFL 6. )unn 0treet Amherst" (A C>CC@ 'A>@*BBB1FLDB

<ctober >B" ?CCD (r. Isaac 8. (organ 0ales $epresentative .li Lilly >?@A Address )rive 6ew York" 6Y >CC>C )ear (r. (organ" A#ter researching .li Lillys website and reviewing the multiple opportunities available through the Jniversity o# (assachusetts1Amherst" Isenberg 0chool o# (anagement" I am particularly interested in pursuing the 3harmaceutical 0ales position with your company. I believe my strengths in linguistics" interpersonal communication and computers skills match well with the available position. I will graduate #rom the Jniversity o# (assachusetts1Amherst" Isenberg 0chool o# (anagement in (ay ?CCL with a degree in marketing with a cumulative @.L ;3A. In addition to being a member o# #our honor societies and the Captain o# the Jniversity o# (assachusetts Lacrosse 2eam" I gained valuable overseas e/perience as a telemarketer while studying in London last summer. (y rigorous educational e/perience and personal determination to succeed will make an immediate impact to your bottom line. In the ne/t #our weeks" I will complete my internship with ;eneral .lectric where I have gained hands1on e/perience in commercial sales while working closely with clients and members o# the community. 2hrough this e/perience" I have strengthened my interpersonal and negotiating skills by implementing and reviewing a marketing plan. I believe this e/perience has prepared me well #or #uture employment. 2hank you #or your time. I would en!oy an opportunity to interview with your organi:ation and have attached a copy o# my resume #or consideration. I# I do not hear #rom you within a week" I will call you to discuss my %uali#ications. 0incerely" Ian 3. Welch

SNAIL MAIL Sample 5oseph Wilco >?@A 6. 5ordan Avenue Amherst" (A C>CC@ !

<ctober >B" ?CCD (r. 4red 0avage ;eneral .lectric Company >CC Lands .nd Avenue 8oston" (A C>C>C )ear (r. 0avage" I am interested in pursuing the 4inancial Leadership 3rogram internship with ;eneral .lectric Company. A#ter learning more about ;eneral .lectrics internship program at the Isenberg 0chool o# (anagement" I believe this internship opportunity will o##er an e/perience that will strengthen my career aspirations. A copy o# my resume is attached #or your review. I am currently ma!oring in 4inance with a minor in 3hilosophy" and have maintained a cumulative @.A ;3A. I am a recipient o# the 4ord (otor Company scholarship awarded #or outstanding academic achievement during my #irst ? years at Isenberg 0chool o# (anagement. I possess strong analytical skills and en!oy the challenges associated with corporate #inancial analysis and decision making. 2hroughout my college career" I have strengthened my interpersonal and communication skills as demonstrated by my selection as the $ecruitment Chair and 3ledge .ducator #or my #raternity. 2hese leadership roles and responsibilities include speaking to large groups" interacting with national e/ecutives" and working within a team environment. I believe these e/periences make me an ideal candidate #or your internship program. In my e/tracurricular and academic activities I have used several business applications including Word" ./cel" and 3ower 3oint to analy:e data #or reports and conduct presentations to #aculty" students and sta##. I believe my e/perience in data analysis" analytical problem solving" and interpersonal communications can be a success#ul asset in your company. I want to thank you in advance #or your time and pre#erence list consideration. You may contact me at or 'A>@*BBB1>?@A. 0incerely" Ian 3. 0tudent

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