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The Source of Life

Part 5. Nature and Mind. By Nicolai Levashov

Download all illustrations 10,7 MB Photography: Svetlana de Rohan-Levashov Translation: Elena Lyubimova Edited by Irene Stillwell The anisotropy of space and matter results in the origin of life. Living matter starts to selfrealize at a certain level of development. However, it is still the same matter, but organized, and in the same area of spatial anisotropy which is manifested in living matter to a considerably greater degree than in the non-living !hen the degree of this space-material anisotropy increases, the conditions for further development of living matter appear, and reasoning matter is born at a certain level Thus, reasoning matter is a result of "ualitative changes in living matter #at least, within the limits of our $niverse% and therefore, it has certain carriers of reason which are manifested through the variety of living forms that ma&e up an ecological system Thus, reasoning matter is a product of the development of matter, and this division into living and non-living matter is very relative. Living matter is 'ust a certain organization of matter, no more, despite the fact that at a certain stage of development it is able to realize its own e(istence amongst the rest of matter. The development of reasoning matter can reach the level when it ac"uires the ability to change and control the matter which has engendered it. Thus, a developmental spiral appears The matter of the $niverse)living matter)reasoning matter)the change of the initial matter)new level of development of living matter)new level of development of reasoning matter)etc. *ut with all this going on, we should ta&e into account that matter+s consciousness of self has many levels, each is characterized by its own level of the understanding of nature and methods of co-operating with it, i.e. with the nature which fostered this reason. However, the word reason does not "uite correspond to the concept of matter which has ac"uired self-consciousness, and here is why. -ur ancestors distinguished two concepts ) intellect and reason They understood these two concepts to differ fundamentally from each other, although they both relate to mental activity The matter that realizes its e(istence ac"uires intellect Reason appears only when the carriers of mind reach enlightenment by &nowledge The ability to thin& does not mean reasonableness, that is the state when man is enlightened by &nowledge in general, and by &nowledge in particular, of the laws of the nature from which he came .veryone can easily find numerous e(amples of the action of intellect. /t is enough 'ust to pay attention to the ecological catastrophe which is the product of the actions of man, who has intellect, but not reason This is not 'ust a profusion of philosophical words, as someone could say, but confirmed reality. !e can say that man will succeed in reaching the level of reason when he learns to interact with the nature which engendered him, not at the level of mutually e(clusive phenomena, but at the

0icolai Levashov The 1ource of Life. 2art 3. 0ature and 4ind

level of harmony5 in this case man+s reasoning activity will not result in the death of 4other-nature, but will revive it at a fundamentally new level of interaction which e(cludes antagonism. This is not an idle statement, but a position confirmed by practice. The phenomena that happen with living and non-living matter under the influence of the psi-field generator #or the dar& matter generator% confirm it. The generator+s influence could evo&e the &ind of changes which 4other-nature has not been able to obtain during eons of e(periments on 4idgard-earth, and which the technological development of humanity has not been able to reach either during all the time of its e(istence. The limited understanding of nature because of false scientific understanding resulted in the conflict between nature and man which mortally threatens not only living organisms which are on the verge of e(tinction, but the very e(istence of man himself. 6ll this is happening because man uses intellect instead of reason /n other words, man interferes with nature with no understanding of its real laws. 6s a conse"uence, the ecological balance is bro&en and in the course of time it will result in ecological catastrophe, the reality of which we can observe today. 4echanistic materialism (Vulg rmaterialismus (germ!"" resulted in man beginning to treat nature mechanically, based on mere observations. /n order to have a complete and vivid picture of the understanding of nature which modern science has, it is enough to imagine the following5 an iceberg breaches Titanic+s hull and it "uic&ly submerges into the ocean abyss. 6n observer sees only the top of the iceberg and how Titanic is sin&ing after the collision, whereupon, he starts to suggest a theory5 as to how the Titanic could sin& on colliding with such a small piece of ice and why. He starts to ta&e samples of the ice and the steel of Titanic+s hull, and using mathematical e"uations tries to understand how the li&e of this became possible5 the most terrible thing is that he succeeds in finding a plausible e(planation with the help of mathematics This picture reflects the level of understanding of nature which modern science has This is not an attempt by 'ust another spiteful critic to throw mud at scientists, but a sad truth This statement is not based on /t seems to me, or / wish this, but on the words of orthodo( scientists who have ac&nowledged that they have some picture of just 1 ! of the matter of the $niverse and "no# nothin$ at all a%out the other & ! The only strange thing in all of this is5 if scientific deductions which e(plain how the ape( of an iceberg rammed Titanic+s steel hull loo& "uite absurd, why is it that similar deductions and statements of orthodo( science, which ac&nowledges that it has an incomplete picture of only ten percent of the matter in the $niverse and &nows nothing about the rest, are ta&en as gospel 7 0o one as&s these scientists about their responsi%ility for the conse"uences of their scientific concepts. *ut, it is time we did, our planet is already on the verge of catastrophe because of these concepts 1hould we be absolutely satisfied and unworried because scientists have invented a label for the un&nown 89: of the matter in the $niverse 7 They changed absolutely nothing by simply calling it dar& matter The situation is absolutely the same5 they &new nothing about 89: of the matter of the $niverse before and they &now nothing about it now *ut still they continue to destroy our planet in blind ignorance. 6lmost all supplies of fresh water on our planet are already poisoned, seas and oceans are poisoned too, millions of hectares of recently fertile land are turned into sterile deserts as a result of the application of artificial fertilizers in agriculture. ;rainage of waterlogged lands and irrigation of fertile lands in the areas with insufficient precipitation resulted in a dramatic se"uel ) they became sterile deserts and saline lands, after giving rich harvests for 'ust a few years. 6nd the li&e of this happens almost everywhere, in almost all spheres of human activity. 6 "uestion arises5 is it possi%le to call such activity reasona%le 7 <ertainly, not 6nd very often this activity is not a conse"uence of scientific narrow-mindedness and blindness, but of intentional sabotage by social parasites This activity confirms the ignorance of modern orthodo( science and the forces behind it. 1ocial parasites, which now control almost all the financial systems of the world and &eep orthodo( science on a short leash, are mortally afraid of 4idgard-earth+s civilization following the right way

0icolai Levashov The 1ource of Life. 2art 3. 0ature and 4ind

of development, because then they would not be able to parasitize as they have done until now. *ecause then social parasites would have to earn their daily bread by their own labour, and the truth is that, in this case, it would not be so huge a piece of bread as that which they chew on now. /t is also true that they do not wish to earn their daily bread by their own labour at all They have become accustomed to having a very large part of the loaf, and they do not want to lose it. Therefore, social parasites have done and continue to do their best, to prevent the developing 4idgard-earth+s civilization from changing its state of belligerency with 4other-nature to one of harmony *ecause, if that happens, they will lose their feeding trough The fact that they do not want to wor& is not a theoretical supposition. There are and have been plenty of confirmations of this during .arth+s civilization. /n the past social parasites suffered a defeat on 4idgard-earth, inflicted by Light >orces which tried to set them on the right path5 1'. ())*. $sing lies and sinful flattery, They will occupy many lands of 4idgard-earth, 6s they did on other .arths, /n many worlds in the days of the last ?reat 6ssa@, *ut they will be defeated 6nd e(iled to the country of +rtificial Mountains, !here the people with s&in -f the colour of ;ar&ness and the descendants of the <elestial Ain, !ho came from the earth of the ?od 0iy,= abide 6nd human children will begin to teach them to wor&, 1o they can grow cereals and vegetables to feed their childrenBC This event happened more than four thousand years ago, but social parasites did not want to change their parasitic nature even after their defeat and, withdrawing themselves for some time, they showed their true nature again5 1,. ()-*. *ut the absence of the desire to wor& will unite 1trangers 6nd they will abandon the country of 6rtificial 4ountains 6nd settle in all lands of 4idgard-earth. They will create their beliefs and declare Themselves to be the sons of -ne ?od 6nd will sacrifice their blood and Their children+s blood, in order to .stablish a blood union *etween their ?od and themselves D .verything happening on 4idgard-earth now is the result of this 1ocial parasites have settled all over our 4other-.arth. The result of their parasitic activity is the ecological catastrophe which modern civilization confronts The most surprising thing is that if this catastrophe happens, the social parasites will die too They are a cancer tumour in the social organism of our planet and, li&e
The ?reat !ar between Light Hierarchs and ;ar& #parasitic% >orces #E!L!% /n the 1lavonic-6ryan mythology 0iy is the god of seas and oceans, the patron of navigation and fishing, the 1lavic Ain of the 6nts #whom the ?ree&s called 6tlantes% and the Land of the 6nts, 6ntlan #6tlantis%. He is the godpatron of the Land o# $iy #the planet 0eptune% #E!L!%. C The Slavoni%-&ryan Vedas, 2erun Eedas 1antias. The >irst <ircle, 1antia 3. p D@. D Ibid.
= @

0icolai Levashov The 1ource of Life. 2art 3. 0ature and 4ind

cancer, they destroy both the social organism on which it parasitizes and the habitat ) our planet .arth 4odern technologies are unable to clean out the already e(istent contamination of seas and oceans even if wor&ing for several thousand years. 6t the same time, the contamination of the natural environment has not ceased, but continues to increase. 6gricultural activity based on mechanistic materialism results in the dumping of millions of tons of chemical fertilizers and pesticides on cultivated soils for the purpose of multiplying crop production. However, productivity increases insignificantly and for a relatively short period of time, whereupon these lands become almost sterile. This is not the only harm caused by chemical substances which are used on the fields. !hen it rains, chemicals and to(ins get into the underground waters and through them to rivers, la&es, springs and wells. Thus harmful chemical substances and poisons get into the water which people drin& and this, as everyone may understand, has grave conse"uences for their health. *ut this also is not all Through the underground waters chemical substances and poisons from fields also get into rivers, which carry their waters to seas, oceans and la&es and do irreparable harm to the ecology of the water spaces which occupy three "uarters of the surface of our planet. 6s a result, the ecological e"uilibrium of water spaces is irreversibly violated, many types of animal and vegetable organisms die. The same chemical substances poison other types of inhabitants of seas and oceans which get on people+s table as seafood, thus again poisoning them. 6s a result of all this, numerous ecological illnesses appear, including cancer, and the number of sic& people increases. Today there are tens of millions of these patients in .urope alone and their numbers increase with every passing day .cological patients are people who got their diseases, sometimes mortal ones, only because of the violation of the ecological e"uilibrium as a result of man+s reasoning activity /n other words, millions of people on 4idgard-earth are doomed to die as a result of technological development+s side effects 6lready official authorities in the $16, for e(ample, recommend that their citizens not eat seafood more than once a month, otherwise their health will be in danger 6nd this is only the beginning *ecause as well as chemical substances that come from fields, to(ins get into the water of seas and oceans through the atmosphere, which is polluted by an enormous amount of poisonous matter #including mercury%. !ith the help of rain these to(ic pollutants get both into the sweet water of rivers and la&es, and into the salt water of seas and oceans. *ut this is not all either 1eas and oceans became the burial grounds for many millions of tons of chemical weapons created before and after !orld !ar //. The containers in which it was buried in the depths of seas and oceans have already been almost fully destroyed, and their content is getting into the water This process has 'ust begun to gain force, and one can only surmise what the conse"uences will be for all living creatures. 6t the same time, modern technocratic civilization cannot do anything about all this and ... humbly &eeps silence. 6nd here is the reason why. / will ta&e as an e(ample, the *altic 1ea, a relatively small sea, highly isolated from the !orld -cean. 6long with chemical substances which constantly get into it from fields via the water from rivers and rain, the waste of industrial enterprises and the disposal of sewage, there are a lot of the strongest chemical weapon poisons on the bottom of the *altic 1ea, buried there after !orld !ar //, the containers for which have now become depressurized. .(isting methods of water treatment, to say nothing of being e(tremely e(pensive, are absolutely useless if we are tal&ing about cleansing large amounts of water. Let us, for e(ample, imagine the tas& of clearing the *altic 1ea of the e(isting chemical contamination. !e will consider two possible options and even designate some conditions which are necessary but unrealizable today. !e will imagine that we have somehow succeeded in separating the *altic 1ea from the 0orth 1ea and thus, from the !orld ocean, by a giant dam. !e will assume that all rivers which

0icolai Levashov The 1ource of Life. 2art 3. 0ature and 4ind

flow into the *altic 1ea are turned about and do not bring new contamination. !e will assume that not a single raindrop falls over the surface of the *altic 1ea during the whole time of cleansing, because, if rain falls as usual, even being ideally clean, it is impossible to clean this sea even in theory. *ecause all rain, to say nothing of thunderstorms and hurricanes, brings such enormous volumes of water in 'ust one hour that purifying this huge "uantity, using modern facilities, would ta&e hundreds, probably thousands, of years 1o, given these unrealizable initial conditions, let us imagine how we could possibly clean the *altic 1ea. The first option5 we can dig out a ditch of size and volume e"ual to that of the *altic 1ea. Fegrettably, even though we would wish to do it very much, there is no place for it, and moreover, modern technology is unable to carry out wor& of this magnitude. *ut if we suppose, purely theoretically, that the li&e of this is possible, it would re"uire thousands of years to pump the purified water of the *altic 1ea into this ditch, whereupon we would have to clean the contamination from the sea-floor sediments and only then could the *altic water be returned This can be done with an a"uarium, but not with a sea, even having the unrealizable initial conditions indicated above. 6ccording to the second option, the purified water of the *altic is returned bac& to this sea at once. This will result in only the minutest diminishing of the level of contamination and re"uire hundreds of thousands of years, and by the way, the effort of the whole of humanity should be aimed only at this tas& and the initial conditions should be the same as / mentioned for the first option That is all a modern technocratic civilization, built on the principles of ill-'udged materialism imposed by social parasites, is capable of /t proves that even given these impossible initial conditions our technocratic civilization would not be able to neutralize the harm it has caused 4other-nature even within the scope of one sea. However, not only the *altic 1ea is contaminated this way, but the whole !orld -cean The atmosphere and soil are also contaminated. *esides chemicals, the latter is also contaminated by radio-active pollution, which becomes greater with every year... !ater, air, soil ) everything is contaminated as a result of the reasoning activity of the technocratic civilization which social parasites have imposed on 4idgard-earth. 0ow, they add to all this, alarm and nervousness related to forthcoming planet-wide hunger. /n the past they have created famine conditions in some areas and countries in order to get them under their control. They did it "uite successfully in the Gth century 6.;. in 2ersia and at the beginning of =9th century in the Fussian .mpire. 6nd now they try to use hunger in order to ma&e the manipulation of the whole planet easier for them. They are driven by the fear of losing their power and that piece of the pie to which they have no right whatsoever 6nd most importantly, they &now this perfectly well and try to create such conditions that the people, who they have turned into their slaves, will never get rid of the shac&les, which they put on them using cunning and deception. The reason for the social parasites+ increased concern is "uite understandable5 there are real forces which, using true &nowledge of natural laws, are able not only to solve the ecological problems which have emerged because of their care, but also to prevent the appearance of new ones in the future The methods which can provide cleansing of the global atmosphere, the !orld -cean and the soil already no#. This is not theoretical supposition, but the facts which social parasites conceal from people. However, it is possible not only to recover the ecology of the planet but also, using fundamentally different technologies, to solve the problem with food, and not only food This article is about e(actly this, more precisely, here / continue to unfold the sub'ect which / consistently set forth in my series of articles entitled The 1ource of Life Less than two wee&s had passed after / finished my article The Source of Life/,. The tale a%out fruits and %erries , this short period was enough for many unbelievable things to happen which are worth telling and writing about. 1pring in the Foyal valley was e(traordinarily cold and rainy this year, almost li&e in 4oscow. /t rained almost every day and night in the Loire valley

0icolai Levashov The 1ource of Life. 2art 3. 0ature and 4ind

which certainly did not favour the boisterous growth of plants. *ut even this cold and rainy, sometimes frosty, spring did not affect the conduct of the plants in our par& and garden. They all grew by leaps and bounds .ven during the several days which have passed since / wrote the last article, everything has continued to grow and ripen with unbelievable speed. 0ot only did the strawberries decide to please us with their berries which are e(traordinarily large for this variety, but the berries on the raspberry canes are also enormous #0i$. 1 and 0i$. 1% despite the very cold and rainy spring The currants do not fall far behind the strawberries and raspberries #0i$. '%. 1weet cherries also have hurried to ripen and appear on the table with the other berries #0i$. ,% 1omeone may as&5 !here is the wonder in all this 7 /t is in the fact that all these berries do not ripen simultaneously. 6dd to this, outdoor weather conditions and limestone where all these plants cannot grow at all !e also have to ta&e into account a very cold and rainy spring, when it was pretty cold at night even in the middle of Hune. ;espite such climatic conditions, fruits and berries were rapidly ripening, chasing each other and forgetting the usual terms of ripening Tropical and sube"uatorial plants 'oined this marathon too. The fig trees gathered strength and numerous new figs appeared every day, as we can see in the photo ta&en on Hune D, =99I # 0i$. 5%. / will remind readers that all this ta&es place outdoors, in the worst soil to be found anywhere to grow any plants ) in limestone and red clay ) and without any fertilizers *esides, all this happens very "uic&ly, and these are not 'ust words. Loo& at the photo ta&en on Hune J, =99I. Here we can see the figs which in three days began to turn violet which indicates the beginning of ripening. However, the enormous ripening figs loo& small against the bac&ground of the tree+s gigantic leaves #0i$. 2%. *ut these are not all the surprises Let us ta&e, for e(ample, &rau%aria arau%ana or mon&ey puzzle tree, a slow-growing coniferous evergreen which can achieve G9 metres in height. This plant grows best of all in moderately moist, well drained and rich soil. The presence of lime in the soil tells on it negatively /n other words, this evergreen reacts negatively to even the presen%e of lime in soil, and in our par& they grow in pure limestone The second name of &rau%aria arau%ana' the mon&ey puzzle tree, appeared from a legend according to which, mon&eys, in order to regale themselves with the ripening cones of this tree, climb to its highest tier where their favourite delicacy grows. !hen they are finally sated with the nuts from these cones, they find out that they cannot get down, because the needle-shaped leaves of this tree, sharp as a razor, cut them painfully. Therefore, mon&eys 'ump from an enormous height and smash themselves up This is the legend. !e planted ten of these e(otic plants in our par& three years ago. The oldest tree was eleven years old #0i$. )%. !hen these coniferous evergreens arrived in our par&, they dramatically changed their conduct 6ny reference boo& says that these trees grow very slowly and begin to bear fruit only on reachin$ maturity The most adult one planted three years ago was @@ years old and about D meters high. 6ll other nursery transplants were very young and from 39 cm to I9 cm high. /n three years the smallest &rau%arias have reached almost D meters This alone is incredible, but there is more These youngsters which have grown up incredibly "uic&ly also had cones #0i$. -%. This cannot be 6nd the most interesting fact is that the cones+ ovules appeared not in the oldest &rau%aria, which was @@ years old when planted, but in the youngest one which was only several years old at the time of planting However, despite the incredibility of this fact, the appearance of cones in the youngest nursery transplants is totally natural 6s / have already mentioned, the younger the plant is when it gets put into the active area of the psi-field generator, the "uic&er the changes show up in it, because it is formed in these new, fundamentally different conditions, from the very beginning, while adult plants, which come under the influence of the psi-field generator, have been formed in other conditions The changes in them will ta&e place with a delay which will depend on the period of replacement of every type of cell in every plant. That is why the first thing that changes, under the influence of the generator of life, in a tree is its flowers, then leaves and only then trun&s Those cells of our plants which were in the

0icolai Levashov The 1ource of Life. 2art 3. 0ature and 4ind

stage of growth or division changed first, and only then the cells which were sub'ect to replacement. /n other words, the determining factor in changing is the speed of cell replacement That is why cones appeared in our youngest &rau%aria' not the oldest one. There is more <ones appeared in our &rau%arias not only at the highest tier, as happens with all other conifers of this variety, but on four tiers at the same time, which has never happened in their natural conditions #0i$. &% .ven the smallest &rau%aria attained such a size that in order to ta&e a picture of the whole tier it was necessary to move a pretty long distance away from the tree. Therefore, in order that cones were well visible in the photo, it was necessary to come very close, but at this distance only one cone gets into the photo #0i$. 1 % /n this picture a cone in the process of forming is perfectly visible on a "uite young tree, which in principle cannot be, but the cone is there and besides, it is not the only one The trees are literally covered with cones, e(cept for the oldest which is now fourteen years old These are wonders which continue to appear *ut all this is either impossible or a miracle only from the standpoint of orthodo( science and natural processes, but is a "uite normal and natural result of the influence of the dar& matter generator. /n my article The Source of Life / 13 #=993% / described the impetuous growth of the *lue 6tlas <edar, (edrus &tlanti%a #! )lau%a' under the influence of the psi-field generator. >or a period of two years due to the action of the generator #from =99C% this cedar grew 3 to J times "uic&er than its colleagues in the best conditions, our cedars grew in limestone which is considered impossible for these plants. 4oreover, in =993 our blue cedars produced an e(traordinary yield of cones # 0i$. 11% /n this picture we can see the abundance of cones and needle leaves which have the blue shade, for which this cedar ac"uired the name of the *lue 6tlas <edar5 The Blue Atlas Cedar is a %edar native to the &tlas *ountains o# &lgeria (Tell &tlas" and *oro%%o (in the Ri# and *iddle &tlas' and lo%ally in the +igh &tlas"! It is variously treated as a variety or subspe%ies o# Lebanon (edar (edrus libani var! atlanti%a! &tlanti%a )lau%a! It is a medium-si,ed to large tree' -.--/ m (rarely 0.m" tall' with a trun1 diameter o# 2!/-3 m! It #orms #orests on mountain sides at 2'-4.-3'3.. m' o#ten in pure #orests' or mi5ed with &lgerian 6ir' 7unipers' oa1s and maples! It is very similar in all %hara%teristi%s to the other varieties o# Lebanon (edar8 di##eren%es are hard to dis%ern! It is %ommon in %ultivation in temperate %limates! In garden settings it is most o#ten the glau%ous #orms that are planted as ornamental trees! 9)lau%a9 : ;nown as the <lue &tlas (edar! *ost %ommonly used and more available than the spe%ies It has a bluegreen needle %olour! Perhaps more a%%urately a variety (similar to the (olorado <lue Spru%e (Pi%ea pungens var! glau%a""! Seedlings grown #rom blue-needled plants will e5hibit a range o# needle %olors #rom blue to green3. 1ome more years passed under the influence of the dar& matter generator and in =99I the needle leaves of our *lue <edars became really blue, rather than having 'ust a blue shade, as all other *lue <edars have The blue colour became so intense that even we cannot believe that the li&e of this is possible #0i$. 11% Loo& at the surprisingly blue needle leaves of our *lue <edar on the bac&ground green grass of our par&. The *lue 6tlas <edar became indeed Blue 4edar in the direct sense of this word #0i$. 1'% only under the influence of the psi-field generator /n this photo we can see an e(traordinarily fast growth of new sprigs and this is also incredible / will remind readers that limestone is incompatible with the re"uired conditions for the life and growth of blue cedars *ut the influence of the dar& matter generator created such conditions that these trees, as well as almost all other plants in our par& and garden, not only survived but also grew 3 to J times "uic&er than they would have done in the most optimal conditions elsewhere The reaction of plants to the influence of the psi-field generator becomes more pronounced with every year. This is because of two factors5 first, the changes are cumulative and second, after / installed the generator in =99C, / introduced into it a number of principle corrections and did some revisions. This is on one hand, and on the other ) the inertia of the reaction of each type of plant

/nformation is ta&en from <onifers, KThe /llustrated .ncyclopediaL, Eolume @.

0icolai Levashov The 1ource of Life. 2art 3. 0ature and 4ind

depends on the individual features of its type, on the age of every specific plant at the time of its introduction to the action of the psi-field generator, and on the duration of the cycle of cell replacement. 6nd already in =99I ) five years later from the installation of the dar& matter generator ) the fly-wheel of change has reached unbelievable swiftness, and we only have to observe the changes in order to get the picture of what can happen under its influence. This is not because the mechanism of action of this generator is unclear #here everything is perfectly clear down to the minutest detail%, but because there is little factual material on how one or another type of plant or animal reacts to this &ind of influence. 6nd the reason for this is that no one has ever done it, and this field of psi-physics is une(plored. -nly the 1lavonic-6ryan Eedas mention a side effect of the action of the 1ource of >orce placed in the bowels of 4idgard-earth, that being the e(traordinary growth of plants in the area of a surface outlet. 6nd this was all / succeeded in finding about similar phenomena. 1o, / have only my own e(perience to rely on which is still in the stage of accumulation... That is why the phenomena happening in our par& and magnolia garden are very interesting and new for us, but our observations over five years allow us to come to certain conclusions. The action of the dar& matter generator is not chaotic, but is strictly aimed and corresponds e(actly to the programs and corrections installed in it. The action of the psi-field generator does not result in the e(haustion of plants, but, on the contrary, ma&es them more viable and fertile. 6s a result of the generator+s action, plants and animals ac"uire properties and "ualities which were considered impossi%le, and which they have not been able to ac"uire during the whole time of the development of life on our planet 1o, that+s how things are 6nd now let us return to the analysis of our plants+ new properties and "ualities... The growth of conifers increases with every year. The process of their fast growth can be observed clearly by the growth of branches. .very year there is an increase of the green mass of a tree due to new shoots which are normally "uite small. *y the ne(t year new shoots get bar& and become indistinguishable from maternal branches, and even their needle leaves become dar&er, indistinctive from the previous ones. <ertainly, needle leaves constantly fall off and are replaced by new ones, which have the same colour as those which have dropped, and that is why any observer has an impression that needle leaves sit on branches permanently. / describe this very well-&nown, to any botany-buff, phenomenon in order to draw attention to some uncommon things which happen in our par&. ;uring the course of two wee&s our conifers let young shoots out which is a "uite normal phenomenon for any plant. !hat is a%normal here is the size of these new shoots and the fact that these young shoots get ne# shoots of their own in 'ust a few days, which happened not only with the *lue cedar but also with another cedar ) (edrus =eodara This was really surprising and une(pected #0i$. 1, and 0i$. 15% 6nother world-&nown variety of conifers ) Se>uoia Sempervirens reacted to the activity of the psi-field generator stormily5 Sequoia Sempervirens Cali ornia !edwood Tree! Se>uoia is a genus in the %ypress #amily (upressa%eae (#ormerly treated as Ta5odia%eae"' %ontaining the single living spe%ies Se>uoia sempervirens! (ommon names in%lude (oast Redwood and (ali#ornia Redwood (it is one o# three spe%ies o# trees 1nown as redwoods"! It is an evergreen' long-lived' monoe%ious tree living #or up to 3'3.. years' and this spe%ies in%ludes the tallest e5isting trees in the world' rea%hing up to 22/!/ m (-4?!2 #t" in height and @ m (3A #t" diameter at breast height! The leaves are variable' being 2/-3/ mm long and #lat on young trees and shaded shoots in the lower %rown o# old trees' and s%ale-li1e' /-2. mm long on shoots in #ull sun in the upper %rown o# older trees8 there is a #ull range o# transition between the two e5tremes! They are dar1 green above' and with two blue-white stomatal bands below! This native area provides a uni>ue environment with heavy seasonal rains (o# up to 3'/.. mm or 2.. in%h annually"! (ool

0icolai Levashov The 1ource of Life. 2art 3. 0ature and 4ind

%oastal air and #og 1eep this #orest %onsistently damp year round! Several #a%tors' in%luding the heavy rain#all' %reate a soil with less nutrients than are ne%essary' %ausing the trees to depend heavily on the entire bioti% %ommunity o# the #orest' and %omplete re%y%ling o# the trees when dead! (oast Redwood reprodu%es both se5ually and ase5ually! Seed produ%tion begins at 2.-2/ years o# age' and large seed %rops o%%ur #re>uently' but viability o# the seed is low' typi%ally well below 2/B! )rowth o# seedlings is very #ast' with young trees 1nown to rea%h 3. m (A/ #eet" tall in 3. yearsG. 6ccording to the above data, young se"uoias grow "uic&ly ) 1 metre a year 6nd this is considered to be very "uic& ) but not for our trees The seedlings of Se>uoia Sempervirens decided that this speed of growth was not worthy of their efforts and reached a height of @3 to @G metres within three years of planting in our par& in limestone !hen planted, these young se"uoias were C to D meters high /t turned out that over three years these youngsters added @@ to @= meters Thus, young se"uoias in our par& grew, at least, ' to , metres a year 6t the same time, the seedlings of Se>uoia Sempervirens grew with e(traordinary speed not only upwards but also all over the sides, creating shaggy paws with yet greater speed. 0ew coniferous shoots hurried to appear before their predecessors could get stronger. There was a uni"ue situation when it was possible to see the paws of conifers bent under the weight of new shoots # 0i$. 12, 0i$. 1) and 0i$. 1-%. *ecause of the speedy growth of many trees and the gigantism of their leaves, it is somehow difficult to imagine the real size of these plants. .verything is cognized in comparison, therefore, in order to imagine the real height, for e(ample, of se"uoias, it is enough to compare the height of the tree with the height of a person #0i$. 1&%. >or this purpose 1vetlana+s friend, .mma, was photographed ne(t to a young se"uoia. .mma+s height is @8= cm <ompared to the se"uoia, she loo&s li&e a Lilliputian There is another curious manifestation of the action of the psi-field generator. !hen / created the dar& matter generator, / arranged the program of action of this device so that it covered only our territory /ndeed, all the changes happened only on the territory of our estate, and this was the real confirmation that the device wor&ed according to the preset parameters. *ut even / was surprised at how this is manifested even in the minutest details. There was a time when the par& of our castle was considerably larger #now it has =D hectares%. The previous proprietor sold a part of his domain together with a part of the par&, and thus, some trees of the original par& are situated beyond the boundaries of our territory, i.e. beyond the limits of the action of the psi-field generator. -ld trees were planted at one and the same time, by one and the same people, and they grew in identical conditions... until the dar& matter generator appeared and changed everything 6s a result, a pair of twin maples appeared on different sides of the border in fundamentally different conditions. The maple which grew on our territory got under the influence of the psi-field generator, and the maple on the territory of our neighbours was beyond the limits of its action # 0i$. 1 % .ach tree grows very close to the wall that divides the two domains, the distance between them is no more than two meters, but it appeared to be enough for them to stop being twins # 0i$. 11 and 0i$. 11%. There is a tree and ... a tree in these pictures, what can be interesting here 7 *ut it is only on the face of it, and if we come closer and pic& a leaf ... the attention being paid to "uite ordinary maples will be understandable. !e had only to put two leaves pic&ed from these maples together ... for an instant surprise #0i$. 1'% The leaf of our maple is considerably bigger than the leaf of our neighbours. They strongly differ from each other in their structure, colour and density 4oreover, our leaf is absolutely healthy, while the other is sic& *ut the trees grow so close to each other, very close to the border #which is the most interesting% and, despite this fact, there is such a strong difference between them which is stipulated by the action of the psi-generator in one case and the absence of it in the other
G <onifers, The /llustrated .ncyclopedia. Eolume @, by ;.4. van ?elderen and H.F.2. van Hoey 1mith. 2ublished in cooperation with The Foyal *os&oop Horticultural 1ociety by Timber 2ress, in @88G.

0icolai Levashov The 1ource of Life. 2art 3. 0ature and 4ind

Thus, the limit of the action of the dar& matter generator which / had created absolutely coincides with the borders of our domain There is one more very interesting phenomenon5 the action of the generator of force not only results in the $i$antism of leaves, flowers and an e.traordinary prolificacy of plants and animals for a long period of time #ithout any e.haustion of the plants. /t also results in the appearance of fundamentally ne# properties and "ualities in plants, which are impossi%le in ordinary conditions, and $ro#th 55) times faster than normal. 6nother effect is that under the influence of the psi-field generator any disease in plants and animals disappears This means that the dar& matter generator is able to solve almost any plant+s problem without any chemical substances and other agricultural measures which violate the ecological e"uilibrium of the planet leading to ecological catastrophe... 4eanwhile let us return to other specific manifestations of the action of the psi-generator... 6nother sube"uatorial resident, (atalpa, reacted dramatically to the influence of the psi-field generator. /t is a middle sized tree, native to the southeast of 0orth 6merica *ut first, here is the reference data5 CATA"#A $ndian Bean Tree, Bi%nonia&eae! *edium de%iduous tree! +ardy! <eauti#ul as isolated spe%imen! Large green leaves usually appear #irst in early summer! (lusters o# bell shaped white #lowers on mature trees' #ollowed by long bean-li1e seed pods! (atalpa bignoides' heart-shaped deep green' aromati% leaves %ould grow to 2/-3. %m long' ere%t ra%emes o# white #rilly #lowers with yellow and purple mar1ings4! 6ccording to the reference boo&, this tree has very large, @3-=9 cm, leaves which have a heart-shaped form. Mes, this size of leaves is indeed impressive, but ... the leaves of <atalpas which grow in our par& are considerably larger # 0i$. 1,% 6gain the leaves under the actions of the psifield generator become not only larger than usual, but also considerably thic&er, stronger and healthier #0i$. 15%. 6ccording to the reference boo&, <atalpa+s leaves appear at the beginning of summer and it flowers at the end of Huly or in the middle of 6ugust The flowering begins at least two months later than the appearance of leaves /n our par& <atalpa bloomed a few days after the leaves had appeared # 0i$. 12% *y Hune 8 only some flowers have blossomed, but already the ne(t day, Hune @9, <atalpa+s inflorescences opened almost fully, satiating the air with an amazing aroma #0i$. 1) and 0i$. 1-% .very flower is wonderful and loo&s very li&e an orchid #0i$. 1&%. <atalpa not only blossomed two months earlier than the fi(ed date, but also its flowers became considerably bigger than those on similar trees outside our par&... 4ore different plants react to the action of the dar& matter generator with every year. *ut those plants which reacted before did not lose their new properties and "ualities /n my article 6The Source of Life/13 #=993% / wrote about +a,el (orylus (olurna+s reaction to the psi-field generator when its leaves achieved =D-=3 cm Three years later the leaves of the same hazel became enormous, the effect did not disappear #0i$. ' %. To be sure of it loo& at the ne(t picture ) the enormous leaf cannot even fit in it. Hust compare 1vetlana+s hand with the size of the hazel leaf and ... everything will become clear #0i$. '1% *ut not only hazel preserved all its new ac"uisitions. /f we compare 1vetlana+s hand with the size of the <limber+s leaf of =993 with the leaf of =99I, we can clearly see that in three years the leaves of this plant became thic&er and more succulent #0i$. '1 and 0i$. ''%. 6lso, comparing the size and "ualitative structure of the leaves of the Hapanese plum #Lo>uats-Eriobotrya' Photinia Caponi%a% of -ctober, =99G and of Hune, =99I, we can clearly see the difference ) the leaves of the Hapanese plum of =99I became larger, considerably longer and thic&er and ac"uired a gloss which loo&s li&e someone has put a beeswa( coating on them # 0i$. ', and 0i$. '5% *ut it is not only the trees in our par& and garden that react so stormily to the action of the psifield generator. 1ceptics can as&5 Trees are perennials and changes are accumulating in them from

1tefan *uczac&iNs 2lant dictionary, first published in ?reat *ritain in @88I by Hamlin.


0icolai Levashov The 1ource of Life. 2art 3. 0ature and 4ind

year to year, what about annual or biennial plants7 /n fact, perennials can simply accumulate changes, li&e trees, and there is not enough data to draw these &inds of conclusions. / can say that annual plants not only react to the influence of the dar& matter generator, but also pass new "ualities and properties to their offspring through seeds. *iennial and perennial plants do the same. 1eeds of any plant, independent of the life-span of an adult plant of a specific variety, pass on the "ualities they ac"uired. >or the moment we cannot tell how the seeds will behave outside the limits of the action of the psi-field generator, because we have not carried out this &ind of testing. / thin& that everything will depend on the program installed in the generator. Today the program wor&s only within the boundaries of our estate, therefore the properties and "ualities ac"uired are manifested only within the limits of the action of the generator. However, it is possible to create a program, which can preserve the changes out of the scope of action of the dar& matter generator. /n general, everything depends on the program and only on it. /f it is necessary to preserve ac"uired properties and "ualities in seeds, it will be very simple to do. / will only have to bring certain ad'ustments into the psi-field generator, and that will be all 6t the moment this &ind of program is not installed for a number of reasons, but, most li&ely, the seeds will be able to preserve the properties and "ualities which they ac"uired being under the influence of the generator, but their seed will not. / thin& that the latter is highly li&ely. 6nd now let us go bac& to our wonders. /n my article The Source of Life/,3 / described the reaction of fig trees to the influence of the psi-field generator, which fruits appeared as early as the end of 4ay. -nly a short period of time passed from the moment when / had finished the article, and this plant changed even more. The number of fruits on the branches of fig trees was increasing with every day and they became bigger and bigger #0i$. '2%. The fig trees in our garden are very young, and usually fruits do not appear on such young trees *ut our fig trees began to bear fruit in =99J without even reaching a worthy size. This is an unusual phenomenon *ut in =99I the fruits appeared e(traordinarily early, and their number increased with every day #0i$. '2%. The sun had only peep out and the temperature increase a little and figs "uic&ly began to ripen #0i$. ')%. /n only three days *ut, following the e(ample of their ripening fruits, the fig trees did not forget to grow ) strong young shoots stretched to meet the sun and even their leaves became larger with every day, more loo&ing li&e burdoc&s. >igs are ripening, literally, in leaps and bounds, li&e in a fairy-tale. !ith every day they became more violet #0i$. '-%. The young fig trees are still able to carry such a large amount of ripening fruits on their branches. !e only hope that when all the fruits are completely ripe, the branches will be strong enough and will not brea& under the weight # 0i$. '&%. *ut it is only Hune @9, the day when the picture with the branches of a young tree covered by figs was ta&en. /f we loo& at it closer, we will see that apart from the main fig tree there are several very young fig trees of 'ust one meter high which are also covered in ripening fruits 1everal days passed and the fruits of fig tree have ripened #0i$. , %, not allB but, as they say, the first step is the hardest. /n the previous article / mentioned that strawberries, raspberries and sweet cherries have ripened by the end of 4ay, =99I. /n two wee&s some significant changes happened again. The raspberry canes are covered with e(traordinarily big berries, the strawberries are delightful and cry out to be eaten #0i$. ,1%. *ut the most surprising thing is ahead -ur strawberries began to flower for the second time and there are reasons to assume that this will not be for the last time # 0i$. ,1 and 0i$. ,'%. However, / suspect that not only 1vetlana and / have become accustomed to the wonders happening with our strawberries, but, probably, our readers have too, as well as to the similar raspberry wonders #0i$. ,,%. *ut the wonders occurring with other fruit plants have not yet bored them. / have already mentioned in The Source of Life/'3 about the strange conduct of seedlings of currant, gooseberry and whortleberry planted in the spring of =99G. 1o, the oddities with these plants continue to happen. 6nd this again confirms that the changes appearing under the influence

0icolai Levashov The 1ource of Life. 2art 3. 0ature and 4ind

of the dar& matter generator remain and continue to show up and develop. /n =99I in the first ten days of Hune, red, blac& and white currants ripened, as did the rose ones # 0i$. ,5, 0i$. ,2, 0i$. ,) and 0i$. ,-% /t is of interest that all varieties of currant have ripened simultaneously 6lso, our currants are absolutely free from more than ten illnesses which ordinary currants have. 0ot only the currants but almost all the rest of our plants are perfectly healthy. The diseases that old trees have had for more than a hundred years began to disappear due to the action of the psi-field generator. 4oreover, several trees which were officially considered dead came bac& to life and now are in a perfect state ) green and sound. /t is true that in order to save these trees / had not only to bring some corrections into the wor& of the generator, but also to influence them several times directly from 4oscow. 6s a result, the doomed trees came bac& to life. The situation with dying trees was "uite interesting. -nce 1vetlana told me that, because of a severe southwesterly wind which had been blowing for more than eight months without a brea& many old ) almost two hundred years old ) trees got very strongly stressed and wea&ened so that diseases got bolder and began to &ill them, and some trees had already died and 2rofessor ?erard <hartier mar&ed them for removal, and a few had been already sawn down. !hen 1vetlana told me all this, / complained a little that she had not informed me about it before. / could try to save these old trees *y the way, 2rofessor <hartier removed these trees only after a special laboratory had already confirmed their death. >rom that time not a single tree was sawn down in our par& because of death from stress or disease. 6lmost all diseases abandoned the flora and fauna of our domain. 6nd this is "uite natural. /n fact, any disease appears only in a wea&ened living organism, both of animal or vegetative origin. /f a plant or animal is wea&ened for some reason, necessary conditions for the development of a disease occur. 2athogens are always present in an organism and only wait for their time to come. / would li&e to repeat5 under the influence of the dar& matter generator plants begin to grow 3-J times "uic&er, their leaves, flowers and fruits become bigger, they ac"uire new properties and "ualities which they have not had from nature previously. 6ll this indicates that the plants of our par& and garden had become much stronger and healthier and all diseases recede before such super-strong plants /t follows from the above that the dar& matter generator, stimulating and changing the vegetable and animal world within the limits of our estate, represses the activity of pathogens /t has been already completely confirmed by the e(ample of the plants in our par& and magnolia garden, and on sturgeons and &oi which have become acclimatized in our la&e... Let us now to return to the sub'ect, i.e. the plants in our par& and garden. /n addition to different varieties of currant, gooseberries are ripening too #0i$. ,&%. This simply cannot happen, but, nevertheless, it is a fact, whether someone li&es it or not 6nd everything going on in our par& and garden is neither casual nor chaotic or something temporal. .verything that is happening there is based on the understanding of the true nature of life and living matter, and this &nowledge allows the achieving of all this, about which, orthodo( science based on mechanistic materialism, cannot even dream 6ll this is achieved in harmony with nature, without violation of the e"uilibrium, without creation of ecological catastrophes which are able to destroy the whole of humanity and life itself on our wonderful 4idgard-earth even "uic&er than any war can do it .. / would li&e to mention about some other heroes of our par& and garden. The ordinary and well-&nown to everyone odorous celery and mint were heroes of The Source of Life/,3, which under the influence of the psi-field generator grew into giants Loo& at the pictures # 0i$. 5 and 0i$. 51% Moung &pium graveolens L! #fragrant celery% continues to grow. 6lthough ordinary celery reaches I9-@99 cm, in our case it appeared =-C times higher. /t is enough only to loo& at the adult female 1t. *ernard, <ory, whose height is more than one meter, to be sure of it. *esides, the ma(imal height of celery should not be higher than <ory, but in reality it is more than twice as high 6nd bushes of mint loo& more li&e thic& bushes of hazel than the plant to which everyone is

0icolai Levashov The 1ource of Life. 2art 3. 0ature and 4ind

accustomed... 4ushrooms also grow as in fairy tales. /n the beginning of Hune the rose mushrooms not only emerged from under the earth, but ac"uired enormous size #0i$. 51%. The rose mushroom is very valuable and highly appreciated by >rench gourmets, but it should appear much later. However, here it is, showing off, as if saying ) eat me *ut it is not only the rose mushrooms that have opened the mushroom season on our estate5 <hampignons #0i$. 5'% and even <oletus Edulis also came to the surface. The size and "uantity of the incipient clusters of articho&es have become bigger for the last two wee&s #0i$. 5,% / could continue describing the wonders of our domain endlessly. 6lmost every day we find something interesting and une(pected, because more different types of plants begin to react to the influence of the dar& matter generator. 6nd those plants which have already reacted before continue to ac"uire new properties and "ualities which were considered impossible, but, as the saying goes, we were born to ma&e a fairy-tale come true /ndeed, a fairy-tale can come true, and this happens only due to true &nowledge of nature, which is not in a state of war with 4other-nature, but in complete harmony. The process of improvement of the dar& matter generator is not over. /n the case of necessity, new corrections will be brought into it, and who &nows, what marvels will appear in the process. !e will see. / would li&e to end by pleasing those who appreciate beauty. Loo& at the wonderful and enormous 2assiflora flower #0i$. 55% $i%olai Levashov Cune 20' 3..@ P.S. 4y &eyboard has not cooled down and new surprises have appeared in our par& and garden The cones of the mon&ey puzzle tree have already ripened #0i$. 52 and 0i$. 5)% ... in 'ust several days These cones never ripen in the middle of Hune in their 4otherland, and here we are at Hune @3, =99I *ut this not all The yellow raspberry decided to be as brave as the red one, and its berries cry out to be eaten #0i$. 5-% ?ooseberries were suddenly ashamed of avidity and decided to be generous and bore big berries #0i$. 5& and 0i$. 2 % $i%olai Levashov Cune 2/' 3..@ P.P.S. -nly t#o days have passed from the moment / added the first addendum and the necessity to ma&e another one appeared The sun had only to warm a little #the weather in >rance still remains e(traordinarily cold for this time of year, it is very cold at night% for all living thing on our estate to literally e.plode with intensive growth. The flowers of (atalpa bignoides became simply enormous #0i$. 21% 0ow its flowers do not yield to the enormous leaves in anything. The size of leaves of fig trees also became considerably greater, as well as that of the ripening fruits #0i$. 21%. /n ordinary conditions fruits achieve ma(imal size, and only then begin to ripen. .verything is different under the action of the psi-field generator. >ruits grow and ripen simultaneously 6nd this is incredi%le #0i$. 2'% /n order to imagine what an enormous size the leaves of the fig trees have attained in 'ust two days it is enough to loo& at photos that spea& more than thousand words #0i$. 2, and 0i$. 25%. 0ot only do figs continue to grow, ripening in the process, but the size of the 'uicy blac&berries almost made them burst #0i$. 22% There is more !hen / wrote this article, #hite mushrooms #<oletus edulis% had appeared in our domain, but they were cut away, and it was impossible to ta&e the picture to prove the fact of their e(istence. !e had to wait two days for new white mushrooms to appear # 0i$. 2)% /t should be noted that the !hite mushroom is considered the "in$ of the autumn forestB, not the summer

0icolai Levashov The 1ource of Life. 2art 3. 0ature and 4ind

one *ut within the limits of our domain the seasons and climatic zones cease to e(ist 6lmost all seasons e(ist simultaneously for the vegetable world of our estate, independently of whichever season is beyond the window 4oreover, white mushrooms did not only appear at the wrong time, they also reached an enormous size in 'ust two days #from @3 to @J of Hune% #0i$. 2-%. /n my article The 1ource of Life O @ / mentioned that in =993 the leaves of Lotus *agnolia reached ,,551 cm, which was three to four times bigger than the leaves of normal magnolias in any other place on the planet #0i$. 2&% /n =99I the leaves of Lotus *agnolia have already reached 5- cm #0i$. ) % 6dditionally, the leaves have become thic&er and healthier 6nd we still do not &now what size they will reach in a wee& 6ll this confirms once again that the phenomena which / described in my series of articles entitled The Source of Life do not disappear, but become more pronounced with every year 6nd we have no choice but to watch for the ne(t marvel and to ma&e necessary corrections in the wor&ing of the dar& matter generator in order to achieve the optimal growth of plants and animals and have them receive new properties and "ualities which they never had in natural conditions and #hen cultivated %y man .. $i%olai Levashov Cune 24' 3..@ ###.levashov.or$


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