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Activity Description

Activity Type Group/Unit meeting program Name of Activity Pre JOTA Program Estimated Duration 90mins ntroduction Jam!oree on t"e Air #JOTA$ is an annua% event in &"ic" a!out '00(000 )couts and Guides a%% over t"e &or%d ma*e contact &it" eac" ot"er !y means of amateur radio+ Jam!oree on t"e nternet #JOT $ connects )couts and Guides on t"e internet t"roug" )cout,operated nternet c"at rooms suc" as )cout-in* as &e%% as .)N( emai%( &e!pages( !%ogs+ T"e goa%s of JOTA and JOT are to !ring )couts and Guides toget"er from around t"e &or%d( foster communication !et&een t"em( stimu%ate t"e free e/c"ange of ideas( contri!ute to mutua% confidence and respect( and create ne& friends"ips and cu%tura% understanding+ JOTA is not a contest+ n order to get t"e most out of participation in JOTA and JOT ( )couts and Guides &i%% !enefit from some e/posure to t"e &"y0s and &"erefore0s of t"e Jam!oree !efore t"e actua% event+ T"is program &i%% teac" )couts and Guides a!out &"at t"ey are doing( and &"y+ ntroduce JOTA,JOT !rief%y e/p%aining "o& t"e Jam!oree operates and &"y you are participating+ 2esources3 4or%d map( )couts Austra%ia nternationa% "ttp3//&&&+internationa%+scouts+com+au/( 4or%d )cout JOT "ttp3//&&&+5oti+org/ ( JOTA JOT intro 2esources3 ntro to 2adio f it is possi!%e for a radio set to !e !roug"t to t"e meeting( t"is &ou%d !e good( even if it is not a!%e to !e operated+ 2esources3 How to chat on ScoutLink, Po&erpoint3 ScoutLink

Princip%es of t"e Activity

ntroduction #',10 mins$

6asic introduction to radio #10mins$ or 6asic introduction to )cout-in* #10mins$ .a*e a tin can te%ep"one#1'mins$

2esources3 Tin 7an Te%ep"one activity s"eet


Activity Description 4"at are you going to ta%* a!out8 #10,1' mins$ 4rite a !io for yourse%f( inc%ude information a!out your unit/group and a!out t"e p%ace you %ive in+ 7"oose a nic*name #JOT $ 2esources3 7"eat s"eet E9uipment3 pen/penci%s and paper

ntroduction to t"e P"onetic A%p"a!et #10 mins$ or 2evision of P"onetic A%p"a!et #10 mins$ :o& to c"at on t"e radio #;0 mins$

2esources3 ntroduction to t"e p"onetic a%p"a!et

2esources3 c"art in ntroduction to t"e p"onetic a%p"a!et Games3 P"onetic c"a%%enge 1

2o%e p%ay+ 4it" a partner( practice ta%*ing to eac" ot"er( as you &ou%d if you &ere on radio 2esources3 Good 2adio practice Options3 use &a%*ie ta%*ies #eit"er rea% or pretend$( or your tin can te%ep"one+

or :o& to c"at on t"e internet #;0 mins$

2esources3 Neti9uette guide%ines for participating in JOT 2o%e p%ay+ 4it" a partner( practice <ta%*ing= to eac" ot"er( as you &ou%d if you &ere on internet ie &rite do&n your conversation+ #E9uipment3 Pens/penci%s and paper or %aptop>open up a ne& &ord document and type your conversation$ Option 13 nstead of c"atting !y typing/&riting( spea* to your partner Option ?3 "ave a practice session on )cout%in* Notes on resources3 A%% resources under%ined are avai%a!%e on t"e JOTA JOT 7D+

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