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FORM No. 4B Housing Act 1988 section 13(2), as amended ! t"e Regu#ato$!

Re%o$m (Assu$ed &e$iodic 'enancies) (Rent (nc$eases) O$de$ 2))3 Landlord's Notice proposing a new rent under an Assured Periodic Tenancy of premises situated in England '"e notes o*e$ t"e +age gi*e guidance to ot" #and#o$ds and tenants a out t"is notice. 'o, o%, F$om, -Tenant(s). -Address of the premises subject to the tenancy. /and#o$d(s)* 0select as appropriate -Address for correspondence. -Contact telephone number.

1. This notice affects the amount of rent you pay. &#ease $ead it ca$e%u##!. 2. '"e #and#o$d is +$o+osing a ne1 $ent o% per wee !,

in +#ace o% t"e e2isting one o% 3 +e$ 1ee40 0 select as appropriate ". '"e %i$st $ent inc$ease date a%te$ 11t" Fe $ua$! 2))3 is (see note 1) o*e$ t"e +age) #. '"e sta$ting date %o$ t"e ne1 $ent 1i## e (see notes 13 to 15 o*e$ t"e +age)



$. 6e$tain c"a$ges ma! e inc#uded and se+a$ate#! identi%ied in !ou$ $ent. (8ee note 11 o*e$ t"e +age.) '"e amounts o% t"e c"a$ges (i% an!) a$e, 6"a$ges Amount inc#uded and se+a$ate#! identi%ied (enter "nil" if appropriate) (n t"e e2isting $ent 6ounci# ta2 9ate$ c"a$ges Fi2ed se$*ice c"a$ges 3 3 3 (n t"e +$o+osed ne1 $ent 3 3 3

%. (% !ou acce+t t"e +$o+osed ne1 $ent, !ou s"ou#d ma4e a$$angements to +a! it. (% !ou do not acce+t it, t"e$e a$e ste+s !ou s"ou#d ta4e e%o$e t"e sta$ting date in +a$ag$a+" 4 a o*e. Please see the notes o&er the page for what to do ne't.

8igned, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /and#o$d(s)0 (see note 12 o*e$ t"e +age) 0select as appropriate :ate, Please read these notes carefully. (uidance notes for tenants What you must do now 1. '"is notice +$o+oses t"at !ou s"ou#d +a! a ne1 $ent %$om t"e date in +a$ag$a+" 4 o% t"e notice. )f you are in any dou*t or need ad&ice a*out any aspect of this notice+ you should immediately either discuss it with your landlord or ta e it to a citi,ens' ad&ice *ureau+ a housing ad&ice centre+ a law centre or a solicitor. 2. (% !ou acce+t t"e +$o+osed ne1 $ent, +#ease ma4e a$$angements to +a! it. (% !ou +a! ! standing o$de$ t"$oug" !ou$ an4, !ou s"ou#d in%o$m t"em t"at t"e amount "as c"anged. ;ou s"ou#d a#so noti%! !ou$ Housing Bene%it o%%ice i% !ou a$e c#aiming ene%it. (% !ou a$e 1o$$ied t"at !ou mig"t not e a #e to +a! !ou$ $ent, !ou s"ou#d see4 ad*ice %$om a citi<ens= ad*ice u$eau o$ "ousing ad*ice cent$e. ". (% !ou do not acce+t t"e +$o+osed ne1 $ent, and do not 1is" to discuss it 1it" !ou$ #and#o$d, !ou can $e%e$ t"is notice to !ou$ #oca# $ent assessment committee. -ou must do this *efore the starting date of the proposed new rent in paragraph # of the notice. ;ou s"ou#d noti%! !ou$ #and#o$d t"at !ou a$e doing so, ot"e$1ise "e o$ s"e ma! assume t"at !ou "a*e ag$eed to +a! t"e +$o+osed ne1 $ent.

#. 'o $e%e$ t"e notice to t"e #oca# $ent assessment committee, !ou must use t"e %o$m Application referring a notice proposing a new rent under an Assured Periodic Tenancy or Agricultural Occupancy to a Rent Assessment Committee. ;ou can o tain t"is %$om a $ent assessment +ane#, "ousing ad*ice cent$e o$ #ega# statione$ (detai#s can e %ound in t"e te#e+"one di$ecto$!). $. '"e $ent assessment committee 1i## conside$ !ou$ a++#ication and decide 1"at t"e ma2imum $ent %o$ !ou$ "ome s"ou#d e. (n setting a $ent, t"e committee must decide 1"at $ent t"e #and#o$d cou#d $easona #! e2+ect %o$ t"e +$o+e$t! i% it 1e$e #et on t"e o+en ma$4et unde$ a ne1 tenanc! on t"e same te$ms. '"e committee ma! t"e$e%o$e set a $ent t"at is "ig"e$, #o1e$ o$ t"e same as t"e +$o+osed ne1 $ent. (uidance notes for landlords on how to complete the notice %. ;ou can com+#ete t"is notice in in4 o$ a$$ange %o$ it to e +$inted. .. '"is notice s"ou#d e used 1"en +$o+osing a ne1 $ent unde$ an assured periodic tenancy /including an assured shorthold periodic tenancy0 of premises situated in England. '"e$e is a di%%e$ent notice (Fo$m No. 46 > Landlord's or Licensor's Notice proposing a new rent or licence fee under an Assured Agricultural Occupancy of premises situated in England) %o$ +$o+osing a ne1 $ent o$ #icence %ee %o$ an assu$ed ag$icu#tu$a# occu+anc! o% +$emises situated in ?ng#and. 1. :o not use t"is notice i% t"e tenanc! ag$eement contains a te$m a##o1ing $ent inc$eases, o$ t"e$e is some ot"e$ asis suc" as a se+a$ate ag$eement 1it" t"e tenant %o$ $aising t"e $ent. An! +$o*ision !ou $e#! on needs to e inding on t"e tenant. /ega# ad*ice s"ou#d e soug"t i% t"e$e is an! dou t on t"is sco$e. 2. ;ou need to use a di%%e$ent %o$m to +$o+ose a $ent inc$ease %o$ a statuto$! +e$iodic tenanc! (t"e %i$st e2ce+tion mentioned in note 1@) i% !ou a$e see4ing to adAust $ent so#e#! ecause o% a +$o+osed c"ange o% te$ms unde$ section @(2) o% t"e Housing Act 1988. 8ee4 #ega# ad*ice i% !ou t"in4 t"is ma! a++#! to !ou. ;ou can o tain t"e %o$m "eaded Notice proposing different terms for a Statutory Periodic Tenancy %$om a $ent assessment +ane# o$ a #ega# statione$. 13. Bn#ess t"e tenanc! is a ne1 one, o$ one o% t"e e2ce+tions mentioned in note 1@ a++#ies, !ou must inse$t in +a$ag$a+" 3 o% t"e notice t"e %i$st date a%te$ 11t" Fe $ua$! 2))3, on 1"ic" $ent is +$o+osed to e, o$ 1as, inc$eased unde$ t"is statuto$! notice +$ocedu$e. '"at date dete$mines t"e date t"at !ou can s+eci%! in +a$ag$a+" 4 o% t"e notice. 8ee a#so note 1C

11. ;ou s"ou#d ente$ in eac" o% t"e o2es in t"e second and t"i$d co#umns o% t"e ta #e in +a$ag$a+" C eit"e$ Dni#D o$ t"e amount o% t"e e2isting o$ +$o+osed c"a$ge. ;ou s"ou#d on#! ente$ amounts %o$ counci# ta2 and 1ate$ c"a$ges 1"e$e t"e tenant does not +a! t"ese c"a$ges di$ect#!. ;ou s"ou#d on#! ente$ %i2ed se$*ice c"a$ges 1"ic" a$e +a!a #e ! t"e tenant in acco$dance 1it" a te$m o$ condition 1"ic" s+eci%ies t"at t"ese c"a$ges 1i## e inc#uded in t"e $ent %o$ t"e tenanc!. On#! ente$ an amount %o$ se$*ice c"a$ges 1"e$e t"e tenant "as ag$eed to +a! a fi'ed sum. :o not inc#ude in t"e ta #e an! &aria*le se$*ice c"a$ge, ie a se$*ice c"a$ge 1it"in t"e meaning o% section 18 o% t"e /and#o$d and 'enant Act 198C, 1"e$e t"e 1"o#e o$ +a$t o% t"e sum +a!a #e ! t"e tenant *a$ies o$ ma! *a$! acco$ding to costs. 12. ;ou o$ !ou$ agent (someone acting on !ou$ e"a#%) must sign and date t"is notice. (% t"e$e a$e Aoint #and#o$ds, eac" #and#o$d must sign un#ess one signs on e"a#% o% t"e $est 1it" t"ei$ ag$eement. '"e signatu$e does not "a*e to e "and>1$itten i%, %o$ instance, t"e %o$m is eing +$inted o$ i% !ou 1is" to use a #ase$ o$ autosignatu$e.


4hen the proposed new rent can start 1". '"e date in +a$ag$a+" 4 o% t"e notice must com+#! 1it" t"e t"$ee $eEui$ements o% section 13(2) o% t"e Housing Act 1988, as amended ! t"e Regu#ato$! Re%o$m (Assu$ed &e$iodic 'enancies) (Rent (nc$eases) O$de$ 2))3. 1#. '"e first re5uirement+ 1"ic" a++#ies in all cases, is t"at a minimum +e$iod o% notice must e gi*en e%o$e t"e +$o+osed ne1 $ent can ta4e e%%ect. '"at +e$iod is,

one mont" %o$ a tenanc! 1"ic" is mont"#! o$ %o$ a #esse$ +e$iod, %o$
instance 1ee4#! o$ %o$tnig"t#!F

si2 mont"s %o$ a !ea$#! tenanc!F in a## ot"e$ cases, a +e$iod eEua# to t"e #engt" o% t"e +e$iod o% t"e
tenanc! > %o$ e2am+#e, t"$ee mont"s in t"e case o% a Eua$te$#! tenanc!. 1$. '"e second re5uirement a++#ies in most cases ( ut see note 1@ %o$ t1o e2ce+tions), a. t"e sta$ting date %o$ t"e +$o+osed ne1 $ent must not e ea$#ie$ t"an C2 1ee4s a%te$ t"e date on 1"ic" t"e $ent 1as #ast inc$eased using t"is statuto$! notice +$ocedu$e o$, i% t"e tenanc! is ne1, t"e date on 1"ic" it sta$ted, unless b. t"at 1ou#d $esu#t in an inc$ease date %a##ing one 1ee4 o$ mo$e e%o$e t"e anni*e$sa$! o% t"e date in +a$ag$a+" 3 o% t"e notice, in 1"ic" case t"e sta$ting date must not e ea$#ie$ t"an C3 1ee4s %$om t"e date on 1"ic" t"e $ent 1as #ast inc$eased. '"is a##o1s $ent inc$eases to ta4e e%%ect on a %i2ed da! eac" !ea$ 1"e$e t"e +e$iod o% a tenanc! is #ess t"an one mont". Fo$ e2am+#e, t"e $ent %o$ a 1ee4#! tenanc! cou#d e inc$eased on, sa!, t"e %i$st Monda! in A+$i#. 9"e$e t"e +e$iod o% a tenanc! is mont"#!, Eua$te$#!, si2 mont"#! o$ !ea$#!, $ent inc$eases can ta4e e%%ect on a %i2ed date, %o$ e2am+#e, 1st A+$i#. 1%. '"e t1o e2ce+tions to t"e second $eEui$ement, 1"ic" a++#! 1"e$e a statuto$! tenanc! "as %o##o1ed on %$om an ea$#ie$ tenanc!, a$e,

1"e$e t"e tenanc! 1as o$igina##! %o$ a %i2ed te$m (%o$ instance, @
mont"s), ut continues on a +e$iodic asis (%o$ instance, mont"#!) a%te$ t"e te$m endsF and


1"e$e t"e tenanc! came into e2istence on t"e deat" o% t"e +$e*ious
tenant 1"o "ad a $egu#ated tenanc! unde$ t"e Rent Act 1955. (n t"ese cases t"e #and#o$d ma! +$o+ose a ne1 $ent at once. Ho1e*e$, t"e %i$st and t"i$d $eEui$ements $e%e$$ed to in notes 14 and 15 must sti## e o se$*ed. 1.. '"e third re5uirement+ 1"ic" a++#ies in all cases, is t"at t"e +$o+osed ne1 $ent must sta$t at t"e eginning o% a +e$iod o% t"e tenanc!. Fo$ instance, i% t"e tenanc! is mont"#!, and sta$ted on t"e 2)t" o% t"e mont", $ent 1i## e +a!a #e on t"at da! o% t"e mont", and a ne1 $ent must egin t"en, not on an! ot"e$ da! o% t"e mont". (% t"e tenanc! is 1ee4#!, and sta$ted, %o$ instance, on a Monda!, t"e ne1 $ent must egin on a Monda!.


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