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Activity Class Level Duration Theme/Topic Language Focus Learning Outcomes

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Writing Form 5 [Secondary School] Intermediate to Advanced Level 2-period lesson (80 minutes) Social Issues / Time On Your Hands Writing for Aesthetic Purpose By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to a) identify two characters from recent readings that they can use as their main characters in their short story b) participate in a brainstorming session c) fill in the Elements of Plot diagram with relevant information d) answer all the questions provided in the When Characters Meet worksheet.

Teaching and Learning Materials

01. Guided questions on recalling the literary elements and devices used in short stories. 02. Elements of Plot Diagram 03. When Characters Meet worksheet

Teaching Instructions

1. Teacher begins by asking students to think of two characters from stories that they have recently read. 2. Once they have identified the two characters, teacher explains that the students need to write a story in which these two characters from different worlds meet. 3. Teacher then tells the students that they are to write their own creative short stories, using descriptive language and literary devices to control characters actions and events while keeping the readers interested. 4. After that, the students will be engaged in a brainstorming session where teacher helps them in recalling their prior knowledge about literary elements and devices found in short stories. Teacher provides some guided questions, written on the white board (Material 01). (Materials built on the students prior knowledge help students to be more interested in the lesson and will give them confidence in

tackling the subject matter.) 5. As students discuss each of the questions given, the teacher acts as facilitator and guides the students towards the idea that certain literary elements are vital to writing a good short story. 6. Teacher explains that the writer is responsible for using vivid sensory images (precise verbs), defining a clear plot (set of actions and events that show changes in a characters life), and bringing the plot to a clear resolution (ending). 7. After the students answer the questions, teacher produces the diagram of Elements of Plot and uses examples from a recently-studied fictional story to illustrate each (Material 02 (a)). (This diagram is developed to provide students with a non-threatening learning environment so that they will feel comfortable in doing the activity.) 8. Teacher explains to the students that they now need to apply their knowledge of plot to write their short stories (Material 02 (b)). 9. Teacher distributes the When Characters Meet worksheet and let students read and answer the questions (Material 03). (To help students in their focus in writing the short story) 10. Once they have completed Part I, teacher instructs students to complete Part II of the worksheet either during a second class period or for homework.

Post-Script 11. If the students managed to complete Part II during the second period of the class, teacher can have students volunteer to read their stories aloud in front of the class, and to type them for printing and display in a public space in the classroom or school.

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