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C. According to Comprehension Terms may be concrete, abstract, as the concept. Aside from this, 1. Generic.

When it expresses the common essential feature. Hammer is a tool. Pedro is a seminarian. 2. pecific. When it expresses the distincti!e constituent or the distincti!e essential feature of the ob"ect. #an is a rational animal. Pedro is an Au$ustinian seminarian.

D. According to Quality 1. Positi!e. Term that expresses a conceptual feature, a formal reason, or a thin$ proper. %ife Plants eminarian 2. &e$ati!e. Term that expresses the absence of somethin$, in full or in part. &othin$ Po!erty 'eath ($norance

B. According to Extension 1. )ommon. Term *hich may be applied indiscriminately to many persons or ob"ects. +or example, #an House Teacher chool 2. in$ular or (ndi!idual. Term *hich can be applied only to one sub"ect, or to one ob"ect. 2.1. Proper &ame.

an A$ustin )enter of tudies aint Thomas of -illano!a (nstitute .rder of aint Au$ustine 2.2. uperlati!es /est dancer Hi$hest achie!ement Tallest man

2.0. A common term restricted by a particular circumstance of place, time, incident, or ob"ect. 'ecano of +irst 1ear Teacher of %o$ic at T-( The author of the )onfessions 2.2. A common term restricted by a demonstrati!e pronoun. This seminarian That priest These men The )ommon term may be Transcendental, 3ni!ersal, or Particular.

A $rammatically sin$ular term may be lo$ically a uni!ersal term. +or example,#an is a mortal bein$. 4(t means all men distributi!ely5A $rammatically plural term may be lo$ically particular. +or example,#en are in!entors. 4(t means not all, but only some5 The true extension of a term should not be ta6en from its appearance, but from the sense in the sentence. Thus, #an is mortal, means all men7 *omen are fic6le, means the $enerality of *omen. 0. Particular. A term is particular if it stands for an indeterminately desi$nated portion of its absolute extension. #eanin$, a term is particular, first, if it stands for one indi!idual or $roup *ithout desi$natin$ it definitely, and it stands for more than one, but not clearly for all of the indi!iduals or $roups to *hich it can be applied. ome man ome horses Three boys #ost Americans

(n the proposition 8A seminarian ate the apple,9 the term 8a seminarian9 is particular7 it stands for a definite seminarian, but does not desi$nate that horse definitely..n the other hand, in the proposition 8This seminarian ate the apple,9 the term 8This seminarian9 is sin$ular because it only stands for a definite indi!idual seminarian but also desi$nates this seminarian definitely 4/achhuber, 2:5. 2. 3ni!ersal. A term is uni!ersal if it stands for each of the sub"ects to *hich it can be applied. ;!ery man ;ach man All priests #en *ithout exception &ote,A term that is $rammatically sin$ular is not necessarily sin$ular from the point of !ie* of lo$ic but mi$ht be particular or uni!ersal.The definite article 8the9 is prefixed to both sin$ular and uni!ersal terms. The do$ is bar6in$ excitedly. 4 in$ular5 The do$ is an animal. 43ni!ersal5The indefinite article 8a9 and 8an9 is prefixed to both particular and uni!ersal terms. A do$ is runnin$. 4 in$ular5 A do$ is an animal. 43ni!ersal5

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