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Delivering the power of component software and open standard interfaces in Computer-Aided Process Engineering

Open Interface Specification: Petroleum ractions Interface


Filename Authors Status ate #ersion Number o% &a!es #ersionin!

204928028.doc CO-LaN consortium Public Au!ust 200" $ersion 2 "' $ersion 2( re$ie)ed b* +ean-Pierre ,elaud( Au!ust 200" $ersion -( October 200-

Additional material .eb location /m&lementation s&eci%ications $ersion Comments ))).colan.or! CAP0-OP0N$--0-0.idl 1CO2,A3 CAP0-OP0N$--0-0.4i& and CAP0-OP0N$--0-0.tlb 1CO53



Disclaimer of Warranty CO-LaN documents and &ublications include so%t)are in the %orm o% sample code. An* such so%t)are described or &ro$ided b* CO-LaN --- in )hate$er %orm --- is &ro$ided 6as-is6 )ithout )arrant* o% an* 7ind. CO-LaN and its &artners and su&&liers disclaim an* )arranties includin! )ithout limitation an im&lied )arrant or %itness %or a &articular &ur&ose. 8he entire ris7 arisin! out o% the use or &er%ormance o% an* sam&le code --- or an* other so%t)are described b* the CAP0-OP0N Laboratories Net)or7 --- remains )ith *ou. Co&*ri!ht 9 200" CO-LaN and:or su&&liers. All ri!hts are reser$ed unless s&eci%icall* stated other)ise. CO-LaN is a non %or &ro%it or!ani4ation established under French la) o% -90-.

Trademark Usage 5an* o% the desi!nations used b* manu%acturers and seller to distin!uish their &roducts are claimed as trademar7s. .here those desi!nations a&&ear in CO-LaN &ublications( and the authors are a)are o% a trademar7 claim( the desi!nations ha$e been &rinted in ca&s or initial ca&s. 5icroso%t( 5icroso%t .ord( #isual ,asic( #isual ,asic %or A&&lications( /nternet 0;&lorer( .indo)s and .indo)s N8 are re!istered trademar7s and Acti$e< is a trademar7 o% 5icroso%t Cor&oration. Netsca&e Na$i!ator is a re!istered trademar7 o% Netsca&e Cor&oration. Adobe Acrobat is a re!istered trademar7 o% Adobe Cor&oration.


8his document &ro&oses inter%aces %or handlin! com&le; mi;tures o% the t*&e o% &etroleum %ractions. 8he document contains re=uirements e;&ressed in te;tual %orm( as )ell as >se Cases. From these re=uirements the corres&ondin! inter%aces )here de$elo&ed. 8he sco&e o% the inter%aces( initiall* concei$ed as %or handlin! Petroleum Fractions and Assa*s( )as reduced to onl* Petroleum Fractions( since this )as considered the most crucial and $alue added &art o% the inter%aces. 8he &ro&osed inter%aces allo) >N/8 O&eration clients to access &ro&erties s&eci%ic o% the &etroleum industr* such as e.!. cloud &oint( &our &oint( 2eid $a&or &ressure( and also to &er%orm run-time re-characterisation o% the &ro&erties o% h*&othetical com&onents re&resentin! a &etroleum %raction 1e.!. Normal ,oilin! Point( 5olecular .ei!ht( S&eci%ic ?ra$it*( Critical 8em&erature( etc3. 8his allo)s e;tendin! &lu!-and-&la* o% >N/8 o&eration com&onents to the s&eci%ic o&erations &resent in the &etroleum and !as industr* 1e.!. re%inin!( u&stream( etc3. /n &articular( these inter%aces )ill allo) &lu!-and&la* o% re%iner* reactor o&erations. 8hese o&erations &resent a characteristic &roblematic( that re=uires a s&ecial treatment( as it is described in this document.



1. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................................................8 -.- P2OP028/0S.................................................................................................................................................................8 1.1.1 Petroleum Basic Properties...............................................................................................................................8 1.1.2 Special Petroleum Properties............................................................................................................................9 -.2 FLO.S@008 S/5>LA8/ON...........................................................................................................................................9 1.2.1 Common.............................................................................................................................................................9 1.2.2 Oil Refining.......................................................................................................................................................9 2. R !UIR " NT#.......................................................................................................................................................12 2.- 80<8>AL 20A>/2050N8S.........................................................................................................................................-2 2.1.1 Summary of requirements and new interfaces for petroleum assay and fractions...........................................1 2.1.2 Summary of requirements t!at will "e fulfilled wit! t!e proposed interfaces..................................................1# 2.2 >S0S CAS0S..............................................................................................................................................................-B 2.2.1 $ctors................................................................................................................................................................1% 2.2.2 &ist of 'se Cases..............................................................................................................................................1% 2.2. 'se Cases (aps...............................................................................................................................................1) 2.2.# 'se Cases.........................................................................................................................................................1) 2." S0A>0NC0 /A?2A5S..............................................................................................................................................2$. %N%&'#I# %ND D #I(N..........................................................................................................................................22 ".- O#02#/0.................................................................................................................................................................22 ".2 S0A>0NC0 /A?2A5S...............................................................................................................................................22 "." /N802FAC0 /A?2A5S..............................................................................................................................................22 ".4 S8A80 /A?2A5S.....................................................................................................................................................22 ".B O8@02 /A?2A5S.....................................................................................................................................................22 ".C /N802FAC0S 0SC2/P8/ON........................................................................................................................................2" .).1 *Cape+!ermoPetro,ractions..........................................................................................................................2 .).2 *Cape'nit+ype*nfo...........................................................................................................................................2) ".' SC0NA2/OS D P2OPOS0 SC0NA2/O 8O #AL/ A80 8@0 /N802FAC0S.......................................................................2' .-.1 *ntroduction......................................................................................................................................................2.-.2 .alidation Scenario..........................................................................................................................................2). INT R*%C #+ CI*IC%TION#..............................................................................................................................2, 4.- CO5 / L.................................................................................................................................................................29 4.2 CO2,A / L............................................................................................................................................................29 -. NOT # ON T. INT R*%C #+ CI*IC%TION#...............................................................................................$/ B.- 20A>/2050N8S F2O5 O8@02 CO5PON0N8S............................................................................................................"0 B.2 L/S8 OF P082OL0>5 F2AC8/ON:S P2OP028/0S........................................................................................................."0 %.2.1 Set of ,ractions................................................................................................................................................. / %.2.2 *ndi0idual ,ractions......................................................................................................................................... 2 0. +ROTOT'+ # I"+& " NT%TION......................................................................................................................$) 1. #+ CI*IC (&O##%R' T R"#...............................................................................................................................$8. 2I2&IO(R%+.'.........................................................................................................................................................$0 8.- P2OC0SS S/5>LA8/ON 20F020NC0S.........................................................................................................................."C 8.2 CO5P>8/N? 20F020NC0S........................................................................................................................................."C 8." ?0N02AL 20F020NC0S............................................................................................................................................."C ,. %++ NDIC #...............................................................................................................................................................$1 0

$IS& O


*I(UR 1 U# 3C%# # "%+.........................................................................................................................................10 *I(UR 2 "%IN # !U NC DI%(R%"..................................................................................................................21 *I(UR $ INT R*%C DI%(R%"............................................................................................................................22



For chemicall* )ell-de%ined %luids( such as &etrochemicals( simulators con$enientl* dra) on lar!e data ban7s o% chemical com&ounds %or essential &ro&ert* data )hereas %or &etroleum( a material o% inde%inite com&osition( such a direct means o% re&resentation is not &ractical. @o)e$er( the lar!e number o% h*drocarbon com&ounds that constitute oil beha$e Ea&&ro;imatel*F as ideal %luids( thus ma7in! the Flum&in!F o% -00Fs o% real com&ounds into -0Fs o% h*&othetical com&ounds an ade=uate sim&li%*in! assum&tion %or man* 1but not all3 &rocess en!ineerin! &ur&oses 1see later3. Althou!h &redominatel* a h*drocarbon %luid( there are contaminants &resent in both %ossil and s*nthetic oils( es&eciall* the %ormer e.!. sul&hur( metals( inert !ases and )ater:brine. 8hese ha$e a si!ni%icant im&act on se&aration and reaction &rocesses. For instance( the sul&hur treatin! and handlin! as&ect o% re%inin! entail man* reactors and se&arations. And( small amounts o% metals a%%ect ad$ersel* the catal*st acti$it* in the con$ersion &rocesses.


Petroleum 4asic Properties

A detailed anal*sis o% crude oil( b* com&ound( u& to carbon number C is usuall* obtainable and the CCG remainder is characterised b* H&seudo-com&onentsI. Occasionall* a com&lete anal*sis is 7no)n u& to C--. 2arel*( but occasionall*( a E%ullF com&ositional anal*sis underta7enJ in this case mass s&ectrometr* could identi%* %amilies( at least( o% com&ounds. Such resolution can be im&ortant to lubricants manu%acture in &articular. 8he more usual characteri4ation &rocedure is to measure the boilin! ran!e distribution o% crude oil as the cumulati$e amount distilled $ersus tem&erature and then to s&lice the resultin! S-sha&ed cur$e into a number o% histo!ram-t*&e inter$als( each one re&resentin! a &seudo com&onent )hich is a h*&othetical h*drocarbon o% certain normal boilin! &oint and containin! an amount o% material determined b* the s&licin! re!ime. 8he boilin! tem&erature o% a &seudo-com&onent is the $olumetric a$era!e tem&erature %or the &articular histo!ram inter$al. A corres&ondin! cur$e can be measured %or densit* distribution. 8*&icall*( e$en the best laborator* instruments( chromato!ra&h or distillation a&&aratus( cannot measure boilin! &oints much abo$e BB0C( *et a si!ni%icant %raction o% crude oil boils at hi!her tem&eratures and the %inal boilin! &oint is uncertain. 8his introduces a com&licatin! %actor %or characteri4ation( and the Eend &ointF is assumed to be 800GC. 8he basic &ro&erties 1normal boilin! &oint( densit*( molecular )ei!ht3 o% li!ht h*drocarbons are essentiall* those o% the &ure com&ounds. For hea$ier h*drocarbons( characterised b* &seudo-com&onents( the boilin! &oint and densit* are obtained as described abo$e and molecular )ei!ht is &redicted as a %unction o% these t)o &ro&erties. Other correlation $ariants on the inter-relationshi&s bet)een those three &ro&erties e;ist as )ell. From these &ro&erties com&onent criticals and acentric %actor can be determined and thus the data needed b* an 0OS 1e=uation o% state3 thermod*namic model is %urnished. For the hea$ier end o% the boilin! ran!e there is uncertaint* associated )ith molecular )ei!ht since an* attem&t to measure hi!h boilers in con$entional a&&aratus )ould result in their thermal decom&osition. For this reason $a&our &ressure t*&e thermod*namic methods are sometimes used to &redict K-$alues %or re%iner* se&arations in$ol$in! such material( as o&&osed to customar* 0OS methods. #a&our &ressure can be correlated %rom basic &h*sical &ro&erties and is su&&orted b* measurement. /n hi!h &ressure oil &roduction a&&lications the uncertaint* in the com&onent criticals is ta7en as Lusti%ication %or usin! them as tunin! &arameters to re&roduce %ield ?as:Oil ratios 1i.e.#L0 or #LL03. 8o conclude( the manner b* )hich h*drocarbon %eedstoc7 is characterised so as to be reco!nisable to %lo)sheetin! &ac7a!es ma7es a uni=ue demand not onl* on the &ro&erties handlin! as&ect o% a simulator but also on ho) %eed %lo)rate is s&eci%ied i.e. in terms o% )hole oil 1bul7 substance3 rather than directl* in terms o% indi$idual constituent &seudo-com&onent %lo)rates. 8he characteri4ation &rocedure outlined abo$e assi!ns an a&&ro&riate amount o% the E)holeF to each &seudo-com&onent.


Special Petroleum Properties

/n addition to the basic &h*sical &ro&erties o% densit*( molecular )ei!ht( and so on( )hich are essential to &hase e=uilibrium calculations( a )ide ran!e o% other &ro&erties are 7e* =ualit* and control indicators in &ractice. For re%ined &roducts these include( sul&hur content( %lash &oint( 2eid $a&our &ressure( cloud &oint( %ree4e &oint( re%racti$e inde;( nic7el content( $anadium content( Conradson carbon and to;icit* &arameters. 8he &ro&erties re%erred to as Es&ecialF( here( are $ariousl* 7no)n as re%iner* &ro&erties( &etroleum &ro&erties( =ualities( cold &ro&erties and ins&ection &ro&ertiesM there are standard &rocedures %or their measurement and the* are re&orted in a t*&ical oil assa*. Such &ro&erties are not &redictable( either %rom basic &h*sical &ro&erties or %rom molecular structure. An* one &seudo-com&onent )ill com&rise man* di%%erent com&ounds 1&ara%%ins( na&hthenes( ole%ins and aromatics3. /% su%%icient data &oints are a$ailable to %orm a cur$e 1co$erin! the boilin! ran!e3 %or a !i$en &ro&ert* such as sul&hur content( $alues can be assi!ned to each &seudo in a manner analo!ous to the boilin! cur$es alread* described. 8he $alue o% an* !i$en &etroleum &ro&ert* %or a %lo)sheet stream is determined accordin! to an em&irical mi;in! rule a&&lied to all o% the contributions %rom the $arious &seudo com&onents in that stream. Se$eral o% the &ro&erties mentioned abo$e demand mi;in! rules )hich are $er* non-linear in %orm and are %re=uentl* &ro&rietar*. 8hese &ro&erties are trac7ed throu!hout &rocesses %or a $ariet* o% reasons e.!. cloud &oint ma* be a control &oint %or a distillation &roduct streams( metals content )hich are catal*st &oisons is re=uired b* reactor models and other &ro&erties such as sul&hur and cetane number must be 7no)n %or &roduct =ualit* control.


lowsheet Simulation

For distillation( at least( o% crude oil( thermod*namic re&resentation is strai!ht%or)ard e$en thou!h the characteri4ation o% the material is not strai!ht%or)ard. For instance( se$eral %eeds each re&resented b* a CCG %raction ma* be &resent in an* one simulation e.!. i% a number o% di%%erent oils are &resent. As a conse=uence there could be more than one &seudo-com&onent o% identical boilin! &oint but di%%erin! in all other &ro&erties( most &articularl* densit*. ,* con$ention each &seudo-com&onent has an in$ented name )hich contains the normal boilin! &oint number %or eas* reco!nition e.!. N,P--20. Clearl*( i% a com&onent list has t)o or more &seudos )ith the same boilin! &oint and di%%erent &ro&erties( the s*stem has to mana!e that e$entualit*J &roducin! uni=ue names ma* be one a&&roach. Procedures %or mathematicall* combinin! oils or oil %ractions into a sin!le blend o% consolidated boilin! cur$e( densit* cur$e and so on( )ith a conse=uent brea7do)n into a sin!le set o% &seudos is common &ractice. Si!ni%icantl*( this ste& is &er%ormed be%ore sol$in! the %lo)sheet &ro&er. @o)e$er( i% the re=uirement is to retain in a %lo)sheet the identit* o% each constituent oil then there seems no sim&le )a* around characterisin! each one se&aratel* and introducin! as man* corres&ondin! sets o% &seudos as there are oils to the simulation. 8his is entirel* achie$able in commercial simulators toda* but at a &rice )hich challen!es &racticalit*. 8he number o% com&onents in the com&onent list )ould run to man* hundreds or e$en thousands 1%or a re%iner*3( )hich ad$ersel* a%%ects( at a minimum( the run time &er%ormance. A com&onent list must be ca&able o% dealin! )ith the entire oil( or oil blend( as a sin!le Emacro com&onentF as %ar as de%inin! total %lo)rate is concerned( *et must also brea7 this do)n into &seudo-com&onents. 23'3' Oil !efining

istillation is ade=uatel* modelled usin! the &seudo-com&onent a&&roach %or the characteri4ation o% oil blends or oil %ractions. @o)e$er( &seudo-com&onents &ose di%%iculties %or modellin! e;traction and certain reaction &rocesses. Com&onent distribution coe%%icients describin! a li=uid-li=uid e;traction &rocess )ould most commonl* be determined b* a li=uid acti$it* model. ,ut( acti$it* coe%%icients %or &seudo-com&onents o% un7no)n molecular structure are indeterminate. For reaction &rocesses too( &seudo-com&onents ha$e their limitationsM %ormal reactions cannot be e;&ressed( elemental balance ma* be com&romised and heat o% reaction is not readil* &redictable since heat o% %ormation is uncertain.

8he modellin! o% re%iner* reactors is relati$el* strai!ht%or)ard %or li!ht-ends &rocesses and relati$el* com&le; %or hea$*-ends &rocesses. 2eactors )hich deal )ith li!ht %eeds 1CC-3( )hich include al7*lation( isomerisation( 58,0( Catal*tic &ol*merisation &rocesses and so on can be a&&roached in the same )a* as %or an* other chemical &rocess. Pro&ert* data o% the actual com&ounds is a$ailable %rom data ban7s( the reactions are 7no)n( the stoichiometr* is 7no)n and the 7inetics:e=uilibrium are !enerall* )ell 7no)n. Simulator architectures cater %or this !eneral re=uirement alread*( e$en i% the s&eci%ication o% &ro&rietar* 7inetics is simulator-s&eci%ic. Catal*tic 2e%ormin! &rocesses handle sli!htl* hea$ier %eeds 1na&htha3 but( as earlier( the chemistr* is )ell 7no)n. 8*&icall*( ;; com&onents and ** reactions mi!ht be re=uired. 8he challen!e %or this t*&e o% reaction model is that the u&stream simulated %eed to the reactor ma* be characterised b* &seudo-com&onents 1&lus Para%%inic Ole%inic Na&hthenic Aromatic brea7do)n3 so a )a* is needed to Ema&F the boilin! cur$e onto the ;; com&onents. 8hese com&onents ma* be internal to the reactor >O and not a&&ear else)here in the %lo)sheet. 2e%iner* con$ersion &rocesses con$ert hi!h boilin! material into more $aluable li!ht &roducts such as !asoline and diesel( and %or these the chemistr* is com&le; and %undamental models are a rarit*. 8here are t)o cate!ories o% con$ersion &rocessM catal*tic and thermal. Fluidised catal*tic crac7in! 1FCC3( h*drocrac7in! and residue crac7in! are o% the catal*tic t*&e )hereas $isbrea7in! and co7in! are thermalt*&e. 0ither )a*( a semi-em&irical a&&roach is common combinin! limited theor* )ith &lant data to &roduce statistical models em&lo*in! tunin! %actors. One such %actor ma* account %or catal*st de-acti$ation( %or instance. Commercial so%t)are %or these reactor t*&es does e;ist %or the indi$idual unitsJ their im&lementation in %lo)sheet simulation is rare. Puri%ication &rocesses( e.!. de-sul&hurisation( treat the &articular h*drocarbon %raction )ith !aseous h*dro!en at ele$ated &ressure( o$er catal*st( and the &articular &rocess ma* be $a&our-&hase or t)o-&hase. 8hese are 7inetic &rocesses %or )hich semi-em&irical methods are usuall* ado&ted. 8he common thread in the %ore-mentioned &rocesses is that %eed to a con$ersion or &uri%ication unit )ill be( in %lo)sheetin! terms( a stream com&risin! &seudo-com&onents. Possibilities( o% $ar*in! acce&tabilit*( %or de%inin! the &roduct streams %or the &articular reactor model includeM *nlet is descri"ed "y a gi0en set of pseudo1component properties2 outlet is determined t!e same pseudo1component properties. 8he amount o% material in each &seudo in the e%%luent is determined b* the reactor al!orithm. Since these &rocesses are 7no)n to chan!e both the basic and the &etroleum &ro&erties o% the material( the e%%luent &ro&erties assi!ned to the outlet stream )ill be inaccurate. For instance( across a $isbrea7er( or e$en a milder reactor such as a h*drotreater( there is onl* a sli!ht shi%t in boilin! ran!e %rom inlet to outlet but the accom&an*in! shi%t in densit* cur$e is mar7ed. *nlet is descri"ed "y a gi0en set of pseudo1component properties2 outlet is descri"ed "y a different set of pseudo1component properties. A se$ere limitation o% most con$entional commercial simulators is that a second set o% &seudos( )hich )ill carr* the e%%luent( must be de%ined a &riori 1be%ore the simulation starts3 and( bein! o% %i;ed &ro&erties( )ill not chan!e )ith reactor o&eratin! conditions. 8he simulator carries both sets o% &seudos throu!hout the %lo)sheet. 8he reactor al!orithm E%illsF the second set o% &seudos &erha&s b* a&&l*in! %i;ed *ields 1deri$ed %rom &lant measurement3. 8he combined com&onent list is ob$iousl* much lon!er than %or the &re$ious scenario( e$en thou!h there ma* be almost com&lete o$erla& bet)een the t)o sets o% &seudos as a conse=uence o% a small shi%t in boilin! ran!e bet)een inlet and outlet. 8his is com&utationall* ine%%icient as it a%%ects the solution time %or all other unit o&erations in the %lo)sheet. *nlet is descri"ed "y a gi0en set of pseudo1component properties2 outlet is determined "y t!e same pseudo1component properties and internally t!e reactor model 3maps4 pseudos to real c!emical compounds. /n this instance the reactor model a&&lies a %ormal chemistr* to the reaction. 8he real chemical com&ounds could be &urel* internal to the


reactor model. 8he e%%luent stream can easil* be constituted bac7 into &seudo com&onents %or %eedin! do)nstream &rocesses. *nlet is descri"ed "y a gi0en set of pseudo1component properties2 outlet is determined "y t!e 3dynamically4 re0ised pseudo1component properties. 8his re&resents an ideal )hereb* all &ro&erties o% each &seudo-com&onent 1basic and &etroleum3( other than boilin! &oint( are u&dated b* the reactor al!orithm. Such a solution introduces the conce&t o% stream-de&endent com&onent &ro&erties.




&e9tual re8uirements

Petroleum %ractions are !enerated %rom &etroleum assa*. Petroleum assa* data are !enerall* a$ailable in standard %orm such as AS85 8C or 8rue ,oilin! Point 18,P3 anal*sis. 8he data are in the %orm o% &ercent boiled o%% $ersus tem&erature. ?i$en these data and other in%ormation such as bul7 s&eci%ic !ra$it* 1or cur$e3( and bul7 molecular )ei!ht 1or cur$e3( &etroleum %ractions can be !enerated. 0ach &etroleum %raction )ill ha$e assi!ned to it a molecular )ei!ht( s&eci%ic !ra$it* and boilin! tem&erature. From these basic data( other characteri4ation &arameters and &ro&erties such as critical &ro&erties 18C( PC( #C( NC3( ideal !as heat ca&acit*( $a&or &ressure( and li=uid $iscosit* can be estimated %rom industr* standard correlation such as the Lee-Kesler or 2ia4i- aubert methods. /n !eneral( these characteri4ation &arameters and &ro&erties do not chan!e in the course o% the simulation. From the &ro&ert*-model &oint o% $ie)( &etroleum %ractions are the same as real com&onents( such as methane or )ater. Note that the methods used to estimate these characteri4ation &arameters can be traced usin! the re&ortin! %unctions o% the Pro&ert* S*stem. 8here is another class o% &ro&erties associated )ith &etroleum assa*M cur$es o% &ro&erties such as 2eid $a&or &ressure( carbon content( $iscosit*( $arious metal contents( cloud &oint( and so on. 8he cur$es o% &ro&erties are normall* !i$en as a %unction o% &ercent boiled o%% or tem&erature. 0ach cur$e &ro&ert* %or a !i$en &etroleum assa* can be bro7en do)n 1sliced3 in the same )a* as the Assa* 8C or 8,P dataJ )ith a &ro&ert* $alue associated )ith a corres&ondin! &etroleum %raction. 8hese &ro&erties( i% not chan!ed durin! the course o% the calculations( are not an* di%%erent %rom the characteri4ation &arameters 8C( PC( etc discussed in the &re$ious &ara!ra&h. @o)e$er( these &ro&erties assi!ned to a &etroleum %raction can chan!e durin! the %lo)sheet calculations( )hen( %or e;am&le( the com&onents under!o chemical reactions in a reactor bloc7. 8he sul%ur contents ma* be chan!ed in a desul%uri4ation unit. /n %act( a reactor model can also alter the molecular )ei!ht or s&eci%ic !ra$it* o% a !i$en &etroleum %raction. As a result( the &etroleum %raction )ill also need to be recharacteri4ed. 1Note that )hen the &etroleum %raction is re-characteri4ed( the methods used to estimate the &ro&ert* and &arameters o% the %raction )ill not be chan!ed3. .hen the characteri4ation &arameters and &etroleum &ro&erties o% a &etroleum %raction are chan!ed( the &etroleum %raction essentiall* becomes a ne) s&ecies 1com&onent3. /n other )ords( the reactor !enerates a ne) set o% &etroleum %ractions. 8he characteri4ation &arameters and cur$e &ro&erties o% these ne) %ractions must be determined. /% the reactor is )ithin a rec*cle loo&( &ro&erties o% these %ractions must be continuall* u&dated. /t is e$ident that ne) inter%aces are re=uired to u&date characteri4ation &arameters and cur$e &ro&erties %or &etroleum %ractions. 8he CAP0-OP0N material tem&late contains the com&onent 1s&ecies3 in%ormation. 8o handle &etroleum assa* and %raction( the material tem&late should be e;tended to include assa* and %ractions. 8o allo) trac7in! o% &etroleum &ro&erties as the &etroleum %ractions !o throu!h the %lo)sheet %rom one >nits model to another 1and ma* chan!e in the 2eactor model3( the material tem&late should be e;tended to include the &etroleum &ro&erties as attributes. Another &roblem related to assa*s and &etroleum %ractions is one o% lum&in! and de-lum&in!. /t is com&utationall* e;&ensi$e to deal )ith a lar!e number o% com&onents. /n &etroleum re%inin!( it is not unusual to ha$e B0 to -00 &etroleum %ractions. /t is desirable to reduce the number o% com&onents )ithout sacri%icin! the calculation accurac*. 8here are a$ailable methods to lum& &etroleum %ractions into a smaller set o% %ractions and $ice $ersa. /nter%aces are re=uired %or these %eatures.



Summar: of re8uirements and new interfaces for petroleum assa: and fractions R1. New 4ro4erties such as 2eid $a&or &ressure( cloud &oint. o% &ro&erties. e%ine the com&lete list

R2. "aterial Tem4late e;tension to include com&onent t*&e to allo) handlin! o% assa*s and &etroleum %ractions. o e%ine the list o% com&onent t*&esM real neutral com&onent( ions( assa*( &etroleum %raction( &ol*mer( etc.

R$. "aterial Tem4late e;tension to include &etroleum &ro&erties as attributes. R). New Interface to re3c5aracteri6e 4se7do com4onent 4arameters . o o 5ethod %or number o% &etroleum com&onents. 5ethod %or u&datin! characteri4ation &arameters %or a !i$en set o% &etroleum com&onents

R-. New Interface to 74date 4etrole7m 4ro4erties. o o o o 5ethod %or number o% &etroleum &ro&erties. 5ethod %or number o% &etroleum com&onents and real com&onents. 5ethod %or u&datin! &etroleum &ro&ert*. 5ethod %or co&*in! &etroleum &ro&ert*

R0. New Interface to l7m4 4etrole7m fractions into smaller set o% %ractions 1includin! the corres&ondin! characteri4ation &arameters and cur$e &ro&erties3 R1. Interface to de3l7m4 4etrole7m fractions into its ori!inal set o% %ractions.



Summar: of re8uirements that will ;e fulfilled with the proposed interfaces R1. New 4ro4erties are included R2. "aterial Tem4late. e;tension to include com&onent t*&e to allo) handlin! o% assa*s and &etroleum %ractions.

+!is will "e done "y modifying t!e +5R( interface ICapeThermoPropertyPackage R$. "aterial Tem4late e;tension to include &etroleum &ro&erties as attributes.

+!ese will all "e included in t!e (aterial O"6ect R). New Interface to re3c5aracteri6e 4se7do com4onent 4arameters . o 5ethod %or number o% &etroleum com&onents.

+!is is implicit in t!e qualifiers of t!e pseudo components2 i.e. t!e sum of components wit! t!e qualifier Petroleum,raction will "e t!e num"er of petroleum components o 5ethod %or u&datin! characteri4ation &arameters %or a !i$en set o% &etroleum com&onents.

7ew interface will "e required for t!e Property Pac8ages 9see :Requirements form ot!er Pac8ages;< R-. New Interface to 74date 4etrole7m 4ro4erties. o 7ot supported o 5ethod %or number o% &etroleum com&onents and real com&onents. 5ethod %or number o% &etroleum &ro&erties.

*mplicit in t!e component qualifiers o Supported o Supported R0. New Interface to l7m4 4etrole7m fractions into smaller set o% %ractions 1includin! the corres&ondin! characteri4ation &arameters and cur$e &ro&erties3 5ethod %or co&*in! &etroleum &ro&ert* 5ethod %or u&datin! &etroleum &ro&ert*.

7ot supported R1. Interface to de3l7m4 4etrole7m fractions into its ori!inal set o% %ractions.

7ot supported



)ses cases

*lows5eet 27ilder. 8he &erson )ho sets u& the %lo)sheet( the structure o% the %lo)sheet( chooses thermo models and the unit o&eration models that are in the %lo)sheet. 8his &erson hands o$er a )or7in! %lo)sheet to the Flo)sheet >ser 8he Flo)sheet ,uilder can act as a Flo)sheet >ser. #im7lator 8ec7ti9e. 8he &art o% a simulator )hose Lob it is to create( or load( a &re$iousl* stored %lo)sheet( sol$e it and dis&la* the results. Refinery UNIT :R *3UNIT;. A CAP0-OP0N >nit O&eration re=uirin! &etroleum %ractions recharacteri4ation &rocedures. 8hese are t*&icall* reactor o&erations and blenders:mi;ers.


$ist of )se Cases

>C-00- Add 20F->N/8 to Flo)sheet >C-002 S&eci%* 20F >N/8Os 5aterial Connections >C-00" 20F->N/8 ?ets Petro Pro&s %rom /nlet 5aterial Connections >C-004 20F->N/8s Sets Petro Pro&s in Outlet 5aterial Connections. >C-00B 20F->N/8 e%ines Outlet 5aterial ObLects %rom /nlet 5aterial ObLects. >C-00C 0$aluate 20F->N/8.



)se Cases %aps

*ig7re 1 Use3Cases ma4 '3'3+ )se Cases 20F->N/8 8O FLO.S@008

>C-00- A

ActorsM Flo)sheet ,uilder Priorit*M As in >N/8 >se Case Add >N/8 to Flo)sheet Classi%icationM Conte;tM Pre-conditionsM As in >N/8 >se Case Add >N/8 to Flo)sheet Flo) o% e$entsM As in >N/8 >se Case Add >N/8 to Flo)sheet( but the >N/8 is a 2e%iner* >N/8. AndM 8he Simulator 0;ecuti$e as7s the >N/8 is it is a 2e%iner* >N/8 1i.e. re=uires &etroleum %raction &ro&erties3 /% so( the Simulator 0;ecuti$e )ill as7 the >N/8 i% it re=uires re-characteri4ation o% &etroleum %raction &ro&erties 1see note belo)3. 20

7ote= 8*&icall*( a Simulator 0;ecuti$e not a)are o% Hcom&onent continuous &ro&ertiesI 1S/5PA3 )ill need du&licatin! the com&onent slate in the outlets to HemulateI continuous &ro&erties( )hile in a Simulator 0;ecuti$e able to co&e )ith Hcom&onent continuous &ro&ertiesI 1S/5P,3 this is not re=uired. /n both cases 1S/5PA and S/5P,3 the >N/8 )ill be &resented )ith a sin!le com&onent slate( and there%ore( %or a >N/8 there )ill be no di%%erence re!ardin! the ca&abilities o% the Simulator 0;ecuti$e. S/5PA )ill ha$e a set o% &seudo com&onents in the inlets 1e.!. @QPP?2O>PP-3 and t)o sets o% &seudo com&onents in the outlets 1e.!. @QPP?2O>PP- and @QPP?2O>PP23. Flo) rates o% @QPP?2O>PP- in the outlets )ill be all 4ero( since >N/8 results )ill be in %act re&resented in @QPP?2O>PP2. 8o emulate continuous &ro&erties 1%rom the &ers&ecti$e o% a >N/83( S/5PA )ill ha$e to clone outlets( and remo$e the additional com&onent slate @QPP?2O>PP2. 8he cloned outlet )ill be the one &resented to the >N/8 1i.e. contain a sin!le com&onent slate( e.!. @QPP?2O>P3 .hen the >N/8 o&erates on outlet h*&o !rou& 1@QPP?2O>P3( S/5PA )ill 7no) these o&erations ha$e to actuall* be &er%ormed on @QPP?2O>PP2 and not on @QPP?2O>PP-. Post-conditionsM As in >N/8 >se Case Add >N/8 to Flo)sheet. 0rrorsM As in >N/8 >se Case Add >N/8 to Flo)sheet >sesM 0;tendsM >N/8 >se Case RAdd >N/8 to Flo)sheetS

>C-002 SP0C/FQ 20F->N/8S 5A802/AL CONN0C8/ONS

ActorsM Flo)sheet ,uilder Priorit*M As in >N/8 >se Case S&eci%* >N/8Os 5aterial Connections Classi%icationM Conte;tM Pre-conditionsM As in >N/8 >se Case S&eci%* >N/8Os 5aterial Connections Flo) o% e$entsM As in >N/8 >se Case S&eci%* >N/8Os 5aterial Connections( but the >N/8 is a 2e%iner* >N/8. AndM 8he >N/8 )ill chec7 that the connected 5aterial ObLect su&&orts &etroleum %ractions. Post-conditionsM As in >N/8 >se Case S&eci%* >N/8Os 5aterial Connections. 0rrorsM As in >N/8 >se Case S&eci%* >N/8Os 5aterial Connections AndM the connected 5aterial ObLect does not su&&ort &etroleum %ractions. 21

>sesM 0;tendsM >N/8 >se Case RS&eci%* >N/8Os 5aterial ConnectionsS

>C- 00" 20F->N/8 ?08S P082O P2OPS F2O5 /NL08 5A802/AL CONN0C8/ONS
ActorsM 20F >N/8 Priorit*M @i!h Classi%icationM Conte;tM Pre-conditionsM 8he >N/8 has indicated to the Simulator 0;ecuti$e that it is a 20F >N/8. 8hus the Simulator 0;ecuti$e can &re&are its 5aterial ObLects a&&ro&riatell*. Flo) o% e$entsM As in the >N/8 >se Case R?et /n&ut 5aterial Streams From /n&ut PortsS( but the in%ormation to !ather is no) concernin! Petroleum Fractions( thusM 8he >N/8 connects )ith the &art o% its inlet 5aterial ObLect that carries Petroleum Fraction &ro&erties 8he >N/8 re=uests certain HPetroFracI &ro&erties. 8hese &ro&erties can corres&ond toM

A3 A &articular HPetroFracI &seudo com&onent 1e.!. molecular )ei!ht( densit*( N,P( etc3( in )hich case the >N/8 )ill su&&l* the identi%iers o% the com&onents )hose &ro&erties are to be retrie$ed. ,3 8he )hole PetroFracs 1e.!. sin!le &ro&erties such as PourPoint( FlashPoint( etc( or cur$e &ro&erties such as 8,PCur$e3 Post-conditionsM 8he >N/8 is deli$ered )ith the re=uested &ro&ert*. 0rrorsM 8he &ro&ert* does not e;ist as s&eci%ied b* the 20F >N/8 >sesM 0;tendsM >N/8 >se Case R?et /n&ut 5aterial Streams From /n&ut PortsS

>C- 004 20F->N/8 S08S P082O P2OPS /N O>8L08 5A802/AL CONN0C8/ONS

ActorsM 20F >N/8 Priorit*M @i!h Classi%icationM Conte;tM Pre-conditionsM 8he >N/8 has indicated to the Simulator 0;ecuti$e that it is a 20F >N/8. 8hus the Simulator 0;ecuti$e can &re&are its 5aterial ObLects a&&ro&riatel*. 25

Flo) o% e$entsM As in the >N/8 >se Case RSet Out&ut 5aterial Streams 8hrou!h PortsS( but the in%ormation to set is no) concernin! Petroleum Fractions( thusM 8he >N/8 connects )ith the &art o% its outlet 5aterial ObLect that carries Petroleum Fraction &ro&erties 8he >N/8 tries settin! certain HPetroFracI &ro&erties. 8hese &ro&erties can corres&ond toM

A3 A &articular HPetroFracI &seudo com&onent 1e.!. molecular )ei!ht( densit*( N,P( etc3( in )hich case the >N/8 )ill su&&l* the identi%iers o% the com&onents )hose &ro&erties are to be retrie$ed. ,3 8he )hole PetroFracs 1e.!. sin!le &ro&erties such as PourPoint( FlashPoint( etc( or cur$e &ro&erties such as 8,PCur$e3 8he >N/8 tries re-characterisin! the ne)l* s&eci%ied Outlet 5aterial Stream 8he Simulator 0;ecuti$e )ill &er%orm a recharacteri4ation based on the su&&lied &ro&erties. Post-conditionsM 8he &ro&erties &ro$ided b* the >N/8 are acce&ted b* the outlet material obLect 2e-characterication o% the outlet material:s obLect:s &roceeds success%ull* 0rrorsM 2e-characteri4ation %ails 1i.e. the a$ailable methods %or characterisin! the &seudo com&onents can not &rocess the ne)l* s&eci%ied &etro &ro&erties3 >sesM 0;tendsM >N/8 >se Case RSet Out&ut 5aterial Streams 8hrou!h PortsS

>C- 00B 20F->N/8 0F/N0S O>8L08 5A802/AL O,+0C8S F2O5 /NL08 5A802/AL O,+0C8S
ActorsM 20F >N/8 Priorit*M @i!h Classi%icationM Conte;tM Pre-conditionsM 8he >N/8 has indicated to the Simulator 0;ecuti$e that it is a 20F >N/8. 8hus the Simulator 0;ecuti$e can &re&are its 5aterial ObLects a&&ro&riatel*. Flo) o% e$entsM >N/8 !ets /n&ut 5aterial ObLects and Outlet 5aterial ObLects >N/8 re=uests Outlet 5aterial ObLect to be s&eci%ied as the /nlet 5aterial ObLect 1i.e. co&* inlet to outlet3 >N/8 re=uests %rom the Simulator to 2echaracterise the outlet. Post-conditionsM 8he &ro&erties &ro$ided b* the >N/8 are acce&ted b* the outlet material obLect


2e-characterication o% the outlet material:s obLect:s &roceeds success%ull* 0rrorsM 2e-characteri4ation %ails 1i.e. the a$ailable methods %or characterisin! the &seudo com&onents can not &rocess the ne)l* s&eci%ied &etro &ro&erties3 >sesM 0;tendsM >N/8 >se Case RSet Out&ut 5aterial Streams 8hrou!h PortsS

>C- 00C 0#AL>A80 20F->N/8

ActorsM Simulator 0;ecuti$e Priorit*M @i!h Classi%icationM Conte;tM Pre-conditionsM As in >N/8 >se Case 0$aluate >N/8. Flo) o% e$entsM As in >N/8 >se Case 0$aluate >N/8( but the tar!et >N/8 is a 2e%iner* >N/8. Post-conditionsM As in >N/8 >se Case 0$aluate >N/8. 0rrorsM As in >N/8 >se Case 0$aluate >N/8. >sesM 0;tendsM >N/8 >se Case R0$aluate >N/8S



Se8uence Diagrams

*ig7re 2 "ain se<7ence diagram



Anal:sis and Design



Se8uence diagrams


Interface diagrams

8he inter%ace ICapeThermoPetroFractions )ill be im&lemented on the 5aterial ObLect( as the inter%ace ICapeThermoMaterialObject is( and )ill ser$e %or 2e%iner* >nit O&eration to access &etroleum %raction &ro&erties. /N-00- /N802FAC0 /A?2A5

<<Interface>> ICapeThermoMaterialObject

<<Interface>> ICape#nit

<<Interface>> ICapeThermoPetroFractions SetPetroProp GetPetroProp Remo ePetroProp Characteri!e "efineFromPetroFractions

<<Interface>> ICape#nitTypeInfo Get#nitType

*ig7re $ Interface diagram 8he inter%ace ICape#nitTypeInfo )ill be im&lemented on the >N/8 and )ill !i$e the Simulator 0;ecuti$e in%ormation on the t*&e o% >nit O&erationsJ more s&eci%icall* the simulator )ill need to 7no) i% the o&eration is a re%iner* reactor( an oil blender( other re%iner* o&eration di%%erent %rom the %irst t)o( or an* other re!ular unit o&eration. Althou!h the inter%ace ICape#nitTypeInfo is s&eci%icall* de%ined %or the Simulator to 7no) that a re%iner* o&eration has been inserted in the %lo)sheet( this inter%ace can be used to &ro$ide a classi%ication o% an* t*&e o% >nit O&eration.


State diagrams


Other diagrams


CO-00- CO5PON0N8S /A?2A5


Interfaces Description

8he inter%ace &ro&osed to co$er the >se Cases &resented abo$e is named ICapeThermoPetroFractions. Follo)in! solutions &ro&osed in CAP0-OP0N %or similar %unctionalities( e.!. ICapeThermoMaterialObject( the inter%ace ICapeThermoPetroFractions is desi!ned as a &ro&erties container. Since it is not reasonable to assume the o&eratin! &rocedures and %unctionalit* o% e$er* re%iner* o&eration( the inter%ace and the underl*in! callin! &atterns 1as it )ill be sho)n later3 do not im&ose an* restriction re!ardin! the amount and t*&e o% &ro&erties a re%iner* o&eration re=uires:&ro$ides %rom:to the hostin! simulation en$ironment. 8hus( certain o&erations li7e blenders ma* need the distillation cur$e o% the inlet crude( &lus some bul7 &ro&erties to !enerate the blended outlet. Others( such as reactors( ma* need the com&lete &seudo com&onent slate and their associated com&onent &arameters. 8he Simulator 0;ecuti$e )ill &ro$ide the inlet 5aterial ObLects )ith as much in%ormation as it can 1e.!. com&lete characterised com&onent slate( distillation cur$es( bul7 &ro&erties( etc3. 8he 2e%iner* O&eration )ill &ro$ide as much in%ormation as it can to its outlet 5aterial ObLects( and )ill re=uest %rom the Simulator 0;ecuti$e to com&lete re-characteri4ation. (3032
/nter%ace Name 5ethod Name 2eturns

ICape&hermoPetro ractions
/Ca&e8hermoPetroFractions SetPetroPro& --


Sets characteri4ation &ro&erties %or indi$idual &etroleum %ractions and %or the com&lete set o% &etroleum %ractions 1in the %orm o% bul7 &ro&erties and cur$es3

Name TinU &ro&ert*/ TinU com&/ 8*&e Ca&eStrin! Ca&eArra*Strin! escri&tion Characteri4ation &ro&ert* to set 1see 8ables '.- and '.23 Com&onent )hose characteri4ation &ro&ert* is to be u&dated. /% com&/ is N>LL( it means the &ro&ert* a&&lies to all &etro %ractions 1bul7 &ro& or characteri4ation cur$e3 TinU basis Ca&eStrin! Calculation basis %or the &etroleum &ro&ert* 1e.!. mass( mole( $olume3. 0;&ansion o% the currentl* a$ailable 8@25 basis =uali%ier. 8his includes $olume #alue o% the &ro&ert*. /% com&/ is &ro$ided the &ro&ert* to be set )ill be an indi$idual $alue stored in the %irst &osition o% the arra*. /% com&/ is not s&eci%ied( then the &ro&ert* to be set is a cur$e &ro&ert* %or all the %ractions( and the $alue )ill be an arra*

TinU $alues

Ca&eArra* ouble

0Ca&e>n7no)n( 0Ca&e/n$alidAr!ument
/nter%ace Name 5ethod Name 2eturns /Ca&e8hermoPetroFractions ?etPetroPro& Ca&eArra* ouble

?ets characteri4ation &ro&erties %or indi$idual &etroleum %ractions and %or the com&lete set o% &etroleum %ractions 1in the %orm o% bul7 &ro&erties and cur$es3. /t returns the $alue o% the &ro&ert*. /% com&/ is &ro$ided( it )ill return an indi$idual $alue stored in the %irst &osition o% the arra*. /% com&/ is not s&eci%ied( it )ill return a cur$e &ro&ert* %or all the %ractions( and the $alue )ill be an arra*.

Name TinU &ro&ert*/ TinU com&/ 8*&e Ca&eStrin! Ca&eArra*Strin! escri&tion Characteri4ation &ro&ert* to set. Com&onent )hose characteri4ation &ro&ert* is to be u&dated. /% com&/ is N>LL( it means the &ro&ert* a&&lies to all &etro %ractions 1bul7 &ro& or characteri4ation cur$e3 TinU basis Ca&eStrin! Calculation basis %or the &etroleum &ro&ert* 1e.!. mass( mole( '+


0Ca&e>n7no)n( 0Ca&e/n$alidAr!ument
/nter%ace Name 5ethod Name 2eturns /Ca&e8hermoPetroFractions Characteri4e --

2e-characteri4es the set o% &etroleum %ractions )ith the currentl* a$ailable set o% characteri4ation &ro&erties.


0Ca&e>n7no)n( 0Ca&eSol$in!0rror( 0Ca&eCom&utation( 0Ca&eLicense0rror( 0Ca&eOutO%2esources
/nter%ace Name 5ethod Name 2eturns /Ca&e8hermoPetroFractions 2emo$ePetroPro& --

2emo$es an* e;istin! characteri4ation &ro&erties %or indi$idual &etroleum %ractions and %or the com&lete set o% &etroleum %ractions 1in the %orm o% bul7 &ro&erties and cur$es3

Name TinU &ro&ert*/ 8*&e Ca&eStrin! escri&tion Characteri4ation &ro&ert* to remo$ed. /% a &ro&ert* is remo$ed it )ill not be ta7en into account %or recharacteri4ation. TinU com&/ Ca&eArra*Strin! Com&onent )hose characteri4ation &ro&ert* is to be remo$ed. Set this to N>LL %or a bul7 &ro&ert* or a characteri4ation cur$e


0Ca&e>n7no)n( 0Ca&e/n$alidAr!ument
/nter%ace Name 5ethod Name 2eturns -/Ca&e8hermoPetroFractions e%ineFromPetroFractions

Co&ies all &etroleum &ro&erties o% the ori!in set o% &etroleum &ro&erties to the tar!et set o% &etroleum &ro&erties. /t )ill be used b* those o&erations that do not modi%* characteri4ation &ro&erties( but sim&l* &ass them to the outlet.

Name TinU ori!inFractionsSet 8*&e Ca&e/nter%ace escri&tion PetroFractionsSet )hose &ro&erties )ill be co&ied to this Fractions Set

0Ca&e>n7no)n( 0Ca&e/n$alidAr!ument

/nter%ace Name 5ethod Name 2eturns

/Ca&e>nit8*&e/n%o ?et>nit8*&e Ca&e>nit8*&e

?ets the t*&e o% >nit O&eration. Amon! others( the %ollo)in! t*&es should be de%inedM Ca&e>nit8*&eM




0Ca&e>n7no)n( 0Ca&e/n$alidAr!ument


Scenarios < Proposed Scenario to #alidate the Interfaces

(3132 Introduction

As described in this document( the &ro&osed inter%aces su&&ort the o&erations o% re%iner* units( b* e;&osin! a series o% &ro&erties( characteristics o% the oil industr*. /n this sense( the ne) inter%aces increase the container ca&abilities o% the 5aterial ObLect. /n addition to this( the ne) inter%aces &ro&ose a com&lete ne) beha$ior 1i.e. re-characteri4ation o% &seudo com&onents3( that a%%ects the %unctionalit* re=uired %rom CAP0-OP0N &ro&ert* &ac7a!es. 8hus( to su&&ort continuous u&datin! o% com&onent &ro&erties 1)hich is somethin! that e.!. re%iner* reactors and blenders )ill re=uire3( a CAP0-OP0N &ro&ert* &ac7a!e( i% a&&lied to the %lo)sheet( has to allo) its com&onents &ro&erties to be u&dated durin! the course o% the simulation. 8his im&lies modi%*in! the set o% inter%aces %or 8hermo Pro&ert* Pac7a!e( and conse=uentl* enhancin! the e;istin! &rotot*&es. Since( %rom a realistic $ie)&oint( this )ill not be achie$able )ithin the remainin! &roLect &eriod( the &ro&osed $alidation scenario assumes that no CAP0-OP0N &ro&ert* &ac7a!e is a&&lied to the %lo)sheet. 2ather( nati$e simulator &ro&ert* &ac7a!e )ill be used. 8his sim&li%ication o% the &roLect does not com&romise or modi%ies the testin! o% the &ro&osed inter%aces. 8hus( to test the ICapeThermoPetroFractions and ICape#nitTypeInfo inter%aces( the onl* re=uirements areM -3 to ha$e a >N/8 &lu!( that )ill act as a client o% ICapeThermoPetroFractions( and 23 to modi%* the im&lementation o% the 5aterial ObLect to su&&ort the ne) inter%ace and to &ro$ide the >N/8 &lu! )ith the re=uired &etroleum &ro&erties. 8he >N/8 &lu! )ill need to be able to estimate &seudo com&onent &ro&erties( but this )ill be achie$ed usin! simulator nati$e characteri4ation methods. Althou!h the &ro&osed inter%aces allo) &lu!!in! re%iner* >N/8 com&onents into Simulators a)are or una)are o% continuous &ro&erties( the &rotot*&e )ill be demonstrated in a non-continuous &ro&erties simulator 1e.!. @QSQS.Process3. (313' #alidation Scenario

8he &ro&osed &rotot*&e is an oil blender. 8he oil blender )ill acce&t t)o inlet material obLects( each re&resentin! a distinct crude oil( and )ill &roduce a blended oil. Oils in each one o% the inlet 5Os )ill be re&resented b* a set o% &seudo com&onents 1e.!. OilP- is re&resented b* @*&?r&P- and OilP2 is re&resented b* @*&?r&P23. 8he blended oil )ill be re&resented b* a third !rou& o% &seudo com&onents 1e.!. @*&?r&P"3. 0ach oil )ill carr* its o)n cold &ro&erties( cur$es and com&onent characteri4ation &arameters. 8hese )ill be stored in the corres&ondin! 5Os.

8he ,lender Protot*&e )ill %etch the %ollo)in! in%ormation %rom the inletsM Accessin! the ICa4eT5ermo"aterialO>?ect inter%aceM

Number o% li!ht-end com&onents and their corres&ondin! molar %ractions:%lo)s 8em&erature and &ressure Pure Com&onent &ro&erties such as 5olecular )ei!ht and li=uid densit*

Accessin! the ICa4eT5ermo+etro*ractions inter%aceM

8,PCur$e %or the t)o inlets CutPointCur$e %or the t)o inlets 5ass ensit*Cur$e %or the t)o inlets 5ole.ei!htCur$e %or the t)o inlets

.ith this in%ormation( the blender o&eration )ill characteri4e a ne) oil based on a user s&eci%ied number o% cuts 1i.e. &seudo com&onents3. 8his ne) set o% &seudos )ill be stored as &art o% @*&oP?rou&P" 8he blender )ill &ro$ide the %ollo)in! in%ormation on its sin!le outletM 8hrou!h the ICa4eT5ermo+etro*ractions inter%aceM

Normal ,oilin! &oint o% each ne) &seudo com&onent 5olecular )ei!ht o% each ne) &seudo com&onent ensit* o% each ne) &seudo com&onent

Once this in%ormation has been &ro$ided( the blender )ill re=uest %rom the outlet material obLect to characteri4e the ne) set o% &seudo com&onents. 8he Simulator 0;ecuti$e )ill then use the s&eci%ied com&onent &ro&erties to estimate e.!. 8c( Pc( Acentric Factor( etc. 8he Simulator 0;ecuti$e )ill use its o)n characteri4ation methods to determine these com&onent &ro&erties. 8hrou!h the ICa4eT5ermo"aterialO>?ect inter%ace the blender )ill then &ro$ide the %ollo)in! in%ormationM

5ole Fractions o% each ne) &seudo com&onent 8otal molar %lo) rate o% the blended oil 8em&erature and &ressure

And )ill re=uest %rom the 5aterial ObLect to &er%orm a %lash o&eration( to com&lete calculations.



Interface Specifications

// You can get these intructions in PetroleumFractions.idl file from CAPE-OPENv1-0-0. i!



// You can get these intructions in CAPE-OPENv1-0-0.idl "ithin the CAPEOPEN100##$usiness##Ph%Pro!##&hrm##Cose module and in CAPEOPEN100##$usiness##'nitO!##'nit module



Notes on the interface specifications

!e8uirements from other components

/n order that reactor unit o&erations can )or7 inside a COS0 im&lementin! the described ICapeThermoPetroFractions inter%ace( it must be &ossible that a &ro&ert* &ac7a!e allo)s recharacteri4ation o% the &seudo com&onent &ro&erties.

8here%ore a ne) method 1or better a ne) inter%ace( e.!. /Su&&ort2echaracteri4ation3 is re=uired to u&date com&onent &ro&erties li7e molecular )ei!ht( densit*( normal boilin! &oint etcV /n addition( i% the &ro&ert* &ac7a!e is &ro$ided )ith its o)n routines to characteri4e &seudo-com&onents( this method )ill allo) acti$atin! those routines.

A ne) basis =uali%ier should be added to the 8@25 s&eci%ication( this is H$olumeI. 8hus( &ro&erties such as HOle%insI( HPara%%insI etc( can be obtained:!et in $olumetric basis( )hich is o%ten re=uired in re%iner* o&erations. 8he ICapeThermoPropertyPackage$$GetComponent%ist method should be u&dated to include a ne) com&onent =uali%ierJ this is the com&onent t*&e. 8hus( 2e!ular( PetroleumFraction( etc( )ill be $alid com&onent =uali%iers.


$ist of Petroleum raction=s properties

/3'32 Set of ractions

8hese are characteri4ation &ro&erties to be a&&lied to the )hole set o% &etroleum %ractions. Some o% the are bul7 &ro&erties( others a characteri4ation cur$es. /n the case o% cur$es( the <-a;is )ill re&resent the &ercent boil o%% 1W3( and it is !i$en as a se&arate $ariable called CutPointCur$e. 8here are &ro&erties such as S&eci%ic ?ra$it* and 5olecular .ei!ht that are common to re!ular )ell-de%ined mi;tures. 8hese )ill be accessed throu!h the e;istin! ICapeThermoMaterialObject inter%aces. P2OP028/0S OF 8@0 5/<8>20 1S/N?L0 #AL>0S3
Name .atsonK 8rue#a&orPressure 2eid#a&orPressure FlashPoint PourPoint CloudPoint Free4ePoint Ty4e ouble ouble ouble ouble ouble ouble ouble Descri4tion .atsonK 8rue #a&or Pressure 2eid #a&or Pressure Flash Point Pour Point Cloud Point Free4e Point


AnilinePoint AP/?ra$it* #iscosit*At-00F #iscosit*At2-0F 2e%racti$e/nde; NormalPara%ins/nde; Cetane/nde; 2ON 5ON Para%%ins Ole%ins /soPara%ins Na&thenes Aromatics 5erca&tanSul&hur Sul&hur Nic7el Nitro!en #anadium ConradsonCarbon As&haltenes

ouble ouble ouble ouble ouble ouble ouble ouble ouble ouble ouble ouble ouble ouble ouble ouble ouble ouble ouble ouble ouble

Aniline Point AP/ ?ra$it* #iscosit* at -00 F #iscosit* at 2-0 F 2e%racti$e /nde; NormalPara%ins /nde; Cetane /nde; 2esearch Octane Number 5otor Octane Number Para%%ins content Ole%ins content /soPara%ins content Na&thenes content Aromatics content 5erca&tanSul&hur content Sul&hur content Nic7el content Nitro!en content #anadium content Conradson Carbon content As&haltenes content

P2OP028/0S OF 8@0 5/<8>20 1A22AQS OF #AL>0S3

CutPointCur$e 8CCur$e Ca&eArra* ouble Ca&eArra* ouble Cut Point Cur$e 8C Cur$e


8CCorrectedCur$e 8,PCur$e --C0#acCur$e --C0AtmCur$e Critical8em&eratureCur$e CriticalPressureCur$e AcentricFactorCur$e 5ole.ei!htCur$e SP?2Cur$e 5ass ensit*Cur$e Para%%insCur$e Ole%insCur$e /soPara%insCur$e Na&thenesCur$e AromaticsCur$e Sul&hurCur$e

Ca&eArra* ouble Ca&eArra* ouble Ca&eArra* ouble Ca&eArra* ouble Ca&eArra* ouble Ca&eArra* ouble Ca&eArra* ouble Ca&eArra* ouble Ca&eArra* ouble Ca&eArra* ouble Ca&eArra* ouble Ca&eArra* ouble Ca&eArra* ouble Ca&eArra* ouble Ca&eArra* ouble Ca&eArra* ouble

8C Corrected Cur$e 85P Cur$e --C0 #acuum Cur$e --C0 Atmos&heric Cur$e Critical 8em&erature Cur$e Critical Pressure Cur$e Acentricit* Factor Cur$e 5ole .ei!ht Cur$e S&eci%ic ?ra$it* Cur$e 5ass ensit* Cur$e Para%%ins content Ole%ins content /soPara%ins content Na&thenes content Aromatics content Sul&hur content


Individual ractions

8hese are indi$idual &ro&erties o% each one o% the &etroleum %ractions &resent in the material obLect
Name Critical8em&erature CriticalPressure Critical#olume Acentricit* 5olecular.ei!ht Li=uid ensit* Ty4e ouble ouble ouble ouble ouble ouble Descri4tion Critical 8em&erature Critical Pressure Critical #olume Acentricit* 5olecular .ei!ht Li=uid ensit*




Normal ,oilin! Point



Protot:pes implementation



Specific .lossar: &erms




Process simulation references


Computing references


.eneral references





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