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Mr. and Mrs. Retired Client

Initial Assets: ~$1,000,000 (as of MMM DD, YYYY) Withdrawal Income Goals: Receive annual withdrawals (WDs) beginning now and continuing throughout our lifeti!es "ncrease our future WDs to hel# offset lost #urchasing #ower fro! inflation Mini!i$e the chance that ou could outlive our assets Mini!i$e undesired changes to our regular !onthl inco!e %tructure the sources of our withdrawals to !a&i!i$e long'ter! after'ta& wealth where #ossible $(,)00 #er !onth, before an ta& withholding ()*(+ is our "nitial WD Rate ) (Your !a&i!u! advisable WD Rate is as high as ,*)+ should e-uities beco!e undervalued) .o !aintain the long'ter! sustainabilit of our lifest le and withdrawal ob/ectives, our withdrawal a!ount will increase b the #rior ear0s inflation rate, unless1 2) ou decide instead to 3ee# our withdrawal a!ount the sa!e in so!e ears* 4) ne&t ear0s WD a!ount would !a3e our WD Rate !ore than ,*)+* "f so, ne&t ear0s WD a!ount is reduced b 10+ fro! what it would have been with the inflation ad/ust!ent* 5) ne&t ear0s WD a!ount would !a3e our WD Rate less than (*6+* "f so, ne&t ear0s WD a!ount is increased b 10+ fro! what it would have been with the inflation ad/ust!ent* D) neither 4 nor 5 a##lies, but the #rior ear0s invest!ent return was negative* "f so, our WD a!ount re!ains the sa!e as it was the #rior ear*

Initial WD:

Ongoing Annual Withdrawal Amounts1

Sources of 2ll interest and dividend distributions are ta3en in 5ash and held in our invest!ent account(s)* Withdrawals: 5a#ital gain distributions are reinvested in "R2 accounts and held in 5ash for after'ta& accounts* 7ollowing ears with #ositive returns that cause an e-uit categor to e&ceed its target allocation, the e&cess a!ount is sold and reinvested in 5ash or 7i&ed "nco!e to fund future WDs* Yearl WDs are funded fro! e-uities when !ar3ets are favorable and fro! fi&ed inco!e when the are not, using this #riorit 1 1) 5ash8 9) %elling 7i&ed "nco!e assets8 6) %elling :-uit assets in descending order of the #rior ear0s #erfor!ance* ;o WDs are funded b selling an :-uit asset after a negative return ear as long as 5ash or 7i&ed "nco!e assets are able to fund that ear0s WD a!ount* Acknowledgement of Understanding: 4 signing, we ac3nowledge that we have read and understand this Withdrawal <olic %tate!ent* %#ecificall , we reali$e there !a be ti!es we will be advised to free$e or reduce our withdrawal a!ount to !aintain ! =our #ortfolio0s long'ter! sustainabilit * %hould this occur, "=we understand "=we !a be as3ed to acce#t or re/ect this advice in writing*

<olic 2cce#ted1

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Date1 >>>>>>>>>>>>

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