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Accountability or accountability of the teacher to focus on three aspects of responsibility towards the profession, our responsibilities and obligations

to the school, the community and themselves. As an educator, the teacher responsible for the tasks entrusted to the channel or deliver the curriculum provided to students with effective teaching methods. 1. Accountability Against the State Professionally, the teacher is obliged to preserve the image of the teaching profession by fostering quality dedication and dedication for the nation. To achieve this objective, the teacher must cultivate their determination to enhance their skills and increase their knowledge in the field of education and other fields related to the teaching and learning process can be implemented more systematically and effectively. In addition, teachers also need: Carry out duties to spread the ideals and the National Education Goals based on National Principles. Promoting values and moral attitudes and multicultural society, according to the student. Fulfill responsibilities as citizens of Malaysia with secaracergas participate in community activities. Deepen understanding and cooperation among teachers and parents of students. Well-mannered and behave well in all social activities in order to create a harmonious atmosphere. 2. Accountability of teachers on student and Teaching Profession The teacher not only teaches the students about the subjects that have been set in kurikulam, but deliver a variety of useful knowledge for the mental development of the students. Even teachers responsible for shaping the character and personality of the students so that they become people who are knowledgeable, honorable and useful to the country. Therefore, teachers are accountable for achievement, progress and excellence of students in education and also in terms of morals and manners. In addition tanggngjawab Doing educate pupils, teachers are also responsible for maintaining the image and these behaviors themselves. This factor is very enting because teachers should be exemplary terbai to pupils. Teachers should always display the best image of well-dressed and modest, gentle and friendly, diligent and firm

and trust in their duties. With the adoption of these values, the teacher will be respected by the students. 3. Teacher To Student accountability and Parents Teachers are the second important life of every student. When parents enter their children to school, parents have great hopes for teachers to educate their children to become knowledgeable and useful to a nation. These parents hope to be trust and responsibility for teachers and must be carried out. We shall carry out their duties with full dedication in the classroom to keep on schedule, on time, and carry out teaching and learning techniques are effective. Give priority to the welfare, progress and security of students from other things. We also must be fair to all the students and guide them without asking for any payment or reward. With the implementation of the Education Act 1996, the Order of Education (Compulsory) Act 2002, the responsibility of teachers to carry out the following duties: Teaching with dedication and devoted to the progress of pupils, education and country. Worship for kebajiakan, security, progress and future of children mrid as expected by the parents. Be fair and equitable to all students regardless of race, religion, social position and ekonami pupils and their families. Nurturing, teaching and guiding the students with sincere and honest without any compensation from the parents of the students. showed a good example and friendly to students and their parents and discuss in good faith with each parent about any problems faced by the students. 4. Self Against Accountability The teaching profession is a profession that is respected by all segments of society since the country is not free anymore. Therefore, every teacher must preserve and maintain this status for the benefit of teachers in particular and education in general. To ensure that respect for the teaching profession, teachers should be responsible for the advancement of self. The following facts are important to the accountability of teachers on their own:

Take care of properly so that teachers can carry out its vibrant and energetic. Teachers should control his emotions when teaching so students can appreciate the lesson with calmness and tranquility. Equip yourself with a variety of knowledge through reading activities and other activities that are kaiatan with the teacher. Engage preformance community activities and the activities carried out by the PTA for mutual benefit. Manage own finances wisely so that income is equal to expenditure. Knowledgeable and responsive to events in the mass media or electronic sekelilingmelalui. Engaging in a hobby and beneficial activity during leisure time. 5. Against Accountability Task and Work Accountability or accountability for implementing the program with an excellent education, teachers should practice the following: Read more books on subjects covered in the curriculum. Understand a better understanding of knowledge related to the subjects taught to students. Plan and implement teaching and learning strategies that are effective and easily understood by the students. Teaching and deliver the right knowledge and the correct facts so that the students benefit from it. Participate in in-service training and educational seminars to enhance the performance and teaching skills.

Educator or teacher is to teach his (Four Edition House Dictionary, 2007), in which the teacher is the person primarily responsible for educating students in schools with science. Teachers also are those who inspire and influence through kepakaranya and get to know their students. In Arabic, was called as mudarris, which stands as an instructor. However, the teacher is not the only Muslim serving as instructors only. They are called by various calls that refer to the actual responsibilities of teachers. Some of the calls are al-Mu'allim, al-Murabbi, al-Mu'addib, alMursyid. Al-mu'allim means delivering the right knowledge. Meanwhile, al-murabbi refers to overreach or educate success of the process. Al-mu'addib was meant to teach manners and morals. And the end is al-mursyid which means shaping people leadership.

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