Present Continuous Tense Farhan

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Present Continuous Tense

The structure of the present continuous tense is: subject + auxiliary verb + main verb be base + ing Look at these examples: subject + I + You !he "e # Is # &re auxiliary verb am are is are he they main verb speaking reading not staying not playing $atching $aiting to you. this. in London. football. T%# for 'ohn#

USE 1 Now

(se the )resent *ontinuous $ith +ormal %erbs to express the idea that something is happening no$, at this very moment. It can also be used to sho$ that something is not happening no$. -xamples:

You are learning -nglish no$. I am sitting. I am not standing. Is he sitting or standing# They are not watching television. "hat are you doing#

USE 2 Longer Actions in rogress Now

In -nglish, .no$. can mean: this second, today, this month, this year, this century, and so on. !ometimes, $e use the )resent *ontinuous to say that $e are in the process of doing a longer action $hich is in progress/ ho$ever, $e might not be doing it at this exact second. -xamples: 0&ll of these sentences can be said $hile eating dinner in a restaurant.1.

I am not studying to become a dentist. I am reading the book Tom Sawyer. Are you wor!ing on any special projects at $ork#

USE " Near #uture

!ometimes, speakers use the )resent *ontinuous to indicate that something $ill or $ill not happen in the near future. -xamples:

I am meeting some friends after $ork. I am not going to the party tonight. Is he visiting his parents next $eekend# Isn$t he coming $ith us tonight#

USE % &e'etition and Irritation with (Always(

The )resent *ontinuous $ith $ords such as .al$ays. or .constantly. expresses the idea that something irritating or shocking often happens. +otice that the meaning is like !imple )resent, but $ith negative emotion. 2emember to put the $ords .al$ays. or .constantly. bet$een .be. and .verb+ing.. -xamples:

!he is always coming to class late. 3e is constantly tal!ing. I $ish he $ould shut up. I don4t like them because they are always com'laining.

&E)E)*E& Non+,ontinuous -erbs. )ixed -erbs

It is important to remember that +on *ontinuous %erbs cannot be used in any continuous tenses. &lso, certain non continuous meanings for 5ixed %erbs cannot be used in continuous tenses. Instead of using )resent *ontinuous $ith these verbs, you must use !imple )resent. -xamples:

'kl/!he is loving this chocolate ice cream. Not Correct !he loves this chocolate ice cream. Correct

6. 'ohn 7. "hat 8. 'ack and )eter 9. !ilvia :. 5aria

0read1 a book no$. 0you do1 tonight# 0$ork1 late today. 0not listen1 to music. 0sit1 next to )aul. 0you study1 $ith# 0not ring1.

;. 3o$ many other students <. The phone

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