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Purdue University School of Chemical Engineering Process Dynamics and Control CHE 456 Fall 2013

Instructor: Office: Phone: Email: Office Hours:

Professor Zoltan K Nagy FRNY G027G 765-494-0734 M 4:15-5:30 pm or by appointment TA Office hours:
Tu: 1:30-2:30 PM W: 3:00-4:00 PM F: 3:00-4:00 PM Th: 10:00-11:00 AM

Teaching Assistants: David Acedevo Rohit Jaini Anuj Verma Yang Yang


Schedule: Lectures: M and W 5:30-6:45 pm room G140 Please be punctual. Attendance is strongly recommended. There will be 3 unannounced quizzes during the lecture period, which will count towards the final grade (see below).

Grading Policy: Quizzes (average of the two highest marks) Homework Problems Team Computer Project Midterm Exams (2) Final Exam 10% 10% 10% 30% 40%

Textbook: Process Dynamics and Control (3rd Edition) Dale E. Seborg, Thomas F. Edgar, Duncan A. Mellichamp and Frank Doyle

Additional Course Materials: A set of PowerPoint slides and other handouts covering the lecture materials will be made available online. These will be very useful for preparation for the exams. It will be very helpful to print these out before class and use as templates for taking notes. Be aware that some of the notes on the web require you to fill in certain parts during the lecture. Other notes, worked problems, solutions will also be provided as necessary on the web. Additionally a vade mecum will also be provided that will include the most important equations and formulas. This vade mecum can be used for all exams and quizzes, thus it will be very useful to have this with your during each lecture. Computational Resources Matlab and Simulink is available in the CHE computer lab. Handouts for introduction to Matlab and Simulink will be provided. A series of video documents for some of the Simulink exercises will also be provided via the black board. Course Objectives: Develop a fundamental understanding of process dynamics and control using logical problem-solving techniques and computer laboratory exercises and apply these concepts to chemical engineering (or related) situations. Course Outcomes: 1. Identify a process, understand the problems physics, develop a mathematical model as a surrogate for the process, and solve the problem analytically or numerically using computer packages. Design, model, and test a hierarchical control system on a complex process. Understand the role of process control in meeting stringent safety, economic, environmental, societal, and corporate goals. Understand the building blocks of process control and synthesize them to provide complete process control solutions. Work effectively in a team to execute process control computer laboratories in a professional and ethical manner.

2. 3. 4. 5.

Course Topics: Laplace transforms; solution of differential equations; process models (linear, nonlinear, deviation variable, frequency response, transform-domain); first order, second order, nth order transfer functions; inverse response systems; time delay systems; Bode diagrams; frequency-response analysis; model formulation; step-response identification; block diagram representation; classical controllers; closed-loop transient response; proportional control offset; characteristic equation; Rouths stability test; stability by direct

substitution; root locus diagram; strategic principles of control systems; performance criteria; controller tuning; cascade control; feed forward control; feedback-augmented feed forward control; internal model control, smith predictor; basic concept of model predictive control; optimization. Prerequisites: CHE 348 and CHE 378

Course Structure: The lectures will aim to define key theoretical concepts of process control; some examples will be discusses. Several lectures will be conducted as problem solving classes when the focus will be on practical problems. Quizzes There will be three unannounced quizzes during the semester. These will consist of 2040 minutes multiple choice or numerical problems (or combination). You can drop the mark from one of these. Missing a quiz for any reason will count towards the dropped mark.

Homework Problems: Homework problems will be given out approximately biweekly depending on the material covered. For each homework assignment the exact date of submission will be given. The problems are designed primarily to help you learn the course material and to prepare you for the exams. As an added incentive, they also count 10% towards your final grade. Typically, there will be about 2-3 problems per homework assignment. In addition to this, there will be a computer exercise based on process control modules which will be uploaded in the black board. To minimize the load on the TAs for such a large class, we will only grade one of these problems, randomly selected, for each assignment. To maintain consistency in grading, it will be the same problem graded for all the students for that weeks assignment. Homework is due by the start of a lecture on the assigned date. When you turn in the homework, please attach a cover sheet that lists your name, the homework number, and the date of submission. Begin your solutions from the second page onwards. Under no conditions will late submissions be accepted; they will be graded as zero. The solutions will be posted on the course website. One of the last homework will be to fill in the course evaluation forms. To receive credit for this homework you will have to submit the confirmation page with your name on it that states that the evaluation was submitted.

Team Computer Project A team computer project will be given out towards the end of the semester. You can team up in groups of two. The project will include problems which can be solved with the help of Simulink. You will have approximately 3-4 days for the solution. You should work with your team member but cooperation between groups is not allowed. When you submit your course work on the cover sheet clearly indicate the names of both members of the group. Midterm Exams: Two midterm exams of one hour length will be given during scheduled lecture time. The exams will be either closed textbook but you can always use the vade mecum. The instructor will announce more about the exam during the exam time. The average mark from the two midterm exams amounts to 25% of the final grade. The dates of the midterms are in the class schedule. Final Exam: This will be similar to the midterm exams, except that it will cover all course material. The final exam is worth 40% of the final grade. Revised Grades: Invariably, questions arise concerning the fairness of a grade on a homework, quiz, or exam. The following policy applies to regarding: i. ii. The entire quiz, homework, or exam is subject to revision in the grade not just a single problem The discussion over a grade must be made within one week of the date that the assignment/exam was returned.

To initiate re-grading, a request must be made in writing. If the re-grading applies to homework, quizzes or the computer project, the request should be made to the lead TA. If the re-grading applies to midterm or final exams, then the request should be made to Professor Nagy. Practice Study Observation/Recitation Sessions: There will PSO/recitation sessions organized during the allocated times. During these recitation sections, some of the supplementary class materials, which will improve the students understanding of the key concepts discussed in the lecture will be covered. In addition to this, introduction to Matlab and Simulink will be given with computer exercises to help in understanding the course material. During some of the sessions numerical problems similar to the midterm and final exam will be solved with the help of the TAs.

CHE 456 World Wide Web Page: Course material and announcement will be posted on Blackboard Learn. Visit and login with your Purdue career account/password. We will use this page to post important class announcements, as well as homework assignments hints and solutions, etc. It is certainly important to check this page regularly. Absences: No excuses for missed exams or quizzes will be accepted other than written certified medical excuses or letters written on university letterhead for official school/university activities. Academic Honesty: Students are individually responsible for each homework, quiz, laboratory module, and exam. Any form of cheating will result in an F grade for the entire course, for all parties involved. While discussions of homework and laboratory modules among classmates are to be expected, students are responsible for individually submitting their own work on all assignments. Thus homework or laboratory modules that appear to have been copied are considered a form of cheating. Any form of collaboration on exams or quizzes is considered cheating.

Lecture schedule CHE456 (Fall 2013) (Subject to change)

We ek 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 Date 8/19, M 8/21, W 8/26, M 8/28, W 9/2, M 9/4, W 9/9, M 9/11, W 9/16, M 9/18, W 9/23, M 9/25, W 9/30, M 10/2, W 10/7, M 10/9, W 10/14, M 10/16, W 10/21, M 10/23, W 10/28, M 10/30, W 11/4, M 11/6, W 11/11, M 11/13, W 11/18, M 11/20, W 11/25, M 11/27, W 12/2, M 12/4, W Topic Introduction to process control, feedback and process dynamics Control Objectives Dynamic modelling Dynamic modelling LABOR DAY No Lecture Dynamic modeling problem class Maths revision Laplace transforms Transfer functions and linearization First order systems Second order systems More complex systems Midterm 1 Frequency analysis of linear systems; October break No lecture Block diagrams, System stability PID control and instrumentation PID controller tuning PID controller tuning Practical examples Cascade feedforward and ratio control Time delay compensation and IMC based PID tuning Controller tuning problem class Midterm 2 Practical tuning exercise using the virtual Process Control Rig Role of instrumentation and control in process safety Industrial speaker Multivariable control, Real time optimization, Plant-wide control, model predictive control Batch process control, control applications Thanksgiving break No lecture Revision/make up class Revision/make up class Recommende d reading
Ch 1


Ch 2 Ch 2

Ch 3 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 14.1-14.3 No PSO on week 8 Ch 11 Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 14.4 Ch 12, Ch 14.6, Ch 14.7 No PSO on week 5

Ch 15, Ch 16.1 Ch 16.2, Ch 12

Ch 10 Team computer project released Ch 18, Ch 19 Ch 22 No PSO on week 15

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