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The Way Jesus Sees You:

Reflections on Your True Identity

A Collection of Posts by Kristen Strong
2013 All Rights Reserved

Cover design by Ted Barnett of Editing by Mary Carver

Table of Contents
Introduction3 1. Your Very Own Totally Amazing Creative Combination6 2. Why I Want to See Broccoli in Your Teeth9 3. What Happens Every Time Youre Brave....11 4. The Boldness Inside You..13 5. When You Need to Bring Your Expectations Back to Earth..15 6. Why Its Okay to Exaggerate Your Importance18 7. When You Want to Brush Off Your Own Story..21 8. When You Need a Steady Stream of Confidence Today23 9. What Should Really Be on Your Bucket List..26 10. Five Words You Dont Need to Hear or Say .28 11. The Sweet Truth about Your Tears.30 12. For the Days Your Grown-up Report Card Reads Straight Fs.32 13. His Letter to Your Heart...35 About the Author......................38 Notes.......................................................................................................................39



We play in Breckenridge on a long weekend, and our second day there brings weather cool enough to need a jacket but not so cold we need a winter coat. The aspen leaves quiver gloriously bright in the mountain sunshine and the crisp air is hot apple cider friendly. That night a snowstorm moves in, and we wake to a confusing picture of golden trees next to a solid fleece of snow. Before heading outside, I wrap my burgundy wool coat around me and add a thick scarf and hat. As I make my way toward Starbucks, I cross my arms and gloved hands over my chest and dip my head against the chill and swirling snow. On our way home later that afternoon, we slowly crawl over the Hoosier Pass toward Alma. The skies clear and the sun shows off. We shed the winter coats for jackets once again, and by the time we make it to our town of Colorado Springs, we lose our layers altogether. Our in-the-car-too-long moods lighten and brighten as the warm sun wraps itself around us. The weather isnt the only thing in my life that changes without warning. Depending on whom Ive been with and what theyve said (or not said), my self-perception remains as indecisive as the Colorado temperatures. When my husband or best friend says I look great in my new jeans? Im beautiful!


When my kids bicker in the backseat for the third time in an hour? Im a floundering mom. And when a critic approaches me from my inbox, the church foyer, or from inside my own head? Suddenly my whole mood turns cold and drizzly, colored gray by someones opinion of what I said or did. I wrap a heavy coat around my wounded heart, protecting it from the chill. The tight corners woo me, and Im tempted to sit in a deep one with my arms crossed, head bent. All too often, I allow both compliments and criticism to determine my mood and declare my identity as I walk around buying into the press they give. Its like riding a perpetual roller coaster that alternatively flings me in the air and slams me back toward earth. My heart flies around outside of my body, always in the care of others who never signed up for the job of being responsible for it in the first place. Maybe its not just me? Maybe Im not the only one who needs to stop looking left or right but rather up for my validation and identity? Theres only one place our hearts are safe: in the hands of a Savior who cares so much for it, He stopped the beat of His own so yours could be whole and alive. If theres one Person we can trust to show us an accurate picture of ourselves, its Jesus. In Him we see ourselves not overly or underly, but in reality. Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ. ~Colossians 2:16-17 I want to live like my reality is in Christ. When my reality is seen in Him, it means other peoples kind words cant settle in my head and their ugly words cant settle in my heart. I want to see myself the way Jesus sees me, and I want the security found in that identity to be visible to my family. And I want you beautiful, glorious you to see yourself like He does: uniquely created, divinely accepted, and unconditionally loved. When that happens, you can shed the coats around your heart as you embrace His warmth. Its my prayer this little ebook helps you do just that. I pray that no matter what highs and lows come what other mirrors people try to offer you you look to Him alone and see the gorgeous, one-of-a-kind reflection of a God-created masterpiece staring back at you. ! $!

I pray you know you are heaven-sent. You are hoped-for. And you are His.


1. Your Very Own Totally Amazing Creative Combination

Lean in close, folks. Im about to tell you something that will either skyrocket or plummet your opinion of me. Ready for it? I love country music. There. This classically-trained, music degree holding girl said it. And half my college music professors just fell over dead. Country music is not the only genre I love, but its one of my favorites. Go ahead and roll your eyes and call me uncultured or slap your Wrangler-covered knee and call me family. Either way, I am a forever fan. Give me some George Strait and Faith Hill and Keith Urban any day of the week. And just so you know Im legit, I was country when country wasnt cool. (Quick! Name that 80!s country singer!)


Heres the thing about country artists: They know who they are, where they came from, and they arent afraid to create from what they know. And if that means singing about winding gravel roads and trucks with open tailgates, then thats what theyll do. This bit of creative comprehension has been swirling in me since I was a young girl. When I was twelve and filling journals with tales of treasure lost at sea or a romance ripped apart by the Civil War, my kind, always-encouraging daddy would declare my stories wonderful but caution me with the same bit of advice, Honey, its usually best to write what ya know. At the time Im sure writing about what I knew sounded as thrilling as writing a manual for a kitchen appliance. But the grown-up me has thought about his wise words a million times over. Its usually best to create from what you know. Because when you create from what you know, you create from who you are. And you are a beautiful blend of abilities God breathed into your soul. Out of the generosity of Christ, each of us is given his own gift. ~Ephesians 4:7, The Message Listen, sister, you have been hand-picked to receive a gift, something you can do in a way unlike any other man or woman on this planet. Whatever it is, dip your toe into it or dive right in. Either way, move in a direction that encourages you to see what God has in mind for you. Creating what you know doesnt mean you dont explore new interests or develop mastery of something youve never done before. It also doesnt mean creating something that pleases everyone. I dont think Lady Antebellum loses much sleep wondering if Lady Gaga and her legions of fans dig their style. Just like every artist in every genre, country singers have their own audience drawn to what they know and bring to the radio: storytelling love songs with a side of cowboy boots. For a born-and-bred Oklahoma girl like me, their songs drip with heart and authenticity, and they sound like home. But their music isnt for everyone. What you create wont be for everyone, but it will be for some. It will be for those who identify with who you are and what you know. ! '!

Everyone is an expert at something and has divinely placed gifts. When you let your gift dance with what you know, you will create something that delights the Creator and amazes us. Whether that dance looks like the twostep or the twist is up to God. Whether we see it twirl on the dance floor or not is up to you.


2. Why I Want to See Broccoli in Your Teeth

I have an embarrassing habit that pops up all too often: I misuse expressions and idioms. All. the. time, I tell you. For years I thought the expression, "It's a dog eat dog world," was, "It's a doggy dog world." I thought "pushin' up daisies" was "pushin' up tulips" until a friend of mine threw her head back laughing and said, "Well, maybe in Holland." Every time it happens, I feel like someone just told me I have broccoli in my teeth. While I'm always thankful to be aware of my faux pas, there's no getting around a little embarrassment. Yesterday I returned from a conference for bloggers and writers, an event ripe with possibilities for me to say crazy things and show my unpolished self off, broccoli-in-the-teeth and all. This conference was no exception. For example, I walked up to Ruth, a blogger I love and admire, and called her Robin. And then I tried to save face by chattering on about her hair (she does have killer hair, y'all). But my mouth seemed to have a mind of its own and went on and on in such a way you would have thought I was a hair product peddler. She responded with total kindness, but I left that convo laughing at myself saying, "Yep, Kristen, broccoli in your teeth." Here's the straight-up truth: I can't shy away from people because I'm scared of looking a little fruity. In other words, I own the fact I forget ! )!

people's names. I get nervous and chatter on and on. I laugh at inappropriate times. It's embarrassing but humbling and hardly the end of the world. And definitely not worth staying hidden away in a tight little corner, no matter how desperately that corner tries to woo me. I think Jesus loves us because of our quirks, not in spite of them. Most folks find self-deprecating behavior endearing. I sure do. They cut through plastic perfect and show me youre human. They show me you dont take yourself too seriously. They show me you're not that different from me and confirm the truth we all fall short and need Jesus and each other. And maybe even a little more broccoli in our teeth.


3. What Happens Every Time Youre Brave

We have to be braver than we think we can be, because God is constantly calling us to be more than we are, to see through plastic sham to living, breathing reality, and to break down our defenses of self-protection in order to be free to receive and give love. ~ by Madeleine LEngle, Walking on Water1 My backyard fence hems in our yard with side-by-side wood slats. The wood slats stand together close, but not so close you cant see between them. And oh, the things you could see if you peeked through them. You might see me chase the dog or fuss at her. Play with the kids or yell at them. Pull my weeds or my wedgie. The possibilities stretch as endless as my endless dandelions. To really live means I must be okay with you glimpsing both smileand wince-worthy snippets of my life. It makes me nervous, yes, but not enough to hide inside. Oh sure, I could only wander outside when my mood and attire speak lovely things. But real life mixes with unlovely, too, and trying to hide it pretty much ensures itll come out twice as strong. Writing about it all feels like living life twice, like giving you a second chance to ! **!

see what you missed the first time. A little bit trippy, a whole lot of fun. When Im tempted to just up and dive under my bed, I remember Bravery doesnt always ask us to charge a field running full tilt. Sometimes, He asks us to just quietly take it one slow step at a time in the right direction. Doxologies sing in grand choruses and soft solos. Either way, freedom is found in sharing the glorious and the messy. When those defenses of self-protection tumble down, pride often tumbles along with it. I care more about the hearts of others than how I come across, so love has room to stretch. And whenever love has room to stretch, we have more room for Jesus to make us braver than we thought we could ever be.


4. The Boldness Inside You

My daughter is all sky blue and lime green, bold and full of life. She wants to show me how many chin-ups she can do, how high she can climb a tree, and how long she can crochet a winter scarf. If I give her a limit to something, thats automatically her cue to challenge me. And while this can be frustrating (!!!) on the discipline end, I could use a little of that boldness in my own life. Fear is a big filter for me, and I usually juggle it in my hands too long before jumping or tip-toeing into something. If I had been one of the servants in the Parable of the Talents, I might have been the one who buried his masters gold in the backyard, too afraid to risk losing part of it. After all, isnt it more responsible to undershoot something than overshoot and quite possibly squander the whole shebang? Still, for every time you thus overshoot your target, there are a hundred times that you undershoot it. In the famous Parable of the Talents, the servant who buries his masters money in the ground is severely reprimanded for failing to ! *#!

do anything with it or take any risk. And the servants answer is very significant. It could be summarized in three words: I was afraid. ~ Arthur Gordon, A Touch of Wonder2 The Lord handpicks our gifts and deposits them in our souls, and He doesnt want us to keep them buried, afraid to let them see the light of day. When we do, the results arent pretty. Thats a terrible way to live! Its criminal to live cautiously like that! If you knew I was after the best, why did you do less than the least? ~ Matthew 25:26, The Message Fear is not only a poor excuse for being cautious; its a criminal way to squander gifts. Obviously Im not an advocate for abandoning healthy fear, but sometimes we need to just get a little bold and carry more than we can handle not because we believe were capable, but because we believe in the One Who is. Because we believe that if He penned the notes to our song, Hell give us the ability to sing the tune. You may not have a bold personality, but that doesnt mean you dont possess bold gifts. In your heart and home, may you be willing to look at what Hes given you, shine a light on it, and boldly offer it to those in your circle of influence. And when you do, you will hear your Father say, Well done, good and faithful daughter!


5. When You Need to Bring Your Expectations Back to Earth

We are running the race marked out for us {Heb. 12.1}. That means were only concerned about the obstacles in our lane. If someone feels she needs to do something, then let her do it its probably in her lane. But that doesnt mean its in yours. This isnt about self-improvement. Its about aligning our lives with love in the way God created us to do. To do that, we need a lot of grace and an approach that makes sense based on who God made us. Every runner has a rhythm that works best for her. ~ Holley Gerth, Youre Already Amazing3 I sit on the front porch behind evergreens and short n squatty orange pumpkins and watch the last of the fiery maple leaves pull away from their branches. The wind blows and blows and the leaves spin up and up before swooping down. Im spinning myself up as well, which is quite a feat given the weight of expectation I carry most of which Ive picked up all by myself. My mind races with things I should be doing instead of staring at trees:


Clean house. Get pictures in their albums. Return phone calls. Make homemade bread. And then there are bigger things that dont look so much like to-dos but shouldnt I be doing them, too? Serve regularly at shelter. Invite more neighbors over for dinner. Teach Sunday school. Volunteer for that vacant PTO position. Sighing, I think how to-do lists are bully-expectations. When I stare at the list in the morning, I expect to climb Pikes Peak and knock it all out. But by nightfall, my meager progress laughs at me. And then if I talk to my neighbor or sister or friend and discover her to-done list could run circles around mine, I wonder what in the Sam Hill is wrong with me. But then I come across some Old Testament words in the Message translation: what do you think God expects from you? Just this: Live in his presence in holy reverence, follow the road he sets out for you, love him, serve God, your God, with everything you have in you, obey the commandments and regulations of God that Im commanding you todaylive a good life. ~ Deuteronomy 10:12 Nothing is wrong with me, only wrong things for me to focus on today. The only things expected of me are to love and serve God. How I put that into action looks like whatever God puts in my lane. Today, that is picking up my husbands birthday cake and making his birthday dinner. It is getting the kids breakfast served and lunches packed. It looks like Bible study and a quick ! *&!

vacuum of the floors and taking a friend to the airport. Tomorrow, it might look similar or completely different. So I start a new list of what I am doing rather than what I am not. I cheer for others as they do good things in their own lanes, but I keep my eyes on my own. The wind dies down and a peace settles around me. It feels good to be on solid ground. Then I hear her call from the living room, Maaaamaaaa! Can you help me find my blue headband? I stand up and open the screen door, smiling afresh with the knowledge Im not just helping my girl look for a headband. I am meeting all expectations, checking off my to-dos as I love and serve the God of heaven in my little corner of the earth. Im right where Im supposed to be.


6. Why Its Okay to Exaggerate Your Importance

I can still see my college-aged self wringing my hands after knocking on the orchestra directors door. The date quickly approached for a special performance given by a select few senior musicians, and I thought as principal chair I would be invited to participate. But the calendar pages turned and the crickets chirped, so I got up the gumption to knock on the directors door. And after a commanding, Come in! I asked nervously, Excuse me for interrupting you, but I wondered if I might be one of the people participating in the upcoming concert? His response was cold and brief, Nope. That was it. No eye contact. No explanations. No dont-feel-bad-there-will-be-otheropportunities. And as I did a slow about-face from his office door, I uttered these words for the first time, ! *(!

Thats what you get for exaggerating your importance, Kristen. It wouldnt be the last time I said it to myself. And maybe youve said it too when you: Read that Facebook status aglow with details of a party you werent invited to join. Discover that board position you hoped to fill was given to someone not even on your radar. Believe your presence wasnt missed at that conference or ceremony you couldnt attend. I berate my big self and say something about the size of my ego and my britches. I live in the uncomfortable in-between where my heart desires humility but begs to feel important. I want to shine like a star but I let this fallen world get between me and the Son, believing every missed opportunity and difficult rejection dulls my already lackluster appearance. So instead I sit in the corner of my messy office in my messy today mentally counting all the reasons why my importance is minimal. And then it occurs to me: My problem isnt that I exaggerate my importance. My problem is that I dont exaggerate my importance to Him. I snap to attention and stand to look at myself in the mirror, wondering if Ive lost all traces of good sense and humility. And thats when the Lord asks me a couple questions, What if you took those missed opportunities and saw them as My way of saying, Youre so important to me, I have something even better in mind for you? What if instead of seeing forgotten invites as proof of your minimal importance, you saw them as opportunities for My important purposes to be wildly, exaggeratedly on display? When we live and breathe these truths in our lives, God doesnt roll His eyes when we exaggerate our importance. He throws His arms in the air and cheers as we begin to understand how far Hell go to give us His best. Its true: you and I can do nothing on our own. But with God we can do ! *)!

everything were meant to do. We can believe that because we are so abundantly important to Him, He goes to exaggerated cross-shaped lengths to prove His commitment to us. With the right attitude, exaggerating our importance gives us the courage and ability to see ourselves as the One beyond the stars see us: Radiant, significant, and brilliant. And it gives us the ability to give the Father exaggerated praise for shining through us in a thousand star-worthy ways.


7. When You Want to Brush Off Your Own Story

Over my mahi mahi and her Greek style pizza, Emily asks me below-the-surface questions about family and callings. After the third or fourth one, I tell her Im not used to answering these kinds of questions because Im usually the one asking them. I slow down and listen to my heart before speaking, but my answers still spill out all rambly. I havent practiced this. It takes a different kind of hush to answer deep questions. For me to say the private things out loud, I must quiet the inner voice that says my story and experiences dont matter. This doesnt come natural to me. Unless you ask, I wont easily volunteer my own stuff. Inner Kristen still fights to brush off the tender parts with an easy fine. Partly because I think my story isnt newsworthy, partly because I think your story is, and partly because its less risky to do so. Yes, I share heart things at Chasing Blue Skies, but there are always deeper places to travel. Our hearts are like the Old Testament tabernacle. Parts are for many at the entrance. Parts are a more holy place where safe people may cross the threshold. And still parts are for just you and God alone, a holy of holies. When someone makes space in his or her conversation to ask how youre doing really, you have the choice to remain hidden or come out in the open. When the ! "*!

person looks you in the eye and lets you know she is safe, it feels good to choose wide open spaces beyond the entrance, even if this risks tearing up or the ugly cry. Jesus wasnt into small talk, He was interested in the heart of everything. So we dont only practice being good listeners, but we practice being good talkers, too. We get comfortable asking and answering the right questions and knowing when not to. And if we arent sure who to trust with our inner ponderings, we keep it in our hearts holiest of holies. We talk it over with God because He is always, always safe. He isnt surprised by our weaknesses, turned off by our faults, or disgusted with our shortcomings. He is just happy to meet us where we are. And when He does, He looks toward His Son and says, That daughter of mine is something else, isnt she? And the Son answers, I know. I pray you know it, too.


8. When You Need a Steady Stream of Confidence Today

I move quickly toward the bathroom, the only place offering solitude in the whole house. Ive managed genuine smiles all day while keeping the tears in, but I cant do it anymore. Im only walking but I breathe heavy as I shut the bathroom door. I clamp my hand to my mouth but the sobs come fast and hard and theres nothing to do but let em go. You are completely ridiculous, I say to myself, exasperated. Get a grip! And thats when I hear the quiet knock accompanying a gentle, Kristen? Are you okay? Oh heavens. Theres no hiding any longer. The setting for my meltdown was Hilton Head, the place where I was spending a much-anticipated weekend with writers whove become genuine friends. Generally, I am very comfortable around other women, even women I dont know. I move eager to begin conversations and listen to their stories. But sometimes, I do not trust that my own stories hold up to the same interest. So in this glorious beach house with windows from ceiling to floor, I feel like every writing and blogging insecurity jumped straight through my ! "#!

computer screen and stands in full view for all to see. Now let me be clear: Nobody inside the beach house ever made me feel this way. Ever. But I dont need anyone else to suggest Im not up to par. I am my own worst critic, off and running with the enemys dreadful lies. So when on this occasion I find myself in a room full of women who arent just good but excellent at what they do, I am overwhelmed by my own smallness. I slowly open the bathroom door and see kind faces wrapped in concern. I smile weakly and somehow the words just tumble out, I dont belong here. Im just not good enough. Arms from friends find themselves around me as well as kind words and prayers that give me fresh perspective of who I am in Christ. But Im not gonna lie: It is a fight to keep my confidence. I wonder if the same is true for you, if youve ever felt you didnt belong or just werent good enough? You see the other women at your workplace or the moms at PTO and believe they have their act together while you fumble all ridiculous and small? Yeah, me too. Feeling small isnt a bad thing in and of itself. But when our mind travels from small street to the corner of unworthy and untalented, we have arrived in a dangerous part of town. We are small because of our great God, not because of great people. People are all the same in that we all need Jesus to bridge the miles between us and God. A smaller me leaves space for God to dish out his bigger, better plans for me. And wrapped in those tailor-made plans for each of us is an abundance of talent and smarts He graciously gives, all useful in His kingdom plans. The other day, I read afresh Colossians 2:10, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority. We have been given fullness in Christ. Today, we are already complete. We are worthy enough and talented enough and just plain enough. I repeat this to myself over and over and before long, the empty press of this world and devil static fade into the distance. It is then I find confidence and security with where God has me today.


Just like you, I have heart desires and soul dreams I want to birth. Some may need to be laid to rest on altars while others spring to glorious life. Either way, I will rally behind His plans for me rather than raise a roadblock. If God is for me, who can be against me? May it not be me.


9. What Should Really Be on Your Bucket List

Holley and I drive down narrow roads in a Southern town by the sea looking for West Congress Street. We find it and after parking the car, we walk in search of the Lady and Sons restaurant. We find it up ahead on the left and clap like 5 year olds when the hostess seats us right away. Eating at Paula Deens restaurant has sat on my bucket list a long time. I enjoy Paulas hug-on-a-plate recipes, and experiencing a few of them in her restaurant makes me giddy. So after Matt brings us our food, I gobble my fill of fried green tomatoes, chicken potpie, collard greens, and the best half-sweet-half-unsweet tea Ive ever had. As lovely and filling and just plain fun all that was, what Ill always remember about the Lady and Sons was how one beautiful lady wasnt afraid to look into my eyes and listen beyond my Im-just-fine answers. So I admit to her my struggle with feeling smaller than small, and she listens with her heart before offering truth-reminders for my own.


I know my identity is in Christ, but Im not gonna lie: My heart forgets. Its hard, out-loud work to ignore the press of this empty world and remember I have been given fullness in Christ. Sometimes I hear God whisper it to me, but sometimes God uses people like Holley and others to remind me. Its a special person who can make others see themselves as Jesus does. I take one last bite of chicken pot pie and chug the last of my sweet-ish tea before standing up to leave. I follow Holley outside into bright sunshine with more than a full stomach and another check off my bucket list. I leave with more space on that list for people who dont mind wading through the mess to find the magnificent, who fill my bucket with Truth that spills over everything. May I hunt down ways to be that person to others. And maybe squeeze in another trip to Paulas place, too.


10. Five Words You Dont Need to Hear or Say

My windows run liquid as the rain pours, and inch by inch, the water levels of Colorado Springs exit drought stage or at least think about exiting. At any rate, the rain drenches this high desert town in clean relief. Im doing my best to let the soothing water refresh my spirit, too, but all I can think about is how her words uttered moments ago dried it right up. She asked how the writing was going, and I answered truthfully. Its good, just in a season of working and waiting. She listened well, then ever so slightly raises her eyebrows before saying, Well, shoulders shrug. Maybe itll work out for you. Skepticism peeked out from behind the words, but it made a complete appearance with her little tag ending: Just dont get your hopes up.


My mood slides down with the rain. She only said what weve all heard and maybe uttered ourselves (including me), but only recently I discovered why it stings so much. First of all, if we are working on something, praying for a change, or exploring something new, our hopes are already up. Otherwise, why would we bother? But theres more. The phrase dont get your hopes up flies past all the clichs all the knocking wind out of sails as it gives the listener a second sucker punch. When someone tells you not to get your hopes up, theyre also saying because mine sure arent. And this strikes a chord in our heart that slides the notes of an already wobbly tune into a puddled mess. I know a lot of folks and sometimes us mamas say this to be protective, to prepare the other person for the possibility of things not going the way she wants. And of course we need to always be in tune with a healthy dose of realism. But telling her not to get her hopes up doesnt change her outcome. It only changes how she views the person saying it. In its truest form, hope is not something that goes up or down but Someone we hold onto, and our hopes should always be sky high in Him. Getting your hopes up doesnt mean everything will turn out the way you hope or believe, it means believing Hope will work everything out the way He means. So if youre reaching for something new today or laboring along as you work and wait, by all means get your hopes up. By all means hold onto Hope. God has amazing, life-changing things in store for you, and He sent Jesus as proof you are worth every gift Hes planted in your soul. Theres always reason to hope He is designing a new best thing on your horizon. If He has given you the desire and ability to do something, its because He believes you can do it. By evening, the clouds clear and sunshine washes over the mountains and trees. I look up and find an unmistakable sign that Hope is here. And on the rise.


11. The Sweet Truth about Your Tears

Im sightseeing at Paneras glass-covered bakery when I see her out of the corner of my eye. She turns from her laptop to the window as she gracefully swipes tears from her face. I turn back to my panoramic view of desserts and order a cinnamon roll. My thoughts roll back to the girl and her tears. I enjoy people watching (especially at places like airports and restaurants) and hypothesizing about the lives of those I see. Ive seen Spanish royalty, Hollywood actors, CIA operatives, and mini-van driving mamas like me. Or at least, I might have. I find myself doing the same with this darling woman as she stares out the window. I dont know whats bothering her, but whatever it is, her heavy heart leaks tears.


Did she have a fight with her husband? Did she get a rejection letter from a hopeful employer? Did she take a pregnancy test and it read negative? Or positive? Did she see a news story she just cant forget? Whatever causes her tears, does she know theyre seen? Do you know it? Because this is true: Your pain matters because your heart matters. Its the quantum physics of God: one broken heart always breaks Gods in two. We never cry alone. ~ Ann Voskamp4 We never cry alone because God is a part of us, so He cant help but care. And like a dusty, forgotten gift card found in a drawer, I find a gift that proves my pain matters because I matter, and its all seen by the One who never leaves my side. Your tears are meaningful because your worth is undeniable. Your identity is unshakeable. Because His love for you is unfathomable. May you hold these sweet truths close to your heart today.


12. For the Days You Think Your Grown-up Report Card Reads Straight Fs

My boots clip-clop clip-clop on the linoleum floor as I briskly walk into the school auditorium. Today is Faiths Student of the Month luncheon, and I come bearing her requested lunch treat: Subway. When I round the corner and my eyes find her, Im surprised she looks trembly. As I set her lunch down and swing my legs under the long table, I ask whats wrong. Her doe-eyes clouded, she replies, Oh, nothing. I just thought you forgot. She smiles feebly in her relief. I look at the cafeteria clock and see it reads five minutes into her lunch. Goodness. Im five minutes late and shes worried I forgot completely? Then again, its no small wonder she thinks I forgot since I completely and totally forgot both her brothers student of the month lunches earlier this year. My ! #"!

saving grace is that both middle school boys assured me that most middle school parents dont come because mom, its really more of a little kid show, anyway. The next fifteen minutes hold chatting and smiles and hugs. By the end, Faiths eyes laugh and dance. But as I make the short drive home, my mind travels back to this morning when the bickering between two of the three younguns clawed at my head like fingernails on a chalkboard, resulting in my very un-Sunday school voice telling both perpetrators exactly what I thought of their behavior. Losing patience with kids. Late for lunch. I see my parenting grade for the day. Parenting: F So I walk through the garage door the one that opens to the laundry room and see laundry lying on top of floors that need mopping next to school papers that need organizing. And really, thats just the tip of the housework iceberg. My mind tallies up another grade for the day. Housekeeping: F And I remember two nights ago, how the hubs wanted to watch a movie but I shook my no and mentioned working on my ebook with a how bout tomorrow night? But then tomorrow night came and I forgot it was the one night of the week where David and I are two ships passing until 10 pm. And sure enough, the next grade shows up bright red. Wife: F And so I step over the mess and trudge upstairs to my blue and silver workspace and open the laptop to re-read some of my own blog words. I lean back in the white chair annoyed for choosing such a poor title and ending. That post didnt get too much traffic, so I assume others agree. And while Im at it, Ill just assume my grade in this area, too. Writer: F So I slam down the laptop and decide to go make chocolate chip cookies, because if theres one thing I can ace, its cookies. As the cookies swell in the oven, I stare out the window at the whirling snow that is gaining momentum.


Why do I let a mistake or two gain momentum til I believe Ive gone and flunked the entire day? If I do not stop and pray immediately restating His love for me and my righteousness in Him Satan will take my wave of sorrow as a vulnerability to accusation, and he will proceed with a hurricane of condemnation. ~ Beth Moore, Praying Gods Word5 Sometimes tsunamis come and crush hearts in seconds. But sometimes the enemy gains more ground by grabbing onto a mistake or two and using them to chip at our hearts a little at a time. If I give him an inch, hell take a dozen miles while mowing down our hearts like roadkill. Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. ~ Romans 8:1 I know there are practical things I can do to show up on time and better manage all 1,982 things I do each week. But the purpose of living a Christ-filled life is to walk in the power of resurrection. I can pray Scripture and let His Word keep Satans lies from carving rivers in my heart that turn into canyons of condemnation. The snow covers everything outside, and I cant get over how my corner of the earth here gleams white and clean. Im thankful He does the same for my heart.


13. His Letter to Your Heart

Dear Daughter of Mine, No doubt about it: they will show up. Those days will come when youll look left or right rather than up to measure your worth, and youll be sure you fall impossibly short of a perfect 10. The truth is everyone falls short, and this is why I gave everyone Jesus. Your path will cross those who put more stock into popularity contests than human hearts. Some of them will even sell the idea and bank on you believing youll never be in until you hold onto whatever theyre offering. The truth is that exclusionary isnt in My vocabulary, and thats why I gave everyone Jesus. I created you on purpose for a purpose, so hear this loud and clear: ! #%!

Entering into this fullness is not something you figure out or achieve. Its not a matter of being circumcised or keeping a long list of laws. No, youre already ininsidersnot through some secretive initiation rite but rather through what Christ has already gone through for you, destroying the power of sin. ~ Colossians 2: 11-12, The Message Daughter, youre in as in can get. And you dont need to be a perfect 10 because you have perfect fullness in Christ. But thats not all: Youre a work of art. Oh, the world will do its best to convince you youre not beautiful or worthy. It will try to sell you false hopes bottled up in the flavor of the day. Heres where I give you permission to roll your eyes at every lie it offers. Do you want to know youre beautiful? Then read beautiful Scripture. Scripture will help you see your value not overly or underly, but in reality. Youre capable. You are stronger than you think, and if you meet something beyond what you can bear? My cross-shaped grace bears it for you. ,-.!dont assume you arent cut out to do something. Dont write something off because at first glance it looks impossible. Some ideas and dreams have a warming up period. Youre already amazing. Dont listen to the enemys voice that says you arent enough. Thats a big fat lie. Truth is, the combination of your personality and abilities scare him. Youre loved. Every single day, youre loved. Theres nothing you could do that would cancel this. Let the love of your family and friends seep into your deepest parts. Know you are a vital link in My family that wants and cherishes you more than youll ever know. Youre imperfect. You have faults just like the rest of us. Acknowledge them but dont focus on them. Acknowledge them and acknowledge your Savior who is what you arent. I dont want or expect perfection, so neither should you. Youre intelligent. Everyone has his or her special gifts, and youre no exception. Convention says there are nine multiple intelligences. But I am a God of infinite creativity and intelligences, and I plant all kinds of strengths in My children. Dont let your struggles tell you youre not smart. Let your strengths confirm otherwise. And, girl, you have yourself countless strengths. Remember, I am not a God of waste. If I created you, then youre needed, necessary, and gifted. Youre wanted. You fit in right at home, darling, and My home allows room for mistakes and second changes. My home will always welcomes you with wide open


arms. Youre Mine. Listen for the times I ask your heart, Whose child are you? Thats your cue to answer, Yours. I hope you always believe this. I am crazy about you. You are my treasured possession and I give you the best of the best everyday. Believe Me.


About the Author

Kristen is passionate about giving meaningful encouragement to all in her circle of influence and helping others see themselves as Jesus does. She blogs regularly at Chasing Blue Skies where she tells of finding fresh-air hope in looking up. When she's not tapping out words, she's managing her family's schedules, helping with homework, and building everyday stories with her favorite four. Kristen and her Air Force husband David have three children: hilarious twin sons and a vivacious daughter. As a military family, they have zig-zagged across this country (and one ocean!) and enjoy their current home under the wide-blue-skies of Colorado.


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *!LEngle, Madeleine. Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith and Art (Colorado, ! "!Gordon, Arthur. A Touch of Wonder (New Jersey, Revell, 1974). ! #!Gerth, Holley. Youre Already Amazing: Embracing Who You Are, Becoming All God Created You to Be (Michigan, Revell, 2012). ! $!Voskamp, Ann. ! %!Moore, Beth. Praying Gods Word: Breaking Free from Spiritual Strongholds (Tennessee, B&H Books, 2009). !



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