University of The Philippines Madrigal Singers

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University of the Philippines Madrigal Singers

The University of the Philippines Madrigal Singers was organized in 1963 by National Artist Professor Andrea ! "enera#ion! The gro$p is #o%posed of st$dents& fa#$lty and al$%ni fro% the different #olleges of the University of the Philippines 'UP(! The #hoir is one of the world)s %ost awarded& having #onsistently won all the top prizes in %ost of the world)s prestigio$s #horal #o%petitions* Concorso Polifnico Guido dArezzo 'Arezzo& +taly(, Concorso e Festival Internazionale Di Canto Corale Seghizzi '-orizia& +taly(, International Cham er Choir Com!etition 'Mar.toberdorf& -er%any(, International Chor"ett e"er 'Spittal& A$stria(, Festival Choral International de #euchatel 'Ne$#hatel& Switzerland(,Floril$ge %ocal de &ours 'To$rs& /ran#e(, International 'a( Choir Com!etition Prof) G) Dimitrov '"arna& 0$lgaria(, *+la *art, International Choir Com!etition '1ebre#en& 2$ngary(, Festival Internacional de '-sica de Cantonigr.s '3antonigros& Spain(& Certamen Coral de &olosa 'Tolosa& 0as4$e 3o$ntry& Spain( and Certamen Internacional de /a aneras ( Polifonia 'Torrevie5a& Spain(! They hold the distin#tion of being the first #hoir in the world to win the 6$ropean -rand Pri7 for 3horal Singing t"ice'1998 and 9::8(! The ense%ble perfor%s a wide repertoire of vario$s styles and for%s* renaissan#e %$si#& #lassi#al %$si#& /ilipino and international fol.songs& #onte%porary and avant;garde %$si#& opera and even pop$lar %$si#! Their spe#ialization and fo#$s on the %adrigal idio% has inspired their $ni4$e set;$p of singing while seated in a se%i;#ir#le& witho$t a #ond$#tor! The infl$en#e of the UP Madrigal Singers on the Philippine and Asian #horal s#ene has also been far; rea#hing! Sin#e 1963& %ore than 9:: singers have 5oined the #hoir& %any of who% are now #horal and vo#al pedagog$es a#tively involved in organizing and #ond$#ting #hoirs! This event$ally led to the organization of the Madz 6t Al& a networ. of #hoirs who gather reg$larly for festivals and wor.shops! To date& the networ. has a %e%bership of al%ost 6: #hoirs fro% all over the #o$ntry! This #ontrib$tes to the now very a#tive #horal life in the Philippines! Thro$gh the dire#tion of Mar. Anthony 3arpio& the #orps of #o%posers and #horal arrangers of the UP Madrigal Singers #ontin$e to prod$#e new #o%positions and #horal settings of Philippine& Asian and international songs& th$s #ontrib$ting to the growth of world #horal literat$re! The UP Madrigal Singers also %aintain an a#tive o$trea#h and #on#ert to$r s#hed$le& perfor%ing in far; fl$ng areas of the Philippines seldo% rea#hed by #horal artists! <ith an average of two overseas #on#ert to$rs a year& the UP Madrigal Singers is the #o$ntry)s %ost a#tive a%bassadors of goodwill and perhaps& also one of the world)s %ost;traveled #hoirs! The gro$p was re#ognized in 9::9 by the UN6S3 as Artists for Pea#e for =p$tting fa%e and infl$en#e at the servi#e of UN6S3 )s ideals and efforts to pro%ote #$lt$ral diversity& inter#$lt$ral dialog$e and a #$lt$re of pea#e>! Then in 9:1:& the 3on#orso Polifoni#o -$ido d) Arezzo /o$ndation honored the gro$p with the -$idone$% Award by for = their artistic and choral !romotion activit() In 0ul( 12314 the grou! ecame the first choir in the "orld to receive The 0rand ?a$reate Pre%ier Award fro% the Asia Pacific *rands Foundation4 in recognition for its signifi#ant #ontrib$tion to the world of #horal %$si#& prod$#ing new #o%positions and #horal settings for Philippine& Asian and +nternational songs& spreading the bea$ty of this genre and giving a good %$si#al e7perien#e to the a$dien#e!> +n 9:13& the Philippine Madrigal Singers have been invited to perfor% d$ring the A%eri#an 3horal 1ire#tors Asso#iation 'A31A( National 3onvention in 1allas& Te7as and d$ring the A%eri#a 3antat in 0ogota& 3ol$%bia! All these #oin#ide with the gro$p)s #elebration of its @: th year!
The 3ollege of M$si# University of the Philippines& 1ili%an& A$ezon 3ity Telefa7 B63'9( @93!6C31 Mobile B63918!393!933D

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