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Ok, concentrate on one document. Put in on Server X, when / how does it get to your ServerY with the problem.

Does it replicate directly with a connection document there, or via one or more other servers. ! you manually kick o! replication between the two "#P$ ServerY databasename.ns! it will presumably arrive immediately. %lso do you know the document isn&t there, could it be inde'es are not updating !or some reason so you don&t see it in the view( Shi!t )* to rebuild speci!ic view to see i! that could be an issue.

at most + hour begore the document is on the other serevrr. i! it is every , minutes ik can take at most.. yes , minutes. , minutes can be a long time i! you are waiting !or it. ! the scheduling is not a problem the amount o! new/ changed data -documents. can be an issue. i! the time between two replications - the schedule settings. is long and the amount o! new/changed data during this time is adding up the ne't scheduled replication can take some tim O/, so you need to track down speci!ically happens though.... maybe there is an %0$ issue, or reader !ields so ServerX replicates with ServerY but documents only end up getting there a!ter ServerX replicates with Server1 and Server1 replicates back to ServerY.... 2hat do the replication histories show.... between the two servers involved etc. O/, so you need to track down speci!ically happens though.... maybe there is an %0$ issue, or reader !ields so ServerX replicates with ServerY but documents only end up getting there a!ter ServerX replicates with Server1 and Server1 replicates back to ServerY.... 2hat do the replication histories show.... between the two servers involved etc. %2F !"#$%&#'%$(!')*+%,-&%#$!#F!-!.-&-/-0)!8215!-/#2&.html3resultof =%22replication%22%20%22replic%22%20 %2F !4-50!&#!,20&#"%6)!')*+%,-&%#$.html3resultof=%22replication %22%20%22replic%22%20 %2F !,+20&)'!')*+%,-&#'0.html3resultof=%22replication%22%20%22replic %22%20 %2F !-/#2&!&'#2/+)0 ##&%$(!')*+%,-&%#$!*'#/+)"0.html3resultof= %22replication%22%20%22replic%22%20 !+#(!')*+%,-&%#$.html3resultof= %22replication%22%20%22replic%22%20, %2F !4-50!&#!')*+%,-&)!.-&-/-0)0!4%& !05$,,)$&)'.html3resultof= %22replication%22%20%22replic%22%20$otes7.omino7database7replication7 primer7for7administrators %2F !&-/+)!#F!-,,)00!*'%;%+)()0!%$!& )!-,+!#;)';%)4.html !')*+%,-&#'0.html3resultof= %22replication%22%20%22replic%22%20 %2F !,')-&%$(!-!')*+%,-&%#$!*'#/)!0&)*0.html3resultof=%22replication %22%20%22replic%22%20<029221>3uid=s:8292?=58<

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