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Aura & Chakra Healing

A Complete Course
Level 3 Manual

TABLE OF CONTENTS ENERGY & CHAKRA HEALING LEVEL 3 PART ONE THE TOOLS OF THE MASTER HEALER Introduction Energy, Color and Light in Healing Learning to View the Higher Layers of Aura Energetic Defects of the Chakra System Sensing the Condition of the Chakra System Chakra Charging Chakra System Re alancing !he Radiatory "ethod Se#enth Layer $ocal Healing Distance Healing Le#el III !reatment %rocedure & 'utline PART TWO - TREATMENT APPROACHES FOR SERIOUS ILLNESSES Introduction to Disease !reatment Diseases of the Heart and Circulatory System Diseases of the (rain and )er#ous System !he Cancer Diseases Diseases of the Lungs and Res*iratory System Infectious Diseases Diseases of the Endocrine System Diseases of the Internal 'rgans "iscellaneous Disorders and Situations


INTRODUCTION +elcome to the Healing Le#el III ,"aster !eacher-. !his le#el will greatly increase your healing *ower and contains some #ery *owerful and ad#anced techni/ues in energy healing. As you egin your study of this le#el, you will enefit y recei#ing the third energy attunement ,the "aster !eacher attunement-. (ecause this is the strongest attunement of all, it is of great im*ortance that you e as pure and well rested as possible, in oth ody and mind, on the day of this attunement, so that you will recei#e the full enefits and will not e0*erience any unnecessary side effects. !his third attunement ele#ates your energy channeling and energy sensing a ilities to an #ery high le#el. It also accom*lishes one other *ur*ose1 it gi#es you the inner a ility to attune others. As a result of the attunement, and your study of the attunement *rocedures ,for in2*erson and distance attunements-, you will e a le to *erform the attunement *rocedures used in the system3the *rocedures you yourself ha#e recei#ed and which o*en u* the energy, color and light channeling a ility of the healer. 4ou will e a le to attune and teach your own healing students. After this third attunement, howe#er, there is a necessary 562day settling *eriod to allow your energy system to settle, after which you can egin to attune others. 'ne highly recommended ad7unct to this third le#el course is the *ractice of the meditation techni/ue. It assists you in learning to contact the state of *ure consciousness 3the source of all your healing a ility3and is also instrumental to your ac/uisition of the #isuali8ation, *erce*tual, intuiti#e and other a ilities that are so eneficial for your successful *ractice of the *owerful techni/ues that you will learn in this le#el. It is im*ossi le to o#erem*hasi8e the enefits to you and your healing work that regular *ractice of this ,or a similar- meditation *ractice will ring. !hat is why meditation is *ro#ided as *art of the system.
The Master Healer as a Cha F!r "#re C! s$%!#s ess& el

In the two *re#ious le#els you ha#e learned to sense and conduct the energy, and ha#e also *erha*s egun to sense color and use light as you heal. 4ou ha#e learned to sense the aura in #arious ways, and ha#e also egun to work with the chakras. In all your healing work you ha#e stri#en for a unity3for a holistic *erce*tion and action3as you work with the energy field using the #arious *erce*tual and healing tools you ha#e studied thus far. As you know, e#ery *art of the human energy field, as well as energy, color, light and e#ery healing tool you use them with, are *art of a greater whole3a whole that includes your entire eing and the entire eing of your *atient. Healing takes *lace, and takes its cue, from this wider realm of *ure consciousness.

In this le#el you will work e0tensi#ely with the chakra system and the higher layers of aura, using a new series of *owerful techni/ues. !he chakra system is of tremendous im*ortance to the entire state of eing of each indi#idual3it is the connection etween the indi#idual and the realm of *ure eing, the *lace of translation etween the s*iritual realm and the manifested world, where the *owers and essence of s*irit ecome a#aila le and ha#e relationshi* with the worldly life. !he chakras act as a 9rain ow ridge,: as a series of rece*tors and transmutors of incoming energy;consciousness from the realm of *ure eing, each with its own color and its own domain of influence o#er the entire life *rocess. !hey are not 9o 7ects,: or things that can e understood through the use of set ideas, ut are each a way things work and a realm of eing, and yet they all relate to each other, and are all one. !he higher layers of aura relate to the chakras3each layer of aura corres*onds to a chakra, and like each chakra is a realm of eing, a realm of e0istence with its own nature and function within the o#erall eing of the indi#idual. !he condition of the chakras correlates to *henomena in the layers of aura, and oth together3the energy field as a holistic entity in which each *art actually affects and relates to all the others3reflects the entire relationshi* of the indi#idual to the greater reality. !he o*eration of the chakras and the layers of aura also affects the life e0*erience of each indi#idual3from the iochemical o*erations within the *hysical ody to the s*iritual *erce*tions that are *ossi le, and e#erything in etween. !he field of *ure consciousness is translated and rought into manifestation through this energy field, to su**ort and go#ern the entire life *rocess, at all le#els. !he new healing tools you will learn in this le#el3*owerful tools that can affect and enhance the o*eration of the chakra system and the higher layers of aura in e0traordinary ways3will gi#e you the a ility to heal defects within this energy field of your *atient. 4ou will there y not only treat the ultimate causes of whate#er disease or affliction your *atient may ha#e, ut also *rofoundly affect oth your *atient<s *erce*tion and *otential life e0*erience, as a result of your *atient ac/uiring a *urer connection to the essence of him or herself and to the entire creation. 4our treatment of your *atient, using these *owerful aura and chakra healing techni/ues, may there y also enhance your *atient<s entire life *rocess, on all le#els, and assist in accelerating your *atient<s s*iritual e#olution. !he reason that you will e a le to effect such eneficial changes in the *atient is that the chakra system, in con7unction with its relationshi* to the layers of aura, is a channel to the realm of *ure consciousness3the realm of *ure eing in which not merely the ideal health, ut also the infinite awareness and infinite higher *otentials in each and e#ery *erson reside. (y healing defects in the energy field of your *atient, you *ro#ide the o**ortunity for the *atient to connect to this greater reality3to reak free of the *hysical, emotional, mental and s*iritual limitations which might otherwise remain. 4our own awareness and connection to *ure consciousness is the tool you will use to effect these changes. As you know, it is your own o*enness, conscious awareness and de#elo*ment in consciousness that makes it *ossi le for you to draw u*on the knowledge

and *ower contained in this field of *ure consciousness, for the *ur*ose of healing your *atient. !he #arious ways that you seek to heal your *atient, as you draw u*on this knowledge and *ower, work as an effect u*on the consciousness of the *atient3the healer heals and the *atient recei#es healing, each with their entire eing. 4our work as a healer, therefore, is as a channel from the realm of *ure consciousness and also to the realm of *ure consciousness. !he *ur*ose of your healing work is to offer the o**ortunity for the *atient to heal and ad#ance his or her s*iritual growth, and also for you e0*erience the o**ortunity to come into greater contact with, and act as a channel for, this realm. !herefore, you also ha#e the o**ortunity to likewise grow3the effect eing an acceleration of *ersonal e#olution for all concerned. Le#el III will assist you greatly in this *rocess and will /uickly accelerate you toward ecoming a master healer. As you ecome a master healer, you will seek to work directly with this realm of *ure consciousness, not only in your *atient, ut also in yourself3the realm from which you draw your healing knowledge, the healing *ower, and the guidance from which you take your cue ,and your awareness- as you heal. In your healing work, you will e a #ehicle for this higher consciousness, as it works through you to enhance your *atient<s connection to this uni#ersal reality. !he master healer is a tool, a #ehicle through which consciousness o*erates on itself, in certain ways, so as to effect healing and changes in consciousness in the *atient. Each *erce*tion and action, on the *art of the healer, as well as the healer<s use of each healing tool, also has this /uality. 4ou will come to reali8e that your role as a healer also facilitates your own growth *rocess, and that your healing a ility is de*endent u*on this growth. 4ou will reali8e that you, your *atient and your healing acti#ities are all as*ects of a unitary life *rocess in which you are immersed. 4our *ractice of the techni/ues you will learn in this course will therefore ha#e great *ower to effect changes in consciousness in your healing *atients, and you will also find that your learning and use of them will effect changes of consciousness in yourself. In order to come into harmony with this true nature of healing work, you should recogni8e that you ha#e this role of channel, and along with it certain res*onsi ilities, as you heal. 4ou should a**roach each healing treatment *urely, free of all ego iases and in the e0*anded state of awareness you ha#e egun to culti#ate in yourself. In order to heal effecti#ely using these tools, you must set your ego aside while healing. 4ou should therefore heal in whate#er way is est for your *atient, according to the information coming from your own higher awareness, from your s*irit guide or from the guide of your *atient. All healing is ultimately *erformed y s*irit, y this le#el of *ure eing, using the healer as a channel. It is im*ortant to reali8e that as a healer you must e a *ure channel to this le#el of *ure eing as you work. 4ou should allow yourself to e guided, in your work, instead of eing limited y your own mental ideas or *reconce*tions. !he healer is an artist, not a mere technician. (egin to reak free of all standardi8ed treatment orders, *re2concei#ed content of healing treatments, and instead use all your tools, all your knowledge, and the entire *ower and *erce*tion of your consciousness to create the work of art that is each indi#idual healing session. Although this third le#el contains many useful tools, and a general conce*tual

framework for their use, you must cut your own *ath and not e afraid to indi#iduali8e your treatments as your indi#idual *atients re/uire. It is ine#ita le, also, that you will encounter many situations not s*ecifically descri ed in the healing le#els, sometimes with *atients who are seriously ill. 4ou must therefore use your own 7udgment, your e0*anded consciousness and your a ility to assess each uni/ue *atient as your ultimate authority in treatment. 4ou must master all the healing tools gi#en you, ut must then mo#e eyond all rules, to a wider realm3a realm in which your unitary conscious *erce*tion and action e0ist as a *ure e0*ression of the healing *ower of s*irit and *ure eing. !his is the *rocess of ecoming a master healer. ENERGY' COLOR AND LIGHT IN HEALING In the first two le#els you ha#e worked *rimarily with the energy. 4ou ha#e learned, in them, to conduct the energy as well as sense it. In Le#el III you will also make e0tensi#e use of color and light in your healing work. It is im*ortant to understand that these three3energy, color and light3are not fundamentally different from each other. !hey are all the same fundamental idea in three a**arently different forms= they are all emanations of the essence. It is as if the essence of reality3the essence of the eing3e0ists at three different le#els of #i ration or radiation. Light is the highest and most refined, color is a slower #i ration than light and energy is an e#en slower one. Although they may a**ear different, they are all fundamental manifestations, in the manifested world, of the realm of *ure eing, and so actually there is a unity. As with the use of energy, using color or light is to direct a manifestation of the essence, using your ody or mind as a focus for it, as a channel. !hey do differ, howe#er, in their method of *erce*tion and a**lication. !he energy that you ha#e sensed and conducted during so much of your healing work thus far works on a grosser le#el than color or light, yet it is more all2*er#asi#e. Energy is found throughout the ody, all around us in the atmos*here and *ermeates all li#ing things and the en#ironment in which they li#e. Color and light are also found in the human energy field3in the chakras and layers of aura3 ut they are more locali8ed entities with a s*ecific manifestation and meaning. !hey are successi#ely rarer, more concentrated and refined entities, of a higher #i ration, and their a**lication, in healing, is similarly more to*ical3they are a**lied only in certain s*ecific areas and in s*ecific ways. !his is not to say that color and light are less im*ortant than the energy, in healing work1 they are actually successi#ely more significant and refined manifestations of the essence, and are also more *owerful. !hey are a more s*ecific channeling, to the *atient, of the *ower of healing that is *resent in the field of *ure consciousness. E er() ********+ C!l!r *********+ L%(ht Each ste* u*, from energy to color to light, denotes a more refined state of the same asic form, an entity that works and is a**lied on a finer #i ratory le#el. !he light itself is a ridge to the essence.

In *re#ious le#els you worked *rimarily with the energy, which may e likened to a life force in the ody. !he method of sensing this was tactile, using the *assing2of2hands, although the intuition was also used. In this course, color and light, which ha#e a more #isual and radiant nature, are used, and they are sensed in a more 9#isual: way. 4ou will make greater use of your *ower of #isuali8ation in your healing work using color and light3 oth in sensing these entities and in sending them. !his is one of the many reasons that *ractice of "editation is highly recommended. !he treatment ste*s you em*loyed in your second healing class will not e discarded3you will still treat your *atient using the energy. 4ou will, howe#er, su**lement your treatment with new methods that also make use of color and light3treatments of a more refined nature, which use these more refined entities.
V%s#al%,% ( a - Se -% ( C!l!r&

"any of the techni/ues that you will learn in this le#el will re/uire you to #isuali8e color, for the *ur*ose of eing a le to sense and send it effecti#ely. !his a ility to #isuali8e color will e im*ortant to your *erce*tion and treatment of the chakras and layers of aura. 4ou will e sending color to chakras or to other areas in need of treatment through the *lacement of your hands and es*ecially through your use of the *ower of #isuali8ation to channel and direct the color. !o *ro*erly use color in healing you must learn to #isuali8e color, using the correct techni/ue. !he first ste* in eginning to use color in healing is to ecome aware of the se#en true colorsto learn to #isuali8e them and ecome them. !hese colors, which corres*ond to the se#en chakras, and the se#en layers of aura or higher bodies, the *atterns of energy that surround the *hysical ody and make u* the auric field, are red, orange, yellow, green, lue, indigo and #iolet, as you ha#e learned. !hese colors are *ure and unadulterated3the colors you would see in a rain ow, or in the s*ectrum of sunlight as dis*ersed y a *rism. In healing, the healer uses these colors y #isuali8ing them in their essence, y sensing them and ecoming one with them. !he following e0ercise will assist you in eginning to do this and in ecoming familiar with the essence of these colors1 Sit comforta ly with your eyes closed, and seek a calmness, a /uietness in your mind. Imagine, in your mind, one of the true colors. Do not merely 9think a out,: or 9*retend to see: the color, ut try to sense and ecome the color, using the understanding and *ro*er *ractice of #isuali8ation you ha#e gained. Ask yourself, how does it feel to e that color> $eel the color in its *urest state3as a true color 3and then seek to merge with the color, feel your entire eing sensing, mo#ing into and ecoming one with it. If you find yourself 9*retending to see: the color, release the 9#isual: *ortion of your awareness of it, the *ortion of your awareness that 9sees: it as a #isual sensation. As you #isuali8e the color, note the *urity and egin to get a sense of the color<s eing and *ower. Continue sensing yourself as the color for a few moments, and then end the e0ercise y sto**ing and resting for a moment, with your eyes closed. Re*eat this e0ercise with each of the true colors, and with each seek to gain a feel of each color<s *urity, eing and *ower. )ote that it is as if each color has its own

identity, and that the sense you get from red, for e0am*le, is different than that from green. As you *erform the e0ercise with each color, though, do not try to differentiate etween or sense any of the colors on the asis of any *articular mental notion, such as #i ration, for instance. !he true colors are realms of eing and cannot e understood *urely on the asis of *articular ideas ut must e #isuali8ed and e0*erienced in their essence. (egin to gain a knowledge of all the colors. It is #ery im*ortant that you ha#e a knowledge of these colors in your mind 3 you must e familiar with the true essence of each color. 4ou must learn to know them and become them, and this is done y ringing out the knowledge and sense of the color that you already ha#e inside yourself. After you ha#e *racticed sensing and ecoming the true colors, it is time to combine your #isuali8ation of the colors with your #isuali8ation of the sym ols. "any of the techni/ues you will learn in this course re/uire that you #isuali8e colors in the *ro*er way as you treat your *atient, and at the same time #isuali8e a sym ol. !his is done so that the color2 channeling a ility that your color #isuali8ation acti#ates will e magnified y the essential *ower inherent in the sym ol, so that in certain a**lications of color you will ha#e e#en greater *ower and effecti#eness as you treat your *atient using the "aster techni/ues. 4ou will use, in many of these techni/ues, a sym ol in color from the basic progression, a series of the sym ols in color each of which re*resents that color and which corres*onds to a *articular chakra and a *articular higher ody, or layer of the aura1

!he following e0ercise will *ro#ide *ractice in the *ro*er #isuali8ation of the sym ols in color1

Sit comforta ly with your eyes closed, and seek a calmness, a /uietness in your mind. )ow, at random, select a colored sym ol from the asic *rogression. Visuali8e the sym ol, in color, in your mind<s eye, using *ro*er #isuali8ation techni/ue. As in the orange2red all meditation, com ine your sense of the feel and *resence of the color with your sense of the sha*e of the sym ol, sensing oth together as a single o 7ect of this sha*e and color, sensing and ecoming the sym ol in color. Do not attach any meaning or mental ideas to the sym ol in color, 9think a out: it or 9*retend to see: it, ut #isuali8e, ecome the sym ol in color for a minute or two, then select at random another colored sym ol from the *rogression. Continue for a out ? or @6 minutes, em*loying all the colored sym ols one or more times, in random order. !his a ility to #isuali8e sym ols in color will e used in #arious *laces in the Le#el III techni/ues, and it is eneficial that you egin *racticing the a o#e e0ercise, at #arious times throughout the day, in *re*aration. It is not necessary to em*loy the sym ols when #isuali8ing color3you can *erform all the *owerful techni/ues gi#en in Le#el III y merely #isuali8ing the color itself3 ut as a focus for energy using the sym ols will add much *ower to the *ractice of the techni/ues and is included for this reason. %ractice in #isuali8ing the colors will also assist in *re*aring your 9*sychic sight: for #iewing the colors of the aura layers. !he a o#e method of color and sym ol #isuali8ation is the one that is recommended and that will e effecti#e for the large ma7ority of *ersons, ut it is *ossi le that you may find it more a**ealing to #isuali8e a white light2colored sym ol against a solid colored ackground ,a ackground that is the color re/uired-. As an alternati#e, this method is asically the same, and accom*lishes the same *ur*ose. If a solutely necessary, it may e used, instead, with all of the following course techni/ues. 4ou will use this #isuali8ation of sym ols in color for two things1 @- to *lace yourself into a certain color3a certain higher #i ratory rate3for the *ur*ose of sensing and #iewing the corres*onding higher layers of aura, and A- to send color for the *ur*ose of treating and healing the chakras and higher layers of aura. +hen using #isuali8ation of the sym ols in color for the *ur*ose of #iewing the higher aura layers, you will sim*ly #isuali8e the a**ro*riate sym ol in color, using your third eye chakra to #isuali8e and ecome the color, while em*loying a s*ecial techni/ue you will learn. !his ena les you to 9see: in the color, to sense in its realm of eing, and there y see the corres*onding aura layer. +hen sending color using color #isuali8ation, you will usually send color to a selected chakra and;or higher aura layer in need of treatment. +hen doing this, you will #isuali8e a sym ol in color, using your 9third eye: and the *owers of #isuali8ation as you *racticed in the e0ercise a o#e. At the same time you will #isuali8e the true color as a cloud of color surrounding your hands. Do not see the color as coming from the hands, ut surrounding them3as a cloud of color around the hands and a layer of color elow them 3the color gently *enetrating into your *atient or the *atient<s energy field. !his will

ena le you to 9 e in the color: and then send the color into your *atient in an effecti#e way. It is *ossi le and eneficial to *ractice the #isuali8ation of sym ols in color with your eyes o*en, as you will e a le to do after some *ractice, ut you may wish to close your eyes while learning. After a little *ractice, you will easily e a le to #isuali8e them with your eyes o*en. 4ou will find it eneficial to kee* your eyes o*en as you em*loy #isuali8ation of sym ols in color in the #arious techni/ues in which it will e used, as you treat your *atient. 4ou should know that, although we name and use the colors, their corres*onding chakras and corres*onding higher odies, and ascri e to each a general function or in#ol#ement in the eing, and treat them se*arately, they are not to e thought of as com*letely se*arate entities. !hey are merely a way to descri e and work with the total eing, and actually all work together. A human being is the chakras and higher bodies, as well as the physical body, as one organism. It is one eing.
Us% ( L%(ht&

4ou will use light a great deal in this le#el, es*ecially in situations where a fine or s*ecific direction of healing *ower is re/uired. 4ou may ha#e already egun using light in your healing work in addition to the energy. As a *ortion of Le#el II you may ha#e egun using the light when *erforming the usual treatment *ositions at the chakras, when un locking chakras, or when treating s*ecific diseased areas. !his is done y #isuali8ing a layer of *ale white or slightly luish2white light around and elow your hands. +hen #isuali8ing this light, you must e sure to use *ro*er *ractice, #isuali8ing it in your mind<s eye as a cloud of light surrounding your hands, athing the hands and gently *enetrating into your *atient. Do not #isuali8e the hands as the source of the light3 9see: the light, in your mind<s eye, not as coming from the hands, ut as a cloud of light around the hands, and as a layer of light elow them, gently *enetrating into your *atient. As you know, you may see the light as a *ale white, or as a *ale, light luish2white, as you feel is est for you. It may a**ear to you in either way. 4ou may ha#e egun using the light for other things3to lend greater *ower to the s*ecific techni/ues you use to correct other energetic defects in the energy field of the *atient. !he light can e used when sealing leaks or tears, when clearing locked chakras or when correcting distur ances in energy flow, as was co#ered in Le#el II. !he light can also e used in any other *rocedure that uses the energy, in fact, ecause they are one and to use the light lends greater direction and *ower to s*ecific a**lications. !o direct the light, and there y affect and direct the energy is a more *owerful and ad#anced way of using the healing energies that come from the hands. $rom this *oint on, the use of light will ecome im*ortant in your healing work, and will e used in many such additional ways, es*ecially in the treatment of disease. In treatment of disease, you will #isuali8e the light treating s*ecific areas in the ody. 4ou will treat

the *atient using the *lacement of hands, yet with s*ecific #isuali8ations to direct the light ,and energy- in a *owerful and s*ecific manner. !his is done y #isuali8ing the light as surrounding and suffusing the form you are treating, so that it follows the form of the ody or anatomical region re/uiring healing. +hen treating a diseased organ, for e0am*le, the light is #isuali8ed as a cloud of light, a layer of light surrounding the organ like a second skin. !he *ro*er #isuali8ation of light ser#es to focus and direct your healing *owers to the areas that need it most, and is a *owerful techni/ue ecause when sending light to a s*ecific organ or area in the ody through #isuali8ation, you are also directing the energy to that location 3 ecause ultimately the energy and light are the same thing. 4et light is a finer a**lication, and the direction of light, through #isuali8ation, is a more *owerful techni/ue, ecause energy follows the light and the light follows thought. +hen *erforming the #arious light healing techni/ues, as with all healing *ractices, it is essential you stri#e for trans*arency in your treatment techni/ue. 4ou must not e selfconscious, ut must e aware of and ecoming one with the field you are treating, an o*en channel for the energy, color or light, and must, at the same time, #isuali8e the light in the *ro*er way, sensing and ecoming the color or light around your hands, and not 7ust seeing it as if with your *hysical eyes. !here has een a *rogression, from Le#el I, where you sim*ly o*ened yourself to the energy, to Le#el II, where you egan to #isuali8e the light around the hands, to now, where you will learn to direct and focus the light in s*ecific ways through #isuali8ation. It is im*ortant that you e sure to maintain the trans*arency, the o*enness, as you direct the light;energy, so you must *ractice focusing and directing the light without effort3it is an effortless #isuali8ation3so that your full eing *artici*ates in the healing to e done, yet without effort. +hen the *erson you wish to treat is at a distance, and not in front of you, you may send the light directly with the mind alone, without the hands. !o send light to a *atient at a remote location, for e0am*le, one #isuali8es the light surrounding the entire ody of a *atient as a layer or cloud of light. !his ser#es to direct healing energy to that *erson, e#en if he or she is a great distance away. !his use of light to treat the *atient at a distance may also e used on a s*ecific chakra, internal organ, or area of the ody in need of treatment. !his is effecti#e treatment, yet not /uite as effecti#e as when the *atient is in front of you with your hands on the *atient<s ody. +hen sending light in this way, do not #isuali8e sending the light, ut merely 9see: the light at the desired destination. !he light does not ha#e a *ath in s*ace2time= it is #isuali8ed at the location desired, surrounding the o 7ect of treatment. It also lends greater *ower to the distance light treatment to locali8e its a**lication3sending it to a *articular chakra or diseased organ, for e0am*le, will e more s*ecific and will more *owerfully treat the organ or chakra than 7ust sending the light to the o#erall ody of the *atient. !hese uses of light are effecti#e to the degree that you ha#e mastered the a ility to #isuali8e *ro*erly. !o direct healing *ower using light is a central tool of the healer and the further you ad#ance in your #isuali8ing a ility, the greater will e your *ower in light

healing. !his use of light in healing will e discussed further in the sections on distance healing and disease treatment. LEARNING TO VIE. THE HIGHER LAYERS OF AURA In Le#el II you were introduced to the *ractice of learning to #iew the aura. !he aura, as you know, is com*osed of the se#en layers, or higher odies, which usually ecome successi#ely more difficult to see as one *roceeds to the higher, more refined layers. 4ou egan y #iewing the first layer, the one that is closest to the surface of the ody, and then o*ening yourself to the second layer, with its colors. As you egan, you first used the intuition techni/ue, with its alternation etween acti#e and rece*ti#e *rinci*les, as a learning tool to allow im*ressions to form in your mind that assisted you in gaining *hysical sight. !his was effecti#e at hel*ing you to learn to see, ecause the aura is seen first with the mind<s eye, and then with the *hysical eyes. It is true, howe#er, that ultimately there is a unity etween intuiti#e and *hysical #ision of the aura, and that the aura is actually seen with the *hysical eyes in con7unction with the mind<s eye. !he two are really the same. In Le#el III you will again use this asic techni/ue, ut with some im*ortant additions and refinements. 4ou will make one im*ortant addition to this techni/ue that will assist you in learning to see the higher layers of aura1 you will use a sym ol in color, from the asic *rogression, to 9 e in: that color, and this will ena le you to ecome more attuned to the corres*onding layer of aura. 4ou will, during the acti#e *hase of your *ractice, concentrate on the sym ol in color as well as on the area around your su 7ect<s ody where the aura layer would e, and then release into the rece*ti#e *hase and allow im*ressions to form in your mind<s eye, and e#entually see the layer with your *hysical eyes. 4ou will use an orange circle, for e0am*le, to make it easier to focus in on and see the And layer ,the emotional ody-. 4ou will use a yellow circle to make it easier to see the 5rd layer ,mental ody-, and so on. A refinement to the asic intuition techni/ue that you must also em*loy, when using this techni/ue to learn to #iew the higher layers of aura, is to *ractice the 9acti#e *rinci*le: *hase of the techni/ue in a more effortless way. In your *ractice of this techni/ue during your last course you may ha#e used some effort in the 9acti#e *rinci*le: *hase of the techni/ue, when 9concentrating: u*on the area around the ody, efore glancing away to allow im*ressions to form in your mind. !his was necessary to egin to train your mind to stay on one o 7ect or area of awareness3to fi0 your ga8e on the area around the ody, for e0am*le. (y this time, howe#er, you should ha#e ecome #ery used to this asic techni/ue, and also ha#e had su stantial e0*erience with #isuali8ation, and less effort should e necessary for you to concentrate on the area around the ody, or on the correct sym ol in color. In its true meaning, 9concentration: does not actually im*ly effort, ut the a ility to localize the awareness. In #iewing the aura, for e0am*le, using the glancing techni/ue, you should e a le with little or no effort to locali8e your awareness for a rief instant on the area around your su 7ect<s ody, while at the same time effortlessly #isuali8ing the

necessary sym ol from the asic *rogression, efore glancing away and releasing into the rece*ti#e *hase. It is also im*ortant to understand that as you ecome *roficient in the intuition techni/ue, you will no longer need to consciously go through the steps when using it. 4ou will e a le instincti#ely to o tain *sychic information and 9see: the aura. !he descri*tion of this techni/ue, in terms of acti#e and rece*ti#e *hases, is sim*ly a descri*tion and training aid= as your techni/ue refines, you will no longer need to think of it in these terms. During your *ractice in your last class, you *ro a ly already egan to see a light gray, light lue or colorless 9ha8e: surrounding the ody. 4ou are *ro a ly a le to see this ha8e with your eyes and without using the glancing techni/ue, gi#en the *ro*er en#ironment and a 9soft: ga8e. !his is the first, or etheric layer, #ery close to the ody surface. Continue your *ractice, as detailed in Le#el II, and allow the colors to come. 4ou may ga8e at the shell around the ody during the acti#e *hase, and then release, look away, and your mind may think blue! 4ou may see distur ances that ha#e a color, form and mo#ement, ut you will not see them as with the *hysical eyes. 4ou may look ack, and not see color with your *hysical eyes yet, ut trust the *erce*tion3the im*ression will take sha*e in your mind<s eye if you allow it. Learn to trust these *erce*tions, and you will reali8e that you ha#e often seen more than you reali8ed. 4ou may, then, with your mind<s eye first, and then *erha*s with the *hysical eyes, egin to detect the colors of the emotional ody, which e0tends to se#eral inches a o#e the ody surface. +hen you ha#e egun to detect the colors, your are ready to em*loy the following additional techni/ue to egin #iewing the higher layers.
V%e/% ( the H%(her La)ers&

Learning to #iew the higher layers of aura is a ste*2 y2ste* *rocess, one layer to the ne0t. Each layer will *ro a ly e more difficult to see than the one *receding it. After eginning to #iew the colors or gaining good im*ression of them, egin to *ractice the following e0ercise for #iewing the higher layers1 In an en#ironment where the lighting is neither too right nor too dim, and against a neutral2colored ackground, concentrate ,locali8e your awareness- within the shellsha*ed area around your su 7ect<s ody where the emotional ody would e ,within B to ? inches of the ody surface-. Do not focus on the *hysical ody, ut sense the ody yet negate it. Simultaneously #isuali8e the orange circle ,from the asic *rogression of sym ols gi#en earlier-, using correct *ractice. 4ou must, at the same time #isuali8e the sym ol in color, ecome the sym ol in color, and also locali8e your awareness on this area in this s*ecific way. Cse your acti#e mind in this way, for a rief moment, and then release, look away, and a#ert your eyes ,still o*en- to another em*ty area of s*ace off to the side. Allow yourself to ecome aware of what your mind<s eye *ercei#es. As you know from your *ractice of #isuali8ation, your mind<s eye can *ercei#e e#en with your *hysical eyes looking u*on something entirely different at the same time. +hat do you see in your mind<s eye> Di#e yourself a rief moment for an im*ression to form. Re*eat the glance again, and look away, and re*eat again o#er and o#er,

releasing yourself to whate#er your mind<s eye may *ercei#e in the rece*ti#e *hase. It is with this re*eated glancing, using *ro*er *ractice, that an im*ression will form in your mind<s eye, and it will re/uire re*eated *ractice for more than a general im*ression to form. As has een descri ed, it is a it like looking into a room, riefly, and then looking away 3 after some num er of ra*id glances, you will egin to get an im*ression of the room, and notice more and more detail. 4ou should reali8e that the im*ression you get may not immediately register to your conscious mind3the gaining of an im*ression egins as a 9su conscious: *rocess, a collection of im*ressions. +hat do you 9see: in your mind<s eye> +hen you do get some im*ression of colors or *atterns, ring your ga8e ,still in rece*ti#e, 9soft: *hase-, ack to your su 7ect<s ody, and see if your *hysical eyes will egin to register anything of the im*ression in your mind<s eye. Da8e at the area around the *atient<s ody, the o*en s*ace surrounding the area near the ody surface ,where the *articular layer of aura should e- with a de2focused and #ery diffuse ga8e ,es*ecially for the higher layers-. Can you see any hint of what your mind<s eye *ercei#ed> After you ha#e gained a good im*ression in your mind<s eye of the And layer, and after you ha#e egun to see that layer, it is time to try to #iew the ne0t layer u*. Each layer will e0tend to a le#el of approximately B to ? inches a o#e the ma0imum e0tent of the *re#ious one. As you em*loy the techni/ue a o#e, you will therefore #isuali8e the shell2 sha*ed area around the ody ,sensing the ody, yet negating it- u* to whate#er layer le#el you are attem*ting to see3the layer will e0ist at the surface of the ody u* to and including the u**er limit. !o egin to see the 5rd layer of aura, the mental ody, for e0am*le1 Visuali8e the yellow circle and the shell2sha*ed area from the ody u* to a out E to @6 inches a o#e the surface, and then glance away into the rece*ti#e *hase to

allow im*ressions to form in your mind<s eye. !hen look ack, with your *hysical eyes in a #ery rela0ed and de2focused ga8e, to attem*t to confirm your im*ressions. After gaining some #iew of the 5rd layer, you can *roceed to attem*t to gain some im*ression of the Bth layer, or astral ody1 Visuali8e the green trine and the shell2sha*ed area u* to and including a little o#er a foot a o#e the ody surface, glancing away in order to gain im*ressions in your mind<s eye, and then looking with your *hysical eyes ,with a diffuse, de2focused ga8e- at the area within a foot to a foot and a half a o#e the ody surface. Cse a #ery rela0ed and defocused ga8e, to attem*t to confirm your im*ressions. After gaining some #iew of the B layer, continue with this same techni/ue to the higher layers.

As you mo#e to higher layers, you will need to em*loy a slightly more and more de2 focused ga8e, and will also ha#e to stand farther ack from the ody of your su 7ect3u* to si0 feet or more for the higher layers. Do not forget, also, that the layers inter*enetrate 3the *henomena you see in the astral ody, for e0am*le, will show as *henomena at the ody surface and then all the way out to a foot or so from the surface of the ody, and may occu*y the same area in s*ace as *henomena at lower layers. It is not *hysical distance from the ody alone that defines the layers, ut differences in the energetic characteristics3different #i ratory rates. Each layer corres*onds to a different realm of the eing of your su 7ect3a realm that has its own characteristic #i ration and uni/ue nature. !his techni/ue works ecause effecti#e #isuali8ation of the colors, using the sym ols, raises your #i ratory rate so that the corres*onding ody3the corres*onding layer3will come into #iew. +hen your #i ratory rate is thus increased, you are a le to send or sense energy on that le#el, you are 9in: that color and a le to sense this layer of aura ecause you ha#e raised you #i ratory le#el to a *oint where you are a le to *ercei#e *henomena at this higher le#el. !his techni/ue will not only increase your a ility to learn to #iew that layer, ut will also 9highlight: that layer to your #ision so that its contents may e seen more clearly, like a filter, although other layers may e seen at the same time. +hen *racticing this effecti#e techni/ue for #iewing the higher layers, howe#er, do not think of it as a *rocess of 9raising your #i ratory rate,: sim*ly sense and ecome the sym ol in color and do not attach this mental inter*retation to the *rocess3to do so will inhi it and limit the effecti#eness of this techni/ue. Fust 9 e in: the color, using the *ro*er sym ol in color, and then seek to #iew the layer with a rela0ed, de2focused and diffused ga8e.
The A00eara $e !1 the A#ra La)ers a - "he !2e a .%th% The2&

Each layer has its own characteristics and general a**earance, as you will see. !he @st layer will ecome #isi le, usually as a light lue or colorless layer, surrounding the surface of the ody at a distance of one or two inches or so, which may dee*en to a medium lue after some *ractice. 4ou ha#e almost certainly already seen this etheric layer during your *ractice of Le#el II. !his ody also includes the energy *attern on the

surface of and within the *hysical ody3it is an energetic mirror of the structure of the *hysical ody and is the *attern u*on which it is ased. !he And layer of aura, or emotional ody, is com*osed of clouds or areas of color3 usually indefina le sha*es of #aria le color and si8e. !hese multicolored clouds e0tend to B or ? inches a o#e the surface of the ody and are usually in a condition of constant flow, change and mo#ement. !hese mo#ing colors usually ha#e some corres*ondence to the *sychological state of the *atient and;or the life e0*erience or the acti#ity in which the *atient is engaged. Im*urities that may e0ist in the energetic functioning of this layer generally a**ear as discolored, muddied, smeared or streaked colors or *atterns which are unhealthy2looking. Denerally s*eaking, colored energies a**earing in the And layer ,and in the other layers of aura- that are right, clear and that ha#e a sense of 9health: to them re*resent healthy as*ects of the o*eration of the energy field3as*ects related to the character and *ersonality of the indi#idual. Healthy colors will e a**ealing and a**ear #i rant and radiant. Harmful or unhealthy auric *henomena will ha#e a discolored, muddied, smeared or streaked a**earance, and the color will e una**ealing3it will seem, feel and look unhealthy. !hese unhealthy energies are ill conditions3energetic defects which can result from de*ressed functioning of the energy field or from unhealthy influences which ha#e s*read from other aura layers or from chakras. 'ften you will find that a *atient with disease or unhealthy conditions will show colored energies that are a dark rown or rownish red or, if less *ronounced, this rown will a**ear as a #ery dusty yellow. (lack energies, or, if the lack influence is less *ronounced, a dirty gray or dirty sil#er color, are also often *resent. !hese diseased colors will infuse into healthy colors3 making them a**ear unwell3or will streak, smear or discolor these regions. Such diseased colors look unwell. !he intensity with which these unhealthy and una**ealing colors a**ear is an indicator of the degree of sickness of the indi#idual3the more intense and easily noticea le the ill2a**earing colors are, the more detrimental the energies ha#e ecome to the *atient<s energetic health. !he 5rd layer of aura, or mental ody, *rimarily a**ears yellow in color, to the eye. In actuality, it is not com*osed of yellow light ut has a radiance which makes it a**ear light yellow or golden. !his layer does not ha#e clouds of color, like the And layer, ut has a shelllike sha*e, similar to the sha*e of the ody yet less2defined, which e0ists a out E to @6 inches from the ody surface. !his layer, like the @st layer, also e0ists as an energy *attern which e0ists on and in the *hysical ody, and which mirrors it. Im*urities in this layer are indicated y the same sort of darkened, discolored, smeared or streaked colors which ha#e een descri ed as under the And layer, ut these colors are #ery light and fine3they are arely noticea le in the light yellow2gold radiance of this layer. !his 5rd layer often dis*lays some of the same colors as the A nd layer, and yet these colors are #ery fine and light, and the light yellow2gold radiance that shines through all makes them more difficult to see. !he Bth layer of aura, or astral ody, is similar to the And layer, in that it is com*osed of

multicolored clouds. !he colors in these areas or clouds are finer, *aler and lighter, howe#er3 they are dimmer and harder to see3and they e0ist in an area u* to and including a**ro0imately a foot to a foot and a half a o#e the surface of the ody. !hese multicolored clouds, like those of the And layer, are always in motion, and are similarly connected to the *sychology and life e0*erience of the su 7ect. Im*urities in this layer *resent themsel#es as unhealthy2looking discolored, muddied, smeared or streaked colors or *atterns, as ha#e een descri ed a o#e. (ecause this layer and its colors are lighter, howe#er, im*urities will generally a**ear lighter and finer to the eye. !he ?th layer of aura, or etheric tem*late ody, *rimarily a**ears as a dee* lue radiance to the eye, a radiance that is not as right, howe#er as that of the 5rd layer. It has an o#erall sha*e that is like an eggshell, although it is not as large nor wide an eggshell sha*e as the Gth layer, e0isting at a le#el of *erha*s two feet a o#e the ody surface. !his layer also, like the @st and 5rd layers, e0ists as a *attern that mirrors the surface and inner structure of the *hysical ody. !his layer is a #i rational mirror for le#els a o#e and elow3its eggshell sha*e mirrors the #i rational structure of the Gth layer, and its ody2 like structure, as a higher #i rational tem*late for the *hysical ody, mirrors the *hysical ody. Im*urities in this ody e0ist, not as darkened or sullied colors, ut as distur ances of #i ration. !hey are not of the nature of #ariations in radiance or su tle color hues therein ,as in the 5rd layer-, nor are they te0tural changes in the /uality of light ,as in the Gth layer, descri ed elow-, ut are #i rational distur ances *articular to this layer which you will sense in a manner analogous to a sound or feeling that is disharmonious and is e0*ressed as a distur ance in the *itch of #i ration. !he Hth layer of aura, or cosmic or celestial ody, a**ears as multicolored softly flowing streams and soft streaks of light emanating from the center of the ody in all directions. !his layer has no clouds of color, nor eggshell or odily sha*es, ut only consists of these streams and gentle streaks alone. Im*urities in this layer are indicated y discolored, muddied, smeared or streaked regions or infused areas within these multicolored streams, ut such im*urities are #ery difficult to see3they are usually /uite dim and not always #isi le. !he Gth layer of aura, or ketheric ody, a**ears as a fine, trans*arent eggshell, with a soft glowing light that may a**ear right or golden to your *sychic sight and your eyes. !his layer is a**ro0imately three feet, or a little more, from the ody surface, and, although a**earing as right or golden light, is actually com*osed of a light that contains all the colors in its true nature. Im*urities in this layer manifest as s*ots, 8ones or areas which dis*lay a change in texture3not any significant change in the color or intensity of the light of the shell, ut a roughness and a change in the /uality of the light of the shell. !he Gth layer of aura and the manner of treating it will e descri ed in more detail later, in the section on Gth layer focal healing. +ork your way u*, from one layer to the ne0t, to ring all the layers into #iew. !his will take time and *ractice. At first, it is normal to egin to see only the first few layers with the *hysical eyes. 4ou may, howe#er, egin to get intuiti#e im*ression of the a**earance of whate#er higher layer you are attem*ting to #iew, *rior to getting #isual confirmation

of it with your *hysical eyes. !his intuiti#e im*ression will ne#ertheless e #ery useful in your healing work. It may take years of *ractice to gain a *hysical #iew of all se#en layers of aura. As you egin to learn to see the aura, the o#erall a**earance of that you are a le to detect may e one color *redominantly, ut as your *ractice *rogresses you will egin to see many colors inters*ersed. As you ad#ance in your *ractice you will see se#eral layers outward, each layer dis*laying a different shade or shades, almost in the shades of a rain ow, and these will e #ery fine *erce*tions. 4ou might, therefore, *ercei#e an indi#idual<s aura and say at first glance that it a**ears lue, and then notice ands of green in one area, and streaks of red and yellow in another, and as your *erce*tion of the layers refines you will see the rain ow of layers outward from the ody and it will e difficult to say where your first o#erall *erce*tion of lue had come from. In your treatments, you may *erform your #iewing of the aura and its le#els immediately after your intuiti#e reading of the auric field, or instead of it, de*ending on what is est for you. If you *erform oth techni/ues, remem er that they are not really se*arate techni/ues, ut that you are *roceeding through a continuous method of learning to sense, and of gaining and *rogressi#ely refining information regarding the health of your *atient. It is good to e#entually ac/uire the a ility to see the aura and its le#els directly with the *hysical eyes. 4ou may *ractice seeing the aura not only with your *atients during scheduled treatments, ut also throughout the day, as well, using the glancing techni/ue. 'ften *ractice at random inter#als throughout the day, instead of a disci*lined regimen, is the most effecti#e a**roach of all at learning to see the aura. !his a**roach is highly recommended. It is also wise to em*loy the intuition;aura #iewing *erce*tion at #arious *laces during your treatment, as re/uired. !his may e done all o#er the ody, or you may focus on certain regions of interest. As an aid to learning, it is wise to attem*t to #iew with the eyes that which is sensed intuiti#ely in the field.
I ter0ret% ( the Mea % ( !1 "he !2e a % the H%(her A#r%$ La)ers&

+hen #iewing the aura *rior to treatment, you will also find it hel*ful to ask for information on the meaning of the *henomena that are sensed in the layers= that is, to do an intuiti#e reading re/uesting further information on whate#er *henomena you e0*erience in the aura. !his is es*ecially im*ortant when you encounter im*urities on the #arious layers. 4ou may get information, for e0am*le, on disease conditions ,either currently manifesting or conditions which could manifest in the future as a result of energetic conditions *resent-. 4ou may get information *ertaining to *resent or *ast life e0*eriences which correlate to *henomena in the aura, *sychological issues in the *atient which correlate with the *henomena, how the im*urities or other *henomena relate to conditions on the other layers, etc. All of these will e hel*ful to you as you *lan the course of treatment and work with your *atient. Seeking to o tain this information, in the form of *ictures, sounds, a 9felt sense,: or in other forms of information or guidance, will greatly increase your knowledge of your

*atient<s condition. It is *ossi le to learn to 9see: all these things, as you #iew the aura3 your focus u*on whate#er energetic *henomena you are e#aluating ser#ing to locali8e your awareness, and then *lace you into a state of rece*ti#ity where y these *ictures or other forms of information occur as you #iew. 4our consciousness, 9tuned: to the higher #i ratory le#els, is a le to access this information3to sense emotions, #iew thoughtforms, or 9see: im*ortant *ast life e0*eriences. 4ou will see structures, mo#ing *atterns of energy and im*urities within the field, and learn to 9see: *ictures or otherwise recei#e further information on them, at the same time. It should e noted that, as you *roceed to higher layers of aura, the fourth and eyond, it will not only ecome more difficult to see these higher, more refined, le#els, ut will also e more difficult to 9understand,: with words or ideas, what you may e seeing. +hile sensing the second or third layers of aura, for e0am*le, might result in seeing emotions or thoughtforms which inform you of their origin within the *atient<s *sychology, sensing the fifth or si0th layer may not result in information which allows you to 9*ut a finger on: the meaning or source of whate#er energetic *henomena are o ser#ed. Although the 9cause: of these higher energetic *henomena may not e understood with words, it is ne#ertheless *ossi le for the healer to get some sense of the meaning of whate#er is *ercei#ed on these higher, more s*iritual le#els, as well as what relationshi* it may ear to structures on the lower le#els of the *atient<s eing3an understanding will emerge in your awareness, at a dee*er le#el. As you work to *ercei#e these higher layers, and their meanings, the layers and the *henomena within them are sensed more in a 9felt sense: way3in the same way that sounds at lower fre/uencies can easily e heard and understood and then as the fre/uency is raised to near and somewhat eyond the *erce*tual range of the human ear the sound is actually 9felt: slightly3so will your *erce*tion ecome more delicate and refined as the higher le#els are sensed. !he #i ration shifts to a *rogressi#ely higher le#el, as one ascends to *erce*tion of the higher odies, and ecomes finer and less discerni le to li#ing human eings3it ecomes a finer #i ration, with finer *erce*tions. %erce*tion, understanding and treatment of *henomena on the lower layers of aura deal with grosser distortions of energy in the auric field layers, ut *erce*tion and understanding of energies on the higher layers in#ol#es a finer and more delicate *erce*tion and understanding3one that takes *lace in the higher awareness. It is im*ortant to understand, howe#er, that these delicate energetic *henomena on the higher layers are #itally im*ortant, and ha#e an all2*er#asi#e meaning and influence on the *atient and u*on all lower layers of the energy field. "uch has een written a out color in the aura3that is, the su**osed meaning of certain colors as they a**ear. +hile it is true that sometimes certain colors mean certain things, in *ractice there is no set and relia le system of inter*retation for these colors, as they a**ear on different layers and in different locations in the energy field3they often mean different things. It is suggested, though, that when certain colors a**ear within the energy *atterns of the aura that you sense are im*ortant, that you ask for information on the meaning of the colors. Information, in the form of *ictures, sounds, a 9felt sense: or in other ways, will often inform the healer of the meaning of certain colors, as they are

o ser#ed, and also *ro#ide details regarding the source of the *henomena. Csually it is not the color itself, ut the *urity, tone, hue and rightness of the #arious colors which a**ear that holds im*ortance. !o see the aura in its entirety, with the *hysical eyes, will take a great deal of time. (egin to see the aura intuiti#ely, with the mind<s eye, and you will detect e#erything that you imagine you should see with the eyes, and you will also egin to get a real understanding of the meaning of what you see. !here is no difference etween seeing intuiti#ely and seeing with the eyes, nor etween sensing the aura layers and knowing the meaning and significance of what is on them3 all are *art of the same unitary *rocess of holistic *erce*tion. Release your notion of what seeing and feeling is like and you will e a le to see and feel. Com*lete release and o*enness is the key to achie#ing *erce*tion and knowledge of the aura and its layers3you must be as one floating on water.
Heal% ( Treat2e t as a "r!$ess !1 C! s$%!#s Rest!rat%! !1 the Health a - I te(r%t) !1 the E er() F%el-3The "r% $%0le !1 Heal% (1

In your e0amination of the aura and its le#els, you #isuali8e, 9see: in your mind<s eye, these le#els and the *henomena and im*urities on them. !his is not merely a *rocess of #iewing with the *hysical eyes, ut es*ecially a *rocess of conscious awareness3the aura le#els, and the *henomena and im*urities on them, like all *erce*tions of the healer, are seen first and foremost with the dee*er awareness and entire eing, although *hysical #ision usually follows, at some *oint. !he mere act of attem*ting to see certain le#els of the aura, for e0am*le, esta lishes some dee* awareness of conditions u*on them, e#en if this information does not immediately ecome a#aila le to the conscious mind or is not confirmed with the *hysical eyes. !he *ur*ose of healing treatment that follows such an e0amination is to remo#e im*urities and unhealthy energetic *henomena from the energy field. +hile it is true that this is done through the use of s*ecific healing techni/ues, it is not these tools that heal3 it is the consciousness of the healer that heals, through these tools. !he healer, when e0amining the *atient *rior to treatment ,and while *erforming treatment, also-, does so for the *ur*ose of ac/uiring a dee* and com*lete sense of the *atient<s condition. !his dee* sense of the state of the *atient, in all as*ects, is then em*loyed, through the tools, to heal. In your e0amination of the *atient<s aura le#els you egin to ac/uire an understanding of the *atient<s condition. !he act of eginning to e0amine the layers, whether or not you are a le to see all of them, ga#e you this understanding. During your e0amination of the layers, and the im*urities and unhealthy energies that may e0ist u*on them, you should #isuali8e these areas in your mind1 allow a #isuali8ed sense of each layer to emerge in your eing and notice which are in need of correcting and in what way. As you do so, see, intend and sense the layers restored to health3#isuali8e the layers which need healing restored to a healthy state. !his is actually a single *rocess3a *rocess of noticing im*urities and defects and then #isuali8ing restoration and correctness, all of which is *erformed with the entire eing and the entire conscious awareness, through #isuali8ation. !his *rocess esta lishes a link etween healer and *atient, esta lishes a

#isuali8ation of energetic health which is then effected during healing, and therefore lends greater effect to the healing *ower of the s*ecific techni/ues which are *erformed. 4ou will, for e0am*le, e0amine a *atient who has im*urities on a certain layer, *erha*s the Bth, which consist of lackened yellow or reddish2yellow streaks that a**ear unwell. 4ou may also ha#e detected, on the ?th layer, distur ances in #i ration in the structure. 4ou will, as you e0amine these layers, see these conditions and #isuali8e these conditions correcting3you will 9see: the lackened yellow or reddish2yellow streaks in the colors healed such that the colors return to a healthy hue. 4ou will similarly 9see: the #i rational distur ances correct to a smooth, harmonious state. 4ou will then treat your *atient, using techni/ues which ha#e an effect on these layers ,techni/ues which often treat layers of aura and also chakras at the same time-. 4our dee*er awareness and link with your *atient will lend greater *ower to the healing, and this awareness may not merely ha#e greater effect in this way, ut may also e referred to during treatment using s*ecific techni/ues. !he o#erall dee* understanding of the *atient and his or her condition that the healer de#elo*s efore and during treatment does not merely act to *romote healing through the o#erall intention of the healer, ut the healer<s awareness may return and e aware of s*ecific energy field distortions and im*urities, while treating that *ortion of the energy field. 4ou will for e0am*le, find that an awareness of im*urities you detected on the Bth layer of aura during your initial e0amination of your *atient will linger in your awareness, and that when you are later treating this layer of aura using a techni/ue which you will learn to treat the Bth chakra and this layer together, this awareness and #isuali8ation will e acting in concert with the techni/ue you em*loy. 4ou will treat this layer of aura using a *articular techni/ue, and yet also ha#e a remnant awareness of unhealthy conditions to e corrected3a *ersistence of #isuali8ation of the conditions e0isting on the layer and those conditions returning to a state of health, while you *erform the techni/ue. !his a**roach to healing and this effect in healing is not limited to the layers of aura. 4our treatment of the chakras, also, works u*on this *rinci*le, as does e#ery as*ect of treatment. Healing is the act of holistically sensing the condition of the *atient, in all as*ects, and #isuali8ing the energy field and its *henomena, with the entire eing, seeing it healed and restored to health, in general and as the #arious *ortions of the healing treatment are *erformed. !he healing *asses from healer to *atient at a dee*er le#el, yet is also e0*ressed in all the s*ecific techni/ues em*loyed. !his is the fundamental *rinci*le of healing. ENERGETIC DEFECTS OF THE CHAKRA SYSTEM In Le#el II, you learned to sense and treat some sim*le energetic defects in your *atient<s aura and chakras. 4ou learned to correct four conditions that can affect the auric field layers1 auric energy im*urities, leaks and tears of the auric field layers, energy de*letion and distur ance of energy flow. 4ou also learned to correct one im*ortant

energetic defect that can affect the chakra system1 you learned to sense and treat locked chakras. In this le#el, you will not discontinue *erforming the effecti#e techni/ues that you ha#e learned to treat these conditions, ut you will now learn to sense and treat further energetic conditions that can #ery detrimentally affect the health and #itality of your *atient, should they remain untreated. !hree of the new energetic conditions you will learn to sense and treat affect your *atient<s chakra system. !hey are undercharged chakras, unbalanced chakras, and chakras exhibiting structural energetic defects. 4ou will learn *owerful and effecti#e methods for treating each of these conditions. In healing treatments, you will first treat whate#er auric energy im*urities, leaks and tears, energy de*letion, distur ances in energy flow and locked chakras you may find in your *atient, using the a**ro*riate techni/ues you ha#e studied in the second le#el. !hen it will e your task to sense and then a**ly whate#er further treatment is needed y your *atient, through the use of the new series of s*ecial techni/ues. 'ften this additional treatment of your *atient, using the techni/ues you will study in this le#el, will occu*y a su stantial *ortion of treatment and e its ma7or focus3the sim*le yet *owerful techni/ues you are a out to learn to effect changes in the chakras and aura layers, although re/uiring some degree of com*etence to *erform correctly, are the *rimary and fundamental tools of the *rofessional energy field healer. A asic understanding of the o*eration of the chakra system will assist you in understanding and effecti#ely using many of these tools.
E er(et%$ a - Ra-%a t Chara$ter%st%$s !1 the Cha4ra S)ste2&

!he chakras are *erha*s the most sim*le, yet also most com*le0 *art of the indi#idual eing. Each chakra in the chakra system is always taking in and sending forth energy, in many directions and in many ways. 'ne im*ortant as*ect of the functioning of the chakras is their energetic characteristics. It has een discussed how the energy may e likened to a life force flowing within the ody, and the chakras *ossess a /uality of energetic conduction. !he ody and its chakras are a conductor for the energy. !he chakras recei#e energy from the earth, and from all around, and this energy is then distri uted throughout the ody in #arious ways3ideally in a healthy and harmonious flow and *attern of interaction that encom*asses all the #arious *ortions of the energy field, including the other chakras, the higher layers of aura and the organs and tissues of the *hysical ody, and in other ways that su**ort life. 'ne as*ect of this energy *attern is the u*ward flow of energy through the chakras. (eginning at the @st chakra, there is a #ery significant energy flow which ascends through the chakra system3through the central energy channel in the s*ine3and continues to the Gth chakra. +hereas the lower chakras are sim*le in their functioning, the chakras grow *rogressi#ely more com*le0 and s*iritual in their functioning. As the energy ascends through the chakras it is transmuted3*rocessed y each chakra according to the *articular nature of the chakra3and then continues u*ward to the ne0t

chakra in the system. Like locks on a ri#er, each ste* takes ,or transmutes- the energy to a higher le#el than the ste* efore. Although this u*ward flow of energy is the one that is of *rimary im*ortance to the healer, it is interesting to know that there is also a small ut constant stream of energy flow ack down the chakra system3a high form of energy that has een transmuted u* through each of the chakras including the Gth, and then works ack down through the system, through each chakra, to infuse the chakras and the energy mo#ing u*ward. !his minor downward flow of energy is not transmuted again on its way ack down, ut works to stimulate and infuse. !he chakras are therefore linked y this u*ward ,and downwardstream of energy. !hey connect with each other, and yet each is like a small engine o*erating and running in accordance with its own *articular nature. It is a lockage in this energy flow3most *articularly in the necessary u*ward flow of this energy3which is treated when one treats a locked chakra. Each chakra also distri utes energy in other ways. As each chakra *rocesses the energy a#aila le to it, it also *asses on energy and *artici*ates in the o*eration of the entire energy field. Each chakra influences the energetic acti#ity of the #arious layers of aura, for e0am*le, maintaining a significant connection to its corres*onding layer of aura, ut also influencing all the other layers, to one degree or another, as a holistic *artici*ant in the energy field. In addition to their function as energy 7unctions for the energy that conducts in the central energy channel and throughout the energy field, howe#er, the chakras also ha#e another im*ortant characteristic to their functioning. As each chakra takes some of the energy that nourishes it and transmutes it according to the chakra<s own *articular character, it then not only sends the energy within it u*ward to the ne0t chakra ,*ro#iding no lockage is *resent- and distri utes it throughout the ody and the energy field, ut also radiates it outward from the body in a visual field related to that chakra<s uni/ue nature. !his radiant characteristic is a higher and more su tle manifestation of the chakra, eyond its function as an energy 7unction and energy distri utor, and it is not a forceful energy, ut a glowing sign of the condition and health of the chakra. !here is at all times a radiation of energy from each chakra outwards in all directions. It is most #isi le as an outward flow from the ody and is not a *rimary mo#ement of energy ut a #isi le indicator of the *erformance and state of the health of the chakra. It is the #isual a**earance of the chakra, from which the condition of the chakra ,and therefore its energetic influence on the rest of the energy field- can e inferred. !his radiant characteristic of the chakras can *erha*s e understood through an analogy. Consider the chakra system as a stem with flowers u*on it, se#en flowers at different le#els u* and down the stem, from red at the ottom to #iolet at the to*. Energy from the earth ascends through the stem and nourishes each flower, in succession, each flower taking some energy for the *ur*ose of nourishing itself and *roducing its *etals, the energy also continuing u*wards to the remaining flowers a o#e. Each flower is also nourished from sunlight streaming down from a o#e and all around, a higher energy and light which makes all life *ossi le. Each flower does not radiate energy, like chakras do,

ut each flower does a sor energy from all that surrounds it and *rocesses it according to its nature, and has a #isi le a**earance which is an indicator of its health as it does so. Each flower radiates a #isual a**earance which is an indicator of its 9energetic: health and well2 eing. Chakras *ossess this radiant /uality to their functioning. It is this characteristic, related to the health of the chakra, that will e sensed *rior to treating the chakra using color. It is this radiant chakra field that you sought to egin to sense, as it reflects on the ack of your hands, during your *ractice of Le#el II. In this le#el you will learn further ways to egin to sense the colors in this chakra field, for the *ur*ose of assessing the health of the chakra, and there will e two asic conditions that you will e#aluate and treat with color1 @- chakras that are undercharged, that are inade/uate or that are im*ure in their nati#e energetic o*eration= and A- chakras that are unbalanced, that are o#er or under2acti#ated in their o*eration, in com*arison with the other chakras in the chakra system. !o refer again to the analogy a o#e, some flowers may show a diseased or weak color or hue to their *etals3may not e gaining enough energy from the energy ascending through the stem, or may ha#e ecome su 7ect to disease. !hese may e likened to undercharged chakras. 'ther flowers may show too much or too little growth, as seen in the si8e of their *etals3they *rocess somewhat more or somewhat less of their share of the energy and are therefore too acti#e or too timid in their growth, com*ared to the other flowers. !hese may e likened to un alanced chakras in the chakra system. !hese conditions are e0*lained in more detail elow.
U -er$har(e- Cha4ras&

!he chakras in the chakra system are connected, and work as a unit, for the o*eration of each affects the others. !here is inherent in each chakra the full range of colors, from red to #iolet, although colors other than the nati#e color of the chakra will *ro a ly not e #isi le to any great e0tent. Each chakra has a dominant color, which will e #isi le, corres*onding to its *lace in the chakra system. It is as if each chakra were a cell, aligned with a certain location on the s*ectrum, yet also connected to the others and *art of the whole. Each location has an affinity for a s*ecific true color, and this true color corres*onds to the nati#e energy le#el of the chakra3to the form of energy that nourishes it and corres*onds to its domain of acti#ity, its realm of eing. !his nati#e true color of a chakra will often e rich, strong and *ure3its own color only3yet the *resence of other colors is not an indication of lack of health, ut a sign of acti#ity. A *ure orange chakra, for e0am*le, is not healthier than an orange chakra with right flecks or s*arks of lue and green= these other colors indicate normal, healthy o*eration of the chakra in con7unction with other healthy energies in the chakra system and energy field. An orange chakra that is faded or lacks rightness in its color and radiant a**earance, howe#er, is a chakra that is weak, de*ressed or inade/uate in its nati#e energetic functioning3a chakra that will e, as a result of its weakened condition, susce*ti le to energetic im*urities. A chakra that is diffused, muddied, watery, or smeared with color, or streaked with lack or gray im*urities, has ecome im*ure in its functioning= its

o*eration has ecome su 7ect to unhealthy energies. Its 9engine: is out of tune and 9running rough.: Such undercharged chakras are not o*erating in a strong, healthy and *ure manner, and indicate this condition y not radiating their true color hue in a *ure way. +hether sim*ly weak and deficient in the content of its nati#e energy or whether additionally sullied with energetic im*urities, an undercharged chakra is a weakened chakra, a chakra that has s/uandered energy or has im*ro*erly *rocessed the energy a#aila le to it in such a way that it is not *ro*erly maintaining itself3it is a chakra in a de*leted condition and #ulnera le to im*urity. It is diseased and in need of treatment3in need of eing charged ack to its healthy hue. Cndercharged chakras are una le to fully and com*letely fulfill the energetic contri ution they are su**osed to make to the o#erall o*eration of the energy field of the *atient. !hey are chakras that do not contri ute a *ro*er #itality of their nati#e energy to the o#erall o*eration of the energy field and;or introduce an element of energetic im*urity to the influence that they e0ert u*on the o#erall holistic o*eration of the field. !hey are not fulfilling their *art of the o#erall health of the energy field of the *atient. An undercharged 5rd chakra, for e0am*le, correlates to a mental as*ect ,es*ecially as *ertaining to the *erce*tion and *ro7ection of self- that has ecome weak, #ulnera le and su 7ect to im*urity. Such a condition will correlate to the *sychological issues and life e0*erience of the *atient and will affect nearly e#ery as*ect of the *atient<s life, to one degree or another. An undercharged chakra also works to de*ress the normal energetic functioning of the chakras and the related functioning of the *hysical, emotional, mental and s*iritual odies. Although each chakra is strongly related to its corres*onding aura layer, the chakras e0ist at each layer of aura37ust as there are *oints on the *hysical ody where chakras e0ist, so are there *oints or areas on the other odies where the chakras are3and the o*eration of each chakra is related to the entire aura and o*erations within it. +hen a chakra is undercharged, the energetic functioning of not only the corres*onding aura le#el is affected, ut also all related functions in the entire energy field. +hen the 5rd chakra is undercharged, for e0am*le, it will affect the healthy o*eration of related organs in the *hysical ody, related o*erations in the emotional ody ,as they relate to the 5rd chakra-, o*erations in the mental ody ,the corres*onding aura layer-, and in other areas also ,including in other chakras-. All o*erations in the energy field related to the o*eration of the undercharged chakra are affected, and they are, in whate#er as*ect in which they are related, therefore su 7ect to weakness, im*urity and disease. It is /uite common to find undercharged 5rd, Bth and ?th chakras in *atients, and charging these chakras will often *ro#ide a #ital and noticea le enefit to the *hysical, emotional, mental and s*iritual health of the *atient. !he @st and And chakras need charging a little less fre/uently, and when an undercharged condition occurs in these it is *erha*s less serious, although they should still e charged ack to health. !he Hth and Gth chakras similarly re/uire charging somewhat less fre/uently, ut when an undercharged condition is *resent in these higher chakras it is /uite serious. !he higher the chakra the greater the unhealthy effect of an undercharged chakra, ecause it will more com*letely affect the o*eration of the energy field on all le#els. Charging of the Hth and Gth chakras,

when re/uired, is therefore highly necessary and highly eneficial to the *atient, in many ways. !he lower chakras ha#e a self2healing as*ect= that is, when in an undercharged state they ha#e the tendency to charge and heal themsel#es ack to health. !his is *articularly true with the @st and And chakras. As one *roceeds to the higher chakras, howe#er, this self2 healing *ro*erty of the chakras diminishes3the higher chakras cannot re2charge and heal themsel#es3and so, unless treated y the healer, these undercharged conditions will remain, sometimes indefinitely. !his is another reason why restoring undercharged higher chakras is so im*ortant and so eneficial to the *atient.
U 5ala $e- C! -%t%! s % the Cha4ra S)ste2&

Each chakra in the chakra system *lays a *articular *art in the o#erall health and harmony of the entire energy field3each chakra *otentially affecting all the other elements of the field. Each chakra must e charged3must ha#e a #itality and *urity to its energetic functioning3 ut there are other considerations to e met for healthy functioning of the entire system. Each chakra also has an acti#ity le#el3it transmutes a certain amount of the energy it takes in for the *ur*ose of e0erting its influence and o*erating according to its *lace in the o#erall health of the energy field. !his le#el of acti#ity of the 9engine: is also indicated y its radiant characteristic3not y the coloration of the chakra field ut y its si8e. !o function *ro*erly, in good health at e#ery *art of the eing, there must e an o#erall alance in the acti#ity le#el of the chakras3each chakra taking and transmuting a alanced amount of the energy a#aila le and therefore working in a alanced and harmonious manner with the others. Chakras that are either o#eracti#e or underacti#e, howe#er, transmuting too much or too little of the energy and hence are o#er or under2 *rocessing, are unbalanced. !heir 9engine: is running too fast or too slow. !his defect is not a lack nor *urity of the nati#e energy content of the chakra ,as in an undercharged chakra-, ut is an incorrect le#el of activation3an o#erall acti#ity le#el of the chakra which is not e/ual to and in alance with the other chakras in the chakra system. Cn alanced chakras are chakras that e0hi it too much or too little influence in the o#erall eing of the *atient. !hey are chakras which function too much or too little and therefore e0ert an un alanced effect, such that the *articular contri ution to the o#erall energetic o*eration of the *atient<s chakra system that the chakra makes is either o#er or under2 re*resented. (ecause each chakra *lays a uni/ue *art in the o#erall health and harmony of the entire energy field, an un alanced chakra creates a state of im alance that affects the entire energy field and state of eing of the *atient. An o#eracti#e And chakra, for e0am*le, can correlate to the emotional as*ect ,es*ecially as *ertaining to desire or se0uality- that has ecome too forceful and too dominating in its influence on the energy field and o#erall state of eing of the *atient. Such a condition will influence the o*eration of all other as*ects of the energy field of the *atient, to one degree or another, as they relate to that chakra, and this will often correlate to the *sychological issues and life e0*erience of the *atient. Although an un alanced chakra, y itself, may not initiate

an illness or affliction, it is often *resent as a contri uting factor. Cn alanced chakras, in any case, inhi it a alanced *hysical, emotional, mental and s*iritual life. Cn alanced chakras are indicated y a radiant a**earance which shows a larger or smaller than normal si8e of the chakra field3corres*onding to the un alanced acti#ity le#el and influence of the chakra. In a alanced chakra system, all chakras are radiating e/ually. !he radiatory strength of the chakra is an indicator of its influence in the o#erall eing, relati#e to the other chakras in the chakra system3it is the force of the chakra itself. It is desira le to ha#e all se#en chakras of e/ual force, to ha#e them in alance. Should any chakras e o#er or understimulated in their radiant strength, the chakras must e rebalanced y the healer, y raising or lowering the acti#ity of those chakras out of alignment. $or e0am*le, a And chakra may e radiating a healthy orange hue, ut too *owerfully. !his chakra is not in need of charging, ut needs re alancing, so that its acti#ity le#el is slowed to alance with the other chakras in the system so that they may all radiate e/ually, restoring the *atient<s eing to an o#erall alance. It is interesting to note that an undercharged and an underacti#e chakra are similar3at least in their effect. A chakra that is undercharged may ha#e a weakness or im*urity to its energy, ut may ne#ertheless ha#e a *ro*er le#el of o*eration of its 9engine:3a *ro*er acti#ity le#el. An underacti#e chakra may still ha#e an ade/uate content and *urity to its energetic functioning3 may e charged and functioning3yet still not e *ossessed of the le#el of acti#ation which is re/uired for it to e of *ro*er influence in its o*eration. (oth such chakras will de*ress the normal energetic functioning of the entire energy field, in such ways as they relate and contri ute to each as*ect. Although the effect is nearly the same ,although not /uite, for the undercharged chakra may also contri ute energetic im*urity- the cause is different. !he ina ility of each chakra to *erform is similar in its effect ut different in the underlying reason. In the chakra system there are not chakras which are more or less likely to e un alanced 3 to e o#er or under2acti#e. !here will therefore e no chakras in your *atient more inclined to need re alancing, yet there will e patterns of balancing that you will find. In each indi#idual, the alance of the chakra system will show some *attern of de#iation from an ideally alanced state, such that there will e an o#erall *attern instead of single chakras eing out of alance or dramatic shifts taking *lace in the acti#ity le#els of the chakras. 4ou will, for e0am*le, seldom find only one chakra out of alance, nor will you often find a #ery o#eracti#e chakra ne0t to a #ery underacti#e one, ut it will always e that there is an o#erall *attern or cur#e to the le#el of acti#ation of the chakras in the chakra system such that there is a *attern of de#iation from the e/ual, le#el degree of acti#ation you would find when the system is in a *erfectly alanced state. !his de#iation from ideal alance in the chakra system is often a chronic structural condition in *articular *atients3it is a semi2*ermanent or *ermanent condition that will remain unless the healer works to re alance the system to its *ro*er state. 4ou may, for e0am*le, ha#e a *atient which shows a fairly le#el alance in the lower chakras, yet as the higher chakras are a**roached the le#el of acti#ation declines, so that the ?th, Hth and Gth chakras re/uire re alancing u*wards. 4ou may find that this condition re/uires

re*eated treatment to attem*t to correct3that it tends to e more chronic and *attern2 s*ecific than the occurrence of undercharged chakras in the *atient. It is ne#ertheless true that re alancing will ser#e to *rogressi#ely correct this condition.
Cha4ras E6h%5%t% ( Str#$t#ral E er(et%$ De1e$ts&

!here is another energetic defect that may e *resent in chakras3one that is not sensed using the radiant a**earance of the chakra, ut that ne#ertheless *ertains to the energetic functioning of the chakra in an im*ortant way. Each chakra in the chakra system can e thought of as an energetic 9engine,: into which energy is recei#ed, sent forth, and *rocessed, all in #arious ways. Each chakra has an energetic structure that corres*onds to its functioning and determines how it can o*erate, effecti#ely or otherwise. Chakras ha#e een descri ed as 9whirl*ools: of energy, often with certain details to their structure, and it is this normal structure and therefore function of the chakra which makes *ossi le the clear, *ure and effecti#e *rocessing of energy from each indi#idual chakra that the o#erall health of the energy field re/uires. Chakras may, howe#er, e0hi it structural energetic defects, defects in the #ery structure and a ility of the chakra to *rocess energy. !his sort of defect is not a lack of /uantity or lack of *urity in the asic nati#e energy of the chakra ,as in an undercharged chakra-, nor is it a asic o#er2 or under2acti#ity of the chakra as it 9runs: ,as in an un alanced chakra-, ut is a lack and failing in the #ery structure of the chakra which limits its #ery a ility to *rocess energy in a *ure manner and in the way it is intended. !he chakra itself ecomes no longer a le to recei#e, *rocess and transmit energy in a *ure manner. In such a chakra, the energy is no longer flowing in its com*lete form3the defect that has ecome inherent in its structure and o*eration works as a 9filter: to allow only a certain *ortion of the energy through, or as to *lace a 9s*in: or distortion onto the flow of energy. !his way in which structural energetic defects can result in an incom*lete and distorted flow of energy through the chakra can e descri ed through an analogy. Consider the flow of energy through the chakra as a flow through a screen, in which tiny holes are *resent. If some tiny holes ecome locked ,through which the o#erall flow of energy cannot *roceed in an undistorted way-, and other holes ecome *artially occluded ,in which the rays of energy go forth a short way and yet are then locked or di#erted-, the effect is an o#erall restriction and distortion of what should e a clear, smooth and com*lete flow of the energy. Chakras that e0hi it this structural energetic defect are una le to fulfill their *ortion of the energetic health of the o#erall energy field. All *ortions of the energy field that would otherwise interact and recei#e eneficial influence from the *ro*er o*eration of the chakra are instead su 7ect to a distorted, incom*lete and im*ro*er functioning of the energy, which would normally flow through and e *rocessed y the chakra. !he serious result is a fundamental incom*leteness and distortion of the energetic influence the chakra has u*on the entire energy field, including the *hysical, emotional, mental and s*iritual odies and related as*ects of the *atient<s eing. !he manner in which this occurs can often e correlated, not only to s*ecific de#iations in chakra structure, ut also

to the s*ecific diseases and afflictions that may result. All o*erations in the energy field related to the o*eration of the defecti#e chakra are rendered distorted or incom*lete in their o*eration, to one degree or another. !he occurrence of structural energetic defects can correlate to fundamental ways in which the *sychology and life e0*erience of the *atient has ecome distorted. A structural energetic defect in the Bth chakra, for e0am*le, may indicate a fundamental distortion in the *atient<s a ility to gi#e and recei#e lo#e3often as the result of traumatic e0*eriences. !his will, of course, also affect and e reflected in all other as*ects of the *atient<s eing. Structural energetic defects are the most serious condition of all that may e found in chakras3they can often result in serious *hysical disease or in conditions of chronic emotional, mental or s*iritual limitation, affliction or illness. !hese defects do not heal themsel#es3left untreated they will remain, will e0ert a #ery unhealthy influence on the entire life *rocess of the *atient and will often e#entually result in some form of disease. !hese serious defects in chakras may e corrected, howe#er, through the use of a s*ecial techni/ue known as the radiatory method. It is /uite common to find structural energetic defects in the Bth, ?th, Hth and Gth chakras, and these are serious conditions that re/uire treatment. Structural energetic defects of the @st, And and 5rd chakras, although somewhat less commonly found and somewhat less serious, ne#ertheless re/uire treatment. !he correction of structural energetic defects, through the em*loyment of the radiatory method, *ro#ides a #ital and #ery im*ortant enefit to the energetic health of the *atient. It is im*ortant to note that these three energetic defects that may e found in chakras3 undercharged chakras, un alanced conditions in the chakras and structural energetic defects of chakras3are often related in their occurrence. 'ften the healer will find that a chakra e0hi its two or more of these defects1 that a chakra in need of charging, for e0am*le, will also re/uire re alancing and;or radiatory treatment, and may e#en also e locked, show auric energy im*urities in the field a o#e it, or ha#e small tears in the field layer,s- a o#e it. 'ften this will e the case with the higher chakras3the Bth, ?th, Hth and Gth. !hese chakras, ha#ing a more so*histicated s*iritual functioning, will often dis*lay se#eral defects at once and will re/uire su tle treatment3they re/uire more of the healer<s skill and attention, yet treatment of them has *rofound and lasting effect. !he #arious energetic defects to e found in or near chakras are usually interrelated, and often correlate to as*ects of the *atient<s *sychology and life e0*erience. 'ften a *atient will ha#e a chronically weak chakra or chakras which re/uire treatment with many of these techni/ues. !reatment of all these *articular conditions in the chakras, cou*led with the other as*ects of *ro*er healing work, offers the *atient the o**ortunity to mo#e eyond the *ro lems and the e0istential iases that are their asis. Restoration of the *ro*er functioning of the chakra system of your *atient, through charging, re alancing and radiatory treatment of all chakras that re/uire it, accom*lishes a great deal. It will assist in treating the ultimate causes of any *hysical disease *resent ,or conditions which can *otentially lead to disease-, will work to heal and clear whate#er

*ro lems or afflictions e0ist in the emotional, mental and s*iritual as*ects to the *atient<s eing, and will *ro#ide a *urity, harmony and alance on all le#els of the energy field. SENSING THE CONDITION OF THE CHAKRA SYSTEM !reatment of energetic defects in the chakra system is a #ital *art of healing treatment, and each *atient that you treat will, of course, *resent to you a uni/ue com ination of conditions in his or her chakras. !he *rocess of coming to a full understanding of the condition of your *atient<s chakra system, *rior to and all during treatment, is therefore im*ortant, and you will use three main tools to inform yourself1 @- intuiti#e reading and #isuali8ation of the chakra system of your *atient, for the *ur*ose of o taining *sychic information and guidance= A- the reflection of chakra color on the ack of your hand, during the first round of hand *ositions, and 5- your 9felt sense,: or em*athic sense of chakra condition, also during the first round of hand *ositions. !he information that you recei#e from these sources will e com ined and used together, and this *rocess of gaining a full and com*lete knowledge of the condition of your *atient<s chakras will continue throughout treatment. 4ou will seek information on undercharged chakras, un alanced conditions in the chakra system and on chakras that re/uire radiatory treatment ,as a result of structural energetic defects-. 4ou will also, as during your #iewing of the aura, seek more information on the meaning of the #arious *henomena you sense in the chakra system3on disease conditions, *ast or *resent life e0*eriences or elements of the *atient<s *sychology that are related to these conditions. !he first tool you will use to gain information on chakra condition is an intuiti#e #isuali8ation of the chakra system of your *atient, #ery similar in method to the intuiti#e reading of the aura and chakras that you *racticed in Le#el II.
Se s% ( the C! -%t%! !1 the Cha4ras Thr!#(h the Re$e0t%! !1 "s)$h%$ I 1!r2at%! a - G#%-a $e&

An intuiti#e reading ,or #isuali8ation- of the chakra system is an effecti#e tool for gaining information on which chakras are in need of charging and on whate#er *attern of un alance may e *resent in the chakra system. !his information, whether from the healer<s own *sychic senses or from the assistance of a guide, like all such information the healer uses, ultimately comes from the wider realm of *ure consciousness, from the greater field of awareness that the healer culti#ates a contact and communication with. ' taining this *sychic information or guidance is an effecti#e way of gaining knowledge of the condition of the *atient, in e#ery as*ect. A reading of the chakra system, using the intuiti#e and #isuali8ation a ility of the healer, is therefore an effecti#e *erce*tual tool. !he chakras of your *atient are checked for charge and alance in the following way1 %erform an intuiti#e reading y first concentrating on the ody in *rofile3as it would a**ear with the *atient lying on their ack facing u*wards. Imagine a rain ow shell of color, a gently cur#ed rain ow tra#eling from the head of the *atient<s ody outline, where it is #iolet in color, to the area around the u**er legs, where the color is red. 4ou will see each of the se#en true colors, with a

oundary etween the colors, along the length of the rain ow, and each color corres*onds to that chakra. (riefly and effortlessly locali8e your awareness on this image using your acti#e mind, knowing that you will shortly e getting information on which chakras are in need of charging or re alancing, and then release into the rece*ti#e *hase.

After releasing into the rece*ti#e *hase, notice any changes in the colors e0hi ited in the chakra fields. Are there some chakras which are faded or which are diffused, muddied, watery, or smeared with color, or streaked with lack or gray im*urities> !hese are chakras in need of charging. )otice also the a**arent height of the chakra fields, indicati#e of the le#el of acti#ation of the chakras in the chakra system. Does the a**arent le#el3the height3of the color ands of the chakras in the chakra system de#iate from a flat, le#el state as you #iew across all se#en chakras> If so this may e indicati#e of a *attern of im alance in the chakra system. E0amine the *ictures you ha#e recei#ed of your *atient<s chakra system in detail. Retain the o#erall *icture in your mind, or *erform se#eral 9rounds: of the acti#e;rece*ti#e techni/ue, and gain a full image of the chakra system. +hile gaining a com*lete #isuali8ation of your *atient<s chakra system in your mind, #isuali8e all the chakras within it restored to healthy hue and alance, in the same manner as was recommended for the layers of aura. After a short *eriod of *ractice using this techni/ue, you may find that you no longer need to consciously follow the ste*s3that a #isuali8ation of the state of the *atient<s chakra system will 7ust a**ear in your mind<s eye. It will *ro a ly e *ossi le for you to e0amine it, *rogressi#ely, for details of each chakra, starting at the @st chakra, for e0am*le, and mo#ing u*wards as you e0amine each for charge and alance, in detail.
Se s% ( !1 Cha4ra C!l!r H#es D#r% ( Ha - "!s%t%! s&

As you may ha#e already egun *racticing in Le#el II, you may also sense the color

hues of chakras in another way3from the way they illuminate the skin on the ack of your hand.

In the first *art of your treatment, while *erforming the usual hand *ositions on the front of the ody, you may check the color of the chakra y o ser#ing, in your mind<s eye at first, the subtle color hue on the skin of the back of your own hand as you treat a *articular chakra. +hile learning, this is achie#ed y *erforming an intuiti#e reading, focusing your acti#e mind on the ack of your hand during the acti#e *hase and then a#erting your eyes and releasing into the rece*ti#e *hase to allow some im*ression of this su tle color hue on the skin surface on the ack of your hand to form in your mind<s eye. !he general tone of the chakra color, with any im*urities or discolorations, will a**ear as a su tle yet discerni le hue, and will thus indicate whether or not that chakra is in need of charging. !he color, a**arently reflected in your skin, will e from the *atient<s own chakra field, and illuminates your skin to your su tle sight. 4ou will *ro a ly egin to see this in your mind<s eye, yet *ossi ly with your *hysical eyes also. After a short *eriod of *ractice using this techni/ue, you may again find that you no longer need to consciously follow the ste*s3that a #isuali8ation of the color hue of each chakra as it a**ears on your skin will sim*ly a**ear in your mind<s eye as you treat the chakras during the regular hand *ositions. "ake note, during your first round of chakra *ositions, which chakras will re/uire treatment to restore their color and *urity. !his is also an e0cellent *ractice for eginning to see the chakra colors with your *hysical eyes. After seeing the color hue in the mind<s eye, you may also ga8e at the hand, looking at the color hue with your *hysical eyes, and allowing yourself to see the hue, with any im*urities.

I ter0ret% ( the Mea % ( !1 C!l!rs % the Cha4ras' a - the C! e$t%! Bet/ee the A00eara $e !1 the Cha4ras a - The%r C!rres0! -% ( La)ers !1 A#ra&

Like the colors in the aura, the colors in the chakras can also e a source of information regarding the condition of the *atient. It is good, when #iewing the chakra colors using either of the a o#e techni/ues, to also ask for information on the meaning of the colors you see3to do an intuiti#e reading re/uesting further information on whate#er *henomena in the aura you are e0*eriencing, or allowing this information to a**ear to you as you treat. 4ou may get information, for e0am*le, on how smeared, muddied, discolored or weak colors in the chakras correlate to conditions you may ha#e seen on the corres*onding higher aura layer, and on how it correlates to disease conditions in the *hysical ody ,either currently manifesting or conditions which could manifest in the future as a result of energetic conditions *resent-. 4ou might see clear flecks of other colors in the chakra, which although may not correlate to disease may ne#ertheless contri ute to your understanding of the current condition of your *atient<s *sychology and life e0*erience. All of these will e hel*ful to you as you *lan the course of treatment. Im*urities and disease conditions that a**ear in the chakras, as well as healthy energies which a**ear in them, will also a**ear in some form in their corres*onding higher odies. !he chakras do not *ro7ect the odies, in terms of cause and effect, yet the chakras and their corres*onding higher odies are existences which mirror each other: the higher odies show what is *resent in their chakras and #ice #ersa. Im*urities in chakras and im*urities in corres*onding higher odies are often found together. Im*urities and energetic defects in chakras can result in susce*ti ility, in the higher odies, to energetic defects. !he higher layers of aura can therefore ecome im*ure, as a result of im*urities in the chakras. It is as though energetic im*urities filter through the aura and can ecome lodged in whiche#er of the #arious higher odies may e susce*ti le, and neigh oring higher odies, like neigh oring chakras, may ecome sullied as well. !he color of whate#er im*urities or healthy energies may e found in a chakra may not necessarily e the same as the colors of whate#er im*urities or healthy energies are found in the corres*onding layer of aura. In the case of im*urities, it is sim*ly a fact that if im*urity e0ists in a chakra it generally means that im*urity will also e found in its corres*onding higher ody, and #ice #ersa. !here may e no direct connection etween the nature of im*urities found in a chakra and those found in its corres*onding layer of aura, although your *sychic sense may gi#e you information which e0*lains the nature of each, any connection that may e0ist, and how the entire condition occurred. Similarly, the color of whate#er healthy energies may e found in a chakra may not e the same as the color of whate#er healthy energies are in its corres*onding higher layer of aura, although there will e a definite corres*ondence of 9feel:3a feel *erce*ti le to your *sychic sense that will also inform you of the nature and meaning of the *henomena. !he o#erall state of im*urity and;or health of a chakra will ear a corres*ondence to the state of im*urity and;or health of its corres*onding ody. !o treat im*urities and disease

conditions in a chakra will treat the corres*onding higher ody as well, and #ice #ersa, although in *ractice the two will usually e treated together, when re/uired. It is easier to focus on a chakra, in treatment, than a higher ody, and so this method will often e used. An im*ure chakra can e the cause of im*urities in the corres*onding ody, and treating the chakra can clear the ody again. 4our #iewing of the higher odies can *ro#ide additional information as to which chakras should e treated, and when treatment is effecti#e and com*lete.
E20ath%$ "er$e0t%! !1 Cha4ras .%th Str#$t#ral E er(et%$ De1e$ts&

!he two techni/ues descri ed a o#e use a #isual sense of the chakras in the chakra system to detect undercharged and un alanced conditions. Structural energetic defects may also e *resent in certain chakras, howe#er, yet these are detected in a different way 3through the intuiti#e and em*athic sense of the healer as the chakras are treated. As you ha#e felt in your healing work, the ody and mind of the healer ecome 9trans*arent: during the healing *rocess, during which the healer ideally acts as a *ure channel. !he healer, while healing, is trans*arent to the energies and healing forces that come through during the healing *rocess and is also clear and o*en to the energy field of the *atient1 the healer senses and ecomes the *atient and there y senses the conditions therein. As you ad#ance in your healing work, you will find that your intuitive sense of the *atient and his or her condition will *rogress to an empathic sense3you will *rogress from knowing the condition of your *atient using your intuition to sensing their actual condition, as if in yourself. !he healer<s ody ,or emotions or mind- may mirror that of the *atient, and the healer may therefore sense in themsel#es #arious conditions which re/uire treatment. 'ne im*ortant e0am*le of this *henomenon is the healer<s sensing, in his or her own chakras, chakras in the *atient that ha#e structural energetic defects3 se#ere damage that re/uires treatment with the radiatory method. During the first round of hand *ositions, you formed an assessment of the health of the ody and the chakras, and you *erha*s sensed chakras that were ill, in need of treatment. Some chakras may ha#e merely re/uired regular hand *lacement or un locking to get the energy flowing, or charging to restore color or eliminate im*urity, yet the chakra may e affected y structural energetic defects that cannot e treated with regular hand *lacement, un locking or charging alone, and you will sense that more intensified treatment is necessary1 +hile *erforming the hand *ositions, do you sense a disfigured or damaged chakra suffering from such structural defects> 4ou may sense, intuiti#ely, almost as a *ain in the chakra3a *ain that seems to e0tend into the ody and may also seem to e0tend and radiate outward through the layers of the eing, the auric field layers. 4ou may intuiti#ely sense, or 9see: in your mind<s eye, some detail of its disfigurement. It might e#en e a chakra with se#ere damage, *ossi ly a chakra in crisis. "ost im*ortantly, howe#er, do you sense this damage, or *ain, em*athically3in your own chakra> $or a disfigured chakra, and es*ecially a seriously damaged chakra, radiatory treatment will e necessary. 4ou must rely on your intuiti#e sense, and on your sense of em*athy to discern when a chakra

only needs charging, or whether it has structural damage and re/uires the radiatory method. 4ou may sense a damaged chakra as your own chakra, using your sense of em*athy with the *atient. +ith all techni/ues for sensing chakra condition3for the sensing of locked, undercharged, un alanced and structurally defecti#e chakras3it is im*ortant for the healer to remain o*en not only to the intuiti#e sensing of *sychic information and guidance, the #isual #iewing, the em*athic sensing and other *erce*tual techni/ues, ut also to remain o*en to the o#erall de#elo*ment of a com*lete understanding, in the eing of the healer, of the condition of the *atient. !he diseased condition of the chakra will often strike a chord in the healer, in #arious ways, corres*onding to the condition of the chakras. !he condition of the chakras in the chakra system should emerge as a felt sense 3a 9knowing: felt in the entire eing that is an o#erall integrated assessment of the condition of the chakras that is the result of all the information gained. (y gaining an entire sense of the condition of each chakra, throughout treatment, the healer custom2 tailors the treatment to address each chakra<s needs, and is also aware of the correlations etween chakra states and *henomena on the higher layers of aura and the *sychology and life e0*erience of the *atient.
I te(rat% ( a I ter0retat%! !1 Treat2e t Nee-s 1!r the Cha4ra S)ste2&

As you *ractice the a o#e techni/ues and gain e0*erience in the #arious ways of sensing chakra condition, you will find that you are a le to gain a real sense of the condition of each *atient<s chakra system. U -er$har(e- Cha4ras are chakras which will ha#e their color a**ear discolored, faded, im*ure or tainted in some way, as has een discussed. $rom com ining the information you ha#e recei#ed from your intuiti#e reading of the chakra system and from the sensing of color on your hand during the hand *ositions, you will get an integrated sense of the chakra color. 4ou will know, y feel, what is healthy and what is not healthy in a chakra<s color and a**earance. A chakra that is in need of charging will ha#e a color that a**ears to your 9sight: as sullied, im*ure and unhealthy. !he hue will not e ro ust, and the color will not e a**ealing. Although your e0amination of the chakra color during #isuali8ation of the ody *rofile and on the ack of your hand are your *rimary information sources regarding undercharged chakras, you will also gain some felt sense of chakras which are undercharged3you will sense a weakness and unhealthiness to the chakra, as well. An undercharged chakra will *ercei#ed not only y your 9sight,: ut y feel as well3to your entire eing3as sullied, im*ure and unhealthy in its energy functioning. Cndercharged 5rd, Bth and ?th chakras are /uite common, while undercharged @st and And chakras are somewhat less so, and undercharged Hth and Gth chakras are a little less common still. All chakras in the *atient that you ha#e detected as eing undercharged, howe#er, will need to e charged ack to their normal, healthy hue using the techni/ue known as hakra harging.

U 5ala $e- $ha4ras are detected *rimarily from your intuiti#e reading of the chakra system, and will ha#e the oundary of the rain ow at their color e0tend eyond the others and 9 um*: u*wards to indicate a chakra that is radiating too acti#ely, or 9di*: downwards, closer to the ody, for a chakra that is underacti#e. As you e0amine the entire rain ow *rofile, you will note a *attern of im alance. An e0amination of this cur#e 3noting at which chakra *oints the cur#e um*s or di*s3will indicate to you chakras that need their o#er2 or under2acti#ity corrected in order to ring the o#erall alance ack to the system. Although your e0amination of this cur#e is your *rimary source of information regarding im alances in the chakras, you will also gain some felt sense of chakra im alances. An o#eracti#e chakra will not merely e indicated y a 9 um*: in the *rofile during the intuiti#e reading of the chakra system, ut will also often e *ercei#ed as ha#ing an o#ere0cited, unsteady, e#en 7agged2feeling /uality to its energy. An underacti#e chakra will not merely a**ear as a 9di*: in the *rofile, ut also will e felt3in your entire eing 3as ha#ing a weakness or timidity in its energy. !here are not *articular chakras which are more or less susce*ti le to im alances, ut there will almost always e a *attern of im alance, as has een discussed. 4ou will then *roceed to re alance those chakras which re/uire it, there y re alancing the entire chakra system and ringing it ack to a healthy and harmonious functioning, through use of a techni/ue known as hakra !ystem "ebalancing. Cha4ras /%th str#$t#ral e er(et%$ -e1e$ts are *rimarily sensed through the em*athic sense of the healer, as discussed. !he healer will often sense this condition as a *ain in the chakra that radiates into the ody and;or outward through the aura and chakra field. !his em*athic sense can often take the form of an actual or 9ghost: *hysical sensation in the ody of the healer at that chakra *osition. !his sensation, when *resent, is e#aluated in light of the healer<s o#erall im*ression of chakra condition, whether or not an im*ression is recei#ed of a structural energetic condition eyond the un locked, undercharged or un alanced state which is sensed through other means. !his em*athic sense can to some degree e confirmed through the o#erall im*ression of chakra condition that emerges in the eing as #arious *erce*tual techni/ues are em*loyed and as treatment *roceeds. Although the em*athic sense is the *rimary way that a chakra with structural energetic defects is detected, such a chakra may e also sensed through the rece*tion of *sychic information and guidance efore or during treatment. Information may e recei#ed that indicates that a certain chakra or chakras ha#e this damage, *erha*s including some #isuali8ation of the damage itself or its correlating conditions and;or cause in the *sychology and life e0*erience of the *atient. Although this information may a**ear #isually, it may also take the form of words, *erha*s ,hearing this information s*oken in the mind-. E#en when the healer recei#es information that a chakra is affected this way, howe#er, it is im*ortant to attem*t to confirm it, or allow it to e confirmed, with the em*athic sense of the chakra as may e felt during treatment.

4ou will detect this condition most often in the u**er chakras3in the Bth, ?th, Hth and Gth. It will also sometimes a**ear in the @st, And and 5rd, howe#er, and whene#er such chakras with structural energetic defects are found they must e treated with a techni/ue known as #he "adiatory $ethod to correct their structure. After coming to a good understanding of the condition of your *atient<s chakra system, you may *roceed with treatment, using the effecti#e techni/ues detailed in the following *ages. 4ou will find that defects in the chakras will correlate well to unhealthy energetic conditions on the corres*onding aura le#els, and in other *ortions of the energy field which are influenced y detrimental conditions in certain chakras. 4our assessment of treatment re/uirements for the chakras will lead you to s*ecific treatment techni/ues, discussed in the alance of this manual, that will not merely treat the chakra,s- in need, ut will also treat the higher odies, too.
Lear % ( t! V%e/ the Cha4ras&

An ad#anced and o*tional ste* for gaining information on the condition of your *atient<s chakra system is to attem*t to learn to #iew the chakras directly. +hen *racticing the intuiti#e techni/ue gi#en a o#e, for the *ur*ose of learning to sense the condition of the chakras, you may at some *oint, if you wish, attem*t to #iew the chakras3to confirm with your *hysical eyes the information seen in your mind<s eye. !he sensing of the chakras using the *sychic sight is a *art of the *rocess towards e#entually ecoming a le to see the chakras, 7ust as the intuiti#e reading of the auric field was a ste* in *re*aration towards eginning to #iew the aura. 4ou may *roceed in a similar way1 After gaining a sense of the *atient<s chakras in your mind<s eye, using the #isuali8ation of the ody *rofile as gi#en efore, look with your *hysical eyes3in a #ery non2focused, rela0ed rece*ti#e condition3at the area around the ody of the *atient, from the same side2on *ers*ecti#e. Can you see #ery faint colored fields or ands where the chakras should e> Viewing the chakras from the side of the *atient, you may see that the colors of the chakras are not com*letely se*arate 3they merge a o#e the ody, as if in a faint mist or cloud of mo#ing energy. !hey a**ear as in a rain ow, and the colors merge into a continuous and, so that it is difficult to say where one color ecomes another3where indigo ecomes #iolet, for e0am*le. After gaining some #iew of the chakras, you may e#en, at some *oint, e a le to see *henomena in them, such as color im*urities indicati#e of undercharged states, rightness or dimness or larger or smaller a**arent si8e of the fields that are indicati#e of o#er or under2acti#ity, or e#en structural energetic defects in the chakra 9whirl*ools.: !o see the chakras, howe#er, is #ery difficult. !hey are difficult to see and will e the last *art of the energy field to ecome #isi le to the eye. !hey can e felt, as you know, and a sense of their color can e gained with the *sychic sight, yet they will egin to a**ear to the *hysical #ision *erha*s only as indefina le sha*es, like clouds, e#en after much *ractice, and it will e some time efore their com*lete structure can e seen in toto. As

with learning to see anything this way, there is really a unity of intuiti#e and *hysical sight, and you are really seeing with your entire awareness, not mo#ing from one sight to another, ut com ining all. It is difficult, also, to see the aura le#els and the chakras at the same time. 'ne can #iew the colors of the aura, or one can see the colors of the chakras, ut it is #ery difficult to do oth at once. It is something like the *o*ular drawing where one can either see a #ase, or two faces facing each other, ut not oth at the same time. CHAKRA CHARGING After gaining a com*lete idea of the condition of the *atient<s chakra system, the first ste* you may wish to em*loy in treating it is to charge any chakras which re/uire charging. Chakras that are undercharged are in need of ha#ing the strength and *urity of their functioning restored. Charging them ack into a normal, healthy state where they glow with the #i rancy and *urity of their true color is necessary for the energetic health of the *atient<s entire energy field, and ser#es as a good foundation u*on which further healing work may then e done. In contrast with sim*ly adding energy to the chakras, as is done during the *lacement of hands, chakras in need of charging are treated y adding their own true color to them in whate#er /uantity is necessary to su**lement their energetic content, eliminate any energetic im*urity *resent and *rotect against further intrusion of unhealthy energies. !his there y nourishes and charges them ack to *ure functioning. It is im*ortant to understand, also, that the techni/ue gi#en elow for charging chakras also works to treat the higher aura le#els= when the chakra is treated, the *oints on the higher aura le#els where its influence is felt are also treated. !he healing energies are also distri uted, infuse into and effect healing changes in the higher layers of aura, u* to and including the corres*onding aura layer, and the hands are used in this *rocess. !he techni/ue is *erformed with this knowledge that oth the chakra and the higher layers of aura are eing treated. It ser#es to correct any weakness or im*urity in the chakra<s energetic functioning, and also treats the higher aura layers which may also ha#e unhealthy conditions in them. !o charge chakras, you may egin at the highest or lowest chakra in need, as you *refer. 'ften you may choose to egin at the lowest chakra in need of treatment. !o egin at the highest chakra in need, howe#er, is not wrong, and there may e indi#idual *references on your *art to do so, as well as #arying needs and conditions within the *atient, which may make this a good choice in some cases. !o charge chakras, use the following hand *ositions and *rocedures1 %lace your hands on the first chakra you wish to charge, in the hands2o#erla**ing hand *osition you use during hand *lacement ,hands on the ody surface with the right *alm centered o#er the chakra and the left hand gently o#erla**ing-.Cse this for all ,e0ce*t the @st and Gth- chakras. )ow #isuali8e the sym ol in color, from the asic *rogression, that corres*onds to that chakra, and at the same time see, in your mind<s eye, a cloud of the color surrounding your hands3es*ecially as a cloud or layer of color elow the hand, gently *enetrating into your *atient. 4ou

are the entire act of #isuali8ing the sym ol in the color, and the cloud of color around the hands, and you are intending and sensing the chakra eing restored to its *ure color. Seek to restore the color to its *ure hue3you may note the chakra color on the ack of your hand, using your su tle sight, as it changes. (e a trans*arent, *ure channel for the color. Continue sending color to the chakra, with your hands gently on the ody surface for a few moments, or until you sense you ha#e ade/uately su**lemented the chakra with color. After treating the chakra at the lowest le#el of aura, in this way, raise your hands to a out ? or H inches a o#e the ody surface, and mo#e your hands a*art slightly, so that instead of o#erla**ing with the thum s and inde0 fingers, they are only o#erla**ing slightly. Continue sending the color in the e0act same way as efore,

ut with one addition1 you may feel, when your hands are off the ody sending color, that you want to mo#e your hands in small semicircular mo#ements, two or three inches in diameter, to hel* diffuse the color, or merely to ha#e the idea of mo#ement in your mind, as if you were mo#ing imaginary 9etheric: hands. 4our *sychic sense, or the assistance and direction of a guide, may make the hands want to mo#e. If the hands feel dri#en to

mo#e, let them mo#e= if not, do whate#er you feel is est. %erha*s you will want to mo#e your hands, *erha*s you will not feel dri#en to do so, and there will e times when one or the other seems est, due to the condition and needs of each *articular *atient. It will e common, howe#er, for the *hysical hands to mo#e. Send the color for a few minutes more, at this second le#el ,? or H inches a o#e the ody surface-, and then raise your hands an additional ? or H inches, so that they are now @6 to @A inches out. S*read the hands a*art a little more, so that they are not /uite touching, and send the color to this third le#el of the field, em*loying the small semicircular hand mo#ements if you feel it *ro*er. !hese ? or H inch increments do not e0actly corres*ond to the higher odies, ut roughly so, and they are the increments where one can o*timally charge the field with energy and color, so that they effecti#ely mo#e into the higher le#els of the field. !hese increments corres*ond to the a**ro0imate ele#ations of the chakra *oints as they e0ist on the higher odies3the *oints on the higher layers of aura that are analogous to those *oints on the *hysical ody where you *lace your hands. Continue the increments until you reach the increment that corres*onds to the chakra you are charging, and send the color to this final le#el. 4ou will, for e0am*le, in to ? to H inches a o#e ,And le#el-, to @6 to @A inches a o#e ,5rd le#el-, and to a out @? to @E inches a o#e ,the Bth incremental le#el-. At each le#el you will #isuali8e a green trine in your mind<s eye and also #isuali8e a cloud of true color green elow your hands. 4ou will there y effecti#ely send the color to each le#el for a few moments. At each le#el u*, you must s*read your hands a*art a

little further, as the field of the chakra *ro7ects outward as if a funnel. If you are a le to sense or #iew the conditions on the higher odies, as you *erform this techni/ue on the higher layers, you may use this awareness to 7udge when your treatment at each layer is com*lete. +hen treating the lower chakras ,the @st and And-, treatment of most of the le#els of aura will not e re/uired. 4ou may note that in treating a And chakra, for e0am*le, it is only necessary to go to the And le#el, ? to H inches out, yet you may *roceed out a further le#el or two, on occasion, if you feel it is needed with one of these lower chakras. !his is not necessary, howe#er, nor will it usually e re/uired. After charging the chakra using this com*lete *rocedure, likewise treat all other chakras in need of charging. 4ou may find that sometimes, as you sense and treat an indi#idual chakra to restore its color, there will e a sullying of the energy surrounding the chakra that may e0tend as well to the neigh oring chakras, re/uiring that they also e treated. 4ou will therefore need to stri#e to e continuously aware of not only the chakra you are treating, ut also all the others. 4ou will need to maintain a holistic awareness of the chakra system and the layers of aura as well as whate#er effects your treatment is ha#ing on them. 'nly the front of the ody, and the front com*onent of each chakra needing treatment, is treated during charging. After charging each chakra, you may *ercei#e the color of the chakra as eing restored. !he Gth and @st chakras are not as likely to re/uire charging as most of the others, yet if they do, use the following techni/ue1 !he Gth chakra may e charged using the hands in the same *osition on the to* of the head as is usually used in the first *art of treatment. Send the color forth, in this *osition, and then mo#e your hands to successi#ely higher increments, mo#ing them successi#ely further a*art to treat this wide whirl*ool2sha*ed chakra. !he first chakra may e charged y *lacing the hands a out @6 inches away from the ody surface, diagonally out, along the chakra, and charging the chakra at this one le#el. !his is done as a courtesy to the *atient, as the hands are ne#er *laced on or near the genital region.
Ma% ta% % ( Tra s0are $)3A Re2% -er&

It is es*ecially im*ortant to e certain, as you learned in Le#el II, that whene#er you em*loy a treatment techni/ue that uses the hands, you are aware that you are actually treating the *atient using your entire eing, through your hands. !his is es*ecially im*ortant with the techni/ues in this course, in which you em*loy #isuali8ation in con7unction with hand treatment. (e aware and o*en to the entire act, with your entire consciousness, and do not consider that it is 7ust your hand alone that is working on some small *art of the *atient<s energy field. 4ou are acting with your entire self on the *atient<s entire self. !his is essential for

*ro*er *ractice of chakra charging, chakra re alancing, the radiatory method and other im*ortant techni/ues taught in this le#el. CHAKRA SYSTEM REBALANCING A chakra system that is in alance is a *rere/uisite for o#erall health and harmony of the energy field. After charging any chakras that re/uire it, you will then *roceed to re alance the entire chakra system. 4ou will do this y raising or lowering the acti#ity, the radiatory strength, of any chakra e0hi iting under or o#eracti#ity3 alancing its acti#ity le#el with the other chakras, so that all are radiating with the same strength. 'nce a chakra is in an ade/uately charged state, with *ure energy functioning according to its own true color nature, its acti#ity le#el can then e raised or lowered through the addition of lower or higher colors3colors a o#e or elow its own nati#e true color. !he se#en colors of the chakra system are akin to se#en energy le#els3as one mo#es from red to #iolet, each color has the nature of a successi#ely higher le#el of #i ration. !o a**ly a color that is lower or higher than a chakra<s own nati#e true color has the effect of raising or lowering the chakras acti#ity le#el3the higher or lower energy le#el will alter the le#el of stimulation, the radiant strength of the chakra in its own true color range, accordingly. +hereas the intrinsic color of the chakra itself was a**lied to restore color or treat im*urity during charging, re alancing of the chakra system is accom*lished y altering the acti#ity le#el of each o#er2 or under2stimulated chakra y treating the chakra to e re alanced with lower or higher true colors, there y lowering or raising the le#el of its acti#ity y the influence of this lower or higher energy le#el. (y doing this to whiche#er chakras are contri uting to a *attern of im alance, the chakra system can e rought to a le#el and alanced condition. Re alancing of the chakra system, in this way, works with the chakras only3it does not directly affect the higher layers of aura. A alanced chakra system, howe#er, has a far healthier and more harmonious influence on the higher aura layers and the entire energy field and life of the *atient than does one with a significant *attern of im alance. !o re alance the *atient<s chakra system you may egin, again, at the u**ermost or lowermost chakra in need, as you wish, de*ending on your own *reference or the needs of your *atient. !o re alance chakras, use the following hand *ositions and *rocedures1 %lace your hands on the first chakra you wish to re alance, in the hands2 o#erla**ing hand *osition you use during hand *lacement ,hands on the ody surface with the right *alm centered o#er the chakra and the left hand gently o#erla**ing-. Cse this for all ,e0ce*t the @st and Gth- chakras. )ow #isuali8e the sym ol that is associated with the chakra ,the Circle for the @st, And or 5rd chakras= the !rine for the Bth, ?th or Hth chakras= the Star for the Gth chakra- in the ne0t lower or higher color to the chakra<s nati#e color, de*ending on whether the acti#ity le#el of the chakra needs to e lowered or raised. )ote that you are not using a colored sym ol from the asic *rogression3in re alancing, unlike charging, you are always using the sym ol related to the chakra, and not changing the sym ol as

you #ary the color. At the same time that you #isuali8e the sym ol associated with the chakra in the ne0t lower or higher color, also 9see,: in your mind<s eye, a cloud of that color surrounding your hands3es*ecially as a cloud or layer of color elow the hand, gently *enetrating into your *atient. 4ou are the entire act of #isuali8ing the sym ol in the color, and the cloud of that color around the hands, and you intend and sense a lowering or raising of the acti#ity le#el of the chakra. After seeking to lower or raise the acti#ity le#el of the chakra y using the ne0tlowest or ne0t2highest color in this way for a few moments, check your *rogress through the use of an intuiti#e reading3through #isuali8ation of the ody *rofile3to determine whether or not the acti#ity le#el has mo#ed closer to the le#el state you are seeking for the chakra system. Is there still a di*, or um*, at that chakra location> If so, you must then use a stronger influence3a color two ste*s remo#ed from that chakra<s nati#e color3so that the e#en lower ,or higherenergy le#el will work to affect the chakra<s le#el of acti#ation in a stronger way. !reat the chakra in the e0act same way as efore, yet using this e#en lower ,or higher- color for a few moments more, and then once again check your

*rogress using the ody *rofile. Continue treating this chakra with successi#ely lower or higher colors until you feel that the *ro*er acti#ity le#el of the chakra has een restored. Sometimes chakras will only re/uire the a**lication of one higher or lower color to 9 ring them into line.: At other times a chakra will re/uire a succession of higher or lower colors to raise or lower its acti#ity, res*ecti#ely. 'ften chakras will re/uire a**lication of a color two or e#en three ste*s elow or a o#e their nati#e color. 4ou will notice that when treating low chakras that are o#eracti#e or high chakras that are underacti#e, you will only ha#e a limited num er of color ste*s a#aila le. In these cases, it is not usually difficult to use what lower or higher colors are a#aila le to re alance the chakra, yet it may sometimes re/uire a longer a**lication. Always start, howe#er, with the ne0t2higher or ne0t2lower color to that chakras own nati#e color3do not 97um*: two or more ste*s at a time3 ecause it is far gentler on the chakra system and the *atient to gradually increase or decrease the energy le#el a**lied to affect the acti#ity le#el of the chakra. Increase or decrease the color a**lied one color ste* at a time, until whate#er color difference is necessary to correct the acti#ity le#el has een reached. Cse the *rocedure a o#e to re alance each chakra which re/uires it3 working either from lower to higher chakras or from higher to lower. +hen you ha#e finished re alancing the chakras, they should all radiate with e/ual strength3no one chakra will *ossess more force than another. !hey will a**ear as an e#en rain ow. Check your *rogress using #isuali8ation of the ody *rofile. )ote again that the higher le#els of aura are not treated in re alancing3one remains on the ody surface, with hands on the chakra eing treated, when altering the chakra acti#ity le#els. 'nly the front of the ody is treated in this manner. Re alancing the chakras in this manner is a gentle, yet effecti#e method of altering the acti#ity of the chakras, y eginning with nearer colors, rather than immediately em*loying a much higher or lower color, such as a color o**osite, which would ha#e a harsher effect. Such schemes of alancing chakras are often ineffecti#e, too.

4ou may wonder why the a**lication of other colors is done after the chakra<s own color is a**lied to *urify it during charging, and whether the addition of the other colors can render it im*ure again. Charging and re alancing, although oth using color, are fundamentally different *rocesses. !he addition of the chakra<s own color, during charging, is *erformed to correct an im*ure functioning of the nati#e energy in the chakra 3to strengthen and *urify its nati#e energetic functioning. 'nce the intrinsic energy is *ure and strong in its color, the addition of higher and lower colors or energy le#els, during re alancing, has a different effect3a stimulating or /uieting effect on the acti#ity le#el of the chakra. Adding lower or higher true colors to a charged chakra do not introduce im*urities= the addition of a *ure color to a chakra cannot *ollute it again. !here are a few s*ecial considerations to e o ser#ed when re alancing the @st or Gth chakras. '#eracti#ity of the Gth chakra is treated y *lacing the hands on the to* of the head in the same way as during the regular series of hand *ositions and a**lying the lower colors as needed, using the a o#e *rocedure. Cnder acti#ity of the @st chakra is treated y *lacing the hands a out @6 inches a o#e the @st chakra, diagonally out, and a**lying the higher colors as re/uired ,the hands are ne#er *laced on the ody of the *atient at the first chakra *osition-, using the a o#e *rocedure. Cnderacti#ity of the Gth chakra or o#eracti#ity of the @st chakra cannot e treated using color, howe#er, as you may understand. !here are no colors that we use that are higher than #iolet or lower than red. Cnderacti#ity of the Gth chakra, can, howe#er, e treated with the Star, as follows1 %osition the hands a out @6 to @A inches a o#e the crown of the head, and #isuali8ing the Star without color. 4ou must intend and sense, using the *ower of your will, to increase the acti#ity of the Gth chakra and restore it to alance. '#eracti#ity of the @st chakra may e treated as follows1 %lace the hands a out 5 inches a o#e the first chakra ,diagonally out in front of the ody-, and #isuali8ing the Circle, without color, using the will to decrease the acti#ity of this chakra, and ringing it into alance. Cse the force of your will when using these techni/ues3you will find that there is a strong ond etween you and your *atient when you do this. THE RADIATORY METHOD Charging and re alancing of the chakras can ha#e a great *ositi#e effect u*on their o*eration, and yet to su**lement and enhance the strength and *urity of the nati#e energetic functioning within the chakra ,as in charging- or to correct im alances in the acti#ity le#els of the chakras within the chakra system ,as is done in re alancing- is sometimes not enough. It is also *ossi le for chakras to ha#e structural energetic defects 3defects in the structure, energy *attern and energy flow of the chakra itself. !his is a serious condition, one which can affect not only the *hysical health of the *atient ,due to im*ro*er energy alance and flow throughout the ody and related organs- ut can also

limit and cause ill conditions in the emotions, the mind and e#en the s*iritual life of the *atient. Such defects in chakra structure can therefore *lace great *ro lems and limitations on the well2 eing of the *atient. !hey can e corrected, howe#er, through the use of a *owerful techni/ue known as #he "adiatory $ethod. As you ha#e felt in your healing work, the ody and mind of the healer ecome 9trans*arent: during the healing *rocess, in which the healer acts as a channel. !he healer, while healing, is trans*arent to the energies and healing forces that come through during the healing *rocess and is also o*en to intuiti#e and em*athic sensing of the *atient<s condition. As we ha#e discussed, the healer<s ody may mirror the ody of the *atient, in the em*athic sensing of conditions that re/uire treatment. +hen this occurs, the healer may sense, in his or her self, conditions in the *atient that re/uire treatment, including sensing in the healer<s own chakras, those chakras in the *atient which ha#e structural energetic defects and re/uire treatment with the radiatory method. In radiatory healing, using the radiatory method, the healer will use this mirroring in another way. !he healer will use his or her own ody3actually the corres*onding chakras of his or her own energy field3as a channel to send the healing energy to the *atient and treat the chakra using this techni/ue. In a sense, the healer cures ills in his *atient y curing the ills in his or her 9self.: !he healer does this y becoming the chakra that re/uires treatment. !he result of a *ure #isuali8ation u*on the ill chakra of a *atient, y the healer, is to send forth healing energy through the healer<s own corres*onding chakra and to the chakra of the *atient. !he health of the healer<s own chakra radiates to the ill chakra in the *atient, and does so ecause the two corres*onding chakras, of healer and *atient, ha#e a com*ati le, like2kind energy3a sym*athetic resonance of their nati#e energies e0ist, which makes this healing connection *ossi le. !he hands, howe#er, are still used to hel* direct the energy. Radiatory healing is ased u*on this theory, and when *ro*erly *erformed is an act of selftranscendence on the *art of the healer. A *ure #isuali8ation of the chakra in need re/uires that the healer set his or her own self aside and ecome only that chakra. !hus, the healer, when engaging in radiatory healing, is not his or her 9self : at all, ut is a channel to *ure energy. In the *urest sense of healing, the healer creates an area where the healing energy and the *atient meet and ecomes trans*arent to this meeting. It is as though oth the *atient and the healing energy are drawn into the healer and sent outward into the *atient. It is im*ortant to also understand that the healer, while *erforming radiatory healing, is not in control of, and may not know the details of, the healing, and sim*ly surrenders his or herself to the healing *ower eing directed through. It is, howe#er, the *urest act of healing that there is= it is a radiation of *ure energy from one chakra to another, from healer to *atient. !he radiatory method works y creating a com*letely *ure channel in the healer, so that healing *ower from the field of *ure consciousness can e #ery effecti#ely ta**ed3*erha*s with the assistance of a guide3so that the defect in chakra structure is healed. !he radiatory method not only treats the chakras of the *atient, ut also works on the higher aura le#els. +hen a chakra is treated with the radiatory method, its entire field is

treated, including the *oints on the higher aura le#els where its influence is felt. !he energy radiates from the chakra of the healer to that of the *atient, ut is also distri uted, infuses into and effects changes in the *atient<s aura layers, u* to and including the corres*onding aura le#el. !his ser#es to correct whate#er structural energetic defect may ha#e een *resent in the chakra, and to treat the higher aura layers, which may also ha#e unhealthy conditions on them. As in chakra charging, the hands of the healer are used to direct the healing energy to the higher le#els of aura, the chakra *oints a o#e the *atient<s *hysical ody. !he hands of the healer are also fre/uently in motion, when treating these higher aura le#els, as with charging. !o treat chakras e0hi iting structural energetic defects with the radiatory method, you may once again egin at the lowest or highest chakra in need, as your 7udgment dictates. Cse the following hand *ositions and *rocedures1 %lace your hands on the first chakra to e treated, in the hands2o#erla**ing hand *osition you use during hand *lacement ,hands on the ody surface with the right *alm centered o#er the chakra and the left hand gently o#erla**ing-. Cse this for

all ,e0ce*t the @st and Gth- chakras. )ow you must egin to #isuali8e the *atient<s chakra 3 you must allow all else to dro* away from your awareness and sim*ly ecome one with the chakra of the *atient. Do not #isuali8e the chakra in a #isual: sense, as though you were seeing it, ut sense and ecome the essence of the chakra. Do not 9think a out: the chakra3do not think a out anything3 ut only sense and ecome. Visuali8e the chakra, ecome the chakra, feeling 9yourself: *erha*s as a source of radiant energy, instead of #isuali8ing a *articular sha*e or a**earance. Set aside your own identity and ecome the chakra you are healing. Do not think a out or do anything else e0ce*t ecome the chakra, using your #isuali8ing *ower. 4ou, your hands and the *atient<s chakra are 'ne. Release yourself and conduct whate#er energy flows through you. After treating the chakra at this lowest le#el for a few moments, mo#e your hands to ? or H inches a o#e the chakra, and s*read your hands further a*art, so that they are now only slightly o#erla**ing, as you did during color charging at the higher le#els. (ecome the chakra again, using your *owers of #isuali8ation in the e0act same way as a o#e, and conduct again whate#er energies flow through you to this second le#el, ut with one addition1 as with charging, when your hands are off the ody treating the chakra, you may feel that you want to mo#e your hands in small semicircular mo#ements, two or three inches in diameter, to hel* s*read whate#er healing energies are coming through into the higher layers of aura. 4ou may merely ha#e the idea of mo#ement in your mind, as if you were mo#ing imaginary 9etheric: hands. 4our *sychic sense of what is est, or the assistance or direction of

a guide, may make your hands want to mo#e. 'ften your hands will e in motion, at the higher aura le#els, as you treat a chakra with the radiatory method. Continue this *rocess until you ha#e treated at least u* to the aura le#el corres*onding to the chakra you are treating, as you ha#e done with charging. At each le#el, it is #ital that you focus your entire eing on ecoming one with the chakra you are treating, and remain totally o*en to whate#er energies are flowing through you3a *erfectly o*en and clear channel. !his is the only way that your own chakra can connect with your *atient<s and *erform the healing needed. If you are a le to sense or #iew the conditions on the higher odies, as you *erform this techni/ue on the higher layers, you may use this awareness to 7udge when your treatment at each layer is com*lete. %erform this techni/ue for each chakra which you ha#e sensed re/uires it. +hile engaging in radiatory healing, you may feel ele#ated in s*irit, or ha#e e0*eriences related to the le#el of consciousness eing worked on. It is also #ery *ossi le that, as you sense and ecome the chakra, you will recei#e *sychic information and guidance regarding the life e0*eriences that led to the damage, and correlating conditions in the *sychology of the *atient, as well as the influence the damage has had to the *hysical, emotional, mental and s*iritual le#els of the *atient<s eing. As in charging and re alancing, only the front of the ody is treated in this manner. +hen using the radiatory techni/ue on the Gth chakra, use the usual hand *osition3 egin with the hands on the to* sides of the head ,as during the regular round of hand *ositions-, and then *roceed to the higher le#els, mo#ing the hands successi#ely farther a*art. +hen *erforming the radiatory techni/ue on the @st chakra, *lace your hands @6 inches a o#e the chakra, diagonally out, and treat only this one le#el. +hen *erforming the charging or radiatory techni/ues during the treatment of children, you must use B inch increments instead of the ? to H inch increments used on adults. !his is ecause the higher odies in children do not e0tend as far out from the ody. All these increments, as gi#en, may not e0actly corres*ond to the s*acing of the higher odies, which are successi#ely further away from the ody surface, ut they *ro#ide for ma0imum dis*ersion of the healing energies into the higher aura layers. 4ou will note, also, that the s*acing used3? to H inches when dis*ersing the energies3is greater than the B to ? inch #isual increments used when attem*ting to #iew the successi#ely higher layers of aura. !his is ecause the hands are most effecti#e when 7ust a o#e the outer limit of any *articular aura le#el In reality, there are #arious accounts and ways of defining the locations of the higher odies, yet these increments gi#en *ro#ide for ma0imum effect.
Be$!2% ( M!re A/are !1 the Nat#re a - F# $t%! !1 the Cha4ras&

!he chakras are of central im*ortance in healing work. !o ecome aware of their nature and function is of great enefit to the healer. As you may ha#e e0*erienced, each chakra has its own nature3the third chakra, for e0am*le, has a nature and function different

from the si0th3 although, of course, all the chakras relate to each other in each indi#idual and make u* the chakra system as a whole. "uch has een written regarding the nature and function of each of the chakras in the chakra system, and yet the truth is that this nature and function cannot e descri ed *urely through the use of words and ideas. !he chakras, as channels and e0*ressions of *ure eing, contain /ualities and as*ects eyond a *urely *hysical or mental understanding and can only truly e known through the culti#ation of a higher awareness1 a holistic awareness of the dee*er nature and function of each chakra itself, how it relates to the other chakras in the *atient, how it relates to the function of the *hysical ody ,related organs, etc.- and how its way of working ser#es to influence the higher le#els of the *atient<s *sychology and life e0*erience ,emotional, mental and s*iritual iases and influences-. "ere descri*tions em*loying generalities of #arious sorts may ser#e to gi#e a rudimentary idea of each chakra<s manner of functioning and realm of influence, ut the full understanding is much greater than any of these, and cannot e achie#ed through the descri*tions of the rational mind alone. During your *ractice of the radiatory method, you may ha#e egun to gain some sense of the dee*er nature and function of the chakras. !o #isuali8e, sense and ecome the chakra makes *ossi le this dee*er learning, in which knowledge of the chakra ecomes *art of you at a fundamental le#el. As you *ractice the #arious techni/ues for sensing and treating chakras, es*ecially the radiatory techni/ue, it is wise to egin to seek and culti#ate this dee*er awareness of the nature and function of each chakra in the chakra system, and the *articular characteristics and influences each chakra *resents in your #arious *atients. It is interesting to know that, as you ac/uire a sense of the eingness, nature and function of each chakra, you also ac/uire a sense for its corres*onding higher layer of aura3the ultimate nature of the chakras and the ultimate nature of the higher ody corres*onding to each are one. !o #isuali8e, sense and ecome the chakras, and therefore to know this le#el of the chakras and odies, is easier than to try to accom*lish this same *ur*ose through the study or #isuali8ation of the aura le#els. Visuali8ation of the chakras is therefore essential to ac/uiring this knowledge, and you may, if you wish, *ractice this #isuali8ation and learning of the chakras during healing treatments or at other times1 +ith your hands on the chakra of your *atient, or a su 7ect, sense and ecome the chakra, as you ha#e learned to do in your *ractice of the radiatory method. Allow a dee* sense of the chakra itself to emerge in your awareness, without /ualifying it in #er al or mental terms. Do you gain a dee* sense of its realm of eing and its *lace in the holistic functioning of the *atient<s ody and mind> Allow yourself to gain a *ure sense of the chakra<s *lace in the life of the *atient, and also a sense of what indi#idual #ariations, which indi#idual characteristics, influences and iases e0ist in your *atient which relate to this chakra. 4ou may get all this information in #arious ways1 *ictures, your 9felt sense,: or sim*ly a sense of a dee*er knowing. After you *ractice a sensing and ecoming of each of the chakras in your su 7ect<s chakra system, allow a sense of all the chakras as one3 a dee* sense of the unity of the chakra system, in structure and function3to

emerge in your awareness and understanding as you focus u*on your *atient or su 7ect. !his, like a sensing and ecoming of indi#idual chakras, is like a form of meditation, in which knowledge sim*ly comes to you, at a dee* le#el. 4ou may also seek to ac/uire this dee*er understanding of the chakras y sensing and ecoming your own chakras ,without the *lacing of your hands u*on the chakras eing necessary, in this case-. 4ou may find this an e#en easier way to egin to sense the dee* nature and function of the chakras, and later in this course you will work on an e0ercise to sense your own chakras in this way. All such efforts at learning the chakras will aid in the de#elo*ment of your dee*er understanding3an awareness that e0ists and grows in a larger realm, eyond mere mental understanding. It is im*ortant to remem er, howe#er, that all your learning and knowing of indi#idual chakras must e0*and into a knowing of all the chakras in the chakra system as one. Such efforts at learning to know the chakra system ha#e a twofold *ur*ose1 they ser#e to culti#ate a dee*er awareness of the chakras and the chakra system as *ure entities, and to ac/uaint the healer with *articular #ariations and characteristics that each chakra and each chakra system contains. !he chakra system does not e0ist a*art from each indi#idual. It is not fi0ed, nor is it greater than an indi#idual, and it cannot e0ist without an indi#idual characteristic, either. As each *erson has a *ersonality, a *articular e0*ression of whate#er underlying s*iritual essence is contained in human nature in general, each chakra system has *articular characteristics which are an e0*ression of the underlying reality of the nature and function of each chakra and the chakra system as a whole. As a general understanding of human nature can e achie#ed through the dee* understanding of *articular human eings, the nature and function of the chakras and the chakra system can e attained through a dee* learning and e0*erience of the chakras in your *atients and in yourself. SEVENTH LAYER FOCAL HEALING !he Gth layer of aura fulfills a s*ecial function in the energy field. It is a reflection of the entire life e0*erience of the indi#idual, including the entire relationshi* etween that indi#idual, in all of his or her incarnated li#es, and the greater s*iritual totality. It is the highest layer of aura, and contains the most refined and most *ermanent energetic characteristics in the aura layers3characteristics with the a ility to affect the energetic o*erations in all lower layers of aura and corres*ondingly affect the entire life e0*erience of the indi#idual. !herefore, unresol#ed *ast2life e0*eriences in this layer ,for e0am*lecan ha#e a ma7or im*act on the *resent life. +hen this layer of aura has damaged regions, from traumatic or unresol#ed *ast2life ,or e#en *resent life- e0*eriences, it can seriously reduce the *otential of the *erson to achie#e the most s*iritually aware, affliction2free and fulfilling life *ossi le, and can e#en lead to disease. !his damage to the Gth layer can therefore *lace limitations u*on the indi#idual<s a ility to co*e with and grow from the challenges and o**ortunities a#aila le in the *resent life. !his Gth layer of aura corres*onds to the Gth chakra, and like the Gth chakra, is intimately connected to the sum total of the s*iritual eingness. !he Gth chakra commonly re/uires

attention from the healer, and will fre/uently re/uire some or e#en all of the techni/ues you ha#e learned in these second and third healing courses, in com ination. Some of these techni/ues used y the healer on the Gth chakra, such as charging and the radiatory techni/ue, also ser#e to treat the Gth layer of aura, as you know, ut as this Gth layer is often in need of significant healing, and ecause treating the G th layer of aura directly is often more effecti#e than treating the Gth chakra and Gth layer with these other techni/ues alone, it is desira le to treat the Gth layer of aura directly, also. (ecause of the s*ecial im*ortance of this layer of aura, and ecause healing of this layer can ha#e such a *rofound enefit to the *atient, a #ery *owerful s*ecial techni/ue for this layer alone is also a#aila le, and it is known as !eventh %ayer &ocal 'ealing. !o heal this Gth layer of aura through the use of this techni/ue is a great enefit to the *atient, for when the healer works on the Gth layer of aura, all of the lower layers are e#entually affected, in turn. Although it will not e all *atients who re/uire this healing3only a fraction will e0hi it damage to the Gth layer that re/uires correction3to heal the G th layer can heal or *re#ent disease, gi#e the *atient the o**ortunity to ad#ance s*iritually and, es*ecially, to sim*ly li#e a more fulfilling e0istence. 'ften it *ro#ides a healing effect that is *rofound and seemingly cannot e o tained any other way. !o egin to em*loy this techni/ue, the first ste* is an in2de*th and careful e0amination of the *atient<s Gth layer of aura. During your regular treatment of the *atient, em*loying all the techni/ues that ha#e een discussed, you may ha#e seen or ha#e gained some sense of damage to the Gth layer, or may ha#e recei#ed some *sychic information or guidance that indicated to you that treatment of the Gth layer was re/uired. (efore treating this layer, howe#er, it is necessary to take some additional time, 7ust *rior to em*loying se#enth layer focal healing, to sense the condition of this layer again, and in detail. +ith your *atient lying face2u* on the treatment ta le, ack away to a distance of si0 feet, or somewhat more, from the *atient. E0amine the Gth layer, with your *sychic sight ,and with your eyes, if you can-, using the techni/ue for #iewing this higher layer of aura ,em*loying the #iolet Star, and #isuali8ation of this layer in the mind<s eye, using the method of *ractice *re#iously discussed-. Iuietly o ser#e this outermost and finest layer of the *atient<s energy field. After some o ser#ation, o#er se#eral minutes, you will see it as if it were a fine, trans*arent eggshell, with a soft glowing light that may a**ear right or golden to your *sychic sight and eyes. !his layer is a**ro0imately three feet, or a little more, from the ody surface, and, although a**earing as right or golden light, is actually com*osed of a light that contains all the colors in its true nature. Study this Gth layer of aura carefully, o#er se#eral minutes, noting im*erfections in the shell, *articularly in the constancy of the light. Areas of damage in this layer will a**ear as s*ots, 8ones or areas that dis*lay a change in texture3not any significant change in the color or intensity of the light of the shell, ut a roughness and a change in the /uality of the light of the shell. !he light of the shell will a**ear as a light would a**ear that has reflected from a different te0tured surface. !hese s*ots, 8ones or damaged areas can e of any sha*e or si8e3there is not one sha*e or si8e that they are more likely to e, although they do not usually grow

e0tremely large. !hey are fre/uently found more often on the to* half of the shell 3the *ortion around the u**er half of the ody3although they may occur anywhere. !here may e one of these damaged s*ots, 8ones or areas, or there may e se#eral. "ake careful note of each. !his is a *rocess of #isuali8ation and careful o ser#ation. (egin your treatment of the *atient y conducting a *reliminary #isuali8ation of each area of the shell that shows damage1 #isuali8e, sense and ecome each s*ot, 8one or damaged area of the Gth layer. +hile #isuali8ing these s*ots, 8ones or damaged areas, in your mind<s eye, see these damaged areas of the Gth layer that re/uire re*air eing re*aired. Do this, for a rief moment, with each damaged area, intending and sensing the area eing restored. !his #isuali8ation creates a link etween the healer and the areas to e healed, *ro#iding for a more *owerful healing during the second *hase of treatment that is detailed elow. It is a sense of em*athy with the *atient and the *atient<s condition3a drawing of the healer into the *atient3u*on which effecti#e healing de*ends. As you *erform this *reliminary #isuali8ation on the areas, s*ots or 8ones in the G th layer that re/uire re*air, you may also find yourself a le to recei#e *sychic information and guidance regarding the meaning of these areas, as you focus u*on each of them. Each area of damage may ear relationshi* to certain *ast life ,and;or *resent life- e0*eriences of the *atient, and will ha#e often resulted in #arious unhealthy energetic conditions on the lower layers of aura3 defects in the ?th layer which mirror defects in the Gth layer shell, for e0am*le. 4ou may therefore 9see: the e0*eriences, the damaged area of the G th layer and the resulting unhealthy energetic conditions on the lower layers, as well as the

correlating effects that these ha#e had u*on the *sychology, *resent2life e0*erience and *hysical, emotional, mental and s*iritual health of the *atient. After com*leting this *reliminary #isuali8ation of each damaged s*ot, area or 8one on the Gth layer, a**roach your *atient and egin to treat each damaged region indi#idually again, ut with this s*ecific techni/ue1 for each s*ot, 8one or area on the G layer that has e0hi ited damage, *lace your hand etween the ody surface of the *atient and the damaged area of the Gth layer. 4our hand should e a**ro0imately @6 inches from the ody surface, with the *alm o*en and facing downward toward the ody surface of the *atient. )ow, using your *owers of #isuali8ation, #isuali8e a stream of energy or light ,use light if you are comforta le with it- flowing from the area near the ody of your *atient, through your hand, and outwards through the higher odies to the damaged region of the Gth layer. !he energy;light is drawn from the energy surrounding the *atient<s ody in the area immediately around and under your hand. !he hand draws the light;energy to itself, *assing it through itself as if it were a ,conca#e- lens, and then the light;energy di#erges and diffuses3it is s*read out and tra#els to the damaged region of the Gth layer shell, where it illuminates an area *erha*s a foot in diameter ,more or less- and where it re*airs, corrects and strengthens the shell and heals the damage that has occurred. !he light;energy is concentrated, efore it *asses through the 9lens: of the hand, and is then diffused and also directed towards the region in need.

!his is a *owerful techni/ue, and like all the *owerful techni/ues you are learning in this course, it is your *owerful and effecti#e #isuali8ation a ility that makes it work. !reat each damaged s*ot, 8one or area in succession with this techni/ue for a few moments, or until you get a sense that your treatment of the s*ot, 8one or area is com*lete. +ith each damaged region, either hand my e used, ut use only one hand at a time on one region at a time, and #isuali8e the *ro*er techni/ue clearly and accurately, treating only the area re/uiring it, for se#eral minutes, until you get a sense that your treatment of that area is com*lete. Check your *rogress with your *sychic sight or your eyes as you treat the damaged regions. After com*leting treatment of all damaged regions on the front half of the eggshell, ha#e your *atient turn o#er and lie on his or her stomach, and re*eat, on the ack side, the entire *rocess of careful o ser#ation, *reliminary #isuali8ation, and treatment with the focal healing techni/ue. It is somewhat less likely to find damaged s*ots, 8ones or areas on this ack side than on the front half of the shell, ut they can still e found. As on the front side, damaged s*ots, 8ones or areas which are found on the ack side are more fre/uently found on the u**er half of the shell. After treating the *atient with this techni/ue, *erform a *assing of hands on your *atient to sense the harmony in the energy flow of the field3checking to esta lish a reference sense of its harmonious flow after Gth layer treatment, for future com*arison. Ho*efully, you will gain a tactile and intuiti#e sense of a harmonious and healthy o#erall energy flow in the field. !his harmony will e

sensed as you *ass your hands low o#er the ody, as is usually done, and it indicates that the restoration attem*ted on the G layer has een effecti#e. A well2 healed Gth layer *ositi#ely affects all lower layers of aura, and this effect can e noted during this regular *assing of hands. 'ne to two weeks after eing treated with the se#enth layer focal healing techni/ue, your *atient must then e re2 assessed, in this same way, with you again *erforming the *assing of hands to sense the harmony ,or lack thereof- of the energy flow3a lack of harmony arising in the o#erall flow *ossi ly indicating an incorrect or incom*lete Gth layer treatment. If a disharmony in the flow of energy has ecome manifest, the Gth layer should again e o ser#ed and treated as necessary.

It is im*ortant to know that, in order to safely em*loy this treatment, you must ac/uire a clear *erce*tion of the Gth layer, and work accurately and delicately as you direct the energy through your hand and out to damaged regions in it. Although it is sim*le in nature, this techni/ue is e0tremely *owerful, and should e *erformed only with a full understanding of the *rocess3otherwise it is *ossi le for more harm than good to e done.
Del%7er% ( "s)$h%$ I 1!r2at%! t! the "at%e t&

During the sensing and treatment of the #ery im*ortant Gth layer of aura, as during the sensing and #iewing of the aura in its entirety and the sensing and #iewing of the chakra system, the healer will often recei#e *sychic information and guidance regarding the *sychology and *resent and *ast2life e0*erience of the *atient, which ha#e contri uted to the *resent state of the *atient<s energy field, and his or her ody, emotions, mind and s*irit. A focus u*on the colors and other *henomena in the aura layers, the colors and the e0istence of im*urities and defects in the chakras, the sensing and ecoming of the *atient<s chakra that is *racticed during the radiatory techni/ue, the *reliminary #isuali8ation of damaged regions on the Gth layer of aura and u*on whate#er other energetic conditions may e0ist in the energy field will often will often lead to the rece*tion of such information regarding their origin and influence u*on the *atient. +hene#er the healer focuses u*on, senses and ecomes an as*ect of the *atient<s energy field, in the *rocess of healing the *atient, this sort of information ecomes a#aila le. !his has een discussed. !his information is e0tremely useful to the healer, for the *ur*ose of coming to a full understanding of the *atient<s condition, and may also e deli#ered to the *atient3under certain #ery im*ortant conditions3for the *atient<s learning, understanding and o#erall healing. A healing treatment is a #ery good time for *ersonal growth on all le#els, for the energy, color and light work the healer *erforms on the *atient<s energy field often catalytically *otentiates and su**orts the *atient<s re2e0*eriencing traumatic *ast e0*eriences, coming to terms with emotions, achie#ing a greater understanding of his or her condition, situation and *ro lems, and ac/uiring a new and more eneficial s*iritual relationshi* with him or herself and the world. Deli#ery of *sychic information to the *atient, for the *ur*ose of com*lementing and enhancing the *atient<s o#erall e0*erience of healing, must e done only at the *ro*er

time, in the *ro*er way, and only to the degree that is eneficial for the *atient, howe#er. !he healer must carefully and consciously choose what *ortion, if any, of the information that has een recei#ed should e deli#ered to the *atient, how it should e deli#ered, and when the *atient has recei#ed enough. 'therwise, as in the se#enth layer focal healing techni/ue, it is entirely *ossi le for the healer to do more harm than good. !he ideal way for the healer to incor*orate the 9deli#ery: of *sychic information in a healing treatment is as a gentle leading of the *atient towards understanding and release, and as a confirmation of the *atient<s own e0*erience in this *rocess. !hat is, the healer does not 9thrust: the information u*on the *atient, in a way that is cold, un*re*ared or insensiti#e, ut instead encourages and assists the *atient to disco#er and e0*erience for his or herself whate#er is im*ortant and needs to e looked at. +hile treating a seriously damaged heart chakra, for e0am*le, the healer may gently offer, to the *atient, the o ser#ation that he or she holds anger. !he *atient may then e encouraged to acknowledge and e0*lore this anger3may e encouraged to get in touch with this emotion, or e#en go ack to the time when this anger was felt strongly3and the healer may gently steer the *atient in doing so, eing a le to do so y #irtue of ha#ing recei#ed *sychic information and guidance detailing the origin of the *atient<s trauma. !he *atient may then egin to get in touch with this emotion and the e0*eriences which ha#e *roduced it. !hese may a**ear as *ictures or as an actual re2#i#ification of *ast traumatic e0*eriences. !he healer may also gently steer the *atient towards a new understanding of how this e0*erience and the *atient<s reaction to it has influenced the *atient<s #iew of him or herself, the *atient<s life, or others around the *atient. !he healer may ha#e seen this anger and its manifestations in the aura layers, may ha#e seen the traumatic e0*eriences in the *resent life of the *atient that it correlates to, may e#en see #arious *ast life traumas of which the *resent2life e0*eriences are a re2 e0*eriencing, and may ha#e a com*lete *icture of the entire *attern of e0istential iases that this com*le0 com*rises, ut to deli#er all this information ,or e#en a *art of it- to the *atient, at once, is not in the est interest of the *atient and can easily o#erwhelm or cause the *atient to draw ack, deny or re7ect further healing. It is far etter to let out the information a little at a time, at the *ro*er moments, as a *rocess of leading the *atient towards e0*eriencing what is eneficial for him or her to e0*erience during the healing, and assisting the *atient in acknowledging and letting go of whate#er comes u*. Instrumental in the 7udgment and timing re/uired to do this *ro*erly is the a ility of the healer to know and follow his or her own intuiti#e sense, as well as whate#er guidance is eing gi#en. !his intuiti#e sense and guidance will assist in directing the healing treatment to whate#er faulty energetic conditions need treatment that day, to what *ast e0*eriences and emotions need to come u* and e understood and resol#ed, and to the est moment and the est way for this to ha**en. Com*lete healing is seldom accom*lished in one healing session, and the *atient<s core issues and unresol#ed e0*eriences can e re#ealed and resol#ed in a gradual, safe manner. 'ften the healer will get a real sense of when these moments can occur, and the way in which the healer can e of est hel*. !he key is to remain o*en and clear in the

awareness while retaining caution in what is released to the *atient and how /uickly the *atient is led to dee*er and dee*er layers of e0*eriences which contain the core issues and core emotions. Healing of s*ecific damaged areas in the *atient<s energy field will often occur at the same time that the *atient gets in touch with, comes to an understanding of, and releases the e0*eriences with which they correlate. 'ften this will occur during regular hand *lacement, during aura charging, while un locking chakras, when charging chakras or treating them with the radiatory method, or when healing the Gth layer with the se#enth layer focal healing techni/ue, although it may occur at any time during treatment. +orking to assist the *atient in handling the e0*eriences, knowings and emotions that come u* at these times, in a sensiti#e and effecti#e way, is another ser#ice the healer *erforms for the *atient. DISTANCE HEALING It is usual for a *atient to e treated y the healer in *erson3in the healer<s *hysical *resence, with the use of the healer<s hands on and a o#e the ody3to assist in conducting the energy, color and light. It is desira le for the healer to e in the *resence of the *atient so that an e0amination of the *atient<s energy field may e more directly conducted and all conditions re/uiring treatment may e directly treated. !he a ility of the healer to sense the energy field of the *atient, and defects therein, through 9*sychic sight,: is not limited y distance, howe#er, nor is the healer<s a ility to channel energy, color and light. Although an 9in2*erson: treatment is usually somewhat more *owerful and com*rehensi#e, is *ossi le for the healer to gi#e a #ery effecti#e and eneficial treatment to a *atient in a remote location3e#en thousands of miles away. !here will e times when it ecomes necessary for the healer to treat a *atient at a distance3with certain *atients who are often at remote locations, for e0am*le, and cannot come for an in2*erson treatment. %atients with serious illnesses, also, often re/uire distance treatment, for fre/uently the serious illnesses that they suffer from re/uire treatment e#ery day or e#ery few days, and these *atients sometimes cannot come to the healer in *erson at these short inter#als. "ost of the healing techni/ues that you ha#e *racticed with direct *atient contact, during Le#el II and Le#el III, may also e em*loyed at a distance. !he healer generally only *erforms distance healing, howe#er, on a *atient that has een seen in *erson *re#iously1 a *atient that has, at least once, een e0amined and treated y the healer 9hands2on.: !his is ecause the healer finds it much easier to 9tune in: to the *atient, ha#ing seen, e0amined and *laced the hands u*on the *atient efore. Distance healing treatments are conducted in a manner #ery similar to in2*erson treatments, with 7ust a few sim*le changes3changes that are necessary ecause the hands cannot e used.

(egin y finding a /uiet, *ri#ate location where you will not e distur ed, and then seat yourself comforta ly and close your eyes. %roceed to call in the energy using the sym ols, as is usually done efore a treatment. )ow egin to 9tune in: to the *atient. Let all considerations and thoughts dro* away as you egin to ecome aware of only your *atient. Cse your intuiti#e and #isuali8ation a ility to look for some of the same conditions in your *atient<s energy field that you normally would look for at the eginning of treatment1 check for leaks and tears in the *atient<s field ,including tears that e0tend through more than one layer of aura-, for locked chakras ,and for chakras which seem in s*ecial need of treatment- and for distur ances in energy flow ,you will need to sense this #isually, of course, ut also with your 9felt sense: and;or guidance-. It is not necessary to look for auric energy im*urities in the *atient, for these cannot e treated at a distance, ecause the drawing2out2ofhands re/uires the use of the hands to e effecti#e. )or is it necessary to look for energy de*letion, ecause aura charging similarly re/uires the *hysical *resence of the healer to e done consistently and effecti#ely. Csing the techni/ue for raising your #i ratory le#el, also egin to gain a #isuali8ation of the condition of the higher aura le#els of the *atient. (egin the *rocess of ecoming aware of the condition of all the aura layers, at a dee* le#el, and #isuali8ing and sensing them corrected and restored. Continue throughout treatment. After conducting this *reliminary e0amination, egin to treat the *atient using the *ale white or luish2white light, while maintaining a state of /uiet focus on the *atient and the area that is eing treated. !o seal leaks and tears, #isuali8e the light fusing shut the reak, as you would normally do, yet without using your hands or imagining them o#er the reak. Distur ances in energy flow can e corrected y #isuali8ing the Star, com*osed of the light, while em*loying a light #isuali8ation of a smooth harmonious flow3without the use or imagined use of the hands u*on the crown of the head, as would usually e em*loyed. !reat the chakras with light, also, ut do not imagine your hands on the *atient. Instead, treat the chakras with the light y #isuali8ing the light surrounding the chakra. It is not always necessary to treat all the chakras in distance healing, and it is not necessarily desira le to do so, either. It is etter to focus only u*on those chakras which you sense really need treatment. +hen treating locked chakras, #isuali8e the a**ro*riate sym ol, com*osed of the light, while also #isuali8ing the light surrounding the chakra and seeing and intending that the u*ward flow of energy e cleared. After treating needed areas with the light, *erform a #isuali8ation of the chakra system ,the ody *rofile-, determining which chakras are in need of charging or re alancing, in e0actly the same way you ha#e done with the *atient *hysically *resent. %roceed to charge whiche#er chakras re/uire it, using a #isuali8ation of the a**ro*riate sym ol in color and a cloud of that color surrounding that chakra of the *atient, as you would normally do, ut without using or imagining the use of the hands. )ote that since you are not using the hands, there will not e higher

auric le#els to treat during the charging. Check your *rogress, during charging, using #isuali8ation of the chakra system. Should your *atient<s chakra system e0hi it a *attern of im alance, ad7ust the acti#ity le#el of whiche#er chakras re/uire it, y using higher or lower colors3 see the sym ol related to that chakra in the a**ro*riate higher or lower colors while also seeing a cloud of that color surrounding the chakra and intending and sensing that its acti#ity le#el e suita ly altered, in the e0act same way you would normally do, ut without using or imagining the use of the hands. Check your *rogress intuiti#ely, using a #isuali8ation of the *atient<s chakra system, until you sense the chakras are in alance. Although you are not *hysically *resent with the *atient, your em*athic sense of chakras which may ha#e structural energetic defects and re/uire treatment with the radiatory method can still *ro#ide this needed information. %sychic information or guidance may also e offered to inform you of chakras re/uiring treatment in this manner. !reat any of these chakras using the radiatory method, y focusing your entire eing on ecoming one with the chakra to e treated in the e0act same manner as has een descri ed, yet without using or imagining the use of the hands. )ote that again, as in charging chakras at a distance, the higher aura le#els will not e treated. Continue radiatory treatment of the chakras that re/uire it for as long as you feel it is necessary. It may e ? minutes or more, for some chakras. If you sense that your *atient re/uires healing of the Gth layer of aura, the se#enth layer focal healing techni/ue may also e *erformed at a distance. Carefully o ser#e the Gth layer, with your *sychic sight, and note damaged s*ots, 8ones and areas which re/uire treatment. %erform a *reliminary #isuali8ation of these areas, as is usually done, sensing and ecoming each of them and seeing them restored. !hen *erform the se#enth layer focal healing techni/ue on each area, in succession, #isuali8ing the stream of light and using the same *ractice as has een detailed efore, ut instead of using or imagining the use of the hand, sense the hand as a focal point, the *oint where the light diffuses and then *roceeds outward to the Gth layer. !his is not the same as #isuali8ing or imagining the hand, ut rather the 9hand: is felt as a *resence3this is a su tle yet im*ortant difference, and one that is necessary to *erform se#enth layer focal healing correctly at a distance. After treating the *atient with the techni/ues a o#e, it is im*ortant to treat any diseased areas or conditions, as necessary. 'ften the healer will gi#e a distance treatment to a *atient who has een seen efore and whose condition will already e known3a *atient with an e0isting disease condition. It is also *ossi le that the healer will detect a disease condition in the *atient, through the rece*tion of *sychic information or guidance to this effect. Should the *atient ha#e a serious illness3either one *re#iously known of or a condition that has een detected3it is im*ortant to additionally incor*orate whate#er disease2s*ecific energy, color and light *rocedures are indicated. !he second *ortion of this manual contains detailed treatment recommendations and techni/ues for #arious forms of illness,

and nearly all can also e *erformed at a distance, using the asic guidelines gi#en a o#e. !he hands are not used, nor imagined on the *atient<s ody, yet the light is used in the same way as detailed in the #arious s*ecific *rocedures that are gi#en. After you sense that all conditions in the *atient that re/uire treatment that day ha#e een addressed, end treatment in the usual way, with a /uiet #isuali8ation of the Circle. Although the general order of treatment gi#en a o#e is often eneficial, and is the same order of techni/ue which you ha#e used to learn the #arious healing techni/ues, it will often e eneficial to your *atient to 9 reak free: from this order, when gi#ing a distance treatment, and instead em*loy these #arious tools in whiche#er order you sense is est. It is also im*ortant, when gi#ing distance treatments, to concentrate on and treat only those as*ects of your *atient<s energy field that really need it3distance treatments are somewhat less focused and *owerful than treatments gi#en in *erson, and it is wise to use the time and energy a#aila le to treat the most significant and serious conditions in the *atient, there y doing the *atient the most good with the resources a#aila le. !he gi#ing of a com*lete distance healing treatment, using the Le#el III techni/ues, is a *owerful tool for the *racticing healer. 'ften it is eneficial to treat a *atient often, twice or three times a week or more, without ha#ing to *hysically see the *atient that often, although *hysical #isits should not e com*letely discontinued, if *ossi le. Seriously ill *atients, who might otherwise not e a#aila le two, three or more times a week, will often need and enefit from distance treatments.

LEVEL III TREATMENT "ROCEDURE OUTLINE @. Calling in Energy Csing Sym ols ,inc. JeyA. Intuiti#e Reading;Visuali8ation of Aura ,inc. Higher Layers5. Viewing the Aura B. %assing2of2Hands ?. Integrated Inter*retation of !reatment )eeds 3 Aura H. Sealing of Leaks and !ears in the Aura ,Csing LightG. Remo#al of Auric Energy Im*urities E. !he Laying2'n2of2Hands a. Shoulder %osition ,o*tional. Gth chakra ,using Starc. Correction of Energy $low ,if neededd. Hth chakra K3L e. ?th chakra K3L Cn locking chakras as f. Bth chakra ,frontK3L needed. g. 5rd chakra ,frontK3L h. And chakra ,frontK3L Csing light as desired. i. Arms and Legs ,o*tionalL 7. Su**lementary or Diseased Areas L Sensing color hues of k. Drounding ,if neededL chakras in *ossi le need l. Aura Charging ,if neededL of charging. m. And chakra ,rearK3L n. 5rd chakra ,rearK3L Sensing chakras in *ossi le o. Bth chakra ,rearK3L need of radiatory treatment. *. S*ine Cleaning ,if neededM. Intuiti#e Reading;Visuali8ation of Chakra System @6. Integrated Inter*retation of !reatment )eeds 3 Chakra System @@. Charging of Chakras, as needed @A. Re2 alancing of Chakra System, as needed @5 Radiatory !reatment of Chakras, as needed @B. Se#enth Layer $ocal Healing ,if needed@?. Disease2S*ecific Energy, Color and Light %rocedures @H. Ending !reatment ,using CircleN!te& !he treatment order gi#en a o#e is a general guideline, and should e rigidly adhered to only while learning the %evel ((( techni)ues. After ac/uiring com*etence in these techni/ues, you should egin to reak free and include or omit techni/ues, re2order techni/ues or e#en modify techni/ues *er the *articular needs of the *atient and according to the higher awareness, *sychic insight and guidance de#elo*ed. Each *atient and each healing situation and healing treatment is uni/ue.


INTRODUCTION TO DISEASE TREATMENT In the course of a normal healing treatment, the healer uses #arious *erce*tual tools to sense the condition of the *atient<s energy field3the chakra system and higher layers of aura3and then uses #arious healing techni/ues to correct energetic defects which ha#e een found in them. 4ou ha#e learned these tools. !here are times, howe#er, when a *atient will come to the healer who not only has these defects in his or her higher energy field, ut in whom these defects ha#e *reci*itated a serious or e#en life2threatening illness. Such illnesses must e treated with additional measures and with e0tra effort, so that the *atient<s interests may e est ser#ed. In treating seriously ill *atients, it is im*ortant to understand the general nature of disease in the human ody, and ha#e a conce*tual understanding of how a healer heals, that is remo#es disease, in the ody. !his understanding egins with the fact that the health of the *hysical ody is ine0trica ly linked to the energetic health of the entire energy field. It is the healthful flow of energy within the chakras and aura layers, in a alanced, harmonious and clear manner, which su**orts life and makes it *ossi le. Although the *hysical ody e#entually weakens and dies, it is the health of the energetic system that is the linch*in for the integrity of the *hysical ody during life. It is a failure in this energetic under*inning that *recedes *hysical illness and e#entually allows it to manifest 3it may e, for e0am*le, that a structural energetic defect in a certain chakra may *recede, y years, the de#elo*ment of cancer in a related organ of the *hysical ody. Disease usually egins as ill conditions in the chakras and aura layers. Energetic defects within the chakras and layers of aura weaken, lock or distort the flow of energy within the field, which then renders the *hysical ody susce*ti le to disease. !he energetic defects not merely detrimentally affect other *ortions of the energy field, ut e#entually 9mo#e down: into the *hysical ody3they e#entually result in a state where their influence on the *hysical ody is such that the energy that the *hysical ody de*ends u*on for life is locked or distorted, in some way. A disease condition then manifests in some *art of the ody, a *art which no longer remains free and clear in its energetic functioning, as a result of the energetic defects in the higher energy field. !his *hysical disease that results ears relationshi* to the energetic conditions within the energy field which *roduced it3the energetic defects in the chakras and aura layers, the *hysical conditions which result, and all other related conditions, such as the unresol#ed *sychological issues in the *atient, will all interrelate and will dis*lay a greater *attern of energetic im alance, lockage and distortion which encom*asses all s*ecific sym*toms. 4our a ility to read and see the aura and chakras will ena le you to diagnose and then treat the higher causes of disease, and also *oint you towards an understanding of the origin and nature of the *atient<s illness, in all its as*ects. +hen certain areas of the ody contain disease, this will e #isi le in the aura le#els. !he higher odies will e affected,

and the charkas corres*onding to the affected higher odies will e affected also. 4our treatment of such conditions, using the tools you ha#e learned, will cleanse, heal and restore alance to all these le#els. 'ften in the seriously ill you will also find distur ances in the higher odies that may not e a**arent on the lower le#els, and it is im*ortant for you to treat all chakras and aura le#els that re/uire it, for there may e #arious su tle contri uting causes to the illness that are *resent in #arious *laces in the field. !he ideal situation for the healer, of course, is to e a le to treat these ill conditions in the chakras and higher odies efore they are a le to mo#e down into the *hysical ody and cause serious illness3to *re#ent disease. E#en after serious disease manifests in the *hysical, howe#er, healing of the chakras and higher aura layers is an im*ortant *art of the o#erall healing *rocess, ecause it heals the higher cause of the illness. !here is more that is needed, howe#er. In a seriously ill *atient, the healer must also treat the disease in the *atient<s *hysical ody, to ma0imi8e the chances of ringing ack good health. !he higher causes of the disease must e healed, ut the disease itself must also e treated and remo#ed, if *ossi le. !reatment of the *hysical illness is accom*lished y com*lementing treatment of those conditions in the chakras and higher aura layers which are the cause of disease with additional disease2s*ecific *rocedures designed to as effecti#ely as *ossi le treat the disease conditions which ha#e manifest3*rocedures which address the s*ecific disease condition *resent in the *hysical ody of the *atient. !he healer, when treating the ill *atient, therefore treats on all levels of the being3the healer treats the #arious conditions in the entire field, all of which *lay a contri utory and often com*le0 role in whate#er illnesses and afflictions are affecting the *atient. !his includes the *hysical manifestation of illness. !his section will gi#e you a collection of such disease2s*ecific *rocedures, each designed to treat a certain kind of disease as it may e found in your *atient. !hese *rocedures, in concert with the other healing tools you ha#e learned to use to heal the chakras and higher aura layers, will often e useful in treating a disease that has *resented acute sym*toms. %rior to treating the seriously ill *atient, howe#er, it is wise to gain further information on the *hysical condition of the illness. !his will e necessary to fully and *ro*erly em*loy the disease2s*ecific *rocedures gi#en.
De7el!02e t !1 I ter al V%e/% (&

4ou ha#e learned #arious techni/ues for sensing and learning to see the aura and chakras. In the treatment of disease, howe#er, another im*ortant skill will also e necessary3the a ility to see inside the *hysical ody, to determine the nature and e0tent of disease *resent in *hysical tissues. !his a ility of internal viewing is another *rimary diagnostic tool of the healer. 4our *atient may ha#e already communicated to you information on the nature of disease *resent in his or her ody, or you may ha#e detected a *otential or currently2e0isting disease condition through your own intuiti#e readings and #iewing of the aura and chakras, as well as your rece*tion of whate#er *sychic information and guidance are

a#aila le. 4our e0amination of a *atient which may e seriously ill should also e su**lemented y a sensing of condition of the *hysical ody3gained through a careful *assing of hands and also carefully noting the sensations of the *atient<s ody energies during hand *lacement. 4our focus u*on these ody energies may also result in intuiti#e or *sychic awareness of ill conditions in the *hysical ody, and any sensations in your hands which you feel indicate an ill condition in the ody must not e discounted, ut in#estigated further. +hiche#er areas of your *atient<s ody which you know or sus*ect may har or disease should then e e0amined through internal #iewing. !o *erform an intuiti#e reading for the *ur*ose of working to de#elo* internal #iewing, you may ha#e your *hysical eyes either o*en or closed3closed may e easier to learn, although you should e#entually e a le to 9see: inside the ody *sychically with your eyes o*en. $irst locali8e your awareness, during the acti#e *hase, on the Round 'range2Red (all and on the nature of the information desired, while seeing a blank screen in the mindNs eye. +hen releasing into the rece*ti#e *hase, *ictures may s*ontaneously a**ear on the screen, and sounds or feelings, along with other information, may e recei#ed as well. $or e0am*le, in a *atient who you know has kidney disease, you might first focus u*on the Round 'range2Red (all and the lank screen with the knowledge that you will soon e ac/uiring a #iew of the internal structures of the *atient<s kidney. After releasing into the rece*ti#e *hase, *ictures will a**ear to you that will con#ey this information3 *ictures which may show details of the internal structures of the kidney from which you will gain some understanding of the e0act nature and *rogression of the disease. !his knowledge will e useful to you as you then incor*orate s*ecific *rocedures into your healing treatment which use light #isuali8ations for the *ur*ose of seeking to heal the disease which is *resent in the kidney. !he use of the Round 'range2Red all, during the acti#e *hase of intuiti#e readings, e0*ands your intuiti#e *ower. !his techni/ue, after a little *ractice, should ecome automatic. !he use of a series of /uick readings of this sort should e a common tool when e0amining a *atient or treating disease, and is recommended e#en when a medical diagnosis is known, to su**lement the information and gain further information on the nature and e0tent of the disease and on #ulnera le or diseased areas which will re/uire treatment. It is desira le, for e0am*le, to egin at the le#el of the entire ody, using an intuiti#e reading of a ody outline, with the 'range2Red (all, to determine which areas or organs of the ody may re/uire attention. 4ou may then, with each organ or area which is known or sus*ected of containing disease, start at the macro2le#el, using the 'range2Red (all and the lank screen to re/uest *ictures or other information on the condition of the organ or area as a whole, for e0am*le, and then *roceed downwards in scale, e0amining on finer and finer le#els the form and functioning of that *art of the ody, down to the le#el of internal organ structures and tissues. It is es*ecially wise to attem*t to 9see: inside the ody at locations where you ha#e detected *ro lems in the aura. During the *assing2of2hands, with your rece*tion of *sychic information and guidance or with your #iewing of the aura you may ha#e gained

a sense of energetic defects in the aura le#els. !hese will often e connected with *hysiological conditions in the *atient<s ody, and it is eneficial to learn of these, so that s*ecific treatment *rocedures may e used to assist in their healing. 4ou may, as you continue to *ractice this techni/ue to see inside the ody, in your mind<s 9eye,: that you e#entually gain *hysical #ision ,direct internal #ision- of the interior of the ody, and its structures. As intuiti#e reading of the aura and its *henomena is a *reliminary ste* towards #ision of the aura directly, intuiti#e readings of the *hysical ody structures may gi#e way, with further e0*erience, to direct internal #ision of the *atient<s ody, conducted from a more general to a finer le#el. As with #iewing with the mindNs eye, #isions3seeing in this way3may not e limited y rules go#erning the *hysical eyes.
Other Uses !1 I t#%t%7e Rea-% (&

!he *rocess of gaining intuiti#e information, using the 'range2Red (all and the lank screen, may e used in healing in other ways as well. 4ou may use this techni/ue to add to your a ility to o tain *sychic information and guidance for the *ur*ose of gaining insight into the *atient<s *sychology and life e0*erience and its correlation to *henomena in the chakras and higher aura layers. 4our *ractice of it, e#entually ecoming automatic, may gi#e you greater a ility to focus u*on and gain information on *henomena in the energy field. !here are many other uses3there is no limit to the use you can make of this techni/ue as you master the healing art. During the *assing of hands, for e0am*le, a reading using the lank screen may e used to #iew the condition, im*urities, or other deformities that might e *resent in a chakraNs structure, or to dis*lay circumstances or causes in the *ast that corres*ond to the diseased conditions of chakras or energy lockages in the chakras or in the aura. It is often eneficial to use the method of intuiti#e reading to gain *sychic information and guidance regarding the cause of the *atientNs illness, or to gain recommendation as to changes that the *atient may make in their life to assist the healing *rocess. 'ften you may see influences from diet, *hysical circumstances, *ersonal relationshi*s, inner feelings or other matters con#eyed to you in *ictures or in other ways, along with some understanding of how these are affecting your *atient. Information regarding treatment, e#en other forms of healing thera*y that may also enefit, may e *resented. 4ou must use care and consideration, though, in deli#ering this information to your *atient, and e *ositi#e and non7udgmental in your a**roach. 4ou must not o#erwhelm the *atient with information they may not e ready for. It is im*ortant, also, to e sure you do not modify the information with your own ego tendencies. Cse and create your own a**lications for this asic techni/ue.
L%(ht V%s#al%,at%! a - The "la$e2e t !1 Health&

After coming to a good understanding of your *atient<s condition, using all the *erce*tual

tools that ha#e een discussed, your ne0t ste* is to *lan treatment. 4ou will, of course, address all conditions in the chakras and higher aura layers which re/uire it, and will also treat the *hysical manifestation of the disease. As mentioned a o#e, this is a critical as*ect of treating the seriously ill *atient. In the treatment of disease, there is a *olarity= there is the wellness of the *atient, and the illness of the disease. Disease is se*arate from the *atient, like an in#ader3it is an unnatural and unhealthy energetic condition which is *ossi le only when the normal health of the ody and energy field are disru*ted. Disease is, in a sense, a se*arate entity, an unhealthy energetic entity to e eliminated. !he healer seeks to eliminate illness, when *resent, ut also, howe#er, seeks to ring health and wellness ack3to heal. 4ou will not merely e addressing the disease, during treatment, e will also e working with health and wellness3you will confront illness on a #ery close asis, ut rather than merely attle illness, you will create health. Health is the natural state of human life, although this natural tendency can ecome o structed, from #arious causes. It is im*ortant, though, not to *lace too much em*hasis on disease, ut in creating health. !he human ody has within itself *otentially unlimited health, and so can ecome healed at any time through the a**lication of the energies gi#en in treatments. 4ou will work to re2create health in the ody and hel* the ody sustain itself against illness and disease. 4ou will assist in the re uilding of the health of the ody and its organs through your a**lication of energy, color and light. !he ody *ossesses the a ility to heal itself, although an ill *atient is not a le to command this a ility in themsel#es, as the a ility of the *atient to heal themsel#es is limited y the illness. A healer, through the *ro*er a**lication of these entities, can stimulate the *atient<s own health *rocess and sustain it. !he healer facilitates the *atient<s own healing. 4ou will seek to heal your *atient of whate#er disease is *resent through healing of the chakras and higher aura layers, ut also from s*ecific treatment to the disease itself. In treating diseased areas, your *ower of #isuali8ation will e used in mo#ing the energy through the ody in certain ways necessary for healing whate#er disease may e *resent 3a calm flow of energy, to /uiet, or a right urst of energy to stimulate, for e0am*le. 4ou will also em*loy #isuali8ation to direct the energy and light3#isuali8ing light around the affected organs or areas of the ody to treat them in a more directed and *owerful way. 4ou may e#en *erform #isuali8ations to con#ey a certain /uality with the light and energy you channel to diseased structures. As you *erform whate#er s*ecific #isuali8ations are necessary to treat whate#er disease may e *resent, howe#er, you will also #isuali8e diseased areas coming back to a state of health. In #isuali8ing a diseased organ, for e0am*le, you may not only see light washing through the organ, as you also #isuali8e the light around it to more directly treat it, ut at the same time also #isuali8es the organ and tissues returning to a state of health. 4ou may *roceed in your #isuali8ation from a general #isuali8ation of the organ, to more s*ecific areas, and finally e#en to the le#el of the tissues, seeing and healing the disease through your *ower of #isuali8ation, seeing and ecoming the tissues as they ecome healthy in

form and function. !he flow of energy in the ody can e di#erted or modified, and hence the function of the tissues can e affected, through such #isuali8ations. It is therefore necessary for you to ha#e a good knowledge of anatomy, and of the disease conditions in the *atient. $or each disease, a different s*ecific *rocedure will e used to direct the light, de*ending on the s*ecifics of the disease and the *art of the ody affected. !he #isuali8ation will include the s*ecific disease condition rectifying to a state of health3the tissues changing a**ro*riately in form and;or function as determined y the s*ecific disease eing treated. An a ility to #isuali8e, sense and ecome the diseased structures is of im*ortance for another, related reason. As you #isuali8e light around diseased areas, treating them as re/uired and seeing them come ack to a state of healthy form and function, you must also #isuali8e, sense and ecome the diseased areas for the *ur*ose of conveying the )uality of health itself. his is im*ortant ecause in healing serious illness the healer becomes the diseased organ or diseased area, and ecomes the channel not only for the energy that is conducted to the organ, ut for the wellness that is *laced there. !he healer ecomes the illness, and then cures the illness in his or her 9self.: It is an intimate, an eye2to2eye attle, where the healer draws the illness of the disease and the health of the energy and light into his or herself, becomes the illness and the light*energy, corrects the diseased condition, and substitutes health for the disease, placing health in the patient, as one act. !he healer instills health in the *atient3it is not only a s*ecific #isuali8ation that is em*loyed in treating whate#er disease condition is *resent, ut also a placement of health. !his is integral to the act of healing3it is a critical as*ect of the *rimary *rinci*le of healing. !he healer takes the disease condition into him or herself, heals it there, and thence in the *atient, ecause the healer and the *atient are one. !he healer not merely acts as a channel for the energy, color and light used in treating diseased areas, ut also as a channel for the health that is *laced in them. %erformance of many of the *rocedures detailed elow will re/uire significant #isuali8ing a ility on your *art. 4our *ower to direct energy and light to the correct *laces and in the correct ways, #isuali8e the affected organs and *arts of the ody and *lace health in them will e *ro*ortional to your #isuali8ation a ility. It is highly recommended that you engage in the regular *ractice of "editation, to foster this im*ortant a ility. It is wise for you to also ha#e a good working knowledge of anatomy, *hysiology, and human diseases. !his will e most hel*ful, so that you may ha#e a good understanding of the entire condition of the *atient, not 7ust the *rimary cause of disease, ut all accom*anying odily effects, so that the entire illness and its effects may e treated. $or many diseases, this will re/uire treating a num er of s*ecific conditions in the ill *atient, as many diseases will *resent with a num er of interrelating conditions and com*lications. $or a seriously ill *atient, you will first use all your *erce*tual tools to assess your *atient<s condition. 4ou will then *roceed to use your healing tools to treat the chakras and higher aura layers which dis*lay energetic defects, and then treat whate#er disease

conditions are *resent, through the use of the s*ecific *rocedures which are a**ro*riate. Although the treatment *rocedure gi#en efore is a general guideline for the order of em*loying the techni/ues, it is im*ortant to understand that with the seriously ill *atient, *erha*s more so than a *atient who is not ill, you must rely first and foremost on your own 7udgment and *sychic sense, as well as whate#er guidance is offered, in determining the order and content of techni/ues em*loyed in treating the *atient. !his may sometimes in#ol#e deleting treatment ste*s that are not needed, or s*ending a great deal of time on an area of *articular concern, or e#en modifying techni/ues or engaging in new *rocedures as guided to, as the situation demands. In treating the seriously ill, you must rely on your own 7udgment, *erce*tion and a ilities rather than any set rules.
E20ath%$ "er$e0t%! a - Tra s1ere $e&

4our #isuali8ation a ility3the a ility to ecome one with an o 7ect or entity3is useful in healing for many reasons. It is a central o#erall tool of the healer, and is useful not only ecause it grants energy2directing a ility while em*loying the #arious healing tools u*on your *atient and his or her energy field, ut also ecause it fosters the a ility to em*athi8e, that is, to ecome one with your *atient for the *ur*ose of sensing his or her condition. !his em*athic a ility e0tends from understanding how the *atient feels to knowing how they actually, *hysically feel. 4ou may ha#e egun to e0*erience this *henomenon already, as you ha#e *racticed sensing chakras with structural defects in need of radiatory healing3you may ha#e sensed, *erha*s e#en in yourself, the state of the chakra. 4ou can now seek to de#elo* the overall empathic ability3 the a ility to ecome one with your *atient3and this is, actually, 7ust another as*ect of the a ility to ecome a *ure, conscious channel, the goal that all your healing study has een assisting you toward. 4ou will find that, as you *ractice em*athic *erce*tion of your *atient, you will not only ac/uire an understanding of each indi#idual *atient<s condition, ut will also ac/uire an o#erall understanding of human nature as well. !he *ur*ose for which you will do this is sim*le3to further heal the *atients who come to you. As your knowledge of s*ecific diseased conditions can e used to ecome a *art of your *atient, for the *ur*ose of effecting changes that treat the s*ecific *hysiological ailment and im*arting health, you can also em*athically sense other conditions in your *atient<s o#erall condition, ecome the *atient, and with your *ower of #isuali8ation then effect changes in the *atient ,9yourself:- that will treat whate#er ill conditions you ha#e detected in ody, emotions, mind or s*irit. 4ou can ecome any as*ect of your *atient<s *sychology, emotions, *erce*tion, etc., and through this sensing, ecoming and restoration effect *ositi#e changes in the *atient and their life, for the *ur*ose of healing their entire eing. !his is another as*ect to the *lacement of health and the fundamental *rinci*le of healing3all healing techni/ues are 7ust modifications of this one fundamental *rocess.
C!l!r Thera0)3S#00le2e t% ( D%sease Treat2e ts .%th C!l!r&

'ne final tool you may use in your disease treatments is color thera*y. In treating disease

you will often e using light, ut there may e times where you find it a**ro*riate to additionally em*loy color in your treatment of s*ecific areas. 'rgans or tissues which ha#e een su 7ect to disease conditions, or to trauma of #arious kinds ,wounds, roken ones, etc.- will enefit and e refreshed y use of an a**ro*riate color, in addition to eing treated with the light and with #isuali8ation. !his is a #alua le addition to treatment of these areas. Various systems ha#e een *ro*osed that attri ute certain colors with discrete *ro*erties or assign certain colors to treatment of s*ecific conditions and diseases, ut in reality the situation is too com*le0 for a system of rules to e *ractical. +hile sometimes such systems of color thera*y will sti*ulate a color that actually will hel* a gi#en disease or condition, it is often that a recommended color will not actually e the est and most eneficial color to use. !he healer is ad#ised, therefore, to *erform an intuiti#e reading, using the 'range2Red (all, to ask for information of which color to use in treating a s*ecific area, and allow intuiti#e awareness and guidance e the guide as to which color is really most a**ro*riate. !his is etter than any system of set rules. +hen channeling color to an organ or tissue, it is not necessary to use a sym ol in color, merely to #isuali8e the color in the mindNs eye, O e inO that color, seeing it around the hands and gently *enetrating into the *atient in the area desired. DISEASES OF THE HEART AND CIRCULATORY SYSTEM !he different kinds of heart disease corres*ond to differing malad7ustments in the use of energy in the heart area of the ody, and the *recise energetic treatments differ, as elow. Common to all heart disease, howe#er, es*ecially serious heart disease, is a weakened, im*ure or structurally disfigured heart chakra. 4ou may see an e0tensi#e damage to this chakra, and a darkening or destruction of the auric field around it, also. It will e common to un lock and remo#e auric im*urities from the heart chakra, in addition. It is likely that with these *atients you will find the heart chakra in need of su stantial work, and charging, re alancing and radiatory treatment of the heart chakra are highly recommended for these *ersons as well. 4ou will *erform these as a *art of the standard treatment *rocedure, also including the s*ecific treatments detailed elow.
C!r! ar) Arter) D%sease ,Angina, "yocardial Infarction-1

A series of treatments will e necessary to restore health to the heart. A disease such as coronary artery disease cannot e treated com*letely y only focusing on the heart, ut must also draw from many strengths of the ody, therefore when eginning a course of treatment ring health to the o#erall ody y following a standard treatment *rocedure for se#eral treatments, on se#eral occasions, treating the heart chakra last during each treatment. Aura charging will *ro a ly e needed during treatments. Radiatory thera*y of the heart chakra is #ery im*ortant. !he heart chakra, in degenerati#e heart disease, will almost always e underacti#e, and should e re alanced u*wards. After se#eral treatments you will *ro a ly detect a *ositi#e change in the flow of the energy, a change towards health in the *atient, a healthier feeling you may notice e#en #isually. After detecting this, you can egin more s*ecific treatment of the *atient.

!o egin s*ecific treatment, first *erform a standard treatment, ut treat the heart chakra last. +hile treating the heart chakra, use your *ower of #isuali8ation to #isuali8e ,and ecome- the heart infused and in#igorated with the light;energy, strengthening it ack to health, *lacing health in it. +hile conducting the energy, see the energy as the *ale white or luish2white light surrounding the heart, at first, and then around the coronary arteries, in#igorating them, clearing them and ringing health to them. %erha*s e#en s*ecific locked areas will come into #iew 3 treat these with the light as descri ed, seeing the lockage shrinking away and the arteries clear, elastic and healthy as they conduct lood. After treating the heart chakra, you must now *erform the following s*ecific *rocedure1 *lace all @6 of your fingerti*s lightly on the ody surface o#er the heart, with fingers gently cur#ed ut without the *alms on the ody, and then draw energy from the entire ody of the *atient, through the ody of the *atient, from all of the chakras in the *atient<s chakra system and also the legs and arms, and into the heart simultaneously. !he energy is seen and drawn from all *oints of the ody at the same time, using your *ower of #isuali8ation. See the light;energy flowing *owerfully from all o#er the ody and collecting in a rilliant area all around the heart. Draw and collect the light;energy there, as a rilliant and electrifying flow rather than a soft flow, the *ur*ose eing to charge the heart and heart chakra electrically to cleanse and strengthen. At the same time, #isuali8e yourself *lacing health, channeling health, into the heart. "aintain this for A to 5 minutes. )ow draw your fingerti*s and hands u* a o#e the heart and away from the ody outward, as if the fingerti*s were tracing the lines of a funnel away, and at the same time intend, sense and #isuali8e the light;energy coming forth in this way from the ody 3 as a sign of the strength of the heart and a cleansing of the illness from it. Draw the hands at least 5 or B times in this way, at a moderate s*eed, taking *erha*s 5 to ? seconds to draw outward along a funnel @A & @? inches high. !his concludes the s*ecific treatment. !his s*ecific treatment is added to the regular treatment for the alance of the healing treatment regimen. !he nature of the energetic condition that corres*onds to coronary artery disease is a suffocation in the energy, as if the energy is not a le to freely circulate and com*lete a full circle from other *oints of the ody through the heart. Energy is therefore drawn from all o#er the ody and washed out. !he *atient with serious heart disease should e treated in this manner e#ery A to 5 days.
Car-%a$ Arr)th2%as ,(radycardia, !achycardias, %remature De*olari8ations, $i rillations, Heart (locks-

(egin with standard treatment *rocedure, ut as with all heart *atients lea#e the heart chakra for last. !reat the heart chakra in the normal way first, oth front and ack side, and then ask the *atient to sit u*. !reat as follows1 %lace your hands now with your right *alm o#er the front of the heart and your left *alm o#er the ack of the heart area. Ask that the *atient reathe freely and

dee*ly. )ow ring the right hand away from the front of the heart slowly and steadily, taking *erha*s ? seconds to ring it a foot or so out, kee*ing the fingers gently together and *alm flat. Return the hand to the ody and re*eat this se#eral times, for a total of B or ? motions. +hile *erforming this motion, a**ly energy to the chakra as always, and #isuali8e the !rine sym ol as you ring out the hand. As you ring out the hand, intend sense and #isuali8e the motion creating a alanced and steady *ull of energy around the chakra and the heart, a *ull of energy you will feel with your hand as you ring it away from the ody. It is as though a and of energy from the rear hand to the front hand were eing stretched out, and as the hand returns is drawn ack to its *ro*er sha*e, like a stretching ru er and. After com*leting the motions, ask the *atient to lie down again, and again treat the heart chakra as usual. !he nature of the energetic condition corres*onding to arrythmias is a lack of or im*ro*er elasticity, a tightness or slackness in the energy flow in the areas around the heart. !he motion creates a alanced and steady *ull of energy around the heart which assists in remo#ing irregularities. !he heart chakra may also e underacti#e in cases of slow eats, r o#eracti#e in cases of ra*id eats 2 re alance accordingly.
C! (est%7e Heart Fa%l#re&

Di#e the *atient a standard treatment, treating the front and ack of the heart chakra last, as usual for heart *atients. !hen, treat as follows1 +ith the *atient lying down, *lace your left *alm o#er the heart and egin to #isuali8e the !rine. Reach, now, with your right hand, to the *atient<s right hand, and *lace your fingerti*s lightly on this hand. Visuali8e and send a *owerful urst of energy from your own hand, a strong, shar*, rilliant urst of light from your fingerti*s and through the *atient<s hand and arm and directly to the *atient<s heart, which is under your left hand. !his should take 7ust a second. )ow /uickly remo#e your fingerti*s and *lace your fingerti*s on the *atient<s right knee, and again send a similar urst of light;energy etween the knee and the *atient<s heart. Re*eat with the fingerti*s on the *atient<s left knee, and then on the left hand, sending again the urst of light. +ith each of these *ositions, maintain the energy the heart is recei#ing under your left hand, and see the heart recei#ing and holding large ursts of the rilliant light. )ow remo#e your left *alm from the *atient<s heart and *lace your right *alm there. %lace your left *alm on the *atient<s forehead ,third eye- chakra and send energy down from the 5rd eye to the heart for a out @62@? seconds. After this, treat the heart charka as usual, again to re2strengthen the heart. !he nature of the energetic condition corres*onding to heart failure is a weakness, an ina ility to hold energy. !his *rocedure energi8es and strengthens the heart. !he heart charka may e underacti#e, and re alancing u*wards will also hel* the *atient.

Car-%a$ I 1la22at%! s&

'ften *rolonged *lacement of the hands o#er the heart chakra will e ade/uate to soothe the inflamed tissue. In those cases where e0tended hand *lacement is not sufficient, treat the heart chakra last, as usual for heart *atients, and then treat as follows1 %lace your hands on the *atient<s shoulders, in the shoulder *osition, with one hand on each shoulder. Visuali8e, now, the !rine, and while conducting the energy direct your attention to the heart. Conduct the energy from your hands into the *atient<s shoulders and down into the *atient<s heart, while continuing to #isuali8e the !rine. !his flow of energy should e a**lied gently and steadily, and will ha#e a soothing effect on the heart. Seek to im*art a /uality of coolness, like ice, with the energy;light. !his *osition is held for se#eral moments. !hen re/uest that the *atient sit u*, and treat the front and ack of the heart chakra at the same time, your right *alm on the front and left on the ack for se#eral minutes more. +ith cardiac inflammation, an o#eracti#e heart chakra may e *resent. Re alance downwards.
Car-%a$ I 1e$t%! s ,%ericarditis, "yocarditis, Endocarditis-1

%lace the hands o#er the heart, and #isuali8e the light;energy washing through the heart and whate#er of its linings may e infected, like a ri#er, cleansing and *urifying the heart of the infecting microorganism. If the heart chakra is o#eracti#e, re alance downwards.
Arter%al H)0erte s%! &

Incor*orate in your standard treatment the correction of energy flow *rocedure, and a lengthy treatment of the arms, one at a time, each treated y *lacing the right *alm on the inside of the el ow 7oint, and the right *alm on the outside. After treating the arms in this way, treat the hands, one at a time, y sandwiching each hand etween your *alms, *alms inward, for a few moments. Hy*ertensi#e *atients should e treated in this manner a out twice a week, if *ossi le. Hy*ertension corres*onds to an im*ro*er flow of energy, energy that does not flow easily through the ody, ut that seeks irregular *aths. Correction of energy flow addresses this condition. +hile *erforming it, see the energy flow regulari8ing. !he effect of the arms and hands is significant, and treatment of the arms and hands is es*ecially effecti#e, and also calms the hy*ertensi#e *atient.
Cere5ral I 1ar$t%! a - Cere5ral He2!rrha(e&

!he two kinds of stroke, cere ral infarction and cere ral hemorrhage, although different from a clinical medical #iew*oint, are similar from the #iew*oint of energy *attern, and are treated the same way. !here is no regeneration for the tissue damaged y stroke, ut *re#ention of stroke, or further stroke, is *ossi le, and it is also *ossi le to assist stroke #ictims in their work to regain use of affected *arts of the ody. Regular treatments are necessary for either endea#or. !o treat for stroke1

After the eginning *ositions, the *atient should e asked to sit u*. %lace your hands, now, on the shoulders, at the ase of the neck, on the sides, where the neck and shoulders meet, and conduct the energy for se#eral minutes or more, until sensing com*letion. !his may last u* to @6 minutes in some cases. Stroke or susce*ti ility to stroke is often accom*anied y hy*ertension, which is a common contri uting cause of stroke, and therefore the arms and hands should e treated ne0t, as detailed under hy*ertension. Aura charging is indicated on all *atients who ha#e suffered a stroke, e#en a small stroke, and es*ecially for those who ha#e een confined at length in ed. Auric im*urities near the head and neck may re/uire remo#al. During regular treatment of the stroke, or stroke2*rone *atient, *articular attention is also es*ecially *aid to the ?th and Hth chakras, which may #ery well re/uire un locking, charging, re alancing or radiatory work. !he Bth chakra may re/uire this attention as well. !he stroke *atient enefits from a greater sense of the whole self, rather than 7ust treatments of s*ecific areas, and it is the o#erall treatment, with the goal of restoring alance and harmony to the o#erall ody, chakras and auric field that is also es*ecially eneficial to these *atients. DISEASES OF THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM Diseases of the central ner#ous system generally center on distur ances, failure, or im*ro*er conduction of the electrical ner#e im*ulses. !hey take two general forms, misdirection in the *aths of the im*ulses, or a lock in the *ath. !he goal is to restore correct electrical conduction to the entire system, and also incor*orate s*ecific #isuali8ations to s*ecific affected areas for the *articular disease. !he healer will focus not only on the energy of the ody, ut also on the electrical neural im*ulses that dri#e the ody. %erform the standard treatment, ut remem er to treat from the lower chakras u*wards, during the first round of hand *ositions, then *erform the *rocedure elow to s*ecifically address the ner#ous system. %lace your hands on the *atient<s Gth chakra in the standard *osition, with the hands on the sides of the chakra, and #isuali8e the Star throughout the entire *rocedure. (egin to follow, now, the *aths of the ner#ous system, eginning at the head and *roceeding slowly down the neck and arms to the hands, and then down the s*inal cord and chest to the lower torso and legs to the feet, the *athways e0tending from the rain and through the cranial ner#es or s*inal cord and s*inal ner#es, and on to their final terminus in muscles or sensory rece*tors. Along the entire way, follow, with your senses, the electrical *aths through the ody, #isuali8ing a fine light while doing so, a light that follows the *aths. Cse the light to heal the 9wrong connections: or reaks in conduction= #isuali8e the energy of the electrical im*ulses re2directed and conducting on the *ro*er *aths, with no locks. +here it has ecome locked or di#erted, #isuali8e the light surrounding and healing the neural *aths, *lacing health in them. Incor*orate, during this #isuali8ation, the s*ecific treatments for any *articular disease conditions *resent. !his will, as always, re/uire a good knowledge of anatomy and *owerful #isuali8ation a ility.

!he healer may em*loy an intuiti#e reading of the ner#ous system, either throughout the ody or within s*ecific regions ,e.g. the head or certain ner#e *athways- to gain additional knowledge of affected *arts of the rain and ner#ous system, and treat accordingly. A good knowledge of the disease will e re/uired 3 the ner#ous system and its diseases are com*le0, and there are many #ariations, many locations and ty*es of damage. !he *rocedures gi#en elow are e0am*les and an introduction3other *rocedures are *ossi le for s*ecific diseases;locations. $or any disorder of the rain, including many mental disorders, an intuiti#e reading of the rain to determine areas that are damaged, im*aired or atro*hied, *rone to sei8ure, or under or o#er acti#e, as a**ro*riate to the disease, and treating these areas accordingly, is useful. !he Gth chakra will often, ut not always, re/uire e0tra attention in the form of e0tra hand *lacement, charging, re alancing or radiatory work. It will e often e that the Gth chakra is o#eracti#e, and will re/uire re alancing downwards. Check for, and treat, leaks and auric im*urities that may e around the head area, when treating disorders of the rain. +ith many diseases, it is likely that other *arts of the ody will re/uire e0tra attention, as well. All neurological *atients will re/uire treatment @2A times *er week, de*ending on se#erity of affliction.
E0%le0s) a - Se%,#res&

Em*loy the standard treatment as a o#e, with s*ecial attention to the rain. Cse your intuiti#e awareness to determine the location of s*ecific areas of the rain in which the con#ulsions originate or are stimulated, or whether the genesis of the con#ulsion is glo al in nature. 'ften it will e s*ecific. Visuali8e, then, the fine light re*airing the faulty connections in the area, or in the whole rain, and im*osing a correcti#e order to the areas affected. %lace health in the rain y con#eying a /uality of orderliness to the functioning of the rain as a whole, and also to any s*ecific areas, ringing them to more orderliness in their function and limiting the disorder con#eyed from them to connected rain neural tissues. 'ften certain lo es of the rain will e *articularly in#ol#ed.
I20a%r2e t !1 Me2!r) !r De0resse- C! s$%!#s ess ,Inc. Al8heimer<s Disease, A*hasia, Amnesias, Dementia, Delirium, Coma-1

!reat the entire ner#ous system, as a o#e, ut focus es*ecially on the rain. !reat, with the light, any s*ecific lo es or areas that your intuiti#e awareness indicates as ha#ing im*airment or de*ressed functioning. %lace your hands on either side of the affected area, o**osite the area if *ossi le, and #isuali8e a right light charging and stimulating the area, or the entire rain, ack to health and acti#ity. %lace health in the area. +ith many of these diseases, es*ecially Al8heimer<s and the other amnesias, su stantial attention to the 5rd chakra, in the form of e0tra energy, charging, re alancing or radiatory work will also enefit the *atient, hel*ing to restore a sense of self.
M#lt%0le S$ler!s%s&

!reat using the entire *rocedure gi#en a o#e, ut with *articular attention to the myelin

sheaths in tracts of the rain and s*inal cord. Cse the light to heal and nurture areas that may e0hi it incidence of demyelinated s*ots, and *lace health, with a feeling of structural integrity, to the myelin sheath co#ering a0ons in the rain and s*inal cord. See the myelin sheath whole, and remyelinated. S*ecific areas of the ody may e also e affected 3 treat these areas with e0tra energy and the chakras near these areas with e0tra energy, charging, re alancing and radiatory treatment, as needed.
"ar4% s! %s2&

!reat the entire ner#ous system, as a o#e. !reat s*ecifically the area around the mid2 rain in#ol#ed in the disease 3 #isuali8e the light, and *lace health, in the area around affected *igmented asal ganglia ,su stantia nigra, locus caeruleus- and their afferent and efferent ner#e connections. See the area com*osed of healthy, regenerated tissue. Cse the light to re*air the connections. !he %arkinson<s *atient will also enefit from e0tra attention to the ?th chakra, in the form of e0tra energy, charging, re alancing and radiatory treatment.
Cere5ral "als%es&

!reat the entire ner#ous system, *aying *articular attention to areas of the rain that may ha#e een damaged ,seen through intuiti#e reading of the rain-, and also to the u**er motor *athways to the lim muscles, mouth, etc. as needed, es*ecially in s*astic *atients. Cse the light, and *lace health, to these tissues.
M)asthe %a Gra7%s&

!reat the entire ner#ous system, ut *ay *articular attention to the neuromuscular 7unctions etween the cranial ner#es and affected muscles. Visuali8e the light, and *lace health in these 7unctions, and see the 7unctions restored to *ro*er acti#ity, with strong im*ulse conduction to the muscles.
H# t% (t! 8s Ch!rea&

Di#e the standard treatment, with *articular attention to affected areas of the rain ,cor*us striatum, caudate nucleus, and frontal lo e, as re/uired-. %lace your hands on the head, with these areas etween the *alms, if *ossi le, and #isuali8e a right light in these areas stimulating them ack to health, seek to *lace health in these atro*hied areas.
Me % (%t%s9E $e0hal%t%s&

!reatment using the entire *rocedure gi#en a o#e is not necessary, unless other rain or ner#ous system disease is *resent, ut *lace the hands on the Gth chakra, as usual, and use the light to wash away infecting agents, if an infection is *resent, seeing the light washing throughout the rain and its meninges, *urifying them. Inflammation is likely to e *resent, and treat it y im*arting a coolness, like ice, as you treat, to soothe the inflammation.

THE CANCER DISEASES !he cancer diseases re/uire aggressi#e treatment to control, and are one of the greatest challenges to the healer. !reatment of these malignancies re/uires skill, knowledge, *ower of will, *erse#erance, diligence and faith. "any cancer *atients will re/uire treatment on a daily asis. Cancer tumors and conditions, although occurring in a great #ariety of odily tissues, ha#e the same asic entity as the energetic nature of the disease. Cancer seeks to in#ade the ody at its weakest *oints, where it is gi#en the greatest o**ortunity, and seeks to e0*and itself to where#er it can in#ade. Cancer is an insidious disease that *reys u*on weakness, gaining its entry as a result of weakness, disharmony or im alance in the chakras and higher odies. It can e fought two ways, either efore it egins, y sensing weak areas and strengthening them so as not to gi#e cancer entrance, or after its onset, to restrict its growth. %roceed as follows1 (ecome fully aware of areas that ha#e cancer, or that are *rone to in#asion. Cse information made a#aila le y the *atient, and through intuiti#e reading and #iewing of the aura, to determine the location and e0tent of cancerous growth. %erform intuiti#e readings using the ody outline to gain information on the current locations and *ossi le metastasis of the cancer, and treat accordingly. Viewing the aura will gi#e you locations of current malignancies. Cancer has an ugly a**earance in the aura3a dark, growing malignant a**earance that may a**ear in colors de*ending on its stage of de#elo*ment. $ocus in, as necessary, for further information3focus in on the chest and shoulder area of a reast cancer #ictim to determine the e0tent and location of *ossi le growth eyond the reast to lym*h nodes, for e0am*le. +hile channeling energy to the *atient, during the regular course of treatment, attem*t to im*art a feeling of calm and stillness to the ody. Aura charging should almost always e included, es*ecially for *atients recei#ing radiation or chemothera*y. It will also e common to remo#e auric im*urities near the cancerous area. Certain cancers will usually re/uire that you *ay *articular attention to a related chakra, as noted elow, during un locking, charging, re alancing and radiatory work. 4ou may well sense this during the first round of chakra *ositions, as damaged chakras that draw a greater than normal amount of the energy, or show great discoloration, etc. Radiatory thera*y of related chakras is #ery im*ortant. Related chakras will commonly re/uire radiatory treatment to correct structural defects, will also many times re/uire charging ,including near y chakras as well, sometimes-, and will re/uire re alancing work also. Csually related chakras will e o#eracti#e in the early stages of the disease, as it s*reads, and then underacti#e later, as areas succum to the disease. Re alance as re/uired. %erform the treatment, with the necessary modifications, as e0*lained, including the s*ecific suggestions gi#en for each area the cancer is *resent. !reat the cancerous areas for a total of @6 or @? minutes or more.

In treating the cancerous areas, you must seek to know the cancer in your mind. %lace your hands on the ody as near to the affected area as *ossi le, or as noted elow, and seek, in your treatment, to contain the cancer. !he cancer, in your intuiti#e reading of it, *ro a ly a**eared to you in one of two ways, as a dark lack li/uid or mold that seeks to s*read, or as a growing acti#e energy like fire or electricity. If the cancer a**eared as a dark li/uid or mold, treat it with the *ale white or luish2white light and see the light as surrounding the darkened areas, urning away, drying and shrinking the cancer. If you saw the cancer as a flame or electrical energy, see the clear *ale white or luish2white light as ha#ing a /uenching, dam*ening or restraining effect. +hen treating cancer with the light, you must stri#e to also con#ey a /uality of clarity with the sending of the light. !his does not refer to a #isual clearness, ut a )uality of clarity3it is this /uality that hel*s to eradicate the cancer. 4ou must run a large amount of energy from your hands, and #isuali8e the light *ro*erly, to direct them to the cancer and contain it. It is effecti#e to #ary the *osition of the hands, also. +hen treating a locali8ed area, treat the area for a while, focusing the energy and light as descri ed, and then mo#e your hands to another location near the cancerous growth. Re*eat this for a total of 5 or B different *ositions close to the cancer. +hen treating areas that cannot e treated directly, due to modesty considerations, e.g. the colon, the *rostate or women<s reasts, *lace your hands as near as *ossi le to the area, with one hand on one side and the other hand on the o**osite side of the affected region. Shift the hands *eriodically, kee*ing them roughly o**osite each other, for also a total of 5 or B *ositions. !he o#erall treatment of cancer using energy and light, and the *lacement of the hands when treating cancer is a dynamic, rather than static, *rocess. It is of utmost im*ortance to reali8e that the *osition of the hands is not the essence of cancer treatment 3 that cancer is treated with the mind and will of the healer, as descri ed, the hands eing merely instruments. After com*leting treatment of the cancer, it is wise to refresh the *atient<s ody *rior to ending treatment. !reat the Gth chakra one more time, and then *erform grounding again, so the *atient may drink of the energetic health of the earth. It is im*ortant to know that, although the fight with cancer is serious, it is etter to always maintain a confident, rather than a gra#e or concerned attitude with the *atient3the disease feeds on fear. An atmos*here of faith and *ositi#ity will add to the treatment. As mentioned, cancer must e also e treated on a fre/uent, regular asis. It is well to treat the *atient using distance methods if fre/uent *hysical treatment is not *ossi le. +hen engaging in distance healing of cancer *atients, use the light in the same way as descri ed in detail for *hysical treatment, and also e sure to include charging and radiatory treatment of related chakras. Visuali8e each time, whether treating with *hysical or distance means, full restriction and e0tinguishment of the cancer, using the light, until it is gone. $or each form of cancer detailed elow, incor*orate the s*ecial *ro#isions gi#en into the general *rocedure gi#en a o#e.

"r!state Ca $er&

$or the comfort of the *atient, *lace the hands not directly on the affected area, ut with one hand 7ust a o#e the *u ic one, and the other hand elow, on the u**er leg as near the *u ic area as the *atient is comforta le with. Send the energy and light for a few moments, and then mo#e the hand on the u**er leg to the other u**er leg, and send the energy and light for an additional time. Shift the hand *ositions in this way. It is likely that the @st and;or And charkas will re/uire su stantial attention with un locking, charging, re alancing and es*ecially radiatory treatment, in addition to whate#er other chakras re/uire treatment.
Breast Ca $er&

$or the comfort of the *atient, *lace the hands not directly on the affected area, ut with one hand a o#e, 7ust a o#e the reast, and the other hand elow, 7ust elow the reast, with the hands as close as the *atient is comforta le with. Send the energy and light with the hands in this *osition, and then shift to other *ositions, as descri ed, *erha*s with one hand near the heart and the other on the o**osite side of the reast near the side of the ody, and so on. It is likely that the Bth chakra will re/uire su stantial attention with un locking, charging, re alancing and es*ecially radiatory treatment, in addition to whate#er other chakras re/uire treatment.
Ca $ers !1 the Thr!at Area ,Inc. cancers of thyroid, *haryn0, laryn0, eso*hagus-&

Cse oth hands, around the affected area in #arious *ositions, as descri ed, either with hands on o**osite sides of the throat or together, for 5 or B *ositions. It is likely that the ?th chakra will re/uire su stantial attention with un locking, charging, re alancing and es*ecially radiatory treatment, in addition to whate#er other chakras re/uire treatment.
Ca $ers !1 the Fe2ale Re0r!-#$t%7e Or(a s ,Carcinomas of o#aries, cer#i0, uterus-1

%lace the hands on the front of the lower a domen, gently o#erla**ing, under the And chakra and etween the *el#ic ones, near the *u ic one, and treat with the energy and light. Shift the *lacement somewhat, in this region, for 5 or B *ositions, as descri ed. It is likely that the And chakra will re/uire su stantial attention with un locking, charging, re alancing and es*ecially radiatory treatment, in addition to whate#er other chakras re/uire treatment.
N! *L!$al%,e- Ca $ers ,e.g. Leukemias, Lym*homas, Ja*osi<s Sarcoma, some one cancer-1

%lace the hands randomly all o#er the ody in #arious *ositions, using your intuiti#e sense to guide you. !reat the tissues with light, as a**ro*riate to the *articular disease, restoring them to health. !here may also e areas, with some of these diseases, that are more affected 3 sense these intuiti#ely and treat these directly. 4ou may also see, with these syndromes, a discoloration of se#eral or all of the chakras that will e *articularly noticea le. Charge accordingly.

S4% Ca $er ,"elanoma-1

%lace the hands directly o#er the affected region to treat. It there are multi*le sites, one hand can e *laced o#er one area, and the other hand o#er a different growth, if the cancer has s*read to se#eral areas on the ody. !he hands need not e together.
L# ( Ca $er&

!reat the front of the ody all around the affected area, *lacing the hands on o**osite sides of the reast, if necessary, for women *atients. If the cancer is locali8ed to one area, treat that area, if it has s*read o#er one or oth lungs, treat accordingly. Vary the hand *osition 5 or B times, as descri ed, o#er the affected lung,s-, including the *osition gi#en under Diseases of the Lung. It is likely that the Bth and ?th chakras will re/uire su stantial attention with un locking, charging, re alancing and es*ecially radiatory treatment, in addition to whate#er other charkas re/uire treatment.
Bra% T#2!rs1

%lace oth hands, gently o#erla**ing, o#er the affected area of the rain. Vary the *osition, during treatment, for 5 or B times in the immediate area of the growth. It is likely that the Gth chakra will re/uire su stantial attention with un locking, charging, re alancing and es*ecially radiatory treatment, in addition to whate#er other chakras re/uire treatment.
Ca $er !1 the K%- e) a - D%(est%7e Or(a s ,inc. Stomach, Small Intestine, %ancreas, Li#er, Dall (ladder and (ile Ducts, %eritoneum-1

%lace oth hands, gently o#erla**ing, o#er the affected organ or area. Vary the *osition, during treatment, for 5 or B times in the immediate area o#er the organ. It is likely that the 5rd chakra will re/uire su stantial attention with un locking, charging, re alancing and es*ecially radiatory treatment, in addition to whate#er other chakras re/uire treatment.
C!l! !r Re$tal Ca $er&

$or the comfort of the *atient, *lace the hands not directly on the affected area, ut with one hand a o#e, 7ust a o#e the *u ic one, and the other hand elow, on the u**er leg as near the *u ic area as the *atient is comforta le with. Send the energy and light for a few moments, and then mo#e the hand on the u**er leg to the other u**er leg, and send the energy and light for an additional time. Vary the hand *ositions again, as descri ed. It is likely that the And chakra will re/uire su stantial attention with un locking, charging, re alancing and es*ecially radiatory treatment, in addition to whate#er other chakras re/uire treatment. DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND RES"IRATORY SYSTEM Diseases or weaknesses of the lungs are treated as follows1 After the asic treatment *ositions, ask the *atient to sit u*, if *ossi le. %lace your

right hand on the front u**er left side of the *atient<s chest, elow the shoulder and directly a o#e the left ni**le. !he *alm should e etween the ni**le and the shoulder, and A to 5 inches a o#e the ni**le. %lace your left *alm on a *osition on the *atient<s ack directly o**osite your right *alm. "aintain this *osition, sending the energy through the hands and into the chest ca#ity. !his is the ideal hand *osition for treating the left lung, and ser#es not only to treat disease ut also to generally energi8e and strengthen the res*iratory system. +hile sending the energy, use light as a**ro*riate to the *articular disease, as gi#en elow. 'nce this is finished, treat the right side of the chest in a similar manner, *lacing your right *alm on the front side and your left on the rear. After treating the right side, the heart chakra is treated y *lacing the right hand o#er the front and the left hand on the rear of that chakra, and sending in the energy for se#eral moments. Some critically ill *atients will not e a le to sit u*, and this lung treatment may e conducted with the *atient lying down, y *lacing the right hand as descri ed, and *lacing the left hand under the ody elow the right, while treating the left and right sides. %lace oth hands, gently o#erla**ing, o#er the front of the heart chakra, at the end. +ith all diseases of the lungs, the Bth chakra is likely to re/uire additional attention, in the form of e0tra hand *lacement, charging, re alancing and radiatory treatment. !he ?th charka may also re/uire this additional attention. $or each condition detailed elow, incor*orate the s*ecial *ro#isions gi#en into the general *rocedure gi#en a o#e.
Chr! %$ O5str#$t%7e "#l2! ar) D%s!r-er ,C'%D, inc. Em*hysema and (ronchitis-1

+hile *erforming the a o#e *osition, #isuali8e the light etween the hands and filling the chest ca#ity, surrounding the lungs, first on the left and then the right, and then on the front and ack of the heart. Locali8e the treatment, then, on the left and then the right *ositions, y #isuali8ing the light around the affected *ortions of the ronchial tree, draining, re*airing, and;or o*ening the *assages, and healing lesions as needed. 4ou may use an intuiti#e reading of the ronchial tree to locate s*ecific areas re/uiring your treatment. See the ronchi and;or al#eolar sacs as o*en, healthy and clear when im*arting health to them. +hen inflammation of the ronchi is *resent, im*art a coolness, like ice, with the light. !he Bth chakra may e underacti#e in cases of C'%DNs, unless, of course, infection or inflammation is also *resent. Re alance as needed. !reat the *atient @2A times *er week.
" e#2! %a :all t)0es;&

+hile *erforming the a o#e *osition, #isuali8e the light washing through the lungs, *urifying and clearing away the infecting agent, and im*arting strength to their function. See the lungs eing *urified and strengthened. $or *leurisy, im*art a coolness, like ice, when treating the *leura with light. Aura charging is indicated. !he Bth chakra will often e o#eracti#e, and re alancing is a**ro*riate. !reat the *atient A25 times *er week, with the *atient sitting, if *ossi le. If the *atient has a high fe#er, shorter treatments, of half duration at all other treatment *ositions, is necessary.

"#l2! ar) I 1ar$t%! 9"#l2! ar) E25!l%s2&

+hile *erforming the a o#e *osition, #isuali8e the light around the lungs, and then #isuali8e the remo#al of the s*ecific lockages using the light and energy. Cse an intuiti#e reading of the lung,s-, if you wish, to hel* determine the location of the lockage. See the light surrounding the locked area, and see the lockage shrinking away, and the lood flow eing restored in the artery as you restore health. INFECTIOUS DISEASES
A$<#%re- I22!# !-e1%$%e $) S) -r!2e ,inc. ARC, HIVP-1

!his disease manifests in the ody as great weakness and unha**iness of the ody, a fading of the energetic health and structural integrity of the ody, chakras and auric field, like a flame e0*iring. !he AIDS *atient should e treated A to 5 times *er week, and may re/uire e#en more attention if the disease *rogresses into more fre/uent and se#ere com*lications and the *atient grows weaker. Cse the following guidelines1 During the standard treatment, it is im*ortant to im*art a /uality of stillness to the energy flow, feeling the stillness in yourself, and *assing this on as the energy, and also to seek to strengthen the *atient. !here will usually e a good many leaks from tears in the auric field, all o#er the ody and o#er chakras, and these should e sealed. Aura charging, to re*lenish energy, will almost always e re/uired. Certain chakras will also e0hi it an irregular or diseased energy to them, and will re/uire treatment with e0tra energy during hand *lacement and with the radiatory method. Restoring the strong hues and *ro*er radiant strength of the chakras is #ery im*ortant 3 some or all chakras will e faded in color or weak in radiation, and the chakra system may re/uire su stantial charging and re alancing work. !he entire chakra system, and *erha*s certain charkas es*ecially, may e0hi it o#eracti#ity in the earlier *art of the disease, and underacti#ity later in the disease, as the *atient succum s. Re alance accordingly. !he *atient will often *ossess a weakness of the lungs and chest, and treatment of the lungs, as detailed under Diseases of the Lungs, should almost always e included. +ith the hands in the lung treatment *ositions, treat the s*ecific manifestations occurring in your *atient<s lungs in the a**ro*riate manner, using light. AIDS *atients will often e0hi it many com*lications of #arying se#erity ,e.g. Ja*osi<s sarcoma, *eri*heral neuro*athies, *neumonia and other infections, and many others- and these should also always e addressed in treatment. Healers familiar with the function of the immune system may see it strengthened through *ro*er #isuali8ations, #isuali8ing certain lym*hocyte counts increasing, for e0am*le.
I 1e$t%!#s D%seases&

In most de#elo*ed countries, many serious infectious diseases ha#e een ade/uately controlled through #accination, yet in many areas of the world these diseases remain a health threat. !he use of energy and light will assist #ictims of these diseases, ut such

treatment must always e in addition to con#entional medical treatment using anti iotics, etc. !he energy and light will often, y themsel#es, not e ade/uate to contain these diseases. !hese diseases are caused y a great #ariety of infectious agents, and the healer may see su tle differences in the *atient<s aura with the different ty*es of microorganisms, and may treat accordingly to restore alance and health. !his will re/uire an understanding of the disease, and its effect on the *atient, and the *atient<s demeanor and *hysical a**earance must also e e0amined. !he *atient under siege y one of these microorganisms will e weakened, and will re/uire strengthening y the healer, including aura charging for all *atients. $e#er, when *resent, re/uires that the treatment e of shorter duration, half the usual time at each *osition. +ith the infected *atient, light should e #isuali8ed, at each treatment *osition, entering the ody and washing through the ody. See the light not as radiating from around the hands, ut as washing through the tissues, *urifying them, washing away the infecting agent and restoring health and energy to the *atient. Should a *articular organ e infected, concentrate your treatment on that organ, using the light to cleanse it of infection. Charging, re alancing and radiatory treatment of diseased chakras is im*ortant, and certain chakras are *articularly #ulnera le, and should e gi#en s*ecial additional attention, with e0tra time during *lacement of hands, and charging, re alancing and radiatory treatment, as listed1
%oliomyelitis1................................... ?th Chakra Her*es1........................................... Chakra nearest affected area "ononucleosis1 ................................Bth chakra. Arms also. Candida1......................................... Bth chakra, 5rd chakra, and And chakra. !u erculosis1 ...................................!reat as under Diseases of the Lung. RSV1.............................................. !reat as under Diseases of the Lung. DH$S1............................................ !reat ?th chakra, then treat 5rd chakra. Rheumatic fe#er1 .............................. Standard !reatment, ut including light washing. Cholera1 ......................................... Hth chakra, then 5rd, then And. A short, calming

+hoo*ing Cough1............................. ?th chakra, and Bth chakra. Dysentery1....................................... 5rd chakra, and And chakra. !y*hoid1......................................... Gth, and Hth chakras. Di*htheria1...................................... (ack of Bth chakra, and ack of 5rd chakra. !etanus1 ......................................... Standard treatment, including light washing. "alaria1 ......................................... Hth chakra, and 5rd chakra. Sy*hilis1 ......................................... And chakra. Donorrhea1...................................... And chakra.

It is a com ination of any or all these techni/ues, in the com ination to e determined y the healer, which will assist in ringing health to the *atient.

DISEASES OF THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM !he endocrine system *lays a com*le0 and not fully understood role in the health, or disease of the human ody. It is true that o#er or underacti#ity of the chakras correlates with o#er or underacti#ity of the associated glands, and this can e used y the healer to moderate gland acti#ity y re alancing the corres*onding chakra a**ro*riately. "ost *eo*le e0*erience a normal fluctuation in the acti#ity of the #arious endocrine glands, to higher and lower than normal le#els of acti#ity, and the re alancing of the chakra system assists in uilding the health of *atients in this, as well as many other, ways. $or some *eo*le, howe#er, these glands may e chronically o#eracti#e or underacti#e, and these conditions will lead to undesira le effects in the *hysiology. !hese may e treated with re alancing, as shown elow, and fre/uent treatment is indicated, e#en e#ery @ to A days in serious cases.
"%t#%tar) D%s!r-ers&

!he Hth chakra affects oth lo es. $or hy*ofunction of the anterior *ituitary, or de*ression of the *osterior *ituitary, re alance the Hth chakra u*wards. $or hy*ersecretion of anterior *ituitary hormones, re alance the Hth chakra downwards.
Th)r!%- a - "arath)r!%- D%s!r-ers&

!he ?th chakra<s acti#ity affects oth glands. $or hy*othyroidism or hy*o*arathyroidism, re alance the ?th chakra u*wards. $or hy*erthyroidism or hy*er*arathyroidism, re alance the ?th chakra downwards in acti#ity.
"a $reat%$ D%s!r-ers&

!he 5rd chakra<s acti#ity le#el influences oth the endocrine and e0ocrine functions of the *ancreas. $or dia etes, re alance the 5rd chakra u*wards.
D%s!r-ers !1 Testes !r O7ar%es&

!he And chakra<s acti#ity affects these glands. $or male hy*ogonadism, re alance the A nd chakra u*wards.
A-re al D%s!r-ers&

$or adrenocortical hy*ofunction ,Addison<s Disease-, re alance the @st chakra u*wards. $or adrenocortical hy*erfunction ,adrenal #irilism, Cushing<s syndrome, hy*eraldosteronism- re alance the @st chakra downwards. DISEASES OF THE INTERNAL ORGANS Serious diseases of the internal organs, such as the li#er, kidneys, *ancreas, etc. are treated with the light, first y treating any infection or inflammation that may e *resent, then charging the organ with light and energy to stimulate health in it, and finally

*roceeding to the finer le#els inside the organ to treat the s*ecific conditions as well. %roceed as follows1 $irst *lace oth hands on the front of the a domen, directly o#er the affected organ, and conduct the energy while #isuali8ing the light washing through the organ eneath your hands, like a ri#er, *urifying it and remo#ing the microorganisms which may e infecting it and the im*urities. Do this for se#eral minutes. !hen charge the internal organ with the light;energy1 Ask the *atient to sit, if *ossi le, and *lace one hand on the front of the a domen with the *alm o#er the organ, and the other hand on the ack of the *atient directly ehind the organ. 4ou must now #isuali8e the organ, or the area of the organ inside the ody, filled with the light;energy, a solid a**lication of the light. 4ou should #isuali8e this almost as a glowing all of light held etween the *alms of the two hands. !he right glowing all of light charges the organ, re2#itali8ing it and stimulating the life s*ark again. %lace health in the entire organ as you do so. $inally, *erform s*ecific #isuali8ations for healthful organ structure and function, to treat s*ecific conditions, as detailed elow. 'ften in these diseases there will e a related chakra that re/uires charging, re alancing or radiatory work. Structural energetic defects will e common, re/uiring radiatory method. It will e common to see an o#eracti#e related chakra in infections and inflammations of these organs, while an underacti#e chakra usually is seen at the later stages of organ degeneration. Re alance accordingly. !hese *atients should e treated @2 A times *er week, li#er illnesses a minimum of A times *er week, if *ossi le.
C! (est%7e Heart Fa%l#re&

Congesti#e Heart $ailure may e treated as under Diseases of the Heart, and the healer may also incor*orate the *rocedure a o#e, in addition, to strengthen the organ. Should the heart or its mem ranes e infected or inflamed, treat them as descri ed under Diseases of the Heart.
K%- e) Fa%l#re ,inc. Dlomerulone*hritises, !u ulointerstial ne*hritises, Renal Hy*ertension-1

!reat the kidneys se*arately, one at a time, with the *rocedure a o#e. +ith each kidney you may *roceed in your light #isuali8ation down to the le#el of the disease, seeing the light surrounding the glomeruli in the renal corte0 in the glomerular diseases, for e0am*le, and *lacing health in these tissues. 4ou may em*loy as much knowledge as you ha#e of anatomy, and of the disease, to treat each s*ecific condition and #isuali8e the form and function of the structures as returning to health, *lacing health in these damaged tissues. (e sure to first treat inflammations ,e.g. acute g.n.- with the light y im*arting a coolness with it, and treat infections ,e.g. *yelone*hritis- y washing the entire kidney with the light, *urifying it. Structural changes of #arious kinds may also e *resent in the

#arying ty*es of kidney disease. 4ou may do an intuiti#e reading of the tissues and treat accordingly. Renal infarction is treated with the asic *rocedure a o#e, and also y using the light to surround the affected area, im*arting health, and also a #isuali8ation of the lock clearing. Arteriolar damage from renal hy*ertension ,ne*hroangiosclerosis- is treated with the a**ro*riate #isuali8ation of these structures. Should the kidney disease in#ol#e kidney stones, the lockage is #isuali8ed remo#ed and cleared, and the area is also treated for inflammation, with the cooling light. Dallstones are treated similarly. !he And chakra will *ro a ly re/uire e0tra attention in the form of charging, re alancing or radiatory treatment. In a kidney infection, it will *ro a ly e o#eracti#e, while later stages of kidney degeneration and failure may dis*lay an underacti#e chakra. In some cases, the 5rd chakra may e in#ol#ed, also.
L%7er D%seases ,inc. He*atitis, Cirrhosis, $i rosis, general infections;inflammations-1

!reat the li#er using the general *rocedure a o#e. $or he*atitis or other infections, e sure to first thoroughly cleanse the li#er, washing it with the light to *urify it and remo#e the infection. !reat for inflammation as well, sending coolness to the li#er with the light;energy. In *atients with degeneration of the li#er tissues it is well to es*ecially see the light nurturing these tissues ack to health, *lacing health in them. E0tended *lacement of the hands on the ?th chakra will also soothe this *atient. $or Cirrhosis or $i rosis, which are also common conse/uences of infection or inflammation, you may #isuali8e the a**ro*riate li#er tissues restored to their *ro*er architecture, with health *laced in them. !reatment of the And and;or 5rd chakras with e0tra hand *lacement, recharging. re alancing, or radiatory treatment may e needed.
C)st%$ F%5r!s%s&

!reat the *ancreas with the charging *rocedure gi#en a o#e. $or Cystic $i rosis, treat with a further #isuali8ation of the lumen clearing, and tend to res*iratory infections and o structi#e com*lications as gi#en in Diseases of the Lung, as these may e *resent. !he And and 5rd chakras will likely re/uire e0tra attention, es*ecially in the form of radiatory treatment.
D%a5etes Mell%t#s&

Di#e the standard treatment first, recalling that in dia etes the chakras are treated from the lowest chakra u*, in the first round of hand *ositions. !reat the *ancreas, then, with the charging *rocedure gi#en a o#e, es*ecially for serious cases. A #isuali8ation of insulin secretion, along with #isuali8ations addressing tissue changes and ner#e damage, should these e dramatically *resent, is a**ro*riate. Dia etics will likely re/uire additional attention to the And chakra, in the form of e0tra energy, charging, re alancing and radiatory work, and the 5rd chakra may re/uire attention as well. !he 5rd chakra will *ro a ly re/uire re alancing u*ward, as discussed under Diseases of the Endocrine System. Serious Dia etes should e treated A times *er week, if *ossi le.

I 1e$t%! s a - I 1la22at%! s !1 Other I ter al Str#$t#res&

%lace the hands o#er the infected or inflamed area, washing and *urifying the structure clean of the in#ading organism, if infected, and im*arting a /uality of coolness, like ice, to inflammations. It is likely that these infections and inflammations will also re/uire that you treat certain chakras with e0tra energy, charging, re alancing, or radiatory treatment, as shown1 A**endicitis1 ................................... And chakra. %eritonitis1 ...................................... And chakra. %ancreatitis1 .................................... And chakra and *ossi ly 5rd chakra. Dastroenteritis1................................. And chakra. Colitis1 ........................................... And chakra. Cholecystitis1 ................................... 5rd chakra. Choleangitis1 ................................... 5rd chakra. %el#ic Inflammatory Disease1 ..............@st chakra. 'ften when an infection or inflammation is *resent, you will find an o#eracti#e chakra, re/uiring that its acti#ity e re alanced downwards. MISCELLANEOUS DISORDERS AND SITUATIONS
Care 1!r the D)% (&

$or *atients who cannot e cured, it is desira le to *ro#ide treatment in any case3such treatment will hel* s*iritually *re*are the *atient for death, and also ease the transition. !he *lacement of hands conducting energy is also a *alliati#e measure, and will *ro#ide comfort to these *ersons. S*ecial attention should e gi#en, y the healer, to the alignment of the chakra system through charging, re alancing and radiatory thera*y, *re*aring the *atient to mo#e onward. !his is one of the greatest ser#ices the healer can e#er *erform for a *atient. It is desira le to assist such a *atient twice a week, if *ossi le. !he *atient may e0hi it an0iety, strain or e0citement. Seek to *ro#ide rest and comfort to the *atient.
Me tal D%s!r-ers&

"ental disorders will sometimes accom*any ner#ous system diseases, and these should e treated as s*ecified, yet there are many conditions of the *ersonality that ha#e no organic asis. !here is a relationshi* etween *sychological states and the chakra system and aura layers, ut it is #ery com*le0, and s*ecification of treatments for *articular conditions is not *ractical, gi#en indi#idual #ariations. !he healer who *ossesses knowledge of the nature of the chakras may, howe#er, e a le to infer which chakras may e in#ol#ed. It is true, though, that these mental states ha#e corres*ondences to the energetic condition of the chakras and higher odies, and it is sur*rising how effecti#e energy conduction, charging, re alancing and radiatory thera*y, *erformed y the skilled healer, can assist

*ersons with mental afflictions. 4ou may well e a le to see manifestations of these mental states, and the effect of your treatment, in the *atient<s chakras and higher odies. A general treatment of these *ersons will *ro#ide emotional and mental clearing, and lend a greater clarity to the o#erall eing. $or *ersons suffering from the #arious afflictions of the *ersonality, or e#en s*iritual crises, a thorough general treatment is ad#ised e#ery week, at least, and somewhat more often for those who need it 3 *atients suffering from de*ression, for e0am*le, will enefit from a regular schedule of treatments gi#en e#ery ? days. $or those in s*iritual crisis, treatments should e gi#en often, also. !reatment using these techni/ues does not, y itself, ad#ance the indi#idual s*iritually, ut the clarity and remo#al of confusion allows the indi#idual to work on themsel#es, and mo#e towards resol#ing the *ro lems. Do not dou t the good you can do these *ersons. Caution should e used when treating those with serious mental illness. $or these *atients, treat for a shorter time, *erha*s @;5 the usual amount of time, and note the effects. %roceed cautiously.
D%seases !1 the Ear&

Hands may e *laced o#er the ears, one or oth. !reat infections and inflammations as usual, washing infection out with the light to *urify and soothing inflammation with the coolness. $or hearing *ro lems, *lace the hands on the Gth chakra, and #isuali8e the hearing ecoming more sensiti#e, an im*ro#ement of the hearing. If you are aware of the *recise nature of ear damage, e.g. one damage, #isuali8e and direct the light to the s*ecific location. If neural in#ol#ement e0ists, treat the ner#e using the a**ro*riate techni/ue as descri ed in Diseases of the (rain and )er#ous System. %lace health in the ear.
D%seases !1 the E)e&

%lace one *alm o#er each eye to treat, if necessary. !reat infections and inflammations as usual, washing infection out with the light to *urify and soothing inflammation with the coolness. !hese may occur in #ery s*ecific tissue areas of the eye 3 #isuali8e accordingly. $or cataracts, you will #isuali8e clarity in the lens, while using the light and *lacing health on affected areas. $or early glaucoma, #isuali8e soothing the eyes and resting them, using the light and *lacing health. $or ad#anced glaucoma, do the same, although you may not e a le to contain it.

%lace the hands o#er the areas affected, and treat with the light, ut also con#eying a /uality of warmth to the areas. 4ou may incor*orate an a**ro*riate #isuali8ation, also,
S)ste2%$ !r Ge eral%,e- C! e$t%7e T%ss#e D%seases ,Systemic Lu*us, Scleroderma, %olymyositis-1

%lace the hands o#er the affected areas all o#er the ody. It is not necessary to kee* the

hands together, one may e *laced o#er one affected area or *art of the ody, and the other o#er another *art of the ody, and the *ositions #aried as you intuiti#ely feel is est. Inflammation should e treated with coolness. !issue changes, *resent in many of these ty*e diseases, should e treated y incor*orating an a**ro*riate #isuali8ation.
Or(a Tra s0la t "at%e ts&

!reatment of the s*ecific organ y charging the organ, as descri ed in the general *rocedure under Diseases of the Internal 'rgans, will assist is im*arting life to the organ. !his should e done within AB hours of surgery, if *ossi le.
"at%e ts Re$!7er% ( Fr!2 S#r(er)&

!reat the organs and areas in#ol#ed, using light and *lacing health, seeing the organs healing in whate#er way is a**ro*riate to the disease that was *resent, as gi#en. Clear away auric im*urities *resent o#er affected areas. See sutured areas ,internal and e0ternal- healing. A general treatment is restorati#e. $or mothers recu*erating from child irth, e sure to also *ay *articular attention to the internal re*roducti#e organs, es*ecially the uterus, y *lacing oth hands, gently o#erla**ing, under the And chakra and etween the *el#ic ones. Direct the light to the uterus, and all around, seeing it heal and *lacing health. S*ecial treatment of the new orn a y is not re/uired.
Br!4e B! es&

!reat o#er the reak, using the light and #isuali8ing the roken *art healing, *lacing health in it.
B#r s&

%lace your hands not on the skin, ut 5 or B inches a o#e. Cse the light to treat the surface of the skin at the urned area, con#eying a /uality of coolness, like ice, as with inflammations. See the skin regenerating.

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