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Hotwells & Cliftonwood News

wi nter 2014

in this edition: The Bluffers Guide to residents parking zones p11 Help us decide priorities for Piazza improvements p10 Harbourhead group tackles Metrobus p8 published by Hotwells & Cliftonwood Community Association


Welcome to the new look Hotwells News

After 11 years as an A4 newsletter we feel the time is right to refresh the format of Hotwells News. It may look more like The Pigeon and other imitations but our magazine brings you more news specific to our neighbourhood, the opinions of local people and we hope more entertainment value. Our criteria for deciding what to publish are that it has to be relevant to people living or working in our neighbourhood and impartial content needs to dominate; not advertorial supporting commercial promotion. You will never see the pages and pages of bland advertising features that other local magazines find it necessary to publish. We hope that every page has a story you might want to read and the magazine will help people to participate in the life of the area and feel part of the strong community that we have here. Apart from freshening up the layout, the A5 format aims to make the paper more letterbox-friendly for our squad of volunteer deliverers. It also helps us to keep printing costs to a minimum. Smaller pages make it more adaptable; we can increase or reduce the size of an issue more easily in response to demand. Hotwells News is largely paid for by the advertising but all the production work is done by volunteers. If you are interested in helping out with layout or

writing or have a good idea for a feature or regular column that you think might interest other readers then please let us know. Above all, Hotwells News aims to be your paper but we can only achieve that if you let us know what it should be covering.
Ray Smith

researching news stories can be challenging work your editor (centre) covering the Green Days Out event last year.

How to Contact us:

Hotwells & Cliftonwood Community Association c/o Southernhay House, Southernhay, Bristol BS8 4TL

tel: 0117 9291883

Management Committee Dennis Gornall (Chair) Brenda McLennan (Treasurer) Ray Smith Communications Mike Timmins Open spaces Helena Kowalski Anna Wilson Gill Loats (Hotwells News advertising)

community news
Treeplanting plans hinge on Council staffing
Amidst ever-fiercer budget cuts and the loss of skilled staff we have become increasingly concerned that our (now fully-funded) plan to plant more trees on Cumberland Piazza will be thwarted for a third successive year, simply because TreeBristol no longer has the capacity to administer the project. However we were reassured by the appearance of a new recruit to the Council team, who has been handed the project. There are many details still to be sorted out but we have been assisted by local environmental consultants The Landmark Practice in putting together a technical proposal and hope this will speed up progress in spite of the now very tight timescale.
Ray Smith

for the RPZ (more about this contentious subject on page 6). Then in July we had a walkabout at the Underfall Yard and heard about their plans for the future and in September, in conjunction with the Transition Group we showed the film Transition 2. We shall continue to hold public meetings next year so keep a look out in the magazine and on our notice boards. We also held a much smaller hustings meeting in April for prospective ward Councillors.

Community Association annual meeting

Some 40 people attended our AGM in November and enjoyed watching an edited version of a fifty year old documentary about a young couple settling in this area. There was much to reflect on from the film, including of course how much the area has improved. However, we know that there is always more that can be done and this is of course the principal reason for the Community Association. We have held 4 very different open meetings in the last year. At the first we heard about Mr Singhs plans for Red Pizza after his application for an extended licence, and also a very comprehensive talk about trees in our area from 4 expert, Richard Bland. Our second meeting was open house to view initial plans

2013 proved a good year for Hotwells toddlers with the refurbishment of Charles Place playground.

We offered thanks to Rosemary Stibbons who finished working for us in March at the same time as we closed the office in Charles Place. Rosemary had contributed to the CA in many ways over many years and most recently as our admin assistant. We wish her all the best with all her various activities South of the river. We have seen the fantastic refurbishment of the Charles Place Play Park and now we can look forward to some changes on the Piazza this winter. In October the Neighbourhood Committee approved our application for Section 106 monies (details on page 10).
Dennis Gornall

Bridge failures & floods Hotwells in the headlines

Near hysteria accompanied the sudden failure of the Plimsoll Bridge to swing just before Christmas; mainly because it happened just before the rush hour. The traffic mayhem, which quickly extended to every corner of the City only served to remind us of the critical role played by a 50 year old piece of engineering. The media reporting seemed to forget that the Cumberland Basin Bridges system does offer a backup via the Junction Lock Bridge but at peak hours, even this can be overwhelmed. Hard to imagine that before the Plimsoll Bridge was built, there was also no M5 bridge and all traffic to and from the South West managed with just a narrow 2 lane crossing.

the flood barrier erected to protect Avon Crescent (picture Anna Wilson)

The drama continued into January with an unprecedented (but not unanticipated level of flooding arising from overflowing rivers, coinciding with Spring tides and a storm surge. The Portway and chocolate block path became impassable. A temporary flood barrier protected Avon Crescent. Consequently, no houses were flooded and residents appreciated the concern of the local community and the many flood tourists as you can see in Anna Wilsons entertaining time-lapse video of the event at: Another unusual sight was water pouring from the river into the harbour at Junction Lock.

Plimsoll bridge jammed for the 4th time in its life. Imagine if this had happened just before the Harbour Festival!

According to a BCC spokesman some minor components in the operating gear need to be replaced. The components are currently being manufactured and, once delivered, will be installed and tested as quickly as possible Meanwhile tall masted ships, including the Kaskelot are stuck in the harbour.

anybody know why the stop gates at Junction Lock were made higher than the lock chamber?

New wheels park group seeks support need for this kind of amenity.
A group of local skaters, parents and community activists in Hotwells are joining forces with a similar group in Ashton to discuss how we can turn long held desires for a local skate park into an action plan. For many years weve been talking to kids in Hotwells about what they would like to see happen under the flyover in the Cumberland Piazza. They always suggest facilities for skateboards, scooters and bikes and sometimes roller coasters and beaches! (editors comment: and why not?) In spite of the crudeness of the DIY equipment, there never seems to be a shortage of users, but this is also a busy pedestrian and cycle route leading to possible conflicts between the different users.

Festival Way potential conflict between skaters, walkers and cyclists

The nearby pump track that provides a circular course for bikes was developed a couple of years ago and also seems very popular. However, not far away on the Ashton side but still adjacent to the Festival Way path is a larger space, entirely covered by flyover, that seems to offer much better potential for a more ambiKai (13) uses Oldfield Rd car park because It's the best place to skate round here, it's got a smooth surface and it's the only place we don't get kicked out of'. Space at Cumberland Piazza, already identified in the masterplan for the site, could be used to create a basic wheels park for younger children. The appearance of improvised skating obstacles on 6 a section of the Festival Way path by White City Allotments demonstrates the

possible location for a skate park near Festival Way

comparing the Cumberland Basin flyover at Ashton meadows (left) with Londons Westway (below) demonstrates how eyesore flyover spaces can find a creative new use

tious wheels park. A meeting in the Rose of Denmark just before Christmas attended by about 10 people, looked at two possible developments. A smaller multi-function space at Cumberland Piazza with some skate equipment but also potential as an enclosed area for ball games, while the space on the Ashton side of the river could be developed into a more adventurous skate space for older Hotwells (and Ashton/Bedminster) teenagers. The key starting point for any wheels park is a smooth surface so the project group is looking at the feasibility of laying tarmac surfaces both on the Piazza and under the flyover near Festival Way. Ramps and obstacles could then be added progressively as further finance becomes available. HCCA is also applying for BCC funding to run an event to coincide with

Bristols Biggest Bike Ride in June. The Portway will be closed so its an ideal time to get people playing on wheels in the Cumberland Piazza. Well be doing some more art too and hope to run some music and graffiti workshops. If you have any opinion about these (very tentative) ideas or want to get involved in any aspect of the project please contact: There will be a chance to discuss the project at a meeting on Feb 19th (see Diary).

The Metrobus planning application has now been submitted. They propose to make Avon Crescent a one-way shared space but without crossings or safe space for its passengers, and the large and increasing numbers of cyclists, runners and pedestrians that need to use this street. Metrobuss own analysis suggests that their plans will result in more traffic speeding round Avon Crescent than at present. Nobody locally thinks this offers a credible solution. Members of local group - Harbourheads continues to seek dialogue with the Mayor, Council planners and the Metrobus team. Author of the HCCA Traffic Strategy, Richard Walker, said: We have tried to engage positively by putting forward a plan that offers a better fit for Metrobus, a credible SAFE space in our streets for everyone & enables development worth millions to the Council. What we have done is supported by planning policies and precisely what it says in the places & principles parts of the Mayors Vision for Bristol. We just hope that the Mayor and the Council will have a constructive dialogue with us about the huge changes they need to make to our environment.

Page 8

Please make our streets SAFE

The Harbou drafted a Co submitted it local environ

The Framew adopted by t

Local views, plans and the Community Transport Development Framewo 8

To sign the on-line petition go to -

urhead group made up of people living in the Avon Crescent neighbourhood have ommunity Transport Development Framework for the Hotwells end of Spike Island & to Bristol City Council. It shows how best to fit Metrobus (& other schemes) into our nment, re-routing through traffic onto under-used (parallel) main roads.

work is consistent with the wider Hotwells Traffic Strategy which has already been the City Council.

ork can be viewed at 9


cumberland piazza Help us decide priorities for Piazza Improvements

Following a successful application for Installing some interpretation panels Section 106 funds to the Clifton & to describe the history of the site and Cabot Neighbourhood Partnership we nearby Hotwells and the Entrance now have a further 21,000 allocated Locks. to the Cumberland Piazza project. This is money contributed by develop- providing more and better public seating. ers for local infrastructure improvements as a planning condition for new paying for quantity surveys for some developments. of the planned landscape works so we can submit costed estimates to We would also like to thank all the peofunding trusts and charities that ple who might support responded to this kind of work. our tree planting appeal. funding some Together with permanent public an earlier promart in the space. ise of 5000 from the Clifton Now seems a & Cabot good time for Neighbourhood everyone with an Partnership interest in the 'Wellbeing' pic. Anna Wilson Piazza to meet fund we have a and discuss some of these possibilities total of around 30,000 available. and also hear from the new Wheels Park Most of this (but we don't yet know exGroup (see page 6) If you would like to actly how much) will be needed for tree contribute to the Piazza improvement planting (see page 4 for details of proproject, or simply want to find out gress with this) but we hope there will whats going on, be some funds available for other work proposed in our Masterplan for the site. Come along to the Young Bristol meeting room (opposite the Mardyke This could include things like: renewing the temporary planters with more permanent structures and planting these with a mixture of perennials as well as annuals to reduce the maintenance needed.

pub on the dockside on Wed. Feb. 19th at 19:30

If you are unable to attend then email: or use the twitter account @hotwellsgdo to raise an issue. Do this before the 19th improving the signage on the site. and well make sure your view is fed in at Currently the 'legible city' signposts 10 the meeting. end abruptly at the Ashton Swing Ray Smith Bridge.

The bluffers guide to residents parking

Love it or hate it, an RPZ is coming to streets near you very soon, so here is the essence of what you need to know:
Times. Permit and Pay and Display times are to be 9am to 7pm Monday to Saturday in all residential areas. There are some variations on main roads. Residents Permits: Residents may apply for up to three permits per year. The first permit will cost 0 for vehicle emission band A vehicles 24 for vehicle emission band B vehicles 48 for vehicle emission bands C to K vehicles 72 for vehicle emission bands L to M vehicles The second permit costs 96 and the third 192 Visitor Permits: Residents can apply for up to 60 visitor permits free and a further 60 permits at 1 each. Essential Visitor Permits: for where a resident has identified care needs. s/he may apply for one free permit per year for use by their essential visitor. Other Permits: There are other permits for businesses, Customer Permits, Medical Permits for registered healthcare providers, Traders Permits etc. For details refer to the Council web site: Pay and Display. Charges for Pay and Display and mixed use parking places will be free for the first 30 minutes. Charges will otherwise be 1 for up to an hour, 2 for up to 2 hours, 3 for up to 3 hours. This will be the maximum stay in most residential streets, however, the maximum stay in Dowry Place, Little Caroline Place and Oldfield Rd will be 4 hours for 4. Motorcycles are exempt from charges. Disabled Parking Places. These places, almost certainly now marked in advisory white and outside the house of a Blue Badge holder will become enforceable. Following the recent statutory consultation, the relevant Traffic Orders will be drawn up before line markings and signage goes up and residents receive information about applying for permits. Review. we have been promised a further consultation on the scheme after it has been in operation for at least 6 months to see if any adjustments need to be made that could make it work better. The CA will work with our Councillors and BCC officers to try and facilitate these consultations when they happen.
11 the definitive map at: if you have further questions you can view

green light
The storms and flooding over the Christmas period provided a timely reminder of the importance of developing resilient local communities, able to deal with the shocks produced by climate change. We are fortunate that Bristol is a leader in this area, and has been selected as one of the pioneering cities to join the "Rockefeller 100 Resilient Cities Network". Bristol will now have a senior post to lead Resilience Planning for Bristol and the South West, This builds on previous work including Bristol Green Capital and "Transition" projects. One way to build a resilient local economy of course is to deal with local businesses using the Bristol Pound. Council Tax payment by electronic "standing order" from Bristol Pound accounts will soon be possible. You can open your account and keep up with developments via The Bristol Energy Co-operative and the Bristol Power Co-operative, who have installed PV on a number of community buildings in Bristol, and offered attractive returns to investors, are releasing second share offerings. Triodos Bank, near College Green, also offers opportunities for investing in projects that will provide a social as well as a financial return. shale deposits, by pumping water down to force the gas out (fracking). This is guaranteed to contribute to global warming, and carries a risk of contaminating water supplies. There are plans to drill in the Bristol area and you can raise a legal objection via If you want to learn more, or discuss any of this, join the local Transition mailing list ( or come to one of the "Lion" meetings. Allotments available The City Council has sent us the following reminder: Many people are under the impression that waiting lists for Allotments are very long but this is simply not the case in most areas. Applications can be made via the allotments website or paper applications can be obtained from this office. In addition , we are still keen to encourage local groups to take on beds or create new ones in parks and open spaces, or even Housing grassed areas around flats etc. to grow fruit and vegetables. If any of your groups are interested in such a scheme, please can you put them in touch with me

Steve Clampin, Allotments Manager Finally, we have to mention the ambiParks Horticultural Services, 1st Floor, tions of some politicians and fuel compa12 Brunel House, St Georges Rd, BS1 5UY , nies who want to extract gas from UK tel: 0117 9223737.

Hotwells, Clifton & Cliftonwood Local History Society
The next of these very popular events will feature Bristol transport historian Peter Davey whose talk is entitled

Around Bristol by Horse Tram

Entry 4 which includes a glass of wine or soft drink. Doors open at 7pm for 7.30 start. Wed. March 12th at Create Centre, Smeaton Road.

The Toy Sale

Hotwells Primary school will be hosting a second hand toy sale on April 26th between 11:00-13:00. to sell your children's unwanted toys and make money for you and the school at the same time. South West). This sale is open to any one and not just families associated with Sellers will price and label all their items the school (no baby equipment please) and deliver them to the school hall at a 1 entry for all adults, children go free. set time and date. Sellers receive 75% of For further information about volunteerthe sale price. The school will receive the ing or to sign up to sell your wares other 25%. All unsold items are returnplease email us at able to the seller at the end of the sion. Any uncollected items will be donated to charity ( Children's Hospice Luise Holder

Day Centre for older people Thursdays 10:30 to 15:30 Transport to and from the Centre A warm and friendly atmosphere Home cooked meal Exercises and entertainment Tel 0117 983 8878 or just call in Holy Trinity Church Hall, Clifton Vale

forget the Wizardry of last year...

Hotwells Panto hammers home the horror

This years show might be called Beauty and the Beast but dont be fooled. The cast is led by Dr Frankenstein, so expect a surfeit of inappropriately located body parts and fiendish experiments. If its good taste and sentimentality you want then go to the Hippodrome. Here in Horrowellia, we take a trip to the dark side......

13 The Hotwells Panto is at Hope Chapel, Mar 5th-8th, tickets 9, 7 conc., 5 child. Available from Feb 1st from Tobacco Factory Box Office tel: 0117 9020344 or, in person from Recession, 8 Jacobs Wells Rd. Thur-Sat, 11:30-18:00.

events DIARY
Tue Jan 28th Mon Feb 10th when 19:0021:00 19:0020:00 what Cabot & Clifton Neighbourhood Partnership meeting Clifton Neighbourhood Forum The Ligeti Quartet in concert
admission free; retiring collection

where The Pavilion, Hannover Quay, Harbourside t.b.c Holy Trinity Church, Clifton Vale Young Bristol, Mardyke Wharf Lion Pub, Church Lane Hope Chapel, Hope Chapel Hill Create Centre, Smeaton Road The Pavilion, Hannover Quay, Harbourside Holy Trinity Church, Clifton Vale Holy Trinity Church, Clifton Vale Hotwells Primary School, Albemarle Row

Sat Feb 15th 19:45 Wed Feb 19th Thu Feb 27th Wed Mar 5th-Sat 8th Wed Mar 12th Tue Mar 25th Sun Mar 30th Sun Apr 20th 19:30 19:00 19:30

Cumberland Piazza meeting development priorities for 2014 Transition Hotwells & Cliftonwood meeting Hotwells Pantomime Beauty and the Beast Hotwells, Clifton & Cliftonwood Local History Society Cabot & Clifton Neighbourhood Partnership meeting Mothering Sunday service Easter Sunday service

19:00 for 19:30 19:0021:00 10:30 10:30

Sat Apr 26th 11:0013:00

The Toy Sale

1 entry per adult

Could you foster or adopt a child?

Many people would like to adopt or foster a child but don't bother applying because they assume they may not be eligible. However, youd be amazed at the diversity of people in Bristol who can adopt or foster for Bristol City Council. Due to increased numbers of children in care, we are urgently looking for more foster carers and adopters. Fostering is caring for someone elses child in your own home whereas adoption is a way of providing a new permanent family for children who cannot be brought up by their own family members. We welcome applicants from all walks of life, you dont need to be married, own your own home or be under 40 to adopt or foster. Bristol City Council would love to hear from you and our friendly team 14Above all dont rule yourself out! are happy to answer any questions you may have.

To find out more contact us on 0117 353 4200 or visit

Dowry Chiropractic Clinic

3 Dowry Place Hotwells, Bristol BS8 4QL

come and see one of our BCA & GCC registered Chiropractors, specialising in: Back Pain Muscle and joint pain Neck and shoulder pain Sports injuries Migraines Arthritis support Headaches Hip/knee/ankle/foot problems Treatments include: spinal & extremity manipulation, mobilisation, remedial massage, dry needling and posture & lifestyle advice.

provides time for stillness in a busy world Gentle Class Thursdays from Jan 9th, 10.15-11.45 Clifton Library, Princess Victoria Street

Call Em Sawday to book 0117-9738213 or 07833751235

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39 Oldfield Road Hotwells BRISTOL BS8 4QQ Tel: (0117) 927 2100

till 4pm


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