Quality Plan

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Engineering Procurement Construction Quality Plan

1 Introduction................................................................................................................................ 4 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.5.1 3.6 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.7 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.8.1 Project Background .................................................................................................................... 4 Document Purpose ..................................................................................................................... 4 Change Control .......................................................................................................................... 4 Contract..................................................................................................................................... 4 Quality system ........................................................................................................................... 4 Distribution ................................................................................................................................ 4 Basic Organization KVT ............................................................................................................... 5 Quality Policy ............................................................................................................................. 5 Implementation of Quality........................................................................................................... 6 Project organization KVT ............................................................................................................. 7 Project Quality Responsibility ...................................................................................................... 7 Quality conformity ...................................................................................................................... 7 Communication lines................................................................................................................... 7 Meetings and co-ordination ......................................................................................................... 8 Typical format for MoM ....................................................................................................... 8 Reports ...................................................................................................................................... 8 Weekly report ..................................................................................................................... 8 Typical format for reports .................................................................................................... 8 Design Sequence ........................................................................................................................ 9 Scope of Work...........................................................................................................................10 Project Change Control ..............................................................................................................10 Timeline....................................................................................................................................10 Applicable Codes and Standards .................................................................................................10 Concessions ..............................................................................................................................10 General .....................................................................................................................................11 Issue, Review and Approval .......................................................................................................11 Document Transmission .............................................................................................................11 Drawing and Document Numbering ............................................................................................12 Document and Drawing Change .................................................................................................12 Document Database ..................................................................................................................12 Filing of Documents ...................................................................................................................12 Files .........................................................................................................................................12 Electronic files....................................................................................................................12

Organisation, Management and Administration......................................................................... 5

Project Quality System ............................................................................................................... 7

Project Specifications ............................................................................................................... 10

Documentation Control Procedure ........................................................................................... 11

5.8.2 5.8.3 5.8.4 5.8.5 5.9 5.10 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 8 9

Project File Directory ..........................................................................................................12 Paper documents ...............................................................................................................12 E-Mails ..............................................................................................................................13 Document Types ................................................................................................................13 Technical drawings ....................................................................................................................13 Non-Conformities and Corrective Action ......................................................................................13 Design Overview .......................................................................................................................14 Basic Engineering Deliverables ...................................................................................................14 Detail Engineering .....................................................................................................................14 Local Regulations ......................................................................................................................14 Design Control Procedures .........................................................................................................14 Document Review ..............................................................................................................14 Design Review Meeting ......................................................................................................15 Design Change Request ......................................................................................................15 Procurement Overview...............................................................................................................16 Procurement Control ..................................................................................................................16 Expediting .................................................................................................................................16 Third Party Inspection ...............................................................................................................16 Verification of Products ..............................................................................................................16 Sellers Progress Reporting and Surveillance ................................................................................17

Design Procedure...................................................................................................................... 14

Procurement Control ................................................................................................................ 16

Construction ............................................................................................................................. 18 Design Data book...................................................................................................................... 19 9.1 9.2 Storage .....................................................................................................................................19 Format......................................................................................................................................19

10 Template, Schedules, Charts and Certificate ............................................................................ 20

1.1 Project Background

This section reports the project location, client, project purpose description, summary of customer needs. summary of the project activities.


Document Purpose

The purpose of this Quality Plan is to document how the contract work will be conducted meeting the agreed quality requirements and time schedule.

1.3 Change Control

Following document approval, the Quality Plan can only be modified or changed by a Design Change Request (DCR) as detailed in section dedicated. Each DCR must be raised, reviewed and approved in accordance with the Design Change Request Procedure as detailed within the Quality Plan. The Custodian of this document is the KVT Project Manager. Controlled copies will be issued to relevant parties. Holders of controlled copies of the Basis for Design must ensure that others in the Project organisation and authorised third parties are made aware of changes that may affect them.



This section reports contract information between the customer and KVT: the awarded date; the contract number and summary of scope of supply.


Quality system

A quality system has been developed to establish and foster confidence with regard to the customer and market. The system is designed to optimize processes within the KVT and to take into account all factors affecting the quality, with the aim of ensuring the attainment of quality objectives.



The Quality Plan is distributed amongst the KVT Project Team. It is also distributed to the Client project Team .

Organisation, Management and Administration

2.1 Basic Organization KVT

The following chart shows the company's base organisation.


Safety and Quality

R&D Research & Development

PE Process Engineering

ME Mechanical Engineering



Electrical & Instrument Engineering

Personal, Financing & Commercial


Quality Policy

In order to secure the quality offered of products and services, the Kanzler Verfahrenstechnik (KVT) quality politics are defined in the available Quality Assurance manual. The objectives of the Quality Assurance System are: To establish an effective Quality Assurance System complying with International Standard ISO9001 (Quality Systems). To achieve and maintain a level of quality which enhances the Company's reputation with customers. To ensure compliance with relevant statutory and HSE requirements. To endeavour, at all times, to maximize customer satisfaction with the services provided by KVT To provide a plant that meets the customer criteria for operation, maintenance and availability.

KVT operates a Quality Management System that is compliant with the International Standard ISO9001 requirements and demand the same from all its Suppliers and Sub-Contractors. Compliance with the requirements of this system are managed by adherence to the Quality Manual. Non-Conformance, Corrective and Design Change Actions are managed in a manner compliant with the system.


Implementation of Quality

The responsibility for our quality is carried by each employee. All employees are obligated to constantly cooperate in the improvement of the quality of our products and services and quality relevant operational procedures. The management of Kanzler Verfahrenstechnik sets the quality policy and the quality objectives of the company, declaring that the Quality Manual is obligatory. The Project Managers and the Discipline Managers shall be responsible for implementing the quality policy, the quality objectives and the quality system within their fields of responsibility. They are particularly responsible for initiating and executing any identified necessary corrective actions. The quality assurance system is submitted regularly of a systematic evaluation. In addition the management will accomplish examinations and will repair possibly determined lack by suitable measures.

Project Quality System

3.1 Project organization KVT

This section reports the project team organisation consisting of members of the departments Process (PE), Mechanical (ME) and Electrical & Instrument (E&I) Engineering. The team performs, initiates and controls all work for the realization of the project under the leadership of the Project Manager.


Project Quality Responsibility

The project manager is the spokesman of the project team and has the overall responsibility for the project concerning the complete implementation of the contract considering the technical design, quality assurance, costs and dates. He is the contact person for the customer.


Quality conformity

It is the responsibility of the Project Manager to assure that all the required quality issues pertaining to Reporting, Communication, Compliance to specifications, Standard of documentation, Recording of information and effective change management are implemented in accordance with the requirements laid down in this Quality Plan.


Communication lines

All communications between KVT and the customer follow fixed communication lines as detailed in the sample table below: Technical Queries Project Management Progress Reports Overall Queries Documentation

mechanical, structural


Project Manager Mechanical Project Engineer E&I Project Engineer Managing Director Document Control Group







D = The nominated person is to receive the document directly C = The nominated person is to receive a copy of the document I = The nominated person is to be informed of the document's issue

Design Documents D C I I D 7







Meetings and co-ordination

A Kick-off meeting is organised to ensure that the team members are aware and understand the project concepts and the setting in which it is to be implemented. The MoM is to be recorded and a copy is stored with the project files. All identified deviations (either by customer or project-team) from contractual requirements and unsettled items are continuously summarised in an Open List during all phases and subject to further investigation and clarification internal and/or external with customer by regularly meetings or in writing. For that purpose during whole project stadium also regularly KVT internal Design Review Meetings are held under the leadership of the project manager with the participation of responsible engineers and various pertinent departments. At the Meetings is checked and discussed: fulfilment of all contractual requirements relevant to process/design/documentation applicable laws/standards/regulations plant equipment and plant arrangement internal and external interfaces deviations from requirements, corrective and preventive actions Quality Assurance

For all meetings Minutes of Meetings are to be recorded and a copy is to be stored with the project files.


Typical format for MoM

Minutes of meeting consist of as a minimum of the following information: Project name, Project code, Order no. if applicable Date and place of meeting Attendees Subject



To ensure that all members of the project team are aware of the actual state of the project, reports are made on a regularly basis.


Weekly report

During the BEDP phase the weekly reports are issued by the project manager and include an overview over the last week, a preview for the next week and any concerns relating to design, issue or approval of documents. The report will come with the schedule for the documents issued throughout the BEDP phase which will be updated on a weekly basis. The weekly reports are numbered sequentially.


Typical format for reports

The layout for the reports has a standardized form including: Period, Distribution, Progress, Delayed activity, Progress Control, HSSE Matter, Planned Achievement for next Period, Design Change Request.


Design Sequence

During the basic design phase the sequence of documents is prepared as in the table below. Nevertheless documents will reference other documents which might be issued at a later stage of the project.

Document Process description Process Flow Diagram Heat & Mass balance P&I Diagram Preliminary Plot Plan Control philosophy Equipment Summary Functional Design Specification Cause & Effect Alarm & Trip Schedule Equipment datasheets Instrument Data sheets Valve Data sheets Motor Data sheets Operating philosophy Construction philosophy Commissioning philosophy Preliminary Operating Manual

Design sequence

Project Specifications
4.1 Scope of Work

The scope of work and the technical specifications for the EPC contract are specified within the contract.


Project Change Control

Following document approval (AFD) design data included in the technical specification can only be modified or changed by a Project Change Request (PCR) issued by the customer. Each PCR must be raised, reviewed and approved in accordance with the Project Change Control Procedure of the customer.



The Time Schedule gives the timeline with milestones. The progress of work is monitored regularly by the project manager. Deviations from the scheduled progress are identified and corrective measures initiated in close co-operation with the responsible persons. The time schedule is updated regularly and forwarded to all project persons involved.


Applicable Codes and Standards

KVT uses Design Standards, Codes and Specifications which are valid in the European Community .This includes all regulations which are necessary for CE certification of the plant as shown in the table below.

Pressure Equipment directive ATEX EMC Low Voltage Machinery Directive

Directive 97/23/EEC Equipment and Protective systems intended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres (ATEX) Directive 94/9/EC Directive 89/336/EEC (including Directive 91/263/EEC) Directive 73/23/EEC (including Directive 93/68/EEC) Directive 98/37/EEC (including Directive 89/392/EEC)

In addition to these, KVT accepts the obligation to comply with all applicable local Laws, Codes and Standards and with the requirements of customer Specification for Quality Requirements as per contract.



Concessions to the applicable specification can only be granted by the seller after forwarding a concession request to the seller with all required details such as item, description, relevant specification and justification.


Documentation Control Procedure

5.1 General

All documents which will be issued by KVT to the customer are listed in the supplier provided documentation file.


Issue, Review and Approval

All documents and drawings are provided with the date, name and signature by the person responsible for their preparation and shall be checked for completeness and correctness before their release. This documents includes project name, number, doc number, author, checking and approving person, date of issue, date of drawing and file name. The review are performed by a qualified, authorized person other than the preparing one; if the preparing and testing persons are identical, the review is made based on a check list and is documented. The Checking and Approval procedure shall be provided by various instances as shown in table below. type of document Process Issued by Process Engineering checking by Process Engineering or Project Manager Discipline Manager ME or Project Manager Discipline Manager E&I or Project Manager Discipline Manager E&I or Project Manager approving by Managing Director


Mechanical Engineering

Managing Director or Project Manager


E&I Engineering

Managing Director or Project Manager


E&I Engineering

Managing Director or Project Manager Managing Director or Project Manager

Quality documents

Quality, Process


Document Transmission

All documents issued to the customer have to be sent to the document control centre at KVT. A transmission document has to come together with the documents.



Drawing and Document Numbering

All documents and drawings issued to the customer are numbered according to the specification provided by the customer. The specification is attached to the quality plan. All internal documents and drawings which are not issued to the customer in first place are numbered according to the KVT specification. This numbering system is implemented within the documents database.


Document and Drawing Change

The engineer who has prepared the documents is responsible for modifying a document. When modifying a document, essentially the same procedure is followed with regard to preparation, reviewing, release and distribution as has been applied at the original preparation. The receiver of the modified document shall see to it that the outdated document will no longer be used marking it "INVALID or destroying it. The modification status of documents shall be registered in the document (revision number or letter, date, name, signature). As to order-related documents, the project management ensures that a copy of each revision will be kept on file. Authorized persons may perform quick modifications which shall be documented as soon as possible according to the usual updating service.


Document Database

All documents and drawings and their modifications must be listed within the project specific document database, stored in the project directory documentation, where the basic information like number, revision number or letter, document name, author issue date, checked by, checking date, approved by and approved date are listed.


Filing of Documents

Originals are filed by the preparing division during the implementation phase. Upon completion of the order the documents included in the documentation are kept in archives which are properly protected. The filing period is at least 10 years if not specified otherwise.


Electronic files

All electronic files have to be filed in the project directory identified by the project name. The files have to be named and numbered according to Drawing and Document Numbering.


Project File Directory

All electronic files produced and received for the project have to be kept in the dedicated project directory. This directory is automatically saved by a tape system every day. All files can be restored via the backup system. Only files in this directory have an official note and are designated for publishing to others.


Paper documents

Whenever possible all documents received in paper format shall be scanned and saved to the project directory as PDF of graphic format.




All incoming and outgoing mails which are essential for the documentation or the quality of the project shall be printed out and filed in the project file.


Document Types

In general the following programmes are used: Type of document Word Documents Spreadsheet Time schedule Drawings P&I Diagram Software Microsoft Word 2000-2003 Microsoft Excel 2000-2003 Microsoft Project 2000-2003 Autodesk AutoCAD 2004 AUCOPLAN Output File Format DOC, Acrobat PDF XLS, Acrobat PDF MPP, Acrobat PDF DWG, DXF, Acrobat PDF Acrobat PDF, DXF


Technical drawings

All drawings issued by KVT have to be registered within the Document Database. From this database a print out of all drawings can be done at any stage of the project. There all information about date, revisions and comments are collected. All drawings which are sent to the customer or a supplier have to be provided with an index All changes at drawings with an index have to be documented and there must be a new index for the drawing. The drawings are to be numbered according to the Drawing and Document Numbering.

5.10 Non-Conformities and Corrective Action

The implementation of this Quality Plan may give rise to documents, procedures and even procured items that should be recorded as not conforming to the requirements of the Plan. In this event, a record of such Non-Conformity is made by the Project Manager and distributed to the KVT Project Team and to the Client Project Team . This report will include the title and number of the item and all relevant details as well as the necessary Corrective Action and a date for execution of such action. A copy of this report labelled Closed Out with date shall be similarly distributed once the Corrective Action has been taken.



Design Procedure
Design Overview

The project design is divided into the basic engineering and the detail engineering phase. After the basic engineering is completed and the project is sanctioned by the customer the detail engineering starts at the respective departments.


Basic Engineering Deliverables

During the basic engineering the following deliverables are submitted: Basis of Design, Process Flow Diagram, Heat and Mass balance Control, Operating, Construction, Commissioning and Maintenance Philosophies P&I D Cause & Effect Diagram, Alarm and Trip Schedule Plot Plan Equipment and Instrument Data Sheets

Systematic reviews of design and development are conducted according to chapter 6.5 Design Control Procedure.


Detail Engineering

During detail engineering the basic engineering documents are approved to confirm that they Can be verified against the relevant design and development data Provides required information for design, procurement of materials, equipment and / or services where appropriate Contains or references acceptance criteria where appropriate Specifies any characteristics essential for safe and proper function Meets all regulatory requirement including local requirements


Local Regulations

Local Regulations, Decrees and specifications including specific 3rd Party inspection requirements is incorporated into the specific Activity Plans. A summary of the requirements are given in the Seller Quality Requirements Document.


Design Control Procedures

Document Review

Design documents have to be reviewed and approved prior to issue to the customer. The review and approval has to be done by the responsible engineer according to Issue, Review and Approval. The responsible


engineer has to decide whether a review meeting is necessary or not. After approval of the document any design change has to be performed through a design change request (DCR).


Design Review Meeting

Design review meetings will take place at all critical stages of the project like the issue of the PFD, Heat & Massbalance, P&ID and the principle Layout. Additionally a review of the design is part of the meetings fixed every fortnight. The participants of a design review meeting are the responsible engineer, the process engineer and the project manager as a minimum.


Design Change Request

Following approval design data can only be changed or modified by a Design Change Request (DCR). Design changes may occur as a result of reviews or requests by Client or as a result of KVTs ongoing design development. Design Changes initiated by the Client have to be issued by the KVT responsible Engineer. A copy of the DCR shall be issued to the Client to close out the request. The design change request has to be issued through the design change (DesignChangeRequest.mdb) where the following information has to be detailed: DCR No. (sequential number) Project name and code TAG No. (when applicable) Description of desired design change Originator, date Cause of design change request Consequence of design change Impact on further documentation (when applicable) Estimated cost and time impact (when applicable) request database

After creating the design change request the relevant engineers and the project manager are automatically informed about the request. The responsible engineer for approval of the document has to review the request, may call a review meeting and at the end approves or refuses the request. The design change request has to be closed at the database by adding the following information Approval or refuse of design change (name, date) Execution of design change (name, date) when applicable.

A register listing all open or approved design change request shall be kept throughout the project. Printouts of design change request shall be stored within the documentation of the project. Customer will be kept informed of all design change requests and their status through the weekly report.



Procurement Control
Procurement Overview

KVT develops purchase order documents that meet all necessary commercial, technical, Quality, Local Regulation and 3rd Party Inspection Requirements. Purchase orders are only to be issued to Suppliers and Sub-contractors that have demonstrated their ability to provide products and / or services in accordance with project requirements. The assessment of vendors' capability takes place either prior to their being invited to bid for work or during the bid review process. This assessment includes a review of accreditation to ISO 9001:2000. The project team verifies that each Supplier's and Sub-contractor's plans, progress, arrangements and resources are appropriate to meeting specified requirements. The type and extent of control applied to each Supplier and Subcontractor is determined by the criticality of their product or service to project success and is reflected in the Seller Quality Requirement Plan.


Procurement Control

Purchase Orders and Sub-contracts include: A full description of product and/or service and documentation requirements Requirements for the approval of documents, products, services, procedures, processes and equipment. Requirements for the qualification of specific personnel such Product preservation requirements Statutory and regulatory certification requirements including local requirements QA/QC and HSE requirements Commercial conditions



The nominated discipline Engineer is responsible for expediting, both desk and where appropriate field. The control of expediting activities is the responsibility of the Project Manager.


Third Party Inspection

The service of third party inspection will be utilised wherever necessary and as required by the applicable standards and regulations.


Verification of Products

The Project team ensures that guidance, document review, surveillance, audit, inspection and other activities required to ensure the procured product/services meet specified procurement requirements are carried out as requested by the customer. Supplier inspections will be undertaken by the project team as indicated in the inspection and test plan.


Any disposition of changes to purchase order requirements is documented and authorised by the appropriate personnel. Costumer is to be provided with the opportunity to also attend any inspection.


Sellers Progress Reporting and Surveillance

Vendors of proprietary and critical items have to issue periodically progress reports. Additionally these vendors are controlled with stage payments. The various payments are associated with progress of the product and have to be verified before release of the payment.



This section reports the name, location, quality certifications of the company that supply the construction works at site.


Design Data book

For each equipment designed by KVT a design data book will be installed. Within this data book all relevant design documents have to be stored. These design documents may include but are not limited to: Specification data sheet Purchase order Calculations Drawings Design review reports Inspection reports

Within the BEDP phase not all information are available. Instead of installing separate data books for all equipment, the calculations and data sheets can be stored at the responsible engineer in common.



The design data book has to be kept updated at any time of the project and will be, during the project, kept at the responsible engineer. After successfully installation of the project the data book will be stored, clearly marked with all relevant project information, within the document storage room of KVT.



All documents within the data book have to be clearly marked with the following information: Project name and code TAG number Equipment description Author Review index Checked by Approved by


10 Template, Schedules, Charts and Certificate

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Description Minutes of Meeting Template Weekly Report Template Monthly Report Template EPC contract Time Schedule Design Change Request Template Project Organisation Chart Typical Order EN ISO 9001:2000 Certificates Seller Quality Requirements


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