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PERBANDINGAN DOMAIN PEMBELAJARAN (Ringkasan daripada Taksonomi Bloom) .

KOGNITIF P!ng!"a#$an 1. mengingat/ megetahui 2. memahami 3. mengguna AFEKTIF ikap dan nilai 1. menerima/sedar (awareness) 2. respon (react) 3. menilai (understand and act) 4. membina nilai kendiri (organise personal value system) !. menghayati/ mengamalkan (internali"e value system /adopt behaviour) P IKOMOTOR K!ma#iran 1. meniru (imitation (copy) 2. manipulasi (follow instructions) 3. menguasai(develop precision)

4. menganalisis (structure/elements)

4. artikulasi (combine integrate related skills)

!. mensintisis (create/build)

!. mahir (naturali"ation/automate become e#pert)

$. menilai (assess %udge in relational terms)

(&etail of 'loom(s )a#onomy &omains* (+ognitive &omain( , (-ffective &omain( , (.sychomotor &omain() /.'. 0n the +ognitive &omain levels ! and $ 1ynthesis and 2valuation were subse3uently inverted by -nderson and 4rathwhol in 2551. -nderson and 4rathwhol also developed a comple# two,dimensional e#tension of the 'loom )a#onomy which is not e#plained here. 0f you want to learn more about the bleeding edge of academic educational learning and evaluation there is a list of further references below. 6or most mortals in teaching and training what(s on this page is probably enough to make a start and a big difference. /ote also that the .sychomotor &omain featured above is based on the domain detail established by 78 &ave (who was a student of 'loom) in 19$: (conference paper) and 19:5 (book). )he &ave model is the simplest and generally easiest to apply in the corporate development environment. -lternative .sychomotor &omains structures have been suggested by others notably 8arrow and 1impson(s models detailed below. 0 urge you e#plore the 1impson and 8arrow .sychomotor &omain alternatives , especially for the development of children and young people and for developing skills in adults that take people out of their comfort "ones. )his is because the 1impson and 8arrow models offer different emotional perspectives and advantages which are useful for certain learning situations and which do not appear so obviously in the structure of the &ave model. ('ack to the development of 'loom(s )a#onomy.) 'loom(s )a#onomy in more detailed structure follows with more formal terminology and definitions. 7efer back to the 'loom )a#onomy overview any time you need to refresh or clarify your perception of the model. 0t is normal to find that the e#tra detail can initially cloud the basic structure , which is actually 3uite simple , so it(s helpful to keep the simple overview to hand.

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