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SAMAN REHMAN 01 - 02 03 05


BBA 6th (A)

DATED: SEP 19th , 2013



QUESTION # 1: Based on the three customer personas, which customer segment should Ontela target ?

Based upon the three customer personas, I think Ontela should target Persona 3. Because: 1. The members of this segment have lived entirely through the Internet Age & due to this they know the thin and thick of it very well. Also that it has become an essential part of their lives. 2. They experience almost every kind of online / offline internet services like facebook, yahoo, etc. Briefly, they keep themselves updated to the fast growing technological advancements. 3. Picture sharing, updating, posting and viewings etc. are most popular among the younger population specially the teenagers. They love to share their life with their friends and family circle on the web. 4. Another advantage of targeting Persona 3 is that through these we can indirectly target persona 1. According to the case study, the parents teenage children helps them to set up an account so that they can be in touch with their children or share their photos with family members. So if teens are being targeted, they would probably be suggesting Pickdeck to their parents. Ontela can take this advantage.

Why shouldn't Persona 1 be targeted ?

Because, Pickdeck transfers pictures from phone to PC or any web account you wish to transfer to. As picture sharing is much popular while you are surfing over social media, and Persona 1 is not a computer whiz as compared to Persona 3 i.e. the teenagers. Therefore it is not a potential marget segment for Ontela according to the case study.

Why shouldn't Persona 2 be targeted ?

Because, the young professional is also not suitable as he does not have much time for himself. Therefore, obviously he would be having no time in spare to get connected over the social networks. So it also not a potential segment for this service.

QUESTION # 2: Create a positioning statement for your chosen target persona and identify the key elements that should be emphasized in the messaging for the PickDeck service to this segment.


"Forget transferring pictures from your phone; PICKDECK will do it for YOU".

1. Easy & Quick to use. Persona 3 expects speed & convenience. 2. Easy delivery to your email, PC & social media accounts. As they want to manage their countless pictures daily. 3. Complete control and freedom to transfer / share pictures to / from anywhere anytime within the range of the service without exhausting much of your energy. 4. Photo editing feature may also be focused to add more value to their service. It would be much easier for them to adopt because they already are having venture with Picasa as mentioned in the case study.

QUESTION # 3: What are the risks of using qualitative personas to select target customer segments?


Following are the risks of using qualitative personas to select a target customer segments:

1. According to PEW Internet & American Life Project, 94% of 18-29 years old use their phones to take pictures. The professionals come in this age bracket too. But due to lack of time they do not take many pictures. Therefore, qualitatively a huge portion of the segment is being neglected and thus it would not be the true representative of the segment. 2. According to another survey, to find out which age group is the most active on social networking? It was revealed that people around 42 years of age scored high in this perspective. Sarah being a parent, aging 42, not a computer whiz, categorized in Persona 1, falls in the same category. If the market is being segmented qualitatively, then there is a possibility of losing such customers from Ontela's potential market segment. 3. It do not give you the numeric data based upon which you can target that which segment is large enough in the area besides of looking into the potential of that segment. Means, if the population consists of a large portion of professionals and you are targeting the teenagers due the potential of their adaptability to technological advancement. Then in that case you might lose a huge portion of population. Your return on investment would be just limited and specific to a small group of the society.

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