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Future simple and going to

Put in the verbs in brackets into the gap. Use will-future or going to-future. Example: I hope, that the sun ________ tomorrow. (to shine) Answer: I hope, that the sun will shine tomorrow. 1 Philipp ___________________1! next "e#nes#a$. (to be) % &he$ ______________________a new computer. (to get) ' I think, m$ mother_______________________ this (). (to like) * Paul+s sister _______________________ a bab$. (to have) ! &he$_______________________ at about * in the a,ternoon. (to arrive) - .ust a moment. I _______________________$ou with the bags. (to help) / In %0%0 people________________________ more h$bri# cars. (to buy) 1 2arvin a part$ next week. (to throw) 3 "e to 4enice in .une. (to fly) 10 5ook at the clou#s6 It soon. (to rain)

1 I feel really tired. I think I ______ go to bed. +ll A


+m going to

2 Where are you going? I ______ visit a ustomer. +ll A


+m going to

! "o you want me to help you? #o thanks. $ohn ______ help me. +ll A

+s going to

% Would you prefer tea or offee? I ______ have some offee& please. +ll A

+m going to

' Would you like to ome to my house for dinner and talk about this? (ood idea. I ______ bring some wine. +ll A

+m going to

) I*ve already de ided. I ______ buy a new ar +ll A


+m going to

+ What are your plans for ne,t week? I ______ to fly to #ew -ork on business. .robably on /uesday but I haven*t bought my ti ket yet. +ll A

+m going to

0 What are your plans for the holidays? I ______ visit my parents for a few days and then go walking in 1 otland. +ll A

+m going to

2 Why are you wearing your best suit? I ______ have lun h with my biggest ustomer. +ll A

+m going to

13 "o you want to have the hi ken or the beef? I think ______ have the beef. +ll A

+m going to

11 4y head hurts. 1it down and I ______ get you an aspirin. +ll A

+m going to

12 We need some more ink for the printer. I ______ go to the shop and get some. +ll A

+m going to

1! 5ook6 /here*s smoke oming out of the photo opier. -ou turn it off and I ______ phone the safety offi er +ll A

+m going to

1% I annot see how to use this spreadsheet. "on*t worry. I ______ help you. +ll A

+m going to

1' I need to speak to you today. I*m going out now but I ______ be ba k later. +ll A

+m going to

1) "id you phone 4i hael? I*m sorry. I ompletely forgot. I ______ do it now. +ll A

+m going to

1+ 7an you help me with this? I don*t understand. I ______ give you a hand as soon as I*ve finished this. +ll A

+m going to

10 /hat*s mu h too heavy for one person. I ______ give you a hand. +ll A

+m going to

12 7ould somebody answer the phone?

I ______ get it.

A 7

+ll +m going to

23 It*s really hot in here. I ______ put on the air- onditioning. +ll A

+m going to

will-future or going to-future - 8,er ise

1 Philipp will be 1! next "e#nes#a$. % &he$ are going to get a new computer. ' I think, m$ mother will like this (). * Paul+s sister is going to have a bab$. ! &he$ will arrive at about * in the a,ternoon. - .ust a moment. I will help $ou with the bags. / In %0%0 people will buy more h$bri# cars. 1 2arvin is going to throw a part$ next week. 3 "e will fly to 4enice in .une. 10 5ook at the clou#s6 It is going to rain soon.

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