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A Virtual Tour David: Are you ready Maria? Action! Maria: Hello Mum! Hello Dad!

This is the Camp. Im in the reception area now but come with me. this is the itchen and this is the dinin! room! "ell# this is the !ames room. Theres a table tennis table. David: . And a mini $ootball table. Its !reat $un! Maria: Theres an Internet room# too. There are $i%e online computers# three web cams and a printer. David: This is the T& room with a T&# a D&D player and a %ideo recorder.. Maria: . And upstairs are the bathrooms. There isnt a bath but there are ten showers. David: The bedrooms are upstairs# too. Maria: Are there T&s in our rooms? David: 'o# there arent but there are telephones! (pstairs theres an attic with a $antastic music room $or parties. Maria: )oo ! There are o%er two hundred CDs! D&M: Thats all $ol s! *oodbye $rom the Camp! Vocabulary +athroom , +a!no Dinin! room , -ala da pran.o Chair , -edia Table , Ta%olo +ed , )etto )amp , )ampada -o$a , Di%ano Des , -cri%ania /rid!e , /ri!ori$ero 0itchen , Cucina )i%in! room , -alotto Argh! Theres a mouse on my bed! Sara: Hello. Maria: Ar!h! -ara! Theres a mouse on my bed!

Sara: "hat? Theres a mouse under your bed? Maria: 'o# on my bed! Theres a mouse on my bed! Isnt there a cat at the Camp? Sara: 'o# there isnt. 1ust a minute# please. Da%id! Theres a mouse in room 23. David: "hat? Dont be silly! There arent mice in this camp! Sara: 4es# there are! Theres a mouse on the bed in room 23. David goes upstairs. David: 50# Im in room 23# now. "here is the mouse? Maria: Its on the bed. David: Ha ha! That isnt a real mouse 6 its a toy! Its a 7o e! Vocabulary The mouse is under bed The mouse is in the bo8 Grammar /rancesco is an Italian boy. Manchester (nited is an 9n!lish $ootball team. -ydney is a city in Australia# but it isnt the capital city o$ Australia. There is a mouse in the itchen. Grammar E ercise Dictionary /oot )ea$ Dictionaries /eet )ea%es Is there an attic in your house? "here is the bathroom? The mouse is on the table The mouse is under the ru!

Tennis match Tennis matches Man Child :erson +oo Holiday :arty Tooth +us :arties Teeth +uses Men Children :eople +oo s Holydays

"atch City "oman

"atches Cities "omen

Theres a swimmin! pool. There are two tennis courts. There isnt a cinema. There is a computer room. There arent ;2 bedrooms. There is a heliport. There are three bathrooms. There isnt a sauna. There are body!uards.

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