News Bulletin From Greg Hands M.P. #390

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From: Greg Hands M.P. Subject: News Bulletin from Greg Hands M.P.

#390 Date: 19 January 2014 10:42 To:

In this edition:
Greg Hands M.P.s Diary Website of the Week: Fulham Junior Chess Club Greg Hands M.P. signs Holocaust Memorial Day Book of Commitment in the House of Commons The Conservatives' Long Term Econmic Plan Final Chance to have your say on Super Sewer Triple Economic Boost as H&F Parking Charges to be frozen "Ask Nick" - Come and meet the K&C Council Leader, Nick Paget-Brown Residents to get more notice of suspended bays in K&C Online childrens fashion retailer and charity champion turns to the crowd to fuel growth ! How to contact Greg Hands M.P.

Issue 390 - Sunday 19th January 2014

Since the last edition, Greg:

Was in the House of Lords for the introduction of Lord (Michael) Dobbs and James Wharton MPs EU Referendum Bill, which seeks to give the British people a referendum on membership of the European Union in 2017, after a renegotiation of Britains terms of membership. Met campaigners seeking to build a memorial at the National Arboretum to fallen Czech and Slovak soldiers and airmen from the Second World War. Carried out his duties as the Governments Deputy Chief Whip. Held a regular, weekly, advice surgery for local Chelsea and Fulham residents, at Fulham Library, on Fulham Road, close to Parsons Green tube. Gregs surgeries are generally weekly, on Monday mornings, at either Fulham Library, or Peter Jones, Sloane Square, Chelsea. To make an appointment, email or telephone 020 7219 5448.

Website of the Week:

Fulham Junior Chess Club

Click here for the website of the Fulham Junior Chess Club, hosted by the Brunswick Club, Haldane Road, SW6 (where Greg is a trustee). The Club costs only 35 for 14 lessons, and all standards welcome. For children aged 7 to 14 years old.

Greg Hands M.P. signs Holocaust Memorial Day Book of Commitment in the House of Commons
To mark upcoming Holocaust Memorial Day, Greg Hands has signed the Holocaust Educational Trusts Book of Commitment in the House of Commons, honouring those who died during the Holocaust, as well as honouring the extraordinary Holocaust survivors who work tirelessly to educate young people about what they endured. Monday 27th January will mark the 69th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration and death camp, the site of the largest mass murder in history. In the weeks leading up to and after Holocaust Memorial Day, thousands of commemorative events are being arranged by schools, religious groups and community organisations across the country, remembering all the victims of the Holocaust and subsequent genocides. The theme for the UK Holocaust Memorial Day 2014 is Journeys, encouraging us to learn how journeys themselves became part of genocide and also about the life stories of journeys that brought survivors to the UK. By raising awareness and understanding in schools and amongst the wider public of the Holocaust and its relevance today it is hoped that Holocaust Memorial Day will help people take a step towards combatting prejudice. Greg Hands said: Holocaust Memorial Day marks the anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi German concentration and death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. I have visited the camp twice, in 1991 and 2008, and have seen for myself the evidence of the death and destruction caused. This day is an important opportunity to remember the victims and survivors of the Holocaust. I encourage all my constituents to remember the day. Karen Pollock MBE, Chief Executive of the Holocaust Educational Trust, said: We are proud that Greg is supporting Holocaust Memorial Day. It is vitally important that we both continue to remember and learn from the appalling events of the Holocaust as well as ensuring that we continue to challenge antisemitism and all forms of bigotry.

The Conservatives' Long Term Econmic Plan

Our long-term economic plan builds a stronger, more competitive economy and secures a better future for Britain by: 1. Reducing the deficit so we deal with our debts, safeguard our economy for the long term and keep mortgage rates low 2. Cutting income taxes and freezing fuel duty to help hardworking people be more financially secure 3. Creating more jobs by backing small business and enterprise with better infrastructure and lower jobs taxes 4. Capping welfare and reducing immigration so our economy delivers for people who want to work hard and play by the rules 5. Delivering the best schools and skills for young people so the next generation can succeed in the global race

Final Chance to have your say on Super Sewer

Thames Waters plans to use residential south Fulham for a major sewer construction site for the next decade are being investigated by Government planning inspectors and they want to hear from you! The Planning Inspectorate is examining Thames Waters planning application to use a large area of the Fulham riverside for major sewer excavations and will submit a recommendation to government ministers on whether they should grant approval for Thames Water to use Carnwath Road as their major drive site. If Thames Waters proposals for this site are not blocked, in the councils view, they would lead to major disruption to residents lives and local businesses for at least eight years. Due to the huge turnout from Fulham residents at a similar meeting before Christmas, the planning inspectors have added an extra meeting so they can hear from YOU personally about Thames Waters proposals. The meeting starts at 7pm on Thursday, January 30 at Hurlingham and Chelsea School on Peterborough Road. Anyone who wishes to speak at the meeting needs to be there from 6:30pm to put their name down on the register. Greg Hands M.P. will be in attendance. Cllr Nicholas Botterill, Hammersmith & Fulham (H&F) Council Leader, said: Thames Water seems to have chosen a super sewer construction site that will cause major disruption to residents, schools and businesses in one of the busiest parts of the capital. It is ludicrous to use the Fulham riverside especially when Thames Water officials have admitted that it will affect more people and cost more money than the alternative in Barn Elms. Any H&F resident south of the Lillie Road needs to understand that the super sewer is the biggest infrastructure proposal in this part of London and poses a serious threat to our quality of life. It has the potential to blight the lives of thousands of west Londoners. But there is still time to let the planning inspectors know what the impact will be on those of us who will be affected. It is vital that residents attend the meeting on January 30, even if you attended the meeting in December, to tell the inspectors your concerns. At the previous hearing, many residents who wished to speak were unable to do so as the hearing was held during the day and people had to return to work before their turn to speak. This hearing has been specially scheduled for the evening to enable more people to make their case. Ann Rosenberg from the Peterborough Road and Area Residents Association (PRARA) said: It is vital that residents attend the Planning Inspectorate Open Hearing on January 30. It is a priceless opportunity to send out a clear message to the inspectors and Thames Water that Fulham residents fiercely object to Thames Waters planning application for Carnwath Road. The fact that the inspectors have added another meeting means they want to know more about our fears and concerns directly from residents before they make their final recommendations. Thames Water argues that the super sewer main construction site at Carnwath Road is the best solution to stop sewage overflowing into the River Thames when it rains heavily but H&F Council and a broad coalition of local groups oppose the use of this tight-knit residential area and here are 10 reasons why: Thames Water is putting playing fields in Barn Elms before humans in Fulham The 4.2billion concrete bore hole could cause years of avoidable misery and disruption to tens of thousands residents in south Fulham despite the fact there is a viable less socially disruptive alternative site available (and Thames Waters original choice) in Barn Elms The council argues that the disruption to Fulham residents would be out of all proportion to the alternative site on a large area of open land, well away from major population concentrations, in Barn Elms Residents living near the potential tunnel construction site in Fulham would be subject to 24/7 noise, dust and air pollution for around 8 years potentially affecting the health and wellbeing of residents Five schools are within 700metres of the proposed site, as well as several day nurseries The clogging up of already congested residential streets with 29,000 HGVs as well as creating more acute parking and traffic problems because of construction vehicles The loss of potential new homes, jobs and community facilities, as backed by the Princes Foundation, on the riverside The council believes there has been a lack of adequate consultation on this site with local people Water-rates rising by around 100 per year for an un limited period to pay for the scheme which has already doubled in cost to 4.2billion despite assurances that it would not rise a penny over 3.6billion There are far cheaper and greener solutions - including environmental changes such as more green roofs and permeable pavements to reduce the rainwater pouring into the drains - which would avoid the need for the current super sewer plans and are supported by senior water industry experts who previously supported the tunnel. For more visit

Triple Economic Boost as H&F Parking Charges to be frozen

Plans to freeze parking charges and cut both parts of the council tax bill have been revealed this week in a triple economic boost for Hammersmith & Fulham residents. Pay and display and residents parking permit charges are both set to be frozen, for the fourth year in a row, at 2.20 per hour and 119 per year respectively, according to budget papers released by Hammersmith & Fulham (H&F) Council this week. The budget papers confirm H&F is set to reduce its part of the bill, for all bands, by 3%. An average Band D bill for H&Fs share is set to be 735 for 2014/15. The last time council tax was lower in H&F was in 1999 when the average charge was 706. The GLA has also proposed to reduce its share of council tax by 1.3%, meaning that, in total, a Band D H&F taxpayer is set to pay 26.74p less from April. While charges are being held down in H&F the borough is safer than ever, with recorded crime at an all-time low, partly thanks to 1.6million worth of funding from the council and local businesses that pays for 42 extra beat Police. The boroughs parks have received 13 nationally-recognised Green Flag awards, local schools have never been more popular and the council has retained weekly, and in some cases twice-weekly, bin collections. Taxpayers in Hammersmith & Fulham have a triple dose of welcome economic news to start 2014, said Cllr Nicholas Botterill, H&F Council Leader. We are bearing down on the cost of living by reducing, or freezing, the main bills that we control and are straining every sinew so that taxpayers get more bang for their buck. By systematically rooting out unnecessary costs we have become a much leaner council where the focus is solely on the front line services such as weekly bin collections, cleaner streets, lower crime and top-class parks that matter most to residents. Other fees and charges, which are set by the council, will generally have a real terms freeze, which equates to 3.3% cash increase as measured by Retail Price Index, unless set by statute. H&F says the council tax reduction and parking freeze are possible as the council is reducing management and overheads in part due to Triborough working with neighbouring councils; reforming how services are delivered (e.g. through outsourcing) and is reducing debt (by selling underutilised buildings). The three Tri-Borough councils of H&F, The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster City Council are on track to save 43 million a year by 2015/16. This has been done by substantially reducing the number of senior managers across the three councils. Meanwhile council reserves out-strip debts for the first time in a generation. The town hall has cut its non-housing debt to below 80million while reserves are up to 82million. The amount owed by the authority has been falling steadily since its peak in 2004 when the council owed an eye-watering 176million costing 9.5million a year in interest repayments. To read more about the councils draft budget for 2014/15 visit

"Ask Nick" - Come and meet the K&C Council Leader, Nick Paget-Brown
Residents have another chance to `Ask Nick' as the Leader of the Council goes out and about to meet residents across the borough to hear their issues first hand. The next event is at Chelsea Theatre, World's End Place, King's Road SW10 on Tuesday 11 February. The event begins at 6pm with light refreshments and then at 6.30pm the Leader of the Council, Cllr Nick Paget-Brown, will give a speech followed by a question and answer session. Cllr Paget-Brown said: "I've found the first two events very useful and informative and I'm looking forward to more of the same at Chelsea Theatre. It's a chance for residents to get across their views, let me know where we need to improve and where our services are delivering a really good experience." 'Ask Nick' events are open to any Kensington and Chelsea resident, community group or local business. Places are limited and booking is essential, call 020 7598 4633 or go to

Residents to get more suspended bays in K&C



Residents of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, and others who are planning to get a parking bay suspended, are being advised that from New Year's Day 2014, they will need to apply for a parking suspension at least ten working days in advance. The change will allow the Council to give residents more notice of parking bay suspensions, by putting signs up to seven days before a suspension, rather than the current three days. In order to allow for current suspension applications to be dealt with as usual the seven days warnings will begin from Monday 13 January. To find out more go to

Online childrens fashion retailer and charity champion turns to the crowd to fuel growth
Big Blue Cuddle, a childrens clothing online retailer which donates up to 50 per cent of each sale to charity, is throwing open its boardroom doors to the public, with the chance for individuals to own up to 13 per cent of the company. Facilitated by CrowdMission, a crowdfunding platform for social businesses, London-based Big Blue Cuddle hopes to raise 65,000 to fuel expansion and increase charity donations. The for-profit company, which stocks independent clothing brands who share its sustainable ethos, is forecasting over 600k of revenue donated to childrens charities by 2016. Lara Soetekouw, founder of Big Blue Cuddle (, commented: Social businesses can struggle to access funding from sources that share their ethos and ideals. My business is for-profit, but is committed to donating up to 50 per cent of our revenues to the childrens charity of the customers choice. Not what some might call a normal proposition for traditional funding outlets. According to a recent report by Nesta, the equity crowdfunding market in the UK grew by over 600 per cent in 2013, the clearest sign yet that both investors and entrepreneurs are shunning the so called old models of lending and borrowing. Increasingly, investors are searching for opportunities to get involved with companies that not only turn a profit, but provide tangible social benefits as well. Soetekouw continued: I dont want to be involved in a business with people who dont care about giving back to society, which is why I turned to the crowd. We already donate a significant sum to childrens charities, but we as a society can do so much more. With a relatively small cash injection, Big Blue Cuddle will be able to donate more than 600k to charity by 2016. I think thats a plan a lot of people can get behind. Big Blue Cuddle is aiming to raise 65,000 to fund expansion plans through CrowdMission (, the UKs leading equity-based crowdfunding platform for social and environmental businesses. Individuals making investments from as little as 10 will gain a share of the 13 per cent equity on offer, as well as discounts on purchases. Since Big Blue Cuddle's pitch went live, it has already received over11,000 of investment. With the anticipated injection of crowd-based funding, found directly on, Big Blue Cuddle will be expanding both its internal team and its product selection to be able to continue to offer consumers unique new brands not found on the high street, as well as the satisfaction of having donated to charity without spending any extra. The fundraising drive will aid the companys growth in four areas: 1. Sales and marketing plan making a substantial and sustained investment in sales and marketing activity 2. Website redevelopment presenting a more attractive, trustworthy and professional image of Big Blue Cuddle and of the products sold 3. Supply improving the product selection and thereby the conversion rate of the website 4. Staff recruiting a team of talented, inspirational people, with complementary skills in retail, e-commerce and digital marketing CrowdMission's funding platform allows ordinary people to invest from as little as 10 in return for shares in businesses that benefit society. This social impact must be above-and-beyond the commonplace social benefits of running a business, such as the creation of jobs or stimulation of the local economy. Karen Darby, founder of CrowdMission, said: Big Blue Cuddle is a great example of the businesses that feature on our platform as it is not only a great investment opportunity, but it provides tangible benefits to society. By donating up to 50% of the purchase price of their items to childrens charities, Big Blue Cuddle is changing the expectations of consumers. Its businesses like theirs that have enormous potential to change lives as well as making a healthy profit for investors.

5 ways to contact Greg Hands M.P.:

By Phone: By email: By post: In person: 020 7219 5448 Greg Hands M.P. House of Commons London SW1A 0AA Click here for details of how to book an appointment at Greg Hands M.P.s weekly surgery

More news from Greg Hands M.P., coming soon! Please forward this email on to anyone you think may be interested. If you have had this email forwarded to you and would like to be added to the mailing list, please send an email to: with JOIN in the subject heading. To unsubscribe from this list, please return an e-mail to with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject heading.

Greg Hands M.P. a strong voice for Chelsea & Fulham

Published & Promoted by Jonathan Fraser-Howells on behalf of Greg Hands M.P., both of 1a Chelsea Manor Street, London SW3 5RP

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