Reporte Lab Yogurt

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Name:Juan Camilo Ramirez Santamara, Felipe Escalln Pez, Jos Felipe Robles Lpez, Juan Jos Arias Gmez

Date: November 6 / 2013 Grade:9A MC:____ MM:____ MP:____ MCom:____ ML:____

Red berries lactobacilli

Results The result of the experiment was a delicious strawberry yogurt with a light red color. The yogurt after the process of fermentation smelled like soured milk; its consistence was thick and with pieces of strawberries that we put on the strawberry jam; and finally, our yogurt had a very delicious taste with the correct amount of sweetness Data Analysis At the starting point of this experiment is necessary to heat the milk for accelerate the fermentation process and get a better viscosity, the opposite of the yogurt that we dont boil it because we kill the bacterias that make possible the fermentation, if you dont heat it you will get the same result but it will take more time than if you heat it. The resultant color of all this process was a light red, and the smell was a little bit acid. When we mix the milk with the yogurt we cover it with a newspaper, plastic and a blanket (Figures 4,5 and 6) to try to get a warm temperature inside for get a better fermentation and talking a little bit more in biological term we can said that the lac operon regulates the amount of sugar in the yogurt by transforming the lactose in lactic acid. 1

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

1. Jules Clancy( 2. (Aranda V. Brbara X. Simabukuro V. Vania, September of 2010) 3.;

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

1. Jules Clancy( 2. (Aranda V. Brbara X. Simabukuro V. Vania, September of 2010) 3.;

Conclusions The final conclusion of our experiment, a yogurt (Figures 11 and 12), was the complete fermentation and coagulation that needed the yogurt to be good, it needed to be totally closed, cover at all from the sunlight, warm and refrigerated. We have to be carefull with each step to have a good fermentation, fermentate is to pass from lactose to acid lactose, in this case, the fermentation of a yogurt initiates with whole milk and yogurt added when the milk is in an exact boiling point(Figure 4), we fermentate the milk and wait to the lactobacillus appear, it is the lactic acid produced by the bacterias and m ake that the milk ferment well, then the milk with yogurt start to coagulate and change it totally into yogurt, coagulate means that a liquid changes it state to solid by chemical process in this case with the milk the destabilization of the colloidal solution of casein resulting in the agglomeration of free micelles and forming a gel that contains the remaining components of the milk 2 ,when we boiled the milk and then enclosed(Figures 5 and 6) we were making fermentation then the milk coagulates by itself, we needed that the milk do not get cooler and that do not make contanct with the air so the process does not damage, when the milk cleaves is because the particles of the milk reacts with other substances and it start changing its chemical process producing gases, but fortunatelly our milk does correctly and the milk now yogurt had a good fermentation and coagulation. Finally we have to add panela and fruits , this is why the good flavor and taste. The final conclusion was that without the correct process of fermentation like was to boil the milk at the extact point, to enclose and to cover from the sunlight and keeped warm and close all the time to finally refrigerated(Figures 5,6,10 and 11); the coagulate would not be done and the milk would cleaves and/or cut or the yogurt will not be as good as it was planned.3 Questions 1. What is pasteurization? A// Pasteurization is when we heat specially a liquid, and then cool it immediately; as we made with the milk (we boiled it and then cool it with he spoon). This process help that the liquid, in this cases the milk, last longer without getting damaged, thanks to the microbial growth in the food.4 2. Compare your home-made yogurt to the store-bought variety. What effect do some of the other ingredients have on the store-bought yogurt? A// The store bought yogurt is a yogurt with a better quality because of all the processes they make for have a pure yogurt, in the case of the home made yogurt we found a yogurt more natural, made of natural products like fresh fruit. The ingredients they use in the store bought yogurt make that last longer the yogurt with preservatives. 3. What are the 2 most common bacteria used in yogurt making? Which one did you use? A//Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophiles In this yogurt we may have both thanks that the bacterias came from the base commercial yogurt that we used to make the experiment, in this case we used yogurt Alpina (As shown on Figure 2 and Figure 3).
1. Jules Clancy( 2. (Aranda V. Brbara X. Simabukuro V. Vania, September of 2010) 3.;

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